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After #1

After the Before

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Her perfect world was destroyed in one single day, one moment, in which she lost her beloved twin brother and best friends, and the loving father she knew. Leaving Jasmine only with the scars as a reminder and the daily scorn and abuse from her mother. Tormented by the deadly aftermath of the accident that claimed his sister, father and best friend, Alex detonated. He joined a gang and proceeded to destroy what was left of his life and pushing away the only person who survived, leaving her to cope with her loss and injuries on her own. When in their senior year, circumstances bring Jasmine and Alex back together, emotions begin to resurface, and their carefully laid facades starts crumbling, baring what is left of their hearts to each other. Destiny appears to bring them together, while fate threatens to tear them apart.

382 pages, Paperback

First published August 31, 2014

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About the author

Jessica Gomez

30 books628 followers
Jessica Gomez, a bestselling author, who skillfully juggles her time between family and the captivating worlds she weaves through her writing. A true bibliophile and self-proclaimed eccentric, she engages in lively debates with the characters residing in her mind, especially the irresistibly hot bad boys willing to set the world ablaze for the ones they love.

Outside the realm of writing, Jessica finds joy in outdoor family activities and globe-trotting adventures. Her writing is a delightful reflection of her quirky sense of humor and unabashed sarcasm, guaranteeing moments of laughter in the most unexpected places. Brace yourself for those odd looks!

Jessica welcomes engaging conversations with readers, whether it's about her own books or any literary works that capture the imagination. Feel free to connect and join the discussion!

Website: authorjessicagomez.wixsite.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews
Profile Image for Brenna.
95 reviews
March 18, 2015
This book was gifted to me for an honest review.

I really enjoyed reading this book and was distraught any time I had to set it aside temporarily, like to go to work. I just wanted to know what would happen next!

The characters in this book, Jasmine & Alex, are both very likable and I connected with them immediately,which made this a real page turner for me.

Both Jasmine and Alex have survived a tragedy that initially separates them but later helps them come back together.

I enjoyed that this book was about an inter-racial couple and the sprinkling of Spanish in the book only enhanced it. It was also a dual POV book, which allows the reader to know the inner thoughts and motivations of both characters.

There are a few very unique storyline aspects to the book, including the tragedy the characters endured, Jasmine's abusive mother, Alex being the leader of a gang, and a near rape scene. Much of this was extremely dramatic, in a can't set the book down way.

To be honest, I'm not entirely certain how realistic all of it was. For example, are 17 year old kids in suburbs that sound wealthy for the most part (an all inclusive senior trip to Hawaii?!?!) really the leaders of gangs where you have to get jumped in? But hey, maybe it is sadly more realistic then I think, and even if unrealistic, it is a story, and an enjoyable one at that!

The book brought out lots of strong feelings in me; sympathy, anger, shock, and hope. The romance portion of this book was excellent - passionate and sweet.

It was a good read I'd recommend to others!
Profile Image for Elexis.
111 reviews23 followers
November 10, 2014
For a debut novel, I believe this story was great! Unforgettable for sure.
There is passion, heartbreak, fun, adventure...so much more.
I remember reading teasers saying that I'd never forget Alex& Jasmine's story, they were right.
A tragic accident causes two families to go through some horrible things and tests their children's strength in ways children should not be tested.
Okay so some of it was unrealistic & I was jealous , LoL, but in real life there isn't always a HEA.
Loved it & will happily read more from this author.
Profile Image for Amy Burch.
398 reviews43 followers
April 3, 2015
4 Star-Crossed Lovers Stars!


I received a copy of this book in an exchange for an honest review.

For her debut novel I believe Gomez has created something that is gritty, emotional and at times confronting. Her writing flowed well and I found it easy to engage with both the characters and the story.

I personally, found this book to be slightly reminiscent of Simone Elkeles, Perfect Chemistry , rich white girl with a hidden home-life falls in love with the troubled Hispanic gang-banger while everyone and everything tries to keep them apart and threatens to destroy their love.

