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Take Me with You

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I watch.
I study.
I prowl.
I hunt.

I always go in with a plan. A set of rules for myself. I don't take unnecessary risks. That's how I've been able to evade capture all these years.

But there's something about this girl that is different than the others. When I finally meet her, the rules become a blur. And I break the most important one of all--I take her with me.


It's just my imagination--that feeling of being watched. That those icy eyes-- a vivid turquoise with a distinct golden fleck--aren't watching me.

It's just stress. I am the person everyone relies on. Maybe that's why I haven't been feeling so content with my life lately. Why I dream those eyes belong to someone who can tear me away from all of my responsibilities.

But these are just shameful fantasies, never meant to breach reality.

Then one night, the dream comes true, only it's a horrific nightmare.

Now, I only have one task: survival.

Trigger warning: If you need one, this is really not the book for you.

355 pages, ebook

First published October 15, 2016

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About the author

Nina G. Jones

10 books1,795 followers
By day, Nina G. Jones works for an internet startup and is a freelance copywriter. She lives with her husband and two dogs.

By night, she explores the hidden recesses of the human psyche in her writing.

Nina has a background in Psychology and uses this as a starting point for her writing. She adds depth to her characters by exploring their psychological motivations. Due to the nature of the topics she explores, Nina does not shy away from explicit language, sexuality, or violence. Despite covering some heavy topics, Nina finds a way to infuse humor into her writing as well.

She has a particular fascination with people who appear to be “normal” or “successful” by all outside appearances who are hiding a secret life.

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Profile Image for  ⚔Irunía⚔ .
430 reviews4,500 followers
October 31, 2022
1.5 I really don't take it well when authors try to bullshit me stars.

I promised to elaborate on the points I had previously outlined, so here I attach the extended version of the issues I had with the story no one had asked me for. You can thank me later on. 🤡

I learn their routines. I enter their homes and go through their keepsakes and take small tokens here or there. Something they won't notice or will assume they have misplaced. I may move a picture. Eat something. Just enough so that somewhere in their subconscious they feel my presence long before I am standing in front of them.

I'll leave this quote here. Just enough so that somewhere in your subconscious you feel my review coming long before I actually write it.


1) First of all, I want to praise the author for the writing style that is good and engaging (in my humble opinion); it urged me to give the book a higher rating than I feel is warranted. The beginning managed to keep my interest and I was eager to know how the events were going to unfold.

Initially, the story gave me goosebumps: a few psychological details and the description of the hero's stalking and hunting routine had me rivetted for a couple of precious seconds. 👀
Nevertheless, the book went downhill pretty fast, turning into a fast approaching snowball of a very average fluffy/cheesy (others may call it "twisted") love story;

2) Insta-lust/insta-love in a serial rapist's 'groundbreakingly sensational' love story 🌞🌞🌞

Here we go again:)

Everyone has their own preferences and favourite tropes when it comes to romance, no questions about that. I have no business telling authors how they should write THEIR own stories.

That being said, will I call them out on the things that make no sense in the context of a particular narrative? You bet.

How do I put it nicely? A girl jerking off to the mental image of a stranger's eyes is surely an interesting concept to entertain, but yeah, in a bit...weird way, you know? 🤡

Our heroine Vesper sees a creepy dude's green EYES (only eyes, don't ask me how it is even possible; Gogol in his fabulous The Nose wrote about a man's nose living the life of its known: after Russian literature nothing can truly shock or surprise me anymore) following her around a couple of times, and guess what? Instead of getting worried... I don't know... concerned for her safety? curious? if worse comes to worst... our home girl (not a few days later), while she is having a rather boring, uninspiring sex session with her long-term boyfriend, keeps closing her eyes only to imagine that it's the green-eyed stranger who is actually fucking her.

And by doing that she achieves what do you think?? BINGO, my clever friends, Mr. Little Death.

Was I flabbergasted by the girl who was dumb enough to accept her sex god of a boyfriend's marriage proposal the very same day, the VERY same hour she had orgasmed to the fantasies of another man's EYES? A good premise for marriage. (first red flag) 🙏🏻😌

Might I also add how unbelievably dumb, stupid and disgusting reading about a woman who orgasms each and every time (as if that makes the situation somehow better) her abductor slash rapist rapes her, quickly falling in love with the said mans who she knows(!): 1) RAPED/RAPES OTHER WOMEN; 🤡 2) treats her like a sex doll; 3) barely talks to her.

What's so dark about being a dumb bitch who lacks compassion and empathy? That's what I call lazy writing. Instead of pacing the change in their victim vs abuser relationship dynamic nicely and timely, building the foundation for the heroine's emerging Stockholm syndrome (much better than feelings that emerge out of nowhere), the author opts for the path of a mediocre romance writer that knows nothing about psychology or tools to make the story believable (if not realistic).

To cut a long story short,

3) The message of this book is all kinds of fucked up: running like a golden thread through the book is the possibility of reforming a SERIAL RAPIST:

She feeds the ravenous animal that lives inside of me,
the hero says.

The author doesn't elaborate on what will happen when the animal wants fresh meat.

Why do y'all dark romance authors insist on writing redemption arcs for rapist heroes?? You good, my sisters??? It's okay to write about any of that, you know, there are bad people out there. You don't need to bend backwards to justify their actions.

It's honestly so concerning that all these heroines ultimately enjoy their rape aka one of the vilest experience a person can experience. We can explore dark matters in fiction without having them sugarcoated to placate some sensitive girls' sensibilities (sensitive girls should not be reading novels with trigger warnings anyway). This just sounds like a bad joke undermining the horror and nasty psychological and physiological effects of violation.

This is some clown shit, not edgy dark romance you think that is.

4) MY MAJOR ISSUE WITH THIS BOOK is the author that believes she's a real smartass who knows how 🤡 to hedge her bets. 🤡

But first let me explain. So, at the very beginning, she plays it safe by saying:

"Seriously. This is not a romance", "trigger warning: all of them" and bla bla bla.

Firstly, HOW VERY SPECIFIC. Your time is too valuable to write down a couple of trigger warnings, so you gave us this backhanded version of a warning? I swear they're not as many triggers in this story as I've encountered in some other really dark books. It would take one 1 minute to list all of them.

Secondly, imagine my face after having read a whole ass TYPICAL DARK ROMANCE book LMFAO only for the author to tell me that no, it's not that. Not at all. This is something groundbreaking and new and unmatched sjsjjsjejesj

What really did surprise me, though, was how eagerly a lot of reviewers (not all of them, of course), either because they simply decided to follow in the author's footsteps or because they genuinely didn't see how this story is a romance (I don't know which one was that), advise other readers to not perceive it as one. ¿EXCUSE ME, BITCH?

I have my own eyes, thank you very much.

The story FITS EVERY FUCKING CRITERIA of a romance novel. If I watch a porn film I won't perceive it as a cartoon, no matter what lies the creators try feeding me:))

Just take a look at how this book is 100% romance based on the various definitions I have found in the most reliable source ever (🤡wikipedia🤡):

a romance novel or romantic novel is a type of genre fiction novel:

places its primary focus on the relationship and romantic love (feeling of love for, or a strong attraction towards another person) between two people;
✅the main plot of a mass-market romance novel must revolve about the two people as they develop romantic love for each other and work to build a relationship;
✅the conflict and the climax of the novel should be directly related to that core theme of developing a romantic relationship;
✅a conflict will draw them apart, but you know in the end they'll be back together, and preferably married or planning to be
Women will pick up a romance novel knowing what to expect, and this foreknowledge of the reader is very important.
()Joan Schulhafer of Pocket Books, 1982
✅even controversial subjects are addressed in romance novels, including topics such as date rape, domestic violence, addiction, and disability;
✅includes certain plot considerations (such as the protagonists' meeting early on in the story);
✅usually has an "emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending".


