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The adrenaline-fuelled prequel to Liza Marklund's bestselling thriller THE BOMBER Eight years before the sensational events of THE BOMBER, fledgling reporter Annika Bengtzon has just started a summer job at a Swedish tabloid. Before she can even begin to get her bearings in the gritty, fast-paced world of journalism, Annika learns that the body of a young woman has been discovered - raped, murdered and abandoned in a cemetery. A powerful government minister emerges as the prime suspect, with the general election only a few weeks away. Fuelled by ambition, hampered by inexperience, Annika finds herself immersed in a steamy underworld of sex clubs, sinister power plays and a media feeding frenzy. This murder case could become Annika's breakthrough story - or the event that seals her doom.

431 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1999

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About the author

Liza Marklund

106 books527 followers
Scandinavia’s undisputed queen of crime fiction, Liza Marklund is the No. 1 international bestselling author of the Annika Bengtzon series.

Liza Marklund was born in 1962 in the small village of Pålmark, close to the Arctic Circle in Sweden. She is an author, journalist, columnist, and goodwill ambassador for UNICEF. She is also co-owner of Piratförlaget, one of Sweden’s most successful publishing houses. Since her debut in 1995, Liza Marklund has written eleven novels and two nonfiction books. Liza co-wrote the international bestseller The Postcard Killers with James Patterson, making her the second Swedish author ever to reach No. 1 on the New York Times bestseller list. Her crime novels featuring the gutsy reporter Annika Bengtzon have sold more than 13 million copies in 30 languages to date.

Liza Marklund worked as an investigative news reporter for ten years and as an editor in print and television news for five. Today, she also makes documentaries for television and writes for various newspapers. Her topics are often women and children’s rights. Liza has made documentaries about children with HIV/AIDS in Cambodia and Russia, and a series about domestic violence, Take a Little Beating.

Liza is also a popular columnist since 20 years. Her columns have appeared in various Swedish and international newspapers and magazines, including Financial Times in the UK, Welt am Sonntag in Germany, Dagbladet Information in Denmark, and Ilta-Lehti in Finland. She is a regular columnist in Swedish tabloid Expressen and Norwegian daily Verdens Gang. Today, Liza and her family divide their time between Stockholm in Sweden and Marbella in southern Spain.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 228 reviews
Profile Image for Manny.
Author 37 books15.2k followers
November 14, 2012
Liza Marklund, one of Sweden's most successful authors, is astonishingly uneven: she alternates very good feminist thrillers with ones that are dull, incoherent or close to embarrassing.

This one was written just after Sprängaren , her breakthrough novel and still probably her best. In the previous book, Marklund skilfully alternates two plot threads. Annika, the heroine, is a journalist who's covering a story about a grisly murder; at the same time, she's having horrible problems at work from male colleagues who are doing everything in their power to make life impossible for her. She gradually comes to the realisation that she knows who the killer is, and that she'd been suffering very similar problems which in the end pushed her over the edge. It's extremely well done, possibly the best book I have read on workplace harassment.

Now, unfortunately, Marklund tries to reprise the formula, and it all goes wrong. First, she makes it a prequel, always a risky move, and then she switches the theme to violence against women. I suppose that in theory she's doing something good, but her touch, admirably light in Sprängaren, is leaden. Grimly painting by numbers, she sets up the same two parallel threads. Annika's on her first job as a journalist... the story involves a girl who's found dead in a cemetery... the girl was in an abusive relationship... and, you see it coming a mile away, Annika's also in an abusive relationship.

Clunk, clunk, clunk. At the end, she escapes the murdered girl's fate by doing unto others as they would do unto you but doing it first. Hot tip to all you women out there with abusive boyfriends: as soon as he's killed your cat, it's okay to push him down a mineshaft.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for نهى داود.
Author 8 books940 followers
June 13, 2023
رواية وحشة 🙈😂
أو على أقل تقدير لم توافق توقعاتي لرواية جريمة لكاتبة اسكندنافية.. وكمان تو ماتش حر وتعرق وصهد واحنا في الصيف ومش ناقصين السيرة دي 😂
وكمان فيها تطويل كتير 😩
Profile Image for Χρύσα Βασιλείου.
Author 6 books163 followers
September 13, 2018
Η πρώτη μου επαφή με τη Liza Marklund και η πρώτη γνωριμία μου με τη δημοσιογράφο Άνικα Μπένγτζον μου άφησε μια... ντεμί γ��ύση. Δεν μετάνιωσα που το διάβασα, αλλά δεν με ξετρέλανε κιόλας.

