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The Wheel of Time #10

Crossroads of Twilight

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The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.

Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.

846 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 7, 2003

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About the author

Robert Jordan

554 books16k followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

Robert Jordan was the pen name of James Oliver Rigney, Jr., under which he was best known as the author of the bestselling The Wheel of Time fantasy series. He also wrote under the names Reagan O'Neal and Jackson O'Reilly.

Jordan was born in Charleston, South Carolina. He served two tours in Vietnam (from 1968 to 1970) with the United States Army as a helicopter gunner. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross with bronze oak leaf cluster, the Bronze Star with "V" and bronze oak leaf cluster, and two Vietnamese Gallantry Crosses with palm. After returning from Vietnam he attended The Citadel where he received an undergraduate degree in physics. After graduating he was employed by the United States Navy as a nuclear engineer. He began writing in 1977. He was a history buff and enjoyed hunting, fishing, sailing, poker, chess, pool, and pipe collecting.

He described himself as a "High Church" Episcopalian and received communion more than once a week. He lived with his wife Harriet McDougal, who works as a book editor (currently with Tor Books; she was also Jordan's editor) in a house built in 1797.

Responding to queries on the similarity of some of the concepts in his Wheel of Time books with Freemasonry concepts, Jordan admitted that he was a Freemason. However, "like his father and grandfather," he preferred not to advertise, possibly because of the negative propaganda against Freemasonry. In his own words, "no man in this country should feel in danger because of his beliefs."

On March 23, 2006, Jordan disclosed in a statement that he had been diagnosed with cardiac amyloidosis, and that with treatment, his median life expectancy was four years, though he said he intended to beat the statistics. He later posted on his Dragonmount blog to encourage his fans not to worry about him and that he intended to have a long and fully creative life.

He began chemotherapy treatment at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, in early April 2006. Jordan was enrolled in a study using the drug Revlimid just approved for multiple myeloma but not yet tested on primary amyloidosis.

Jordan died at approximately 2:45 p.m. EDT on September 16, 2007, and a funeral service was held for him on Wednesday, September 19, 2007. Jordan was cremated and his ashes buried in the churchyard of St. James Church in Goose Creek, outside Charleston.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,484 reviews
Profile Image for Zach.
251 reviews115 followers
August 6, 2016
To help get you through a series that is always setting up future plot movement without a care for current pacing, I have invented the following

Wheel of Time Drinking Game

Take a drink whenever:

* A character makes a comment generalizing the opposite sex
* Rand's wounds are described in detail
* A woman sniffs or smooths her clothing
* Perrin smells an emotion
* "Good Two Rivers wool"
* Min's clothing's boyish nature is emphasized in a description
* Someone plays with their weapon (e.g., easing it from its scabbard, running a thumb along its edge)
* Mat feels dice tumbling in his head
* A member of the White Ajah says something is "only logical"
* Totally out-of-character actions written off as "ta'veren influence"
* Someone mentions Murandy, Arad Doman, Shienar, or any other nation that we haven't visited in five volumes
* Rand reminds himself how hard he must be
* More than two pages without any dialogue or action, just pure description
* Any mention of Whitecloaks, the Aelfinn, or any other group that Jordan was obsessed with four books ago and has forgotten about
* A chapter ends and nothing happened in it

Nynaeve seems to have quit tugging on her braid all the time -- although, to be honest, I rather like that particular tic. At least it was intentional on Jordan's part.

My award for least rewarding plot line definitely goes to Perrin. He's off dealing with the prophet of the dragon while hunting for the Shaido, who have kidnapped Faile. Incidentally, those three are in a dead heat for which side character I care about the least. Not that he ever attempts a rescue or anything resembling action, but he does smell a lot of emotions, examine the orderliness of his army camp, and spend three chapters going shopping for barley.

If you enjoyed The Wheel of Time Drinking Game, you may also be interested in my ironic Wheel of Time fan fiction / review of Book 12, a one-act play titled The Ta'veren Tavern.
Profile Image for Kaora.
615 reviews293 followers
October 30, 2016
I keep saying that these have no action until the last 10% but this one missed the last 10% and has 0 action until the very last page.

Let me save you some time.
-Elayne is fussed over because she is pregnant. Whines about Queen stuff. Aviendha is also there.
-Min strides around in her trousers and threatens Rand with a knife.
-Rand does a whole lot of nothing except talk to voices in his head and drool over Min.
-Egwene pushes around and reads some paper.
-Some Aes Sedai in the hall are pretty. Some are not. Also they argue a lot.
-Perrin buys some grain and thinks a lot about Faile.
-Mat attempts to court Tuon. And the dice roll. Stop. Roll. Stop. Roll. Stop.

There. Saved you 7 hours.
Profile Image for Matt's Fantasy Book Reviews.
333 reviews6,814 followers
June 24, 2022
Check out my YouTube channel where I show my instant reactions to reading fantasy books as soon as I finish the book.

In what is clearly the weakest book in the series, this book is still enjoyable but is hard to read due to how excellent the rest of the series is

As pretty much all Wheel of Time readers, I was not looking forward to reading this book. There's a lot of opinions out there about which books in this series are the best, but virtually 100% of people agree that Crossroads of Twilight is the weakest of the bunch. Unfortunately, having finished this book I have to agree. The pacing of this book was consistently slow, didn't feel like it went anywhere, and was a significantly worse than all other books in this series.

Luckily, the world that has been built here is fantastic and the characters by this point I have come to adore - so even given the lack of a good plot this book is saved by these other aspects. And I can now look forward to reading the tail-end of this series, which I've heard is wonderful.

Story: 2/5

In terms of story progression, this book has very little to offer. It did move some characters into new positions on the map, and this is clearly a big setup for the next several books. There were no great conclusions to any storylines, and it felt like you could have read up on a synopsis of this book and been better off.

World Building: 5/5

This amazing world is not given this high score because of this book, but because of what has been crafted leading up to this point. The world here is really the highlight of this whole series - you really do get the sense that there is a living, breathing world here that doesn't just encompass the major cities. It's wonderful reading about how characters will pass through little towns and villages on their way through the adventure and it feels so well though out that it makes other books written both before and after this have a hard time comparing to.

Fantasy Elements: 4/5

This series is peak fantasy for when it was written, and virtually every chapter reeks of a fantasy story. By now in the series everyone you come across has some sort of magical aspect to them, and it feels unique and fun. When comparing these books to series that have come later that have extremely well thought out magic systems (like recent Brandon Sanderson books) this books doesn't quite stack up, but it's wonderful nonetheless.

Characters: 5/5

I am in love with the characters in this series, and I don't come across any chapters where I am regretting reading about the POV. I adore the dynamic the characters have with each other, no matter who they are teamed up with in that book, and it's extremely fun watching them all go through their different character growths.

Writing Style: 4/5

I thoroughly enjoy the in-depth writing style that Robert Jordan has developed here, where he goes into hyper detail about everything. At times it's arguably too much - do I really need an entire long paragraph devoted to what a certain dress looks like? No, but I also appreciate getting a whole page devoted to what a room looks like so that I can really feel like I am there with the characters.

I also thoroughly enjoy the way he spends several chapters at a time dealing with the same POV. Many modern fantasy books that have a sprawling nature like this one jump from POV to POV far to rapidly, and I love how he doesn't set you up here with too many cliffhangers by giving you a lot of time to get through a mini-storyline before moving on to the next one.

Enjoyment: 3/5

I did enjoy this book, but it's hard to compare this book with all the others that have preceded it due to how terribly slow the pace is here and how few things major happened. If this was the first book in the series I likely wouldn't continue with it, but luckily I have 9 books already invested into this and I know that things will only pick up from here.

Profile Image for Kat  Hooper.
1,588 reviews413 followers
March 31, 2009
ORIGINALLY POSTED AT Fantasy Literature.

Crossroads of Twilight was maddening. I read it years ago and ended up giving up on The Wheel of Time after this book. I tried again in my preparation for reading Memory of Light, and I just couldn't manage to do it again. So, as with Winter's Heart, I cheated by reading many of the chapter summaries at Encyclopaedia WOT. I skimmed the chapters involving Perrin's hunt for Faile because I remembered how slow, grueling, and painful they were when I read them the first time. And even though about 25% of the novel was about this storyline, it did not advance at all. I also skimmed a lot of Elayne's campaigning and dealing with the constantly whining Sea Folk because not much happened here, either. There were only two chapters (out of 30) from Rand's point of view. Mat was entertaining, but he didn't get anywhere either.

In Crossroads of Twilight, expect more politicking, planning, negotiating, committee discussions, bathing, dressing, shopping, and description of tapestries and seating arrangements than action. THE PLOT DOES NOT MOVE. There were very few significant occurrences -- mostly the characters just talked to themselves and others. Only one major event happened, and that occurred in the last 3 minutes (on audio).

Here is a sample of some of the pulse-pounding action you'll encounter in Crossroads of Twilight:

"'I see,' Egwene said slowly. She realized she was massaging the side of her head. The throb behind her eyes beat on. It would grow stronger. It always did. By nightfall, she was going to regret having sent Halima away. Bringing her hand down firmly, she moved the leather folder in front of her a half inch to the left, then slid it back."

Riveting... But at least we didn't have to hear about Nynaeve's braid...

There are 1880 characters in The Wheel of Time and it's impossible for anyone who's not writing a dissertation on the series to keep them all straight. It doesn't help that so many of the names are similar, either. At this point, many of them are all just a big jumble and you have to use a resource like Encyclopaedia WOT (who have all 1880 characters listed, described, and tracked) to even begin to understand all of the politicking. It also doesn't help that Jordan made occasional mistakes along the way (nicely pointed out by Encyclopaedia WOT).

If it weren't for Brandon Sanderson's finale, I would absolutely give up at this point (I did once). By the way, let me say here and now (March 2009), for the record, that I don't believe Mr. Sanderson will be able to clean up this mess with only one volume.
Read more Robert Jordan book reviews at Fantasy literature.
Profile Image for Choko.
1,373 reviews2,659 followers
October 20, 2016
*** 4.65 ***

A buddy read with the WoT dedicates at BB&B!

