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The Tenderfoot Bride

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Will Tucker is a gruff impatient rancher, eager to hire an experienced cook and housekeeper so he can shift part of the workload from his own shoulders to those of the capable Widow McConoughy.

Then Linnea McConoughy shows up. She's young. Timid. And entirely inappropriate for the hardships and workload she's hired to handle. And she has secrets...

297 pages, Paperback

First published October 1, 2002

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About the author

Cheryl St. John

76 books535 followers
Cheryl is the author of more than fifty historical and contemporary romances. Her stories have earned numerous RITA nominations, Romantic Times awards and are published in over a dozen languages.

In describing her stories of second chances and redemption, readers and reviewers use words like, “emotional punch, hometown feel, core values, believable characters and real-life situations.”

With a 4.9 star rating on amazon, her bestselling non-fiction book, Writing With Emotion, Tension & Conflict by Writers Digest Books is available in print and digital.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 161 reviews
Profile Image for Giorgia Reads.
1,331 reviews2,024 followers
August 16, 2020
3 stars

I thought it was gonna be angstier. Apart from that, the other complaint I have is that there wasn't much plot. I mean, not enough to satisfy me anyway. It was a lot of going through the day to day motions of ..that time period, I suppose. You know, the cooking, the washing, the waking up at dawn .. blah blah.

The whole grumpy hero trope was not done that well.. he wasn't that grumpy or surly in my opinion he was just a man with a lot of responsabilities and not enough time in his day to get to all of them. It would make me impatient too.

The love story was meh. I didn't feel their connection.

Overall, this wasn't a bad read for the genre but there was also nothing memorable or great about it.
Profile Image for Lisa Kay.
924 reviews532 followers
February 4, 2012
Ranch in Colorado, USA
★★★★½ Poor Will Tucker. He not only has to put up with his cantankerous, widowed, elderly, step-mother, but now the cook and housekeeper his sister hired for his Colorado ranch is nothing but a timid little brown mouse. Expecting a sturdy, middle-aged widow, you can see why he is aggrieved. He doesn’t need “another lame piece of baggage.” But just wait until he finds out she’s pregnant! Whoa-doggies!


Nevertheless, the frightened young widow, Linnea McConaughy, is capable of much more than Will – or she – realizes. I just love a shy, but determined heroine. And Linnea is stubbornly persevering in proving herself worthy of staying, and up to all the tasks the big, gruff, intimidating rancher sets for her. Relativity is a funny thing: Will’s sure the endless ranch chores, out in the isolated countryside, will be too arduous for the petite mother-to-be; Linnea thinks she’s living in the lap of luxury and abundance because she has a ringer-washer – and doesn’t have to pound the laundry against a river rock! All while she can enjoy a panoramic view. She finds she’s taking on a few more tasks she hadn’t counted on – besides winning Will’s reticent respect – like learning to trust again and capturing his lonely heart.


This is a book of subtle surprises and the joys in everyday life. When, for the first time in her life, Linnea is able to present someone with a transforming gift, bought with her hard-earned money, it is terribly touching. We take so much for granted nowadays, even the ability to give a gift.

My thanks to willaful for the recommendation, and to Sans for the loan of this charming book! It’s good to have GoodReads friends. :)

*edited 02/04/12 for spelling error
Profile Image for StMargarets.
2,893 reviews556 followers
November 12, 2016
Such a gorgeous story. This is the hardest working Cinderella with the grumpiest prince-charming rancher hero you'll ever come across. Other reviewers have explained the plot, so I'll just state what I liked about it.

1. The slow unraveling of the heroine's secrets. Possible trigger
2. The dignity and competence of the heroine as she learns what her true worth is.
3. The willingness of the guarded hero to gradually turn human.
4. The relationship between the cranky stepmother and the heroine.
5. Learning to read. (I'm such a sucker for this trope since reading is everything to me)
6. The descriptions of the Colorado landscape, the chores, the food, the simple pleasures. I was in that world.
7. The ending was beautiful and I may have shed a sentimental tear. *sniff*
8. This is a re-read book. I will enjoy revisiting the characters, the world-building, and for watching the skill of Cheryl St. John's writing unfold in front of my eyes.
Profile Image for Naksed.
2,247 reviews
October 26, 2019
If you are in the mood for a sweet, old-fashioned cowboy romance, The Tenderfoot Bride is for you. The plot device of bringing together two seemingly ill-fitted people in close quarters and watch the hostile sparks slowly burn into intense love is nothing new but this is so nicely written that, even though you know the inevitable conclusion, you thoroughly enjoy the journey to get there. An added bonus was a very realistic and charming setting of the every day life in a Colorado Ranch in the late nineteenth century. Some historical romances pluck contemporary people and randomly set them in a supposed historical setting and call that a historical romance. This was not the case here. Both the setting and characters were beautifully rendered. Really enjoyed this one!
Profile Image for Vintage.
2,592 reviews582 followers
March 10, 2018
What a sweetheart of a book, a true romance.

