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Librarian Note: Alternate Cover Edition for ASIN: B0165WFUKG.


The act of hating – no, fucking loathing Dean Collins. (Yes, I’m well aware that’s not the actual definition, but it might as well be . . .)

It’s been ten years since we've seen each other and the feelings are still as strong.

I’m not going to bore you with all the details of how our love was once intoxicating, consuming, and perfect.

Because it was . . . until it wasn't.

I've been fine without him. I haven’t missed his cruelty, his coldness and his spite.

And after the ugliest breakup in the history of breakups, I forced myself to move on.

Year by year, the feelings I had for him slowly drifted away, but one encounter with him recently changed everything. One encounter made me realize how the heart doesn't forget shit, and how my mind is going to have to work overtime to make sure I never forget my definition of resentment.

295 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 29, 2015

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About the author

Nicole London

8 books556 followers
Nicole London is a hopeless dreamer and author of romance novels.

She lives with her husband and their Siberian Husky in Tennessee. When she's not chatting books with her best friend, she's sipping lattes at Starbucks, binge-watching her favorite shows, or planning her next travel adventure.

You can connect with her on Facebook via Author Nicole London or on Instagram: @Nicole_London_Author

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 427 reviews
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,111 reviews82 followers
January 31, 2021
I was so looking forward to reading this book. I mean to the point of me stalking it. Between all the teasers and synopsis. I was really excited! When I saw the blog tour sign up for his book.... I jumped on it.

So... When I started to read Part 1 of this book I loved it!
It was everything. Dean was just everything. And I loved how he chased after Mia.
Man... the beginning... Was so good!
Then it went down hill pretty fast.
Then the end of part 1.... I hated it!
I had tears in my eyes for Mia. I felt so bad for her.
And really... Nothing and I mean nothing Dean could say or do that would change my feeling for him. Even if he was dealing with so much with his dad. He could have handled it better than he did. What he did to Mia was malicious and vicious.
How he acted towards her was so uncalled for. He shattered her. And truly didn't care!

In part 2.... Oh man.

First off... It was pretty unbelievable how Dean came back into Mia's life. Like soooo unbelievable.

-I was really not feeling Dean at all. And his F'ed up attitude.

-Why did Mia stay. I would have left after finding out he was the roommate. And I would have told my brother everything!

-Dean still has the nerve to treat Mia like shit... Even after he finds out that she's his best friend sister.

-How can Mia's brother not just kick him out right away after finding out everything he did to his sister in high school.
He just laughed about it. Said he won't kick his butt because now he was his best friend. But thought it was messed up of Dean to do that to her!
That's it!

It only gets worse from there! And I mean down hill.

Mia started off so strong in the beginning ... And slowly she ended up being a doormat.
If my boyfriend that I loved so very much did this to me...

-Stood me up for prom.
-made out with another girl in front of me during prom.
-said a mean statement to me in front of everyone at prom.
-spread rumors that I did a sex tape with another guy. (Knowing that I was only with him ever. I gave him my virginity.)
-let everyone talk about me to the point where it was hard to go to school.
-while he was with other girl and confirming all those nasty rumors.

Then let's fast forward 10 years

-parade a bunch of women in front of me.
-still treat me like I'm gum on the bottom of his shoe.

I would not go back with him at all! Shoot... I wouldn't even talk to him! Let alone have sex with him!
But Mia did & continued to have sex with him.

This is the kicker... Drum roll please....

And the reason he treated Mia like that was because his dad was beating him in high school and he felt she should have made the effort to finding out what was wrong with him. Even though she DID ask him ALL the time what was wrong. Because she did notice something was wrong.

He expected her to be a mind reader. And since she wasn't... She paid a great price because of it.
The letter he wrote her... Was way to late. It had no effect on me. I still hated him.

This book was not for me. I like strong MC women. Mia was not strong at all. And Dean... Was no book boyfriend.
Too many bad things had happened to them to fully enjoy them getting back together in the end.
And Mia's brother Eric.... Was not a very good brother at all.... In my opinion.

I know my review was all over the place... But I just had to get everything out.

*ARC provided for an honest review.*
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,507 reviews5,350 followers
October 30, 2015
”Our love was once intoxicating, consuming, and perfect ...until it wasn't.”


Nicole London delivered an angsty read that showcased a very witty, faced paced writing style. The story starts in the past as the arrogant high school quarterback, Dean Collins makes his final play for Mia Grey. For the past two years Mia has avoided any interactions with Dean.

”…I always do my best to avoid Dean Collins like the plague: I leave the four classes we take together early, never go to pep rallies to cheer on the team (Dean is the team), and the few times that he’s attempted that “Hey…What’s up?” thing on me, I’ve offered a blank star and walked away.”