Now tell me all about how this is not a romance, and how I didn't like it because I am not an open-minded person with lots triggers and limits that has no business rating and evaluating it as a romance novel that it ACTUALLY fucking is. Go off.

Ms. Jones, the above mentioned warning at the beginning of your book was a clever, deliberate (and successful, based on the average rating) move on your part 👏🏻👏🏻

💅🏻escaping harsh criticism from people minding blatant glorification of rapists in their romance novels? - ALMOST DONE. 🙏🏻
💅🏻 manipulating readers' feelings and sparing them the guilt they might have experienced enjoying the rapist's hea? YES, BABE. 🙏🏻

Lol. For all I care, in the similar manner I may tell ya right now that this review/opinion about the book is actually a poem and sleep tight at night, believing myself an accomplished poet.


My point? Yes, I will rate this story as a romance novel, and I will rate it accordingly.

Books may and should tackle such issues as racism, sexism and crime. Book characters can be racists, sexists, rapists and whoever tf authors want them to be, but do such things need to be romanticized and glossed over? Putting aside any moral reasoning (that I hate to apply when I offer my point of view on any topic), I think not.

Miss Jones really put her whole pussy into justifying her hero raping countless women by his mommy issues. More than half of the adult population has either mommy or daddy issues, do they all have the moral right to torture other people to deal with them and have my compassion now? LET THE BAD GUY STAY A BAD GUY. So pussy for going down the beaten track. Also, I think providing half-hearted explanations about mommy/daddy issues is the most overused tool to gain a reader's sympathy. (Maybe it works 😭😭😭)

It would be much more honest if the author didn't reduce her trigger warning to deluding her readers and just sincerely explained that this book is a love story between a serial rapist and his victim (brief and crystal clear in comparison to the author's vague 'trigger warning: all of them' (that conveys absolutely fucking nothing)). And maybe then I'd only have bitched about how lazy this book is in terms of writing a believable story and characters and how the author needs to study the psychology of human behavior too:)

5) Gotta say one more time that I didn't understand the heroine at all. Such a nonsensical portrayal of her character. She was described as this 'caring, compassionate person', which brings me back to dat compassionate bitch not giving a single thought/fuck about her loverboy's past that involves several raped women (who are most probably still having nightmares, safe in lack of knowledge about their rapist's hea). Psycho behavior. The author's description didn't match her vibe.

Who gives a damn about the women he had raped?? It's all in the past. All good. All that matters is his functioning dick that gives her multiple non-consensual orgasms. 😍

The story is some creepy, dumb stuff wrapped up in a fluffy package that is the victim's acceptance and love and her rapist's supposed reformation and "love". How would we be able to root for him in this totally non-romance book otherwise? ☺️🙏🏻 (and we always have to root for protagonists, it's the way of life)

My summary of the book: a love story about a serial, reformed (??) rapist with mommy issues that lives his happily ever after with his willing and loving victim. The author reformed him, it's all good. Totally safe. 🤌🏻🤌🏻

To sum it up, the book was boring, typical and predictable. Not badly written, but featuring a very primitive popular mass culture concept of "love conquers all" that really ruined the potential for the story to turn out a gritty, memorable and gripping mindfuck about a bad guy I had been craving for.

Love isn't flowers or poetry. It's this. Ask yourself. Has anyone ever loved you the way I love Vesp? Can you say anyone has done for you the things I've done for her?

Is this phrase supposed to convince me that the book is fifty shades of dark mindfuck? That quote demonstrates what happens when a rapey dumbass goes all philosophical.

I fail to see a mind-blowing and thought-provoking quality to this, ahem, book.
......................... ..........................................
Well I've said my piece.
Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,597 followers
February 10, 2017


'Take Me with You' was dark, disturbing and all kinds off f@cked-up from the beginning until the end. Needless to say I enjoyed the hell out of it! While Nina G. Jones’s newest dark novel wasn’t the darkest book I’ve ever read, it was for sure one of the most thrilling, gripping and without a doubt, immoral dark story I’ve read in a long time. If you are looking for a shocking, intense, terrifying read, then look no further, because Nina delivered exactly that. If you’re a fan of dark romances, then you will devour this one, you will be at the edge of your seat and for sure you will question your sanity.

“Who are you?” I cry. “The Night,” he rasps.


“When you’re fucked up like me—like that—heaven and hell aren’t very different.”

Sam is an evil, sick man who loves to hunt, to terrify, to stalk, to intimidate his victims, to steal their lives. He will come when you feel you’re most secure, planning his every hunt from start to finish, never taking unnecessary risks. When he lays his eyes on Vesper he is more than fascinated with her. He is drawn to her beauty and her kindness, feeling how different she is from others. He has to have her, to own her, so he simply takes her.

“Girls like her don’t want the beast. They want the idea of one. They want to be safe and still revel in the thrill. But there’s no safety with a monster. Because monsters consume. They take your body, your soul, and your innocence."

Vesper feels someone watches her. She doesn’t know who or why, but she feels both nervous and excited. She believes those green-blue eyes she recently started fantasying about are part of something beautiful, she believes that she’s safe, but everything changes for her when she’s taken and her fantasies turn into her worst nightmares.

“You’re a pretty little angel on the outside. But inside...” He shudders. “Inside you’re a whore who likes it when I spray my cum all over your tits.”


Well, dayum…what an intriguing, read this one turned out to be! To be honest, this was more than intriguing. It was sick and depraved and will mess with your mind from the very first chapter. The pace of the story was simply fantastic and with each and every chapter you will want to know more about Sam, this fascinating anti-hero that will keep you at the edge of your seat for more than one reason.

'Take Me with You' was fantastically written, completely addictive in some very crazy way and so wonderfully twisted. The plot was well developed, original, smart and it will keep your interest until the end. Keep in mind the story is violent and disturbing at times with some very graphic scenes that without a doubt will make you cringe.

“He likes the taste of my sadness and I like when he injects me with his venom. He is my danger, my greatest threat.”

Sam was a great, complex character that I’m sure he will intrigue you as much as he intrigued me and he will make you question your morals. He was fantastically portrayed, 100% non-redeemable, an evil man, a real psychopath, a captivating anti-hero that with his actions will take you out of your comfort zone from the very beginning. While he’s a sick man he has a human side I totally loved.

All in all, 'Take Me with You' was a fantastic dark and gritty story that will suck you in from the start. With a gripping story-line and one of the most fascinating anti-hero I’ve read so far, Nina G. Jones’s newest release will mess with your head and will hold you captive the entire time. If you love dark reads and you don’t have any triggers, then this is the book for you.

"Fear is the glue that holds us together."


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Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,177 reviews13.4k followers
October 13, 2016

“Who are you?” I cry. “The Night,” he rasps.


This book was all sorts of fucked up. ALL SORTS OF FUCKED UP, I TELLS YA! I need to be committed, my head examined, my sanity questioned... because I liked it. Never has something so wrong felt so...actually no. It just felt wrong. So very wrong.

Nina G. Jones was not afraid to go there. To the deepest, darkest depths of depravity. She didn't just push comfort lines here, the woman ran over them with a damn mac truck. Then she backed that shit up and ran it the hell over 3 more times to make sure it stuck. To make sure that you question your sanity with every page. To make sure that you're convinced that clearly something must be wrong with you for enjoying it. For questioning your damn sanity because you can't put it down and yet it feels so wrong. SO VERY WRONG. Bah! Just bah!
“Girls like her don’t want the beast. They want the idea of one. They want to be safe and still revel in the thrill. But there’s no safety with a monster. Because monsters consume. They take your body, your soul, and your innocence.

Imagine watching an episode of Criminal Minds and actually finding yourself falling for the perpetrator. There's no gray area with this anti-hero. Fuck no. This man is as deep in the black as it gets. There's no redemption in sight. He's not a man that will tug at your heart strings. You'll actually WANT to hate him. But here's the thing? His character is written so freaking well, that you'll actually understand him, and that, my friends, is where the mindfuck begins.

