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Masters of the Shadowlands #12

Mischief and the Masters

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She wants a short, sweet Master. One Master.

The two devastatingly dominant Drago cousins have other ideas.

Her life destroyed by a stalker, Uzuri Cheval starts anew in Tampa and joins the exclusive Shadowlands club. Unconvinced of her claims that she can overcome her fear of big men without help, Master Z gives her a time limit. And she is improving--until she hears the stalker is out of prison. Now her time limit is up, and the Masters will intervene, which is okay--as long as whoever helps her is short. Okay, sweet and gentle would be good, too.

But two Doms? Dangerously experienced and dauntingly powerful cousins? No way.

Having volunteered in every hellhole in the world, Dr. Alastair Drago is ready to settle down. Detective Max Drago has joined him and, once again, the cousins share everything. A house, lives, problems…and whatever submissive catches their interest. One mischievous submissive has definitely caught Alastair’s. However, having been burned by a woman, Max remains detached…until little mischief’s troubles turn deadly.

323 pages, ebook

First published November 15, 2016

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About the author

Cherise Sinclair

54 books8,184 followers
A New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, she’s renowned for writing heart-wrenching romances with laugh-out-loud dialogue, alpha males, and absolutely sizzling sex.

I met my dearheart when vacationing in the Caribbean. Now I won’t say it was love at first sight. Actually since he stood over me, enjoying the view down my swimsuit top, I might have been a tad peeved—as well as attracted. But although we were together less than two days and lived on opposite sides of the country, love can’t be corralled by time or space.

We’ve now been married for many, many years. (And he still looks down my swimsuit tops.)

Nowadays, I live in the west with this obnoxious, beloved husband and a seventy-pound lap-puppy. I’m a gardener, and I love nurturing small plants until they’re big and healthy and productive…and ripping defenseless weeds out by the roots when I’m angry. I enjoy thunderstorms, collecting eggs from the chickens, and visiting the local brewery for the darkest, maltiest beer on tap. My favorite way to spend an evening is curled up on a couch next to the master of my heart, watching the fire, reading, and…well…if you’re reading my books, you obviously know what else happens in front of fires.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 322 reviews
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,177 reviews13.4k followers
November 12, 2016
Kneel for us, princess.”

This series is by far one of my top favorite BDSM series out there. Cherise Sinclair has this knack for writing provocative mixed with emotional and gripping. Her romance is so far beyond simple eroticism and sex with BDSM. Her characters are multi-layered with so much depth that after 12 books in this phenomenal series, each time I pick up a new book it's like coming home. These characters have become like friends to me. And even though you get a different couple in each book, you get to know each individual character well before. Enough so, that you yearn for the HEA and eager to get to the bottom of their secrets. This was exactly the case for me with Uzuri.

Uzuri was always such an intriguing character. You know she's hiding some painful secrets from her past and she's skittish in a way that can only imply something very dark. This is also a woman that's a fierce friend, protector, and has a heart of gold. She's a woman that's damaged but not broken. This is someone that could have easily come through as a victim, but the way she's written is more of a warrior and survivor. She's strong in a highly understated way and that shines through more and more throughout the book.
Courage is endurance for one moment more.”

Now the Dragon Doms...*pervy shudder* Man oh man, these boys were something else. I've been curious about the Drago cousins ever since Servicing the Target. A Dom that's a doctor with a British accent, and a badass Dom that's a detective that like to top TOGETHER? I can't even! Can't even.
Could her life get any more confusing?She’d never felt this way about anyone—and now she was sliding right into…caring…for two men. Two Doms. No. No, this was insane.She couldn’t do this.

I absolutely loved the sexual tension and sizzle between these three. I loved the way that Uzuri's true fierceness comes through more and more with each encounter she shares with them. I loved the way that they encouraged her to be her own woman fought for her at the same time teaching her to fight for herself. I loved that the Drago cousins were the perfect combo of intense and protective without ever crossing into domineering.

This was a touching, emotional, and emotional story of finding your own strength. It's a story of learning to love past your fears. It was erotic and sensual. It was the perfect balance of romance and BDSM, all wrapped around an incredible plot. I loved every page of it. This series only continues to get better and better and I hope it never ends.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Fani.
182 reviews22 followers
November 18, 2017
“Courage is endurance for one moment more”

I was so excited to read Uzuri’s story. I kept seeing her and her pranks in other books and I couldn’t wait to see more of her mischief. Unfortunately, Uzuri’s personality was shining through more on the other books than her own story.

Instead of having developed characters and an emotional connection between them, this book was drowning in social commentary. It put aside the romance and bdsm that was supposed to have and talked more about rich/poor, gun control and race, especially race.

