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Paradox Effect: Time Travel and Purified DNA Merge to Halt the Collapse of Human Existence

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In 2554, the World is Coming to its End, unless an impossible mission through 600 years of time travel succeeds. Maternal instinct knows no boundaries, including the nano-neural-net intravenously installed in Dannia Weston's mind to repress her identity, allowing her to perform a mission 300 years before her time. Transported to the year 1954, Dannia becomes a woman with a mid-twentieth century persona, college educated with an aptitude for mechanical invention. Due to her work during the war, she is employed by the U.S. government on a secret project. But what no one knows-including Dannia or those who sent her back to tinker with the mechanical past to reduce future pollution-is what might happen should she become emotionally involved in 1954. The 2254 science team programmed the nano-net to prevent the possibility of pregnancy, but each person reacts to strong emotional stimuli differently, and using birth control not available in 1954 is out of the question. When Dannia falls in love with Peter Hersh and becomes pregnant, her hormones erode a small section of the nano-chained network that stabilizes her new identity, triggering a mild memory rebirth...and threatening her mission and the fate of the world.

284 pages, Paperback

First published September 27, 2015

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Gabriel F.W. Koch

8 books3,914 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews
Profile Image for Stephen R..
100 reviews9 followers
March 12, 2020
Gabriel FW Koch is an award-winning author with an undeniable talent for science fiction and fantasy. His debut novel, the Paradox Effect, tackles the intricacies and disturbances of time travel, and all of the psychology that comes with this. He poses questions that really make the reader think, concerning destiny, fate, and simply what is right and wrong.

The characters of the book are well rounded and engaging, with the heroine, in particular, luring the reader in. Even the secondary characters are well developed, with none of the predictability and cliche that you find in some fantasy novels. This is an excellent read, with heaps of adventure, excitement, and intrigue. The writing style is easy to follow, while also being clever and even comical at times. Fans of intelligent sci-fi will find it hard not to love this book, which leaves the reader begging that there will be further installments to follow.
Profile Image for Grady.
Author 49 books1,796 followers
March 1, 2020
A fine ‘what if’ tale

Author/photographer Gabriel FW Koch opened his award winning literary career in 2015 with this debut novel PARADOX EFFECT and has subsequently published BEHOLDEN, EMMA AND THE DRAGON TOOTH SWORD, and his most recent AND COME DAY’S END. His creative abilities are well displayed in this fascinating science fiction time travel story. As he has stated, ‘Imagine returning to that one moment you think about at 3 a.m. and changing the outcome (of time travel)? If you succeeded, every event directly related to the original outcome would be erased.’ And with that intriguing concept he opens a story that, while ‘sci-fi in genre, offers insights about how we think and the choices and decisions we face – a fine story, and a fine dose of philosophy.

Appreciating the need to capture the reader’s attention with a grounding in reality, Gabriel opens his story not in space arenas but in New York in1954: “Peter Hersh knelt in the front pew a the priest said, “Let us pray.” His mind resisted the man’s words and returned to three days earlier, when he entered the morgue to identify his last remaining family member’s body. The accident made it nearly impossible for him to recognize his brother. The fall from scaffolding had ruined his facial features, shattering his skull when he hit the pavement. As the priest continued with the service, Peter recalled thinking, ‘I don’t know if it’s him,’ while hoping there was an error. Some overlooked detail that caused the medical examiner to claim the dead man was Jimmy…’ A mystery laced with pain is set and a speck of light is cast about the coming story.

Gabriel has distilled the multifaceted time travel adventure well: ‘In 2554, the World is Coming to its End, unless an impossible mission through 600 years of time travel succeeds. Maternal instinct knows no boundaries, including the nano-neural-net intravenously installed in Dannia Weston’s mind to repress her identity, allowing her to perform a mission 300 years before her time. Transported to the year 1954, Dannia becomes a woman with a mid-twentieth century persona, college educated with an aptitude for mechanical invention. Due to her work during the war, she is employed by the U.S. government on a secret project. But what no one knows—including Dannia or those who sent her back to tinker with the mechanical past to reduce future pollution—is what might happen should she become emotionally involved in 1954. The 2254 science team programmed the nano-net to prevent the possibility of pregnancy, but each person reacts to strong emotional stimuli differently, and using birth control not available in 1954 is out of the question. When Dannia falls in love with Peter Hersh and becomes pregnant, her hormones erode a small section of the nano-chained network that stabilizes her new identity, triggering a mild memory rebirth…and threatening her mission and the fate of the world.’

