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Ruthless People #4

A Bloody Kingdom

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It has been eight years since the Callahans defeated Avian Doers and conquered Chicago. Melody is now the Governor and public face of the family, while Liam rises as the Ceann na Conairte of both the Irish and Italians.

Their reach is limitless; their power endless...but is it possible to have too much power? Can Liam and Melody raise a family, a city, and an empire?

Only a fool would try to stop them now....

368 pages, ebook

First published July 14, 2016

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About the author

J.J. McAvoy

34 books5,558 followers
I’m a twenty-year-old something born in Montreal, Canada but currently living in Virginia for school. I would tell you want my major is however after two years I still have no idea what I’m doing.

So I’m a writer (duh that’s how you found me), movie enthusiast, and self-proclaimed chef. I love music even though I can’t sing or dance to save my life. (That doesn’t necessarily stop me but you’ve been warned.)

I started Ruthless People the summer of 2013 in hopes of giving myself a new type of love and crime drama. I never knew so many people thought like me! I feel truly blessed to have fans like you all! Writing is my true love and having you all enjoy my words is a dream come true.

I'm on

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Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
March 20, 2018

★★★★★! A Bloody Kingdom, book 4 of 4. The bloody conclusion to Liam & Mel’s ruthless saga. A love so great it transcends time & life as we know it!

“This isn’t over, wife.”
“I’m already wet, husband.”

The Ruthless People saga follows the merger, through marriage, of two mafia families, The Callahan’s (Irish) and The Giovanni’s (Italian), with the intent of maintaining wealth and world domination through mainly drug trafficking and corruption by a.n.y. m.e.a.n.s. n.e.c.e.s.s.a.r.y.!

Books in series should be read in order:
Book 0.5: Declan + Coraline
Book 1: Ruthless People
Book 2: Untouchables
Book 3: American Savages
Book 4: A Bloody Kingdom

In Ruthless People, book 1-3 prodigal son, Liam Alec Callahan, was passed the reigns to the family mafia empire along with title of Ceann na Conairte. Through marriage to heiress Melody Nicci Giovanni, Mel he was to take over her father’s empire AND gain a meek wife in the process…

However nothing could have prepared Liam for Melody aka The Boss who had secretly been running her family empire and not about to relent her comand. Story followed Liam and Melody in the power struggle that ensued while they faced common enemies along the way.

A Bloody Kingdom (book 4) opens up to the power couple being challenged yet again. They have manipulated the political arena and ruled the crime world, eliminating many adversaries along the way. But such success puts a target on their backs.

It’s a bloodbath as they take on seen and unseen enemies. It’s also very much a fight for perseverance, family and legacy. Center stage is Liam and Mel and their epic love so intense it transcends time and even life as we know it.

“I’m far too sexy to be suffering from blue balls.”

Liam Alec Callahan aka Ceann na Conairte, is the prodigal son who weaseled his way into my heart while managing to find the perfect balance between whopped, in charge and diplomacy. The cocky demi-god has made huge sacrifices along the way in his attempt to keep his family and empire, but the biggest one is yet to come.

Nine words to describe Liam: Focused, cocky, calculated, reflective, jaded, hot-headed, vulnerable, diplomatic and ruthless.

Melody Nicci Giovanni-Callahan, Mel aka The Boss aka Bloody Melody has been the perfect blend of strong, bad-ass heroine, vulnerable, broken girl and men-at-your-feet temptress with a temper! She’s come a long way in mastering the balance between fierce and softness. There is no doubt that she is Liam’s other half and has his whole heart.

Nine words to describe Melody: V.o.l.a.t.i.l.e., motivated, competitive, fierce, smart, calculated, complex, hot-headed and ruthless.

A Bloody Kingdom, told from multiple POVs is the shocking conclusion. Though Liam and Mel are set on supremacy, revenge and respect their journey has been one of sacrifice, growth and penance. The ending is bittersweet and inevitable! Epilogue some years into the future. J.J. is going to give you Liam and Mel’s story holding nothing back…

Ruthless! Flawless! Bittersweet! Heart-shattering! Unforgettable! Curtain call on an epic saga! Safe journey!

“Never look away from me for too long.”

Hero rating: 5+ stars
Heroine rating: 5+ stars
Sexual tension rating: 5+ stars
Sex scenes rating: 5+ stars
Sex scenes frequency: 5 stars
Plot rating: 5 stars
Dialogue rating: 5+ stars
Storytelling rating: 5+ stars
Story ending rating: 5+ stars
Overall rating: 5+ stars

Would I recommend this series: Yes, absolutely.
Would I re-read this series: Yes, absolutely.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

Alpha copies was provided to me by author J.J. McAvoy in exchange for honest feedback & review.
Profile Image for • Jodi Bibliophile •.
311 reviews1,156 followers
July 14, 2016

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If I wasn’t pinching myself right now or suffering from the worst fucking headache ever I would think I was fucking dreaming!

Because the shit I’ve fucking gone through for the past 2 days can’t be fucking real!

I’m sitting here fucking shaking because of the adrenaline rush that’s running through my veins.

My chest hurts and I’m finding it difficult to breath.

With bloodshot eyes and shaking hands I’m finally ready…


Oh my fucking fuck THIS FUCKNG BOOK HAS RUINED ME!!!