It was trying to pass the message that we shouldn’t discriminate people because of their race, but besides the subplot with her stalker, Uzuri' story is nothing but about her race. I would have liked to see more about her naughty personality and her pranks, I would have liked to see a true connection forming between her and her doms and I would have liked to see more bdsm scenes just like every other submissive’s story.

I can still remember clearly the amazing fireplay scene between Master Raoul and Kim. In this book, though, none of the erotic scenes were memorable, I finished the book and I couldn’t say what skills Alastair and Max had regarding bdsm.

It seemed to me more like three people spicing up their sex life with some kink rather than having an actual dom/submissive dynamic. Where was the trust and the pushing of boundaries that we usually see? The only thing that came close to that was the fact that Uzuri had to stay with the two doms because she was afraid of tall men. That seemed unimpressive to me.

When it came to the chemistry between the main characters things weren’t any better. Honestly, I have no idea what made Alastair and Max love Uzuri. Probably because the reasons the two doms gave were really problematic. You see for all the social commentary that this book had, it still didn’t fail to use the woman hating technique “I am not like other women”. A technique that most romance stories use when they try desperately to portray the heroine as someone special by describing the behavior of other woman as bad.

Usually it is the woman herself that shames other women in order to be more appealing in the eyes of men, but in this story the doms do that for Uzuri. What was that offensive in the behavior of other women that made them so unappealing compared to Uzuri? Well, according to the doms:

- They cry when they break a nail (I find it hard to believe that any woman would really do that)

-They wear a lot of makeup. Uzuri does that too, but the doms rush to explain that the other women wear it as soon as they have woken up and before they have even left their bedroom. Apparently, you must be a certain distance away from your bedroom and some amount of time must have passed after you woke up in order to put make up. If not, you are just as bad as other women.

- And lastly, they don’t let dogs lick their face (something that even dog lovers may not like). They even go as far as to say that women who don’t like dogs don’t have a heart.
Max scowled. “Besides, she doesn’t like dogs.”

Alastair took a drink of his whisky, deliberated, and finally nodded. He enjoyed watching a woman primping, didn’t mind working through problems, but he wouldn’t spend time with a woman who lacked a heart.

We all have our preferences when it comes to pets, but that doesn’t mean that people who don’t like them don’t have a heart. I am afraid to even ask what those two doms would think about women who don’t want to have children.
Profile Image for Anna's Herding Cats.
1,274 reviews312 followers
December 26, 2016

Reviewed for herding cats & burning soup.
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2gCw5hm

2.5-3 stars

Two sexy doms and one wee little submissive. That's totally my catnip! Well, usually. Mischief and the Masters, didn't quite hit all my buttons. Which was a huge surprise since usually Sinclair's books get high marks from me.

What Worked:

The guys. Max and Alastair were yummy. Alpha, dominating, occasionally rather...creative. They're cousins--though one is black and one white-- and I liked their relationship and dynamic together. These two had each other's backs and while different in careers/personalities they complimented each other.

The sexy bits. Scorching as usual. Sinclair knows how to write some steamy goodness. And has some fun with it. There were a lot of scenes with just one of the guys and the heroine but eventually the menage scenes kicked in.

The wedding. *sigh* There was a wedding for a previous couple and there were some bits that got me really choked up. Some fun silly moments with the doms and some nice games as well.

What Didn't Work:

The heroine. Yeah. I had some hardcore heroine issues. *sadness* Uzuri just grated on my nerves. Everything about her came back to her being black or poor or having a stalker. I got really tired of the constant 'my teachers hated me because I was black, my co-workers hate me because I'm black (and they hate poor people), you only want to scene with me because I'm black, the girl on the subway stared at me like I was a criminal because I'm black (but really she just liked her outfit), she can't ask her friends for help in a life or death situation because...she's a 'strong black woman'. It was just too much. One odd thing was how much emphasis was put on the heroine being black but one of the heroes being black...hardly any emphasis or issues for him.

Usually there's a richness in the hero/heroine dynamic and you really feel that connection/bond with them. That was missing here. They were hot as a trio but I never felt that happily ever after/true love bit with them. The chemistry was just off.

There were also a couple of pretty glaring inconsistencies or bits that just weren't totally thought out.

Social issues. Black vs white, rich vs poor, gun control (yeah there was a bit about the cop lamenting people legally owning AR-15s). It was, again, too much. I rolled my eyes a few too many times at all the "PC social narrative" that seemed to pop out. I don't remember ever feeling that way during one of Sinclair's books so it really stood out.

