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Jellaby #1


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Quiet, brilliant Portia has just moved to a new neighborhood with her mom. Adjusting to life without a father is hard enough, but school is boring and her classmates are standoffish -- and even Portia's mom is strangely distant. But things start looking up when Portia mounts a late-night excursion into the woods behind her house and discovers a shy, sweet-natured purple monster. Life with Jellaby is a lot more exciting, but Portia's purple friend has secrets of his own; secrets that may even lead to the mystery of Portia's father's disappearance!

152 pages, Paperback

First published February 5, 2008

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Kean Soo

19 books63 followers

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Profile Image for karen.
4,006 reviews171k followers
June 15, 2020
grumble grumble.

i grabbed this off of netgalley because i thought it was a new jellaby adventure, but it turns out, it is just a reissue of the first book that i already read way back in 2008. i can't read!! i just saw a giant purple jellaby on netgalley and i get excited and grabbed it!

when will you write a third one, kean soo?? when??

if you are like me, and cannot read, this book will still be fun for you, because it has a lot of pictures like this:

and it is cute enough that you can enjoy it even without the words. although words help. without words, you would have thought this was a new story, and it is not. without words, you might not understand that this is a story about a lonely little girl who discovers a giant purple monster in her backyard, and once she meets an equally lonely little boy, together they try to help jellaby find his way home. in toronto.

i loved jellaby back in 2008, and after rereading this, i still love him. the way soo draws jellaby just makes me smile, and the relationship between portia and jellaby is free and sweet and reminiscent of calvin and hobbes, especially in scenes like this:

 photo DSC02541_zps730e7d11.jpg

 photo DSC02543_zps1aa4cb3a.jpg

and this:


i don't know if there is going to be a third book. i hope so, because the more books there are, the greater the chance that we might see jellaby merchandise, and if i could have a plush jellaby, things would be better in my life.

and if the second one shows up on netgalley, i will probably fall for it again, but maybe, maybe, the third time will be the charm, and i will one day get an all-new jellaby story.


come to my blog!
Profile Image for Betsy.
Author 10 books3,093 followers
June 2, 2014
You ever been in love? I don't mean the passing fancy of a crush or the slight flutter you feel when you're fifteen and desperately trying NOT to make eye contact with the object of your affection. I'm talking gut-sucking, heart-churning, complete and utter abstraction, distraction, fractal, fantastic obsession, elation, and absolution. The love that sucks out your breath and leaves you a hollow shaking wreck until you see your beloved again. That kind of love. I don't get that kind of feeling very often. It takes a special somebody. Someone with big blue eyes, a cute smile, maybe a jagged set of lower canines complemented nicely by a red-striped tail. Someone just like Jellaby. Man, the moment I read a mere three panels of this graphic novel I was a goner. "In love" doesn't even begin to cover it. I save my adoration for works of children's fiction that go above and beyond the call of duty and Jellaby is one of those comics that can charm you with the merest sigh or shuffle of the feet. With great art and a story to match, Kean Soo knocks it out of the park with this amazing comic that has successfully made the leap from screen to page.

It wasn't long ago that Portia and her mother moved to a new town to start their lives over. Portia hasn't made many friends since then, and she's just going through the motions in her classes as well. What better time to discover a huge purple monster in the back yard then? Naming the strange mute creature Jellaby, Portia unwittingly enlists the help of fellow student Jason, as they two search for a way to find the their new friend's true home. Their search may connect to Portia's missing father, a series of odd dreams she's been having, and a door that's miles and miles away. The stakes, it seems, can be high even when you don't know the rules.