There isn’t much I can add to what other reviewers have already said except to say that this wonderful story about the grumpy, hard as stone SOB ranch owner and sweet, determined heroine is what romance is all about. Wonderful secondary characters with the cranky stepmother, the doting cowboys just add value.

My only complaint is it ended too soon. I wanted to read about a wedding and have an epilogue!

My first but not last Cheryl St. John.

This reminded me a lot Ellen O'Connell book, Eyes of Silver, Eyes of Gold, Without Words, Beautiful Bad Man.
Profile Image for Kristina .
957 reviews661 followers
April 14, 2023
A sweet little historical western. This was a slow clean burn and a nice story but it didn’t quite hit the spot for me. The plot and setting were very simple and this held a lot of slice of life, which I like in my historical, but I wanted a bit more from the relationship. The heroine is holding back a lot of herself from the hero right into the very last few pages so there was no real relationship between them until the end. Also this was incredibly similar to another book by this author -his secondhand wife- and I think that one was done better. This story would really have benefitted from an epilogue a few years out, but it was a good read and had an old school feel, which was nice.
I’ve read, like, ten westerns in a row now so I think I need to find something else before I start speaking with a drawl. 🤠
Profile Image for Ainhoa.
458 reviews17 followers
July 9, 2024
I’m ashamed to admit I’m gobbling up westerns like it’s the end of the world 🤠

But how can they be so cute?
Profile Image for Preeti ♥︎ Her Bookshelves.
1,373 reviews19 followers
October 25, 2019
A sweet unpretentious book that starts with a heavy dose of angst, and then settles into ordinary everyday working routine which surprisingly was never boring. I was quite impressed with author’s ability to use simple yet illustrative style, which seemed to bring everything to life.

The h, Leanna is a timid abused widow who arrives as the new housekeeper at the bad tempered H’s ranch. Will Tucker, expecting a capable middle aged widow, takes one look at the tiny timorous Leanna and declares her unfit for the job. He almost packs her off but her very wretchedness makes him relent and give her a trial.

I also liked the secondary characters. Apart from people in Leanna’s past, everyone is nice, accepting and non-judgmental. The silent and surly H’s relationship with his cranky aged step-mom is a case in point. Apparently, they hate each other’s guts but the way he takes care of her and her needs shows him to be an absolute softie and a complete fraud! Will’s feelings for Leanna develop gradually but inexorably and believably. She, of course, is blind to his and her own feelings as she is too embroiled in her inner turmoil.

The h is but the sweetness, purity and charm of this story totally drew me in.
Profile Image for Sometime.
1,700 reviews154 followers
November 3, 2019
I'm often amazed at how much I love a good western romance. I used to look down on cowboy books but I love the way the characters are usually simple folks with complicated lives.

Will advertised for a cook and housekeeper for his ranch, and was surprised when Linnea showed up. Not being the middle aged, plump widow he was expecting, he reacted quite strongly.

"What the hell were you thinking, bringing her here?" he roared. "Huh? Couldn't you see she's a bony little stick that will blow over in a stiff wind? You should have taken one look at that--" he jabbed a thumb toward the young woman "--that insignificant wisp of a girl and sent her packing right back to wherever she came from. what am I going to do with a nuisance like her on a cattle ranch?...I need a cook! I need someone who can do the wash and hoe the garden and pacify a cranky old woman! I do not need another lame piece of baggage!"

