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Reflection of the Son

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This book examines a simple fact of nature, the way the moon reflects the sun's light to a darkened world, and draws some staggering insights into the way a Christian is to reflect Jesus Christ to a fallen world. Its chapters are named with simple mnemonic titles to lead readers through foundational principles in a clear and compelling way that can help Christians remain focused on productive steps toward spiritual maturity. In the process, this book reveals some deep spiritual truths and presents them in a way that a child can understand.

96 pages, Paperback

Published May 23, 2016

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Todd Coburn

5 books53 followers

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Profile Image for Mischenko.
1,021 reviews96 followers
May 27, 2017
To see this review and others please visit www.readrantrockandroll.com

Reflection of the Son by Todd Coburn is a book that will really make you think. I found the analogies stunning and have never thought about it the way Mr. Coburn has presented it.

It's a short and simple read at 84 pages and the way it's written, anyone can understand it. There are multiple Scriptures throughout the book that are explained.

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:14-16

I think this book would be great in a Bible study class as well. Even without questions, it really gets you brainstorming and would be a perfect book for a group discussion.

Chapter 6 "Perfect Positioning" was my favorite.

Whether you're already a Christian, want to become one, or just want to learn more about Jesus, this book is for you and I can certainly see it benefiting those lost in between.


Reflection of the Son is a very positive message that couldn't have come at a better time in my life.

This review can also be seen at www.readrantrockandroll.com

I'd like to thank the author for sharing this with me.

Profile Image for Starjustin.
91 reviews271 followers
April 1, 2017
Inspiring, enlightening, and above all, encouraging! Reflection of the Son, by author Todd Coburn, is a short read book that is a true 'gift' to its readers. This book has personally motivated me, after the 63 years I have spent on this earth, to read the Scriptures from beginning to end and to take a different look at why we were given life, what we are here in life for, and what we can do to share the light of these findings with everyone we come into contact with on a daily basis. I truly enjoyed this book! Thank you Todd Coburn for sharing your analogy and all that goes with it.
Profile Image for Stacy.
1,004 reviews91 followers
March 27, 2017
Want to know more about Christianity and some foundational prinicples? This book is great for explaining those. For those already a Christian, it is good to remind us that we should be allowing the Lord to shine through us. It has multiple scripture references so that the reader can go see for him/herself what does the Bible actually say, and would be useful in trans-version study of many different translations, and word studies as well. It would also be a useful book for Bible studies too. I think we all encounter times, when we feel that we are not making an impact or a difference, and can get caught up in the notion of "If I just try a little harder, work a little more, etc", when this book is a great reminder of that it is not in our strength anything is accomplished, but His, and good for helping to get back on track by looking to the Lord, and not ourselves. I would encourage all Christians to read this book, and non-Christians looking to know more about the Faith.
I received this book from the author.
See out interview with the author on our blog: https://twogalsandabook.com/
Profile Image for Anthony Jones.
Author 86 books84 followers
March 12, 2017
Exceptional read

As a Christian man I was astonished by the charm of this book.

Even as the dark moon reflects the light of the sun into the earths night sky’s so Christians should reflect the light of Christ to those who live in darkness. The analogies and scriptures are meaningful and ring true throughout this book. It is a short and simple message yet powerful. Not like church and not a sermon but a lesson. Todd Coburn has managed to teach valuable truths in his book Reflection of the Sun. I am happy to give this book 5 stars as I am already sharing his inspirational message.

Well written Sir!
Profile Image for Kathy Heare Watts.
6,402 reviews175 followers
October 22, 2016
An insightful looking at the heavens and God in our life. Jesus is the guiding light, outshining the sun, and always a beacon for us, the believers. He is the light of the world.

I won a signed copy of this book during a Goodreads giveaway.
Profile Image for Jim Shaner.
96 reviews11 followers
February 12, 2017
I received this book for free from the author.

Reflection of the Son is presented succinctly and simply, and I mean that with the highest compliment. And how fitting, because God’s plan for salvation is astoundingly simple for us to follow. We make it difficult by struggling to let go of what holds us back from eternal peace.