Overall, I struggled with Mischief and the Masters. I've read other interracial menages or m/f romances and enjoyed them. But I felt like Mischief and the Masters was trying a bit too hard and stepping too carefully writing-wise so it felt forced instead of having the typical flow I expect from Sinclair's writing. I didn't hate it but it was definitely my least favorite of the series and not what I expect from Sinclair. Her books usually flow but this one felt forced and took me more than 5 days to finish. I would say read the series because it's been fantastic overall (and book one is free) but not every book can be for every reader and this one just happened not to be for me. This one landed a 3.5 to low-end 3 stars.
Profile Image for Cindy.
2,309 reviews168 followers
November 3, 2016
Shadowlands favorite prankster finally meets her match in two sexy Doms. For two years Uzuri has avoided telling her story and facing her past. Master Z gave her a time limit to do both and that time has come – and we all know Master Z always gets his way.

Uzuri Cheval left a horrific past behind and moved to Florida. She has a great job as a fashion buyer for a huge department store, and she has made friends with fellow subbies. Uzuri is the type of friend that would give you the shirt off her back if you needed it but yet if she needed to call on a friend for help she never do it. Her past left her with many fears. Along with not having the confidence in thinking her friends would be there for her she is also scared of large men which has made it impossible for her to find a Dom to top her. When strange things start happening she fears her past has come back and her take flight instincts kick into high gear.

We all know how Master Z likes to play matchmaker and he's set his eyes on Alastair and Max Drago to be the Dom's who finally break down all the barriers that Uzuri has built up. Problem is Alastair is the only one ready to settled down, his cousin Max not so much due to something from his past.

This book had it all. There were so many laugh out loud scenes between the Shadowkittens. Finally getting to know the pasts of Uzuri, Alastair and Max and how all three of them help the other deal not only with their past but also help each other deal when they have a bad day at work. There is also plenty of suspense and let me tell you the final showdown was twisted. If Cherise ever wanted to branch out into writing serial killer books I'd think she be a master at it (← get it)

Another great addition in one of my all time favorite series!!
Profile Image for Shayna.
1,812 reviews618 followers
November 13, 2016
Oh you guys! It was like a breath of fresh air to finally get Uzuri's story in my hands. I've loved this character ever since she came into play in Cherise Sinclair's Masters of the Shadowlands series. You worry when there is a character in a series that you're so attached to. Will the author do the character justice? Who will finally steal her heart? Will he OR they be worthy of her heart? In the end, I shouldn't have worried at all. Ms. Sinclair has never steered her characters or her readers wrong. She puts in heart and soul into every character and it shines through each and every single page.

As you can tell by the blurb and the book cover, this is of course, a menage romance. Those can be so tricky, but for Ms. Sinclair, it was just a walk in the park. Alastair and Max, together, were an absolute perfect fit for the independent sub with a runaway past. They brought back the true submissive that was buried so deep in Uzuri. They taught her how to live without being afraid. They taught her out to give all of herself and just surrender to them. It was such a long and hard-fought journey, but in the end, every single piece of this beautiful triad had to grow.

In reading the series, we don't know much about Uzuri, but fans of this amazing series will be pleased, but heartbroken to learn all of it. Alastair and Max are family, and all throughout this book, you could tell how deep their bond really is. At the beginning I was nervous because it seemed like they wanted to different things. Alastair wanted to settle down, have a family. Max had this 'been there, done that' attitude, and didn't seem like he was moving a muscle on that topic. But just like fans of the series, they both ended up falling for the lovely and sassy prankster of the Shadowlands.

MISCHIEF AND THE MASTERS was a great addition to an incredible series. Ms. Sinclair did her fans proud with Uzuri's happily ever after. This is one triad that you will root for, beginning to end.

M&M teaser

Profile Image for Cécile Smits .
1,257 reviews230 followers
March 21, 2024
The Mistress of BDSM does it again! Just when you think it can't get any better,she shines her light on another sweet Shadowlands little kitten.....
This time,Uzuri gets her story,not just with one,but with two of Shadowlands Masters.
Cousins Alastair and Max know exactly how to help a frightened little subbie overcome her fears of tall,strong Men...
Drew me in from page one and didn't let go after the last page,this one's got a special place in my library( and in my heart,with the other members of the Shadowlands family)
Having re-read it,again,i still love how those Dragon Doms drew the little mischievous Uzuri in.

Alastair and Max showed Uzuri she might be alive,but not really living…..even if she had a good job,and sweet friends.
She was always there to help others,but didn’t allow anyone to do the same for her.
Simply asking them wasn’t in her vocabulary……let alone accepting the fact she sometimes did in fact need help.
And that her friends were more than willing to return the many favors she’d done them.
At first,Alastair and Max saw only her armor,her “high maintenance”,but the more they saw of her,the more they grew to care about the softhearted little sub.
Convincing her that being big didn’t always mean bad was a lesson they were more than happy to teach her and by the time her stalker had found her,she trusted them enough to stay with them until it was safe.
But it quickly became more than staying safe……for all of them.
Because she returned the favor,showing them what it meant to have a caring sub nearby.
One that was very good at hugging and listening…..and one had a mean sense of humor,too.