I always knew this author had this ability to fucking break me and with this book she has done just that and so much more!

I never thought I would meet my next favourite book this year after Corrupt but fuck me this fucker is up there!

I’m emotionally drained and feel like I need to take some tablets and go and rest. My whole body is on overload and I can’t seem to settle down.

I was afraid to read this book, OK afraid is putting it mildly…I was FUCKING SHITTING MYSELF for reason I can’t discuss but just take my word for it.

Oh fucking hell even writing about this book is making me cry again! Damn you J.J McAvoy! You evil fucking GENIUS!!!

My mum just came in from work and asked me why I’m so pale…well, Maria that would be because I feel like I’ve DIED A THOUSAND FUCKING DEATHS TODAY!!!

I never in a million years thought this author could top American Savages but fuck my face she’s gone and fucked it right up!


Mafia books are and will always be my favourite genre and this series will always own my heart BUT this book will stay with me for the rest of my life.

Melody and Liam, you pair of RUTHLESS FUCKING LEGENDS! I love you and you will never stop being two of my favourite characters. I feel I’ve spent a chunk of my life with you both and I will never fucking forget you.

You make me laugh, you make me swoon, you make me cry and you make me want to be you when I grow up.

The love you both share for each other pisses on everyone else’s love.

I loved being reunited with the whole Callahan clan! And to Ethan, Wyatt and Dona, the three of you just completely own my heart. And remember: BE MOTHERFUCKIN RUTHLESS!

I fucking miss it! I miss it so much and yep I’m crying yet again! I’m an emotional fucking wreck right now!
Picking up Ruthless People is by far one of the best thing I ever did because if I never did then I would never know Liam and Melody and I just couldn’t imagine my life without them.

Anyone new going into this series you will literally go on one of the most POWERFUL, ADRELALINE, EMOTIONAL and fucking RUTHLESS rollercoasters of your fucking LIFE!

You will SCREAM.

You will want to THROW your kindle at the fucking wall.

You will UGLY CRY.

But I can assure you you will go on one of the BEST ADVENTURES OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE!

I’m so fucking depressed and I don’t know what to do with myself.

I want to read it all over again!!!!!

Fuck this shit I’m outta here. I’m going to cry myself asleep with a bottle of vodka.
Profile Image for Alba and Her Secrets..♥.
882 reviews1,154 followers
July 14, 2016
4.5/5 'Bloody' Stars!
ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
BR with my buddy bitch, the sexy Sasha Elle a.k.a Mrs. Liam Callahan ;)
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I really don't know where to start. This book wrecked me. Wrecked me SO BAD. The lovely Sasha and I buddy read this together and I can assure you we still have book hangover. I probably said this to many people by now (including to J. J. McAvoy) but I have never cried so much while reading. A Bloody Kingdom is a bittersweet, extremely emotional, gut wrenching but still amazing book.

A Bloody Kingdom is the fourth installment in McAvoy's Ruthless People series and it continues the journey of my top favorite mob bosses: Liam and Melody Callahan. This kick-ass couple is now having some "peace" after everything that happened in American Savages: Liam is focused on being the boss of both the Irish and the Italian mafias and Melody has become the governor of Illinois and runs Chicago like the Bloody Melody we all know. However, as you can imagine, this "tranquillity" does not last long.

"If anything comes against us, we will do what we have always done."

After how things ended in the third book of the series, it was quite a surprise when the author announced there would be a fourth installment. I felt like it wasn't necessary but obviously, J. J. McAvoy did it again: she gave us more reasons to love her writing and her characters. In A Bloody Kingdom we get to see Liam, Melody, Declan, Coraline, Neal and Mina not only as a part of a ruthless mafia but also as parents. This series has always focused on the importance of the family and it continues being this way on this book. I loved all the scenes with the kids, it gave me all the feels!

We laugh together. We cry together. We fight together.

Moreover, we can observe how Liam and Melody start training their kids. In other words, they start being more strict (because, in the end, they are the children of two mafia bosses) while still being very loving and protective parents: especially when things get really REALLY HARD. J. J. continued giving us her quotes at the beginning of each chapter (I freaking love that!) and different POV's. I love how she connects everything perfectly!

"I've fallen in love with you again twice today, you know that?"
"You're finally catching up to me." I fell in love with her at least twice as often every day.

Of course, together with all the sentimental and implacable scenes in this novel, we still get a couple/s with off-the-charts chemistry. Liam and Melody are just SO FREAKING HOT. The sex scenes are, as the whole book, amazingly written, so very detailed that they will leave you wanting more. These two are one of the hottest married couples in the genre, that I can vouch for!

"Don't push me, Melody. I'm not above hiking this dress up and fucking you in front of all of Chicago."

He thrust forward so hard I had to wrap my arm around him, my other hand pressed up against the ceiling. He fucked me without mercy, the whole car shaking along with us, and it still wasn't enough for him. [...] I bloody loved it... every fuck, every moan, his tight grip on my thigh; everything was my personal heaven.

In my opinion, A Bloody Kingdom is the hardest book to read in the Ruthless People series. There are many things that you do not expect, scenes that are very difficult to read and that will completely break your heart. I had to stop several times because it got so emotional that I could not stop crying. The ending was bittersweet, I was not expecting it to be that way. I have to confess that I fancy more the ending in American Savages than this one. I enjoyed it but it made me happy and sad at the same time. You will get it when you read it! That's why it was difficult for me to write this review and rate this book.