Obviously, Will has anger issues. And I really did not like him at first. He always wondered to himself, why she was so skittish around him and I wanted to smack him and list off the reasons he was being a donkey butt. Linnea is used to being treated poorly, very poorly, by the men in her life. She works hard to prove herself and earn her place on the ranch. I loved Linnea. She is a woman who has been badly treated her entire life. Once she is on the ranch, her kindness, her giving nature, her great cooking endear her to everyone, ranch hands and cranky step-mothers alike. Everyone but Will. He is one of those kinds of Heroes who is hard, angry, and bitter but soft as butter deep down.

It was a joy to read this book. Things start off with an angsty bang, but soon even out to everyday life on the ranch. Will and Linnea slowly grow to appreciate each other. Linnea learns to trust him and loses some of her fear of men. Will is like a blockhead who can't get it through his thick skull that Linnea is the best thing to ever happen to him. The secondary characters were also wonderful. Linnea befriends many of the ranch hands, and has a special relationship with Will's Step-mother, who really just needs a friend and some understanding. Although, she does love to poke at Will every chance she gets.

This was a beautiful and sweet romance. The heat level is pretty mild, there are kisses and caresses only, and while I wish the book had an epilogue, I was left with no doubt of their love for each other and their HEA.

Profile Image for Penny Watson.
Author 12 books510 followers
September 16, 2013
Review for The Tenderfoot Bride (Harlequin Historical).

This is an oldie (2007) by Cheryl St. John, and I loved it soooooooo much that I actually bought a print copy after reading the ebook. And I NEVER do that.

This has a gruff hero with a heart of gold (which he tries to deny), a battered, determined woman who is desperate to make a new life for herself, a traditional western setting, and a slow, simmering, satisfying romance with a divine HEA. I loved the determination and strength of the heroine, I loved the cranky, conflicted nature of the rancher-hero, and the ending was so romantic and wonderful, I swooned. It even included the quintessential "running into each other's arms" scene, and instead of snickering, I cried. I cried! *sniff, sniff*

This book will definitely be on my BEST OF 2013 list. I highly recommend this one if you are looking for a good old-fashioned traditional western romance.

Grade: A+
Profile Image for kat.
520 reviews238 followers
January 8, 2023
4 stars ✿

❛Do you love me enough to forget my past?❜
❛I love you…❜ he said, with emotion choking his usually strong voice ❛… enough for anything. And I'll spend the rest of my life making you forget.❜

I will definitely revisit this book again! 💛
Profile Image for Michelle Robinson.
617 reviews9 followers
July 12, 2014
I just reread this book. It was really better than I remembered. What I didn't care for was the abrupt ending.
This couple doesn't really get together until the absolute end of the book and it feels as if we were cheated out of getting to enjoy their love.

Okay, I wrote the first part of this review, on my phone, I was in a hurry.
Initially, I didn't remember reading this particular book. However, the more I got it into the book, I remember the stepmother and her relationship with Tucker. She seems so mean but there was obviously some care, at least on the part of Tucker toward her. He did not have to put up with her nonsense.

Tucker is gruff and Linnea is so timid that at first, I honestly was not sure if I could be patient with all of her apparent fear. Tucker is pretty irascible but he seems honest and he has obviously concerned for the people who work for him and after a time for Linnea.

Linnea is very timid, I felt sorry for her but I also wanted her to not be so fearful. I sympathized with her, the more of her story that we learn. She has a tenacity of spirit that it is hard not to admire.

I still wish there was an epilogue or at least some time when we are allowed to see Tucker and Linnea as a couple. This is one of those novels where as soon as the hero and heroine get together, there is an abrupt ending to the story. I wish there had been more.
Profile Image for Laura V..
734 reviews60 followers
September 28, 2014

