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Stardust #4


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Note to Readers: Chamaeleon must be read after book 3 and before book 4 to fully understand the storyline. Chamaeleon is a novella told from both Haley’s and the guys’ perspectives.

“For the last seven months, my life practically revolved around 'my' guys—they kept me safe, made me laugh, and embraced me as one of their own. And, now, the unimaginable was happening. I was turning my back on the life I created with them. There would be no more duets with Chase, tickle fights with Theo, stargazing with Ethan, running with Knox, relaxing with Jackson, or cooking with Liam. In other words, I was walking away from the place—and the people—that had become my new home.”

“Theo opened his mouth like he was going to say something but then shut it again. The truth was, there was nothing left to say. We had to either compete for her heart or let her go, and both options were incomprehensible. Even if she chose me, could I live with the guilt of knowing I stole her away from my brother and best friends? And, if she chose someone else, would I ever get over her?”

131 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 1, 2016

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About the author

Autumn Reed

28 books780 followers
Autumn is a lifelong bookworm with a penchant for sarcasm. She loves cloudy days, fluffy dogs, and murdering succulents. When she isn't bringing daydreams to life on the page, she can be found behind the lens of a digital camera or binge-watching Veronica Mars.

To learn more about Autumn Reed, visit www.autumnreed.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 99 reviews
Profile Image for Marguerite (M).
767 reviews627 followers
April 23, 2018
Rating : 3.5 stars

My reread might not go as well as planned but Chamaleon stays my favorite book of the series so far.
It's a bit longer than a novella, shorter than a full length novel and an absolute must read both for our pleasure and the story.

Chamaleon picks up after the departure of Ethan and Haley's decision to leave the guys. To says it's a mess in Jaguar's team is putting it midly! It's also the only book of the series with multiples points of view and this gives lots of insight about the guys' feelings. And it's also when they finally start realizing them.

Don't miss it!
Profile Image for Siri.
1,199 reviews65 followers
April 18, 2017
Omg i need the next book like right now!
Profile Image for Vicky.
116 reviews3 followers
March 6, 2017
I am giving an honest opinion after receiving an advanced copy of the book.

Reading the previous three books is a must as this is a series which can't be dipped into and it is a reverse harem.

I have been waiting and waiting for this book after arriving somewhat late to the Stardust party back in August when I devoured the first three in one day alone while I was ill, and, oh boy, the ladies did not only deliver but set the bar for book 4 (so no pressure then).

I don't give spoilers but I will say this book picks up the story right where Pyxis stops.
The novella includes the POV of the five men and, as expected, by opening it up to include the different perspectives, the reader understands more about the characters, their actions and their motives. It will make you fall in love with them all over again while showing Haley's struggle to reconcile her reasons for leaving with giving up her Californian life.

It is funny (some lines made me snort), intense, tugs the heartstrings, insightful, intriguing and leaves you dying to know more (cliffhanger ending), in fact (holds up hand), next book please.
Profile Image for Jennifer G.
2,610 reviews50 followers
October 14, 2017
I love these books! Honestly, I would give them a 5 star if they were longer. That's my only complaint; they are just too short and then I have to wait for the next novella to be released.

I don't give spoilers but I will say Chamaeleon picks up the story right where Pyxis left off. It is written in the POV of all 5 guys and Haley. We get a clear understanding of how each person feels;

This story was more difficult because of the separation but the plot is developing nicely. It was nice to see Haley stand on her own. She proves that she is an intelligent, strong young lady. Her survival skills and her willingness to sacrifice to keep the guys safe shows her merit. The guys and their determination to bring her home was equally wonderful. I can't possibly pick a favorite from the guys. I would want them all too! Ethan has been disappointing, however the other's love for Haley leaves me eager for the reunion with Haley. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Profile Image for Secretly Adorkable Readers.
1,413 reviews26 followers
February 7, 2017
Wow! An addicting series!

If you like CL Stone's Academy series, you will probably like this one. Some similarities...full of suspense, twistful moments, hot guys, and heartbreaks along the way! This book continues from the last book which will be in everyone's POV's to get you read for the next book! Two more books to go and I cannot wait to find out what happens!

A team of six hot guys! Ethan, Chase, Knox, Theo, Liam & Jackson take care of Haley
Profile Image for Chrissy.
1,390 reviews56 followers
August 27, 2021
Searching For Haley

This is the fourth book in a continuing series. You need to read the previous books to understand the story. This book ends on a cliffhanger as the story continues in the next book.

Haley left Santa Cruz and very carefully made her way away from the men who had confused her and the threats made by Douglas. She was methodical in hiding herself, helped out by the fake IDs left for her by her father.

The men are working hard to find her to make sure she is safe and to find out why she left them with no warning or way to find her. Haley’s departure has forced them to work out what they want from her and how to achieve their goals without imploding the team or hurting their friends.

A lot happens in this book. Haley has to learn to stand on her own two feet, which is easier than it would have been when she first left Coleville. She also spends some time reviewing her father’s old case files, trying to work out why someone would want him dead. The men are trying to trace Haley and work out how to protect her, and there are many layers to that.

