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Dragons hide and loyalties break in book 2 of the groundbreaking modern fantasy series from Julie Kagawa, New York Times bestselling author of The Iron Fey novels.

Deserter. Traitor. ROGUE.

Ember Hill left the dragon organization Talon to take her chances with rebel dragon Riley and his crew of rogues. But she can’t forget Garret, the soldier of the dragonslaying Order of St. George who saved her from a Talon assassin―and by doing so, signed his own death warrant.

Determined to save Garret from execution, Ember must convince Riley to help her break into the Order’s headquarters. With assassins after them and Ember’s own twin brother helping Talon hunt her down, the rogues find an unexpected ally in Garret and a new perspective on the underground battle between Talon and St. George. Soon Ember must should she retreat to fight another day…or start an all-out war?

Books in the Talon

432 pages, Paperback

First published April 28, 2015

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Julie Kagawa

80 books25.3k followers

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Profile Image for Natalie Monroe.
611 reviews3,768 followers
April 15, 2016
3.5 stars

You're free to go, The Infinite Sea... Hello, Rogue! Please, take a seat.

Your blood results are in and I'm afraid you have an abnormally high amount of hormones in your system.

What? Oh no, of course it's not fatal! They're like germs, in a way. Every YA book has some. They're healthy in small amounts. But yours are beginning to distract from your body's main purpose, which is plot.

"Riley refused to have me and Garrett in the back by ourselves, Garett wouldn't leave me alone with Riley, and I certainly wasn't going to sit up front so the boys could murder each other in the backseat. So we sat there, the three of us, myself in the middle, Garrett and Riley flanking me on either side."

Too much of a good thing, you know. I would recommend not having your female protagonist flush or experience a bolt of warmth whenever one of the boys so much as looks at her. It's very hard to communicate tension when your characters are making goo-goo eyes over a corpse.

It'd also help if your female protagonist stops describing her dragon self as a separate entity.

“I swallowed, feeling something inside me respond, a rush of warmth spreading through my veins. My own dragon, calling to Riley's, like he was her other half.”

I've seen such symptoms before in another patient. Fifty Shades of Grey, I believe she was called. She dubbed hers "Inner Goddess"shortly before expiring on the operation table. Very sad, very tragic...

Right, where were we? Ah, yes. I've also noticed a surprising absence of X-chromosome. Yes, I understand you have a female protagonist, but the main supporting cast is entirely male. Out of the four POVs (Ember, Riley, Garrett, and Dante), three are boys. Named enemies, strangely, seem to be solely female. You can see how that may conflict with feminist values.

Yes, I know that wasn't your intended purpose. It seems to run in the family. Your siblings The Iron Fey and Blood of Eden have that problem as well.

This next ailment (I don't know if you caught it from The Infinite Sea while he was leaving) is known as Second Book Syndrome. I was rather surprised to see it. Your younger sister The Iron Daughter was a potential case, but her immune system managed to fight it off.

I'll tell you the same thing I told The Infinite Sea: there's no known cure. Quarantine and rest is all I can prescribe.

Now this last thing I was very, very surprised to see. Your writing gland is swollen. It's always been healthy; I don't know what could've caused it.

"Three hours on the back of a motorcycle, the sun beating down on your shoulders and the wind whipping through your hair, though exhilarating, reminds you why flying wins every time."

See, what I'd do here is chop this in two: "Three hours on the back of a motorcycle, though exhilarating, reminds you why flying wins every time. Wind whipped my hair as the sun beat down on my shoulders, uncomfortably hot."

It doesn't look so chunky and has a lot less commas. Speaking of, your writing gland is infected with commas. Absolutely dozens of them in one sentence. A dose of Ernest Hemmingway should set you right. I'm rather leery of its simplistic chemical contents, but since yours is an extreme case, I'd recommend three times per day with lots of bed rest.

That should be it! The pharmacy is outside, door to the right. Very fond of Riley, by the way. He's a lovely lad.

"Riley grimaced. "At least there are fire extinguishers by all the exits," he said, rolling his eyes. "I can see the headlines now, though. Vargas Casino Mysteriously Ignites on Twelfth Floor. Strange Creatures Seen Flying Out Window. That wouldn't catch Talon's attention at all."

I sincerely hope he's endgame, but based on experience, your female protagonist will choose Ash Garrett. But I digress. Good day and don't come back!

Other Literary Clinic Visits

The Infinite Sea
Profile Image for Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘.
873 reviews4,131 followers
May 1, 2015

Book 1 : Talon ✬✬✬✬ (3.5)

BR with the amazing Garret's Pimp, Chelsea (click to read her review) ♥

Actual rating : 2.5 stars

Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Dragoooooon Gaaame! Please welcome the fighters, I said PLEASE WELCOME THE FIGHTERS, Talon and Rooooooogue!

► I can't deny that this sequel is action-packed, and that's why my rating isn't lower. Moreover, we learn more about both Talon (via Dante's and Cobalt's POV) and Riley's rogue organization. Secrets societies people! You've being watched. Controlled. Hunted. All this stuff was pretty cool.

► I'm going to be blunt here : in my opinion none of the characters was fleshed-out in this sequel, except Riley. Indeed Ember and Garret seem to be the shells of themselves, and they often act out of character (especially EMBER, because Garret I can understand his reactions, and he's fucking trying at least!). I mean, at some point, I felt like book 1 NEVER HAPPENED for fuck sake!

That's why while I loved Ember and Garret in Talon, here my favorite character was Riley by far : the rogue is loyal, sarcastic, brave, and even if I don't agree with everything he does, I like him, because he makes me laugh and he knows what he wants (and that's maybe the only one, sadly). BUT. What bothers me is the fact that I feel like I was supposed to root for him here. That is to say that the whole changes in the characterization sounds rather manipulative to me, because in my opinion Riley is the only character who is fairly treated.

► In my review of Talon, I said that there wasn't a love triangle, not really. Well. I guess I have to eat my hat now.

Because welcome to the fucking love triangle hell! I'm so mad right now, I can't even. Ember, remember Ember?? In Talon I really appreciated her personality and sadly, I can't say the same thing now. Yes she fights, yes she's sometimes snarky, but overall, she annoyed me something fierce because American Singer syndrome. I can't deal with that shit anymore. I. Can't. To be fair, I know that some readers found it acceptable because of the dichotomy between her dragon side and her human side but to me it was schizophrenic, confusing and bloody annoying.