Kean Soo was born in England, raised in Hong Kong, and currently resides in Canada. At a loss to describe what exactly Soo's style of drawing is I searched through the Web to find some kind of list of his influences. I pretty much came up with nothing, so all I can do is call it like I see it. Soo utilizes clean lines and a color palette of four colors: purple (mostly), red, and orange, and the tiniest spots of green. His kids are all big heads with tiny bodies, much as you'd find in something by Bill Watterson. Actually, in an interview with Newsrama, Soo said that initially there was a definite Calvin and Hobbes influence to his work. "I'd like to think that the characters have since overcome that." I'd agree. The physical similarities (not to mention the whole possibly-make-believe-character aspect) are there, but Jellaby is its own beast. So to speak.

In the book Understanding Comics, graphic novelist Scott McCloud spends a lot of time talking about how artists working in the comic medium will indicate "invisible ideas", particularly emotions, by distorting the backgrounds of their characters. Japanese comics in particular are adept at inventing these "expressionistic effects", which American comics have for the most part ignored. One of the things I loved about Jellaby,, was that Soo can invent an expressionistic effect like it's nobody's business. The first few pages of this book are chock full of them. When Portia is nervous these beautiful but clearly nerve induced purple lines curl and spiral out from her. Not paying attention is indicated by words growing tiny or appearing behind her head where they remain partially obscured. And when Soo wants you to see a scene from Portia's point of view he keeps most of the scene faint, then brings into sharp focus certain elements or characters. The book is filled with little moments like these. Heck, you could probably design an entire graduate course over Soo's use of technique and the emotional interplay between image and reader response. Even his sound effects are one-of-a-kind and interesting! Call this man the Canadian Katsuhiro Otomo.

It wasn't the cool colors or art or even the writing that made me love Jellaby, though. It was the characters. Primarily Jellaby himself, of course. If you're going to create a gigantic monster friend, then you obviously need to make him a little lovable. Jellaby's a pretty shameless drawing too, when you sit right down and examine him. Following the rules of cuteness, his head is large in relation to his body, he has a high forehead, the arms are short, he has no neck, and the eyes are spaced low on the head and are unusually large and wide apart. Add in the prehensile tail that he'll occasionally clutch for comfort as well as his cute little legs and you have yourself one adorable monster. Soo knows that a graphic novel is only as strong as its "normal" characters, though, so we have Portia and Jason for our child stand-ins. And no kid on earth is going to read this and not want to be in Jason or Portia's shoes, if only for a second. The fact that you care for them too, purple tails or no, is why the book has its heart in the right place.

I'm sure that there's a lot I've missed in this book. The point when Portia transfers possession of her My Little Pony to Jellaby has some kind of significance. In that pony lies Portia's memories of her disappearing father. And are the names "Portia" and "Jason" significant? What else have I missed? Online, Jellaby has already been nominated for an Eisner Award, which suggests that it has fans already firmly in place. It brings to mind another successful webcomic to book crossover (Diary of a Wimpy Kid anyone?) and you can't help wondering if Hyperion is hoping to mimic Wimpy Kid's success. If so, they couldn't have picked a better subject. Touching, fun, funny, and mysterious by turns, don't be surprised if this little graphic novel ends up being one of the favorites of the year.
Profile Image for Melissa Chung.
905 reviews328 followers
February 12, 2016
Aww total cuteness. 4 stars~! So excited this is a series.

Portia is a little girl who lives in Toronto. I can't tell if she is new to her elementary school or not, but she doesn't have any friends. One day she has a nightmare and wakes to a sound of someone/something walking outside toward the woods. She decides to follow and finds a cute purple monster. The monster follows her around and Portia helps save a boy named Jason from some school bullies. He ends up meeting her monster too and they name him Jellaby. They decide that they want to take the monster home and come up with a plan to do it.

Loved the illustrations. Loved the lavender color palette. Really liked that red and yellow are the only other colors that are used in the panels. It pops out of the page :D

Can't wait to pick up "Monster in the City"
Profile Image for Raina.
1,660 reviews151 followers
August 6, 2012
Holy crap, why has it taken me this long to read this book?!?!

This is So. Cute. Portia is living her underwhelming life when she meets a monster in the woods behind her house. It is an ADORABLE monster. And it is hungry. So Portia feeds it.