After a tragic accident shattered their worlds and obliterated life as they ever knew it, Alex and Jasmine have spent the last two years trying to stay afloat and numbing their grief in their own ways. They have not spoken to each other since that fateful day and when they both finally come face to face on their first day back at school they are forced to not only confront each other but also their pasts. From the moment they see each other there is an immediate strong connection between the pair and your heart can't help but hurt for them. They have both endured so much and continue to do so. Their turmoil and pain is palpable throughout the book and all you want is for these two broken people to put each other back together again.

But in true Romeo and Juliet fashion there are an abundance of obstacles that stand in their way. Jasmine's horrible mother being one of the main ones. It was a nice change to see the abuser in this story was actually the mother. It's a very real problem and occurs far more than people realise and I applaud Gomez for taking this route with her story. However, in saying that I would have loved for it to have been explored more. I had so many unanswered questions and wish Gomez had have been more in depth with that aspect of the story.

I also really enjoyed both the incorporation of the very real realities of Alex's gang life as well as his Hispanic background. Gomez managed to work a lot of translations into the story but I still found myself using my translator app quite a bit.

If I am being completely honest there were a LOT of things I loved about this book - Forbidden romance, great characters, love defying the odds, salvation and redemption.

On the flip side, there were a couple of things that did not really sit well with me -

1. The trip to Hawaii, I mean as cool as it is, I found it to be totally unrealistic and therefore it kind of annoyed me. I obviously have no idea how the American school system works, but seriously, an all expenses paid trip to Hawaii in the second week of school? Not to mention the fact that a known gang-banger who is under court orders is not only allowed to attend but roam free unsupervised?.

2. I am sure anybody who knows me is going to know straightaway that my main bone of contention with the book was the dreaded "love triangle". Why does it always seem to be a pre-requisite in this genre to have a bloody love-triangle. Yes, we all knew from the outset how it was going to play out but that did not mean it doesn't frustrate the daylights out of me when heroines are indecisive about the guy they know they love and the guy they think they should love.

Personally, I would have much preferred it if Gomez left out the whole love-triangle as there was already plenty of other factors threatening to tear these two apart without that added drama and instead of a trip to Hawaii just let this wonderful forbidden romance play out on home soil.

Despite these minor gripes I have to admit that I really enjoyed this book and recommend it to anyone who enjoys forbidden love, high school romance, bad boys who just need a good girl or Romeo and Juliet type story lines.

I definitely think Jessica Gomez is someone you should be looking out for in the future and look forward to reading more of her books.
Profile Image for Sue  .
307 reviews25 followers
March 23, 2015
I received a copy of this book from the author in return for an honest review.

After The Before is a love story about Jasmine and Alex, who grew up childhood friends, but went their separate ways after a major incident, only to meet up again after a period of time. The story follows their attempts at a relationship despite all the things going against them.

There are so many things I loved about this book. Both the leading male and female characters are very real consistently throughout the story and both are very likeable. I really felt for Jasmine regarding her family issues and I think the author did a great job in writing about some sensitive topics. It was also interesting to read the story from Alex’s perception, not just because he was a young male, but because of his Mexican background and gang ties.

The storyline with its twists and turns was also believable and I didn’t find it too predictable.

Each chapter alternates between the point of view of Jasmine and Alex, and gives you a wider perception of the situation as the next chapter slightly overlaps the ending of the previous chapter, so you actually get a bit of the story from both main characters’ points of view. I found this to be an interesting concept, as I can’t recall reading any other book written in this way, and I commend the author for her writing skills in this regard because the alternating between the two points of view and the retelling of parts of a scene was never confusing and was not repetitive.

Dialogue between all the characters was written really well, with believable conversations not just between the leading characters but the minor ones as well. Even though I don’t understand Spanish, I did not find it off putting with the occasional Spanish phrase or word thrown in here and there, because the author managed to work in an explanation for it into the story, or you were not meant to understand what was said at the time because it was written from Jasmine’s point of view, and she didn’t understand Spanish either.

The action in the story builds a lot towards the end of the book and a few of the scenes were quite emotional for me. The ending rounded everything off and I was very satisfied at the end.

I don’t believe there is anything at all that I didn’t really like about this book, although I would question the school trip to Hawaii, but maybe this does happen in some schools in the USA.