Keen knowledge of medical concepts as well as a very polished appreciation of future possibilities add to Gabriel’s sensitive and immersing drama. This is a fine debut novel and served as a launching pad for his subsequent literary contributions. Recommended.
Profile Image for Island Rose.
7 reviews130 followers
March 3, 2020
Paradox Effect was a great science fiction book with a complex plot that made this quite difficult for me to put down. I liked that the story also made me laugh out loud on a few occasions. I found it to be very well written with great, interesting characters that were at times completely unpredictable. I was hooked really early on which doesn’t always happen when I’m reading an author I’m unfamiliar with. I am hoping that there will be another book to follow this one!. I would definitely recommend this for sci-fi fans, and anyone fancying something a bit different.
Profile Image for Pegboard.
1,769 reviews9 followers
March 29, 2020
Paradox Effect by Gabriel F.W. Koch is a complex and intense novel that keeps the reader glued to the story. Dannia Weston works on a secret project for the government in 1954, but she is really known as 476 in the year 2554, an agent of the future to set our world on a different environmental path. Dannia begins to have severe headaches that knock her out. Then she experiences daydreams and déjà vu, which causes her to question her sanity. Both timelines are questioning her malfunction and if she can be salvaged.

Gabriel F.W. Koch keeps Paradox Effect moving quickly has the story jumps back and forth from 1954 to 2554. The reader is quickly attached to Dannia as we see her struggles and her determination. At times the reader wonders if the authorities will find a solution to fix the problem without terminating the main character. Koch's creativity is seen as he adds twists and cliff-hangers, while maneuvering the characters into place. This novel is thrilling and fascinating, I really enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Daisy Daffodil.
2 reviews113 followers
April 1, 2020
Gabriel FW Koch is an award-winning author with an undeniable talent for science fiction and fantasy. His debut novel, the Paradox Effect, tackles the intricacies and disturbances of time travel, and all of the psychology that comes with this. He poses questions that really make the reader think, concerning destiny, fate, and simply what is right and wrong.

The characters of the book are well rounded and engaging, with the heroine, in particular, luring the reader in. Even the secondary characters are well developed, with none of the predictability and cliche that you find in some fantasy novels. This is an excellent read, with heaps of adventure, excitement, and intrigue. The writing style is easy to follow, while also being clever and even comical at times. Fans of intelligent sci-fi will find it hard not to love this book, which leaves the reader begging that there will be further installments to follow.
Profile Image for Katia123.
12 reviews128 followers
June 16, 2020
This is a great science fiction and time travel book. The story line is well planned and also complex, highlighting a number of real life issues surrounding pollution, environmental impact and the delicacies of DNA manipulation but also going in to great and fascinating detail about fictional scenarios. The characters, in-particular the heroine of the book, were fantastic and had so much life to them.
Profile Image for Lily.
2,919 reviews98 followers
January 22, 2021
I'm not even sure where to start with this review. There’s so much I want to say, but I also don’t want to give too much away. I wouldn’t say this book grabbed me from the start, but it did intrigue me. I’m not sure when I got completely wrapped up in the story, but the next thing I knew I was halfway through the book and hours had passed. Although this is science-fiction, it felt like it almost bordered on reality. It feels so plausible, and the characters are richly developed, and I could swear they’re real people. Not what I typically think of as sci-fi, but WOW what a great story!
Profile Image for Covid5769gmail.Com.
7 reviews2 followers
April 1, 2020
I always enjoy a good Science Fiction novel and Paradox Effect is certainly that. It follows a strong and driven protagonist, Dianna as she is tasked with going back in time to 1954 to prevent a chain of events that will result in the end of the world, 600 years in the future. A futuristic neural net has blocked off her memories to protect her new identity, but when the net fails, her new life and her mission are put in jeopardy.

Paradox Effect is a thrilling and thought-provoking read that was a real page-turner. Gabriel F.W. Koch has managed to tackle some difficult and timely themes in this novel, including the likes of DNA engineering and the effects of humanity on the planet.
Profile Image for Smiley Shoes.
5 reviews123 followers
May 1, 2020
This is a very good time-travel novel where humanity is faced with impending destruction. This story had a little of everything which kept me enthralled right from the first chapter until the end. I thought it was an exciting story with a complex, but not overly so, plot, and it was also funny at key moments too. The characters were very relatable, unpredictable at times, and very interesting especially the heroine Dannia! I would recommend this book and I do hope there will be more to come.
Profile Image for Luis Humberto Molinar Márquez.
109 reviews14 followers
July 13, 2020
[Review in English + Reseña en español]

Paradox Effect by Gabriel F.W. Koch
Outskirts Press. 2015
284 pages.
Genre / Thematic: Science Fiction Novel

Manhattan, 1954. During his brother's funeral, Peter meets Dannia, an intelligent woman with whom he begins a romantic relationship. A short time later, Dannia begins to experience severe headaches, accompanied by auditory and visual hallucinations. Three hundred years later, General Buckwalder has sent Agent 476 into the past on a special mission. Given the possibility that 476 is recovering memories of the future, another agent, 989-9, is sent to monitor 476. Everything gets complicated when Buckwalder loses track of both agents and a very serious error made by 476 threatens the fragile stability of the future.

