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The family is tested.

31 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 27, 2014

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About the author

Brian K. Vaughan

959 books13.7k followers
Brian K. Vaughan is the writer and co-creator of comic-book series including SAGA, PAPER GIRLS, Y THE LAST MAN, RUNAWAYS, and most recently, BARRIER, a digital comic with artist Marcos Martin about immigration, available from their pay-what-you-want site www.PanelSyndicate.com

BKV's work has been recognized at the Eisner, Harvey, Hugo, Shuster, Eagle, and British Fantasy Awards. He sometimes writes for film and television in Los Angeles, where he lives with his family and their dogs Hamburger and Milkshake.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 85 reviews
Profile Image for Alexa.
484 reviews128 followers
February 6, 2015
I'm always amazed at the all the feelings these 32 pages can get from me. I laugh, I get sad, I get so angry... that's something most books can't even accomplish and these issues always do.

I won't rehash the plot. I can't say I'm happy with Alana, but come on! Marko was supposed to be solid! I'm so sad and angry right now.

And reading single issues is still killing me.

Profile Image for Mansoor.
685 reviews18 followers
July 9, 2023
The whole point of having enemies abroad is getting to ignore the ones back home.
Profile Image for ⊱ Poppy ⊰.
340 reviews296 followers
October 10, 2016
Emmmm ...

They are really growing apart ..

I don't think they will survive .. shit !!

Even Marko is saying Ginny's aka that evil dance teachers name in his sleep.

and Alaana, she is just making everything impossible. She is making her self apart from Marko.

Btw another shoe has dropped, and i don't even have a slightest idea;

what the hell is that psycho is doing here and ordering to be on air???

TO BE HONEST I don't want to read the next chapter :(

I think Marko will go to that bitch :'( After that there's no coming back :'(

This series is getting me more antsy, chapter by chapter! Just let them together!!

Profile Image for Sandee is Reading.
684 reviews1,270 followers
July 27, 2017

I really like Marco and Alana and it breaks me heart that they are going through shit like this. Marriage sucks. I guess it's one of the reasons why I don't think I'll ever get married. LOL. Just kidding.

I hate that Alana is doing drugs and that Marco can't do anything about it - aside from throwing the groceries at Alana's face. Which is not supposed to be funny, because hello it's called domestic violence, but I did find it funny.

I wish this couple would stop bickering and start talking with each other again. Both of them are struggling, I know, but they have to remember that they have Hazel to take care of. They should work together to make stuff work. The fuck with their marriage problems, think about your kid for God's sake!
Profile Image for Leiera Monae.
556 reviews35 followers
September 1, 2014
WARNING! Major ranting, raving, and plot spoilery ahead!


So, yeah. I got my copy of Saga today, and the tagline simply states: "The family will be tested."

Really?? Tested?? THAT'S what we're calling the shit these days?? Right.

So, Prince Robot IV appears to have returned to the land of the living to mourn his wife and begin the search for his princeling son. And who didn't love his fat ass dad, King Robot, with his 250,000-inch screen head? I mean, talk about high-definition. He really meant it when he said: "I carry the weight of this bloody world on my shoulders." Indeed. Hope he got a SquareTrade warranty with that. Sheesh.

So back to this tested family shit. . .

I'm definitely becoming exasperated with the predictable route that this story is taking. And my ratings are starting to reflect that. In the beginning, I loved this series because I was able to bask in the strength of the star-crossed lovers who were determined to keep their family together against all odds. They were fiercely loyal to and protective of each other. I'll never forget how they fought for each other, and were always ready to throw down on the other's behalf. Oh, how I fondly recall issues 2-5, and how SOLID Marko and Alana were together as they fought to survive and find peace for their little family.

In this issue, the tables have turned. And not for the better. As a matter of fact, it's just the opposite: Now they have turned ON each other. And it's not like we don't see where all of this is headed. Apparently Marko has some sort of secret, repressed feelings for blue, pig-faced Ginny, the dance teacher, who gives Hazel "dance lessons. In private. Twice a week. Nothing more." (Yeah, I once had a boyfriend who was study-buddies with this chick in his chem class. And they studied together. In private. Twice a week. Nothing more. You feel me?) Marko's also been harboring anger and resentment because of the family's living situation, with Alana having to carry the family. He's probably been confiding in Ginny about all that, too. And on her side, Alana has been lighting up with Fadeaway just so that she can stomach her less than ideal occupation (and home situation). Not only that, Alana seems to be aware of Ginny's foreboding presence in her husband's and daughter's lives, because she accuses Marko of saying Ginny's name in his sleep. And to this accusation, he spectacularly has no response, rebuttal, or protest. In the end, Marko and Alana get into a huge fight and she orders him away after he displays an uncharacteristic losing of his temper in the heat of the moment. And raise your hand if you know the first place he'll head to. Did you say Ginny's place? Yep. So did I. And is it the middle of the fucking night? Yep. Sure is. And if you recall from issue #20, Ginny so helpfully explained to Marko that her "husband [was] on the road most of the year, hauling construction supplies to the Green Zone." And just like Hazel was tucked away in bed asleep in the last frame of the family, so will Ginny's daughter be, too, when Marko arrives knocking on Ginny's door, right? Perfect, huh? (Does anyone else hear the instrumental version of Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On" already playing in the background at Ginny's place as we await issue #23?) So again, who doesn't know where this epic clusterfuckery is headed??