We were connected to each other. She was the air in my lungs, the blood in my veins; she was my whole life.

But, I do have to say this too: McAvoy's Ruthless People series is a MUST READ for mafia romance lovers. It has a great story, with a fabulous plot, a great deal of complex and lovable characters and with lots of twists and surprises. For me, it's one of the best series I have ever read!

"I'm obsessed with you Melody. No matter what you do, I'll always forgive you. Even if you were to kill me, I'd forgive you."

Therefore, my final rating for A Bloody Kingdom is 4.5/5 STARS. I know, I can't decide, sorry! Too many feels.. J. J. McAvoy said this book would wreck us and boy.. did it wreck me! Still, it was great to catch up with the amazing characters/couples created in the Ruthless People series. I don't know if this is the end of them but if it is I can definitely say: what a journey! Thank you for this, J. J. and for giving me the chance to read this before the release date! And dear readers, if you enjoy mafia romance books, you don't want to miss this. I totally recommend it!

P.S: Thank you to my lovely buddy bitch Sasha Elle for all the rambling and the emotional conversations we had while reading this! You know, I love you girlie ;) <33333

Profile Image for Hulya Kara Yuksel.
1,020 reviews1,245 followers
July 19, 2016

Oh my goodness, what a crazy ride!!! I'm speechless right now. This story took my breath away... I loved it so much. :) Once again J.J.McAvoy didn't disappoint me. I laughed, I cried.. Ugh it's so hard to say goodbye to them. I'll miss Liam&Bloody Melody so much. :'(

J.J.McAvoy, I love you, I adore you… Thank you very much for this journey!

Profile Image for MischaS_.
784 reviews1,422 followers
December 30, 2018
Re-read (12/2018): This is killing me. 🤯🌋💣

On one side this book's killing me! The ending always breaks my heart. It starts to break a long time before the end because I know what's coming.

On one side, I love how cruel they still are. But on the other side, I think that the parent side of them changed them a bit. And I dislike Mel being a Governor because in a way it feels like she's going back on herself. It is not something that they would do, too many short strings that lead to them. They would just get someone to do the job for them.

The major problem I have with this book (or maybe whole series but it also continues in the Children of Vice series) is the really bad editing. And I do not even mean the typos (and there are typos don't get me wrong). I meant the fact that the consistency is non-existent in here. Previously I mentioned problems like Mel wearing a dress, suddenly trousers and then, magic, dress again. However, here and then in Children of Vice it gets even worse. When the previous book ended with the epilogue, it took time pretty much at the same time as A Bloody Kingdom. In the epilogue of the American Savages, we see Monte and Fedel waiting for Mel and Liam. But in here Melody mentions that Monte died a long time ago. And that's one of the things I really hate! And with every re-read of this series, I keep seeing more and more of these little misshaps. So, I think that there will be no re-read of this in a long time.

By the way, can I say that I do not like Coraline?

I am really torn on this one.

When the third book ended my first thought was that I cannot imagine Liam and Melody being old. With teenage kids, adult kids and then grandchildren. It wasn't them.

The thing I liked the most is that they're evil until the end. Still on top, still strong and playing the world.

At first, I sort of felt cheated.

I was torn on them being parents. Not sure if I like them being parents. Cause I loved them so much in the first book. Not really sure being parents is what I want from them. :D On one side they were amazing. They have so much love for their kids. But they also fear to lose them.

...there is a lot of blood in front of those hospital doors.

I wish there was more of a story for Fedel. He would deserve one.

At first, since the chapter 24, I expected something to shatter their world. I could not stop crying.

And now, thinking about it I think it's brilliant. Sort of. I wanted her or both of them to die. In some epic was! Go up in flames and never to be forgotten! To be on top of the world.

I also wonder if at the end Liam also

EDIT: I think this book of all four has the strongest ending. Minus like the last chapter. But since the chapter 24, I think it was one of the highest moments of the series, definitely emotionally highest because seriously, every time I get to chapter 24 until the last chapter (minus epilogue) I always cannot stop crying even though I already know how it ends!
Profile Image for S.M. West.
Author 43 books1,222 followers
July 7, 2016
5+++ “Let’s flush out the rats.” STARS

Bloody Hell! This was one wildly intense ride. Basically, I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest, tied to the end of a Nascar and then dragged around the racetrack at a gazillion miles an hour! And that was before the last quarter of the book. Then, fucking forget about it, all bets were off, I was done for!!

Liam and Melody are truly one dynamite couple. These two are always over the top, beyond ruthless and bloody and I loved every minute of it.
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“You are the master of me. My mind, my body, my heart.”

“You are mine, Liam. You belong to me. Your face, your body, your heart, your soul, you sold it to me and I sold mine to you. So if I die, you die. If you die, I die. As long as there is air in lungs, there is air in mine.”

In this one, we get the POVs of all the Callahan/Giovanni clan including their children. It's the culmination of the fight, the blood, the power and the love of family. Because let's face, the mafia is a family affair.

“The city was going to be dripping with blood and tears by the time he was done.”

