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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes #11

The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet

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Sherlock Holmes, the world s only unofficial consulting detective, was first introduced to readers in A Study in Scarlet published by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887. It was with the publication of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, however, that the master sleuth grew tremendously in popularity, later to become one of the most beloved literary characters of all time. In this book series, the short stories comprising The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes have been amusingly illustrated using only Lego(r) brand minifigures and bricks. The illustrations recreate, through custom designed Lego models, the composition of the black and white drawings by Sidney Paget that accompanied the original publication of these adventures appearing in The Strand Magazine from July 1891 to June 1892. Paget s iconic illustrations are largely responsible for the popular image of Sherlock Holmes, including his deerstalker cap and Inverness cape, details never mentioned in the writings of Conan Doyle. This uniquely illustrated collection, which features some of the most famous and enjoyable cases investigated by Sherlock Holmes and his devoted friend and biographer Dr. John H. Watson, including A Sandal in Bohemia and The Red-Headed League, is sure to delight Lego enthusiasts, as well as fans of the Great Detective, both old and new. LEGO(r) is a trademark of the LEGO Group of Companies. The LEGO Group has not been involved in nor has it in any other way licensed or authorised the publication of this book. THE ADVENTURE OF THE BERYL CORONET: Banker Alexander Holder has been entrusted with the safekeeping of the precious Beryl Coronet, one of the most valuable treasures of the nobility. Afraid to leave the valuable piece of jewellery at the bank, he brings it home, only to have a piece of the crown broken off and three beryls stolen. Holder appeals to Sherlock Holmes to help recover the precious stones and thus avoid a personal and national scandal."

36 pages, Paperback

First published May 1, 1892

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 253 reviews
Profile Image for Francesc.
465 reviews270 followers
February 15, 2021
Interesante caso sobre el robo de una corona de un valor incalculable. Una gran cantidad de circunstancias pondrán a prueba a la sagaz mente del gran Sherlock.

Interesting case about the theft of an invaluable crown. Many circumstances will test the shrewd mind of the great Sherlock.
Profile Image for Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽.
1,880 reviews23k followers
September 20, 2017
One of the more enjoyable Sherlock Holmes short mysteries!


A desperate banker, Mr. Holder, comes to Sherlock Holmes with a problem that could ruin him: a precious coronet made of gold and beryls was entrusted to him as collateral for a loan. Not wanting to risk leaving the coronet in his banker's safe, he decides it will be safer with him personally (WHUT). So he carries it around all evening and then puts it in a locked bureau in his room when he goes to sleep.

Holder wakes up in the middle of the night: his wastrel son is holding the coronet, which has a large piece broken off and missing. Understandably, he accuses his son. But could the story be more complicated than it appears? Sherlock seems to think so...

A subtler mystery than I expected, and one of my favorites in the The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes collection.
Profile Image for Aishu Rehman.
967 reviews939 followers
December 26, 2020
The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet is one of the stories from the canon of Sherlock Holmes that is often overlooked, and yet it is a story in keeping with many other Conan Doyle stories. Indeed, there is cause for the detective to don a disguise, and even solve the case for the client with a dramatic flourish.

The case of the Beryl Coronet is brought to Holmes by Alexander Holder, a banker who had been entrusted with the precious crown. A theft had occurred, and some of the precious stones were missing; there seems to be only one suspect for the theft, Arthur Holder, Alexander’s son, as Arthur was apparently caught in the act.

Holmes of course, looks beyond the obvious to discover the real solution to the case; with Holmes observing, rather than simply seeing.

Making the obvious solution not the correct one, was something that many other crime writers have subsequently taken up. Agatha Christie indeed was famous for making Inspector Japp and Captain Hastings take the obvious as read, whilst Poirot would use his “little grey cells”.

The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet is perhaps overlooked because it was not one of the Sherlock Holmes stories adapted by Granada TV, with Jeremy Brett starring as Holmes. The short story though, did make an appearance as an episode in the 1965 BBC series of Sherlock Holmes, airing on the 10th April 1965, with Douglas Wilmer in the lead role.
Profile Image for Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora).
1,009 reviews42.2k followers
June 25, 2023
Otro caso más que me ha parecido súper interesante, sobre todo porque siempre pensé que el culpable del robo de la diadema iba a ser la misma persona que se la dio al banquero, pero en realidad no fue así, sino que todo fue culpa de una mujer engañada por un hombre.