This is book #10 of the series and is probably the one with the least action and most politicking of them all. As such, I am not surprised that it is the lowest rated of all the series, since it seems the majority of us are so addicted to the immediate gratification so prevalent in our society today, that anything which demands our brains to concentrate and actually work to figure things out instead of being spoon-fed to us, we find boring and tedious..

Well, there isn't any action in this book. No fights, no battles, no big revelations. The main protagonist doesn't even show up until we reach the 65% of the book. It seems like every page is full of POV's of secondary or tertiary characters who on the surface make no difference to the overall story plot. And yet, it is like mountain being built one small pebble at a time.

I have said it before and I will say it again - Robert Jordan is a genius of storytelling, a man so in control of the tale he is crafting, that the least of the paragraphs are filled with some information that makes the foundation for something totally visually unrelated, but at the end it all makes sense. Not only sense, but the world becomes so real to us because of all those invisible details, that we surprise ourselves as to how well we are familiar and grounded in it. At times, as we get closer to the last book, the world of WoT seems more richly layered and real than the one we inhabit in our daily lives.

So yes, despite the lack of shiny action and developments, this book is still a wonderful addition to the series. The characters, the banter, even the completely idiotic mistakes some of our gang make at this point of the story, all the plotting, betrayals, double-crossing and new connections on all the newly forming fronts, all of them continue weaving one of the greatest sagas of all times!!!!

The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills and may we all find our place in the tapestry of Life!!! Happy Reading:-)
January 16, 2022
Warning: this one's going dark.

First, a few comments on the cover art, the originals for Tor by Darrell Sweet. He dead. He is well known for such series cover highlights such as The Pugilist, The Fabio, and Egwene in a Nightgown Serving Soup to Some Assholes in a Desert. His landscapes and details can be marvelous, but the people just so often look strange and wrong. Like, when someone can't draw hands well so all their figures have hands in pockets or behind their backs? He should have done something like that, but with the entirety of the main characters as depicted.

Not entirely his fault; I understand that the cover artist typically gets very little information and this process starts well before the book is in its finished form. But it took so many books before Trollocs started being depicted as dudes with animal heads and not just animal-shaped helmets, that I have to question the publisher's process.

The cover for Crossroads of Twilight is, at least, consistent, and properly represents the book. Let's take a look:

It's perfect for this book, because NOTHING IS HAPPENING. Peeps riding nervously through the woods; yep, that's the full extent of the plot. You might think that a series about powerful young (essentially) wizards, wielding the One Power to create lightning blasts and fireballs and tears in the fabric of reality, battling creatures of nightmare, demolishing castles with magic lasers, might feature at least one damn cover with an awesome fantasy action scene, but that's not the Wheel of Time way.

Let's take a close look at Mat here:

This is also a true picture fact, because Mat does in fact go, "Doy doy doy duuuuhrrrrrrr," throughout the book.

Now let's talk about Robert Jordan. He dead too. But before that, he wrote this book, and I have to ask, what the hell was he thinking? This was the dullest, most frustrating book yet, coming after a series of books to which many, many readers already applied the same judgment. Jordan was involved with his fanbase, it's not like he didn't know. So why, after two and a half years since the prior release, put out this stale, icy garbage? Here's how this book goes:

-Prologue, completely new character introduced in a long-forgotten corner of the world that no reader cares about. Not mentioned again not does this section have any influence on the rest of the book.
-Mat's story chapters. NOTHING HAPPENS.
-Perrin's story chapters. NOTHING HAPPENS. And I have to ask, does any reader care about Faile? Does anyone care about the Shaido who are holding her? No. They're merely annoyances. They have been merely annoyances for the entire series. No one cares, they have no role in the uber-story's end game, please move on. The only one who cares about Faile is Perrin, because she's the only woman who ever boned him, and if she died then at least Perrin might do something interesting out of wolfrage. And he could freely bone the sexy fucking queen who's been hot for him on the side.
-Elayne's story chapters. She and Aviendha take a bath.
-Egwene's story chapters. NOTHING HAPPENS except then, around page 470, the book finally gets a little interesting. PAGE 470. And what is interesting? Not anything that happens, no; some Aes Sedai MAKE A DECISION to do something. Do they do anything? No. But they make a decision, then spend an entire day arguing how to do the thing they decided to do, without making any further decision on that. This is when I realized how badly the book had damaged me, when THIS is what perked me up a little.
-Rand and entourage's story chapters. Eh, they were okay.
-Back to Perrin! Oh great, an entire fucking chapter about getting ready to go buy some grain, that is all. Fan-fucking-tastic. Oh the book ends and he still hasn't started trying to rescue Faile? Alright then.
-Back to Mat. NOTHING HAPPENS except he learns what an idiot he was in the prior book, in one respect only.
-Back to Egwene. At the very end of the very last chapter, one thing happens. That's one thing in the entire damn book that advances the plot, and it's the last fucking page.
-Epilogue: Rand, with a meaningless reveal. Oh wow, he, as the main fucking character driving the entire series plot, is going to meet with another character, at some uncertain time in the future? Wow!!

Who did Jordan even think he was writing for at this point? All of the endless, mind-numbing repetition, rehashing every single damn character's interests and goals from each POV character's perspective and level of understanding, whether they (IF FEMALE) are plump or skinny, what the precise level of fancy decoration any room or tent has, reflecting that character's socio-economic status both in the present and the past in fine detail... We already know all this stuff! In book ten, thirteen years into this unending series, with untold millions of sales for each volume, was he trying to write for newcomers to the series? Because the actual fans were sorely neglected.

You might think his editor at Tor could have possibly reined him in. What the hell was that person doing? *checks notes* oh that's right it was his wife. Harriet McDougall was (possibly still is) a top, well-respected editor, but come on! Was this really the best idea? Jordan really needed someone to shake some sense into him well before this book, and she was simply letting him blurt out whatever dull overly-detailed nonsense he felt like. The result is a believably complex and genuinely lifelike fantasy world, but Christ on a cracker it made for a piss-poor story at this point.

In the grand scheme, readers were blessed that Jordan continued to put out books at the pace he was able. At this point in the series there were two-and-a-half-year waits in between books, but in truth he gave us eleven mostly-beloved doorstoppers (plus a prequel novella) in fifteen years, an astounding feat. But in those days of yore, long caught up on the series, it felt like an interminable wait for each new book to drop, and then to get this steaming pile of over-detailed, stagnant crap... it was too much to take.

Goddamn the next book had better be as redeeming as fans say. It's been so long I don't clearly recall. I remember that Mat buys a horse in the next one, so there's something to look forward to.
Profile Image for Anna [Bran. San. Stan].
356 reviews230 followers
March 29, 2023
3.5 stars. Here I was, hoping that a great ending would push what has to be the weakest book in the series into 4-star territory, but, sadly, that didn’t happen. I am rounding up, though, because RJ’s amazing storytelling is just worth it. And while I don’t mind a slower-paced book per se, I didn’t love some of the plot lines.

Spoilers below!


Basically, we are shown what Perrin and Egwene, who have been (mostly) absent in the previous book, as well as Elayne and Mat have been doing up until and after Rand and Nynaeve cleanse saidin. Except for Mat (whose narrative voice I enjoy even when he’s twiddling his thumbs) and Rand‘s too-brief appearance, Perrin‘s, Egwene‘s, and Elayne’s respective plot lines have got to be my least favorite so far. The endless Andoran politicking as well as the Aes Sedai maneuvering were only mildly engaging; Perrin‘s arc was worst of all though: His fixation on rescuing Faile, to the detriment of countless others falling victim to Masema and Shaido alike – not to mention him resorting to torture –, combined with his constant inner monologue about how the world can end as long as he has his precious Faile back, spoiled a character for me I usually root for. As for Rand, him I just missed – one viewpoint chapter and a two-page epilogue are just not enough. Also, particularly in combination with the aforementioned less engaging story lines, the descriptions I usually quite enjoy seemed especially extensive, though I can’t say if they actually are or if that’s just me. All in all, I'm glad that, at 660 pages, this is one of the shorter books.

Now I’m so ready for what should be four amazing final books!

Profile Image for Alex Nieves.
181 reviews697 followers
June 17, 2021
This book was worse than Path of Daggers and I hated Path of Daggers.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews352 followers
March 11, 2021
Crossroads of Twilight (Wheel of Time, #10), Robert Jordan

Crossroads of Twilight consists of a prologue, 30 chapters, and an epilogue.

Perrin Aybara continues trying to rescue his wife Faile Bashere, kidnapped by the Shaido Aiel, even torturing prisoners for information.

In addition, Perrin is approached with the suggestion of alliance with the Seanchan to defeat the Shaido. Mat Cauthon continues trying to escape Seanchan territory while courting Tuon, the heir to the Seanchan leadership.

In the process, Mat discovers that Tuon is a sul'dam and can be taught to channel the One Power. Elayne Trakand continues trying to solidify her hold on the Lion Throne of Andor. It is revealed that she is expecting twins; but the identity of the father (Rand) is kept secret from others.

Rand al'Thor sends Davram Bashere, Logain Ablar, and Loial to negotiate a truce with the Seanchan. They return at the end of the book to tell him that the Seanchan have accepted the truce, but demand the presence of the Dragon Reborn to meet with the Daughter of the Nine Moons.