Adventures follow.

I love Soo's cuddly, accessible drawing style. It doesn't surprise me that he thanks Hope Larson and Kazu Kibuishi in the Acknowledgments - his aesthetic seems closely related to both of theirs. Plus Little Orphan Annie eyes. His color work is really nice. Mostly purple, with touches of a few other colors. The cuteness of that monster is out. of. control.

Soo does a really good job of telling a light story while not forgetting the darkness of the world. I won't be surprised if the whole thing is a giant metaphor, though that hasn't come to light yet. I appreciate that, like Amelia Rules, this takes on parental divorce head on.

It did slightly annoy me that it cuts off in the middle of an adventure. Talk about a cliff-hanger.

But this definitely belongs on any booklist of kids' graphic novels. It's a sweet, real story about sweet, real things. Like friendship.

And there's a really cute monster.

Or didn't I say that?
August 31, 2016

Yesterday.... while waiting to go see this:

Chris and I decided to wander around the Superstore. Whilst perusing the bookshelf I spotted this book.... and I went full Gollum and proceeded to intone "mine, my precious" in a most creepy way.

However, the laughter this situation created - at my expense - was well worth it! Jellaby is amazing! I want one, I will hold him and love him and never let him go!!

Kudos to both Erica and Karen for making me long like a small child for this book. It lived up to and surpassed my expectations.... but I want MORE!!

Profile Image for Lata.
4,248 reviews237 followers
September 15, 2017
The "Jellaby" story has been a favourite with my child for some years; imagine how neat it was when he got a chance to meet the writer/artist at the Toronto Comic Arts Featival in 2016. Kean Soo was great, and this story was cute with some dark undercurrents, while also being kind of sweet.
Profile Image for Nikki in Niagara.
4,132 reviews154 followers
February 3, 2012
Reason for Reading: I've wanted to read this since I first heard of it, then I read a short story in a recent Flight anthology. Somebody recently reviewed it in one of the challenges I'm in and that prompted me to finally read it.

A quick read with cute illustrations. Certainly more serious than I thought it would be, which came as a surprise. A cute purple monster just makes you think it's going to be a silly book but it's not and it's not for young children either as there are serious themes, mainly Portia's absent father and her friend Jason's obviously neglectful parents who are never home. Portia also has nightmares which are disturbing and could be frightening to younger or sensitive children, so do pay attention to the recommended age of ten plus. The book isn't silly but that doesn't mean it isn't funny. It has it's moments and I did enjoy Jellaby as a character. However, I just didn't connect with the book as other's have done. The children felt much younger than they are supposed to be which was off-putting and the fact that Portia doesn't know where her dad is seems strange once it is apparent that he is somewhere. I'm pretty sure I know what happened to him, but we will have to find out in the second book. This book is also very much a "Part 1" as it ends with them going off on a journey and the words "to be continued". I know most people love this book but "just OK" for me; the combination of cute and seriousness didn't work for me, plus I had a lot of unanswered questions. I also questioned the nature of Jellaby, whether he was an "imaginary" friend, evidence points otherwise and yet still the question lingers.
Profile Image for Reading is my Escape.
985 reviews49 followers
April 7, 2019
Audience: Grades 4-8
Format: Hardcover/Library Copy

I picked up this book because the cover was cute, but I didn't really expect much from it. Well, I can say I was pleasantly surprised. Portia is a bright ten-year-old girl who is trying to adjust to life without her father. She is feeling pretty lonely because she doesn't have friends at school and her mom is acting distant. Then she finds a shy, sweet, and quite large purple monster in the woods behind her house.

The illustrations are done in black, white, and shades of purple with red accents. Jellaby is purple with red stripes and Portia's hair bow is red. Portia's friend, Jason loves carrots and so there are spots of orange too (like Jason's shirt).