In our desperate striving for what we think is good, we search ourselves and others for a source of light and heat to give us comfort and secure happiness. We come up empty, finding darkness instead while often leading others astray. In his book, Reflection of the Son, Todd Coburn outlines how we can seek this light and peace.

The author takes the reader step by step, making sure you have solid footing before you intentionally and momentarily suspend balance in order to advance a step further. He invites us to pause and observe the world around us. It’s interesting how we take for granted that the moon reflects the sun’s light. Ponder the deeper meaning and appreciate the great design.

Coburn describes how a disciple may set his lamp on a table for all to see, not by shining his own light, but by reflecting the one true source of light – Jesus, Son of God. The author uses scripture as the basis for his testimony, taking care to smooth and set the mortar of the foundation before placing another brick in this enlightening way of thinking. If you are a believer you will easily follow the logic, and it may transform how you look at the world and your place in it. In the Christian journey, this book should be your compass.

As I read the book, it was refreshing for me to see that the author understands real life, knowing that while we strive to be the best, we daily fall short, and our journey to salvation is in fits and starts, but should not be consciously backward.

“As we act as reflectors of Christ, the world will get the light of Christ through us. As they look to and at us to see the light of Christ they will often see the remnants of darkness in our own lives, revealing us as the creatures of darkness that we were. Yet this is not to inhibit our role as reflectors, nor to undermine our determination to reflect the light He offers through our imperfect lives. Our role is simply to light the world by reflecting Jesus, and at the same time to submit to His cleansing and His cleaning of our lives, so that we become better vessels, better reflectors, better illuminators of the world and of ourselves through the light of Jesus Christ.”

This book’s message is one of hope. It does not tell the reader what path to follow; it only illuminates the first and most important step: recognize The Lord, orient yourself toward Him and catch His rays. In time, He will do the rest.
Profile Image for David Steele.
Author 7 books231 followers
June 14, 2016
Todd Coburn. Reflection of the Son. Westbow Press, 2016. 96 pp. $9.95

What do you get when you combine the mind of an engineer with a man who is devoted to the Lord Jesus Christ? This rare combination is most evident in Todd Coburn’s recent book, Reflections of the Son. Here the author puts his knowledge of the scientific world to good use as he presents a basic fact of nature, namely, the way the moon reflects the light of the sun to a darkened world. Using this scientific model as a backdrop, Coburn sets forth several principles whereby Christ followers can also reflect the love of Jesus to a sin-stained world.

The goal of the book is clearly stated: “Our goal in this book is to improve our ability to shine God’s light on earth. To do this we must rely on the source of light, Jesus Christ, and learn to reflect His light to the world.”

The author succeeds in setting forth his case for reflecting the only eternal light source in the world - Jesus Christ. Coburn adds, “Just as the moon reflects none of the sun’s light when it is completely facing earth and has its back to the sun, in the same way Christians, when we turn our faces away from Christ and towards the world, we become unable to see God’s will for us, we shed none of His light to mankind, and we also obscure mankind’s view of God Himself.”

So Coburn not only sets forth an encouraging case to bear witness for Jesus, he warns readers that failing to do so will marginalize what God intends to glorify.

“The moon is a great reminder to us of our role and responsibility in this life. The moon’s role in reflecting the sun’s light bears a striking similarity to the role of the Christian to reflect Jesus to the people around us.”