I really enjoyed this book as it felt like it had kicked things up a notch, with the men finally talking about their feelings and Haley taking action without running it past anyone first.

I can’t wait to read the next book.
Profile Image for Mo.
350 reviews25 followers
April 16, 2018
Stardust series #3.5

When you think about being in a relationship with a guy or a girl, you think it's going to be one on one. The idea of 5 Guys and maybe 6, if Ethan is back in the next book, is unconventional and not really appealing at the same time. Feelings are always going to be hurt whether you admit you're okay with sharing one person with five other people. I think casual sex is one thing, but a serious relationship with 6 people at one time is virtually impossible.
I like the characters and I like the writing, but I don't really agree with the premise. I feel for Chase because it is unnatural.
I will read the last book because I really like Chase, Knox and Theo. Jury is still out with Liam and Jackson and I'm hoping Ethan comes back. As far as Haley goes, I can't really say that I like her character or love her character but I can relate to some of the writing with regards to her father and being confident and learning to be yourself.
I think I'm headed to book 4 now. Happy reading!
Profile Image for Danielle.
128 reviews
November 20, 2016
wow they did it again.
defo worth more than 5 stars
this book kicks off from where we was left and goes straight into pov storyline, this book is a harem book so if you don't like multiple guys then this book isn't for you but come on guys who doesn't dream of being swept of her feet by men who adore us lol.. anyway back to the book..hayley decides to move away because of everything that's happening and when she does the boys struggle and finding ways to bring her back there is alot more but if I go into too much detail you guys won't have anything to read and get excited about would you, lol..
I didn't think I could love the guys and hayley anymore then I already did but wow I fell even more in love with the characters..
this book kept me gripped all way through. be warned it does end of a cliff but I'm counting down until next book arrives well done again ladies this book is amazing and I'm glad I found this series
Profile Image for Reads A lot of Books.
81 reviews5 followers
July 24, 2017
I've become obsessed with all things Autumn Reed and Julia Clarke! Book 4 is everything I wanted and more! In Vega, we get to see new sides of characters that I have fallen in love with even more. I've also changed teams too! I love Hailey's relationship with the guys in Vega. In book 4 you not only get to see the characters grow within the story but we also get more back story into their lives, as well as watch their relationship with Hailey continue to grow. Now I can't give any more away or that will spoil all the fun but I will say for those who have asked for more romance out of the story you will not be disappointed with book 4!
Profile Image for Nikki Crew.
1 review
November 30, 2016
I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this pit stop. This novella gave us a look at how they Haley handle things, but it also gave a glimpse into the guys by telling the story from their point of view. It also moved the story along. Chamaeleon lets us get into each of the guys heads and introduced the idea of RH to the story. There is a surprise character that I was so happy to see. I find my getting invested more and more in this series. I definitely recommend Chamaeleon. I can’t wait for the next book!!!
Profile Image for Hannah.
84 reviews
May 4, 2017
I am absolutely in love with Knox, Jackson, Theodore, Chase, and Liam! And beyond PISSED with Ethan. I really felt bad for the guys, they were so worried and so protective of Haley. While it was frustrating that they were separated, I get why she left and at the time I think it was the right thing to do. I also think it really got them all to realize how much they truly care about each other (not that they didn't already know). I also loved seeing the guys point of view, very insightful. Things are definitely picking up and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Profile Image for Sarah.
11 reviews
June 5, 2017
Stupid cliffhangers

Why, oh why must you torture me with such cliffhangers?! My poor fragile heart simply cannot take it!
It was a good lead in being it was book 3.5 but now I seriously cannot wait to see what happens. Will she and her boys reunite or will it be another heartbreaking situation?
Kira/Haley/Brooke needs to start thinking with her panties rather than her head and return to her guys.
Profile Image for Donna.
42 reviews
January 12, 2017
must read!

I love the perspective from both the guys and Hayle in this book. I'd love to see more from the boys pov. I am eagerly awaiting the next book, it can't come soon enough!
Profile Image for Hannah Duncan.
175 reviews7 followers
May 10, 2017

Please say the next one comes out tomorrow!? This is exactly what I have been waiting for and cannot wait to find out the next steps! Love those guys (even though I'm bummed about Ethan).
92 reviews1 follower
June 26, 2017

What an ending. I just started reading this series a few days ago and I am SO completely hooked. I think the authors are purposely taunting us with the ending. I highly recommend this series!
77 reviews2 followers
July 20, 2017
The first book in the series started out slow but then it picked up speed. I picked up the first book and ended up reading all of them in one massive reading session. I couldn't put them down. Now I have to wait for the next one!
Profile Image for Natasha.
1 review
January 6, 2017
Expressive!!!! More importantly awesomesauce!!!

I loved it, even the cliff hanger ending! Can't wait for the next one, so please for the love of God pleas hurry ladies!!!!!!!!!!!
Profile Image for Miki.
Author 20 books866 followers
September 28, 2017
Good Series

Wow! I am really wanting the next book now so this situation can be resolved! I recommend this to any one who loves a contemporary reverse harem!
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