Just tell me : Why makes me care for this storyline if everything goes downhill in the end? Why? It's predictable and completely unnecessary - I can just see it coming 20 000 miles away. Mark my words : Ember will end with Garret. SO WHY FUCKING BOTHER WITH THE LOVE TRIANGLE? Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm not, and if I am, I'll eat a hat again, that's all. But then, the end is scheduled for 2019 so well, let's say that I'm not that scared >.<

► That's pretty simple actually, because I felt completely disconnected most of the time in Rogue. Indeed except for some scenes including Riley, I didn't care much about what happened to the characters and it's a shame, really, because in the first I felt enthralled. While here, No butterflies. No fears. Everything felt flat, dull, tame.

It's Kagawa, therefore it's well-written, duh. Even if I never felt fascinated, I was never bored either, I have to admit. Indeed when it comes to her writing, I can't help but be hooked from page one, even when the plot struggles to keep my interest.

★ EVEN ★


Sadly, Rogue was a disappointment to me, as the accelerated action couldn't make up for the lack of characterization and the useless love triangle, which are part of my biggest peeves. Finally, I didn't like the ending^^
May 1, 2015
Buddy read with my wonderful and fiery Anna

It was our job to find and kill as many of the monsters as we could, in the hopes that one day, we could push their numbers over the brink and firmly into extinction where they belonged.
That was what I'd once believed. Until I met her.

Bawling sick upset emotional dying a slow and painful death.... Yeah. So....Is it weird if I'm not okay? This one....wasn't one of those books that I would say out-shined it's predecessor in any way, shape, or form. Normally, with Kagawa, I don't enjoy her first book much, but know I'm in for a treat for the rest of the series, whereas it's the opposite here-except, I did enjoy it. I did swoon over my dear Garret and his adorable soldierness. I did love the action and the perilous situations but...my heart. My heart was torn into pieces time and again, and like my great friend, Anna, I have to agree that some of this heartbreak is unnecessary. However...I disagree with her on one front: I don't know that there is one certain boy that she WILL end up with indefinitely. I think that, while both guys are great, this turned into an unnecessary love triangle and it's clear who she SHOULD end up with, but it's gotten all twisty and turny and I don't know that it's quite as clear, anymore.

I didn't regret my choice. I'd meant every word I said in the courtroom. And if it came down to it again, and I stood on that beach with the dragon I was sent to kill, knowing that if I let her go I would die instead...I would still choose to save her.

And OMG guys, I love cliffhangers. I am so frikkin' obsessed with an amazing, well planned out, explosive, heart-breaking, TEAR ME TO SHREDS cliffhanger...but I wasn't ready for this one. This one gutted me, mutilated me, ripped my fucking heart out and stomped on it. Kagawa chewed up my heart and spit it back into my face. I love Kagawa, but she has finally created a cliffhanger that killed me mentally-it wasn't a thrilling end-It was a soul-crushing emotional tornado. And I can barely see straight through my tears.

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And that's what is so funny to me-This wasn't even a bad ending!!!! Literally no one else will probably have this demented and dramatic visceral reaction to such a simple little folly that so frequently occurs during these fantasy/YA/dystopian/sci-fi/LIFE books. I mean...I knew from my friend's reaction that things went into light love-triangle land, but, it was so clear to me that it was the way it was supposed to be and...well, look at that-it's not. It's fucked up and heart-breaking and even though nothing horrible even happened, my soul is destroyed, just a little. And I am truly shocked by my reaction. Check-mate, Mother Fucker.

I knew that wishing was wasted energy, and regret changed nothing, but for perhaps the first time in my life, I wished we'd had more time. If I'd known what would happen, I would have spent every moment I could with her. I would have done a lot of things differently, but it was too late now.

So, I am and forever will be, in love with Garret-the soldier that was sent to kill Ember in book one. Mortal enemies. Raised to hate each other from birth. A secret operation that brought these two together by fate-Garret never knew if she was actually the dragon, but even without knowing for sure, he fell in love with her, anyway. So Talon turned into a forbidden love story that had my heart soaring and me choking on butterflies. Now, book one, while scary as we watched everything unfold, was still so light-hearted and fun and care-free...it was young love at the beach, fighting how they've been trained to be since birth, never knowing where it could possibly lead...and finally, ending in the ultimate sacrifice. My heart still stutters thinking about it. But this installment was no longer care-free. Decisions have to be made, they can trust no one, no place is safe, and they are constantly fleeing....and each of them has a death warrant on their head. And, GD if I wasn't BEGGING Garret and Ember to just LOVE EACH OTHER ALREADY!!!!!!! All the frustration AGH! You KNOW YOU LOVE EACH OTHER!! Now kiss each other already, damn it!

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I could go on and on and on about Kagawa's writing and how absolutely fucking fantastic it is, but we all know that. We all know Kagawa is a fucking master manipulator who doesn't hesitate to rip the rug out from beneath you, but we all still keep reading her wonderfully evil stories. I just never imagined I'd be so drastically bitch-slapped by one of them-and I've read them all. So, instead of gushing about Kagawa, because, you know, she ripped my soul to pieces last night, I'll just show you all how fucking loyal I am-to the point of being more annoying than even I can handle.

Anna: Hmm. I don't like where this is going.
Me: Whatcha mean?
Anna: Well, they are making it all about Cobalt. He probably will end up alone or dying so why is she doing this? Making us love him?
Me: Hmm...I dunno. She has a reason for everything. I really do like Cobalt/Riley, but I will rip his head off if he takes Ember from Garret.
Anna: I am so mad.
Me: GARRET *heart eyes emoji* AGHHH
Anna: Why is she making this a love triangle? It wasn't in the first book! Why?
Me: I don't know...GARRET *heart eyes emoji*
Anna: I am just so upset.
Anna: Well, I've finished. I can't say anything because I don't want to spoil you.
Me: Is it a cliffy?
Anna: Hmm...kind of. Yes.
Me: AGHH!!! Garret. It's guna be epic. EEEEEPSSSS.
Anna: I can't wait to see what you think...
Me (as she has fallen asleep but I text endlessly on-as per her request for updates): Garret
Squee!! He just....
OMG. My heart. I'm bawling. I'm dying omg.
*And I'll cut it off there*

At which point, I'm sure Anna was to this point:

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So, as you can see, I wasn't much fun to read this with...because...Garret. My Garret fangirling was out of control.