Creo que poco a poco le iré cogiendo el tiro a las deducciones de Sherlock y ya les contaré si, cuando acabe de leer toda la colección, logro adivinar algún resultado.
Profile Image for Razvan Banciu.
1,438 reviews109 followers
October 7, 2023
A slightly better story than the others, as it checks Holmes's theory that the truth remains after subtracting the improbable variants., even if it does look not obvious at all.
Profile Image for Yousra .
709 reviews1,333 followers
February 10, 2017
لجأت لصديقي هولمز المغرور قليلا ليخرجني من حالة الكآبة التي أصابتني بعد قراءة رواية "العمي" لساراماجو وليعيدني للقراءة عموما بعد أن زهدت فيها فترة

لن امل من ترديد أن مغامرات شيرلوك هولمز هي بمثابة الشوكولاتة التي أحبها وألتهمها بنهم :)

هنا مغامرة مثيرة يتنازع أبطالها أشكال شتى من العواطف ومحاولة الموازنة والموائمة بين العقل والقلب وإملاءات كل منهما

أحببتها بالفعل

شكرا هولمز ^_^
Profile Image for Razvan Banciu.
1,438 reviews109 followers
October 7, 2023
This story was published for the first time in The Strand Magazine (May 1892) with the usual illustrations made by Sidney Paget.
Three beryls from a British Earl coronet are missing, a young guy is seen with the coronet in his hands and all looks obvious. But, as Holmes says, sometimes the evidence is not the truth...
Profile Image for Yehia.
62 reviews38 followers
March 7, 2024
❄️ ندخل في اجواء ساحرة من الغموض مع العزيز هولمز ليشعل فينا شرارة نهم القرائة من جديد ،تدور الأحداث مع مصرفي شهير تم التواصل معه بواسطة احدي الشخصيات ذات الثقل الكبير في المجتمع ليأخذ قرضا من المال متماشيا مع هذا الثقل ،وتكون الضمانة لهذا القرض هو تاج مرصع ب ٣٦ زمردة تدور الأحداث ،وتدور التساؤلات حول هل يمكن للمشاعر ان تقود الإنسان لفعل ما لم يتخيل نفسه يفعله ، وهل النبل يمكن ان يودي بحياة النبيل في نهاية المطاف .
❄️لا تنسو الدعاء لإخوتنا بفلسطين
5,357 reviews134 followers
July 26, 2023
4 Stars. Let's get past the obvious! What's a "Beryl Coronet?" Beryl is a jewel, based on beryllium aluminum, which can have many colours depending on impurities. Opaque blue is very beautiful. A coronet is a small crown often worn by lesser royalty. Holmes and Watson are visited one snowy morning by Alexander Holder, the co-owner of the banking firm Holder and Stevenson. He recently took possession of a beryl coronet as collateral for the approval of a 50,000 pound loan. Huge amount 130 years ago. The coronet was topped by 39 enormous beryls. Being anxious, he decided to take it home. Unfortunately, early the next morning, he intercepted his son Arthur stealing it, during which it was damaged. Holder desperately needs help to determine the exact circumstances, and possibly more important, avoid a public scandal involving the bank. I read it in "Sherlock Holmes The Complete Novels and Stories" published in 2020. It's in this story that Holmes says, "It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Echoes of that famous line are still heard 13 decades later. (June 2021)
Profile Image for itsdanixx.
647 reviews61 followers
April 17, 2018
"The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet" is the eleventh story in the The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes story collection, the third publication in the Sherlock Holmes series (after the first two novels, so the first story collection).

Holmes consults with a man who was keeping the famous and priceless Beryl Coronet as collateral for a loan of money, only to wake up in the night to discover his son - a gambler - holding the now twisted coronet, with three jewels missing.