This book was a quick easy read, with hours going by unnoticed because I was so engrossed in the story, wanting to keep reading more to find out what was going to happen next. Overall, it was an enjoyable read and I would be happy to read more books by this author. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a modern love story with some hard hitting issues thrown in the mix.
Profile Image for LaDonna.
484 reviews20 followers
January 21, 2015
Fantastic debut and I will definitely be on the lookout for more from this author. Full of tragedy, love, abuse, teen angst, gang involvement - but through it all she manages to weave an amazing romance. At one point while reading this I remember thinking that if Romeo and Juliet or West Side Story had either one been this interesting I wouldn't have hated Freshman English and our quarter long compare and contrast of the two so much that over 25 years later I still hate them both. In a lot of ways, this is a modern, sexier retelling of the tired storyline of good girl falls for bad boy and their families disapprove. There is nothing tired about this story though.

The "before" is the story of two families who are neighbors and close friends, and their children, all close in age, are the best of friends. Without getting into spoiler territory, tragedy strikes both families in an instant, driving a huge wedge between the two families.

The after fast forwards two years when Jasmine returns to high school for her senior year, and Alex is forced to do the same. With all of the pain of the event which defined the split of the before and the after, they both try to deny the attraction to each other. They have each been through complete hell in the two years since that fateful day, and seeing each other brings up so many memories, good and bad, in each of them. Forced to be lab partners in biology forces them to face all of these memories and attempt to deny the searing attraction they have for each other. The consequences of the pairing are too great to face, but the chemistry between them is simply undeniable. A senior trip to Hawaii, including sitting together in first class for the flight, does nothing but fan the flames. Can these two broken teens heal each other's wounds? And if the can, how can they possibly continue their forbidden romance when they have to return home?

This book is an emotional rollercoaster of Titanic proportions, about as far from a light and fluffy HEA as you can imagine (but I'll risk the spoiler to let you know that after all the carnage is settled, it does end with a HEA finale - if anyone has ever deserved one, these two do.) I did notice a few spelling and/or editing errors, but not enough to take away from the power of the story.

An adult only read for sexual situations, abuse, gang violence, attempted rape.
Profile Image for Adriana.
1,315 reviews144 followers
March 22, 2015
I read this book in one sitting and devoured it lol. I havent read a book like this since Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles which i loved and this one i loved just as much. It is a heartbreaking story both Alex and Jasmine have lost so much and suffered so much. Instead of helping each other out as they were going through the same thing they avoided each other for two years , and both gone through hell. When Alex gets court ordered to go back to school he knows he will see Jasmine. When Jasmine finds out Alex is coming back she tries everything to avoid him but things dont always go according to plan. Forced to be lab partners and forced to face each other no matter how much it hurts. Their chemistry is undeniable and Alex is the one person that Jasmine feels safe with. A senior trip to Hawaii changes everything in there relationship, but when they get home can they continue this forbidden relationship? What will Jasmines mum say after she told Jasmine to stay away from Alex or else? Was this relationship doomed from the start like Romeo and Juliet or was it meant to be a happy ever after. Well you will have to read it and find out and i hope you do.. This is the first of Jessica s books ive read and i will now definitely be reading all of her books.. I cant wait to read the next book in the After series
Profile Image for Mary.
54 reviews
March 18, 2015
** I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for a honest review **

I really enjoyed this book. The story and characters were so engaging. The tragedy and struggle that Jasmine and Alex each went through made for an emotional rollercoaster.

The mix of cultures was refreshing. There are questions that I wished were answered, like what were Margaret's issues with Jasmine.

I don't usually like a clear and happily ever after ending, but in this case the characters went through so much they deserved it.

I recommend this book to anyone that wants to feel something while readying a book because the writing pulls you in until the end.
Profile Image for Colin Ginn.
Author 23 books27 followers
January 31, 2015
This is a book that I keep reading and one that I didn't add to my Goodreads list until now.