I glared back at him. "I wouldn't let you go, anyway. So you can stop being so damned fatalistic. No one is giving anyone up. We're getting out of here together, or not at all."
He blinked, a raw, almost vulnerable look passing through his eyes, and we stared at each other a moment. Outside, it was eerily silent. The sunlight slanting through the broken window caught on shards of glass and glittered red, like drops of blood.

No, this wasn't what I wanted or expected it to be, but it's still Julie Kagawa who rarely does wrong in my eyes and she is still a master manipulator of my heart and soul. Soooo, you know, here we are. A 'not what you wanted' Julie Kagawa story is better than a great book by an author I barely care about, so, I'll still take this as a win. As for those who didn't love the first book-You will probably like this one better. Everyone seems to. As for people like me, who worship the first book, you probably won't. It's just an inkling. I still loved this story, but it definitely tried my patience more than once-it's just like, WHO THE HELL CARES? Ugh. That's wrong, though. This was a well-rounded story with lots of action, forbidden-and-not-so-forbidden love, and a great back story...for Cobalt. I want people to read this, but ultimately, I am ready for book three NOW. I need more Garret in my life and, oh, hey, oh yeah- FUCK YOU, EMBER!

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AAAGHHH! After the ending of that last installment I. Am. Going. Insane!!!!

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APRIL 28, 2015. Okay...I guess I can do that...I'm just not happy about it.

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Now, I wait.
Profile Image for Penny Well Reads.
837 reviews223 followers
July 17, 2019
I have lost interest in this series.

One of my big problems is that there is a very important lack of information about Talon. This is a story about dragons, and yet, we know almost nothing about that. This story could have benefited immensely of some world-building and lore regarding Dragons, it is screaming for more fantasy , but it doesn't delivers.

I won't be continuing this series.

Talon (Talon #1)
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,601 reviews11k followers
May 9, 2016




And that is only because I wanted to smack a few people for being stupid. It's like, what are you thinking?!

I very much enjoyed that we got to see more dragon action than we did in the first book. I loved the first book better though. But we did get more dragon action :-) I know I said that, but dragon action is always cool!

I even stopped being mad at Ember when she got her dragon on. I mean come on. How can you not love getting your dragon on!


And the stupid parts with Ember were just simple little things. She was told to stay in the room and wait while Riley tries to get them safe passage, does she stay there? No! She drags Garret off with her to go and gamble. Hello! They have two groups trying to hunt and kill them but lets go down to the casino and gamble. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............

I mean both groups were already after Riley and Ember, But when they go and save Garret from being killed and now both groups are on their tail <--- (no pun intended) even more. It's like every step they take they are right there. Then you have some jerks selling them out. It's like come on. I saw that one trap coming a mile away! I mean I know that Riley is trying to save as many dragons as he can but can none of them smell a rat?

Then, this dude just stares at Ember with a scared look on his face and takes off. Garret asks her if she knows him and it's all like, no........................................................................ and lets go back to the room and not tell Wes (he's their human helper) anything about it. Like duhhhhhhhh.. Wake up!

The thing is, I still love all of the characters. Just because I want to smack some people doesn't mean I don't. I still like the book and I have the third one and will read the fourth one. I just got a little more aggravated with peeps in this book. Oh and don't get me started on Dante!

The end of the book was one of those... what the... moments. But instead of diving right into Soldier I'm going to wait a couple of days. Although, I want to know what they are getting reading to do, holy crow! It's sounds epic!


And for those that wanted more action than there was in the first book, this one is pretty much packed with action. And the love triangle I see people talking about with Garret and Riley, it's sort of - in my opinion - a case of Ember having two different associations. <--- Is that the right word? Anyway, she's feeling her human side with Garret and her dragon side with Riley. I mean, what's a dragon to do? I don't know.

MY BLOG: Melissa Martin's Reading List
Profile Image for Carol.
799 reviews60 followers
April 22, 2022
This was a great second book and the pace was alot quicker than the first.

And surprise surprise a love triangle becomes more apparent in this instalment.

I personally have no issues with love triangles but I know some reader's do.

That being said there is still alot more going on in this book than just love or feelings, like, running for your lives, betrayal's from those you trust and people and dragon's trying to kill you at every turn.

Still very interested in this story and will be reading the next book.

Happy Reading 📚📗📙📚📙📚📓📘📕📗📚📓📘📔📙📒📚📓📗📘📖📔📕📓📒📙📖
Profile Image for Dannii Elle.
2,136 reviews1,736 followers
September 12, 2017
Actual rating 3.5 stars

"This is still a war, but we aren't just fighting one side anymore."

This such a superior installment to the Talon trilogy, in comparison to the first book. The writing felt vastly more mature and all the characters had grown and, therefore, felt more relatable. There were also additional flashback scenes that helped me understand the modern day Talon organisation and some of the characters motives in their attempt at its destruction. It was the plot that had really seen the most improvement, however.

The undercurrent of romance was still there but there was far less attention given to it, which made this far more appealing to my literary tastes. It still was the deciding factor in much of the main character's decision making and there was the continuation of the love triangle dynamic that had started to form in the first book, but it did not overshadow the actual premise of the book. The focus had returned to the actual plot and, unlike the first book, this had a fast-pace and action in every chapter. There were no 'filler' scenes and nothing felt superfluous to the development of the plot. I am actually excited to continue with the series, something I could not have said at the end of the first book. Bring on Soldier!
Profile Image for Kiki Rizky Agustina.
103 reviews6 followers
Want to read
April 26, 2014
! ! ! ! !

That's insane~

Maybe by the time the fifth installment comes out, I'd probably be married and a mother of...

Profile Image for court ౨ৎ librarycutie.
418 reviews1,029 followers
August 14, 2023
As I mentioned in my review for Talon, Dragons excite me! I just love the idea of this series, An organization of Dragons, rogue dragons, humans in the dragon organization, dragon slayers, and even rogue dragon slayers! Oh what a story!

This book contains POVs of Ember, Riley/Cobalt, Garret, and Dante. You get a different perspective and a bigger idea of what's going on! Like with Dante, He has his sister, Ember, in heart, but he's too deep in Talon. He wouldn't dare betray them, he believes in what they do, and that they are the good of their kind.