“He’s all rippled muscles, and sweat, and filth. Eyes that reveal no soul or depth, clear as a demon’s.

Here's what I'll tell you about the book: NOTHING

And if you need to know something, then this book is not for you. It needs to be experienced and to do that, you need to be fully unprepared for what you're getting yourself into.
“I have news for you, Vesp. When you’re fucked up like me—like that—heaven and hell aren’t very different.”

Take Me With You is dark, twisted and immoral. It's violent, crude and dirty. The characters are so far outside typical comfort zones and the norm, they may as well be in a different dimension. It was also phenomenally written, completely unputdownable, and utterly unforgettable.
“I want him to fill me with his poison again. He likes the taste of my sadness and I like when he injects me with his venom. He is my danger, my greatest threat. When he’s on my side, I know that I am safe.

If you want a book that will take you out of your comfort zone, this is it. If you want a book with an anti-hero that will redeem himself at the end and it's all twu wuv and rainbows at the end, this book is certainly not for you, my delicate friend.
“He’s right there, still in front of me, forcing me to look into those eyes. Eyes that have stolen everything.

I'm still questioning my sanity for enjoying it as much as I did. I also need a mental health break full of bunnies and unicorns shitting rainbows after it. I tip my hat to you, Nina G. Jones, you're a true evil genius. You're not afraid to cross boundaries and go where most would shudder to. This was dark and twisted brilliance...in a filthy, completely fucked up way that is.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,752 reviews2,822 followers
October 20, 2016


"It’s when you are secure in your sleep, in the safety of your warm covers, when you think you are most alone. That’s when I come, when every last guard is down."

Vesper Rivers lives a good life. A bubbly likable girl with a charming smile. The perfect girl with the perfect boyfriend. Until the day she catches the eye of The NIGHT STALKER. A man that invades the lives of his prey, leaving carnage and destruction in his wake.


A feeling of being watched and a glimpse of ice blue eyes has Vesper on edge, but intrigue. Longing for something more. Something less perfect. When she finally comes face to face with those cold, empty eyes, nothing in her life will be the same again.

"If you leave, I’ll have to kill you, Vesp. I don’t want to do that. Don’t make me do it.” He’s killed me a thousand different ways. Stolen countless breaths and hopes. Slaughtered the girl who had plans to marry a nice doctor. Killed the dream of helping people for a living. Snuffed a piece of her soul by pulling her out of her little brother’s life. Pillaged her pride."


I honestly don't know where to begin with this review. I LOVED every twisted fucked up moment of it. And there were A LOT of twisted fucked up moments that's for sure.

Sam is a ANTI anti hero. I should HATE this guy. I should LOATHE him. The things he does (has done) to women (including the heroine) should make me SICK. And they DID, but you see somewhere along the way I started to like this guy. Then we would get more and more hints about his past. We'd get these fleeting moments of kindness and vulnerability and I started to LOVE this guy and root for him. I'm not really sure I want to look too closely at what that says about me...

"Who am I?” he asks in that voice, dirty and broken. “I am the person who has nothing to lose but you.” He pushes himself inside of me, and even though I am ready, it is so sudden and hard, I nearly cry as I gasp. “I am a man who has risked everything to have you.” He pulls out slowly and plunges into me again. “You are the only thing, Vesp.” He draws himself out and buries himself inside of me. “And you...are my obsession."


His and Vesper's relationship (a term I use loosely here) was all kinds of fifty shades of fucked up but I couldn't help myself. I was rooting for these two to get a HEA. I had NO clue how the author was going to get us there, but my fingers were crossed and she didn't disappoint.

This book isn't for the faint of heart that is for sure. I almost lost my lunch a couple times (yikes) It danced on the edge of crossing the line for me a few times, but this author can WRITE. I was sucked in from word GO and didn't stop until I reached the last page. That said I would be remiss if I didn't add that this would have been a 5 star read, but I did feel like it dragged a bit in the last 15% or so of the book.

So if you are like me and LOVE a good dark and twisted read with a fucked up hero and a heroine with a little "fucked up" in her as well, then this one should definitely be on your TBR shelf.


Profile Image for Phuong ✯.
671 reviews8,072 followers
September 16, 2021
– 2 stars

I'm impressed that Nina G. Jones wrote a book about rape, assault, murder and kidnapping and made it seem boring. That's not an easy feat and she managed it.

You don't stare the devil in the eyes and come out without some of his sins. You can't beat the devil without becoming like him. You can't appeal to his kindness, so you have to learn to play his games. You lie, you fuck, you manipulate, you fight, you hurl insult, until you do whatever it takes to win the battle. Every time you do those things, you understand him a little more. Until finally, he becomes your ally. You thikn you've won, that you've made him more like you. But the truth is, it's the other way around. So that even when you win, you've lost.

You can image the conversation I had with myself and these characters while reading Take Me With You went like this:

*Sam's breaking into houses and raping women left an right (on screen)*
Me: How much does a mother hate her child to name her Vesper? (heroine's name)
*Vesper sees Sam's eyes for just a short millisecond in the library and goes home to masturbates to his eyes and later while she has sex with her boyfriend she imagine once again it was this stranger with the beautiful eyes*
Me: Out of hundreds - ah no strike that - thousands of names and you're going to choose VESPER?!
*flashbacks of Sam's sad childhood when his mother tried to hide him away, when people were making fun of his speech impediment*
Me: No for real tho, why Vesper? Why not Lia, Nina, Harper or Victoria? Why?
*Vesper has to vomit in the mornings after having unprotected sex with her rapist for month and she thinks to herself "omg my captor wants to food poison me 😔"*
Me: girl, I know you're not quite alright in the head, BUT ARE U ALRIGHT or did Sam rape all of the brain cells out of your body??????!!
Vesper: I-i thought he loved me 😭
*Vesper realise she's pregnant with Sam's child and tries to lose the baby by hitting herself on a chair*
Me: Excuse me, but can we go back to the topic of Vesper's nam-
Me: Oh Okay, but that's not what it means in German. In German Vesper means snacks between main meals
Sam: Perfect, Vesper is a whole snack.
Me: Anyway, can you please go back and rape people during the night to feel like you're the man and achieved something in your life. You have no business inserting yourself into this conversation.
Sam: Shut your mouth or I'm going to do it for you.
Sam: It's not fun if you're not scared of me.
Me: I'm sorry to disappoint you, but your and Vesper's story doesn't bring me fun either so why should you have any.

Long story short: I couldn't get over the heroine's name, even tho it was kinda fitting, cause I was praying the whole evening for this book to be over.

Just a disclaimer that I dislike this book, not because Sam was a rapist or bc of all the other disturbing things that happened in this book, I expected nothing less, rather I expected to be more disturbed, disgusted or feel any kind of way towards all the dark shit that went down and I didn't. I was completely bored out of my mind most of the time. The mayor problem was the never ending monologues. Sam doesn't speak much so all his POVs are monologues. When Vesper was kidnapped by Sam and held in her cell, they don't communicate either so Vesper's POV again was one monologue after monologue. It was exhausting to read the same thing over and over again.

What really was the cherry on top was the author's note at the beginning of "Seriously. This is not a romance" and then she goes on to write a whole ass romance where the two main characters ride off into the sunset together with their whole family and live happily ever after. After that note, I expected some bittersweet ending for Sam, cause the least this man deserves is jail, but there was nothing bitter about the ending. Just because there wasn't anything particular romantic between how these characters behaved towards each other, doesn't mean it wasn't a romance. I feel blindsided and lied to and that's one of the worst things you could do to your readers. Irunía wrote an amzing review about how this book romantizied Sam's behavior despite the author's warning. Go read her review to see what I mean about that if you want to know.

In conclusion: Vesper's behavior towards Sam was Stockholm's Syndrome at it's worse or best, depending on how you feel about this book.