The story is charming; I loved Portia, Jellaby, and even Jason. Jellaby is a monster with a heart of gold and this story will touch readers of all ages.

Highly Recommended. I am borrowing the second book tomorrow. :)
Profile Image for [Name Redacted].
838 reviews495 followers
July 29, 2011
I've been following Kean Soo (and "Jellaby") since 2005 when this story was part of a webcomic series. Soo has improved as an artist since then, though many of the designs still feel disconcertingly like rip-offs of Bill Watterson's work. The heroine in particular is so similar to Watterson's characters in design that I often find it hard to focus on the story Soo is trying to tell.

The story itself is sweet and Jellaby is a likeable monster of the "well-meaning-and-innocent" variety. The relative lack of dialog, coupled with the slow pacing, helps make this a gentle and light story even when it takes darker turns. Children will likely enjoy it, but I personally felt no reason to continue reading.
Profile Image for Gracie.
34 reviews1 follower
July 4, 2018
i really liked this book it was very cute
Profile Image for Kellee Moye.
2,773 reviews303 followers
April 12, 2015
Full review at: http://www.unleashingreaders.com/?p=5670

Summary: Portia is lonely. She doesn't fit in at her school and her mother is always working. Then one day, as she is wondering in the middle of the woods, she comes across a purple monster that tries to eat her flashlight. So, what does she do? Takes him home to feed him because he is obviously hungry. It is now up to Portia to take care of her new friend and to find out where he is supposed to be.

What I Think: How did I not know about Jellaby?!?!?
When I went to check out the listopia list of Best Graphic Novels for Children, I assumed I would know them all, but then I came across Jellaby and I ran to my nearest library to get it- it did not disappoint.

I am a big fan of the mostly single color comics (ala Babymouse, Lunch Lady, etc.) and Jellaby is one as well with primarily purple in its illustrations. Also, Kean Soo's style of illustrations are perfect for the story he is telling. They are very comicy, but realistic and filled with emotions.

This little graphic novel has a lot of heart in it. Portia, Jason (her classmate) and Jellaby all feel abandoned and the story is not only about finding where Jellaby belongs, but also helping Portia and Jason feel like they belong as well.

You will want the second one as soon as you are done, so make sure you have it available!
Profile Image for Shannon.
3,104 reviews2,530 followers
June 19, 2013
Argh. Would've been 4 stars if I had known this wasn't a stand alone. I don't hate cliffhangers but this book really has no ending. I know the info IS on here this time that it's the first of a series, but it's nowhere on the actual book so I thought I was getting a complete story when I grabbed it at the library.

The drawing is very simplistic but honestly, not all that great. At times the colors of the main character's jacket changes colors from one panel to the next (and I'm not referencing the flashback scenes, this was in the forest when she first meets Jellaby.) What's even more ridiculous about this happening is the whole book is in shades of purple! Or maybe that's how the screw-up happened more easily than it would've in a book with multiple colors? Who knows.

Jellaby is adorable though and really sells this book. If it wasn't for him/her/it then this would be a complete flop. The little girl is a jerk and I hope that this is going in a direction to where she learns to stop feeling sorry for herself and being mean to the one person who's nice to her.

I'm just hoping I can get the second volume so I can see how things end. (Just checked, and I can. You're lucky, Soo!)

Actual rating about a 3.5 then.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
4,706 reviews176 followers
August 6, 2008
This book is more than it appears. Sure, it's a super-cute story about a girl who discovers a monster in the woods behind her house and names him (it?) Jellaby. Sure, it's simple and quick to read and almost all drawn in purples. But I didn't realize how much it had hooked me until the cliffhanger ending! Augh! When will Vol. 2 be out?

I especially admire the author's drawing style, and how well he shows motion (often by drawing lighter, ghostlike versions of the movement in the same panel -- not just "action lines" but entire silhouettes). Many comics seem overdrawn, but this is a shining example of "KISS" and "less is more."

