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Falling in Death and Love

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Love hit when they met. Murder came later
The year: 1977. No internet, no mobile phones; tablets cure headaches not boredom.
The place: Mallorca, Spain. The Dictator is Dead, Long Live Tourism
David falls hard for Aurora and vice versa, but the holiday is over. When she returns she isn’t alone, the deadly chase already underway.
First the hitmen then the police.
‘Falling in Death and Love’ is a hard-boiled, heartfelt thriller, a breathless ride through times of change.
Love, guilt, paternity, murder - probably not in that order.

298 pages, ebook

First published December 1, 2015

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Magnus Stanke

4 books34 followers

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Profile Image for Sean Peters.
735 reviews118 followers
February 6, 2017
3.5-4.00 Stars from me.

Love hit when they met. Murder came later.

The year: 1977. No internet, no mobile phones; tablets cure headaches not boredom.
The place: Mallorca, Spain. The Dictator is Dead, Long Live Tourism
David falls hard for Aurora and vice versa, but the holiday is over. When she returns she isn’t alone, the deadly chase already underway. First the hitmen then the police.

‘Falling in Death and Love’ is a hard-boiled, heartfelt thriller, a breathless ride through times of change.

Love, guilt, paternity, murder - probably not in that order.

David is just off a boat, ready to settle down as a sushi chef in Mallorca, Spain. Aurora has won a week’s vacation there. It was love at first sight and they spent a magical and romantic week together only for Aurora to return to Spain..

What follows is a well constructed chase thriller, full of a range of characters some good some not so good, Magnus gives some characters some strong personalities.

I know Magnus personally and what does show is his love of films, with some references mentioned in the book. The atmosphere of Majorca and the new holiday destination and the tourist building in the late 70's is good, I went there in 1979-1980.

Well paced thriller, just sometimes a little heavy on certain characters that slows the pace down a little, and maybe just a few too many characters and their histories.

But a great start from this author.

Thank you to Magnus for making this book available to my group "A Good Thriller" and also doing a Q & A's for this book with my group.
Profile Image for Linda Strong.
3,880 reviews1,686 followers
August 5, 2016
David is just off a boat, ready to settle down as a sushi chef in Mallorca, Spain. Aurora has won a week’s vacation there. It was love at first sight and they spent a magical week together.

But some things have to end, and Aurora has to go home. They make a promise to meet back in 3 months if they both feel the same about each other.

Three months pass and there is Aurora. David is so excited he can hardly stand it. Only Aurora isn’t alone.

As they go to the cabin that David has rented, you can feel the tension, the questions, the uncertainty. David retreats to the woods for a jog. When he returns he finds his life has been turned inside out and upside down.

This was a riveting journey through another time, a time that was supposed to be happier, freer and it kept me glued to page after page.

Many thanks to the author who provided a digital copy in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
Profile Image for David Staniforth.
Author 8 books222 followers
February 6, 2017
An interesting and entertaining read that gripped me for the most part. Some slight issue with signposting POV changes at chapter beginnings but this is a minor consideration when placed along side the strong authorial voice and intriguing characters.

Not quite a four star read for me, but close at around 3.75
Profile Image for Kirsten .
1,681 reviews285 followers
February 5, 2017
A fun thriller set in Mallorca in post-Franco Spain. This author does a great job of setting the scene not only in time, but also space. Mallorca really comes alive as do the supporting cast.

Not only are the supporting characters there to act and be acted upon, but they come alive and are three dimensional.