In the future as told in this story (year 2254) there are no metals, wood, books or cats, but technology has evolved from the resources that are still available after two exhaustive wars against an enemy of which not many details are given to us; and travel through time is already possible, within the theoretical and ethical limitations that obey the logic of the story. As it is typical of this genre’s speculative fiction, the theme revolves around the potentially catastrophic implications of mistakes made by the time travelers, not only for those directly involved but for the entire history of humankind. This novel poses the problem in a compelling way and successfully develops it to the end. The plot, full of streams of thoughts that reveal the feelings and thoughts of the characters, is warm, deep and human while containing a good dose of danger and action. The motivations of the characters are realistic and provide them with a solid background that gives them body and multidimensionality, while the dialogues and descriptions are broad and perfectly set, so the realism and the general rhythm of the novel keeps fluent.

I recommend this book to lovers of science fiction and time travel. I loved the combination of these two epochs: one in which plastic was the great novelty and another in which the same material is practically ubiquitous and indispensable.


Paradox Effect por Gabriel F.W. Koch
Outskirts Press. 2015
284 páginas.
Género / Temática: Novela de Ciencia Ficción

Manhattan, 1954. Durante el funeral de su hermano, Peter conoce a Dannia, una inteligente mujer con la que inicia una relación sentimental de pareja. Poco tiempo después, Dannia comienza a presentar fuertes jaquecas, acompañadas de alucinaciones auditivas y visuales. Trescientos años después, el General Buckwalder ha enviado al Agente 476 al pasado en una misión especial. Ante la posibilidad de que 476 esté recobrando memorias del futuro, otro agente, 989-9, es enviado para monitorear a 476. Todo se complica cuando Buckwalder pierde la pista de ambos agentes y un error gravísimo por parte de 476 amenaza la frágil estabilidad del futuro.

En el futuro planteado en esta historia (año 2254) no existen los metales, la madera, los libros ni los gatos, pero la tecnología ha vuelto a desarrollarse a partir de los recursos existentes tras dos guerras exhaustivas contra un enemigo del que no se dan muchos detalles, y los viajes a través del tiempo ya son posibles, dentro de las limitaciones teóricas y éticas que obedecen a la lógica propia de la historia narrada. Como es típico de la ficción especulativa de este género, el tema gira en torno a las implicaciones potencialmente catastróficas de los errores cometidos por los viajeros en el tiempo, no sólo para los implicados directamente, sino para la historia entera de la humanidad. Esta novela plantea el problema de una manera convincente y lo desarrolla con éxito hasta el final. La trama, llena de flujos de conciencia que revelan los sentimientos y pensamientos de los personajes, es cálida, profunda y humana a la vez que contiene una buena dosis de peligro y acción. Por su parte, las motivaciones de los personajes son realistas y los proveen de un trasfondo que les da cuerpo y multidimensionalidad, en tanto que los diálogos y las descripciones son suficientes y están perfectamente ambientados para que el realismo y el ritmo general de la novela se mantengan con fluidez.

Recomiendo este libro a los amantes de la ciencia ficción y los viajes en el tiempo. La combinación de dos épocas; una en la que el plástico era la gran novedad y otra en la que el mismo material es prácticamente ubicuo e indispensable, me pareció, en lo personal, estupenda.
Profile Image for Janalyn.
3,594 reviews104 followers
January 13, 2021
Such an original plot

476 or Danielle is living in the 1940s right after World War II and is working for the Navy. She is a highly educated woman and she falls in love with Peter. Unfortunately she keeps having these attacks were lights go off in her head she hears people talking but can’t understand what they’re saying and she keeps slipping into unconsciousness. Peter doesn’t want to leave her side. Little do both of them no, but Danielle is one of humanity’s last chances. Danielle was sent back on a mission to change one thing to help out the environment that eventually will kill us all. Back in 2550 for the general of the project thanks he made after all these years for the first time doing extinction instead of over capture. This book is so good. I don’t have the scientific explanations that I wish I did to explain the whole thing in my review. I just know if you love science fiction, time travel romance or any version of these three genres you’ll love this book. I absolutely loved it and thought it was fast paced and easy to read. I highly recommend this book is so good!
Profile Image for Lenor.
697 reviews
May 31, 2020
This is not the first book I’ve read about time travelers, but I can honestly say that it is the very first to take it to the next step…to take DNA and change it only to be able to stand in the past so there are no consequences. But what happens with emotions and acting on them, does it change the DNA, or can it be altered?