JJ does a brilliant job of sucking you into the world of murder and mayhem. She’s ruthless in her delivery and passionate in her character creation and development. Giving us unforgettable characters with heart wrenching and heartwarming action,drama and good ol' fashion mob shit! There were also moments that were tender and sweet, others that were bloodcurdling and then some that were pure anguish!!

And on top of all that, she also gives us a few (actually more than a few if you look at this series in its entirety) characters that you love to hate. So much so, as the story unfolds, she has you guessing and wishing, waiting breathlessly for their demise.

"There is no expiration date on vengeance. It doesn’t just last a lifetime, it spans generations.”

I’m not sure if this is it for JJ’s journey with these characters, Liam and Mel are one of my all-time fav couples, but if at any point she wants to give us a story about Ethan, Wyatt and Dona, I’d pledge my oath to the Ceann na Conairte and the mob!

I so want to say so much more but I simply can’t. I fear giving anything away. If you are Liam and Melody fan…seriously, how could you not be? Then you MUST READ this!!

**ARC generously provided by author in exchange for honest review.**

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Profile Image for Flo.
285 reviews589 followers
July 14, 2016
5 **ruthless** STARS

“We laugh together. We cry together. We fight together.”

That was perfect, just bloody perfect. I really thought the series was well and done after the third book, but then I started reading this and I can honestly say the fourth book in the Ruthless People series was the book I never knew I wanted, but I'm so freaking happy we got it.

It probably comes with no surprise to followers of my reviews that I love JJ McAvoy's books, and A Bloody Kingdom is no exception. The fourth instalment in the Ruthless People series was a very welcome and in hindsight needed continuation and ultimately wrap up for Liam and Melody.

I'm still smiling like a loon. Bloody, ruthless, all kinds of exciting, heart-breaking, and so damn bittersweet. I loved it.

“There is no expiration date on vengeance. It doesn’t just last a lifetime, it spans generations. So let us rest tonight; it is not us who will die tomorrow.”

A little about the story. (Probably not safe to read on for people who haven't read the first three books.)

Mel is governour, Liam takes care of the family business and their three kids are getting older. But that’s pretty much the calm before the storm - or maybe I should say calm before the hurricane.

There are enemies, both the obvious and the more secretive kind who create problems. Not unusual for a family running the Irish and Italian Mob, while balancing a life in the public political eye.

On top of that it’s really a book about family. The interactions between the characters, preparing the kids for their future lives at the top of the mafia, and of course the epic love story between Mel and Liam. Written from various POVs to give you a very rich and comprehensive look at what is going on.

“You are mine, Liam. You belong to me. Your face, your body, your heart, your soul, you sold it to me and I sold mine to you. So if I die, you die. If you die, I die. As long as there is air in your lungs, there is air in mine.”

I have said this again and again, the Ruthless People series is the perfect read to send your morals and decent human behaviour on a vacation. The characters are unconventional, blood-thirsty and they are good at the criminal game.

All in all, the perfect way to end the series and a fantastic setup for future books about the little Callahans. The ending was shocking, but so right. If nothing else, it’s worth to have that last page. I’m still smiling. And just between us, when I was done reading I actually went back and re-read the first three books. Something I will do a lot in the future. I simply love Mel and Liam.

That’s all. Thank you for your time.

**ARC very kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Sunshine & Storms.
141 reviews60 followers
December 10, 2016
** ARC very kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review.**

A million 'PLEASE DON'T END' stars!!!!!

"And if anything comes against us, we will do what we have always done.”

When I saw that there was a 4th book I questioned what more could J.J. McAvoy do with the Callahan's? Well, she can do A LOT more. I'm
drained right now. I went into A Bloody Kingdom with a smile on my fast and left emotionally and mentally drained. THIS was my favorite book out of the Ruthless People series and I say that confidently. I don't know what to do. I can't even stop my emotions from going all over the place right now. I want to find J.J. McAvoy's number honestly, call her and yell at her for this damn emotionally rollercoaster I was on THAT I DIDN'T PAY FOR!!!!!

So, what do I do now? I NEED MORE OF THE CALLAHAN FAMILY! I just can't see this series ending. I really can't. This series ended better than any series could have. I have high expectations for every series finales that I read now. I can't even say everything I want to say because of the emotions I'm feeling right now. Anyone who even remotely reads this and doesn't end up loving it, I can't be friends with you, case closed. Keep in mind I thought American Savages was the end of the Ruthless People series and I was kind of emotional and satisfied with that ending, but I'm SO happy the series was ended this way even though It will put you through 1,000 emotions.
There is not much I can say, or I will be giving away too much. I will say this, though:
1. Don't ever underestimate J.J. McAvory
2. Hands down one my favorite series (definitely number one now).
3. NEVER doubt the Callahan family
4. Go into this book with a box of tissues next to you
5. Drop everything you're doing and read this story like you're dying from dehydration, and this book is your water.

I love you , Liam, Melody, Declan, Cora, Neal, Evelyn and Mina. But most importantly, I want to say I love my new favorite Callihan's, Ethan, Donna, and Wyatt. You guys were the highlight of the story for me and J.J. McAvoy better do a spin-off about you guys because I need more of you bad asses.

Goodbye for now (cause J.J. McAvoy you WILL be making a spin-off because I said so.), bosses.
It hurts to say goodbye.

And never forget,

For more reviews, click below!