Dean finally figures out a way to not only get Mia to talk to him but lures her into helping him in is AP class for cash. Slowly, Mia sees that there’s so much more than his smart mouth, trademark gorgeous grin, hot abs, football god persona. Their banter and fall into love was well done and totally addicting. Not only sexy but funny as well.

DEAN: You think you can come to the first game next week, too?

MIA: Now you’re pushing it…I don’t even know how to watch football.”

Dean sweeps Mia off her feet and they bond over parents, interests and sexual attraction. The story falls apart as Dean turns into total douchebag and I’m as confused as Mia for this one-eighty. He not only breaks up with her, but he makes sure she’s crushed beyond belief.


The story takes up ten years in the present where Mia is closing up her law career and moving to Portland to stay with her big brother, Eric. Surprise, surprise guess who by chance, fate, coincidence is Eric’s best friend and roommate? Small world right!


Dean is crazy hostile towards Mia and I’m just as shocked by his anger as she is!! The two put off discussing what happened ten years prior and slowly they start a relationship right along with the unaddressed reasons for Dean’s breakup and his anger when she arrived.

”You can’t build something together for the future without addressing the past.”


I was frantically reading dying to find out WHAT THE HELL happened that caused Dean to turn on Mia and running every time she wants to discuss. Truth be told, his reasons SUCKED I didn’t find them valid AT ALL. (Thus star deduction)


Overall, this was an interesting delivery of a second chance romance with the couple going from hate to love flip floping a few times. (I could have totally used more explanations for his erratic behavior though. Still very foggy on why he was so freaking mean to her when she arrived in Portland ten years later. Even if the author gave reasons for his past behavior.) Still this is an angsty, sexy, fast paced read.

”Regret, Resentment, & Redemption...Rebuild."
Profile Image for Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘.
873 reviews4,131 followers
February 15, 2021

Resentment, n. : The feeling of disappointment after trusting Dean Collins, the asshole you knew would betray you this book, the clusterfuck you knew would make you rage.

Sometimes it's difficult to pinpoint the precise reasons to explain our intense dislike for a novel. This is not one of those times.

On the contrary, I've yet to find something positive to say about Resentment, if you except the sick fascination that forced me to finish it, to see if it really was that bad (spoiler alert : it very much was). Honestly, it's quite an achievement, when you think about it : indeed I turned the last page last night and 24 hours later, I'm STILL randomly feeling bursts of annoyance whenever a scene comes to my mind.

Whether it's
- the complete lack of chemistry ;
- the nonsensical and over-stretched plot ;
- wonderful pieces of garbage like,
"Get your hands off of me, Dean." I glare at him as he grips. "Get your hands off. Of. Me."
"Say it like you actually mean it and I will."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA my dude, you are so funny (not).
- the fact that I felt the need to finish the story in order to find out what could explain Dean's awful behavior (both in the past and in present), only to get a wonderful package of nonsense wrapped with an abuse-as-a-plot-device ribbon. I think the fuck not, book ;
- the repetitive writing ;
- the shallow and stereotypical characters ;

I spent the whole day fuming and screaming I WANT MY TIME BACK.

TDRL; Don't be like me, stay the hell away from Dean and Mia. You're welcome.

For more of my reviews, please visit:
Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,409 reviews9,900 followers
October 29, 2015
**༻Complimentary Copy༺** Provided by the author "Nicole London" in exchange for an honest review..Thank you!!

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TITLE: Resentment
AUTHOR: Nicole London
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
RELEASE DATE: October 29th, 2015


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How on earth can this be this authors first book *shakes head in wonder* I shit you not, this book will just grab all those feels out of you and stomp them in the ground, I freaking loved this book, Dean gave me whip lash with him being a douche then not being a douche so yep just be prepared for that kind of carry on, Mia you've got to love Mia, she kind of needs a filter for all her thoughts..I giggled, I teared up, I swooned, I fell in love with this book on so many levels..

DAMN Ekkkkk GULPS wipes chin!! this cover hoe likey likey this cover!!

* Prays to the book gods that the storyline measures up to the cover* YES IT DOES!!

Books like this are my guilty secret shhhhh from enemies to lovers, lover these kinds of books!!

Regret ** Resentment** Redemption
REGRET (n:.) The feeling of disappointment after trusting Dean Collins, the asshole you knew would betray you.

Dean Collins is the most irresistible asshole at Central High School, the sexy star quarterback who's capable of making grown woman swoon.

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RESENTMENT: Starts off in the year 2004 I'm only a few pages in but is it too early to say that I love Mia already, Dean's already a douchebag but I can work with that..it all started with him stealing her notebook..

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Which leads to Mia agreeing to become his tutor..

During school hours, we still exist in two completely different worlds, but when we’re together and alone, we get along better than I could’ve ever imagined and I haven’t had the desire to thrash him once.