Probably my least favourite story from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, but really that just tells you the calibre of the stories in this collection.
Profile Image for أيمن يوسف.
430 reviews98 followers
November 14, 2022
منذ مدة طويلة جدا لم أقرأ ولا رواية
و أية رواية ! بوليسية ! كانت أشبه بالعودة إلى الماضي إلى نشوة المطالعة الأولى لما بدأت أكتشف عالم القراءة
منذ مدة طويلة و أنا ألزم نفسي فقط بالقراءات الجادة
و منذ العام الماضي ألزمتني أكثر خاصة بالكتب الدينية
لكن مع نقص وسائل الترويح عن النفس و في خضم ضغوط الحياة المختلفة
و إقناعا لنفسي بأنني سأستفيد ولو من باب تطوير أسلوبي اللغوي و ربما كتابتي الروائية السيئة التي لا تزال يطرق بابها العديد من الأفكار لكنها تأبى و تنكفئ على نفسها
الى اجل غير معلوم
تود النضوج دون خروج و دون سقوط
لا ادري لم اثرثر كثيرا
بينما كان يجدر بي ان اقدم مراجعة رواية شرلوك هولمز هذه
ربما لأنه الفضاء الوحيد تقريبا الذي يجده فيه المرء راحة قلبه
بعيدا عن سفاسف وسائل التواصل الأخرى
على كل الرواية جميلة و ربما افضل من روايات شيرلوك الاخرى
بالإضافة الى تاح الزمرد توجد معها قصة العصابة الرقطاء
و هي ايضا جيدة

هنا أتحدث عن الكتب و أشارك أفكار
Profile Image for Crime Addict Sifat.
177 reviews95 followers
August 8, 2017
The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet is one of the stories from the standard of Sherlock Holmes that is regularly ignored, but then it is a story with regards to numerous other Conan Doyle stories. In reality, there is cause for the criminologist to wear a camouflage, and even comprehend the case for the customer with a sensational prosper.

The instance of the Beryl Coronet is conveyed to Holmes by Alexander Holder, a broker who had been depended with the valuable crown. A robbery had happened, and a portion of the valuable stones were lost; there is by all accounts just a single suspect for the burglary, Arthur Holder, Alexander's child, as Arthur was clearly gotten in the demonstration.

Holmes obviously, looks past the conspicuous to find the genuine answer for the case; with Holmes watching, instead of basically observing.
Profile Image for Cora Tea Party Princess.
1,323 reviews864 followers
January 12, 2015
5 Words: Perfect length for a cuppa.

How can these family's do this to each other?

Another great story. I love Holmes more and more with each one. Why didn't I read these sooner?
Profile Image for Jaksen.
1,503 reviews80 followers
January 30, 2018
Sometimes I think this author is really over-rated. Yes, there I said it!

The story of a man who hides a valuable coronet (small crown) in his house. He's a banker, so WHAT is he thinking? He's keeping it as collateral - in exchange for a bank 'loan' - and intends to return it as soon as possible. But the coronet is PUBLIC PROPERTY and probably belongs to the ROYAL FAMILY, so if it's lost or stolen, the banker is in HUGE trouble.

So of course it IS stolen and Holmes is on the case. Just by looking around, examining footprints, and interviewing the handful of people who were in and around and about the house (at the time of the theft), Holmes solves the case. Of course he does.

I stand unimpressed and not simply because this all happened in the 19th century. Maybe I'm just getting tired of Mr. Holme's smugness and the absolute awe the other characters hold him in. Yeah, that's it.

2.5 stars, rounded up to 3.
Profile Image for Dhia Nouioui.
291 reviews154 followers
August 7, 2021
It has become a constant struggle to not give books that I manage to finish the score I designed for them but man, this was garbage. Sherlock works better on the screen.
Profile Image for Mohammed  Ali.
475 reviews1,347 followers
July 19, 2016
مغامرات شارلوك هولمز , تأليف السيد آرثر كونان دويل

قضية " تاج الزمرد " هي القضية الحادية عشر من مغامرات شارلوك هولمز .