Before reading:
(June 17,2016)
*When I receive an arc of 'A Bloody Kingdom'*

(June 6, 2016)
ANOTHER BOOK!? MORE LIAM!?!? My he.. My hear-

Profile Image for Bibi.
1,288 reviews62 followers
April 10, 2022
10 *jaw dropping* stars

I read this with trepidation, knowing how J.J loves her twists and surprises and let me tell you, you will shed tears and your heart will break. Without a doubt, this is the best of the series and I am so grateful there is another generation of the Callahan's waiting for their own stories.

... And that scene with Ethan, Wyatt, and Dona in the trunk was as funny as it was heart stopping. I mean "why didn't Wyatt have a knife:? Rule 103: Always have a knife. Priceless! Oh, my heart.
Profile Image for Lady Gabriella of Awesomeness (SLOW).
522 reviews821 followers
August 29, 2016
✪3.5 stars - Yes! I know I'm in the minority with this rating.But don't worry I'm not planning to be 'Ruthless' about it ;) ✪

First,Lets just get a few things straight.Yes,I enjoyed the story and Yes,I loved the characters.
So then why not a 4 or 5 stars ? Because It failed to wow me like the first three.
I get that we're in Book 4 and that it may seem almost pointless to have any further character development now since Liam&Melody have already grown quite well in to their personna's as the RUTHLESS King and Queen Emperor and Empress they are.

But this book,at-least according to me,seriously lacked the spark that light up their chemistry in the first 3.The Mad hatter and Bloody Melody seemed so tame in this one,comparatively.To be honest,I loved how crazy and ruthless they were initially..when they cut people's fingers off for fun and gifted each-other dead bodies to be romantic.

ALSO,Not really a huge fan of the ending,it almost anti-climatic and so Out of character for the leads to decide to end the series that way..but I know, we can't all get what we want.So yes *sign* I'll let it go.

Nevertheless,I'm super excited for Children of Vice Can't wait to get a taste of Ethan&Ivy ! Heard there're almost as deadly as our favorite couple if not more.
Looking forward to it !
Profile Image for Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️.
820 reviews849 followers
July 7, 2016
4.5 Love Those Callahan Stars
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There are times you read a book and your feelings are all over the place. You read the last few chapters and the epilogue and you sit there........not sure if you liked it or hated it. I'm in a quandary and that drives me crazy.

First- I love Melody and Liam and the entire Callahan Family.....Neal, Mina, Declan, Cora, Evelyn and all the kids. The dynamics of this Mob family is infectious and intoxicating. This story is told in multiple POVs, each Callahan getting their voice heard. Liam and Melody's children, Ethan, Wyatt and Donatella, are scene stealers and you can't help but fall in love with the next generations of Callahans.

Second- The story is wild and crazy in true Callahan fashion. The peace that Chicago has had while Melody is Governor begins to rumble. Evil forces are lurking and have decided to strike. But when trouble rears its ugly head, if they fight then they intend to win the war. No ifs ands or buts. But this time, there are more complications.......death hangs more easily in the balance. It is not just them anymore, their children are targets. They have so much more to risk and lose. There are many moments on the wild roller coaster when you lose your breath and think you may not make it.

Last- So I really loved being with the Callahans- loved this story but I'm not sure about the ending. I went and reread it and finally decided that it was okay to be doubtful. I think there will be those that love and those that won't. I understand and adore the deep love Mel and Liam have for one another. But here is my issue with the ending

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So I can see the ending but I can't say I buy into it thus making me feel very conflicted. But it's okay, a good book does that to you sometimes. Even though I may have wished different than the author, I can still say the author wrote a fabulous story. Ups and downs, twist and turns, love and hate, life and death........A Bloody Kingdom has it all.

Advanced copy provided by author in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Lillian ☁ Cloud 9 Books ☁.
573 reviews344 followers
June 16, 2017
***** 5+ GOLD SPOONS *****

"You are mine, Liam. You belong to me. Your face, your body, your heart, your soul, you sold it to me and I sold mine to you. So if I die, you die. If you die, I die. As long as there is air in your lungs, there is air in mine."


My emotions were everywhere. One minute I was laughing, and then later I was crying my eyes out. This story was told perfectly. Who knew that this series had room to become better?

It's amazing how much Melody and Liam have changed since the first books in the series. Both of them have learned from each other. Become better versions of themselves. But now that their mansion is full of children, they have so much more to lose.

Melody is still crazy, tough, and calculating, but now she's the governor of Chicago and a loving mother. She understands that being born into a mafia family isn't an easy life. So as the kids get older, she and Liam stop babying them. There are enemies everywhere, and everyone needs to be prepared.

Just like the previous books, the POV switches between everyone. Liam, Melody, Neal, Mina, Declan, Cora, and even the children. There's so much blood and pain. I had to take a couple of breaks to wipe my tears. Out of all the books in the series, Bloody Kingdom is my favorite. Hands down.

A part of me hopes that the series will go on. I wouldn't mind reading about the new generation of Callahans... But why mess with perfection? Thank you J.J. McAvoy for this amazing journey.
07/18/2016 UPDATE: My prayers have been answered.... J.J. McAvoy is going to continue the story! I'm so thrilled. I can't wait to read about Ethan and the other Callahans!!!!!!!!!!!

description description description

Profile Image for ~Stéphanie~.
623 reviews360 followers
July 8, 2016
4th book in the Ruthless series

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Popopopopopopo J.J. What have you done!?? OMG I don't even know where to start with my review!! I wanted to rip everything. I was a mess, I was already writing you a letter in mind to say how devastated I was and then BAM.