Our love was once intoxicating, consuming, and perfect, because it was...until it wasn't.

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You know that saying "this was easy to get into" yeah that over used clique well I shit you not, this book is REALLY easy to get into!! As soon as you start reading you'll just want to turn off life for a bit because you will not want to put this goody down, already I have the feels, and I crave books like this one..

"Why are you still paying me to tutor you? Now that we’re supposedly dating?”
"We are dating.” He looks over at me.
"But regarding the tutoring payments, would you like me to stop?”
"You can.” I shrug. I don’t feel like I have to be paid to put up with you now”

Prom night things turn pretty crappy for Mia, for no reason Dean breaks things off and things NEVER get resolved, neither speak to the other..It's not until further in the book where things become clear..

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Regret ** Resentment** Redemption
RESENTMENT (n:.) The act of hating - no, fucking loathing Dean Collins.


Mia reconnects with her older brother and moves in to his condo until she gets on her feet, this is where things start to get really interesting, her brothers best friend and room mate are none other Dean Collins, yep douche bag Dean!!Eeekkkkk And OMG if u loved Dean in his younger years you are going to freaking love this much older improved version of Dean..

Regret ** Resentment** Redemption
REDEMPTION (n:.) The act of dean Collins finally coming clean about the past and finally atoning for the mean ass shit he put you through in high school.

So collage Dean was a douche but all grown up Dean pulls on my heart strings he will make you question everything that went wrong between these two..

What I loved even more about this book is as your nearing the end of the book, we get Dean's POV and why they broke up prom night, why he acted the way he did..
Profile Image for Michelle.
944 reviews220 followers
November 2, 2015
4 Stars!
Mia hates Dean. Dean is the most popular guy at school and the star of the football team. Completely opposite of Mia. Mia has one friend and is not popular. She doesn't go to games or parties. She gives Dean zero chances to talk to her in high school until senior year one day he shows up with her notebook she misplaced. Dean needs help in his English class and Mia agrees to tutor him. They form a friendship that later turns into more.
I loved Dean right away. He was sexy, sweet and he's had his eyes on the untouchable Mia since sophomore year of high school.
I loved Mia too. She was feisty and didn't waste time letting Dean know that she didn't like him and he was never going to get in her pants. lol
Dean and Mia both were being forced to live a life that they didn't want. Both of them also had divorced parents and their parents sucked.
Something happens between these two after they've been dating for a while and they break up. Both of them hating each other. Both of them heart broken.
Ten years later when Mia decides to quit her job and move to another state to start over is where she runs into her past. Her past that she can not get away from. A past she sees everyday. A past she still hates and wants nothing to do with. Until one night they share a heated kiss that turns into more kisses and then more.
Now why not a five star? Well later on when Mia and Dean finally decide to talk about the past and what happened I found that it was really dumb. I was expecting something more! I also wanted a damn epilogue. I hate it when I don't get more at the end! Haha!
Anyway I loved this book despite the oh shit factor that didn't happen when the reason for their breakup came out. I believe it was my first read by this author. I will probably be looking for more books by her:))
Profile Image for ~♡AB♡~.
974 reviews692 followers
October 31, 2015
★★★ 3 Stars ★★★

This is author Nicole London's first book and I'd like to preface this review by saying that it was a great first effort at writing a New Adult romance that will hold your interest and have you eager to find out why there is so much resentment between the two main characters.

The book is told in three parts, Regret, Resentment and Redemption.

Dean Collins is the popular football player who has been trying to get the attention of studyworm Mia for a long time now, and manipulates things to his favour by getting Mia to agree to tutor him in order to increase his grades.

Mia Gray is not a pushover and tries really hard not to fall for his charms, but he infiltrates himself into her heart and there isn't a whole lot she can do to stop her growing feelings for him.

After a whirlwind high school romance, Dean pulls a complete douchebag move and we are left wondering what Mia did to deserve such a hard time after he humiliates her beyond belief.

Ten years later and Mia is taking the bull by the horns, she is leaving her dead end job and dumping her useless boyfriend and moving in with her brother in another city. When she discovers who her brothers room-mate is, she is left reeling, especially since Dean is being very hostile to her, even after all this time.

Mia simply cannot understand why Dean hates her so much, but the sexual chemistry is still there and they both find it hard to resist.

After a lot of back and forth, Dean finally opens up and we discover all the secrets and lies that Dean has been hiding.

Overall this was a good solid read, but I am still left wondering why Dean behaved the way he did. He was awful to Mia and it felt almost as if he didn't really mature much in the ten years they were apart.

This book was told in Mia's point of view so it was easy for me to connect to her character quite nicely; usually when reading a book in only one POV I find it easy to connect to the other person just by gauging their actions and behavior, but sadly I didn't really feel or get where Dean was coming from.