Egwene leads the siege of Tar Valon; but is kidnapped by agents of the White Tower after successfully blocking its River Port.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز پنجم ماه مارس سال 2020میلادی

عنوان: سری چرخ زمان کتاب دهم: چهارراه شامگ��هی؛ نویسنده: رابرت جردن؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 20م

چرخ زمان، سری رمانهایی از نوع «خیال‌پردازی حماسی (اپیک)» هستند، که توسط نویسنده «آمریکایی»، «جیمز الیور ریگنی جونیور» با نام قلم «رابرت جوردن»، نگاشته شده ‌اند؛ «چرخ زمان»، نخستین بار قرار بود، یک سری شش جلدی باشد، اما «جردن» آن را به دوازده کتاب، و سپس به چهارده کتاب، و یک پیش درآمد، افزایش دادند؛ «جوردن» در سال 1984میلادی، آغاز به نگارش نخستین کتاب، از این سری با نام «چشم جهان» نمودند، که آن کتاب را، در ماه ژانویه سال 1990میلادی منتشر کردند؛ «جردن» پیش از پایان یافتن جلد دوازدهم از این سری، در سال 2007میلادی، به علت بیماری قلبی، از این سرای درگذشتند؛ و در همان سال، همسر ایشان، پس از خوانش «زاده مه، اثر برندون سندرسون»؛ ایشان را برای پایان دادن به کتاب پایانی سری برگزیدند؛ «سندرسون» با خوانش یادداشت‌های «جردن»، به این نتیجه رسیدند، که یک جلد، برای پایان کار سری، کافی نیست، و به همسر «جردن» پیشنهاد دادند، که در سه جلد، سری «چرخ زمان» را، به پایان برسانند، که مورد پذیرش همسر «جردن» قرار گرفت، و اینگونه «چرخ زمان» در پایان کار، چهارده جلدی شد؛

در این سری، از اسطوره‌ ها، و مکاتب گوناگونی، همانند «بوداییسم»، «هندوئیسم»، «فرهنگ اروپایی»، «مفاهیم متافیزیکی تعادل و ثنویت (خوب و بد)»، «احترام به طبیعت»، که در فلسفه ی «تائوئیسم» یافت می‌شود، «اسطوره ‌شناسی آسیایی و اسلامی» سخن به میان آمده ‌است؛ همچنین در این رمان، نام واقعی «اهریمن»، «شیطان» عنوان شده، که واژه ای «عربی» است، نویسنده، برای نگارش بخشی از این سری، از کتاب «جنگ و صلح (1869میلادی)» به قلم «لئو تولستوی» الهام گرفته ‌اند؛

کتابهای این سری: «بهار نو (2004میلادی) (به عنوان پیش‌درآمد و بیست سال پیش از رخدادهای نخستین رمان)»؛ کتاب نخست: «چشم جهان (1990میلادی)»؛ کتاب دوم: «شکار بزرگ (1990میلادی)»؛ کتاب سوم: «تجلی اژدها (1991میلادی)»؛ کتاب چهارم: «قیام سایه‌ها (1992میلادی)»؛ کتاب پنجم: «شعله‌های بهشت (1993میلادی)»؛ کتاب ششم: «ارباب آشفتگی (1995میلادی)»؛ کتاب هفتم: «تاج شمشیرها (1996میلادی)»؛ کتاب هشتم: «گذرگاه خنجرها (1998میلادی)»؛ کتاب نهم: «قلب زمستان (2000میلادی)»؛ کتاب دهم: «چهارراه شامگاهی (2003میلادی)»؛ کتاب یازدهم: «چاقوی رؤیا (2005میلادی)»؛ کتاب دوازدهم: «گرد آمدن طوفان (2009میلادی)»؛ کتاب سیزدهم: «برج‌های نیمه شب (2010)»؛ کتاب چهاردهم: «یادآوری از روشنایی (2012میلادی)»؛

بازگویی داستان سری، از سه‌ هزار سال پس از «شکاندن جهان» روی می‌دهد، که به «عصر افسانه‌ ها» (که روزگاری بسیار پیشرفته بود) پایان داد؛ در روایتها، فناوری، و ساختارهای اجتماعی جهان، به اروپای «رنسانس» شباهت دارد، در این سری جامعه های، زن‌سالار نیز هستند؛ در بازنگاری رویدادها و بازگویی داستان، رویدادهایی همانند «انقلاب صنعتی» و ...؛ نیز روی می‌دهند

صحنه ی اصلی رویدادهای این سری، بخش غربی قاره ‌ای بزرگ است، که نام آن در متون نیامده‌ است، ولی «رابرت جردن» در گفتگوهای خویش از آن با عنوان «وست‌لندز» یاد کرده ‌اند؛ «وست‌لندز»، از شرق، به رشته ‌کوهی میپیوندد، که از چندین پادشاهی، و دولت-شهر، شکل گرفته؛ در شرق آن رشته ‌کوه نیز، بیابانی موسوم به «برهوت آئیل» قرار دارد، که ساکنین آن، قبیله ‌ها، و جوامع جنگجوی «آئیل» هستند، که در سکونتگاه‌هایی کوچک، زندگی می‌کنند؛ در شرق «برهوت آئیل»، کشور بزرگ و منزوی «شارا»، قرار دارد، که با رشته ‌کوهی بزرگوار، و منطقه ‌ای گذر ناشدنی از «برهوت آئیل» جدا می‌شود؛ سراسر محدوده ی شمالی این س�� منطقه (وست‌لندز، برهوت آئیل، و شارا) را، «پژمردگی کبیر» فرا گرفته ‌است، که بیابانی آلوده، و شیطانی است؛ در غرب «وست‌لندز»، و آنسوی اقیانوسِ «مونرال»، قاره ی «شان‌چن» قرار دارد، که عرض غرب به شرقش، از قاره ی دیگر کمتر است، ولی از قطب شمال، تا قطب جنوب، کشیده شده ‌است؛ قاره ی «شان‌چن»، با آبراهه ‌ای، به دو بخش شمالی و جنوبی، تقسیم شده ‌است؛ این آبراهه، اقیانوس «مونرال» را، به اقیانوس «آریت» وصل می‌کند؛ در شمالی‌ترین بخش قسمت شمالی «شان‌چن»، «پژمردگی صغیر» واقع شده ‌است، که با «پژمردگی کبیر» طول جغرافیایی یکسانی دارد؛ در آغاز داستان «چرخ زمان»، ساکنان «��ست‌لندز»، از وجود «شان‌چن» بی‌خبر هستند؛ دنیای «چرخ زمان رابرت جردن» در نیم‌کره ی جنوبی، قاره‌ ای کوچک، موسوم به «سرزمین دیوانگان» قرار دارد، ولی در سری از آن سخنی نرفته ‌است

روایت سری در پایان «عصر سوم» روی می‌دهد؛ «عصر سوم» با «شکاندن جهان» آغاز می‌شود، که پایان ‌بخش «عصر افسانه‌ ها» بود؛ «عصر افسانه‌ ها» در پی «عصر نخست» می‌آید؛ «عصر نخست» به‌ صورت ضمنی، بر جهان کنونی دلالت دارد، و نام برخی از شخصیت‌های اسطوره ‌ای آن، در این سری آمده ‌است، که «السبت، ملکهٔ همگان (اشاره به الیزابت دوم)» و «ماترز درمانگر (اشاره به مادر ترزا)» از آن دسته هستند؛

در عصر سوم در «وست‌لندز»، رویدادی تاریخی و بزرگ روی داد: نخست «جنگ‌های ترالک»، که در آن، هزار سال پس از «شکاندن جهان»، موجوداتی، از «پژمردگی»، «جهان انسانی» را، به نابودی می‌کشاندند، و دوم آشکار شدن «آرتور هاوک‌وینگ»، که هزار سال، پس از جنگ‌های «ترالک»، «وست‌لندز» را میگشاید، و یگانه میکند، ولی او وارثی نداشت، و «جنگ‌های صدساله»، پس از مرگ او، بر سر تقسیم قلمروش درگرفت؛ در پی هر یک از این دو رویداد، تقسیم‌های سیاسی، و ساختار ملل «وست‌لندز»، به‌ کلی دیگر شد؛ زبان کهن (که در عصر افسانه‌ ها رایج بود) در زمان روایت داستانهای کتابهای این سری، زبانی مرده است، و تنها برخی پژوهشگران، و اشراف‌زادگان به آن زبان سخن میگویند

آخرین کتاب از سری «چرخ زمان» با عنوان «یادآوری از روشنایی (نور)» را «رابرت جوردن» و «براندون» سندرسون نگاشته اند؛ سری رمانهای «چرخ زمان» نزدیک به «یکصدهزار» شخصیت دارد؛ گزینش شخصیت‌ها، میتواند برای هر خوانشگر به گونه ای دیگر باشد؛ ولی اگر بخواهیم، تنها پنج شخصیت اصلی این سری را بشناسیم، به این نامها میرسیم: «رند آل‌ثور»؛ «اگوِِین آل‌ور»؛«پِرین آیبارا»؛ «ماتریم (مت) کاوثن»، و «ناینیو آل‌میرا»؛ هر کدام از این شخصیت‌ها داستانی بسیار دل انگیز دارند

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 20/12/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,779 reviews1,587 followers
November 2, 2016
Crossroads of Twilight has:

846 pages
271K words
30 Chapters + Prologue + Epilogue
22 Uniquie PoVs
45 Individual PoVs
And the plot arcs only moved forward 2 inches...2 measly inches.



Even Snails be like…

Part of the issue is that the first 55-60% of this book is just about what everyone else was doing while Rand and Nynaeve were trying to cleanse Saidin.

The Rundown:

Faile is still kidnapped by the Shido and Perrin is pretty much at the end of his tether trying to get her back.

Everyone still thinks that Perrin has a thing with that bitch Beralain

Elayne is still trying to solidify her claim on The Lion Throne. I’m not sure if it is because she is pregnant but I was totally bored through her chapters.

Egwene is still camped outside Tar’Valon waiting to do something. She is still having headaches and she has no idea where they are coming from. *Yawn* Aes Sedae politics are boring now.

Siaun and Gareth Bloody Bryne are still pretending they don’t have huge chemistry…It’s minor but I ship them so hurry that arc up.

Rand is still missing all of the Maidens. No seriously what happened to them? He went into hiding but that is kind of done now so why hasn’t he reconnected with any of them.

Mat Cauthon still has those bloody dice rolling in his head Actually this was the one arc that was at all interesting to me. He kidnapped the Daughter of the Nine Moons *snickers*. I’m pretty sure that she is playing him more than he is playing her and IT IS FANTASTIC!
Loial is finally back. I’ve missed that Ogier so much. But he only gets a few token mentions and parts in this book. Maybe in the next he will get a bigger role.

The Seanchan are still invading they also aren’t advertising that their precious Daughter of the Nine Moons is missing. But at least some of the Seanchan PoVs were really enlightening and gave some added depth to their culture.