P.S. Before Vesper's kidnapping, she had a perfect, normal and quite boring boyfriend named Carter and reading this book made me miss Carter Mahoney so much. 😩 (my fav rapist if something like that even exist <3)
Profile Image for warhawke.
1,438 reviews2,158 followers
November 4, 2016
Genre: Dark Erotica
Type: Standalone
POV: First Person - Dual

Vesper Rivers was a nursing student on the verge of change. She worked hard towards graduating with a loving boyfriend by her side. She also took the responsibility of taking care of her disabled brother. But her bright future was quickly dimmed as she caught the attention of the wrong man.

Sam was hunter who found his thrill in invading a stranger's safe place. He was meticulous in his method which helped him blend in the society. Everything changed when he found someone he crave for a different reason and he would do anything to keep his needs sated.

I wasn't 100% sure what this book was about but very quickly it reminded me of my favorite dark book ever. I was both excited and worried with how it's going to turn out.

"When you're fucked up like me—like that—heaven and hell aren't very different.”

Initially, Sam started out as a creep. And then he graduated to be much more worse than that. But in between, he showed some bits of humanity that helped in understanding his condition.

He likes the taste of my sadness and I like when he injects me with his venom.

Vesper had been questioning about her life more and more everyday even before she became the object of Sam's obsession. After, she realized how much more she want from it because sometimes the thing she crave could only be satisfied if she took risks.

But I do know one thing: we are both hopelessly bound to the other, holding each other afloat. And if one of us snaps the line or sinks, the other will drown.

I like that this book is dark and depraved. I love studying disturbed characters and the psychology behind their choices. But somehow I feel like this book gave away a little too much - as in, I wasn't surprised much.

With that said, I like how the author managed to make me cringe on some disturbing scenes. And the evil side in me actually wanted to see those scenes go even further haha!

Take Me With You is a story of obsession that delve into the dark pit of human mind. Proceed if you're not afraid of questioning morality.

✥ ᛯ ✥ . . . (F)BR With Twinsie CC . . . ✥ ᛯ ✥

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Profile Image for ~♡AB♡~.
974 reviews692 followers
October 7, 2016
★★★★ 4 Stars ★★★★

I have to say, this book messed with my mind, because although I love a dark romance, I need to feel a connection with the hero, and I need for him to be redeemable. I had so many conflicting thoughts because I didn't want to connect with the hero, he was an evil, evil fucker, but eventually, I just had to give in and enjoy the story for what it was - pure, unadulterated, adult fiction.

"Fear is the glue that holds us together."

Sam is a sick and twisted man who stalks his prey in the dead of the night, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce. When he first sees Vesper, he knows that there is something different about her, but he was not expecting to actually change his plans so drastically in order to keep her.

Vesper has seen the blue-eyed man watching her, and in her safe and mundane life, she thinks that it's just a fantasy, that it's harmless to think about the sexy stranger who has infiltrated her mind. How wrong can she be though, when her fantasies become a reality and she is taken away from everything she knew and forced to live with a monster.

"I am the storm. Strong and violent. Dangerous. I will tear down anything in my path to have her."

Call me whatever you want, but I loved this story with it's dark and gritty theme, and depravities that you rarely want to think about. Nina G Jones made me fall in love with a certified psychopath, and I can't fault her for anything about this book, it takes a brave writer to put a book out there that might offend, but with every person that finds it offensive there will equally be readers who enjoy watching the kind, and caring heroine bring the bad man to his knees.

Only recommended for the fans of dark romance, you will definitely want to add this to your shelf.

Take Me With You is a dark romance with an anti-hero you may take offence to. It's a standalone story, told from dual POV

ARC gratefully received from the author in exchange for an honest review

Images featured in this review were created by me using stock images either purchased from deposit photo or from free stock sites.

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November 21, 2016

I thought about this. I thought about this A LOT. This is without a doubt the most horrifying, fucked up shit I've ever read. I finished reading this a week ago, and I still don't know how I feel. It's chaos inside my mind. I have TOO many conflicted thoughts and my emotions are all over the place. Even after a week, this book is all I can think about.

This is not a love story with some ''bad boy''. I warn you. This tells about a fucking psychopath. This is about a monster. The man looks nice and good. He smiles, he seems harmless in daylight. No one would suspect him. But when the night falls, that's when he unleashes the darkness inside of him. He hunts them. He preys on the innocent. He hurts people and destroys lives.

The mask I wear during daylight hours, when I pretend I'm one of them. Those beautiful people with their perfect smiles and their echoing laughter. They mock me. They taunt me. But at night, when the streets are still, that's when I laugh. When I smile. It's when I take all the things from them that I never could have. When I crawl into their homes and into their skin.

When he notices Vesper with her little brother for the first time, she has no clue there's a real-life predator watching her. She has his attention. His FULL attention. He's never been as fascinated, as obsessed with a woman as he is with Vesper.

She's not the first. Not even close. But there is something about her that fascinates me more than the others.

He breaks into her house when everyone's sleeping. And he does something he's never done before. He takes her with him.

I don't want to reveal too much about he book. I tell you this book is not for everybody. Seriously, I can't bring myself to recommend this to anyone. This fucked with my head, turned my mind upside down.
There are some pretty sick scenes. No torture scenes but the stuff is very... disturbing.
I feel so bad for loving this. And not like in a bad girl - kind of way. Literally, I think there's something really, really wrong with me. I want to scream in rage. I should only hate this. HATE HIM!!! But I can't help myself. He turns me on.

"Who am I?” he asks in that voice, dirty and broken. “I am the person who has nothing to lose but you.” He pushes himself inside of me, and even though I am ready, it is so sudden and hard, I nearly cry as I gasp. “I am a man who has risked everything to have you.” He pulls out slowly and plunges into me again. “You are the only thing, Vesp.” He draws himself out and buries himself inside of me. “And you...are my obsession."

Really, I shouldn't blame myself. This is all the author's fault. Hers, and the characters she's created. I'm just another victim to Stockholm Syndrome. ;)
The author is brilliant. The writing, it sucks you right into the story. And to create such complex characters. Whew. I'm so impressed. I hope she continues to write this sick stuff in the future as well.
I'm so ready. Bring it on.

First thoughts after finishing - None. Just absolute shock.
Thinking about this for a couple days..
Profile Image for Olga therebelreader.
890 reviews761 followers
October 22, 2016
I hate to give a book 2 stars but, unfortunately, this one did nothing for me. I have several issues with the book that contributed to my lukewarm feelings. I expected suspense, action, and for it to be a thrilling ride until the end. I love the thrill of dark books but this one was quite boring for me since the plot was mild and the characters lacked dimension.
It's just the typical girl got abducted, raped and given consequences for her actions and rewards...etc. In between all the sex there are some plot elements which seem overall pretty farfetched. Sam’s emotional trauma leads to relationship conflict - but everything gets tied up in a nice little HEA.
I couldn’t feel anything towards the characters, and there’s not heat between Sam and Vesper. I’ve read many captor stories, and I think that the kidnapping storyline can have some appeal and turn-ons, if written well. Sadly, I think this book lacked whatever it needed to make it work. The writing itself was very choppy. The book also had a few editing issues.

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.

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Profile Image for Tanya.
97 reviews4 followers
November 28, 2021
This one's been on my mind lately and I don't think I'll ever get over the characters.
Well heads up I don't think I can review this without giving away spoilers. As fucked up as this sounds to some extent I can see myself sympathising with murderers depending on the intention of course but a rapist fuck no. I understand how trauma in any form can fuck up a person but you seriously can't use it to justify sins especially the ones committed on innocents and for this very reason I had a hard time trying to process my feelings regarding the male lead's actions. The author did an excellent job with the female lead's pov. I felt her fear, desire, anger, dilemma and disgust as she struggled with her emotions. Overall this was a classic mindfuck and left me emotionally drained.
Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,409 reviews9,909 followers
October 15, 2016
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TITLE: Take Me with You
AUTHOR: Nina G. Jones
CHAPTERS: Prologue | 3 Parts | 40 Pages | Epilogue
RELEASE DATE: 17TH October, 2016

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TAKE ME WITH YOU: Author's note: Trigger warning ALL OF THEM!!