Still, I did like it, and wish the author all the best for future books, I will definitely be checking them out.

ARC gratefully received from the author in exchange for an honest review

Profile Image for ✿kawehi.reviews.
1,453 reviews420 followers
November 1, 2015
☆ I received an ARC via Give Me Books in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!! ☆


Writing wise, this book was delightfully well written and enjoyable.

Story wise, I liked it in essence.

Character wise, I loved Mia and could sympathize with her hurt and confusion, and why she hated Dean immensely just by reading the plot synopsis. I WOULD HAVE TOO after witnessing the crap he pulled!

And Dean, ugh. Don't even get me started.


While in gist, the teenage years can be the most exhilarating and the most volatile at times, Dean's sudden 180 was just ridiculous. Even after learning his reasons, I just couldn't with him. His douchebag behavior in HS post break up and 10 years later was baffling.

I thought Dean started up to be a wonderful, charming young man, and him putting the blame on Mia and being horrible to her was unforgivable.

Yeah, he had home issues that made you feel vulnerable and ashamed. But to lash out and scorn Mia made me want to punch him in the face.


He claimed she was selfish and kept deriding her for reasons unbeknownst to her, and then near the ending, it was like he had an epiphany and realized that Mia had things just has bad and how she was just like him, trying to get out of her sh*tty situation and make something for herself. And that she had indeed, always been there for him. He just needed to pull his head of of his a$# to see it.


I don't know. I'm very conflicted regarding my thoughts and feelings. They're riding all over the place.

Deep down, I loved Dean, but I was also profusely angered with him as well. I mean, wtf with, parading around and making out with other women and keeping them around when he knew Mia was going to be around?! Ugh!! He did it on purpose, and in the end, who did it hurt more? Mia? Or him?

It's like that saying, "you always hurt the ones you love," and for Dean, this person turned out to be Mia.

I definitely would pick up another read from this author, but, if I have to read another story with a main protagonist like Dean, I will pass on it.

My heart truly bled for Mia and the jerk face she fell in love with.

Anyway, I hope my review sent as much mixed signals to you as it did for me.

AND PLEASE, I'm just one reviewer, so don't raise your pitchforks at me please, for voicing my own opinions.


June 24, 2017
4 ★'s

This was my first book by Nicole London and I chose it because I heard it was angsty (it is). And it has a bit of everything thrown it...second chance romance, enemies to lovers and dating the older brother's best friend. It's told in three parts, dealing with things in the past and the present and the various stages this couple goes through: regret (the past), resentment (the present) and redemption (also the present).

The story begins when Mia and Dean are both seniors in high school and she finds out that he had stolen her notebook. He finagles his way into her tutoring him solely for the chance to be around her more. He's wanted her since he was a sophomore and is determined to make things happen.

Mia's never really liked Dean. He's the popular football jock and she's the nerdy art girl but her opinion starts to change the more she gets to know him. And even though she doesn't understand why he wants her, they soon start dating.

I really enjoyed this time of their romance when they both start really opening up to each other and finding out how much they have in common. They are both there for each other and very supportive.

Then...something happens and Dean turns into this monster ...I kid you not. I was shocked at how badly he treated Mia...and so was she. This set things in motion and they don't see each other for TEN years!


The first part we only get Mia's POV so it was easy to side with her but...even when we do get Dean's POV, I just couldn't justify his reasonings for what he did. And because even ten years later, he is still a HUGE JERK!

Mia moves to her brother's (Eric) hometown to seriously try to get her art career going. She moves in with Eric until she can save up enough for her own place. Unfortunately, Eric has another roommate and you guessed it, it's Dean!! (Maybe that was a little too convenient.)

Like I said, Dean is not nice. He has girls over all the time, he eats all of Mia's food and even scares away her dates. All the while, it's fairly obvious he hasn't gotten over her At. All. And of course, she is not over him.

Things get pretty steamy...nothing like angry sex and that's all there is for a while. But Mia knows they need to address what happened all those years ago before they can move forward. This leads to some more crazy drama and lots of angsty moments!