Γενικά, προτιμώ στα αστυνομικά που διαβάζω να είναι κεντρικός ήρωας κάποιος ντετέκτιβ ή αστυνομικός, γιατί προτιμώ τη δική τους οπτική. Βέβαια βρήκα ενδιαφέρουσα την περίπτωση της Άνικα, που βρίσκεται κοντά στο επίκεντρο των εξελίξεων από μια εντελώς άλλη σκοπιά, όμως δεν μπορώ να πω πως τη λάτρεψα κιόλας.
Το βιβλίο είναι χορταστικό ως προς το περιεχόμενό του και θα έλεγα πως προσωπικά με έφερε σε επαφή με μια άλλη πλευρά της σκανδιναβικής λογοτεχνίας, που δεν είχα ανακαλύψει ως τώρα. Μετά τους αστυνόμους, τους ντετέκτιβ, τους ιδιωτικούς ερευνητές κτλ. τώρα είχα την ευκαιρία να συναναστραφώ με μια δημοσιογράφο. Το γεγονός ότι η συγκεκριμένη κοπέλα δεν είναι και το πρώτο αστέρι της εφημερίδας της -επομένως δεν είχε παντού πρόσβαση με το όνομά της και μόνο και έπρεπε να πασχίσει για την οποιαδήποτε πληροφορία- έκανε την πλοκή απλά περισσότερο ενδιαφέρουσα. Ταυτόχρονα με την υπόθεση, ως αναγνώστες ερχόμαστε σε επαφή και με την προσωπική ζωή της Άνικα, που δεν είναι και η ιδανική. Οι προβληματισμοί και τα διλήμματά της περνάνε έμμεσα και σε μας μέσω της αφήγησης και φτάνει κανείς στο σημείο να αγωνιά εξίσου και για την Άνικα και για την αστυνομική υπόθεση που βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη.

Είναι ολοφάνερο πως η Marklund γράφει βασισμένη σε προσωπικές εμπειρίες από την πολύχρονη πείρα της ως δημοσιογράφος. Αναφέρεται άλλωστε σ' αυτό εκτενέστατα στο σημείωμά της στο τέλος του βιβλίου. Είναι επίσης ολοφάνερο πως η αίθουσα σύνταξης, ο δημιουργικός πυρετός πριν από τη λήξη του deadline, το κυνήγι της είδησης αλλά και του πρωτοσέλιδου κτλ. είναι τομείς που γνωρίζει πολύ καλά. Εξοικειωμένη όπως είναι μαζί τους, τους σκιαγραφεί τέλεια και ρεαλιστικά στις σελίδες του συγκεκριμένου βιβλίου. Και δεν νομίζω πως θα βρεθεί αναγνώστης να το αμφισβητήσει αυτό.

Δεν μετάνιωσα που έπιασα να διαβάζω την Marklund (περίμενε κι αυτή τη σειρά της εδώ και καιρό, όπως και τόσοι άλλοι) και μπορεί να μην ξετρελάθηκα με το βιβλίο, αλλά ήταν ευχάριστη παρέα. Σκοπεύω να ξεκινήσω άμεσα το δεύτερο, να δούμε τι θα δούμε!
Profile Image for Irina Villacis.
564 reviews27 followers
July 9, 2018
reto pop sugar 2018