By the way, Cobalt is Riley's dragon name, he has a new name, Riley, so he won't be noticed. Considering Cobalt is a dragon name. Just wanted to clear the confusion of his two names..

Of course, If you have read Talon and Rogue, then you know that Talon only cares about the safety of their future. They would kill anyone who isn't Team Talon, and any flicker of disloyalty, they're gone! If you're still in the system, then they'll set up a mission gone wrong for you, they can't have any rogue dragons in their team. Which is why they want a stop to Cobalt and his team of rogue dragons and talon humans. Cobalt is freeing the dragons, even though they may be in hiding from the Viper Dragons, it's better than having no say is what you do with your long dragon life.

I won't spoil anything, or much... Garret was a member of St. George, unwillingly might I add. His family was killed by dragons, so he was sent to St. George, where he was raised as the Perfect Soldier until he met Ember. In the book, Talon, He had a vision of truth. What he's learned about dragons were false. Ember has proven him wrong, and he's fallen hard for her. They have some connection that they shared in a Crescent Beach, and he risked everything he lived for, just to save this red dragon. Ember of course has some feelings for Garret, that's undeniable. Theres just that one problem… he's a human, and she's a dragon. She's a dragon that will live for decades longer than him.

Then there's Cobalt/Riley. The blue dragon that sparks life in Embers dragon. They've had a connection since they've first come in contact with each other basically. It was inevitable. I can't deny that I LOVE them together. The nickname he has for her, Firebrand! Ah! It just gives me sweet sweet chills. That's not strange, right? He FINALLY admits his feelings towards her when he was still under the dosage of truth serum, and I have a feeling they'll share a steamy moment in book 3, Soldier.

Alas, There is a twist, a betrayal that I sure didn't see coming until it happened. It's at Part 3, for those of you who have read it, you know what I mean. I won't spoil the good details.

I might've already mentioned this, but I really enjoyed Rogue, much more than I did Talon. There was a lot of action, an epic dragon fight near the end, and the rescue scene in the beginning was exciting! I have no idea when Book 3, Soldier, will come out, but I hope it doesn't take too long because I can't wait forever! Julie Kagawa, you've made me love Dragons even more!

Update: It is stated that Solider, Book 3 of the Talon series, is set to release in May 2017!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Wren (fablesandwren).
674 reviews1,571 followers
September 17, 2020
This is so boring and flat. The characters are one dimensional. Hormones are everywhere and not in the good way. I just can't go on with this series. I don't enjoy it. And I am actually pretty bummed about it because I love the idea.

Profile Image for Suzzie.
924 reviews171 followers
May 22, 2017
I really like this series. The only thing I dislike is Ember's naivety about Dante, but I it seems to be clearing up now. Hopefully! Going to start Soldier now to prepare for Legion!
Profile Image for Maja (The Nocturnal Library).
1,018 reviews1,919 followers
May 6, 2015
The best thing about Julie Kagawa is that she can get away with almost everything. She put us through hell so many times – just think of that cliffhanger in The Eternity Cure – and still we keep coming back for more.

The very simple truth is that I liked Rogue more than Talon. The first read like light contemporary YA at times, what with all the surfing, parties and teens hanging out. It’s true that we needed to really see Ember as part human in order to understand her struggles, but it’s also true that for a dragon book, Talon had very little actual dragon action to speak of.

Rogue is certainly an improvement in that (and every other) regard. There is more tension, more danger, more drama, and there are more dragons flying around. Kagawa still doesn’t explore them to their full potential, but she’s getting there, and we’re happily following along.

Ember, being two-natured, is torn between two men, one for her human, and one for her dragon self. It’s clear, as it usually is, who she leans toward more strongly, which makes the whole thing tedious and unnecessary. Fortunately, the focus in this book is very far from romance. There is a war brewing which puts romantic entanglements very low on everyone’s priority lists.

The title of this book could just as easily be Ember in the Middle, and I don’t only mean romantically. With Talon’s search team on one side (led by her twin brother), and The Order of Saint George on the other, Ember has no shortage of enemies to run from. But even worse than guns are the secrets. It seems that everyone has something to hide.

The worst thing about Julie Kagawa is that she can get away with almost everything, and she knows it. Using the same tropes, putting us through hell and back, leaving us hanging from a cliff by our very fingertips… all is fair and all is forgivable. And we’ll always keep going back for more.

Profile Image for Ideally.Portia.
421 reviews46 followers
May 1, 2015
This was extremely aggravating. Infuriating at times.

I mean, in the middle I got a little bored, but I kept going. By the end I was so angry I was literally growling out loud at the book.

First, I hate Cobalt. Riley. Whatever you want to call him. Every time he opened his mouth or we were reading from his perspective I wanted to punch something. He is so annoying. Like, just SHUT THE HELL UP, RILEY! Go away.

Second, Ember is an idiot. Though this may be a side effect of an ATROCIOUS LOVE TRIANGLE.

Third, did I mention that AWFUL love triangle?

The only redeeming quality of this book is the fact that I still love Garret.

"Tell me to stay," he whispered, his voice a low, husky rasp, "and I will."

Don't worry, Garret. I would tell you to stay. Always.

That's all I have to say about this book in my current rage filled state.

Profile Image for Elesia.
150 reviews214 followers
May 29, 2015
AH, so good! Loooved this sequel! Something totally rare has happened and I have no idea whose team I'm on in this love triangle... I love Riley & Garret both for different reasons and have no idea who I want Ember to end up with! Can't wait for book three!
Profile Image for Colleen Houck.
Author 20 books9,153 followers
May 2, 2016
Loved this one even more than the first. Missed the ocean but loved Vegas! The old dragon nesting in Vegas is fascinating. Hope to see him again. He's so cool! Started Soldier immediately. Need to know what happens next. Really like this series a lot. If you love dragons like I do you absolutely have to pick this one up.
Profile Image for Noha Badawi.
569 reviews593 followers
July 4, 2017
Holy mother cliffhanger.
tbh, I didn't see it coming.

Rogue picks off right where book 1 ended. Which is great because it doesn't cause any confusion plot related or anything; it's like you turned the page at the end of Talon
This installment was an action-packed, thrilling and even more insightful on 'Talon' background; need to find out more about the 'St. George Order' though.