This debut novel by Jessica Gomez has all the hallmarks of a classic, Jasmine and Alex are characters you can believe in and want to read about. The storyline takes you on a journey through their teenage years detailing the tragedies that pull them apart, and bring them together. With this story I felt the need and the urge to keep reading, it also left me with the want to read again and again.
Profile Image for Marie.
Author 24 books66 followers
April 17, 2018
A dark but interesting story with a satisfying ending. The plot was intriguing, if not a bit cliche, with a female who constantly needs saving and a hot guy that every girl he gets near throws themselves at. There are also a good amount of editing issues that should be addressed.
Even so, the story shines through and I found myself riveted to the page and rooting for the unlikely couple to get through the drama.
Profile Image for Les.
84 reviews1 follower
March 26, 2015
Very sweet book and educational as well. Never used my translation tool so much. I truely enjoyed this book. Something beautiful coming out of such a horrid tragedy. Well done Jessica
Profile Image for Bethyboo ღ The Book Addict ღ.
454 reviews79 followers
June 14, 2018
This just wasn't for me. I couldn't relate to any of the characters and honestly they weren't really realistic in my opinion. The sudden switch from avoiding eachother to professing their love was worse than whiplash. I also know I'm not going to read the second book just because of the blurb. First I don't actually care and second I'm not going to read about two people that are dead in the first book. So many things in this book make no sense. If Alex has already been in jail 5 times no judge is going to tell him he doesn't need to go to jail again if he goes to school and gets good grades. Also it's mentioned that kids with money go to this school. I'm not trying to be prejudice but I just can't see poor gang kids going to the same school as a bunch of rich kids. Especially if this school finances a trip to Hawaii fully paid with daily allowances. Just a lot of stuff seemed unrealistic to me in a way that bothered me.
Profile Image for Leanna.
175 reviews31 followers
June 13, 2017
This is such a wonderful story about strength, perseverance, pain, heartache, and love. The main characters Jasmine and Alex have so much to deal with and both deal with so differently. I admire their strength so much. Jasmine had my empathy from the start as she was dealt a horrible and unloving mother and had to face extreme tragedy. She never gave up .....either did Alex ....they finally reconnected .....
Profile Image for J.D. Brewer.
Author 4 books55 followers
March 26, 2015
Actual rating, 3.5... (And I'm not sure if my review counts as spoilers... So reader beware.)

After the Before is a classic Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story, forbidden love kind of deal.

On the surface, a rich white girl falls in love with a Mexican gang banger whose father killed himself, her brother and best friend (slash his sister) and paralyzed her father in a drunk driving accident. To add depth/a different spin, throw in an abusive mother, a strange knowledge of edible plants, a totally unrealistic all expenses paid senior class trip to Hawaii at the beginning of the school year where no chaperones are ever present and a gang banger on parole is allowed to roam free, bruises that heal really fast, a rich grandmother in the nursing home, a few gang stereotypes, a virgin, surfing lessons, alcohol/drugs, a douche-bag to prompt jealousy, really spicy hamburgers, the objectification of women, sexy spoken Spanish, a couple near rapes, a kidnapping, slight skinny dipping, a large emphasis on hormonal teenage sex, some pretty awesome fist fights...

...And love is in the air.

I think the most visceral part of the book is the topic of abuse. It's rare that a narrative shows the idea of an abusive mother, which breaks the stereotypes surrounding motherhood. I honestly wished the Hawaii trip had been replaced with a more in depth look at this unconventional mother-daughter relationship. The love conflict could have been just as intense had it taken place in their hometown... possibly more intense as they would have been forced to sneak around mothers and gangs (rather than classmates in Hawaii who actually could have cared less by how little interactions they had with the two main characters). I was so confused by Jasmine's mother's motivations, and I wished that more time had been spent on this character, exploring her role in keeping the two star-crossed lovers apart and her hatred for her daughter. As it was, the mother is the villain for villain's sake and may have been more terrifying had she been multi-dimensional.

Conceptually, the rest of the conflicts were heartbreaking, but, overall, there's something to be said about less is more. Sometimes it felt like scenes moved on before any resolution could be found within them... Conflict was piled on top of conflict so that the last few chapters had to do a mad-dash to wrap everything up with a pretty little bow so the ending could be of the happily ever after variety.

Another thing that confused me was the objectification of women part. Alex, the gang banger, has conflicting actions and views on this. In order to make him seem like a good guy at heart, the author has him say things in regards to how his crew treats women. However, he also says and does things that contradict and show he thinks it's okay as long as the girls are too slutty/dress provocatively/consent to degradation/fall for a Spanish accent. Truly, the only woman that it's not okay to objectify and degrade (according to Alex's actual actions) is the other main character, Jasmine. I'm a little confused by the message the author wants to get across, though I'm glad it's a topic that gets explored. If nothing else, it sparks up a conversation on mixed messages in narratives about how women should been viewed and treated.