A bloody Kingdom was just the book I wanted. It has everything a fan of this series will want and need! You have to read the first three books to read this one, this is most certainly not a stand-alone.

This is Mel & Liam or Liam&Mel's story – I don't know which side I love the most – years after their "HEA"

Before I start to read this book, I re-read all my reviews to remind me how I enjoyed their story – not that I needed a real reminder but I wanted to remember how I felt when reading and if there's something in common, it's most certainly the mind blowing effect! This series goes in every direction and you won't see what's coming! There are so many twists and turns, your head will be spinning. And in true ruthless style, a Bloody Kindgom might be the worse. But not in a bad way, hell no - In a delicious and perfect way.

All fans of the Ruthless series will be over the moon to get back to Melody & Liam. Their love for each other, their love for their children, and their love for their family is unrivalled. Their strength is to be together no matter what but it's also their weakness. Even if enemies know better to attack them doesn't mean there are no idiots who wants to try.

“If anything comes against us, we will do what we have always done”

I was so glad to see that after so many years and after three kids the dynamic between Liam & Melody hasn't changed one bit. They must now deal between being a parent and dealing with the outside world. Being bosses of the Irish and Italian mob paired with the role of governor is most definitely not easy. They have their doubts, their needs, their duties but most of all they have to try to find a perfect balance between being ruthless and being normal.


As usually, you'll have several points of views and as usually they are there for a good reason. Each point of view was enjoyable because you have the feeling you belong with this family. You want to know if there are in a good place. You want to know how they evolved and most of all, you want to witness their happiness with their children.

If you haven't started this series, I can't recommend you enough to do it asap!! If you love action, passion, if you are in search of a unique and epic saga stop right there and look no further, the Ruthless People series is for you.

Thank you J.J for writing such a beautiful and much needed fourth book. I'm still sad to let them all go and I'll always want more when it comes to the Callahan family but I'm happy with how things end.


~ARC provided by the author in exchange of an honest review ~

Profile Image for Amanda.
1,392 reviews325 followers
July 12, 2016
5 'ruthless' stars

What an epic finale for the most ruthless couple, Liam and Melody Callahan.


When I heard that J. J. McAvoy is writing another book for Liam and Melody, I'm worried. We already got a perfect ending for them in American Savages, why is there a need to fix something that isn't broken in the first place? But damn.... she really did manage to pull off something even better from the last one. This just prove how brilliant an author she is and now I sound like a total fangirl.

J. J. McAvoy, you slayed me. My emotion totally went through a wringer while reading this. At one point, I might even suffer a heart attack and not sure I will came out unscathed.


As per the Ruthless People style, there is an enemy out there targeting the Callahan's family. The couple are extremely protective of their family, especially with their three young children. There are multiple POVs in this book, but I seriously enjoyed reading each and everyone of them. The ultimate focus of the story is still about Liam and Melody's undying love for each other and the sacrifices they have to make for the best of their family interest.

Honestly for 3/4 of the read, I'm pretty cool and enjoying the wild ride. Liam and Melody are like the supervillain that will always come out on top. I'm not worried in the least. But during the last quarter of the book, McAvoy pull the rug and totally blindsided me with her wickedness. Holy shit! That was like the most cruel twist ever! She's a total sadist. I might have faint right there and then. Despite everything though, it was so worth it!


For fans of the series, you definitely wouldn't want to miss this one. I assure you the ending is even better than the last.

"Are we going to drive off into the sunset like Bonnie and Clyde?"
"Bonnie and Clyde lost. We're going to ride off like Melody and Liam - "

Profile Image for 24 ᥫ᭡..
171 reviews16 followers
September 8, 2024
"The song is ended, but the melody lingers on..."

Chapter 25 is illegal.

I didn’t think this book would make me cry. (I mean sob)
I had to put my kindle down for a few minutes so I could breathe. Like why would you do that to me.
That ending was an emotional rollercoaster.

I’m so attached to these characters even the children.
I’m excited to read the 2nd gen because I’m not ready to leave this universe. I don’t think I ever will be 😩

If you haven’t read this series yet what are you doing ? This is one of my fav series ever.

No one can do it like Liam and Melody Callahan.

Only Liam and Melody argue about wine seconds after killing someone 😩

This series is my Roman Empire.
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,621 reviews476 followers
September 1, 2016

It's still crazy, far-fetched and OTT but heavier.