I have to make a point on the fact that Julie Kagawa - in my opinion - plays it right with the love triangle that was hinted in the first book. It goes smoothly at first, for sure you can feel the tension between Riley and Garret but it's not forced or their no too obvious fight on Ember; it wasn't annoying to me at all. thank god, i absolutely hate love triangles

The down side was how annoying Ember was turning to be for the first half of the book. Actually she reminded me a LOT of Clary Fray in the Mortal Instruments; hot-headed, stubborn, always jumping at the first sign of danger with no thoughts whatsoever, reckless.
Towards the end you could see a development but I hope she grows more in the coming installments.

Overall, for a second book this was really well done. No second-book-in-a-series syndrome or anything; *HURRAY*

Now the wait for my copy of Soldier will be torture.
Profile Image for Tina ♥ Bookaholic.
873 reviews124 followers
February 17, 2016
Fertig *yeah* - 1, 5 Punkte - leider enttäuschend :(


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Ich habe es schon gesagt und ich wiederhole mich noch einmal: ich bin ein bekennender Julie Kagawa-Fan, und ich liebe ihre Feen- oder ihre Vampirreihe. <3 Aber hier mit den Drachen hapert es für mich leider gewaltig. Die Handlung, die Figuren, die Sichtweise-Wechsel funktionieren partout nicht für mich und das macht mich wahnsinnig. Aber fangen wir am besten von vorne an: Mit der Handlung!

Es beginnt gleich einige Tage nach dem Ende von Teil eins, in dem es einmal aus der Sicht von Ember erzählt wird, die zu gerne ihren Retter Garret, der gleichzeitig ihr Todfeind aus dem St. Georg Orden sein soll, aber bei dem sie ein Kribbeln spürt, retten möchte – und zwar direkt aus einem Stützpunkt des gefährlichen Ordens. Dann wird gleichzeitig aus Garrets Sicht erzählt, der nur noch auf seinen Tod wartet, weil er einen Drachen gerettet hat, die eigentlich total böse, fiesen Wesen sein sollen, und kein witziges Mädchen, in das man sich verlieben kann. Tja, und dann wäre da noch Riley, der ebenfalls seine Sichtweise kundtut, in dem er jammert, warum er jetzt seinen Todfeind retten muss, nur um bei einem Drachenmädchen zu landen, obwohl er ja gar keine Bindungen eingehen will, bis er irgendwann bemerkt, dass er doch für sie kämpfen will, weil sein innerer Drache – der einen eigenen Namen hat: ja genau, und der heißt Cobalt – seine Seelenverwandtschaft zu Embers Drachen spüren kann. Ember wiederrum fühlt sich zwar menschlich zu Garret hingezogen, aber gleichzeitig wird ihr innerer Drache ganz wild, wenn sie bei Riley ist… huch, wer hätte das gedacht. *überrascht die Augen aufreiß*
Aber egal… zu diesem Liebesdreieck sage ich jetzt gar nichts mehr, weil es sowieso einfach nur furchtbar und total gekünstelt und unecht wirkt und sich das Kagawa sowas von sparen hätte können *sfz*
Jedenfalls gibt dann auch noch Embers Bruder Dante seinen Senf dazu ab, mit kurzen Szenen aus seiner Sicht. Warum? Das weiß wohl keiner… diese Szenen habe ich oft nur überflogen, wie leider auch den größten Teil von Rileys Szenen oder manche von den anderen. Es war einfach viel zu viel bla bla bla, ohne mich wirklich zu packen oder mitzunehmen.

Was zugegeben vor allem nicht an der Handlung liegt, hier gab es schon spannende Szenen, Kampf und Action. Aber ehrlich – die haben mich alle nicht interessiert, also nicht wirklich, weil mir die Figuren sowas von egal waren. Wenn jetzt jemand an einer Stelle gestorben wäre – nun ja, who cares?! Ich nicht, und wenn das passiert, kann es der Plot auch nicht mehr retten, die Figuren müssen mich packen, müssen mich mitfiebern lassen, aber das war mir hier in diesem Buch, wie auch schon teilweise in Teil eins, absolut nicht möglich.

Eigentlich hätte ich gehofft, dass die Reihe besser wird, aber leider gefällt mir Teil zwei noch weniger als der erste, was vor allem an den Figuren lag und ich total schade finde.
Zu einem kam ich überhaupt nicht richtig mit Ember, der weiblichen Hauptfigur, klar. Bei ihr sehe ich mit der Beschreibung ständig Pippi Langstrumpf vor mir und ich bekomme das Bild einfach nicht aus meinem Kopf *sorry* xD Und dann ist Ember auch noch ein ziemlich wütender, aufbrausender, ‚mit dem Kopf-durch-die-Wand-gehender, ich-bezogener Mensch/ Drache, die so einen Tunnelblick hat, bei dem alle rundherum draufzahlen. Sei es nun, dass durch ihre Hitzköpfigkeit die anderen in Gefahr geraten oder ihre Gefühle verletzt werden. Und die Sache mit den zwei Typen muss ich ja sowieso nicht mehr erwähnen… geht einfach gar nicht! Zuerst den einen Typen zu abknutschen, nur um danach vor Sehnsucht zu vergehen, wenn der andere Typ sie am Oberarm berührt… *Hallo*!? Noch dazu verstehe ich nicht, wie die zwei Typen überhaupt etwas von Ember wollen können… soo toll ist sie nämlich nicht.
Bei Riley kann ich es ja noch halbwegs verstehen, da sein innerer Drache ja etwas von ihrem Drachen will! :D Aber als er Mensch auch was menschlich Körperliches von ihr wollte – war ich kurz verwirrt, da er als Mensch eigentlich das ganze Buch über hinweg nichts Körperliches möchte, aber plötzlich am Ende will er sie doch küssen, was mir von der Logik her einfach nicht in den Kopf will.

Bleibt noch Garret, der menschliche Super-Soldat der so blöd war, sich in Ember zu verlieben. Keine Ahnung warum er das tut, sie war nie irgendwie super nett zu ihm, außer dass sie einmal gesurft haben und im ersten Teil mit dem Ringelspiel gefahren sind… aber sonst? Ach ja, sie hat ihn gerettet vom Orden, aber erst, nachdem er sie von einem Drachen gerettet hat, ergo sind sie quitt. aaaaah, ich mag einfach Garret am liebsten, er ist aber genau DER EINZIGE Charakter, aus dem ich mir etwas mache und bei dem ich hoffe, dass er ein nettes, würdiges Menschenmädchen findet, die ihn verdient hat.