When it comes down to it, the book explores some pretty heavy topics that make it relevant to the audience the author is shooting for. Death, first loves, family, abuse, gangs, violence, and sex.

The big take-aways that make this book worth picking up? The over all themes...

I love the idea of redemption found in love, family found in the strangest of places, and healing found in time.
Profile Image for Michelle Ferrari-Johnson.
1,557 reviews40 followers
April 9, 2016
This is a truly heartbreaking and inspirational story. Jasmine and Alex have endured tragedy and learned they need to depend on each other to survive.

A drunk driving accident claimed three lives, left Jasmine's father as a paraplegic and Jasmine severely injured. Her mother, Margaret,has hated her since her birth and doesn't want anything to do with her husband. Addicted to drugs and alcohol, she only cares about herself and her son, Jace. After Jace dies, Margaret physically attacks Jasmine almost daily. Jasmine never tells anyone about the abuse, fearing what would happen with her father.

Alex is mad at the entire world and joins a gang. He and his mom are forced out of their home and to relocate in the slum of the city. He beats a fellow inmate severely. In exchange for more jail time,the judge sends him to finish high school and stay out of trouble.

Very slowly Jasmine and Alex salvage their friendship. They also start having feelings for each other. On a class trip, their romance blossoms. They know that when they return home they can not be together. Alex is still in a gang and you don't just get to walk away from that life. Jasmine still has her crazy mother to contend with and neither know what will happen.

Will their romance continue? Alex needs to be able to protect Jasmine at all cost from rival gangs learning of his attachment to her. Will Margaret continue her abuse of Jasmine? How can they stop all these things and be together?

Such a great story you will definitely enjoy your journey
Profile Image for Zoë Ann Book Queen.
905 reviews52 followers
April 2, 2015
*I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

This book broke my heart. It was such a sweet love story based on a tragic accident.

I loved Alex and Jasmine. They were both left emotionally broken after the accident that cost them most of their families and changed their lives. The majority of the book happens in the ‘After’. Jasmine and Alex haven’t spoken to each other in 2 years; both for different reasons. Alex due to his pain and new gang life. Jasmine because of her abusive mother’s threats.

I loved how Jessica portrayed their romance, it was raw and beautiful. I sound like a horribly sappy girl right now but this book was really emotional; the obstacles the two had to go through were really shocking. I was completely hooked.

I honestly loved practically everything about this story; it was too amazing to put into words really. I would totally recommend it.

The only thing i disliked about the book was that near the end there was a scene that happened in one persons POV and was then repeated in the next chapter in the other persons POV. I get that it was designed to give us both of their feelings but i felt it made the scene a bit jumpy and could have done without it.

I can't wait to see what Jessica writes next!!
Profile Image for MeaganC..
137 reviews1 follower
April 3, 2015
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

There is A LOT going on in this book. As a fan for Romeo and Julietesque tales, I quickly asked to review this novel. Unlike some stories that attempt to recreate the Shakespearean tale piece by piece, I appreciated this author's ability to weave in important aspects of the romance and young love, while also staying true to her own original plot and story. As a Texan, I loved the mixing of POV and integration of Spanish into the story. It made it seem so much more authentic. I liked that our two romantic leads had a history before their love. So many stories in this genre are written as what I like to call, BAM love...aka BAM, we're in love (cough cough Twilight wannabes), but here we have the story of two individuals that knew each other and before the tragedy hits. Other up and coming authors should take note of this. Not every romance book needs to be a quick romance.