The Problem

There are SO MANY CHARACTERS. Look we are 10 books in and I can’t remember all the main players anymore. I had to look up on the Wheel of Time wiki who people were because I didn’t remember that so and so rescued Rand in book 5 or that this other Dude has like three different names but he is the same dude. And I’m going in order. I can’t even imagine how this worked for people who had years between books unless they reread them all going into the new ones.

I’m so done with Aes Sedea politics…because they are stupid. I want certain characters to meet so we can just resolve a few things. I want the kids that grew up in the two rivers together as best friends to freaking trust each other and not accidentally plot against that other *looks at Egwene*. I want characters that I haven’t scene for books and books to show up and do something or die. There are just too many loose threads everywhere. It is time to start resolving a few things.

In all of the last books there is a climax at the end. A build and then the last 10-15% is all action and chaos and stuff happening and so it leaves you feeling the book accomplished something. But the end of this book wasn’t like that at all and it really just fizzled. And some idiot from the Two Rivers ditched all their guards and didn’t tell anyone where they were going only to be captured by the enemy and that was the end. It just didn’t live up to the prior books at all.

My Ray of Hope

There is ONE more book to go before Sanderson takes over. So I’m holding out for that.
Profile Image for Markus.
483 reviews1,880 followers
February 23, 2016
We rode on the winds of the rising storm,
We ran to the sounds of the thunder.
We danced among the lightning bolts,
and tore the world asunder.

Is Crossroads of Twilight the weakest Wheel of Time book I've read so far? Probably.

Is it still amazing? Pfft, it's a Wheel of Time book. Of course it is.

In terms of plot development, this book has nothing to offer. Absolutely nothing. But the world and the characters are so fantastic I don't even mind. And since for the first time, none of the protagonists act like whiny teenagers, I want to read the next one straight away.

Wheel of Time reviews:
#1 The Eye of the World
#2 The Great Hunt
#3 The Dragon Reborn
#4 The Shadow Rising
#5 The Fires of Heaven
#6 Lord of Chaos
#7 A Crown of Swords
#8 The Path of Daggers
#9 Winter's Heart
#10 Crossroads of Twilight
#11 Knife of Dreams
#12 The Gathering Storm
#13 Towers of Midnight
#14 A Memory of Light
Profile Image for Gavin.
982 reviews416 followers
October 28, 2016
This was definitely the slowest WoT book in the series. Not a lot happened in the story arcs of the vast majority of the main characters. As a result this was probably the least enjoyable of the WoT books so far. Not to say it was bad! Jordan is an excellent storyteller and I enjoyed the vast majority of the stuff we did get.

What did happen to our favourite characters? Spoilers ahead!!!

Rand: After the dramatic events of the last book he made only a fleeting appearance in this one and did little more than tread water.

Mat: The star of this book. He might not have done much but his chapters were pure fun as he started his hilarious courtship of the Daughter of the Nine Moons.

Perrin: Just like Mat his chapters were engaging despite the fact that he did absolutely nothing. He is still searching for Faile! Towards the end we also had to suffer an incident that really damaged my opinion of him as a character.

Elayne: I usually love the female WoT characters as much as the male ones but their is no denying that Elayne's chapters in this one were a bit slow and dull.

Egwene: Just like Elayne her chapters were a bit dull. She was doing more of the same right up until the end were she suffered a bout of the extreme idiocy that our WoT faves catch from time to time.

Nynaeve: She was pretty much AWOL in this instalment.

Aviendha, Min, Faile, and Tuon: The love interests mostly just hung around batting their eyes at the menfolk or pining for them. Faile was probably the pick of the bunch as she took time from her pining to try and set an escape plan into motion. Probably a good idea considering Perrin has not been much help in that regard for the last few books!

Random Secondary Characters: We got a bunch of them. Most were interesting and such POV segments always add an extra level of depth to the world. The downside is that none of the always interesting Forsaken made much of an appearance.

All in all I did enjoy this one despite the fact that it had a few slow spots and almost no real advancement in any of the ongoing story arcs.

Rating: 4 stars. I was tempted to go with 3.5 stars but I'm going to give this the benefit of the doubt as the good moments were as good as any in the previous books.

Audio Note: I praise Krammer and Reading every book and that is because they deserve it. They really are fantastic narrators. It is a massive plus for the WoT series that the pair narrate every single book in the series. The production company should get some credit for seeing that we "readers" got to enjoy such consistent and excellent performance.
Profile Image for Mayim de Vries.
589 reviews997 followers
July 8, 2021
“The horror of yesterday becomes merely the uneasiness of today, once you grow accustomed.”

Improvement? Kind of, but not really. While infinitesimally better than its predecessor, I am not going to deny that “Crossroads of Twilight” was painful to read. At this point, every reader of the series must be hypothesising how many volumes WoT would have, had Mr Jordan’s early demise not thwarted the original plan. My modest estimate bets on about 25 volumes, where volumes 13-14 would be devoted mainly to describing the menus, 15-16 drinking habits among the Ogier, and 17-18 contained mostly descriptions of dreams.

In general, after the bang finalising the previous book, here we are only dealing with boring and quite meaningless consequences of what had already happened.

The worst thing is that nearly all the protagonists begin to suffer from something I hate: a mental eclipse. As a result, they cease to notice the obvious and behave idiotically. Perrin wanders about either brooding or growling and feeling sorry for himself. Faile, ever entrepreneurial, is trying to figure out if sleeping with one Aiel won’t let her escape (Go for it, girl. Sincerely, Team Berelain). Elayne sits in the palace, missing Rand and complaining that she can’t drink strong tea while pregnant (also she cannot eat sweets but permanent stress and sleep deprivation are totally cool - that will not hurt the baby, but may, honey is the anathema). Aviendha is sitting with her in this palace, no one knows what for and why; what a waste of a potentially great female figure! Rand rests (rests!) and does nothing so no one really know what a momentous feature he had achieved. In fact, when it comes to the fallout, he could have achieved nothing. The Forsaken have all but vanished, I guess they are devastated by how poorly they were used by the author. Egwene finally shows up in Tar Valon, but what is the aim, I cannot begin to wonder as she absolutely refuses to let her general to engage. Against the previous haste, instead of winning a war she is waiting and thinking. And with her all the Aes Sedai sit and wait in some sort of stupor that belies everything we have been told about these women since volume one. In general the White Tower is busy with drinking tea, mobbing each other and fighting the staring duels. Amyrlin is the only one not suspicious about a person she personally likes chatting with. What is that? Someone in the camp is on a killing spree? Who cares. Nothing to worry about. Everyone’s cold but spring is slowly coming. And so on to the very last page, which turned out to be the climax of stupidity of one of the protagonists. Honestly, the ending made me laugh. Maybe someone will finally cut her ego down to size.

Effectively, we are mostly reading about events that happen parallel to the ending of “Winter’s Heart.” All the protagonists feel the immense pillar of Power being used and wonder what it could be. In the meantime, performing their important tasks, such as undressing and dressing after taking a bath, all of which is described in every painful detail. There are also some interesting developments here, which prove that many unpleasant events, including the death of some people, might not have happened if only the main characters were communicating with each other (not that they didn’t have means!).

Sub-plots of quaternary characters also take up a lot of space, despite not adding anything to the tale. There are also new protagonists, and why not. At least it counter-balances the fact that interesting moments can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Nothing has moved forward. All those hidden schemes inside plots wrapped in stratagems result in big fat non-action. Mat and Tuon escaping from Ebou Dar is the only thing that brings something to the story - again. It is amazing how Robert Jordan has gone astray when writing this book…

Yes, I am reading the next one, already. Thankfully, the end of the tunnel is only 4 books ahead.

Also in the series:

1. The Eye of the World ★★★★☆
2. The Great Hunt ★★★★☆
3. The Dragon Reborn ★★★★☆
4. The Shadow Rising ★★★★☆
5. The Fires of Heaven ★★★★☆
6. Lord of Chaos ★★★☆☆
7. A Crown of Swords ★★★☆☆
8. The Path of Daggers ★★★☆☆
9. Winter's Heart ★☆☆☆☆
11. Knife of Dreams ★★★★☆
12. The Gathering Storm ★★★★☆
13. Towers of Midnight ★★★☆☆
14. A Memory of Light ★★★☆☆
Profile Image for Eric Allen.
Author 3 books788 followers
March 2, 2018
Crossroads of Twilight
Book 10 of the Wheel of Time
By Robert Jordan

A Wheel of Time Retrospective by Eric Allen

I love the Wheel of Time series. It is, by far, and despite its flaws, my absolute favorite series of books. Oh, there's plenty of people out there who can point out why this series is awful and has been dragged on far too long. But you know what, I don't care. To me, this series is great. I thought it could do no wrong.

And then Crossroads of Twilight came out.

This is the series that really got me into reading back when I was eleven years old. I've been reading it for so long, and I've read it through so many times, that the characters are more like old friends than characters in a book. The places feel almost real to me, and I can see them in my mind as I read the series. I love the Wheel of Time... but I absolutely HATE this book.

For you to understand why I hate this book so much, I'm going to have to explain a few things to put my hatred in context for you. I picked up the first book in the series--The Eye of the World--at the library from the New Releases shelf because it had an awesome picture on the cover over twenty years ago. I was hooked from page one. I have bought each and every one of these books multiple times. First in paperback because that was all I could afford, then when they wore out, I bought more copies of them. I bought them all in hardback for my spiffy bookshelf once I got older and could afford such things. I've bought the audio version to listen to at work, first in CD format, and then in digital. I've spent quite a bit of money on these books throughout the years.

I've been an avid fan from the very beginning. No matter what happened, no matter how many books the series dragged on into, I always came back for more, because I just couldn't stop. This series had become a part of my life. When the internet got big, I'd spend hours at a time reading theories on what was going to happen in the next book, or coming up with my own. I put up with the series slowing down. Important things were still happening. I put up with all of the politics, and the boredom, and the stupidity of characters that I disliked. I put up with the stagnating storyline, and the apparent lack of forward progress. I put up with it all, because at the heart, these were still books about my very favorite characters in all of fiction, and I would always come back for more, no matter how dull it got. I'd been promised an epic conclusion somewhere down the line, and I was eager to see it. But you know what, like many a great man before me has said, it's not the destination that's important, but the journey. And though that journey stretched far longer than I would have preferred at times, it was one that I have and still thoroughly enjoy. I cannot count how many times I have read these books. Some of the early ones probably upwards of thirty to fifty times.