This book is completely science fiction and time travel genre; Dannia is employed by US government for a secret job, to travel on time to the past so she can with a series of events, reduce future pollution, she’s got the qualifications for it so she’s send to the past. But now in “the past” Dannia becomes emotionally involved with Peter Hersh and gets pregnant with his baby. Will the nano technology still work? Will it trigger memories that can put at risk the mission? Can Dannia forget who she is and what is her mission?
6 reviews123 followers
February 10, 2021
A fantastic debut novel by Koch, one that sets the stage for any ensuing novel. Can DNA be manipulated in the past to change the future? Well the main character Diana is about to travel back in time to 1954 on a mission to find out, can she save the world? If you like sci-fi and time travel books then i totally recommend this book.

It was a very interesting and thought provoking read. highly recommended.
Profile Image for DaisyMae.
11 reviews1 follower
May 11, 2020
A very interesting read telling the story of life and love as well as exploring the modern day topics of humanities impact on the planet and the controversy surrounding genetic manipulation. The complex plot and strong, unpredictable, characters makes this book a real page turner and extremely thought provoking. I'm sure all sci-fi lovers will enjoy this as much as I did.
Profile Image for Emerson .
203 reviews13 followers
December 19, 2021
Gabriel F.W. Koch’s Paradox Effect is an interesting time travel adventure. The book focuses on Dannia and a time-traveling mission meant to save the world. Dannia is living in 1954 on a mission from 2554 but when she begins getting headaches and spells of unconsciousness, her position is called into question. While I thought that the book began with some great intrigue and tension, I struggled to connect with the characters at the beginning but after a few chapters I was able to immerse myself into the story and from then on, the quick pacing, complex plot, and fun characters kept me invested. Dannie is a really well-developed character who was a great mix of badass heroine and real feeling person. She has been placed in a complicated position and reacts to it in a way that is both believable and engaging to read. I really enjoyed watching the inner workings of her mind as she begins to question reality and her own sanity as she experiences strange bouts of déjà vu and daydreams. If you love a good time travel adventure, then you should certainly check this book out.
Profile Image for Grymm Gevierre.
183 reviews8 followers
January 19, 2021
Gabriel Koch is a writer I first discovered last year (with book “And Come Day’s End). This book is much older but I can see in the few years between books that much of my praise for Koch’s other book I’ve read applies from the start. What I found most impressive is how Koch manages to write so well across multiple genres.
I love a good mystery, but Paradox Effect suited my 2021 palette quite well as a time-traveling sci-fi piece. This book does feel like there’s more passion behind the writing than the others I’ve read, but that could also be because of the theme/genre shift. It’s definitely a good thing. The characters here are developed with care, and even though they are in remarkable positions we can only imagine they still seem grounded and relatable.

The concept of coming back in time to the infantile stages of tech development as we know it today is a novel idea. It’s eerie to think that the catalyst that would save us all or put us in the path of destruction over 6 centuries ahead has already passed. That being said, the focus on Dannia and her story in here really is a hopeful and positive one, with the stakes as high as humanity's continued existence. This book is just fantastic, there’s so much to get out of it. This is a great author who has already written some good books. Koch is someone to keep an eye on!
Profile Image for Swati Tanu.
Author 1 book551 followers
June 13, 2024
"The sight filled him with strength, and the knowledge that the work he performed had a profound and long-reaching effect on human history, both past and future."

When Dannia is transported to 1954 from 2554, she takes on the identity of a lady from the middle of the 20th century who has a college education and a talent for mechanical ingenuity. She is currently working for the US government on a top-secret project as a result of her work during the conflict. Nobody, not even Dannia or the people who sent her back in time to tinker with the mechanical past in order to lessen pollution, is aware of what may occur if she becomes emotionally involved in 1954.