I enjoyed how things ended up. And while I enjoyed getting Dean's POV, several chapters were just a rehash of what we had already read (boo!). However, I couldn't stop reading this book and finished in one day! Gotta love all that juicy angst!
Profile Image for Book-Bosomed  blog.
516 reviews250 followers
October 31, 2015
DNF @ 35%
The H started out as such an outstanding guy/total book boyfriend, then he turns into a complete lying, cheating creep. Knowing it was a second chance romance and they were young, I realized going in that something was going to split them apart, but there’s just no way to redeem an H who acts like he did. I see no point in continuing because the romance is shot. Very disappointing as it’s otherwise written well and the characters were engaging.
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,650 reviews4,564 followers
July 31, 2017
2.5 Stars

Overall Opinion: I really am torn with this one. I waited a while to post my review, because I needed to think on it a little. I liked the part of the story that took place in high school, but I really didn't like the rest. I hated the reason they broke up, it was hurtful what the H did to the h, and I didn't like the "avoidance is key" mentality for when they were reunited. I would have looked into alternatives right away if I was Mia so I didn't have to be around Dean all the time...but on the other hand with his obvious distaste for her (and never knowing why he had such a drastic and seemingly abrupt change of heart) I was extremely frustrated with Mia for not trying to COMMUNICATE with him!! I hate when in a book the conflict can be resolved by some simple communication between the two mcs, and this was a perfect example of that. Too bad, because I love my second chance romances.

Storyline: This is going to be brief, because I don't want to give too much away -- This is Mia and Dean's story. We start the story in high school. Dean is the star quarterback Mr.Popular, and Mia is the beautiful-and-she-doesn't-know-it antisocial nerd. After some awkward encounters, Dean talks Mia into tutoring him for his English class. Eventually their friendship turns into something more, and they fall in love. Of course -- something goes horribly wrong and they are split up. 10 years later they are reunited and forced to be in the same place on a daily basis. They have some obstacles, but they get their HFN.

POV: This was told primarily is Mia's POV (with a very small section told in Dean's).

Overall Pace of Story: Good. I didn't have any skimming moments, and I wouldn't call this instalove.

H rating: 2 stars. Dean. I did like how he cared for Mia in the first part, but I still don't understand why he let things go down the way he did .

h rating: 3 stars. Mia. I liked her a lot in the high school part of the book, but the reunited part I just felt like I lost my respect for her .

Sadness level: Moderate. I am a sucker for second chance romances, and this one did make me cry a few times.

Heat level: Moderate. They have decent chemistry, but some scenes were just meh.

Descriptive sex: Yes

Sex scene with OW or OM:


Possible Triggers:

Closure: This did not have enough closure for me. I wanted more with them together after their conflict. I have been reading a lot of books lately that have the couple's big conflict so late, then it is resolved, and then it's the epilogue or some kind of time jump. I really don't like this style at all. It doesn't make me feel confident that the couple will make it, especially when it ends on just a HFN ending.
Profile Image for San-Dee Keefner.
168 reviews80 followers
November 19, 2015


The book was ok.... not great but ok. The fact that he treated her so horribly after he did everything he could to make her go out with him just shows what kind go DB the H was. Then only not even break up with her or tell her he was not going to take her to prom he just goes to prom with another girl and then kisses her right in front of the h. Only to break her heart even more. Does she know why they broke up?? and she doesn't for 10 years! Then she moves out to live with her brother only to find out he had a room mate, yup.. the ex-boyfriend. (so hard to believe that her brother never mentioned he had a roommate or that it was the ex-boyfriend.) then only to have him throw all kind of girls in her face when he brings them home with him. But when she brings a guy home, the H acts like a total a-hole and pretty much calls her a slut and chases the guy away. Next thing you know they are shagging and she can not seem to say no to the magic wee wee. The huge reason why he broke up with her... cause his dad beat him and she did not notice. YUP. Cause she had the ability to read minds and everything. So instead of talking to her he let the resentment build up until he blew up at her. So for ten years he let this stupid excuse to himself and the h never understood why he dumped her. Personally I would have took his reason and told him to take a hike
The story was ok but I just wish the h had a backbone and didn't drop her knickers at the mere sight of the magical wee wee.
Profile Image for ✰♊ Angie ♊✰.
324 reviews158 followers
January 10, 2018
I definitely enjoyed this read.
I did found it a tad frustrating with the whole "unknown reason" for Dean & Mia's initial break-up in high school. It was like this deep secret that was right there in their faces, staring them down 10 years later, but not being addressed for whatever reason. It was annoying to have the unknown issue continually brought up and then swept under the rug to deal with another day. Like, you're 28 years old... and this happened 10 years ago... grow up and state the issue like adults.


And, if I'm being completely honest, I wasn't satisfied with the explanation for their high school break-up drama that we finally got toward the end of the book. Given their closeness to one another while they were dating, I would have expected more from Dean than his abrupt turn on Mia. But, whatever.


Also, the edition I read from my Kindle Unlimited subscription download had notations throughout. These notations look to be editor's notes or something along those lines. Now, you could pretend they're not there and simply not click the footnote. For me, they were a bit distracting because, apparently, I need ALL the information and can't just ignore them.


But, anywho... this was a good read and I already have another of Ms. London's books downloaded and ready to read.
Profile Image for Didi.
865 reviews286 followers
January 30, 2016

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, that's not happening asshole."
Loved that quote.