No es una historia muy romántica, pero aun así me gustó. Creo que de una forma u otra ambos terminarían juntos. Porque ambos se necesitan. Y creo que se llevarían muy bien.
Pero hay cosas que no me gustaron. Creo de Linnea principalmente.
Porque aunque es joven y de cuerpo menudo, ella termina cerrándole la boca a Will quien creía que no aguantaría ni un día. Pero ella es perfecta.
PERFECTA: No se queja, no llora. Cocina como los dioses, limpia como dios manda, atiende a todos los hombres. Cuida bien de las personas mayores. Es agradable. Bonita. Emprendedora. Muy terca. Pero es PERFECTA.
Y no está bien eso. Que siguiera cocinando cuando tenía una mano quemada. Que siguiera atendiendo la casa cuando entró en trabajo de parto. Que Linnea se pusiera a cocinar y lavar los platos dos días después de parir.
Porque creo que nadie puede hacer lo que hace esta mujer por mucha garra que le pongas. Nadie. Pero ella lo hace todo y de mil maravillas. Pero ¿y si hubiera sido débil? ¿Y si de verdad no hubiera aguantado el ritmo de trabajo? ¿Si no limpiara bien los platos? ¿O sus comidas fueran sosas? ¿O quemara las camisas? ¿O no supiera hacer jabón? ¿Qué habría sido de ella?
Will la admira porque ella es capaz de hacerlo todo a pesar de sus circunstancia *y le tiene un poco de lástima* pero ¿y si ella no hubiera podido? ¿Ella hubiera tenido el derecho de permitirse fallar en algo? ¿Will la habría echado cuando no sabía todavía que estaba embarazada?

Y además, que Linnea no se permitiera confiar en él. Pero sí en los demás. Bueno, si no le confías a él las cosas, diselo a la anciana que te acompaña, o a un peón. Pero ella se lo guarda todo. TODO. Pudo haber cogido una infección por no atender esa quemadura. Su parto se pudo haber complicado si Will no hubiera estado cerca. ¿Porqué esperaste hasta que rompiste bolsa para hacerle saber que estabas pariendo? Si practicamente cuando él revisó el chico ya tenía la cabeza fuera. Sé que era renuente a que la viera un médico, pero podrías haber mandado a llamar a la mujer vecina.
Ella pone su vida innecesariamente en peligro. Y no está bien.
Profile Image for HR-ML.
1,211 reviews49 followers
July 15, 2022
This took place 1875 in Colorado Springs.

Will was a huge, gruff rancher. Who hired shy,
widowed uneducated Linnea as his cook & HKR.
He gave her a 1 month trial in this role. She acted
skittish around others (reacted as if expecting a
blow) and wanted no one to touch her, even the
MD. She recoiled when Will had a few furious

Will noted she was unfamiliar w/ joy (IE dancing)
or praise of any kind. She revealed that her father
sold her to her husband (for $200+ a box of cigars)
who ultimately beat her.

Will was an acquired taste but he grew on me after
a time. Thankfully the h became more comfortable
with her new life.
Profile Image for Serial Romance Librarian.
944 reviews233 followers
September 3, 2022
I wanted to love this one, and I did love the first 75%. Loved the surly hero and the long-suffering heroine. I liked her pragmatism and work ethic. Loved the setting, secondary characters, and descriptions of daily life. Didn’t even mind that it was a clean love story, but the chemistry could’ve been more palpable. We mostly hear the H’s confounded inner monologues and the h’s confused thoughts. They’re rarely on the same page, so to speak.

Didn’t love that the h pulled away from the H after he proposed despite being pregnant and having no other options because “she wasn’t good enough for him!” I thought that was so selfish and immature. Here this man is offering to give your child a name and you’re going to run off and leave him so your child grows up a bastard. Luckily she pulled her head out of her butt, but it ruined the story for me! Add to that the abrupt ending where we don’t get to see them as a couple at all or if she survives the birth (foreshadowing that it could be bad according to H’s premonitions), and that leaves a frustrated reader!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jena .
2,313 reviews2 followers
Shelved as 'maybe'
December 22, 2022
self note

- h, Leanna is a timid abused widow.

- clean romance.


- h is pregg with another man's baby.
Profile Image for bookjunkie.
168 reviews49 followers
April 13, 2017
This book was a beaut!! It's exactly what you want in a frontier-western-rancher romance. It was 5-stars all the way up to about 90%, then fumbled the ball a bit with the whiplash ending. I'd still rate it about 4.5 stars, but c'mon the ending is soooo important, why why why!! Not that it wasn't a happy ending, but it was way too short and abrupt, without a whole lot of reasoning. It's particularly upsetting because the rest of the book is so wonderful and steady in building up a sweet and believable romance. Still, a very good read & I enjoyed it.
April 9, 2010
A refreshing surprise! LOVED this book and the accurate detail of daily life in a rugged world and of one whose world is shadowed by fear of her past! A great story of overcoming your past and accepting the good that comes your way. Will be reading again soon!
Profile Image for Jane.
Author 1 book17 followers
April 20, 2023
This was like a 3.5. I did have some problems with it. It needed to be like fifty pages longer and desperately needed an epilogue. The end was SO abrupt. There was nothing about them getting married, how her role at the ranch changed or anything. Like the book is called the Tenderfoot BRIDE. Girl was not a bride because it ends with them just running into each others arms after she decides not to quit? Like what was the point of her whole internal conflict (which was the third act break up) if in like one paragraph she decides “wait i’m gonna stay lol”… I did cry at this book but more out of exasperation. There should’ve been an external conflict instead I think, like her dead husbands partners coming to stir up trouble or something.