While this series isn't for everyone it's definitely been for me 'Ruthless People' was a revelation, crazy far-fetched and completely OTT and I fell totally in love with Melody and Liam, then came 'The Untouchables' and the brilliant funny and addictive 'American Savages' so what about this one?
A Bloody Kingdom is a different read, for a start Melody and Liam are older, their relationship is more established, Melody is Governor of Chicago and they have three children Ethan, Wyatt and Donatella.
Their love is just as strong but it's steady not flirty or volatile, in this book they're parents and therefore as a couple they don't have the same spark as before but this is a transition book, this is Melody and Liam getting their children ready to step into their shoes and that I can't wait for.
This has the same strong characters and sense of family but it doesn't have the same humour, the funny lines which helped make 'Savages' so unforgettable.
Again it's completely OTT and far-fetched but it's another great read and you're never bored.
The story took a turn I didn't like, I knew it was coming but I still didn't like it, at all.
Do I think it was good for the book and the series?
Begrudgingly yes I do but I still didn't like it.
Now I can't wait for the next generation of Callahans.
4 reviews
July 15, 2016
This book wasn't needed. I loved the first three.
The ending to this sucked
Profile Image for emara.
194 reviews561 followers
December 22, 2023
wtf just happened ? i'm so confused

years YEARS & years of agony, heartbreak, fighting, & dying and u tell me this is the ending ????? no. unbelievable.

first of all loved this book 100/10. could not stop thinking ab it, couldn't put it down, enjoyed every word. my issue is with the ending like its so........ 🙄🙄 didn't like it one bit, tbh she should've took the ending for the previous book & made it the ending for this book. this felt so unfinished even though its the last book in the series. they grew up so much, the deep deep character development was astounding. & so i cannot understand why the author would go ahead & ruin it ? pls tell me why😄 i pretend they took the entire family & rode into the sunset eating gnocchi👍🏼

years of building her name and then years of proving herself after she got married, CONSTANTLY, and for her to throw it all away? for what and who? atleast go into hiding WITH ur damn kids like i just. ugh

anywho, loved this series so much, def worth a reread 🫶🏼
Profile Image for Betül.
1,040 reviews282 followers
September 5, 2016
**Received ARC in exchange for an honest review**


"Never get comfortable because I will only know peace the day I die."

Ruthless people... A very appropriate title for this series. We again get to see how ruthless Melody and Liam are. I am almost forgot how ruthless, but A Bloody Kingdom was a great reminder.

Melody is governor and pretty much rules Chicago. She is one of my all time favorite female characters. She is one of the strongest and most ruthless character I have ever read about. She has no mercy for anyone. She would kill her own family if that was what needed to be done to protect the rest of the family. Liam is as strong as her and they make such a perfect royal couple. They have their differences which results into fights and blood being spilled. But they have that unique kind of love.

The family is never safe, there are always people out there trying to take them down. Melody and Liam are not always as prepared but know how to come back from being shot or stabbed. We also focus a bit on the children: Ethan, Wyatt and Dona. All three have very different characters but they all are very protective of each other. Melody doesn't like treating her kids as babies, and starts training them. A couple of those training scenes broke my heart but I understood why it needed to be done. They would always be targets of their enemies and it's better to teach them how to fight back.

A lot happens in this book and some were very heartbreaking. It was definitely an emotional roller coaster I was on. I didn't know what to expect and after reading a couple of reviews I was afraid of the ending. I am not going to say anything about the ending because it makes me sad and happy at the same time. I know that sounds weird but you'll understand why I say that after you read this book. I was having difficulties with the ending but I think for this series it was perfect. I don't think anything else would've come across as real.

I loved all the different POVs, normally I can't stand that many but they were short and I love all the side characters so they POV's were important to this book. I adore all of them and I just hate saying goodbye to them, I am going to miss them all. JJ McAvoy did such an incredible job with this book! I am really happy she decided to write this book to conclude the series. I can't wait what she comes up with next. She is definitely one of my favorite authors.
Profile Image for Lyndy Ann ♫.
672 reviews
April 27, 2017
When I read on my timeline on here that J J McAvoy was writing a new series Children of Vice about the Giovanni Callahan kids I got excited so I thought I better get on and FINALLY read A Bloody Kingdom.

Well I loved spending time again with Liam and Melody Callahan I had forgotten how these two behave and all the adventures and shoot outs they have along with all the rough sex.

I adored the kids Ethan, Wyatt and Donna and as a family they are so cute loved all the banter. I cannot wait to read their own series I have already pre-ordered Children of Vice Ethan's story which is due in May.

It was great spending time with the rest of the Callahan's as well, this is told from many POV's which I enjoyed.

I cannot go into the story as SO MUCH happened it is hard to remember everything but it was a rollercoaster of emotions with everything the family go through all the highs and all the lows.

My emotions while reading

I was laughing
Buffy happy sad photo: Buffy tumblr_m4vn0vD7ZD1qaa8d1o1_500_zpsb3d0fa5d.gif

I was very sad
Buffy sad photo: 340x-12.gif


Buffy shocked photo: shocked tumblr_inline_mhl22iGp2L1qz4rgp_zpse0264709.gif
Profile Image for ~Mindy Lynn~.
1,397 reviews655 followers
July 27, 2016
I decided to wait and review this series until I finished the last book. Then when I finished I decided I needed some time to reflect on what I read... Well, now I think I am ready to write that review. . .

When I read the first book I was completely intrigued by it being not only a Mafia story with the Irish and Italians, but it being an arranged marriage between the two as well. I think I might have a thing for mafia books. I know I have a thing for arranged marriages. It just does it for me. And this book definitely did it for me.

This couple is definitely one to remember. They are blood thirsty and dangerous on their own. But together they were epic and terrifying.

~Book 1~ 3.5* This was a great introduction on what was to come. But my only complaints is that I had a hard time liking Melody. I couldn't connect with her. She is a hard character to like because she is so cold and non-feeling. I also had a hard time liking how cold they were to the family. They kept saying that what they do is for the family and about protecting the family yet they both were threatening to kill or harm (or did harm) someone in the family numerous times. It became confusing and annoying. But what kept me in the book was the story unfolding.