And then Crossroads of Twilight came out.

Until this point in the series, there was always something happening. Someone was always doing something to move along to the next stage, even if it was just moving from one place to another in preparation for a later event in another book. The books still ended with huge, epic climactic confrontations and a sense of something having been accomplished. They still ended with something having been done, and moved forward.

And then Crossroads of Twilight came out.

At the time that this book was released I was serving an LDS mission in South Chicago. So, not only did I have to wait the two and a half years since the previous book was released, I also had to wait several more months after its release to even pick up a copy to read. Those were hard months full of temptation for me. Knowing that there was a Wheel of Time book out there that I had not yet read, and could, if I wanted to, if only I would just break the rules and go pick up a copy of it.

I picked up a copy of it in the airport on the way home, and read it at my first convenience, only to find that this book was a complete and utter BETRAYAL of all of my years of faithfully following this series through the good and the bad alike. Every book before this one, I could say, yeah, it seems like it's been stretched out unnecessarily, but things are still happening. Until this book. This is the book where Robert Jordan stopped telling a story and started milking his fame. This is the book where Robert Jordan said F**K YOU to all of his fans. This is the book where Robert Jordan sold out. There wasn't anything in this book that I could use to justify its very existence with. This was a book that existed for the SOLE purpose of getting another thirty bucks out of me. It did not move the story or the characters at all, and it didn't even give me a mediocre climax at the end. Instead, it ends with a very weak cliffhanger that doesn't even really lead into the next book, because the character it happens to has a single chapter in the next book.

At less than half the length of the longest book in the series, Crossroads of Twilight is actually quite short. It's long for a mainstream novel, but by the standards of the Fantasy Genre, and this series in particular, this book is tiny. My first thought upon picking up a copy was that it took the writer over two years to give us the shortest book in the series? How does that work? Years later I realized that the author was suffering from the illness that later took his life, and I am sorry for being an annoying little snot over the wait, but you know what, I'm not THAT sorry. Why? Because this book really isn't much of a book at all. This is the shortest book in the series, but it feels like the longest. And as I've said before, a good story can be told in a single page if that's all it needs to get its message across. A good story doesn't need hundreds of pages of filler to make it better. This book, in NO WAY can be considered a good story. Instead, the entire thing is filler. Filler that can be skipped while missing little to nothing that the next book doesn't explain. This book is Robert Jordan taking three storylines that should have ended in the previous book, and stretching them out needlessly and pointlessly into an utterly superfluous novel that, honestly, can be skipped. You can get everything you need to know about the events in this book from the Wiki plot summary, and that's less than a page long.

We begin with Perrin, dealing with the pressures of leading five separate armies that are supposed to be one, but refuse to see themselves as such. This is actually a really good beginning to the book. I really enjoy seeing how Perrin deals with rumors of infidelity, people trying to make him into something that he doesn't think he is, and holding the various factions of his army together through sheer strength of will. This is an excellent beginning to the book. It shows his plight, and it shows how he will have to grow in order to overcome it. Internal struggle is something that Robert Jordan does very well.

And then the book runs headlong into a brick wall with an entire third of the page count devoted to Elayne where not ONE SINGLE THING worth noting happens. Yes, that's right, an entire third of the book passes without a single thing worthy of mention occurring. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. This entire storyline of Elayne getting her throne should have been glossed over rather than stretched to fill up large sections of four entire books. I am not a fan of Elayne AT ALL, but I've talked to people who are, and even they hate this storyline. Why? Because it paints a character they like as a petty, childish idiot, and because it's really not important to the overall story at all. What little intelligence Elayne has displayed up to this point, and really she hasn't shown much, just goes straight out the window in this storyline and she basically becomes dumb as a post. It stretches on to agonizing lengths and it really doesn't need to in order to get the point across. It's not important HOW she gets the throne, only that she DOES get it. And you know what, that she DOES get it, isn't really all that important either. I don't like her character because she's really not a character, among other reasons that I've already gone into in previous reviews of other books in this series. She's an heir to the throne. Take that away and she's absolutely nothing. She has no identity or personality as a character other than that. Her losing her only source of identity, as she should have by any and all rights after everything that's happened, and dealing with it would have been far more interesting than this load of crap. It would have transformed a non-character into something that I could care about, someone dealing realistically with something that SHOULD HAVE realistically happened to her.

Oh, and another thing that annoys me about her is how every other word out of her is whining about it being Rand's fault she's pregnant. She basically forced herself on HIM, and it's HIS fault she has to deal with pregnancy? Uh, no, it isn't. That's, frankly, just plain irresponsible and childish. I'm sorry if my saying so offends any ladies out there, but it is. I'm sorry that pregnancy sucks, but, I mean, come on, she's the one that tripped him into her bed.

I'll never understand why Robert Jordan felt the need to include this storyline and devote so much of FOUR BOOKS to it when literally NOTHING happens for about three of those books. By his own logic, which he used to explain important characters being left out of earlier volumes, this makes absolutely no sense at all. This is something that is not interesting at all, something that even fans of Elayne don't want to read about, and does little but take up massive amounts of space in a series that really doesn't need any extra filler to little point or purpose. I don't get it... WHY!?!? WHY is so much of the latter third of this series filled with a storyline that is almost completely pointless and serves little purpose to the overall plot of the series? I'll tell you why. Because in this book, Robert Jordan sold out. He stopped telling a story, and he started stretching so he could get at least one extra novel out of the story and milk his fans for another thirty bucks each with this piece of crap.

After that mind-numbing complete waste of three hundred pages, we shift to Egwene dealing with Aes Sedai politics. If you enjoy Egwene, and the way she has to keep on her toes to hold the rebel Aes Sedai together, and keep them aimed at their goal, you may enjoy this section of the book. Me, I felt it was unnecessary. We already know what she's dealing with as Amyrlin Seat. We don't need a reiteration of things that have already been established, especially when, like with Elayne's section, very little of overall importance takes place during this section. This is basically just copy and paste from any chapter of your choice about Egwene from the previous four books. There are no new revelations given, and nothing happens to advance the plot. There is some foreshadowing given for the end of the book, but at this point, I don't think many people really cared. That event was not really important enough to deserve the foreshadowing in my opinion.

We shift back to Perrin in one of the most haunting and tone rich chapters of the entire series where he goes to buy grain in a haunted city. Robert Jordan has always been excellent in giving a good mood and tone for any given scene, and making you, as the reader, FEEL what's going on. Here he's outdone himself. This is probably one of my favorite chapters in the entire series. Ironic, that. Jordan paints a picture of a dark and downtrodden city living in fear of their own dead and it's really spectacularly done.

And then we get people around Rand doing nothing, and Rand making plans that really should have been left for the next book for all that's accomplished here in including it. Rand just cleansed freaking Sai'din. Something no one has been able to do for three thousand years. He's put an end to male channelers going mad simply for being what they are. This is probably the most momentous thing that has happened in the entire series thus far, and he doesn't even bother to acknowledge that it even happened. We don't get any of his thoughts or feelings on the matter at all. The entire event is treated as though it's of no import at all, and Rand, as a character has not grown in the slightest over it. Or at least he appears not to have. Most of this section is not even told from his point of view, and he's more of a side attraction to the things other people are doing. I want to know what he's feeling, what he's thinking, what's going through his heart and mind after accomplishing something so incredible. He doesn't even think about the power that could be his if he gets the Choedan Kal Access Key away from Cadsuane, which, by the way, MAJOR PLOT POINT LATER ON. And he can't even be bothered to have a single thought about how god-like it made him feel to channel that much of the power? This portion of the book was wasted on other characters basically doing nothing, and Aes Sedai gossiping about their Warders. Not exactly engaging dialog, or important to the plot.

Then the book shifts over to Mat, slooooooowly escaping Ebou Dar. As I've said before, this section of the story has basically just been stretched out to remind us that Mat still exists in this book. His storyline for this book and the previous one really should have been condensed into a single chapter or two. It's like RJ got to this point of the novel and realized it was running short and tossed in a few chapters of Mat being Mat to lengthen it a bit. Not much goes on here except that he starts courting Tuon, whom he is destined to marry, and as he does plenty of that in the next book, his section in this one is completely pointless and really feels sort of tacked on.

And then we finish up with Egwene doing more nothing for a couple chapters before the big, epic Wheel of Time clima--oh right, this book doesn't have one. Every single book up to this point has had a hugely epic, over the top climax that has wowed me in almost every way. Every book until now has had a huge, epic throwdown, and has left me with a sense that something important to the story has happened. Something has been accomplished. Something has happened. The story has moved forward. But not here. OH NO. Even in earlier books where not much happened, they still ended with a huge climactic ending that left me with a sense of something having been accomplished. Yes, book eight might have been a little weaker than the others, but it still moved the story forward. Here, what do we get? We get a cliffhanger, and an extraordinarily weak one at that. It's handled with all of the fanfare and excitement as someone pouring salt on their meal. Egwene is captured. The End. It's like a slap in the face after the knee to the junk that this book embodied. I don't know about you, but when a book ends without some sort of climactic event, I feel as though I've been cheated. If there's no payoff at the ending, why am I even reading? The journey may be the most important part, but if it's not leading anywhere, what's the point in even reading the damn book? He couldn't have tossed something superficially flashy in as a reward for slogging through this soulless, vacuous excuse for a Wheel of Time book? Nope, apparently not.

The book ends so abruptly that it was rumored for years on the internet that the publisher gave RJ a hard deadline and told him that if he wasn't done by then, the book would be published as it was, whether it was done or not. So, as the rumor went, the book was published without its ending. I'm almost inclined to believe it, if I didn't know for a fact that wasn't the way that RJ used to write. He didn't write linearly. This book was MEANT to end this way. Thanks RJ.

The good? This book is not completely without merit. The parts of the book about Perrin are excellent. Not much really happens in them, but Perrin grows tremendously as a character during this book. Plus you get that couple of chapters in the haunted city that are really a perfect example to anyone wishing to learn how to write on how to manipulate tone and setting to spectacular effect.