The night watcher is the most sick, perverted twisted son of a bitch you'll ever have the pleasure meeting.
He'll watch.
He'll study
He'll prowl.
He'll hunt.
Then he'll pounce on his unsuspecting victims.

It's always onto the next house, the next target. But she's the ultimate. The crown jewel.

This book will seek the inner sickness within yourself and stick to it like glue, no matter how much you sit there telling yourself that Sam is a sick twisted fucker and you hate him with everything pure within yourself he slides right into your system and doesn't leave. You try so hard not to connect with his character but it's a losing battle.

When he studies Vesper he see's that there is something different about her compared to his other victims.

Vesper's caught glimpses of a man out of the corner of her eye watching her, she's even gone so far as to fantasize about him.

I feel it, I'm being watched, the feeling is instant. This is not the first time I have had this feeling.

When the time to strike comes all his well thought out plans came tumbling down around him when he takes her with him.

A home invasion, Vesper is home with her boyfriend and her special needs brother, everything is right in the world, until it's not, woken up with a flashlight shining in her eyes, a man wearing a balaclava and welding a knife, his plan is to go in, do what he does, then make his escape, only she changed all the rules.

She made a bargain with the devil Take me with you

I don't even know how to write up this review, my mind is reeling over everything I read and I'm sitting here contemplating weither I need therapy since I liked it so much!! #TRUTH!!
Either way I go about writing this up will reveal spoilers so this is going to be one of my no frills reviews.
Go in with an open mind, it is disturbingly sick, you will question all your morals, basically leave those at the door, there will be no cute little puppies or unicorns farting glitter, this is fucked up, sick, twisted, but is hot all at the same time, embrace all that is wrong with this book or run for the hills now..You have been warned!!

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Profile Image for Alex ✰ Comets and Comments ✰.
173 reviews2,891 followers
August 11, 2017
“I want to make you feel everything, Vesp,” he grunts in my ear.
“You do,” I eke out, already feeling countless contrasting sensations. “Give me all of it,” I beg.


Take Me with You was so close to a five star read. A story so intricate and deranged, I found myself gasping for air after some scenes and not believing my own eyes after others.


“Maybe she wasn't like the others. Maybe she was something in between people like them and people like me.”

The Plot

The story that unfolds in Take Me with You isn't something that could have gone at a faster pace. You come across many dark romance reads that excite you with what its potential plot could be like and all the prior warnings build a narrative up. Two chapters later, you're putting down the kindle, or the book, or your face - all because you were expecting a mind blowing dark-romancegasm. And what you got was an amateur eight minute hit and run.

I have two points to make with that innuendo.
1) This book follows through on its trigger warnings. It may not be what you think. But it's dark nonetheless.
2) Two chapters into this, and you know why there's a genre allocated to something dark. The word itself meaning void of any light. Because there is no light in this book. You may think there is - I sure as hell did. No. Forget it.

“I pull a knife out of my drawer. I don't know what my plans are for it, but I want it in my hand, something physical and sharp to grab and ground me in reality because I am spinning.”

The Dark

The elements that made this a dark story wasn't just the romance itself - or the sex. The characters both had these traits that the reader only figured out after chipping away at both their exteriors. Both Sam and Vesper were made so that you hated yourself for loving them. Both were carved so that they have terrible flaws and fucked up thought processes, and I'm so messed up for loving them still.


The flashbacks were a hit and miss for me. This was the only thing that I felt lacked the little "oomph" that this novel needed for the fifth star. We got a lot of why Sam was what he was with his backstory. Like any psychopath (Also, hats off to Ms. Jones for giving him that narrating voice so unique to his sociopath ways.)- theres a method to his madness. Although, it was a needed ingredient to us understanding and loving him even though he's a fucking headcase. I feel like it could have been executed in a way that it didn't feel like I was reading two separate stories.


The Feels
“I drop to my knees to meet her eyes and I kiss her. The last kiss. The kiss that I'll feel on my lips for the rest of my miserable existence. Hiding. Searching for just a glimpse of that feeling again before I die.”

Holy hell. I cried, I laughed, I squirmed, I danced, I wanted more.

I hear a lot of people describing their books with "this book had alllll the feels."
When I say a lot of people - I mean me.

HOWEVER, This book did have all the feels and not just the ones that make your stomach drop, but feels that made you hurt and while you're reading Sam and Vespers story - you ached and loved and it was so so much like living inside something - that, its the only way I can describe it. I lived inside this story. And this story now lives inside me.



“You don't stare the devil in the eyes and come out without some of his sin. You can't beat the devil without becoming like him. You can't appeal to his kindness, so you have to learn to play his games. You lie, you fuck, you manipulate, you fight, you hurl insults, until you do whatever it takes to win the battle. Every time you do those things, you understand him a little more. Until finally, he becomes your ally. ”
Profile Image for Lisa the book CREEP.
115 reviews1 follower
November 11, 2021
What the fuck i just finished reading? I will always ask myself whenever i think about reading this book.

I could handle any read without any triggers, but once i realised that she is going to end up with him it really sickened me and i was disgusted. But its not real right? Just fiction so fuck it. I liked it, okay...

I love the writing, i love the story, i love everything about the book but its charaters. I didn't like any one of them. They are downright flawed especially our h. And don't get me started on the H who is not anything other than a soulless-lawless monster who hides behind his childhood trauma. I never ever hated a character more than him.

So why not 5 stars if i liked the story that it consumed me? Well because of the damn ENDING. I didn't like it, i hated it even. Any person real or not don't deserve that in life and in my opinion the H should rot in hell in torment.

This is not a LOVE STORY thats the only reason i rated it 4 stars. And if i read it with my mind set on a love story (no matter how dark) i'd given it 1 or probably just DNF'ed it.

Did i enjoy the book? YES

Do i want to read it again? FUCK NO

Do i recommend it? Yes but after mentioning the trigger warnings.

Trigger warning: Stalking, Rape, Starvation, Murder, Abduction, Child Neglect/Child Abuse, Mental Sickness.
Profile Image for Selene.
933 reviews258 followers
July 22, 2017
Setting: San Francisco, California, 1978
Intensity: 5/5
Complexity of characters: 5/5
Dual POVs
Triggers? Yes!

This story was brilliant, devastating, nausea-inducing, and exceptionally well written! It was a very disturbing, unsettling, and somber read featuring an insufferable male lead. I did not fall in love with this story or the characters and it's not a story I would re-read for entertainment purposes. Captivating, thrilling, mysterious, suspenseful, and fury-provoking--yes!

***********BEWARE, SPOILERS AHEAD************

"Take me with you" is what Vesper pleads to Sam after he's broken into her home, bound her fiancé, raped her, and traumatized her handicapped younger brother, Johnny. In an attempt to protect her brother, Vesper begs Sam to take her away where Johnny won't witness Sam inflicting further deplorable acts against her. She's kidnapped and her nightmarish existence continues from there.

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This book is divided into three parts, and by the end of part one, Sam has single-handedly broken Vesper's spirit enough to infect her with his brand of mental illness.

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The level of manipulation organized by Sam to keep Vesper docile made me uncomfortable and angry. He also turned Vesper's cell into a more comfortable, makeshift home and gained some of her trust. Flashback scenes from Sam's childhood carried over into part two and the reader got a clearer understanding about the nature of the relationship between Sam's parents and their family dynamic. Part three reveals the extent of Vesper's psychological damage. It was insinuated all along throughout the text that Vesper was the kind of girl longing for a man with darker sexual needs, but at this point in the story, she no longer viewed Sam as her captor and protected him at all costs. She'd spent almost a year in captivity with him and he groomed and conditioned her to perfection:

They don't know how he bathed me, fed me, fucked me, held me. They don't know about the beautiful dresses and how they swirled when I danced to the music he brought me, how these once manicured hands flipped the pages of books he gifted me.