libro que sea crimen negro nordico

este libro lo tengo muy visto desde hace tiempo porque el siguiente a este tiene una trama bonita pero yo siempre he sido una persona que lee en orden asi que queria iniciar con este pero .... cada vez que iniciaba el prologo me habia tanto que dormia.
esta vez igual pero logré engancharme.
ha sido un libro maravilloso que lamento no ponerle 5 estrellas. habla aparte del crimen cosas sobre la información publica de los servidores publicos. los ciudadanos tenemos derechos a saber que gastan su dinero pero hasta que punto es bueno saber. nunca lo sabremos.
Profile Image for Danielle.
122 reviews20 followers
September 5, 2011
I'm not quite sure what I think of Liza Marklund's character Annika Bengtzon. She is a study in contrasts and perhaps that is why, though I might occasionally shake my head in exasperation at her, I find her so interesting to read about. I first met her when I read Marklund's Paradise. It's something of a challenge to get your hands on this book as it is out of print and fairly scarce and expensive to buy (I borrowed a library copy via ILL). Add to that challenge is the fact that Marklund has written Annika's story (there are a total of eight books now, though not all translated into English) out of order. While Paradise was the first book she published, it isn't actually the first book about Annika chronologically. Studio 69, which I quite enjoyed (again with a very few reservations) actually begins Annika's adventures as a tabloid journalist.

In Paradise I learned that Annika was the victim of domestic abuse and had been involved in the death of someone close to her. She is a sub-editor for the newspaper Kvällspressen in Stockholm, and in Studio 69 the events that are hinted at in Paradise are finally fleshed out. Annika is not close to her family, she and her mother especially butt heads, but she has a close relationship with her grandmother to whom she returns when life is particularly weighing her down. She has a steady boyfriend but he's mostly absent during the story as he still lives in the small town where he and Annika grew up. She has come to Stockholm as a temporary, rookie reporter. She has the summer to make her mark and hopes for a permanent position or will have to return home. Annika wants nothing more than to succeed and is fairly fearless when it comes to going after a story, but being a novice she makes mistakes which also plunge her into a welter of self-doubt.

When someone calls in with a tip that the body of a young woman has been found in a local cemetery, Annika and another, more seasoned reporter set off to investigate. The victim often crossed through the area on her way home from work, so she was only steps away from safety. Annika's story begins to take shape as she interviews the dead woman's neighbors, friends and former classmates. Each offers a different reality of the woman's life, a woman who was beautiful and smart and stuck in a job as a stripper at the persuasion of her jealous boyfriend, who Annika implies is the most likely culprit. Initially Annika does well with her first investigative piece, with multiple stories appearing in the newspaper some on the front page.

The newspaper's top editor is impressed with Annika, calling her an alert young woman who can turn things around fast and with a completely different approach in her thinking--only she goes too far sometimes. When a new suspect emerges, contrary to Annika's line of enquiry, things blow up in her face. The story takes a more complicated turn as a politician high up in Sweden's government is discovered to have entertained German politicians at the strip club where the victim worked. More damning, he apparently has rooms in the same apartment building as the woman.

Liza Marklund was inspired by actual events in Sweden involving illegal spying not only on other governments but on Swedes who were considered security risks. She wraps the story of a young murdered woman up nicely with a political slant (here lies one of my reservations as some of this political detail was a little over my head not being too familiar with this aspect of Swedish history). Not only does she wrestle with the questions of domestic abuse and pornography but she also ties it in with illegal activity on the part of the Swedish government, a theme which carries over into Paradise. As the frenzy of the press and the possible involvement of a government official threatens to boil over, Annika notes that Josefin, the dead girl, is completely forgotten in this mess of political scandal.

Liza Marklund included a very helpful and interesting author's note at the beginning of the book (I should have read it first to avoid some of my confusion) that sheds a little light on why she writes about a character who is a tabloid journalist. My perception of tabloids is that they tend towards scandalous (and maybe not usually true) stories. Marklund notes that until the 1980s nongovernmental broadcasting was forbidden by the Swedish government. They had state run TV and radio and broadcast news programs "have always been strict, official, and uncontroversial. Investigative journalism and groundbreaking news have usually been found in the tabloids."

If you are a fan of Swedish crime novels and have yet to try Liza Marklund, do look for her books. Her stories are less mysteries (you may discover the truth in reading, but that doesn't mean the real culprit is going to be brought to justice) than suspenseful tales that shed light on social issues or the inner workings of Swedish society. Despite the unevenness of Annika's character (I'm curious to see if and how she changes over the course of other stories), I thought this was a more tightly written story, better plotted and with a more assured voice in the storytelling. Next up is Prime Time, which looks like it will be another book that is difficult to find!
Profile Image for Bettie.
9,989 reviews
March 6, 2014
Liza Marklund was a hack, still writes like one, and has that hardness of personality that leaves all the characters in this book rather unlikeable to varying degrees.