Like "Wimpy Kid," Jellaby started out as an online comic, so maybe I can read some more online. "Jellaby" has drawn comparisons to "Calvin and Hobbes," but I think that is mostly because of the child hero/is-he-or-isn't-he-imaginary friend angle. Jellaby may be the cutest lost baby monster ever, but Portia, who discovers him, is dealing with the loss of her father (unexplained), some seriously scary nightmares, and a whole lot of parent-like responsibility for her new purple friend. Anxiously awaiting more!
Profile Image for Toastkat.
357 reviews1 follower
February 10, 2016
Graphic novels are a great way for reluctant readers to pick up a book. Filled with colorful illustrations, graphic novels have just as much story to them as a novel, and are far less intimidating. Jellaby would be a good book to give someone who isn't so familiar or comfortable with the comic book format, and is a great introduction to graphic novels. The story is interesting, and a lot of readers can connect with Portia's discomfort when it comes to making friends, getting along in school, and trouble at home. A fantastic read, regardless of age.
Profile Image for Kyle.
454 reviews14 followers
June 14, 2016
Friendly and fascinating comic for kids, that combines the adventurous two-toned storytelling with a range of literary references: Tom Stoppard, Bill Watterson, Hayao Miyazaki and Ishiro Honda/Koji Hashimoto (directors of various Godzilla movies). The comic series plumbs the depth of emotions that include loneliness, frustration and uncertainty of being a wise soul trapped in a child's body (or a young mind in a dragon's body). Will make a fine gift for my niece as well as a brief appearance in my dissertation.
Profile Image for Melissa.
1,658 reviews24 followers
January 8, 2014
At first, this reminded me of Calvin and Hobbes - if Calvin were a few years older and a girl, and if Hobbes were a silent, giant purple monster. But as the story progressed, the mystery began to unfold - where is Jellaby from and where is Portia's dad?? I absolutely loved the purple and red illustrations, and how the author managed to get some much emotion and feeling out of Jellaby's simple face! This was an amazing start, and I can't wait to find and read the sequel!
Profile Image for Simone Hagemann.
832 reviews122 followers
April 13, 2017
Hvor var den virkelig cute! Jeg elskede virkelig Jellaby (monsteret), som simpelthen var alt for nuttet. Desuden elskede jeg både stemningen og tegneseriens historie. Illustrationerne var endvidere også skønne. Jeg skulle lige vænne mig til, de var holdt i lilla toner. Men det endte med at være virkelig fint, og passe super godt til historien.

Dette er uden tvivl en tegneserie, der skal hjem og bo i min samling.
Profile Image for Robin.
2,157 reviews25 followers
October 6, 2008
This is a really sweet story and I was not expecting a cliff-hanger ending!! A girl meets an odd looking creature and then a boy who is being picked on meets him also and the three set out to take Jellaby home which is where the story ends, again, unexpectedly for me. It took me a while to get used to the illustrations because the children look like miniature adults.
Profile Image for Paula.
Author 2 books236 followers
October 17, 2008
I don't know. It has barely circ'ed at the library, I haven't been able to get anyone in my Graphic Novels club into it, and I myself found it a bit of a snore. I will bet that mine is a minority opinion though - I can SEE what's appealing about it, and I especially like the artist's line... just didn't click with me.
Profile Image for Abby Johnson.
3,373 reviews343 followers
April 1, 2015
Auugggh I can't get over how cute Jellaby is!!!!!
Also, this book ends on a total cliffhanger. It's really like half a story. So make sure you have the second book right nearby to read when you've finished.
Profile Image for Mika.
132 reviews5 followers
May 18, 2014
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I forgot I read this years ago, when it was a webcomic.
Profile Image for Kaethe.
6,506 reviews511 followers
May 5, 2015
December 29, 2008

So cute. I'm not sure what Jellaby is, besides adorable. I love the burgeoning field for graphic novels for kids, though.

Library copy
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