But when her buddy,Dom Holt,got badly hurt by her stalker because he was staying at her place,she felt guilty,even if she didn’t have to.
And when one of her besties,Rainie,got dragged in by her stalker,she didn’t hesitate to come to the rescue…..after asking for help from her Dragon Doms.
Would she and Rainie survive her stalker’s evil plans until help arrived?
Profile Image for Ivy Deluca.
2,305 reviews311 followers
November 14, 2016
Full review to be posted at http://afterdarkbooklovers.com/
-Another enjoyable entry to the Shadowlands series. The Shadowlands (a BDSM club in Tampa with hot Doms and shadowkitten subbies) has been a long time favorite of mine. It was one of the first to introduce me to safe, sane and consensual BDSM and want to bust out my own whip (I like to think I’m a switch ;)). This ‘verse has grown with every book, giving a full Ms. Sinclair has continued to build on the core group of Doms in an enjoyable way and I love the time I get to visit with all the characters and see their ongoing HEAs. Uzuri had been on my radar for a while, and at first I was picturing her with someone else. Now, having read Mischief and the Masters, I can’t see her with anyone but the Dragon Doms.

-Uzuri’s character arc is well done. Uzuri came to Tampa and the Shadowlands trying to get away from a horrible stalker situation and while she’s built a group of good friends and a career, she’s still, in many ways, hiding from her past. Seeing her grow into her own and learn to accept herself and to ask for help was well done. Many issues of race (Uzuri is a biracial heroine) are addressed in an honest and sensitive way and it all enhances this triad (MFM) romance.

-The Doms are as yummy as you expect. Max and Alistair are understanding kind of daddy Doms who really help Uzuri address her issues, while also looking into their own. Their games and love scenes with Uzuri are packed with heat, sexy BDSM focused more on the D/s side of things.

-While this is more of a romantic suspense, this does not have too dark an edge, just as I expect a Shadowlands book to be. Even if you somewhat know how it’s going to play out, not every beat is telegraphed. During the climactic confrontation, just enough surprises happen to keep the reader invested and turning that page.

-Can standalone, somewhat. While it is helpful to have a full understanding of the Shadowlands the earlier books, you could read this on its own. However, longtime fans will get their fair shares of treats as well, such as seeing one couple’s wedding, and lots of visits from previous heroes and heroines to make me close my kindle with a smile.

I really enjoyed it. Uzuri, Alistair and Max’s triad romance is a great entry into the Shadowlands ‘verse and I definitely recommend it. Can’t wait to see what Ms. Sinclair comes up with next.

**ARC provided by author for review**

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Profile Image for Annie .
2,484 reviews944 followers
November 15, 2016

When I learned that Uzuri was getting a book, I grew excited and I immediately checked to see who she was going to end up. I’m thrilled that Max and Alastair are both her heroes because I loved these two in the last book. Sinclair did such a good job of setting up their story in the last book that I needed to read this book immediately when it landed in my hands.

Because of my excitement, this book was up against some high expectations but not surprisingly, Sinclair delivers once again, penning a passionate and sexy story that I couldn’t put down.

Uzuri has her own set of emotional baggage that she needs to get over and I became increasily concerned about her as the book went on. I love that Sinclair showed her progression and healing process because it adds so much to the book. I also loved how the other Masters were so concerned about her; I thought it really created a unity between all the characters. Furthermore, the friendship between all the women in this series remains as one of my favorite things about this series. I just love their banter and would love to be friends with each of them.

It’s no surprise that I loved the guys in this book already. I fell in love with them in the last book and would happily walk down the aisle with them after reading this book. On their own, they are compelling but together? Wow. I feel like every woman would want to be the ham in this sandwich.

Even with twelve books in the Masters of the Shadowlands series, Cherise Sinclair manages to make each book even more passionate than the last one. If you haven’t read this series, you’re missing out. Sinclair writes the best Doms. Period.
Profile Image for Monique.
411 reviews
March 16, 2023
I still sometimes think about this book and how Cherise Sinclair brought back Cullen's mother from the dead so she could attend his wedding. You know the mother who was the whole catalyst for him having issues with women who wouldn't ask for help in his book because she hid the fact that she had ovarian cancer from the family and subsequently died... yeah she is just in this book, alive and well and dancing with him on his wedding day.

This is probably the book that ended this mostly fantastic series for me.
Profile Image for Under the Covers Book Blog.
2,841 reviews1,354 followers
November 15, 2016

Even with twelve books in the Masters of the Shadowlands series, Cherise Sinclair manages to make each book even more passionate than the last one. When I learned that Uzuri was getting a book, I grew excited and I immediately checked to see who she was going to end up. I’m thrilled that Max and Alastair are both her heroes because I loved these two in the last book. Sinclair did such a good job of setting up their story in the last book that I needed to read this book immediately when it landed in my hands.