The plot is interesting and the action really moves. Looking forward to more from this author.
Profile Image for Ingstje.
715 reviews17 followers
February 10, 2016
Synopsis (spoiler-free)
The year is 1977 and David returns to Mallorca after roaming the oceans as a chef on the five-mast schooner the Evolution. He has missed the smell of Majorcan pines and is now back with the mission to become the first sushi chef on the island. When he pitches his idea for raw fish in the Boutique Hotel on the island, his eyes meet Aurora who is staying as a guest in the hotel. When he looks into her green eyes, the ground moves for him. Call it coincidence or fate but the next day she sees him in the centre of Palma and she is determined to eat his sushi. They end up parachute jumping together and when it’s her turn Aurora blacks out and by a turn of luck her foot becomes caught up in his rope when he releases his chute. After experiencing near death like this, their sense of belonging together is even more intense and the next couple of days are spent in complete happiness together. When her holiday is coming to an end she promises David to return in three months’ time. He counts down the days and finally the plane touches down, he will be able to see her again and they can start their future together. He has it all mapped out, with a romantic get-together the first few days in a remote cabin in the woods. But as soon as she sets foot on the ground the tables turn and it certainly did not turn out how he imagined. He could never have thought that there would be a murder that day and he would be running for his life from a couple of killers, aided by a corrupt policeman. The police is looking for two fugitives and they are chased in hot pursuit, being shot at by different parties and with absolutely no clue why all this is happening. It is, however, clear that they want to kill them while also framing him for the murder. The almost impossible task rests on his shoulders to get them both to safety and reveal the story that brought this all come crashing down.

My review
The author doesn’t beat around the bush, already in the very first chapter we are introduced to the delightful premise that David would remember the spring of ‘77 as the best of his life, and that it would turn into a murderous, bloody, soul-destroying summer. It certainly triggered my interest and the story kept my interest all the way through. It starts off with some sweet romance but the main part of the novel is quite action-packed really, bullets are flying, they are labelled fugitives and they are running for their lives through the forest, in hot pursuit not only from the hitmen but also from the police. There are quite a lot of characters introduced to us in this novel and Mr. Stanke shows real skill in portraying them all in such detail, every one of them had a solid background story to go with. I was a little confused sometimes because it was not always very clear from the very start of a new chapter from whose perspective I was reading, they were fast changing, but it didn’t really stop the flow from the book either so I don’t hold it against him. It’s well-written, enjoyable to read with a good plot and an ending that would be rather spectacular were it be made into a movie. I also really felt myself in the year 1977 and could just about hear Elvis singing so well done.
I received a free copy from GenuineJenn in exchange for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Danielle Urban.
Author 12 books156 followers
September 10, 2016
Falling in Death and Love by Magnus Stanke is a great read. The plot was interesting. It intrigued me from beginning to end. So many ways everything could have happened. The writer, Magnus Stanke. Surprised me many times. The characters were good. However, as I was reading this new thriller I felt like I was being told everything more so than shown what is happening. I felt like I was being told everything and the story felt flat due to that. I would have loved it if I got to see, hear and feel everything more so from the characters point of view rather than having a narrator's point of view tell me what's what.

Falling in Death and Love was full of suspense, intrigue, and great characters. The characters were believable. I was able to connect with them. The main leading character, David is interesting. His life goes from routine navy duty to meeting a woman he falls for then to a dangerous action packed adventure. Life, love, and survival. David and his woman do pretty cool things that readers will enjoy reading about...I felt like tagging along with the characters. Never a boring moment for David. He literally goes from falling in love to fighting for his life. Corruption, death, and an intensity unlike any other will propel readers to the finish line. Magnus Stanke knows how to keep. Readers attention with every scene. I only wished that the point of view was done in another way. Overall, great read. I recommend it those who love adventure, suspense, and danger.

Profile Image for Richard Bunning.
Author 19 books90 followers
February 2, 2017
This is a good suspense thriller written with an easy read style and a good deal of wit. The 1970s setting in Mallorca works very well, as do the bunch of main characters. All of who are unique enough that one has little danger of confusion. We read into a holiday romance that promises to be so much more, and then for tragic reason proves to be life changing for one and life ending for the other.
This is a plot easily ruined by knowing too much, like so many popular films one sees a week too late. Try to avoid reading the plethora of spoiler reviews. Not easy I know. As to the question of converting this book for film medias, it would make a gift of a screen script.
I don’t usually manage to read books in a sitting, however good they are, and I didn’t quite manage with this one, but not through lack of trying. Young readers for who the ‘70s are ancient history, and older readers put off by early pages of period ‘hippiness’, read on, you won’t be disappointed. This really is a good adrenaline rush read, not just another middle-aged author dreaming up a regretfully missed life of dope, speed, and sex in the sun. And yes, Sushi chefs really were moving in on Europe right back when baby-boomers were still young, even though we associate Japanese style cuisine more with western city life in the new millennium.
The book is so well written, especially when one accounts for the fact that Stanke is German, and writing in a second language, English. Correct me if I’m wrong, someone, but I don’t think this book has versions in German, Spanish, or any other language, and it certainly hasn’t been translated by anyone other than the author. Stanke has both a feel for language and the skill to weave a good yarn.
Profile Image for Preston Pairo.
Author 10 books16 followers
February 23, 2016
What begins as a love story quickly accelerates into a murder and pursuit through the wilds of Mallorca in 1977, with flashbacks filling in key points of the backstory and characters. References to the novel being a retro-thriller shouldn't cause hesitations that either the story or style of writing might be dated, as this is a very modern and compelling tale that just happens to take place in a bygone decade.
Profile Image for Underground Book Reviews.
266 reviews42 followers
September 26, 2016
TOP PICK! I wholeheartedly recommend Falling in Death and Love, for anyone who enjoys and appreciates intricate plotting, who has an affinity for Spain, or who needs a reason to stay up late. Once you start this novel, you won’t want to stop.