قصة تاج فيه تسع و ثلاثون زمردة ترك من طرف أحد النبلاء الكبار في بريطانيا بعهدة أحد كبار المصرفيين بعد أن تدين منه مبلغا من المال , و لكن و قع المحظور بعد أ تمنت سرقت ثلاث زكردات من هذا التاج الذي أخذه المصرفي معه إلى منزله خوفا من فقدانه . فيتهم الإبن بالسرقة و تحبسه الشرطة و هنا يتدخل شارلوك ليبث في أمر هذه القضية و يحسمها .
Profile Image for Dorian.
343 reviews75 followers
January 26, 2018
I definitely was not expecting that. I definitely didn't think the suspected person was the one who took them, but it didn't even occur to me that it would this other person (trying to be vague to avoid spoilers). Really enjoyed this one!
Profile Image for Alex.
324 reviews28 followers
October 15, 2019
This was a pretty enjoyable case. I could follow it easily and it wasn't too outlandish to believe. I suspected who it was going to be pretty early on though.

I also had to google what a coronet was as I had no idea.
Profile Image for Katja Labonté.
Author 26 books255 followers
April 22, 2022
5 stars & 5/10 hearts. This was one of the very earliest Sherlock stories I read, and I always loved it. The broken banker, loving Mary, loyal Arthur, wicked Sir George, the unknown client, and poor Lucy + her one-legged sweetheart, all create a most interesting cast, especially when coupled with the inimitable Holmes & Watson. Then Sherlock’s championship for the boy, the unexpected dénouement, and the dramatic elements of the story make for a fascinating read leaving you with many thoughts.

Content: 5 instances of swearing.

A Favourite Quote: “It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
A Favourite Beautiful Quote: It was a bright, crisp February morning, and the snow of the day before still lay deep upon the ground, shimmering brightly in the wintry sun. Down the centre of Baker Street it had been ploughed into a brown crumbly band by the traffic, but at either side and on the heaped-up edges of the foot-paths it still lay as white as when it fell.
A Favourite Humorous Quote: “What did the police think of the noise which awoke you from your sleep?”
“They considered that it might be caused by Arthur’s closing his bedroom door.”
“A likely story! As if a man bent on felony would slam his door so as to wake a household… Now, my dear sir, is it not obvious to you now that this matter really strikes very much deeper than either you or the police were at first inclined to think? It appeared to you to be a simple case; to me it seems exceedingly complex. Consider what is involved by your theory. You suppose that your son came down from his bed, went, at great risk, to your dressing-room, opened your bureau, took out your coronet, broke off by main force a small portion of it, went off to some other place, concealed three gems out of the thirty-nine, with such skill that nobody can find them, and then returned with the other thirty-six into the room in which he exposed himself to the greatest danger of being discovered. I ask you now, is such a theory tenable?”
Profile Image for عنود.
134 reviews36 followers
January 22, 2018
صارت قصص هولمز بمثابة الوجبات الخفيفة بين القراءات الثقيلة ( ؛
Profile Image for Michelle Bacon.
436 reviews34 followers
May 7, 2020
Relying on the keen senses of the best detective to walk the streets of London, a prominent financier is entrusted with the safekeeping of a Beryl Coronet of which the man does not feel safe leaving it within the vaults of his bank. He takes it home just to find it within his son's grasp and a corner of it with 3 stones missing.
Holmes, with his meticulous sense of detail leaves no stone unturned in his quest to find out what really happened with the Coronet.
This short story really hits on the greatness of Sherlock Holmes and why he had so many fans. Probably one of the best short stories I've read.
Profile Image for mandinmandin.
253 reviews49 followers
December 19, 2016
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes was a fun ride full of interesting mysteries that I mostly solved with easy but still story by story this eccentric detective grew on me and I found myself truly enjoying a book after a long reading slump that was on and off during the whole year.
Profile Image for Julia.
235 reviews5 followers
January 16, 2017
A short one. Part of a fancy coronet goes missing. Sherlock Holmes talks down to people, runs around a bit without telling Watson what he's doing, and then proudly produces the missing gems with a flourish and some self-congratulating. That's about it!
Profile Image for Kristen.
543 reviews6 followers
August 31, 2019
I zoned out pretty much the entire story.
Profile Image for Ahtims.
1,558 reviews125 followers
November 2, 2020
Was an average story ..
Missing precious gems from a coronet and who the thief is.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 253 reviews

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