Was aus Ember wird ist mir piep-schnurz-egal. Und ja, das war nach langer Zeit wieder einmal ein RANT und ich kann es noch immer nicht glauben, dass das Buch aus Kagawas Feder ist. *why?*WHY?* W H Y??*
Hat sie das wirklich selbst geschrieben, also jetzt – neu – aktuell, oder ist das ein Buch aus ihrer Schublade, das sie in der High School mal geschrieben und jetzt eben erst veröffentlicht hat? Das gäbe so viel mehr Sinn, anders will ich mir das gar nicht vorstellen. Kagawa, was tust du nur, du brichst mir da Herz, du warst doch ein Garant für zauberhafte, wunderschöne, fantastische Bücher und jetzt das? Hier fehlt jeglicher Glitzerstaub oder Zauber… der ist leider gar nicht vorhanden. :(

(Mehr dazu auf meinem Blog)
June 16, 2015
Even though Talon wasn't the high fantasy story about dragons that I was expecting last year, I still liked it a lot. That may be one of the reasons I liked it since I struggle with high fantasy. It did read more like a contemporary with a few fantasy aspects weaved into the story. This time, the story delves more into the fantasy side and we get to learn more about the world of dragons and the dragons themselves make a much bigger impact on the story. The longer this series goes on, the more dragons we will see (I think), which is a good thing for those of you wanting more dragon time.

With Ember on the run from Talon and St. George, her life is in immediate danger. Breaking into the St. George compound might not be the smartest move for someone on the run. But Ember isn't gonna let them kill Garret after he helped her, and no matter how much Riley wishes Garret were out of the picture, he agrees to help Ember. Meanwhile, Ember's twin brother Dante is in the clutches of Talon and must find a way to save Ember all while proving his loyalty to them. Something that Ember makes it pretty much impossible for him to do. The stakes are higher this time around and everyone's lives are on the line.

I did really enjoy this but I do have to say that I was really annoyed by how the love triangle aspect of the story was kicked up a few notches from the last book. I don't know if this has to do more with the fact that love triangles annoy me or the fact that I think I might be on the losing team (I'm rooting for Garret) but I couldn't help but having a few eye roll moments by Ember's... confusion over her feelings for Garret and Riley. But then again, love triangles seem to be in pretty much every YA series nowadays so this might not bother too many readers that are more tolerant of them than I am. Other than the love triangle, I thought the story was pretty freaking fantastic. There were so many surprises and plot twists that I just didn't see coming. I'll definitely continue with the series, especially after that ending!

Audiobook Comments: I love the audio performances in Talon and this is why I wanted to listen to this one on audio too. We have an extra POV this time, Ember's brother, so we have an extra narrator this time around too. I love multiple narrators and I'm so glad they went the extra mile with this one. We once again have Caitlin Davis as Ember, MacLeod Andrews as Garret, and Chris Patton as Riley. Tristan Morris joins the cast as Dante and he defnitely held his own against everyone else. Most of these narrators are some that I've heard several times (MacLeod Andrews is one of my favorite narrators) and this performance was fantastic! I highly recommend giving the audiobook a shot if you're planning on reading this, or if you've already read it.

3.5 out of 5 stars

Read full review & more of my reviews at Mostly YA Book Obsessed

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Profile Image for ~Tina~.
1,092 reviews158 followers
August 12, 2016
It's true, I wasn't the biggest fan of the first book, Talon. I thought it was a promising start but my overall expectations regarding world building, specially for one of Kagawa's books was a bit of a let down. However, this second instalment, Rogue, was much better. More action, more answers and a lot more romantic entanglements that I found quite entertaining. I can see the bigger picture now, see how things are playing out. How certain aspects of the characters and different organizations are being developed in an unique way and I love where Kagawa is taking this. I always knew that Talon was a promising start but Rogue proves that this just may be epic after all.

There are a lot of things going on here plot wise so I wont be going into it, but I will say that I'm impressed with how big this story really is. I enjoyed the history of St. George but I also liked seeing how Talon operates and how the Rogue made their enemies on both sides of the lines. I also enjoyed all the different point of views and I'm grateful for every one of them. I loved seeing the back-story of Riley (Cobalt), what he was like as Talon's Basilisk and what pushed him to go Rogue. From minute one Riley has been a force, something overpowering and persuasive. I'm really glad we got to know him better. Dante is also another character who was slightly overlooked in the last book. He's Ember's twin and a determined loyal Talon servant who will do what ever it takes to bring back his sister to the right side. Where she belongs. I don't think I was suppose to be surprised by his actions, but I was and yet I still have hope for him. Garret is another character I wasn't quite sure about, but I found him to be less robotic in this book. More open and natural even if he was living a very surreal life. It takes a big person to admit that their whole life is one giant lie and try to make up for it. And as for Ember? Well, I still find her to be rather reckless but at least she has good intentions and I liked her passion and fight. The love triangle is really well done, like Ember I'm not sure which guy I'm rooting for at this point and I like that we have a few more books for the boys to convince us who should own her heart.

All in all, Rogue turned out to be a really fierce read. There is a lot of betrayal against each organization. St. George against Talon and Talon against St. George and Rogue and Rogue against all of the above. It's hard to know who to trust but it's also fascinating and exciting to see how everything is battling out. Plus, I love me some dragon fightin'. Kagawa is such a skilled writer and I love the growth she's giving her characters and this vibrant universe where anything can happen. Can't wait for the next book!
Profile Image for Sophie.
1,316 reviews558 followers
December 31, 2015
Also reviewed on Sophie Reads YA

I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher via NetGalley. This is no way impacted in my view.

Rogue picked up right after the events of Talon, and I loved the way we dove straight into the action. In this book we were lucky to have the opportunity to see into the minds of four characters: Ember, Garret, Dante, and Riley. I really enjoyed the differing PoV's, though my favourite still remain Ember's and Garret's (who are by far my favourite characters in general).

Though I had really enjoyed Talon, this book blew it out of the water. I feel as though Talon was more of an introductory book, and Rogue wasted no time in getting straight to the point, and being as action packed as possible. I actually felt as if the book was in two parts at time, there was that much happening. The Rogue network/underground was really interesting, as was seeing more of the Talon hierarchy through Dante's eyes. I'm really looking forward to finding out more about both of these groups, as well as about the Order of St. George in book 3, and subsequent instalments.