Because of my excitement, this book was up against some high expectations but not surprisingly, Sinclair delivers once again, penning a passionate and sexy story that I couldn’t put down.

Uzuri has her own set of emotional baggage that she needs to get over and I became increasily concerned about her as the book went on. I love that Sinclair showed her progression and healing process because it adds so much to the book. I also loved how the other Masters were so concerned about her; I thought it really created a unity between all the characters. Furthermore, the friendship between all the women in this series remains as one of my favorite things about this series. I just love their banter and would love to be friends with each of them.

It’s no surprise that I loved the guys in this book already. I fell in love with them in the last book and would happily walk down the aisle with them after reading this book. On their own, they are compelling but together? Wow. I feel like every woman would want to be the ham in this sandwich.

Even with twelve books in the Masters of the Shadowlands series, Cherise Sinclair manages to make each book even more passionate than the last one. If you haven’t read this series, you’re missing out. Sinclair writes the best Doms. Period.

*ARC provided by author
Reviewed by Annie

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Profile Image for Dawn.
65 reviews13 followers
November 24, 2016
OMG - I so love the shadowlands & shodowkittens & couldn't wait for Uzuri story

and wow Cherise didn't disappoint ! it was a amazing story line and the dragon doms or Drago cousins are just so drool worthy :)

Cherise has a way to drawer you into the story & the fact you get little updates about the other shadow kittens & delicious doms is just brilliant !

I have to say hand on heart Cherise is one of my favourite authors the way she writes BDSM is amazing :)

now just waiting for Holts story :)xxx
Profile Image for Michelle.
536 reviews121 followers
November 17, 2016
I am always excited to read a Cherise Sinclair book. I have been very curious about Uzuri, Max and Alastair so I was excited how they would all come together in this book. I liked Uzuri's development from being afraid and anxious all the time around big guys to be super comfortable with her two huge doms. She has real problems stemming from her past experiences and I love seeing her work through her problems. I also love Max and Alastair who are so different but work well together.

Andrea and Cullen's wedding was so freaking sweet and adorable and I may have cried a bit. I always cry at weddings though. Seeing all of the characters from previous books come together and support each other is my favorite part of this entire series. They are one big Shadowlands family.

I pretty sure Master Z was a psychic or criminal mastermind in a previous life. He sees a problem and puts together a pretty subtle way to help with it. I love the whole blackout scene. Very smart Z. Too clever some times that I am a bit scared but Z knows what he is doing.

Also the waxing scene with some of the Shadowkittens was hilarious. I shouldn't laugh because, ouch, but when Andrea started cursing in Spanish I lost it. Female friendship is a huge part of this series as well and I can't get enough of it. I love how they take self-defense classes. I think this is a fantastic way to promote female strength and girl power in general (women power? You know what I mean).

The ending was so intense. I was supposed to be sleeping but I needed to get to the end. My heart dropped a bit but everything is okay and I can breathe again. I am so freaking proud of Uzuri because she kicked butt.

I think Holt's story is next and he needs his own sub because he is too sweet and after what happened to him, he really needs some subbie love.
Profile Image for Chris.
2,070 reviews
November 20, 2016
Love a good ménage and this didn't disappoint. Although the storyline is much like many in this genre - Alpha Doms, wounded female, some kind of drama where the female runs / leaves and the Alphas save the day... I still enjoyed the chemistry between Alistaire, Max & Uzuri however It would have been even stronger had A& M had a relationship as well. sadly they were hetero cousins who liked to share ! I was certainly compelled to keep reading - so it definitely had my interest
Profile Image for Charlie.
845 reviews152 followers
February 23, 2017
Delightfully Kinky Fun.

After all this time, the Shadowlands is still my favourite kinky romance series. There's something about the characters Cherise Sinclair writes that just hooks you in and this book was no exception. I adored Uzuri and her Dragon Doms, they make a wonderful family.
Profile Image for MountainKat.
2,210 reviews97 followers
June 2, 2018
I enjoyed this story! So glad to watch Uzuri get a happy ending! She really deserved it and I wanted it even more after learning more about her past. Alastair and Max were a good match for her, their patience and caring were great. And I loved that they didn't want to quash her humor. I could have done without some of the drama part, but I did like how it was handled.