Sam can't really be classified as an antihero for me. He had 100% unredeemable villain status for me: he was a stalker/voyeur, rapist, and a murderer! On top of raping women, he also didn't use any protection. There wasn't anything remotely heroic about him! I like my antiheroes straddling the fence between good and bad, but Sam decimated that bloody fence! Yes, his backstory was twisted and was partly responsible for distorting him into the walking nightmare we see in this book , but it was impossible for me to be wooed by a character like him!

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Sam was vile and the trigger warning stated at the beginning of this book was accurate. He was a complex character to begin with but his thoughts were sometimes an open window for the reader:

Getting into her house and having her was the pinnacle of my craft.

If she doesn't give me a reason to, I won't bring fear to the table. It'll always be in my holster, but I will use it sparingly. After all, this was the goal, to break her down, strip her to a doll I could keep for my pleasures. But she hasn't become a shell, she's only evolved into something that can survive this, keeping all the best parts of herself and shedding the shit that disgusting world makes you carry around. When I sit there quietly, my mouth heavy with the words I want to say to her but can't, I feel it's me who's being stripped down.

But it's Vesper's transformation from docile nursing student and dependable daughter to someone unknown even to herself that I found most fascinating:

I thought being loved was the most gratifying feeling. No, it's being obsessed over. It's having someone so infatuated with you that they would risk everything to have you. That is a high that love can't touch. Love is a slow burn, a stockpot simmering to soften the heart. But this—this is a flash flood, it's the smoke billowing when a steak hits a hot pan. It's threatening, but its fierceness is the very thing love dilutes.

You can't beat the devil without becoming like him. You can't appeal to his kindness, so you have to learn to play his games. You lie, you fuck, you manipulate, you fight, you hurl insults, until you do whatever it takes to win the battle. Every time you do those things, you understand him a little more. Until finally, he becomes your ally. You think you've won, that you've made him more like you. But the truth is, it's the other way around. So that even when you win, you've lost.

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Sam is further humanized in the epilogue in an attempt to convince the reader once and for all that Sam and Vesper's journey was cemented with love, but this was not a love story to me--more like a co-dependant merging born out of shock and extreme distress. In Sam's way, he cared for Vesper and vice versa. If I had to rate this story based on whether I simply liked it, I would rate it at 2.5 stars. Instead, I approached this book to consider and not overlook the stellar writing, the incredible characterization, the plot line, and the twisted acts that made this story wonderfully intense.
October 24, 2016
4* bad romance STARS!!


The most anticipated book from Nina G. Jones. I was hooked since Debt because the darkness was so good to be true. Take Me with You came with trigger warning and you should be aware.

Seriously. This is not a romance. This is not for the faint of heart. Where you are about to go, there is no light.

Never trust your neighborhood is the most appropriate warning in this book. The Night Prowler lurks in his victim's house. A local criminal. Vesper Rivers is the ultimate prize since the first time he saw her. All woman is the same, he thought. He watch her almost every day. The time has come to scratch his itching hands. But he didn't expect Vesper to surrender her freedom. "Take me with you," she said. His obsession.

Vesper just an ordinary girl. Good life and perfect boyfriend. But something inside her demands more. She craves forbidden feeling to her 'stalker'. The yellow-eyed guy. Or is he just fantasy? Vesper kinda confused me at first. When Night took her away and keep as prisoner, her instinct was to survive. Her fight-or-flight response wasn't the best but this is very tricky situation.
Girls like her don't want the beast. They want the idea of one. They want to be safe and still revel in the thrill. But there's no safety with a monster. Because monsters consume. They take your body, your soul, and your innocence.

Sam aka Night is the biggest mystery in here. I couldn't understand him until half of the story. He's a criminal and rapist. I hated him. But... there were flashbacks about him that makes me understand him. Why he acts this way. Why all the secrecy. So many questions.

The story has 2 POV's from Vesper and Sam aka Night. I felt this taking too long. I couldn't understand how DISTURBING their sex scenes. Sometimes it makes me HOT and INTENSE. I'm glad Vesper isn't a denial type. She surrendered to the darkness. Mental issues didn't even cover for what he did.
“You don't take this out of your ass, only I do. You don't make yourself come when I'm not here today. That pussy, mouth, and ass is mine to fuck. You can play with your tits; you can do anything but come. If you do, I'll know. And I will make you bleed.”

Well, it wasn't that complex but feels so insanely twisted and wrong. I don't know why I liked it. It wasn't perfect because there were some anomaly, like . Anyway, Sam is most cunning person even with flaws. It feels so good to hold such power towards other people. He was fucked up since kids and it feels terrible. The way he live now until the end. How Vesper acts towards Sam was predictable. She loves the way he did. He was her fantasy and now, he's real. Definitely recommended if you sane enough.
You don't stare the devil in the eyes and come out without some of his sin. You can't beat the devil without becoming like him. You can't appeal to his kindness, so you have to learn to play his games. You lie, you fuck, you manipulate, you fight, you hurl insults, until you do whatever it takes to win the battle. Every time you do those things, you understand him a little more. Until finally, he becomes your ally.
Profile Image for K.
141 reviews165 followers
January 11, 2022
dnf at 10%.

cuz i’m bored
or i’m in a slump
i’m one of the two
or maybe i’m both

i’m also low-key mad about this since GR maintains it’s the most akin story to my one and only favourite in the whole fucking world but whatever, jokes on me; i didn’t even finish it.
Profile Image for Sade.
328 reviews50 followers
December 30, 2016

Dark erotic romance novels are basically the new YA in that every bloody thing is the same. Kidnap a girl, rape f**k her, make her fall in love with the rapist/ kidnapper anti hero.

When i started this book, i felt like i was reading an upside down version of Pretty Stolen Dolls & Pretty Lost Dolls . I swear Sam was exactly like Benny except in this book Nina G. Jones worked extra damn hard to make him seem human. This is what Vesper says about Sam at a point "what i see is a face i could trust. A face that belies everything he's done. He is a person. He is someone. He is not a monster. And now that i see the whole picture of this young man, i want to know about his scars, all of them inside and out". IS THIS A JOKE???

i hate this book.. i basically hate all that this book represents. which is basically that kidnapping and rape (please let's just call it what it is, RAPE) could lead to HEA's. I'm sure some people would probably like to write Vesper off as suffering from Stockholm Syndrome but i honestly think the writer goes through pains to show us Vesper was in her right frame of mind and the spotlight is basically on how society would react if they found out. She writes that Vesper does struggle with stockholm syndrome this choice but in the end, i'm just going to let Vesper tell it to you "I make this decision at the moment not to be a victim...The very first night he gave me a choice and now i'm making another...This can't be wrong. The way i feel like i belong here..I feel like i'm home again"

This author thinks she can write twisted shit like this, put up a trigger warning saying "If you need one, this is really not the book for you" so somehow you're left thinking "i can't really complain right? she did put a trigger warning.
You do not get to write about rape and kidnapping like this and dress it up as something neat . You most certainly do not get to sweep it under this blanket called Love and somehow think will be hunky dory. You do not get to tell me this crap "Love isn't flowers or poetry" and somehow think you're safe from being called out because you put a trigger warning at the end.

Profile Image for Jessica &#x1f52e;.
323 reviews317 followers
February 20, 2021
5 stars.

You don't stare the devil in the eyes and come out without some of his sin. You can't beat the devil without becoming like him. You can't appeal to his kindness, so you have to learn to play his games. You lie, you fuck, you manipulate, you fight, you hurl insults, until you do whatever it takes to win the battle. Every time you do those things, you understand him a little more. Until finally, he becomes your ally. You think you've won, that you've made him more like you. But the truth is, it's the other way around. So that even when you win, you've lost.

Author note/Triggers: All of them. Seriously.This is not a romance. This is not for the faint of heart. Where you’re about to go there’s no light.