The bad? Almost nothing in this book serves any purpose to the plot. The only character in it that actually develops is Perrin. There are plenty of things that, if you know where to look, point to things that happen in the next book. But not here. Nothing happens here that is really worth the time to read. When I reread this book I typically skip through almost half of it because it's so superfluous that it really serves no purpose at all except to take up space.

The ugly? I basically already ranted about everything I wanted to rant about in the summary. This book isn't about telling a good story, continuing the legend, or progressing the characters. It's about one thing alone. Dollar signs. There really are no words to describe what a betrayal to all of RJ's fans that this book was. This was the book where I could no longer delude myself into thinking that he was stretching things out toward any sort of purpose. This was the book where I knew for a fact that this story was being stretched only for the purpose of bringing in more money, and it really shows. When maybe five chapters of the forty or so in the book actually serve any purpose to story or character development and the rest is just filler that doesn't even end in a climax of any kind, I can't make any excuses for the author anymore. For someone that has been with this series through thick and thin from the very beginning I felt that this book was just insulting to me. I can't tell you how many hundreds of dollars I've spent on rebuying copies of these books because I've worn them out, and when I got to this one, it felt as though it was all for nothing. It felt as though the author that I adored, whose fancy car and gigantic house I helped to buy, had no respect for me whatsoever. It was as if he just squatted down and took a gigantic crap all over his entire fanbase with this book. And that is why I hate it. Because this book isn't about really anything except an author betraying his fans and stretching a story out pointlessly to make an extra buck. All sense of anything magical has been stripped away from the story at this point, and the ENTIRE book focuses on politics that really don't need any more focus than they've already been given. This is what you get when you strip all of the action, the magic, and the heart from a work of fantasy fiction. A boring, soulless waste of space.

This book gets one star becasue I like Perrin's storyline here. That's ALL that this book has going for it. If you are a completist and wish to read the entire series as a whole, sure, but be warned that you're in for a long and boring read. Anyone else, large sections of this book can be skipped over without missing a thing of importance. I actually recommend for most casual readers to skip this book entirely and check out the Crossroads of Twilight Wiki Page and read the plot summary. It tells you everything that you need to know in a scant eleven lines of text. This book was more about an author seeing dollar signs rather than telling a story. It wasn't enjoyable, it was rather insulting, and I treat it as such. It really is an awful book and illustrates basically every single criticism that people have for the series without giving anything at all that can be used in its defense. It's a bloated and generally pointless piece of trash in an otherwise extraordinary series.

Check out my other reviews.
Profile Image for Alina.
803 reviews303 followers
October 9, 2020
Despite the entanglement of way too many characters, some with similarly confusing names, and also despite the too elaborate descriptions (I'm not a particular fan of too detailed descriptions, and how many times can I read a very thorough depiction of a kitchen and everything in it, or of a stable, or an inn interior, or the petticoats and dress colors and cut), I still very much liked the book and the development of the events.
Profile Image for Dylan.
283 reviews
November 5, 2023
Crossroads of Twilight is a book I’m astonished got published and was approved by Tor and Jordan’s editor. Look, I mostly liked the slog, I had my criticisms and huge issues with them (see my reviews for them). But regardless of the criticisms in those books, major events unfold that cannot be skipped. Important character growth and major events unfold, aka Rand’s plotline in PoD and the ending of WH. In the case of CoT, almost nothing eventful occurs. It’s truly a book of pure reactions. It feels kind of egoistical in a way, writing a book entirely as a reaction to the great ending you wrote in WH. Even if the cockiness is not the intention, it genuinely feels that way.

I’ve reflected upon the state of WoT prior to CoT, if you read my reviews for the slog and the same for New Spring. Yet this book made me self-evaluate this entire series, due to the nothing nature of this novel. I should preface this is the worst novel I’ve ever read. It isn’t even that close to anything else. First, to address the nothing complaint, it’s completely valid, yet it misses the mark of what makes this novel truly bad. When you think nothing happens, most people associate that with slice-of-life. That’s actually one of my favourite genre, so it should have been fine, but most of this book, I would argue, isn't a slice of life. It's just the plot, but it progressed SUPER slowly astromaically, that it kills all the momentum. I actually would rather have a proper slice of life, as we would see our characters grow and see different sides of them. The more I think about it, the book's issue is less "nothing happening" The plot is technically moving but done at a snail's pace, which just kills the overall momentum of this novel. Being less engaged as a result. That said, the plot moves so slowly it might not even be progressing.

There isn’t that much good so I might as well begin this review with the positives:

Mat: The last 2 chapters and half of Chapter 3 for Mat were pretty good. It’s Mat courting Tuon. I know what you are thinking—what romance is one of the highlights in a WoT book? Yes, this is the state of the series. This is one of the rare times where there's a true slice of life. Mat playing dice with Tuon, nightly strolls, or even shopping for silk garments. Overall, there is minimal plot progression, mainly from the last couple pages of his POV, but there’s some character exploration.

Perrin: I have WAY more negatives concerning Perrin however, the last chapter of his was pretty decent and something that should have happened books ago.

Egwene: Compared to every other plotline in this book, this at least has the excuse of being glacially slow, as it is a siege. That said, it doesn’t excuse too much; however, there are elements I liked. They finally made a decision concerning the black tower after eons, which honestly should have been decided books ago. The world of dreams had moments I liked, including a particular conversation with Siuan and some conversations in the final chapter. There’s more going on in that final chapter than in this entire book collectively, without exaggeration.

Rand and Cadsuane: both of these characters had one chapter, but that one chapter was pretty nice, though once again just being set up for KoD.

Furyk Karede – a one-off Seanchan POV that detailing the aftermath of Tuon's escape, there was some neat stuff in that chapter.

Alviarin Freidhen – surprisingly, one of the highlights, it’s Elaida knowing Alviarin is bad news. Her fear she got caught and her complete sense of paranoia.

Some POVs from the prologue are neat. There are some memories from Lews Therin's time through both Mat and Rand’s perspectives that I found cool. Lastly, there’s a mention of elevators in Alviarin chapter when she is talking about stairs. So, a minge of the sci-fi aspect pops up (so little, but so cool).


In a nutshell, it is everything else that I didn’t say, but I will say specifics:

Perrin - Fun fact from Perrin POV there’s around 95,000+ words written in Books 8–10. So, what has been accomplished in these 3 books? Perrin meets the Queen, Faile gets kidnapped, and Perrin is barely any closer to finding Faile that he was two books ago and the plot development that should have occurred during Book 7. I genuinely need to think about how Perrin has grown, and I can’t give you an answer beyond his last chapter in CoT. All I can say is that KoD will have to step up its game if it is going to make me care about the resolution of this plotline.

Elayne – There is little to criticise, as almost nothing happens. There are some meetings and beyond that? You will have to tell me. I can defend some stuff from her POV in WH, but here it’s whatever.

Rand and Cadsuane: I like the one chapter concerning both of these characters, but seriously, one? Who thought that was a good idea, giving one chapter to your main protagonist? This is also an issue with PoD and WH, but way more here. This isn’t the Dragon Reborn, where that structure was clever, here it serves no purpose beyond Jordan is terrible at structuring his work, and no one has the guts to tell him that probably doesn’t flow well or rearrange it.

Egwene: They are the most plot-relevant chapters in the book, yet a lot is pure boredom.

There is a lot more, but it will take more effort to write than Jordan put into writing this novel (okay that's just being cheeky and harsh). There are so many worthless characters or characters that have no depth that’s revealed to be black Ajah (or something), and I don’t care. One of the appeals of epic fantasy is the massive character roster, but here so much is interchangeable. In terms of writing style, read my negative thoughts on Jordan's writing style in my prior reviews, and it is that but worse. There is so much fluff in the writing, meaningless descriptions, and just a poor effort. I will say in defense that the Rands chapters are still written well; I didn’t notice any grammatical errors, sentences technically flow normally from a writing styles it’s fine, but just way more descriptive and padded. I will say Jordan didn’t ruin any characters (Perrin was already butchered) it’s just mostly them doing very little. The trajectory of their plotline makes sense, it’s just padded to oblivion, so the book isn’t flawed in that sense. This book isn’t like White Sand by Brandon Sanderson, which is boring, dull and a trainwreck, but the prose version wasn’t officially published, so CoT still remains the worst-published novel. Fool Moon technically has more plot holes and plot contrivances than anything cocked up in this book. That said, Fool Moon wasn’t 264k words long. I had low expectations, but it managed to deliver less than I expected. I wanted this to be a fun slice-of-life book with great character exploration and minimal plot development, but that only happened for a few characters and a few chapters.

In conclusion, as I’m writing this review, I decided not to give this a 1/5 as there’s stuff in this book that I liked despite it being few and far between. I will take what I liked in this book, and I hope Jordan can redeem himself in Knife of Dreams, his final published novel, as I love WoT and it hurts writing reviews so critical about it.

Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,529 followers
July 20, 2022
I, like the rest of ya'll who've read WoT multiple times, always kinda shudder when we get to this one. It's not like there are truly momentous things going on here. (There isn't.) And it's not like we get some major character development. (We don't.)

What we DO get, and this isn't precisely a bad thing, is the concurrent events that led up to or immediately followed the grand glorious action that took place at the end of Winter's Heart.

The whole world quivered and quaked and everyone freaked out. Not bad. Actually, it's entertaining for being exactly what it is and it's even still a good read and a necessary read as a setup for the End Battle.

It ISN'T up to the standards of all the rest of the series, however. A whole lot of bathing happened. And politics. And consequences for poor choices.

And then, there's also Matt. He may not fully redeem an otherwise below-par WoT novel, but he sure as hell shone with his interactions with Tuon. And I laughed my head off. I laughed harder when he broke down into laughter, too. So sweet. :)

So why did I give this a five-star? Because it's like poo-pooing one of Terry Pratchett's worst novels. It's still wildly entertaining even through all its flaws.

It's a RELATIVE slog compared to the rest of the series.

And I should also point out that I know what's coming since this is a re-read. I know how much of this is foreshadowing, how much of it appears to be innocuous but certainly isn't. And I also know how freaking great all the later action will be after we get through the slow build-up.