I listened to this with Noah Michael Levine and Erin deWard narrating. I really enjoyed their performance quite a bit. I haven't listened to a book in this series before and now I wish I had, but they weren't out at the time.
Profile Image for Krazyʕ•ᴥ•ʔKoala.
231 reviews88 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
February 22, 2021
I am so disappointed. Cherise Sinclair is one of those authors who writes erotica and plots nicely and not just favouring only one. I liked Lean on Me so much it felt like somebody has written a book about me,but it's not just about relating to a book,Cherise Sinclair is the only author (well from whatever books I have read)who explains bdsm and its rules nicely and what and why it is done unlike in the books like Fifty Shades of Grey .She explains a person's feelings so nicely which was there in this book but I still didn't like it.
Reading other books of Masters of the Shadowlands series,how much ever I have read of Uzuri's personality I had liked it and I was excited for reading her story. But into the book and I started finding it boring.There was a lot of talking about other couples ,I mean I like to read about my favourite couples but this is Uzuri's book so there should be more about her also.Then there weren't many erotic or steamy scenes and whatever sex scenes were there I found it boring.
Another problem I had with this book or better Uzuri was race. Every freaking time she looked at white people in awe or like they are great .It felt like she didn't like her skin colour ,she wanted to change it and become white and white skin is great and hers is not.Not once in book did I find any saying that her skin is beautiful and all I found was white skin colour is great .I wanted to shout at Uzuri you are beautiful and your skin colour is beautiful too.
Anyway I found one scene really wrong ,the one in "dark room".Again,it felt like nobody would want Uzuri if lights are on because of her skin colour so let's switch off light.Ugh
Another problem it felt like Uzuri went through personality change when her book came.Where was the prankster I saw in previous books?!!
This book is definitely not best of Cherise Sinclair .I have observed Cherise Sinclair makes every heroine look beautiful -curvy,short or tall but she failed with this character.
Profile Image for Maria Dimitrova.
745 reviews146 followers
December 6, 2020
This book came out just in time to save my sanity. I had a bit of a health scare and was desperate to find something to keep my mind off of all the bad possibilities and this was just the thing I needed. The Shadowkittens and their Masters have a way of sweeping in and completely taking over my life with each new book. I just loved them all and eagerly await each new instalment.

Uzuri is delightful! Funny and full of mischief and I almost peed myself laughing a few times when she pranked the Shadowlands' masters. Learning more about her and watching her blossom under the care of Alastair and Max was a great way to escape reality. And those two gorgeous hunks? Oh my! Weak knees and wet panties ;)

Like with the previous few novels in the series it's not heavy on the sex and when it's sexy times they are scorching hot. Again we have an abuse victim learning to deal with the world and finding her own strength. Trust issues are a big problem in most relationships and the couples (or as in this case the threesome) have to fight to overcome them. And in the end we have the HEA which is one of the reasons why this series is one of my comfort reads.

We got to catch up with most of the other couples and given a hint as to who the next book will be about . And as always we had the Shadowkittens kicking ass and showing the world that being submissive doesn't equal weak, coward or spineless :)
Profile Image for Ale Rivero.
1,265 reviews115 followers
September 29, 2018
Es interesante ver al fin a Uzuri como protagonista, teniendo en cuenta que venimos conociéndola hace unos cuantos libros.
En cuanto a los maestros Alastair y Max, a quienes prácticamente no se había visto con anterioridad, resulta excelente cómo la autora logra construirlos tan realistas y atrayentes.
Y sí, al igual que en el octavo libro, aquí el protagonista es un trío, resulta muy interesante observar cómo las personas se esfuerzan para conseguir lo que desean cuando el amor y el deseo por superarse priman en sus vidas.
Lo que más me ha gustado en este doceavo libro es el apoyo que recibe Uzuri para superar sus miedos, algo que realmente cambia su vida y le muestra lo importante que es tener confianza en uno mismo, y pedir ayuda cuando se la necesita, porque para eso están los amigos. -Esa escena de la reunión en su trabajo me mató XD-
La parte dramática debo decir que no fue totalmente lo que hubiera querido, pero es lo que quedaba bien a la historia, a pesar de que me haya enojado con la autora, jaja. Creo que la segunda parte del drama fue ideal, pero se necesitaba de la primera para que funcionara. Son esas cosas que aunque no queremos que pasen son necesarias.
Ahora mismo solo quiero ver la historia de Holt, me voy a leer la sinopsis del siguiente para ver si tengo suerte y moriré esperando por leerlo.
También hay un par más de historias que quisiera ver en el futuro, veremos qué pasa. Obviamente este también está más que recomendado. ¡Lean a la autora, es una genia!
Profile Image for Marie  Brown (Marie's Tempting Reads).
2,754 reviews54 followers
November 7, 2016
Marie's Tempting Reads ARC Review:

Here is another heart-thumping, floating feeling, super sexy and full of erotic, kinky delight by Cherise Sinclair! Mischief And The Masters is delightfully HOT! The scenes in this book left me feeling high and like I was floating on a cloud. Once I came down, I felt like I was just...warm and cozy. It was such a unique feeling ONLY Cherise Sinclair can give me. It is exactly the kind of feeling I would imagine a submissive gets during "sub space" and it was INTOXICATING!