I received this book free from the author. I was not required to write a positive review.
Profile Image for Jackie Rogers.
1,187 reviews20 followers
October 22, 2016
This is a great little book for anyone walking with Jesus. The analogy of the sun and moon is a way to see how we are the light of the world. Jesus is so very real and alive He can reflect who He is by His vessels, us. If you don't walk with Jesus is because you don't really know Him. This book will reveal Him to you in a unique way. Be blessed today in His joy. Thanks to Mr. Coburn for generously sending me his book.
2,338 reviews103 followers
November 24, 2016
This is a Goodreads win review. This book is a wonderful book for anyone who wants a great walk with Christ. It gives insights into the way a Christian is to reflect Jesus in a fallen world. The book has very good spiritual truths.
Profile Image for Maria Pita.
Author 69 books36 followers
November 30, 2017
It's a sad fact that in this modern world of skyscrapers, electrical grids, and materialistic scientism, the mystery and magic of the moon merits very little thought, especially for city dwellers, except in terms of astronauts, sci-fi and paranormal romance stories. After all, modern man, for the most part, no longer relies on the moon to illuminate his nights.

I came to this book already feeling this way about the moon and the Son, but it was very nice to read the author's joyful analysis (richly reinforced by passages from Scripture) of what I also came to believe after a lucid dream. In my dream, the moon shot straight down from the sky onto a wall, where it hung like a three dimensional work of art in the form of a beautiful white fish with red trims that smiled at me. At the time, I was not yet a disciple of Christ, so I did not understand this dream at all. When, years later, its symbolism became clear to me, I wrote: “The moon reflects the sun's light, but is in itself a dark, lifeless body... like our brains' gray matter shining as minds reflecting God's Living Light.”

A very nice book.
Profile Image for Lisa.
11 reviews1 follower
November 15, 2016
Such an AMAZING little book.. Dont let the size fool you, its truly a wonderful book to cherish and treasure.. I can not say enough good things about this book and about the author himself. Todd is such a wonderful author and im so happy he has blessed the world with this book! I recommend this book and give it 5 stars!!! If Goodreads gave me more stars to work with then this book would have them all :)
Profile Image for Theresa Wade.
716 reviews2 followers
November 3, 2017
I found this to be a very nice devotional read at night before going to bed. Reflection of the Son covers the basics of Christianity and God's plan for salvation in a simple way for us to follow. It is an excellent refresher for a Christian. It is great for someone young who is trying to figure out how to have Jesus shine in their daily life. This is a book I will share with my grandchildren when they are old enough to understand.
1 review3 followers
August 29, 2016
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It speaks of a subject I often like to use as I lead my women's Bible Study - how our lives are to be a refection of our Savior similar to how the moon reflects the light from the sun. In fact, I like the book so much I gave a copy to every lady in our Bible Study. I highly recommend this book to others.
Profile Image for Quona  Fron.
9 reviews4 followers
April 4, 2017
A magnificent work! Worth reading over and over! Thank you Todd for sharing this with all who read it.
Profile Image for Gordon Grose.
Author 2 books19 followers
December 12, 2017
Review of Reflection of the Son by Todd Coburn, WestBow Press, 2016.

A Goodreads review group assigned me this book to review. In his short devotional book, Coburn examines “the way the moon reflects the sun’s light to a darkened world” to draw insights for how we should live as Christians. Specifically, how we, as Christians, are to “reflect Jesus Christ to a fallen world.” The basic image upon which he builds: “the moon provides light to the darkened side of earth, not through light of its own, but through light reflected from the sun. Without the moon’s reflected light, we would remain in utter darkness.” (Preface)

In each of four main chapters, the author outlines the lessons he draws from this phenomena of nature, supporting each of his theses with detailed exposition of Scriptures about light and darkness. His theses: 1) The Son, Jesus Christ, is the source of all spiritual light; 2) The Christian has no light of his own; 3) Only by reflecting the Son’s light can the Christian help illuminate the earth with the knowledge of Jesus Christ: 4) The Christian must position himself so that he faces the Son, so that Jesus Christ can reflect his light off of the Christian’s face and through the Christian’s actions, character, and behavior.