One can't always judge a book alone. Even single books have a wider context. :)
Profile Image for Trish.
2,210 reviews3,689 followers
July 20, 2022
Wow, 10 books into the series ... I hadn't imagined such progress to be honest. But the books are easy enough to read despite the host of characters and a massive scale of events.

And then there is the reveal in this "worst" of volumes.
The events of this book almost all take place simultaneously to the ones of book 9 - but offer other POVs and thus more puzzle pieces.
Elayne, for example, was mentioned in the previous volume, but we weren't with her; here, we are. She is fighting for what is rightfully hers: the throne of Andor that has been her family's right for generations. A throne she intends to secure not only for herself, not only for Rand, but for their children as well. Yep, you read that correctly. *grins*
Likewise, we haven't been with Perrin except for very shortly, but get much more of his frantic and more and more violent search for his wife now. Can't say that was my favorite part because while I love Perrin and his development, I don't like Faile much anymore and Perrin's self-torture got tedious. He definitely needs to pull his head out of his ass. But the accumulation of fighting forces, the magic/curse behind the axe, what they encountered in So Harbor ... that was very engaging.
Then there was Mat. I mean, how could that not be my favorite part?! Interestingly though, it actually WASN'T my favorite POV in this book. Sure, he kidnapped his soon-to-be-wife at the end of the previous installment and now we see him having his hands full. Few options, a number of hilarious moments. Everyone always imagines being "the chosen one" was cool - apparently that is just good PR though. I mean, Mat isn't even THE chosen one and yet, fate and the snares it wraps around him ... *snickers*
Still, the POV that actually took the cake was Egwene's! I know, who would have thought! I mean, the fight between the rebel Aes Sedai and the White Tower was a long time coming so it was a relief to finally get to the siege here. And it went ... as expected. Muhahahahahaha. Nevertheless, I didn’t imagine I could get sucked into the maelstrom of intrigues and counter-intrigues, rebel Aes Sedai, Black Ajah Sedai, "normal" but power-hungry Aes Sedai quite this much - and yet I did. The greatness of Jordan's writing is that no matter how much you have expected an event, when it is finally here, you are still shocked and on the edge of your seat while seeing it through. I'm sure there will be a satisfactory resolution in the end but ... it might take a while and I don't see HOW yet. Hm.
Of course, there is a further thickening of the plot once Rand also gets thrown into the mix. That was weird after having experienced what he did so Shadar Logoth from the POVs of all these other people. Did we expect all to be fine and dandy after he and Nynaeve healed the taint on saidin? If you did, you better think again. Because for one, only men can feel what Rand has accomplished and for the other, men able to channel won't just be accepted and seen as allies because someone says they are - not after hundreds and thousands of years of them being taboo. However, it was infuriating to see that the men didn't really realize what HE had done but credited "the Creator" with it. *rolls eyes*

As mentioned in the beginning, what I consider the most important aspect of this book was something else. Namely the realization that has indeed found a way to . Sure, it's still tentative (much like ) but I think anyone can imagine what this means and just how dangerous it is!

Likewise, I also said that this was the worst volume in the series so far and it definitely was. But "worst" is relative considering the quality of the series. I mean, on his worst day, Jordan wrote stuff that is 10 times better than 98% of the other stuff out there. Still, I had to fight my way through the events and POVs of this installment which was so arduous at times that I'm even deducting a star!
I'm wondering how much of that has had to do with the author's sickness. Supposedly, the next volume(s) will be better again. I have faith.
Profile Image for Ashley.
3,129 reviews2,169 followers
March 2, 2018
Normally in my WOT reviews I list things that actually happened (things of significance) in these books so as to illustrate how much space was taken up by non-essential real estate. How much Jordan veered from the idea of ‘the narrative’ as a concept. Quite literally, as of this book, Jordan lost the plot entirely. Nothing. Happens. In. This. Book. And my copy has 822 pages of text, not including the glossary and maps.

There is infinitesimal movement on all fronts. Mostly the characters just sit around talking about stuff that has happened, and stuff they think is going to happen. They don’t do anything. The most significant thing that happens this book is that Jordan makes sure to have each storyline at one point react to Rand cleansing the taint from Saidin, which is not even something that happened in this book. So, the most exciting thing to be found here is characters reacting to something that happened in another book. Um.

There is no indication at all that Jordan has tried to adhere to having conflict, rising tension, a climax or a resolution, as most people would agree are the things that make up a story. If he has, it’s series long, and this book is the bit in between the rising tension and the climax, where he slipped off to have a nap while he tried to figure things out. This is an 822 page status update.

The only two things that held my attention were Cadsuane, and Mat and Tuon. Cadsuane, because even I can tell that she’s a badass, and her getting Rand to cooperate is worth noting, even if she hasn’t actually done anything yet with that power. And Mat and Tuon because I was eager to see what the dynamic between the two of them would be. Spoiler: they were prophesied to marry each other, both of them know about this, but neither knows the other knows. This is a great set-up for a romance! Unfortunately, Jordan mostly wastes that opportunity, in my opinion. Their relationship dynamic seems to be yet another in a seemingly endless line of men and women in these books who court each other by being as antagonistic as possible. Yawn. (There were glimmers of something interesting a couple of times. First, when Tuon sees how distraught Mat is at learning Tylin has died, there was something like a genuine human connection. And then again . . . nope. It’s gone. I know there was something else, but I can’t remember it.)

Anyway, I’ve been assured this is the worst of the series by far, so hopefully it will only go up from here!

[1.5 stars]
Profile Image for Mike's Book Reviews.
174 reviews8,031 followers
March 3, 2020
Full Video Review Here: https://youtu.be/LoSuLLT6rxY

Ever since I first began reading this series a year ago I have heard nothing but horror stories about this book. Were they true? Not really. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying this is a good book, but the legacy it has received as the AIDS of the series is quite overblown.

I went into the book expecting absolutely nothing to happen and there is a lot of fluff, but there are two HUGE moments in this book that resonated with me on another level. The White Tower stuff is finally interesting to read and Perrin has moment, at last, that moves his character forward.

Most of the mistakes with this book, and the past few, could have been fixed in editing. I certainly see the problems and if I was able to rearrange this story I think I would suggest this book comes before Winters Heart. Because a lot of this book is characters wondering what the hell happened at Shadar Logoth when we already know as the reader. Therefore, there's no threat. I feel like if it had been the other way around and we didn’t know we’d be like what the hell is going on out there and then the actual event being what happens at the end of Winter's Heart would have been so much more rewarding. For me, the mystery would have been better than the reaction to the event.

I may revise this down the road, but as of right now…I like it better than Path of Daggers. I don’t know if that’s because the expectations were lowered or that Perrin finally had a character arc or what, but I’d read this a second time before I read the first half of Path of Daggers ever again. That may seem like a hot take and recency bias, but that’s where I’m at right now.

So was there a slog? Definitely. I can see why folks might have bailed during this stretch. I believe that a really great editor could have gotten books 8-10 down to one 700 page book that was just phenomenal. Everyone tells me the last 4 books are a thrill ride and worth it after the slog and I’m excited to find out.
Profile Image for Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ .
1,282 reviews8,895 followers
January 17, 2022
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

NOTICE: this reread is in preparation for finally biting the bullet and reading book 14. That means I HAVE NOT read book 14 yet. Please be mindful of this in the comments, both for me and for others who may or may not have progressed past this point in the series. Thank you.

3.5 stars

CROSSROADS OF TWILIGHT is notoriously many WoT fans' least favorite book in series. It's been years since I last read it, so I let all the negative hype get to me, and I started dreading my revisit, but it wasn't half as bad as people made it out to be.

I think the main problem is that for more than half of the book, we're reliving how the previous installment ended from numerous alternate POVs. It doesn't help that the key event we're reliving took up less than 10% the first time around.

So we spend five times as long on a less exciting version of events.


The fact that we've already experienced this time period is unrelated to all the new things. New things that are important to the End Game, and if you focus on the new material, rather than the lack of forward motion in the timeline, it's still a good installment.


Important/Cool stuff, or all the reasons why CoT doesn't suck:

1. Noal Charin--who is he really?

We meet this old guy in WoT #9, and if you're like me, you were quickly smitten with his tales of grand adventures past . . .

Then CROSSROADS OF TWILIGHT opens with the usual snippet of prophecy, except in the notation, the translation is attributed to one Jain Charin, also known as . . . wait for it . . . JAIN FARSTRIDER.

Is Noel really the famous traveler, originally from Malkier?

I don't know, but I'm hopeful.

2. That smarmy Captain in Elayne's guard . . .

Gets the set down of his life, from (the usually useless) Elayne no less, and the varying reactions of three Aes Sedai in question give us our first solid lead on the identity of the Black Sister.

3. Egwene figures out how to make cuendillar.

Which may not sound like a big deal, but it is. Trust me. Egwene's got a plan.

4. Aes Sedai are bonding Asha'men all over the place.

Asha'men are bonding Aes Sedai too, and I predict CHAOS. If for no other reason than the Warder bond doesn't work the same way on men who can channel as it does on men who can't.

5. Halima disappears long enough for Egwene to get her Dream on.

And not only does she have a second Dream that suggests Mat will be successful in his endeavor to blow shit up, but she has a dream about a Seanchan woman with a sword and a shifting face who will help her.

No specifics on how this mystery woman will help Egwene yet, but I'm hopeful that the shifting face means that she's another Hero attached to the Wheel, spun back into world for Tarmon Gai'don.

6. The Dark One made flesh . . . sort of.

*waves at Shaidar Haran*

“Do you think Hand of the Shadow is just a name?” The Myrddraal’s voice no longer grated. Hollow, it seemed to boom down caverns from some unimaginable distance. The creature grew as it spoke, swelling in size till its head brushed the ceiling, over two spans up. “You were summoned, and you did not come. My hand reaches far, Mesaana.”

Fair warning, this particular scene suggests that rape is being used as punishment. It's left at insinuation, but still . . . FYI.

7+. All the Big Deal stuff I need to spoiler tag.