The author gives the reader a vivid and detailed description of the story's locations, making us feel as if we can experience the surroundings for ourselves. Initially, it was a little hard to connect with the story, and I couldn't relate to the universe that was being created. I couldn't put the book down once I got a handle on that world. The author has written the story so creatively that it will take you away to another world. It's sci-fi, yet I consider it to be a light read. The narration is fast-paced and the story is well-developed.

You might like to check out more similar books here.
1 review
September 12, 2021
How many of these reviews are actually real? I have seen reviews which were exactly the same to the word, posted under different names...
Profile Image for Trix.
28 reviews1 follower
May 5, 2022
Paradox Effect by Gabriel F.W. Koch is a plot-driven science fiction that deals with time travel, the intricacies and challenges, and the potentially far-reaching and possibly catastrophic consequences of actions done by time travelers. This is a “what you do in the past can affect the future” kind of time travel story and it was interesting to see how psychology and moral issues came into play with such a high-stakes state of affairs – a mission to save (or destroy) the world. The pacing of the story was done well and the alternating perspectives of the characters in the past and those in the future helped sustain the pace. This was written with an omniscient narrator point of view and characters’ motivations and thoughts were shown through streams of consciousness. Having said that, the reactions and motivations of the major characters were realistic and grounded albeit frustratingly idealistic considering the grave situations they were all in. There is also romance in there which, fortunately, only existed in the background and did not take the focus away from the actual important events.

You can find my full review here
Profile Image for Jonathan Palfrey.
540 reviews17 followers
December 20, 2022
This is rather an odd novel and I'm not quite sure what to make of it.

On the positive side, I found the story quite gripping on first reading, and it's a fairly original treatment of time travel. I've read quite a number of time-travel stories, and this doesn't remind me of any of them. It factors in climate change and the long-term effects of pollution, which is a worthy thing to do.

On the negative side, although I didn't find the story actively unpleasant, I didn't find it actively enjoyable either, and I'm not sure that I'll feel the urge to reread it in future. I didn't feel close to any of the characters. The story is set in the past and in the future, but the whole thing has a vaguely old-fashioned air: even the scenes in the future feel like a future imagined in the past, as though the book were written in the 1960s.

Some people write their first novel and hit the ground running: they seem utterly convincing, as though they've been doing it all their lives. Gabriel Koch isn't one of them. He's made a good effort: this is a novel, and not a bad one, but it feels to me like a first novel: it doesn't feel entirely convincing. As always, your opinion may be entirely different from mine…
12 reviews1 follower
December 13, 2022
Paradox Effect is a time travelling/science fiction novel that centres on and around Dannia Weston (the main protagonist) an agent working for the government. She is transported through time and is now living in the year 1954, nobody in the year 1954 is aware (not even Dannia) that she is actually from the year 2554 so when she falls in love with Peter the “future” is threatened!

What did I love about this book?
1.The love story. It was truly entertaining. The two protagonists, Dannia and Peter were not only meant for each other, but it was as if they were destined to be together.

2. The excitement, the anticipation. The plot twists and turns that had me really engaged all the way through.

If you’re a sci-fi fan and you haven't read this book, I’d suggest giving it a go. I’d say you can expect a literary experience that is pretty unique, and it’s rare for me to find a book this enjoyable from a lesser known author.

This story had a little of everything which kept me enthralled right from the first chapter until the end. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Will4m.
4 reviews
January 16, 2022
This is a multifaceted time travel adventure that is written with so much passion and intrigue. Gabriel FW Koch is an award-winning author with a real talent. This is very well-written science fiction and I’m glad I took a chance on it.

Paradox Effect absolutely lived up to my hopes of what it could be after I read the synopsis. The characters are all fully developed with their own backgrounds and grow more complex and layered at the story progresses. There is a lot of detail in the book, and the research alone must have been a huge effort. Sometimes with epic sci-fi such as this the ending can tail off and leave you less than satisfied, but that is not the case here. It’s all very edge-of-your-seat stuff, right down to the final page.
Profile Image for Christina F.
121 reviews3 followers
September 15, 2022
The Paradox Effect: Time Travel and Purified DNA Merge to Halt the Collapse of Human Existence by Gabriel F.W. Koch is a science fiction time travel adventure. The book centers around Dannia who is on a time-traveling mission in 1954 from the year 2554 to help save the world. The book starts off by diving right into the story and it takes a couple of chapters to really understand what is going on and to start to understand the characters. It is a fast-paced novel that was easy to read and kept me entertained. I really loved how well-developed Dannia was and enjoyed some of the other characters in the book as well such as Peter. I found myself rooting for Dannia and laughing along with her, cheering her on, and hoping she was able to successfully complete her mission.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews

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