I really appreciated this author's ability to be gritty. She's talking about wealth, gang lifestyle, and young love, and it was pretty good. I only gave it three stars, because whenI finished the book, I was left with a meh feeling. It's a decent read and an easy read, but nothing grabbed me in a memorable way after I put it down.
Profile Image for Linzi Selby.
134 reviews
March 29, 2015
I was given this book to write an honest review.
After the before was a great read and I must admit I didnt want to put it down.
The story has a modern day romeo and juliet feel to it.
I found the book pulled at my heart strings throughout, from the tragedy from the before or the love/hate of the after.
Jasmine is such a strong young women who has been through alot in her short life. I thought the author did a great job in writing her character.  Then you have Alex, hes a bad boy but has his own demons he contends with, you can't help but love him!
I found this book not dissimilar to a couple of other books I have read however it was one of the better ones!
A fantastic read! Im looking forward to reading more from this author.
Profile Image for Amber Dicks.
74 reviews2 followers
January 12, 2015
Oh my goodness! The story of Jasmine and Alex is a story of the most unbearable heartache one person can endure... Their life as they know it is turned upside down all because of one bad decision. Jas goes her way and Alex goes his, but after being given a second chance at life, he is also given a second chance with Jasmine. They want each other, but their families feel differently.

This book was amazing, and very different from what I normally read. It took me a little while to get into the book, but once I did I was hooked! It's safe to say I was just as hooked on this book as Jasmine and Alex were hooked on each other!
Profile Image for Stephen Walton.
650 reviews2 followers
September 13, 2015

I was given this book to read free on condition I gave a fair and honest review.
What a really good story. It never lacked in action and excitement from the very first pages to the epilogue . Dealing with the very delicate subjects of abuse and multiple rape the author did a tremendous balancing act between facts and fiction . The story never drops in pace and the final chapters are a nail biting climax to the story. This is a great book for fans of YA fiction . Definitely recommended and thankyou for the free copy.
2,482 reviews51 followers
August 6, 2016
Gotta say I don't usually read books with high school students. I am old enough to be their grandmother. I enjoyed After the Before so much that I will be looking into more books by Jessica Gomez.
The main characters were likable and believable. The circumstances surrounding the story were so depressing, I didn't think I would ever smile. The author made me work for happily ever after. It was so worth it!!!! Even better I got some one to really, really hate. If I could have reached into the pages and slapped her I would have done a happy dance all day long.
Profile Image for Marsha.
1,487 reviews12 followers
April 16, 2015
After The Before by Jessica Gomez is the perfect title for this book. It is terrifically written and covers so many difficult topics. The fear, anger and hopelessness felt by these characters reflected my own emotions. I was dug into this one so deeply, I just really wanted a win. Although I did not see how it possibly could happen, Gomez tied this HEA up into a nice, tear filled ending for me. I look forward to reading more from this author.
Profile Image for Jennifer Theriot.
Author 18 books476 followers
September 22, 2015
Oh my! Talk about a book full of angst and emotions. Mine were all over the place. I felt anger, sadness, hope and love. The characters were well developed. We see Jasmine, who suffered from, God forbid, an abusive mother and Alex who battled his own set of demons. While this is a long book, it's full of twists and turns, well developed and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Love, family, healing, and redemption ring in my mind and the author did a great job!
Profile Image for Stephanie Daley.
268 reviews30 followers
April 14, 2016
Heartbreaking and great

This was one of those reads that you cannot put down until you finish. There's some heartbreak, some good times, and bad times. There is even a part where I was laughing out loud, the fingers and face, you will have to read to see what I am talking about!
Profile Image for Tracy Lundy-Munn.
1,483 reviews
September 26, 2014
This was my first Jessica Gomez book and I thought it was a pretty solid book. The storyline had some issues but I still think the author put a lot of thought and details into the book. The characters were interesting and I thought fit very well with the storyline. All in all a pretty good book.
Profile Image for Amy.
162 reviews
July 3, 2016
An interesting read, the author's voice is unique. The emotions break out within the first part of the story. Tragedy, love, hatred, anger, lust, confusion, all wrapped up in a search for the feelings of belonging & normalcy.
August 14, 2016
Great read

Very intense book. I found myself angry, happy, teary and everything in between. I loved (and hated )the characters and enjoyed getting to know them through their individual views. I particularly like when chapters go back and forth between them like that.
Profile Image for Isabel Reyes.
1 review1 follower
October 29, 2014
The story line kept me interested.. Slow start at first but got better as it went on.. My first book by Jessica will read others :)..
Profile Image for Mindy McCray .
1,156 reviews9 followers
March 21, 2015
I loved this book! Jessica Gomez had me crying and laughing throughout the whole book. It was a very emotional ride but it was an amazing experience. Can't wait to read more by this author
Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews

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