read the rest of the review at Underground Book Reviews dot org

Profile Image for Amy Biddle.
Author 2 books22 followers
April 13, 2017
A thrilling plot, unexpected turns and not overdone. This was a truly enveloping story, and well put together. Overall the story had no large plot holes-but there were a few minor scenes that didn't line up. Oh well. The characters made up for it. All the Characters had a unique voice and were interesting to read. The author was adept at switching POV and tenses and even switching time frames, which can be done badly, but when done well makes for an excellent read.
Profile Image for Tony Parsons.
4,156 reviews89 followers
July 18, 2016
1977, David hopped aboard the Evolution (5-mast schooner) bound for Balearics then onto Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Aurora Vasquez (30+, divorced widow) had won a radio call-in contest; a free paid trip to Palma de Mallorca (island).

It was David 29th. Birthday, & he decided to do something unusual, skydive.
It just so happened that was part of Aurora’s (aka Green Eyes) package deal also.
José (Balearic Adventure inc., trainer/organizer) instructed the 8 participants on the do’s/don’t’s, & the in’s/out’s of skydiving.
The parachutists were now over there jump area.
It was Aurora then David turn.
The most horrible thing happened to her, the chute did not open & she was plummeting toward the earth.

A miracle happened & David a somewhat veteran of skydiving, managed to catch up with her freefall & save her from sudden death.
After days/nights getting to know each other, & enjoying all the entertainment, love making, etc., Aurora told David she had to go back to Madrid, Spain.
Oscar (David’s old buddy, roommate) drove his Hippy Style VW bus 2CV (aka Love Mobile), as a kind of daily taxi service/delivery.
David (sushi chef) worked in the Boutique Hotel restaurant.

Fast forward 3 months & Aurora returns to see David Ruiz, but there is someone else with her.
David had gone out for his daily jog & when he returned to the cabin, all’s he saw was a huge pool of blood. Where was Alba (little girl)?
Alba had been hiding, David soon found her.
Toni (assassin, Madrid) & Frankie (assassin) had returned to the scene of the crime.
Alba had saved the day BANG! 1 down 1 to go Toni.
Toni had called Captain Ernesto Garcia (husband/father) asking him to help clean up the mess.
Pau, a local mechanic began to clean the cabin up.

David & Alba took off on the run BANG! A shotgun blast from Hugo (husband/father) peppered them both.
David & Gordon Jackson (husband) go way back.
Alba was having nightmares & David was also thinking out loud about Aurora.

Oscar (African) didn’t really trust the 2 junkies; Joe or Inma. The couple now had a son Marco.
Oscar was keeping David & Alba safe.
The 2 liabilities David & Alba were still out there. Will Toni & Sergeant Frank “Frankie” Romero catch up & eliminate them?

What was Jose-Marie (aka JM, Jay-Em, Casa BO105 helicopter piolet) up to?
What about Divisional Police Chief Pep Diaz (33, Mallorca PD)?
Bell Bottoms, had lots of them, only the Dorks back then said this “Cool beans.”

I did not receive any type of compensation for reading & reviewing this book. While I receive free books from publishers & authors, I am under no obligation to write a positive review, only an honest one. All thoughts & opinions are entirely my own.