I love how we got an interracial romance with this too. It was vastly different, unique, sexy as ALL GET OUT and enjoyable as can be. I loved watching Zuri blossom under Max and Alastair. And Miss Sinclair brought a BRAND NEW (at least to me) element to the BDSM that I haven't even heard about before and it was eye opening and AMAZING because it was a brand new learning experience. It left me completely in awe and just made the story all that much more interesting. I'm telling you, if you want a BDSM romance that has incredible pleasure and mind-bending erotic scenes with the kind of Masters ONLY a great author can create, then I HIGHLY recommend The Masters of The Shadowlands. You WILL NOT be disappointed!

Mischief And The Masters gets a SEXY, KINKY FIVE SHOOTING STARS! I love that I can dive into a Masters of The Shadowlands book and get lost and come out feeling warm, safe, and floaty. Just like being in ''sub space''.
Profile Image for Metalkarin.
457 reviews19 followers
October 18, 2019
Heartwarming, sexy and engaging

The Masters of the Shadowlands series never fails to entertain me. Mischief and the Masters is no exception. Like no other, Cherise Sinclair creates stories that have it all: great plot, wonderful characters and some very interesting and sexy BDSM play.

Last remaining trainee, Uzuri, is afraid of big men, count on Master Z to help her with that by not sending one but two big Doms her way. Manipulative as the Shadowlands’ owner can be he makes her crawl in the dark until the ‘Dragon Doms’ can snatch her up.

Alastair and Max share. The Drago cousins grew up like brothers and after year of separation live together. Settled in a nice house, established in their jobs all they need is a pet and a submissive to share to make it a real home.

As Uzuri fights her fear and some nasty problems at work, the cousins push her to become a better version of herself until she’s strong enough to battle her past. She’ll need it, and not just to save herself.

BDSM Romance like it should be!

Plot: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Characters: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Flow: 👍👍👍👍👍
Writing and editing: 🖋🖋🖋🖋🖋
Steam: 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
Profile Image for Kelly Dreams.
Author 178 books155 followers
November 19, 2016
Una vez más me quito el sombrero ante la maestría de esta mujer. No está en dónde está por nada, es una MAESTRA en la erótica BDSM y hace que sus historias y personajes sean tan cercanos que es imposible no empatizar con ellos.
Qué decir de los primos Drago... LOOOOSSS ADOROOOOO.
No tengo predilección por uno o por otro, porque ambos son especiales y con unas características tan definidas, que es imposible no enamorarse de ellos. Son Dom de los pies a la cabeza, en cada pequeño acto y, con todo, siguen siendo seres humanos con sus defectos.
Uzuri me encantó... no era un personaje que me llamase mucho, pero en este libro ha brillado y se entiende todo su paso por Shadowlands.
El libro está lleno de momentos tiernos, divertidos, hots y de los que te encogen el corazón... mi favorito, la última travesura de Zuri (como la llama Max), en el epílogo... lo juro, me saltaron las lágrimas con la risa.
Como siempre, Masters of the Shadowlands ha vuelto a enamorarme
Profile Image for Relly.
1,457 reviews25 followers
September 1, 2022
Re-Read 2022

Still very enjoyable read - the waxing scene at the start was hilarious
I did find it harder to connect with Max, he was the harder of the two cousins to like for some reason


4.25 stars ⭐️

I really enjoyed this one. I loved the prankster Uzuri. Her pranks were very inventive and fun that had me laughing out load a number of times. There were actually a number of laughter moments especially the bikini wax at the start. Very funny.

I enjoyed that both Max and Alistair and then Uzuri had preconceived opinions about the other. The guys both didn’t want Zuri, and she didn’t want a bar of them due to their size. It took Master Z to take away their sight for them to understand and see what was underneath and the attraction that was there.

The dynamic was again different and I enjoyed that they each had their own room and mostly played one on one with Zuri but also threw in the threesome times.

Looking forward to Holt’s story
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,479 reviews62 followers
August 15, 2023
I'm starting to think my time with this series has run it's course. I feel like these books are almost all the same just changing something slightly, then the names, but it's the same. The females are insecure, have all these issues they don't think they need help with, blah blah. It's getting old. And that makes me sad because I really liked this series when it started.

Or maybe it's that this is another case of dragging a story out just way too long. The book wasn't bad but it wasn't great. I'm just not getting attached to these characters. I find them more annoying than anything. Mainly the females.
Profile Image for Mistress OP.
648 reviews10 followers
November 12, 2018
My fast thoughts about this book. It wasn't the best book. I feel like the author had something to say and said it poorly at times. The female lead didn't fly off the page. The two guys were ok but again I was mostly lukewarm towards both of them. Insert dom here. I feel like the chick was copy and paste sally with more problems. Which is a bit sad because it was an opportunity wasted.