Those who have read Talon will understand what I mean about the love triangle between Ember, Garret, and Riley, and it was further explored here. Personally, I ship Ember and Garret, though I can understand why some would enjoy the relationship between Riley and Ember. The romance, though not central to the plot, was definitely a large part of the novel, and for the most part I enjoyed it, as it never detracted from the seriousness of the events.

Overall, Rogue was the perfect follow up to Talon, and I thought it set up the action for book 3, Soldier, perfectly. I'd definitely recommend this book to those who loved Talon, and for anyone who is a fan of YA Fantasy.
Profile Image for Book Fawns.
5 reviews13 followers
August 19, 2015
Book Fawns Rating: 5/5

(From our instagram: bookfawns)

First let's take a moment to breathe in the cover of Rogue *sighs* it's PERFECT.

Dragons, love, a perfect heroin and super cute guys, what more could you ask for? We absolutely loved and enjoyed Talon, it was one of our favourite reads of last year as it was one of the first novels that had us introduced to the idea of dragons.

Julie Kagawa did an incredible job in Rogue and it showed the character development through Ember as she journeys her way as a rogue dragon with Riley. Through this book, you really get to know Riley's character a lot better in comparison towards Talon, and we really enjoyed the aspect of this, and he's a definite fav of ours.

Boy did we SHIP Riley and Ember so much! (Sorry Garret, we're team Riley). The chemistry between them two, and the way Riley looked out for Ember no matter what, was simply adorable. We hoped that there would be more moments of them two together, but we're just gonna have to wait for the next. *sigh*

Characters that definitely pissed us off: Dante. No more words needed. Garret's character in Rogue definitely surprised us as we thought that he'd be more of a problem in terms of his role as an ex-solider of St. George, but everything in the end worked out as Riley managed to use Garret's ability and knowledge of the strategies St. George used to capture rogues and other dragons.

However, the only thing we weren't too keen about this novel, was the interchanging perspectives of five characters. We prefer 1-2 point of view's throughout novels, but Rogue was fantastic so it did not bother us largely. Julie Kagawa did a wonderful job with this series so far, and we're most definitely looking forward to the next, and it's coming out in 2017...whaaaat...that's too far away.

Looooooved this book so much, go read it when you have the chance. It's unique, action-packed and heartbreaking. 5/5 stars woohoo!


Profile Image for Beatrice in Bookland.
502 reviews930 followers
August 8, 2016
Cosa rovina Rogue, che è decisamente migliore di Talon in fatto di trama e azione?

*momento suspence*

Si, avete indovinato, la risposta esatta è Il triangolo amoroso.

meh gifs photo: dean's lips bored spndeansmouth.gif

I 3 pseudo innamorati sono:
- Ember, un drago sedicenne che sembra possedere il cervello di una bambina di 8 anni. Passa dalle braccia di un pretendente all'altro nel giro di poche righe. Sta cosa della scissione tra la Ember umana e il suo drago non l'ho ancora capita, una vuole saltare addosso a Riley mentre l'altra è mezza innamorata di Garret. Diciamo che è anche un po' bipolare.
- Riley/Cobalt, un drago maniaco del controllo di chissà quanti anni che si riferisce ad Ember usando la parola 'cucciolo'. E già partiamo male. Se poi aggiungiamo il fatto che alla fine tra lui ed Ember c'è solo attrazione fisica (anzi, non tra Riley e Ember, ma tra i loro draghi) non c'è altro da dire.
- Garret, l'unico con un minimo di cervello, anche se alla fine viene trattato sempre male. In pratica è l'unico personaggio decente.

Peccato, perché senza triangolo il libro sarebbe stato decisamente migliore.
Non capirò mai il bisogno di circondare la protagonista di uomini che le sbavano dietro, soprattutto se le protagoniste in questione sono cretine come Ember. Non è per niente credibile e serve solo a far incazzare i lettori.
Profile Image for Terri ♥ (aka Mrs. Christian Grey).
1,488 reviews474 followers
May 4, 2015
Quick review:

Cover: Fitting
Rating: PG-13
Thumbs Up: 3.5
Overall: Ending sucked eggs
Characters: Well Written
Plot: The story behind the blue dragon
Page Turner: Yes
Series Cont.? Probably
Recommend: Yes
Book Boyfriend: Garret (but I’m going to give you Riley)

SUMMARY (50 words or less)
My rating is pure emotional. The ending sucked eggs and for that reason, I dropped off a star. Sorry. When I’m passionate, I take it out on my rating. It wasn’t a bad book. In fact, everything is plausible. That doesn’t mean I have to like it.

For a full review and yummy pic, see my blog post at:

Audio Review

Caitlin Davies did a great job narrating Ember’s parts. MacLeod Andrews, Chris Patton, and newly added Tristan Morris also did great jobs narrating Garret, Riley, Dante .

Profile Image for Amber.
644 reviews30 followers
March 3, 2019
I realized what rubbed me wrong with the first book, Ember. And I am still NOT a fan of her. The first book followed her very closely, focusing on her adaption to the human world. The first book was setting it up so that Ember was the center of attention. But, she has some of my least favorite aspects of typical female main characters. She makes dumb/impulsive decisions, everyone loves and forgives her (NO MATTER WHAT SHE DOES), and lastly she thinks she is so tough but always gets hurt. Any chapter through Ember's point of view was my least favorite, she just makes me roll my eyes.

However this book's plot was bigger than Ember. Though the love triangles are there, I was pleasantly surprised by the direction of this volume. I felt myself really getting into the series because it showed the depths of the Talon & St. George organizations. After this volume I have really begun to like Garrett and hope to see more of him! This volume was also super action packed which kept me much more engaged. While the first volume was mostly set up, this one was delving deeper into an intricate world. My favorite characters are Wes and Garrett, everyone else mildly annoys me. But, I am in it for the long run!

I am looking forward to the next book in the series. My goal is to finish this series within the year. I am tackling my inability to finish book series head on!
Profile Image for Dark Faerie Tales.
2,274 reviews563 followers
November 18, 2015
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: Dragons, war, betrayal, and so much more….seriously epic tale of Ember, Dante, Garrett and Cobalt/Riley.