A very awesome book cover, great font & writing style. A fairly well written historical fiction thriller/suspense book. It wasn’t always very easy for me to read/follow from start/finish, but never a dull moment. There were no grammar/typo errors, nor any repetitive or out of line sequence sentences. Lots of exciting scenarios, with several twists/turns & a great set of unique characters to keep track of. This could also make another great murder mystery movie, or better yet a mini TV series. To be continued? It could be a cultural difference as why it was hard for me to follow the book. It came together at the end somewhat so I will still give it 4/5 stars.

Thank you for the free Goodreads; Making Connections; Author; PDF book
Tony Parsons MSW (Washburn)

Profile Image for Bradley Ernst.
Author 3 books60 followers
July 19, 2016
Though smoke plays prominently, this was a breath of fresh air.

Initially, Stanke sets the scene with a beatnik flavor reminiscent of Wolfman Jack piping over the AM radio.

Herein is offered a microcosm; time, place, and politics in a bowl filled to the brim with artistic license-garnish. It not only works; it is welcoming and transcends the era.

With likable characters, (sans two, but they 'get theirs') clever character development, and depth of gentlemanly wit, Stanke introduces the reader to lessons that ring as true today as they would have in 1977; some melancholic truths and fateful happenings mixed with the elation of love and yearning, feelings a lesser wordsmith would struggle to convey.

Written in a way that travelers of any flavor will identify with, Falling in Death and Love is intricately plotted, yet delighted me in that the fateful mistakes and bumblings of the protagonists (some of which you find are sneakily introduced as antagonists) in the story are so much like our own.

Witnessed much as a "bird's eye view," this makes for reading that is deep and wide, a humanist's view of what people want and need and why.

For me, Stanke swept recollections of a simpler time into a neat pile reminiscent of the movie "Amélie" and the understandings one has for each character by the end; also of John Nichols at his best, yet Stanke folds into this mix the fears of being pursued and those of inadequacies to protect those most deserving as well.

Highly recommended, Stanke's inaugural book assures me his voice will ring far, loud, and clear. Here is a novelist to watch.
Profile Image for J C Steel.
Author 7 books186 followers
March 31, 2016
Magnus Stanke’s Falling in Death and Love is set in the heat and dust of the Balearic Islands, a couple of years after the death of the Spanish dictator Franco. David is an itinerant sushi chef, by his results the first ever to set foot in Mallorca, because the restaurants and hotels aren’t buying. However, his unsuccessful job hunt leads him to cross paths with a beautiful Spaniard on holiday, and he realises that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to see more of her – although he expects that the most dangerous aspect to that resolution is that he’ll have to take up sky-diving.

Falling in Death and Love offers a good period thriller with a twist on the star-crossed lovers, embellished with period slang straight from the Summer of Love. Set hanging from parachutes, in hidden compartments under classic VW vans, and fleeing astride beat-up Vespas, David is chased by both the Spanish Mob and the vestiges of Franco’s special police, none of them with his good health in mind. On David’s side: peace and love, some sushi knives, and most of the population of Home, Mallorca’s resident hippie camp. Throughout, Magnus Stanke’s ability to capture the contrast in outlook between the special police and David really gives this novel a little something extra.
Profile Image for James Dyar.
Author 2 books18 followers
November 2, 2017
a little text heavy at first, but once underway it became an impressive thriller
Profile Image for Agnes (BookBubbe).
898 reviews75 followers
February 7, 2017
David falls in love only to experience death in his path.
It all happens in Mallorca Spain - beautiful country.....
David falls hard for Aurora and when she returns home for a few months, she comes back with a little girl and some hit men following her.
The book follows what happens - who is crooked - what they are looking for and how David manages to keep both him and the little girl, Alba, alive.
While it is a good story it was very very slow moving and I had a hard time keeping track of what was happening - but that might just be me - I happen to love fast moving thrillers.
Profile Image for Veronica.
717 reviews15 followers
April 6, 2017
I found the book hard to get into at first because the pace was very slow. It does pick up later on. It starts off with a sweet love story and then develops into a heart in your mouth chase to the death.
Profile Image for Tonya Mathis.
1,132 reviews20 followers
January 11, 2017
I really liked this book. What a wild ride. Murder, mayhem, hippies and skydiving. What a combination.
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews

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