Also I found their relationship just slightly abrupt. Like it certainly was a slow burn, but at the same time it seems he just suddenly decided he was into her? Not sure.

This just left a lot to be desired.
Profile Image for Zubee.
666 reviews28 followers
January 12, 2020
3.5 stars
Sweet h ... gruff on the outside and a softie on the inside H ... a cantankerous stepmother and sweet side characters made for a great story ... fast faced plot ... I just got a little tired of the h acting like a martyr at the end but overall it was great and definitely worth reading ..
Profile Image for Mtve41.
634 reviews21 followers
March 29, 2022
A true feel-good sweet romance the way it should be. So happy it showed on my GR feed. Also very reminiscent of Kathleen E Woodiwiss’ Petals on the River, a book I’ve read a hundred times in my teens!

There isn’t any OM or OW drama. Just pure unadulterated slow burn budding romance. I can’t sweeten it anymore with my half assed review.

The H was a tough rancher and not used to the soft ways of a woman. He’s undone when the kitchen help his sister hires for him turns out to be a pretty and fragile young woman. He instantly sends her packing but then changes his mind when he sees her in obvious need of help.

The h was also shy and reserved with the H. Despite her sad background and unfortunate circumstances she is strong and willful. She doesn’t even let the H catch on to her silent cries incase he should think that she was too frail or too needy for the job.

I couldn’t put it down until I’d read it. I’d have liked to see the H get possessive of the h. The h had several opportunities to claim a good life for herself but she keeps pushing him away. There is an HEA but I’d have preferred a bit of an epilogue, wedding and more children and all. A sweet memorable one!
604 reviews4 followers
February 22, 2018
Long and boring. Not much emotion even though she had a bad background, it wasn't told well to make it a good emotional read. At the end, the reason for her refusal of H and trying to leave him didn't make sense for the time period and neither from the prospect of a single mother with not much choice as far as financial means concerned. It didn't make sense from a romance point either that H didn't even try to persuade her to stay.
I think I will give up on this author.
Profile Image for Irisheyes.
5 reviews
March 16, 2011
I would give this book a 4.5! The only thing that kept it from being 5 stars is I would have liked 1 or 2 more chapters after the hero and heroine got together. I felt like I waited patiently through the whole book for them to connect and then when they did it was THE END. Kind of felt a little cheated. Otherwise, it was a really awesome read. Great characters and great story.
Profile Image for Zoe.
762 reviews196 followers
February 27, 2016
Wonderful writing and a sweet story. I wonder why it is that these "western" stories always are relatively "innocent". They talk about living on a ranch and all these details about living in harsh conditions but spare only a bit for the romance. But surprisingly, I read on and couldn't stop until I finished.
Profile Image for MaryD.
1,731 reviews2 followers
April 4, 2018
An nice, slow story about first appearances, second chances and choices. I loved Will and how he gradually changed without changing his character. I loved Linnea and how, despite her petite stature, has a heart and soul and courage as big as the plains. The other characters add a lot to the story- Will's stepmother Aggie, foreman Roy who lost his love years ago, and Cimmaron who filled one of Linnea's childhood dreams.

For a good review, read StMargaret's review here .

Library copy.
Profile Image for Tandie.
1,529 reviews247 followers
March 21, 2019
Awwwww. This was so fluffy and sweet. My only quibble was that the ending felt a bit abrupt. 3.5 stars, rounded up, because it made me feel good.

MC was a Mary Sue, but she was strong in some ways. The conflict at the end was lame, but I just went with it. I doubt this would hold up to a reread.

This was a PG-13 very mild read. The H/h were making out on her bed and I think there was a boob touch? There was some mention of H feeling attraction and arousal, but it wasn’t crude. He would walk away to cool off before it became obvious. No sex.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 161 reviews

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