This was a great enemies to lovers story that started out as a more than friends. Mia and Dean are polar opposites; she's the sexy geek, unbeknownst to her, and he's the star quarterback and savior for their high school. Dean spends most of his high school career trying to capture Mia's attention. When he finally gets it, they develop a beautiful and serious relationship that seems to be destined for longevity. Until it isn't.

Fast forward ten years, and Mia and Dean haven't seen each other in all that time. Dean pulled some serious dick moves before they graduated, but as a reader you're completely clueless as to why he broke Mia's heart. When they find themselves in one another's orbit once again, that love-hate resurfaces and the past is looming not far behind.
I love enemies that secretly want to rip each other's clothes off, even if they don't realize it. The suspense as to WHAT exactly Mia 'did' baffled me endlessly, up until the big reveal...which was a huge letdown. WTF. Honestly, after all that build up, I was expecting something big, but it was so NOT. Come on, Dean. The ends didn't justify the means in this instance. That's why I docked a half star. The shit Dean put Mia through was so disproportionate to what she supposedly did. anyways, moving on.

I did love Mia's and Dean's banter, their crazy sexy time just when you thought they were going to tear each other's hair out. I got why Dean was so upset, and although I didn't agree with his reasons AT ALL, he was pretty sweet with Mia. The other thing that I didn't buy was how

Anyways, this was really good, had a bit of angst--could have had more--and totally sold itself as an enemies to lovers story that was electric.
Profile Image for Mariℓina.
624 reviews201 followers
November 26, 2017
So excited for this one!!!

1. It's called Resentment
2. It's an enemies to lovers romance (who doesn't love those ♥)
3. It's coming out early summer 2015
4. The hero's and alpha male/cocky cop (a.k.a very sexy:-))
5. The heroine completely hates him (should be interesting)

Profile Image for Malene.
1,274 reviews719 followers
October 30, 2015

I was very excited to read Nicole London's debut book. The blurb had all the ingredients I like in a contemporary romance. So when I finally got it, I jumped in and didn't stop. Stayed up till midnight.

This was such a good book and I liked the way it was constructed. It consists of three parts. Regret, Resentment and Redemption. The first part is a prologue and the remaining two occurs in the present time.

I loved the two characters, Mia and Dean. Even as their relationship slowly breaks apart. Their story together and separate was strong and they worked flawlessly. 
The fun starts when they meet each other ten years later. Wow! Talk about tension and buckets of heat! I loved it and was just waiting for one of them to make the first move. Cause it would be blazing hot! And trust me it was! Man, I kept reading the scene over and over again.

But nothing isn't as easy as it seems and hurt feelings lies beneath the surface. I really wanted Mia and Dean to work things out and put their hurt egos aside, but they are two stubborn people with much history together, so it takes a lot of time and work. But I enjoyed and devoured every page and the conclusion is everything I could have wished for. I couldn't be more pleased.

This was one hell of a debut from Nicole London. I like a little sex in my stories and let me tell you all. She knows how, when necessary, to create a hot scene filled with tension and a lot of heat. The characters are interesting, layered with a story to tell. Not just the leading but also the secondary ones.
I'm now a fan of Nicole London and eagerly waiting for her next book. 

4.5 BadAssWithALotOfTensionAndHeatStars
Profile Image for Cheesecake.
2,833 reviews449 followers
Shelved as 'don-t-waste-my-time'
October 5, 2021
note to self... WTF???
Why would I read this?
I want an h who has self respect.
Set aside cheating and jerky Hs and lack of grovel... what I really want, is an h who can look herself in the mirror after all is said and done.
This h... I just hope for her sake she doesn't own a mirror.
Profile Image for Alycat27.
4 reviews1 follower
October 30, 2015
I hated it. The hero was a total douche and what he did was unforgivable to me.I don't think the heroin did anything wrong and he still had the nerve to blame her for their break up ten years later. It's a contrived mess.
Profile Image for Three Chicks.
2,618 reviews420 followers
October 27, 2015
Review by Lisa Kane

If there's one thing I'll never be able to pack away, it's the utter resentment I have for him in my heart, and I swear to god I will never forget how this moment feels. I will never fu#*ing forget...

Mia Gray was a senior in high school with one goal-graduate and get away from her mother. Her mother graduated from Harvard and is determined Mia will follow in her footsteps. Mia wants to be artist, not the finance major her mother has in mind. Dean Collins is the football god that college recruits are all vying for-they all want a piece of him and if his father has his way, one of them will succeed. His dream is to go to Harvard and get out from under his father's roof.