The Scripture passages he uses are ones not usually stressed in sermons. Citing John 3:19, for example, he says, “many people have chosen to remain in darkness. Many, when exposed to light choose to scurry into deeper darkness, shunning the light and the penetrating exposure of their deeds…” He also warns “many Christians also secretly admire certain aspects of darkness, and we tend to cultivate areas of our lives where we maintain a certain amount of darkness…” This results, he says, from allowing our sinful nature to reassert itself. Another unusual passage Coburn quotes is Paul in Acts 13:46 ff. to the effect that he and Barnabas are a light to the Gentiles. “The light they shed,” he says, “was the message and ministry of Jesus.” The Great Commission from Jesus himself “commissions every believer to light the world (all nations) by making disciples of (sic) Jesus. This is what we were made for: To become more like Jesus, and to proclaim His message to mankind.”

Each chapter provides helpful opening and closing summaries of the foregoing content. His final chapter “Final Thoughts” ties the whole book together in one final challenge.

I find Coburn’s exposition of Scripture sound and his logic based on Scripture compelling. I miss him illustrating and applying his Scripture passages more, however, to help the reader apply the important lessons he teaches to their personal lives. I find his attempts to represent Hebrew words distracting, in that he fails to explain his use of symbols, and he uses symbols I have never seen before. The Hebrew for “spirit/wind/breath,” for example, is usually transliterated (ruach), whereas he uses (tmvn). He also tends to use + when he means f. or ff. (following verse or verses).

This book may be used with profit as a basis for personal devotions to stimulate Christian readers to reflect Jesus more fully to a sinful world. “As our loves conform to Jesus’ image,” the author concludes, “we become like great reflectors, and our lives reflect His image brightly and accurately."
200 reviews9 followers
December 4, 2017
I really liked this little book by Todd Coburn. I enjoyed reading the author's thoughts and explanations and how he linked many characteristics of the moon and its positions in relation to the earth to the Christian faith. He also uses many quotations from Scripture to back up his explanations. The idea that the way the moon reflects the light of the sun is similar to how we as Christians should reflect Christ may seem like a simple one, but I had never thought about it before. It is a very beautiful picture and, in my opinion, it makes a lot of sense. It was a little bit repetitive at times, but I didn't mind that. I also think it's very cute that he included a personal poem in the end.

This book might serve as an inspiration or encouragement for you or you might simply enjoy reading about this beautiful idea. Maybe it will also help you understand the concept of how Christians are to reflect Jesus a little bit more.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

And you can also find an interview with the author on my blog: https://chasing-after-butterflies.blo...
Profile Image for Lee.
582 reviews10 followers
November 9, 2016
I like this short book on reflecting Jesus in our life. It is full of great scriptures on light and numerous analogies showing how we reflect Jesus' light in the world. I especially like the analogy of us to the moon and its various phases. It is an eye-opening look at our christian life as a reflection of Christ. I recommend this book. Thanks to the author for providing the complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Janice.
66 reviews
April 27, 2018
A short look at the Sun's relationship with the Moon in comparison to our relationship with Jesus. I very much enjoyed the comparison, and the new approach at looking at my relationship with Jesus. I don't want to say to much as to spoil the reading of the book, but I do recommend you spend the couple of hours it took to read this one!
September 28, 2020
Excellent Read

I loved reading this book and getting a different perspective of how one sees God's Love for us. It was easy reading and I'll never look at the moon the same way. Thank you so much. I was very blessed and highly recommend to everyone.
Profile Image for Marie Moreton.
Author 2 books12 followers
June 9, 2017
My experience from reading this book was firstly that I was gripped and fascinated. Secondly, for me, it felt like a spiritual re awakening to things that I thought I already knew, but realized that I didn't know well enough.
This book opened my eyes and heart to see more of, in a deeper and clearer way, some of the wonders and truths of the nature of God that are reflected through His creation. It also spoke of the yet un plunged depths and quality of a relationship that could be had with such a loving God. It also, with challenges, spoke of our role as Christians to be reflectors of Jesus in our world today and how we might be good reflectors of Jesus.
I found this book to be of a great encouragement in my daily walk and relationship with God. I highly recommend this book, especially if you are hungry for a deeper experience and understanding of the impact that God can have in your life, of the impact that you could have on the world and if you don't mind rising to some challenges.
Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 reviews

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