A realistic account of the Social Democrats' IB scandal and Swedish arms sales, intermingled with Stockholm sleaze and crimes against women.
Profile Image for Sara.
248 reviews42 followers
October 1, 2022
جريمة قتل في السويد
تدور الرواية عن قضية مقتل راقصة الملهى “يوسفين ليليبيرج” علي طريق المقبرة.
تبدأ تحريات بالقضية الصحفية أنيكا التي تعمل في الجريدة المسائية بعقد مؤقت، وتبدأ سلسلة تحقيقات حول مقتل الراقصة .
وأثناء تحقيقات لا يرحب المحقق "ق" ب صحفية ومن وقتها وهي تزعج المحقق "ق".
يُتهم في قضية قتل يوسفين الوزير التجارة الخارجية، ولكنه لا يستطيع أن يدافع عن نفسه.

-عمل رائع وشيق، وتؤلمك وفي نفس وقت تضحك.
ترجمة ممتازة، نهاية رائعه لم أتخيلها أبداً.

" يملك رفيق روحنا المفاتيح لأبواب قلوبنا، بل يملك قلوبنا نفسها. نطمئن بوجوده إلى جانبنا ونهرب إلى جنتنا معًا التي لا يزعجنا فيها أحد."

-‏ "ظننت أن الحب لا يختار سوى أولئك الواثقين من أنفسهم، الذين لهم شأن في هذه الدنيا لم أرَ نفسي قَطُّ واحدة من هؤلاء ولكن الآن، لم يعد بمقدرتي أن أخفي تراقص قلبي فرحًا لأنني كنت مخطئة لقد اختارني أنا دونًا عن الآخرين".

-" هل ترين للموت وجهين؟ أحدهما ينهي ويدمر الأشياء والآخر يحررك من قيودك".
Profile Image for Cátia Santos.
229 reviews36 followers
July 19, 2014
3,5* pelo final surpreendente. No entanto, apesar do início do livro ser bom e o final ainda melhor, achei que pelo meio houve muito pouca ação.

O livro aparentemente baseia-se no assassinato de uma jovem, mas vai muito mais além, tocando o tema da violência contra as mulheres, como já é característico de alguns policiais nórdicos.

Até mais de meio, achei que talvez não voltasse a ler outro livro de Liza Marklund. Agora, e depois de um grande final, sei que vou ler. :)
Profile Image for Zai.
893 reviews18 followers
December 13, 2019
He leido esta novela para un reto recomendada por una amiga, debo decir que viendo su portada jamás la hubiera leido porque ni pensaba que era novela negra y me ha sorprendido gratamente.

En esta novela se investigan 2 casos la muerte de una joven bailarina de stripteasse que aparece estrangulada en un cementerio y un caso de espionaje entre partidos que tendrá bastante importancia ya que data de bastante antiguo.

La protagonista es Annika Bengtzon una becaria de periodismo que comienza investigando la muerte de la joven en un periodico de Estocolmo para demostrar su valia y alejarse un poco de su novio y su vida en su ciudad natal.(he odiado al novio desde el principio).