Dean has wanted Mia since their sophomore year. But she shuts him down at every turn. Now that they are seniors he is ramping up his plans to get her to go out with him. He steals her notebooks, her CD's; anything personal that can tell him about her. He comes up with a story that he needs her to help tutor him. (his marks are as high as hers but he deliberately let a couple slip) Dean is cocky and arrogant and Mia can't help but be attracted to him. When he lets it be known that he has wanted her since the 10th grade things heat up. Her head tells he can't be trusted, but her heart (and her lady bits) all tell her to take a chance for once in her life.

Mia is in love with Dean and wants him to be her first lover. He is tender and gentle and she is absolutely under his spell. Things are great until they aren't. Dean starts missing school and when he is with her he is vague and distant. Prom is coming up and Mia keeps asking him if he still wants to take her. And then...(get out your tissues for these scenes..) he breaks her heart into little pieces and I HATED him!

"Because she's my date."
"No." I shake my head. "I was supposed to be your date."
"Yeah, supposed to be." He tilts his head to the side. "Aren't you a literary aficionado.? The word "supposed" is considered past tense, correct?"

"You do mean nothing to me." He looks more distant than I've ever seen him. "Absolutely nothing."

Right after graduation, Mia does a 180 and changes her plans to go to Western Peak College and goes to Harvard instead. She does their international program so there is no chance she will run into Dean there.

Ten years later Mia is recently single; having broken up with her live in lover and is moving to her brother Eric's place in Portland. He escaped from their crazy mother years before Mia graduated. They aren't particularly close, but he wants her to come out and stay at his place. But when she gets there-guess who is Eric's best friend and roommate?

I cannot believe that the guy who broke my heart in high school is sitting across from me and is seemingly friends (good friends) with my brother. Not only that, but I can't believe that he's glaring at me, like I'm the one who hurt him.

Dean reacts just as violently to Mia as she does to him. That confused the hell out of me. Why does this douche bag have hatred for her? It's obvious he blames her for lots of things. The two are enemies and can barely put up with the other. But slowly things from Dean's POV are revealed to the reader.

"Yes," he says. "Yes, I still love you and I always have, regardless of all these years..."

Unfortunately, Dean is not ready to share those things with Mia (really jack ass? After ten years you still aren't ready?) This was the Swiss cheese moment for me-when Dean's story about high school is told it had too many holes in it for my liking. His life sucked- that's for sure-but he blamed Mia for things she would have no knowledge of and couldn't possibly know.

He stares at me, jaw still clenched, but he slowly steps back. "It's not going to be anything. We can be done forever, as far as I'm concerned.

This guy gives me whiplash with the way his mind works. I found myself wondering why he never contacted her all these years and if he would ever have seen her again, if fate didn't step in.

She's the one who hurt me. Not only that, but she didn't even give me a chance to talk to her back then, and now, I try and do the right thing and let everything go and even apologize for the particular moments where I messed up and she brings up all this other shit.

I'm done with her.

Those are the moments in the book where I wanted to drop kick this guy. When he finally comes to his senses and wants a chance to explain, Mia lets him have it with both barrels.

"Can you let me try and get you to see why I felt the way I felt. Can you please let me do that?"
"Yes," I say. "Tomorrow. You can meet me at your favorite bar at seven. I'll show up at the same time that you showed up for me." I look at him one last time and then I walk away.

The ending felt a little rushed to me; I would have loved to have had more closure.
All in all, this was a good read and the writing is very good. I just found it hard to forgive Dean for the havoc and heartbreak he caused and thought Mia deserved more.

"Every moment I spent with you during that fall semester was perfection, and I lie to you not, I've thought about those times every single day over the past ten years."
Profile Image for Keya.
444 reviews24 followers
June 25, 2016

This was quite a good read. I understand the whole reason for resentment in general. Now, Dean's reason for the resentment was just... not what I would've thought. I was confused throughout out the story. And even after I found out his reasoning I was still unsure and I had to reread some parts again to make sure I wasn't missing something. I don't want to undermine his reasoning but this would've all been sorted out if he simply spoke to Mia about it. Seriously, all he had to do was speak to her. She's not a mind reader, man. Seriously.

It was a great debut novel. The character and story was engaging but for me personally I wanted a lot more. I wanted to truly feel connected to these characters but I felt like there was something missing. Maybe, I just wanted more of their relationship, dialogue etc. I honestly felt sorry for Mia though. Poor girl had no clue what she did wrong and I completely understand her hesitation with Dean after. She had her faults, I'm not overlooking that. But I feel like Dean's reasoning was just... slightly underwhelming.

When they were together, they were good together. They had a lot in common. I'll admit, there was something missing for me but I still continued reading to see where this would all go. One thing I just really despise in stories in general is miscommunication. I understand it's hard sometimes to talk about certain things to people but... come on! TRY!