A tip for white authors who are writing characters of color namely black characters of color. Throw away the idea that there is anything that black people can do to make white people more comfortable. Throw away the concept that there is some bridge they haven't cross or some item that they can do to make white people feel better. Trash the thought pattern that their some magical sentence or some special vudo words they can say to make it 50/50. Doesn't exist because the African American community has spent something like 400 plus years standing in the middle of the divide with their hand outheld. (basically with few riots, few mass murders, few major outbursts of violence) in the face of ridiculous levels of bullshit. Simply if the black community was informed your child was orphaned and was a part of the food program and they needed to be fed. your white child would be fed. They would vote for it because that's what their voting patterns since they had the vote proved. If you had a natural disaster and you state needed help no matter what side of the divide you were on. Even if your family was a clan member they'd still send you and yours aid because that's what their voting patterns show. If they were informed police were shooting unarmed children who were white they would expect the police officer bill of rights to be fixed and SOP changed because that's what their voting patterns show. (this is the voting black culture I am talking about) Now black folks aren't perfect but if you actually thought about what that cultures been through and compare it to what happens in other places when folks do this. Learn some world history people kill each other normally and they kill back and forth for a VERY long time. Never EVER 50/50 because what you find when you open a history book... that ain't the case.
That's what struck me most about this book. Every time she went to the edge of knowing something... she always seems to find a way to show her ass. (see cops statement in spoiler section)

AGAIN white authors get readers, beta readers, alpha readers,,, who are not your friend. who will give you a soft pillow to READ this shit....... nothing wrong with writing it. but .... would you write about coal miner without finding coal miners to talk to? I know you didn't because ... whoa. and if you did.. WHOA. on the people who let this shit slip through.

Overall. The romance and the rest was slightly copy paste shadowlands. I enjoy the updates and a part of me wishes she would do more books like Beth's book and we can catch up with other popular couples. I also look forward to another domme book.

cover---first impression before I read it.
I wasn't going to read this in hope that another update book would happen. then I notice the woman on the cover had super curly hair and then I'm like whoa she's black. :)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tracy Reads.
718 reviews43 followers
November 28, 2017
Another awesome read

Wow there is something about this author's books that drags me in everytime, I love reading about the shadowlands and all its members and this one did not disappoint. Now having saying this as much as I loved this book and the series I think I loved them more because I didn't read them all one after the other as the storylines for each one does run similar in terms of relationships and troubles but they are still in my top favourite books of all time!
Would Max and Alister be my book boyfriends? Hell yes they are my book husbands I claimed all these Doms for myself #mine #claimed
Profile Image for Sandra.
218 reviews41 followers
June 27, 2017
You know what my relationship with romances and erotica has come to an end its just not doing it for me anymore so I'm trying to clear my shelf of romances that I wanted to read and I found this gem.There is nothing really special about this story other than the heroine is biracial but its just your average menage romance.
Profile Image for Sofia Lazaridou.
2,799 reviews139 followers
November 27, 2016
12 books into the series and things have yet to get boring. I love Cherise Sinclair's writing and the world she had created. There was one thing that bothered me though. I wasn't the author's fault, but my own silliness. Every time master Raoul or Kim were mentioned, I kept expecting to find out more about how they were doing. I was hoping for something, but they appeared very briefly and I didn't have the time to enjoy seeing them again. They are my favorite couple and I wish the author would write one novella about them (mostly) and maybe Kari and Dan. At least Master Z and Jessica appear frequently. I swear than man is the master of the universe. He always manages to get himself involved in someone's life in order to help them find love or whatever they need. He could own a very successful matchmaking business if he didn't already have a great job.

The title is the perfect fit for the characters and the story. Uzuri is the prankster of the club so mischief is a good nickname for her. She is running away from her past and she has found a home at Shadowlands even if she doesn't know it. She thinks she wants a short, sweet and not overly pushy man, but fate has other plans for her. For one the sweet one man is actually two taller and with more muscle than her cousins who like to share a woman. One of them was to find a permanent woman while the other not so much.

I wasn't able to get inside Uzuri's mind at all. When she had a very important project to work on and needed her friends help she didn't ask for it and instead tried to do it all on her own. The scene where some people from the Shadowlands go to her workplace to help she was my favorite thing from the whole book. It was very touching.

I wish I was able to say that I loved the book, but I can't. I couldn't connect with the heroine and at a point I stopped trying to understand her. The heroes were good and they had the strength the triad needed. I still enjoyed the book and I would recommend it, but it's not one of Cherise Sinclair's best works. The Holt's story is probably going to be next and I will keep an eye for it. I was sad about what happened to him and I want him to find a lady worthy of him.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 322 reviews

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