Me ha gustado mucho la parte de denuncia contra la violencia a las mujeres que tiene el libro y el final no me lo esperaba, verdaderamente me ha sorprendido.
Profile Image for Teresa.
1,492 reviews
September 13, 2014
Não consigo decidir se adorei ou detestei este livro. Talvez, o facto de me suscitar esta dúvida revele que esta seja uma excelente obra.
É muito interessante e original a forma como está elaborada a história, revelando segredos de uma forma subtil. Achei o final surpreendente.
Como não aprecio literatura que aborde temas como política e jornalismo, certas passagens entediaram-me um pouco. Gostei da referência à leitura do destino pelas cartas de Tarot. Gostei do carinho com que a protagonista se relaciona com os gatos. Whiskas!
Profile Image for Athena.
175 reviews48 followers
March 10, 2016
Ένα πολύ καλογραμμένο αστυνομικό μυθιστόρημα. Μπορεί ο δολοφόνος να είναι προβλέψιμος, αλλά η συγγραφέας καταφέρνει να δημιουργήσει στον αναγνώστη αμφιβολίες για το αν έχει προβλέψει σωστά. Επίσης, το τέλος του δεν είναι αναμενόμενο. Ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον παρουσιάζει το ότι τα γεγονότα βασίζονται σε πραγματικά γεγονότα που συνέβησαν στη συγγραφέα.
Profile Image for Gary.
2,804 reviews403 followers
July 16, 2013
A good book that is the first in the series about a newspaper journalist Annika.
I found it very good at the start and at the end but lost its way in the middle. Characters are well developed and the book on the whole was a good read.
Profile Image for Miku.
1,334 reviews21 followers
November 3, 2023
Annika Bengtzon odbywa staż dziennikarski w jednym z sztohholmskich tabloidów. Marzy jej się stała praca i los sprawia, że dostaje szansę, by zadziałać jak pełnoprawny dziennikarz. Annika odbiera telefon i otrzymuje informację, że na cmentarzu, między grobami leżą zwłoki młodej kobiety. Biegnie z informacją do przełożonego oraz wyraża chęć poprowadzenia całej tej sprawy - pojechanie na miejsce zdarzenia, skompletowanie materiałów do artykułu, skontaktowania się z policją oraz rzecznikiem prasowym, porozmawianie z okolicznymi mieszkańcami, ustalenie kim może być ofiara, wysunięcie hipotezy i tak dalej. Finalnym efektem ma powstać artykuł, który zaciekawi społeczeństwo i zwiększy sprzedaż gazety. Stażystka dostaje zielone światło, więc angażuje się w dziennikarskie śledztwo. Okazuje się, że sprawa jest bardzo śliska, wszystkie ślady prowadzą do klubów dla dorosłych, a głębsze zainteresowanie się sprawą powoduje, że Annika może być w niebezpieczeństwie.

Pamiętam jak kiedyś obiecałam sobie, że będę czytać jak najwięcej książek z "Czarnej serii". Pomysł gdzieś rozszedł się w czasie, ale książki pozostały. Teraz postanowiłam otworzyć cykl z Anniką i przy okazji poznać twórczość Lizy Marklund. Nie uważam tego spotkania za owocne i lektura tej książki zostawiła mnie z mocnym niedosytem. Niestety ta książka w moich oczach była mało wiarygodna co do prowadzenia sprawy przez główną bohaterkę. Pomysł, że sprawę prowadzi dziennikarka-stażystka zamiast policjantka lub pani detektyw był w porządku i przyjęłam go bezkrytycznie. Natomiast kłopotem staje się sposób prowadzenia przez nią dziennikarskiego śledztwa, bo dane uzyskiwała łatwo. Nie boję się nawet użyć określenia zbyt łatwo jak na fakt, że jest stażystką, a nie pełnoprawnym pracownikiem gazety. W zasadzie instytucje wpuszczały ją wszędzie oraz dawały jej dostęp do akt, które sobie zażyczyła. Mało wiarygodne.

Co więcej miałam wrażenie, że autorka lubiła rozpisywać się o rzeczach, które nam jako czytelnikom nie są do szczęścia potrzebne. Pojawiała się cała masa opisów, które nie mają nic ani do akcji ani do sprawy. Przez pierwsze strony musimy mierzyć się z tym, że główna bohaterka przeraźliwie poci się i jej ciągle słabo, bo jest strasznie gorąco. Potem obserwujemy jak kontaktuje się z każdym kto może mieć gram informacji i typuje kolejne osoby, a wszyscy jej sypią informacjami jak z rękawa, nie patrząc na to, że mają przed sobą stażystkę. Potem pojawia się sporo zagadnień natury politycznej oraz powiązań ze światem politycznym co trochę średnio mi pasuje w książkach. Na końcu dochodzimy do zakończenia, które nie było specjalną zagadką i myślę, że dużo osób domyśli się finału całej sprawy.