Anyway, It was an intriguing story. I really did enjoy it even If I did get annoyed, (and I only got annoyed because I REALLY wanted to know the reason for the break up). I liked Mia's relationship with her brother. And Autumn. I really liked Autumn, she was pretty hilarious. They're texting was one of my favorite parts to read. I just wish we got an extended epilogue and it would've tied everything up nicely.
Profile Image for Bev .
2,076 reviews459 followers
August 2, 2017
3.5 stars

I'm a bit conflicted with this one. The first 2/3rds of the book was brilliant, I was grabbed from word one and couldn't put it down. Then ... I started to get annoyed with DD (aka douchebag Dean). Even though the author gave a little from his POV it still didn't explain or justify his absolute and utter arsehole actions he pulled not only when they were in school but again and again ad nauseum 10. Years. Later. So, he pissed me off, and Mia .... gah TSTL doesn't even begin to cover how bloody stupid she was when they met up again 10. Years. Later. Older and wiser? Not in Mia's case (or Dean's if I'm honest). Letting him use her, hurt her, put her down, mess her about, I could go on and on. And this makes me sad because Mia started off as one hell of a kickass, strong and independent heroine that ended up being this loser who let Dean walk all over her.

The book is spilt into three sections - Regret, Resentment and Redemption. Welp, I missed the memo for sure because I saw NO redemption for Dean, the reason for his gutting her horribly over and over was so pathetic, as was his sort of (ish) apology that my blood pressure went through the roof.

This would have easily been a 4.5 star read but for the non-redemption part and the lack of an epilogue. This is a debut author that did a brilliant job until it fizzled out towards the end. I wanted fireworks, I wanted a GROVEL so damn big he wore his bloody knees out. I didn't get that sadly.
Profile Image for A_Ryan.
665 reviews195 followers
December 27, 2015
So, SOOOO good.... until the big reveal.

This is the story of Mia and Dean who meet in their last year of high school, fall in love, break up, and then, turn their heartbreak and insecurities into one big fiery ball of resentment. 10 years later they must deal with their anger and their broken hearts and try to find a way back to each other.

I love a good love/hate romance. And this book delivered it in spades!! I love-loved it. But I was a little disappointed with Dean's point of view and I'm not sure just how forgiveable he really was. To me, it seemed as if the ten years had not changed him at all. I think that in this instance I needed more drama, more betrayal.... more justification.

Still, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. A terrifically great leap into the world of NA rage and resentment. I'll definitely be reading more by this author.

Recommendation: For fans of NA love/hate love stories.

A great read!
Profile Image for ☮ mary.
280 reviews
March 20, 2016

it is an amateurish try at writing some kind of romance ... another romanticized "bully vs doormat" trope.

I really wonder what what N.London was thinking while writing this, because her idea must have been better than this ludicrous, weak plot about 2 teenagers never being able to have a real conversation and acting like complete morons for over 10 years ...

In her head it must have been somewhat powerful & original but on paper it was a sorry lamentation about the lukewarm talent of a newbie author

pick this one and read it if you must but expect nothing much
Profile Image for Sheree.
26 reviews4 followers
February 21, 2016
I've got mixed feelings about this book. I really loved it until I found out the reason why Dean acted like a douchebag and held a grudge against Mia for ten years..... um, seriously? But apart from that and this being Nicole's debut book, it was a good read.

Profile Image for Veronica WordsAreMyDrinkOfChoice.
490 reviews99 followers
March 3, 2019
Asshole hero, even if he felt the heroine was not there for them(which I felt she was as much as she could be), his revenge was disgusting and way too extreme. He is not apologetic until too far into the book for my liking, it was too little too late! The heroine should not have forgiven him so easily the first time, and her brother was useless! Not a real romance, the hero treated heroine like rubbish by projecting his own issues in her and blaming her for not being there for him! If he really cared about her he would have made amends years ago, and not treat her like a diesease when she shows up again!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ReadAlongWithSue ★⋆. ࿐࿔.
2,838 reviews399 followers
January 9, 2018
I have had this book for some time. I fancied breaking up my usual reading with some sexy romance. I found that within these pages but I also found an author that writes them very well.

This is written in three sections.



Each section had me hanging on for the next.

It’s not the most perfect of written books, but truly overlooked as I understand this was her very first book.

It’s sad, it’s got its highs and lows.

It’s good.
I’d definitely read more by this author.
Profile Image for Andrea.
598 reviews
October 31, 2015
I was looking forward to reading this book from the great teasers! Unfortunately it did not live up to expectations! SPOILER ALERT...I found Mia and Dean frustrating, unable to communciate which led to a very confusing breakup. When they saw each other again after 10 years, I felt Mia had no self-worth sleeping with Dean again not even understanding why they broke up in the first place! Also pivotal moments were not expanded on as the next chapter was set weeks after. This book was not for me!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 427 reviews

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