~Book 2~ 4* This one was much more entertaining than the first which is great because most of the time the second book falls flat, but it wasn't the case for this series. It got much better for me. I got to know Melody more and she started growing on me. There was a lot going on in this one and sometimes it felt a bit too much. But the author did a great job and blending it all together well. Liam and Melody are as crazy and terrifying as the first book. There is still a lot of blood and chaos surrounding this family. There's secrets revealed and revenge to be taken. It was a great second installment.

~Book 3~ 4* This one was so good. Loved every minute of it. The suspense of where Melody was and when she would come back totally had me on edge. Liam being in jail and wondering if Mel was going to save the day had me speed reading. The baby being born was relieving considering what had happen the first time Mel got pregnant. Olivia getting what she deserved was icing on top of a big fat cake. I loved it all. But my poor Sedric.. That broke my damn heart and I totally shedded some tears over that. Ugh! Hated it. But I know some casualties are necessary. Especially in a mafia related book. But still, hated it. The fight in this one is much scarier than ones in the past books. The big baddie in this one strikes hard and knows too much about this family and their every move. It was completely entertaining.

~Book 4~ 5* This book totally had me crying. The kids broke my damn heart. Melody broke my damn heart. And Liam broke my damn heart. My heart took too much abuse in this book to say the least. But what I enjoyed the most was seeing Melody as a mother. How she softened up a bit with them. To see how much more open and in love Liam and Melody were. I absolutely adored their kids. Ethan, Wyatt, and Donna. They were fiercely protective of each other and unique in their own way. I can't wait to read their stories cause I know they're coming. This was a great ending for Liam and Melody though. They deserved their happy ending.

My biggest annoyance throughout this entire series was the editing. OMG did it bug the fuck outta me. The first book, OK. It happens. The second book, I thought for sure the author would catch on and do better with the editing considering the first book. But no. And then the third and fourth book came and there was still the same issues. So it was annoying. It bothers me mostly because it makes me pause and mentally fix it and that only annoys me more because it takes me outta the book. So, that was big pet peeve. LOL

This series is definitely not one to miss if your a fan of gritty, violent, bloody, mafia stories with great story writing. It's totally worth the read. Enjoy, dolls! xx

Profile Image for Ari Reavis.
Author 18 books160 followers
August 10, 2017
2.5 Stars

I was underwhelmed by everything. Most of all the villain... like freaking again with this? If you read it, you know what I mean about specifically who the villain was. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, a lot. Then the same certain event, if you will, kept supposedly happening, so when it finally 'happened', at that point, I was like....'OK AND?" Honestly, maybe it was just a 'it's not you, it's me' situation with this read. Idk. Even Liam didn't excite me much. The romance was blah. Sure, I believed their love was as strong as ever, but I just didn't really care.
The best part of the story, to me, was the kids. Seeing Mel and Liam be parents. Seeing what their kids' personalities were like. Seeing what their roles were shaping up to be. The ending really, really bought my rating down. At the end of the day, I just felt it was extremely selfish. I felt this book was just filler to get to the kids' book. I actually read this, so I could read the kids' book, but now I don't know if I want to.
Profile Image for Doris.
838 reviews31 followers
August 27, 2016
I have a major book hangover right now. Will give my thoughts later.

Honestly I don't have to words to explain how I feel about this one. Outstanding, fantastic, overwhelming; they don't do this book justice. This whole series had me hooked from the very beginning and as each book was read, J.J made the story better and better. During a series of books it seems that at least one of them is a bit dull in comparison to the rest. Not with this series, each book surpasses the previous. The twists and turns keep you turning the pages to see what happens next. The ending exceeded my expectations.Well done Ms. McAvoy!
Profile Image for River .
450 reviews73 followers
July 25, 2016
I have so many mixed feelings about this book. Mostly about that ending and it's so hard to talk about it without spoilers but I'll try.

I liked reading everyone's POV and seeing the guys having families. was this book necessary? for the Ruthless People Series, no. But apparently there's going to be a series about the kids so I guess this book paved the way for that.

I hate Melody, I've always hated her. I like strong women but Mel is not "strong" she's selfish as fuck. It always bothered me that everyone loved her and she was such a bitch!! and they were just fine with her awfulness.
That said, let's not forget these are mob people. they are not like us, they don't have normal lives (even if they try) and they don't think like us. they ARE ruthless.

I unbderstood to some level that decision that was made. was it selfish? FUCK YES. was the reasoning behind it true? actually yeah. was it necessary? I don't know.
It was a good way to harden the characters for the new series and like I said it makes some sense so that's why I can't hate it.
Profile Image for Shazy.
473 reviews21 followers
July 15, 2016
2 stars

What a boring, repetitive and pointless book. Melody and Liam's story should have been over after the first three books. This was just dragging and completely ruined the whole series for me.
Profile Image for goodbooks_warmsocks.
69 reviews62 followers
June 9, 2019
This story was a rollercoaster of emotions, I was laughing, sighing and crying my eyes out. I loved everything about this book and it was an ending I didn't know I needed for these two characters!

Thank you J.J.McAvoy for a great series!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 791 reviews

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