Opening Sentence: “I stood before a silent, watchful table, six pairs of eyes on me, keen gazes ranging from suspicious to appraising as we waited for the charges to be declared.”

The Review:

Ember, Garrett, Dante and Cobalt/Riley are back in book 2 shortly after the epicness of book one ends. From this point forth if you haven’t read Talon please stop and go read Talon because you won’t want to be spoiled. Ember convinces Riley to go in and they save Garrett before he is executed by the order. From there the three of them plus Wes go on the run, trying to outwit both the order and Talon. Meanwhile Dante is plotting and planning to recapture Ember and kill Riley.

Ember, Garrett and Riley end up in Vegas trying to find ways to stay ahead of the order, when they hear rumors of a dragon sighting. They end up trying to rescue two hatchlings, and well you have to read the book…seriously! This book is action from the beginning until the very end. It’s fast paced and flies by.

Julie Kagawa picks a subject and writes it in such a way that you just fall in love. I like dragons but have not liked a ton of dragon books, especially those with shifters. However, these aren’t shifter’s per se, they have a human form that they have learned over time to in order to blend in and hide from the Order of Saint George but these are most definitely dragons. This is a complex tale that she is weaving in which you really don’t have any idea who the good guys are, the dragons (Talon) are ruthlessly in control of the dragon world, forcing hatchlings into jobs and breeding them if they fail at those jobs. They also kill those who try to leave the fold or who really fail at their jobs. The humans (Order of Saint George) are just as ruthless in their pursuit of dragons, only drawing the line at waiting to see them in their true form before killing them. Riley/Cobalt is trained Basilisk that is trying to help and hide dragons from Talon.

It’s a perfect storm of complexity that draws you in and you totally root for them to kick Talon and Order butt. My only real complaint is the love triangle. I am not a fan and usually she does a touch of it, but normally it’s pretty clear who the female lead is going to choose. In this one Ember is clearly torn between Garrett and Riley. I will say that there appears to be resolution at the end of this book, but given that Soldier is the name of the next book I am sure there will not be a real answer until the conclusion of book three. I love, love all of her books and Rogue was no different for me. I think this might have been the first time I didn’t cry at the ending of her second book, because let’s face it, she loves to rip your heart and leave you with a massive cliffhanger.

So if dragons are your thing go get Talon and then Rogue! If they aren’t your thing go get them anyway because Julie will totally make them your thing when she is done with you! Seriously, I have read all of her books, and she is one of my go-to authors, I haven’t read a bad book by her.

Notable Scenes:

“The order wouldn’t stop hunting me, especially now that I was in the company of dragons.”

“A talon operative had died in this building tonight.”

“And Lilith’s voice, telling me I was born to become a Viper, a killer like her.”

“The boy who didn’t know I was a dragon, not yet, who saw me only for me.”

“She was impulsive, reckless, infuriating…and I couldn’t imagine my life without her.”

FTC Advisory: Harlequin Teen provided me with a copy of Rogue. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
Profile Image for Ruman.
589 reviews
June 1, 2015
2.5 stars!


Ember is bland. I don't like her - she's stubborn, fiery, unreasonable, selfish, and useless. She would jeopardize other hatchlings and humans in Riley's rogue network, in order to contact her brother, Dante, who betrayed her for Talon. She also became angry at Garrett for killing Faith, a viper who almost killed her because Ember let her go...

I really dislike the love triangle. It's pretty pathetic to include a love triangle when it's been blatantly obvious (since Talon) who she would end up with anyway - Garrett.

Why would Ember end up with Riley, a rogue dragon, when she has Garrett, a mortal who cozied up to her in order to kill her. That reason doesn't matter anymore because he fell in love with her (god knows why) and saved her from St. George (an organization that hunts dragons, and one he was a star pupil of), which makes his past "okay." He killed her kind - no questions asked.

I also feel like Riley degenerated as a character. First he was a top Talon agent as Cobalt (flashbacks occur in snippets), then he went rogue and became a revolutionary freedom fighter against Talon's corrupt organization, but now he follows Ember around on ridiculous missions for what? A shred of returned affection, that's what.

One fact is clear through it all: he would have been better off without Ember. Why did he have to fall for her? It makes absolutely no sense for him to fall for a hatchling, who is obviously way younger than him. Why would Riley risk himself and all those people dependent on him? Because if he fails, the whole operation fails. It's completely out of character for him to follow Ember around like a puppy tied to a leash; especially when they rescued Garrett from St. George headquarters, a suicide mission. Since when did Riley risk his life to save a St. George member than fellow dragons.

On the plus side, I love Tristan and Wes. Wes is great simply because of his snarky yet realistic attitude. I love it when he hits Ember with the cold truth of her selfishness. He's the voice of reason when Riley is enthralled by Ember and thinking with his heart, not his mind. Tristan, on the other hand, makes me drool simply by existing, even though he's a member of St. George.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tilly Booth.
181 reviews918 followers
April 14, 2015
Rogue, the second book in the Talon series was a let down for me. When I finished Talon I was really hoping that the second book would be even better. I was hoping for more badass dragons, more drama, and just more in general but if anything, it lacked all of those things.

Rogue was predictable. I knew what was going to happen at the end of this book as soon as I begun it. The characters predictable. I don't feel like there's any huge love connections in this book even though Ember has two guys that are both in love with her. I just don't see a huge amount of chemistry between them all. In saying that though, I do like that she has two sides. Her human side, attracted to the human boy and her dragon side, that wants the dragon boy. But it's been two books of her shuffling her feet between them when there's bigger things happening.

I think the best part about this book is the epilogue. I find that in Talon and Rogue that the short snippets at the end are what make me pick up the next book. It's probably the only part of this story that piques my interest. For that alone, I will consider picking up the next book when it's released but until then...I'll be imagining all the other great ways this book could've gone. The story line has so much potential. Sadly, it's gone to waste. For that, I give Rogue by Julie Kagawa 1 out 5.

I received this ebook from the publishers through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Odette Brethouwer.
1,640 reviews291 followers
May 18, 2017
Oh, I enjoyed reading this book so much! It is such a good sequel, it does NOT suffer from second book syndrome! And I did not mind the love triangle at all (wh00t) because I like both boys XD it is a really quick read, lots of cool stuff is happening, I still love the dragon human thing a lot, and I'm really glad I've got the next book at home from the library! What a great series. Highly recommend them.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,567 reviews

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