1,5 gwiazdki.
19 reviews1 follower
April 18, 2023
Pirmą kartą teko skaityti knygą, kurioje žmogžudystės aplinkybės aprašomos ne iš detektyvų, o iš žurnalistų pusės. Galimybė detektyvą perskaityti iš žurnalistų perspektyvos tikrai sudomino. Pagrindinė knygos veikėja yra praktikantė žurnalistė Anika ir nuo pat pradžių mergina labai įsijaučia į nutikusią žmogžudystę, tam tikrus dalykus išgyvena labai asmeniškai (tik pačioje knygos pabaigoje pasidaro aišku kodėl) ir įsitraukia į tam tikrus dalykus labiau nei reikėtų. Greitai žmogžudystės byla persipina su politika, kas man asmeniškai nebuvo labai įdomu. Pačios knygos apimtis gerokai per ilga, tikrai istoriją buvo galima sutalpinti į gerokai trumpesnę apimtį visko taip neištempiant. Nepaisant to knyga skaitėsi ganėtinai lengvai ir greitai. Knygoje labai daug asmeninio pagrindinės veikėjos gyvenimo ir jausmų, o knygos pabaigoje bylos ir tyrimai išvis nustumiami į šalį. Pati pabaiga taip pat šiek tiek nuvylė, nors jau ir nebesitikėjau kažko įspūdingo. Na bent už katiną buvo atkeršyta 😀
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lyda Van Den Bos.
657 reviews1 follower
May 7, 2020
Best wel genoten van dit boek, heel onderhoudend. Er gebeurd veel en het einde verraste mij.
Profile Image for Kb.
737 reviews
October 8, 2016
NOTE: This book has apparently been published with a couple of different titles in English. The book I read was called "Exposed" and had a modern, edgy graphic on the cover*, typical of the mysteries I like to read. I probably would not have read it under the title "Studio Sex" with a blond woman in disarray on a pink cover. It looks like a completely different genre.

* I have since been able to change to an edition with the correct title and artwork.

More of a 2.5 than a 3. I had some trouble with this book. I liked individual parts of it, for a while, and then things would just blow up and go off in a completely different direction. Sometimes events would skip ahead so fast I was worried I had missed a few pages by accident, but that was never the case; it's just how the book was written.

There were a lot of inconsistencies and unresolved issues in the book, but there was one little thing that really bugged me. Annika was supposedly pale and frail and hardly ever ate, but when it came to getting an alternate job that required her to wear a skimpy outfit, all of a sudden she was large-chested enough to fill out the bikini top of a woman who had breast implants. Okay, fine, maybe. But THEN we are asked to believe Annika's statement that she hardly ever wore a bra. Even though she worked in a professional office environment surrounded by grumpy old men, and she was big-busted. These things do not go together! (And that's just one little thing. There were other, bigger things that bugged me, that I can't explain in detail without spoilers. But suffice to say that Annika's central, domestic situation and the ongoing evidence of how certain relationships developed over time was a huge issue for me.)

Anyway. This was an altogether unsatisfying book. Not completely unreadable, just confusing and ultimately disappointing.
Profile Image for Trine.
202 reviews14 followers
January 19, 2016
Nå, dette er måske ikke det aller bedste tidspunkt til at læse en bog om sommer og en hedebølge, når temperaturen siger -7,6 grader udenfor, men det var nu jeg plukkede bogen med hjem fra biblioteket!