And as sour icing on the cake, Yuma is all set to give up Alana's family, in exchange for being spared by the rogue murdering/kidnapping janitor robot who wants to appear on live television, and who, I'm sure, will end up killing Yuma regardless of her magnanimous information over-sharing.

Does that about sum up this issue??

Yep. I guess it does.

There you have it, people. Goddamn, motherfucking Saga #22.
Profile Image for Jason.
1,179 reviews272 followers
March 9, 2015
5 Stars

All things over the last few slow chapters have led to this point. This is a brutal chapter that will surely change the things to come. I love that Hazel and her narrations played a large role once again in the telling of the story. My only real complaint is that I am almost caught up to the publication timeliness.

Simply a brilliant and beautiful chapter in what is the only graphic novel that I truly love.
Profile Image for Negativni.
148 reviews73 followers
November 4, 2015
Haha, kralj televizor bome ima šiiiiiirok ekran.

I dalje stagnacija, Saga se izgubila negdje putem.

Profile Image for Nerdread.
451 reviews55 followers
April 11, 2022
This was intense! However prince IV’s dad being a whole flat screen TV is hilarious to me 😂😂😂
Profile Image for katyjanereads.
739 reviews43 followers
January 27, 2019
1. This series literally has the best covers.
2. It's like fantasy/superhero/love story/sci-fi/drama/comedy. All genres in one.
3. The art is captivating and tells a story.
4. The little side frames of Hazel's narrations is pretty great.
5. I feel like people will soon have Alana's haircut. And grow horns like Marko.
6. Basically all of the first and last pages of these are genius.
7. I just want to slap all the characters right across the face and push them down.
8. Stuff is about to go down.
9. Alana, enough with the drugs already.
10. The king's TV head was interesting. So I'm gathering the heads reflect status. And can they be changed? Is that why it looks like there’s a line on the neck?
11. Loved the first page where the babysitter was farting a universe.
12. Where is the walrus’s friend?
13. I always love that the robot screens reflect the situation. Rain for crying at the funeral.
Profile Image for Andrómeda .
307 reviews100 followers
September 6, 2014
Me gustó, pero lo sentí demasiado, demasiado corto -aunque obviamente tiene la misma cantidad de páginas que los anteriores-


La espera por otro issue me va a matar.
Profile Image for b.andherbooks.
2,235 reviews1,216 followers
August 28, 2014
It is good to meet you King Robot and let's all start calling it "making a galaxy." I'm not even going to to talk about the rest because I'm going to pretend it didn't happen.
Profile Image for Samantha A.
202 reviews53 followers
August 28, 2014
Wait a whole month, enjoy ten minutes of uninterrupted amazing-ness, wait another month for the next issue. What can I say... I'll be here next month.

Profile Image for ily .
455 reviews734 followers
December 6, 2014
This author's imagination and creativity does not cease to amaze me. So many details in the artwork and the plot create a fantastic graphic novel. I'm getting more and more excited with each issue, because I'm sure it will as good as the last one published.
Profile Image for Derek.
1,046 reviews75 followers
July 22, 2015
Alana and Marko have a fight when he finds out about her doing drugs and her his saying Ginnys name in his sleep. It gets violent and she tells him to leave.
Dengo reaches the open circuit. He wants to be televise his revolution, and he's not taking no for an answer.
Profile Image for Siobhan.
4,763 reviews588 followers
January 7, 2019
It's extremely difficult to rate the individual chapters, therefore the following is a review of the fourth volume. In other words, chapters nineteen through twenty-four.

Saga volume four gives us chapters nineteen to twenty-four, and it’s pulled the solid four-star rating from me that I knew the series was capable of. In fact, volume four has pushed me into the realm of back-to-back reading. The moment I finished volume four, volume five appeared in my hand.

I’m at the stage where I’m hooked, addicted, and in desperate need of more.

By this point in Saga, I’m in love with all the strange and wonderful things being offered. I’m lost to the universe we’ve been introduced to, I’m desperate for more of the wonderful storylines developing, and I’m overly invested in the characters.

Despite how strange this one is – and I know it will not be for everyone due to this – it’s a story that leaves you desperate for more. Once you start, you cannot stop.

Without a doubt, this is an addiction I’m happy to have.
Profile Image for Remo.
2,387 reviews158 followers
July 3, 2022
Absolutamente fantástico este volumen 4, que mezcla varias storylines más y empieza a generar un megafollón que solo podemos intuir. Por un lado la serie baja de vueltas, la familia de Marko y Alana necesita ocultarse y ella consigue trabajo en una especie de telenovela grabada en vivo. Por otro lado, aparecen más contratistas chungos, personajes de todo pelaje (literalmente) y avanzamos, mientras el matrimonio de los protas tiene altos, bajos y profundos, hacia más encontronazos futuros entre varios de los protagonistas, que están convergiendo. Adictivo, fantásticamente dibujado.
Profile Image for Colin Post.
657 reviews3 followers
December 3, 2021
Some peak poignant narration from Hazel as she responds across the years to her parents’ marital struggles — it’s often hard to find the words — this gets all the more heartrending knowing what’s coming up for the pair in issue #54…

Plus the full spread page revealing King Robot with a big-screen TV head was pretty fantastic.
April 12, 2023
Sh*t...They are fighting again and this time it's personal about their kid. Alana is now dependent on drugs and Marko is hanging out with the bat girl. Oh, Dengo is at Gardenia with the young prince and wanted to broadcast media.
Profile Image for Just A Ginger.
568 reviews26 followers
November 4, 2017
The opening pages are always SO messed up. King TV is a dickhead, and our narrators dad is to.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 85 reviews

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