100% accurate.
Take me with you is probably the darkest book I read so far.. Defenitely pitch black category. I also discovered a new "trigger" of mine. I'm just happy the author didn't go through it.
After 3 days I'm still not okay and I fell the need to binge fluffy Rom-Com with cute babies and animals.
For weeks. Or maybe months.

To be honest I didn’t know how to rate this book. 1 or 5 stars? It’s not easy to answer.
This is NOT a romance..Horror is definitely more fitting. The Villain of this story is 99,9% unapologetically evil and doesn’t redeem himself in the end, at least in my opinion.
Spoiler alert, there’s a “HEA” for the “couple” and the male lead. I'm a sucker for HEA but this one.. it was really bittersweet. If heroine have chosen differently, I wouldn’t have been devastated. This is one of the rare case were a non-HEA for the couple would have been okay.
Take Me With you is wrong on every damn level , so why 5 stars?

▪️ For 24h this story literally consumed me. When I finished it I swear, I was emotionally drained. Every book who menage to do this to me deserve 5 star.

▪️ The writing is AMAZING. Seriously. Raw, gritty, ugly,scary.. and yet it all flowed so smoothly. The characters, the situation, the devastation, the hope… it felt all so real. I should definitely give Debt another chance.I think I wasn’t just ready for something like that when I read it the first time.

▪️ I loved the way this kind of storyline was portraited by the author. When you write a story like this you can’t romaticize it. Many authors do this and it drives me nut. The progression of events, and thought processes just worked perfectly, for me, no matter how crazy it all seemed. As I said before the male lead is pure evil and there’s nothing redeemable about him. There are reasons why he’s like this and does the thing he does but the author don’t use his sad backstory to justify it or make us pity him. I also appreciated that he doesn’t change his nature and stayed true to himself. Don’t get me wrong.. I'm not praising him. A character like this shouldn’t be praised, period. I just hate when cruel anti-heros change overnight and become Prince Charming. It’s not believable and it only piss me off.

I highly recommend this book if you’re looking for something similar to Comfort Food.
October 11, 2016
4.25 DARK, suspenseful Stars!

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I'd first experienced a darker-plot book by Nina G. Jones with Debt. That book is still on my all-time best list. So when I heard Nina was venturing back to the dark side again, I couldn't wait to get my hands on Take Me With You.

On a scale of 1-10 of anti-hero badness I'd put Sam a solid eight. This is not a book with simply darkish undertones- where we read about a "bad" anti-hero but deep down he's really a good person who's does what he does for a 'good' cause or whatnot. It's quite the contrary with Sam. He's very mentally ill- but the reasons behind it will melt your heart. But nonetheless, when Nina G Jones posts TRIGGER WARNING- ALL OF THEM - reader beware. This isn't any degree of a hearts and flowers romance. It's violent and gritty yet deep down, Sam will still warm your heart...a tad.

Nina G Jones has a way of building anticipation so early-on with her stories, I'm attached to my kindle from the very start. It's never a slow start with her. She sucks you in and never lets go. Sam is a dark man of the night. He ventures out, a voyager in innocent people's lives. He learns their comings and goings, breaks in when they're not home, taking a piece or two of their blissful life. And then one night he goes in- while they're home. He takes control under the guise of a robbery but it's so much more. Then he disappears in the dark of night. Never being caught. Multiple victims, always a plan and perfectly executed.

I am a monster. Monsters don’t live under the fucking bed or the closet. They don’t appear in a puff of smoke. No, monsters are like me: the quiet guy who walks a drunk woman home, a protective uncle, that unassuming guy with the friendly smile who fixes your porch. We do our work in the dark, we lurk in the shadows, but we roam during the day, scouting our next prey.

Sam finds Vesper....He's obsessed with her sweet ways. Always so nurturing with her handicapped brother. The stalking begins- Sam thinking she's like all the rest, the ambush will be the same. Planned. Controlled. Perfection. Until it all goes to sh*t and he finds himself abducting the young woman. With no plan, Sam has to revamp his chosen lifestyle to include a beautiful captive. And not get caught.

Again, this isn't a hearts and flowers kind of romance but has elements of a love story. Walls break down, basillar instincts take over and the lines blur from survival to desire...

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An all-around great suspenseful dark romance by Nina G. Jones. I sincerely look forward to more from her on the dark side.

Advanced copy received by author in exchange for my honest review.

Profile Image for Ari.
343 reviews239 followers
January 3, 2017
5 wtf did I just read stars

No seriously.

WTF did I just read!?

Ms. Jones, thank you so much for messing me up so bad that I love Sam.. almost more than I hate him. And I don't think I am supposed to love him.

Nuh uh. Nada.

Going in to the book, you get a warning, that it may be too much for some readers, that there are trigger warnings (many Dark Romance books have them), but I don't think there are many that deserve them.

This book does.

It was dark.


And so damn angsty.

"It's when you are secure in your sleep, in the safety of your warm covers, when you think you are most alone. That's when I come, when every last guard is down."

Sam, he was a night prowler. He was The Night Prowler. He broke into people's houses and took over their lives, their wives and their homes for the night. He lived their life and then left, uncaring of the destruction in his wake.

"I am the storm. Strong and violent. Dangerous. I will tear down anything in my path to have her. When I roll through, you see evidence of me all around. You will see branches broken, windows shattered. I will move obstacles that seem insurmountable."

And he is obsessed with a girl- a girl with a family, a girl with a fiancé, a girl with a little brother that did not fit with the society.

Vesper was a 20-something nursing student, who felt like everyone depended on her being a good girl. A good woman. And in one night, everything changes when the Night Prowler attacks her, and in order to save her family, she begs him to take her.

And take her, he does.

"I have news for you, Vesp. When you're fucked up like me—like that—heaven and hell aren't very different."

With her in his captivity, Sam strives to break her, and mould her into something that would fit with him, while Vesp fights him, unknowingly killing parts of herself that she sustained for society.

The time in her captivity is really detailed, right down to the last gory happening. Jones did not gloss over any part that made Sam less of evil. She painted him every part of the monster he was.

And he really was one.

"That's the thing about keeping a person alive. In a way you are just as much a hostage to them as they are to you."

We get glimpses of Sam's life. Reasons why he is so fucked up. Sam's childhood was horrible, he lived with a paranoid and deranged mother, and was pretty much abused by his father because he had a speech impediment problem that made him shy in front of others.

I'm not saying that those are excuses for someone to grow up into a psychopathic rapist and murderer, but you get to see him as a man that just wanted to be accepted into the society.

"“Oh god,” I call out, knowing that there is no such thing down here. At least not the one to which we say our evening prayers. Only Night."

And Vesper gave him that, she made him feel like he was wanted when she accepted him with his scars, despite him being her kidnapper and rapist.

In the beginning, we really see Vesp's struggle to come to terms with her new reality. She tries her best to escape him, but when the price becomes too much to pay, she settles down and tries to get him to get attached to her so that he wouldn't just kill her on a whim.

She handles all the situation brilliantly, except for the fact that she is left alone and in love with her torturer.

Serious case of Stockholm's syndrome?


Like I said, this book is fucked up. The ending was not something that was very easy for me to accept, mostly because I felt like Sam must be made to pay for his crimes, but at the same time I wanted them to end up together, because..

fuck if I know.

I can assure you, I was as confused and agonized over Vesper's decision as Vesper herself was.

But really, I just think that is goes to show you what a great writer Jones is. This was my second book by her, and I can easily say that she is one of my favorite Dark Romance writers. This book was brilliant, and what a great way to start the year!

"It's what I felt when his eyes first met mine. It's the most thrilling thing to be told you are precious. That you are so valuable it puts you in danger. Nothing of such high regard can exist in this world without causing a storm. When a man covets something so strongly, he is its greatest threat."