Kender I det, når en vågner op og bare har lyst til at få læst noget krimi? Nej? Nåh - så er det måske bare mig;) Efter en lille tur på biblioteket, og en kig i deres hylder, falder jeg for Liza Marklund igen. Det er mindst en 5-6 år siden jeg sidst rigtigt har læst noget af hende, så bestemte mig for at give hende et forsøg igen. Jeg blev ikke skuffet;)
For mig skal krimier ikke være for tunge, og også kunne kommes hurtigt igennem. Det er fedt at blive overrasket undervejs, men også sjovt at gætte! Denne bogen gav mig flere overraskelser - og plottet vendte lidt rundt i ring. Elsker når det er sådan!
Annika er ikke min favoritkarakter når det kommer til hovedpersoner - og specielt i denne bogen har jeg svært ved at ku' li' hende - men det passer til historien!
Profile Image for Zeynep.
2 reviews
January 22, 2012
Pros: Good insight into the politics & journalism in Sweden.
Cons: Just couldn't connect with the main character. & Crime/mystery lacks behind all the drama.
Profile Image for Fenia Vazaka.
200 reviews14 followers
November 13, 2015
Πολύ ευχάριστο, διαβάζεται γρήγορα. Η ηρωίδα είναι πολύ συμπαθητική. Ξεχωρίζει, γιατί δεν είναι αστυνομικός, αλλά δημοσιογράφος.
Profile Image for Hellena.
167 reviews8 followers
June 18, 2023
A könyvtárban találtam, teljesen véletlenül. Az írónő nevét ismertem, tavaly olvastam is tőle, ezért bizakodva vágtam neki.
És milyen jól tettem! Esdig bármilyen krimit olvastam, mindig a nyomozás, a rendőrség oldala volt a fókuszban (esetleg a gyilkos szemszöge), a sajtó, a riporterek mindig mint a hiénák jöttek elő. Most viszont épp egy riporter szemszögéből nézzük az eseményeket. Nekem ez kimondottan tetszett; azt hittem, zavarni fog, hogy a nyomozást nem látom, de végül egyáltalán nem bántam.
A naplóbejegyzéseket nagyon ügyesen helyezte el Marklund, azzal a céllal, hogy megzavarja az olvasót. Egy ideig engem is sikerült megtévesztenie, de egy ponton kezdett gyanús lenni. Ahogy haladtak előre az időben, egyre jobban szorult össze a torkom, aztán akikor leesett, mi van, már zokogtam (mostanában rendszeresen sírok a skandi krimiken; ki érti ezt?).
Sajnálom, hogy nem adtak ki több részt magyarul, szívesen folytattam volna a sorozatot.
Profile Image for Karen M.
333 reviews1 follower
March 8, 2024
I don’t know why I haven’t read any Marklund before … but I do know that I will be reading more.
Annika Bengtzon is an interesting character , I must admit I didn’t think I could ever warm to a journalist as a lead in a story but I did. In a way she’s more of a detective than journalist and seems driven to uncover the truth whatever the consequences.
The story is interposed with her personal life and partner in a way that clarifies at the end. It’s a terrific read , fast paced and, being written over twenty years ago , sheds light on social issues as well.
Profile Image for Jiovana.
45 reviews14 followers
July 3, 2018
Ωραίο βιβλίο, βρήκα λίγο κουραστικά τα σημεία με την πολιτική αλλά πηδάς 2,3,5 σειρές κι όλα καλά.
Πολύ ενδιαφέρων το οτι το κουβάρι ξετυλίγονταν μέσα απο τα μάτια της δημοσιογράφου, αλλά ρε φίλε αυτά τα τοπωνύμια με πέθαναν δεν μπορούσα να συγκρατήσω ούτε ένα. Σελίδα 418: Οδός Κλαραβεργκσβιαντούκτεν .
Να μένεις στην Στοκχόλμη, να πεθαίνεις και το Νοσοκομείο να βρίσκεται σ'αυτήν την οδό.. Έχε γειά!
Πώς την παλεύουν οι Σουηδοί;
Profile Image for Haneen.
97 reviews5 followers
January 2, 2023
تقييم ٢.٥
جريمة قتل تحدث لفتاة ليل عند المقابر.. تتوالي الاحداث ونكشف تورط شخصيات مهمة في الحكومة .. بصراحة الرواية طويلة جدا واسلوب الكاتبة مليان رغي وتفاصيل كلها حشو..يعني كان ممكن نشيل ييجي ٢٠٠ صفحة ومكنش هيأثر علي الأحداث..الترجمة كانت ممتازة.
Profile Image for Kelly.
304 reviews12 followers
April 20, 2017
Moeilijk om in te komen de eerste 50 pagina's. Vanaf dan: moeilijk om het weg te leggen. Het eerste boek dat ik lees van deze schrijfster, maar zeker en vast niet het laatste!
Profile Image for Magnus.
144 reviews
August 13, 2018
Okay, I'm really getting into this series. I shouldn't have started reading it out of the chronological order - this way it makes much more sense.
Looking forward t0 reading the next part.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 228 reviews

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