Profile Image for CC.
1,169 reviews695 followers
November 20, 2016
4.5 Stars


Vesper Rivers is a nursing student who always put others first in her life by taking care of her disabled brother and overlooked by her mother. While she had the perfect boyfriend, she never felt completely content and as if something was always missing. One night when all seems to be right in Vesper’s life, it irrevocably changes.

“Please, I’ll give you everything I have.” I bargain as a last ditch effort. “That’s what I’m taking.”

Sam is a predator with a scarred past and conflicts that continue to plague his psyche as an adult. In trying to reconcile his deep needs, he becomes a person that has no fear and is in ultimate control. What percolates under the surface is much deeper than it appears to be and Sam has his sights on someone that might sate his longstanding needs.

“When they don’t know you’re looking, that’s when you see who they really are.”

What brings Sam to Vesper is simple on the surface but when Sam is forced to improvise, everything changes. From that point forward, the transition for Vesper, as a captive, and Sam, as the hunter, is immediate and intense. Relying on his resources, Sam is dedicated to finally getting what he’s always wanted and molds Sam to his expectations, but as more is revealed about Sam, conflicted feelings arise.

“The man watches me cry. He licks a tear, like my sadness sustains him. “I’m gonna fuck you with my mouth. I’m gonna make you cry, but not like this. I’m gonna make you cry for me.”

Sam’s process of indoctrinating Vesper is hauntingly fascinating due to his conflicting nature and her reaction to him. At times, I was rooting for Vesper but then hoping Sam could finally obtain what always seemed out of reach; however, the tension of getting caught always loomed.

“When you’re fucked up like me- like that – heaven and hell aren’t very different.”

For me, I empathized with Sam and what he experienced, as his family didn’t help him much with their visions. The thrill of seeing life through Sam’s eyes offered a disturbing insight into what makes him tick and the past/present narratives underscored his emotions. With Vesper, I was satisfied with her character portrayal but seemed to crave a bit more from her but by the end, I understood her choices and how it was all choreographed.

I have to wonder what kind of life Sam and Vesper would really have. While Sam is handsome on the outside, he is every bit a monster on the inside, and knowing his true nature, Vesper is able to make a critical decision. These contradictions make this plot work because what occurs is not black and white. It is depraved, selfish, nurturing, manipulative and scary. Through a thrilling narrative, the author tells a story that unravels to a point where you’re not sure if madness or good sense will prevail.

For those looking for a thrilling captive story with some twists, I recommend Take Me With You!

*This was a (F)BR with Twinsie Hawkey!*

Profile Image for ~Stéphanie~.
623 reviews360 followers
October 17, 2016

My mind has turn to mush. I had to collect my thought after reading Take me with you because I really had no idea how to write a proper review. I'm still not sure I'll succeed, maybe I'll just ramble because I don't know how to explain how this story is fucked up and how I still liked it nonetheless.

At the beginning of the book, Nina warns that her story contains all kind of triggers. And it did. I like reading books that goes out my comfort zone.
Take me with you is wrong on so many level. It's dark, brutal, immoral but Nina succeed in giving you a damaged anti-hero and still make it acceptable.

"I am the storm. Strong and violent. Dangerous. I will tear down anything in my path to have her"

Sam was the eponym of the anti-hero. He is at the top of the list. You won't like him at first but if you go past the 14%, you are set. You'll see the real him and you'll be able to understand who he is.
Nina gave me think a lot to think about with his character.
At some point, I wanted to tell all was ok and nothing was really his fault. It was completely crazy!

"He is my danger, my greatest threat. When he’s on my side, I know that I am safe."

I was 100% focus on his relation with Vesper and by the end the love he find is the kind he finally deserves. Their connection may be born from something dreadful but in their own way, they found each other.

"There are no heroes in this world, only villains and victims."

Because of all the triggers, I can only recommend to people to consider reading it if you are confortable to put aside your belief. You have to put aside what you know is right or wrong just for a few hours and go in with an open mind, with the thought that people can be redeemable no matter what.

~ARC provided by the author in exchange of an honest review~

Profile Image for ApoorvaReads.
540 reviews386 followers
February 28, 2021
This book was all sorts of fucked up and it’s crazy that i enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Di Covey/TwistedBookReviews.
1,083 reviews215 followers
March 9, 2019
A thrilling, thought-provoking, dark ride. My head is still spinning.

"You don’t stare the devil in the eyes and come out without some of his sin. You can’t beat the devil without becoming like him."

I could say I've read this before, or something similar. But, that would be a lie. I've read so many dark books, it seemed I was jaded. However, this book left me searching for the answer, yet it left no stone unturned. I feel happy in all my twisted glee. This book was original in all its originality. A sadistic trip of dead ends and twisted paths. Begs the question, what lurks in the darkness of your soul. Look in the mirror, what do you seek.

This story takes me back to the dark classics that made a dark lover of books. Nina G. Jones delivers a psychological thriller with depth, a need to devour every word. A realistic, dark romance that makes you feel dirty with arousal, makes you question your morals and sickness deep down. This will make you question all your neat perspectives.

Let me tell you... I love the bad guys, the villains, the strangers you walk around. Sam was developed in a way. Such a way, you will be begging for a different path for him. His character, all the characters in this book are brought together in a sense of wrong, you don't want them to be right. Devastating, darkness that will leave you wanting a happy end. I was enthralled. Slowly. Very slowly, the past is unraveled. The damage is done, the wheels have turned for miles. Can there ever be peace? Every piece of this story is a wave in a vast ocean. If you can breathe long enough, you'll reach the end.

I'm vague in my review for a reason. You need to read this will fresh eyes and a twisted soul. If you love dark romance, with a huge take on psychological. This is a must read.
Profile Image for Michelle.
944 reviews220 followers
October 20, 2016
DNF at 40%!
I tried to get into this one but I can't stand Vesp! I should of quit as soon as he raped her the first time and she was ready to have an orgasm.
Who the fuck gets dragged out of bed by a stranger in the middle of the night and gets raped and enjoys it??? Her little brother is in the house sleeping and the H hog tied up her boyfriend. But Vesp is memorized by the H's eyes and the rough sex. Ugh!! Grrrrrrrr!

Then after he takes her he eats her pussy and leaves her hanging and after she leaves she finishes herself off?? Where's the fight??? You don't know if he's going to kill you or not and you're worried about getting off??
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,265 reviews13.4k followers
May 17, 2021
5 mind blowing wt* did I just read��� stars.

I just finished this book, and I literally can’t move. All I can do is blink and stare off into space. THIS IS WHY I READ IS FOR BOOKS LIKE THIS!! The kind of books that send not just ripples over calm still waters, but rushing waves of white water!! Talk about a 1-2-3 punch that keeps on punching. This book was shocking, stomach turning, creepy, dark, evil, and so outside the box. That’s what Nina G. Jones does, and I wish she’d write more books like this!

This is not for the weak at heart. If you don’t like things pertaining to Stockholm syndrome, forced sex and manipulation, starvation, humiliation etc..this book IS NOT for you. If you have an open mind in your reading though, and want something totally different then this might be for you.

You best believe that this book will have me side eyeing every person I come in contact with for a few weeks.👇🏽

“I'm not delusional. I know exactly what I am doing. I show my face in the light of day. I am your neighbor. I am your brother. I am the guy who builds you that beautiful deck or fixes your broken front door knob.

This is my hour. The darkness belongs to me. They shunned me. They forgot me. But I never went away. I am here. I am their living nightmare.”

“He likes the taste of my sadness and I like when he injects me with his venom.”

“You don't stare the devil in the eyes and come out without some of his sin. You can't beat the devil without becoming like him. You can't appeal to his kindness, so you have to learn to play his games. You lie, you fuck, you manipulate, you fight, you hurl insults, until you do whatever it takes to win the battle. Every time you do those things, you understand him a little more. Until finally, he becomes your ally. You think you've won, that you've made him more like you. But the truth is, it's the other way around. So that even when you win, you've lost.”

In a state of mind blown 🤯 forever with this book!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 863 reviews

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