Once again, there are a multitude of interesting questions raised, the foremost being, who is Norla from the Black Hills? And once again, I heartily recommend this series. #cantstopwontstop

Jessica Signature

My other reviews for this series:

The Eye of the World (Wheel of Time, #1) by Robert Jordan
The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time, #2) by Robert Jordan
The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time, #3) by Robert Jordan
The Shadow Rising (Wheel of Time, #4) by Robert Jordan
The Fires of Heaven (Wheel of Time, #5) by Robert Jordan
Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time, #6) by Robert Jordan
A Crown of Swords (Wheel of Time, #7) by Robert Jordan
The Path of Daggers (Wheel of Time, #8) by Robert Jordan
Winter's Heart (Wheel of Time, #9) by Robert Jordan
New Spring (Wheel of Time, #0) by Robert Jordan
Profile Image for Adam.
100 reviews13 followers
December 6, 2011
Hmmm. Well, the good news is it's not as bad as everyone says it is. The bad news is it's not all that great either.

In quickly scanning the last 10 or so reviews of this book, the complaints pretty much boil down to "it moves slowly" and "nothing happens."

I rather disagree with the latter.* The former, unfortunately, is pretty spot on. The actual problem with this book, as I see it, is not that nothing happens (see A Path of Daggers, which was great) or that it moves slowly (See The Fires of Heaven, which was really great), it's that a couple of small problems dominate the attention of the reader and obfuscate the actual value of the story.

Here's what I mean. Throughout the Wheel Of Time there are a couple of things that happen fairly consistently in each of the books: 1) The prologue visits a few minor or semi-major characters and gives updates on their stories, and usually there's at least one major event that takes place here, which gives momentum to the rest of the book. 2) The book is composed of vignettes that further the viewpoints of a few co-located characters, and these vignettes have a beginning, and middle, and an end (usually a cliffhanger, of course.) 3) There is a major, dramatic, world-changing ending (that usually takes about 80-100 pages).

Here's what happens in this book. 1) The prologue covers 7 characters, and a whole bunch of the characters covered are either showing up for the first time, or have been very rarely featured. After the absolutely breathless conclusion to Winter's Heart, I don't want to know what @#$%ing Rodel Ituralde is doing in $%^&ing Tarabon, I want to know whether Saidin is actually cleansed! So this deals an immediate blow to the momentum of the book.

Then, as indicated in 2) we continue with the mini-novels advancing the story lines or Perrin & Faile, Mat, Elayne, Egwene, and Rand. And most of these aren't bad. Perrin's story moves briskly along, he figures out where the Shaido are and he galvanizes as a leader. Moreover, the fantastic So Harbor sequence shows that Robert Jordan still has some surprises up his sleeve. Mat's story line is equally compelling,** mostly because of his blossoming relationship with Tuon (which is handled much more interestingly and delicately than Nynaeve and Lan's: "oh, by the way, we're in love, too bad we're doomed" from book, uh, 1? 2?) Rand's section is great as always, no worries there. And even Elayne's political wrangling, although short on actual outcomes does a reasonably effective job of discussing pregnancy, leadership, politics, and how the three interact.

The real problem here is Egwene and her storyline. For starters, it's a bad sign when the first thing that happens in your storyline is that someone (in this case Gareth Bryne) says "If you act now, which you have the capability to do all your problems will be solved." and you (in this case Egwene) responds "No, that wouldn't be in character. Let's dither for 200 pages." Now, to be fair, I respect Robert Jordan for this. It certainly is true to Egwene's chracter, and I've even complained (what was I thinking!) about some of the rapid fire decisions made by the characters (well, Rand) leading up to the finales. (Books 5 *AND* 7 both end with what amounts to "suddenly, Rand decided to challenge one of the forsaken...".) But the way it's presented, right at the beginning of the Egwene's storyline, really kills the momentum of the book***, so much so that I left off on page 500 for something like 4 weeks.

And finally, remember how I mentioned 3)? The great endings that change the world and leave the reader breathless and wanting more? Well, that's here all right. And it even comes from Egwene's storyline. The problem is, the part of it that's worthy to be called a finale is two paragraphs long. On page 818 of the paperback (out of 822) I still had no idea what was going on, or why I should care. Seriously unsatisfying, especially compared to....any of the other books.

I repeat, there is still a lot of good in here. And there are some remarkable things about this book. For example, both Elayne and Egwene's story lines feature almost no male characters whatsoever. Robert Jordan has blown the Bechdel test out of the water. Moreover, by slowing down the pace of the story, the challenges facing the characters seem more difficult, and thus their struggles feel more epic. I like all this very much. I genuinely think that if the prologue had featured a little more action, if Egwene's storylines had been structured in the novel a little differently, and if the finale were better constructed, that this would have been much more comparable to any of the last, each of which I enjoyed more than this.

* I stand by this statement, however, having started book 11, I was forced to comment: "More happens in the first 39 pages of Knife of Dreams than happens in the entirety of Crossroads of Twilight."

** Except for one minor detail. Remember how in Fires of Heaven, Elayne and Nynaeve join the circus and it's freaking maddening becauwe Nynaeve can't stop thinking about her scandalous low cut dress and Elayne's too tight trousers? Well, guess what, Mat joins a circus too. THE SAME @#$%ing CIRCUS. I would hold this more against Robert Jordan if I wasn't convinced that this was an intentional self parody...

*** Which is too bad, because there's again a lot of good in Egwene's storyline. There are murder mysteries and Age of Legends-esque discoveries! There is intrigue and subterfuge! And the relationship between Egwene and Halima is the creepiest thing in the entire series so far.
Profile Image for Constantine.
986 reviews281 followers
March 5, 2021
Rating: Good

Genre: Epic Fantasy

Crossroads of Twilight is book number ten in the Wheel of Time series. This is considered one of the least loved books in the series and so far I agree with that. I think this one and Winter’s Heart are both very slow and little happens in books that are over 600 pages which is not OK. To be honest I don’t even know how to review this installment as hardly anything happened. When compared to the first eight books this one is truly bland and full of fillers instead of the real meat that the other books offered. I don’t understand what went wrong and what was the reason the author let a great series like that go downhill in this way.

Surprisingly several main characters are almost absent like Nynaeve and Lan while the point of view of some side characters continues. The problem here is that some of these side characters are not even interesting or not relevant to the story and I did not care about their POVs one bit. When it comes to the main plot’s overall movement I’d say nothing important happens. Some of the side stories remain unresolved like Perrin’s rescue attempt or Elayne’s army building. I feel the main highlight of this book is the conflict and politics between the White Tower and the rebels. The major interesting thing that happens is in the last and it happens to Egwene. That is what makes you look forward to the next book.

A friend of mine who read the whole series and loved it a lot warned me before about how slow books 8 - 10 are. He said if I was able to survive the slog (Because many readers quit at this point) I will enjoy the remaining four books in the series. I am glad I have survived! And I am continuing the series and excited to know that the boring parts are already over (I hope so). Why this is not two stars instead of three? Because I still like these characters and feel attached to them. I just think that this one and the previous book could have been one strong action-packed book instead of two watered-down ones.

Profile Image for Jonathan Terrington.
595 reviews586 followers
June 10, 2017

Crossroads of Twilight is an ugly duckling in The Wheel of Time. Parts of the book are chronologically set in the same time span as the previous book and other parts are set in the 'current' time after the ninth book. Adding to the unorthodox chronological timing of this book is the fact that, of all the books in this series, this book is a 'filler' book. That is not to say that nothing worth noting happens in this book. However, I feel that this book could have done better had it been edited and strung together with either book nine alone or with book eight and nine.

What keeps me reading these books however is the characterisation, the magic and the general world-building. As I've mentioned several times Robert Jordan was never the greatest word-smith. His turn of phrase is at times clumsy in his books and his word choice under deep examination would perhaps prove quite flawed. However in my eyes the flaws humanise these novels and serve to remove that element of pomposity I sense in other fantasy epics. I'm not saying that at times Jordan doesn't lose track of how big his world is, but I don't sense that in his writing he is suggesting that the reader look at how amazing he is and how good he is. Something that I have sensed in the popular A Game of Thrones. I'm saying that Robert Jordan, while he was alive, was likely a down to earth individual simply judging from his easy going style with writing and that is something that appeals to me, ridiculous as that may sound.

One of the major themes of The Wheel of Time is birth, death and rebirth. In many ways, while this is a popularised fantasy epic it also has ideas within it about life, ideas which are important to our reality. That said, this is at its heart, still designed to be a story rather than a lesson in how we are to live. So I can't recommend that you go into these novels expecting anything other than a fascinating story. I feel that I simply happen to see more in the novels than is presented to the casual reader. And yet I make sure that I never read so far into the books that everything becomes a metaphor for some real world event.

To go back to the topic of birth, death and rebirth, I find that in this series the characters particularly represent rebirth. There is the element of characters literally being reborn heroes from the past, an idea which resonates with me in that it symbolises how history repeats itself, with old 'archetypes' and scenarios recurring and great leaders/heroes arising. However the other way that rebirth is shown is a symbolic rebirth with characters being transformed from regular farmherds into magic wielding heroes. And, unlike most other books which take this 'heroes' journey' route, the series generally has decent character progression with the exception of one or two exceptions.

As said in other reviews I recommend the series with the warning that some of the books are a slow drag compared to others. This is one of the slow dragging novels, and one of the last, with the next book speeding up and featuring many important plot points.

Profile Image for Manveer.
168 reviews185 followers
January 2, 2019
Alright. According to popular opinion, this is the worst book in the series. And it kind of is. It is not bad in the conventional way, it is just very very slow.

Like literally nothing happened in this half length book. But as a I explained earlier, I like slow. Heck, I love slow, if it also includes insight into the characters' minds and helps expand the scope of the series. And these things were there.

Okay, so this book was about Mat and Perrin, and Rand barely showed up. Well, I don't like Perrin, not since he married that bitchy excuse of a girl. But my dislike for a character and him being in a book is no excuse to hate the book. He has been written that way.
Mat's chapters, I loved.
140 reviews15 followers
January 22, 2024
Perrin contemppla cómo realizar un rescate casi imposible; Mat Cauthon sigue huyendo, incluso si no sabe si le asusta más que los dados rueden o que se detengan; Elayne Trakand continúa con su reclamación al trono, ajena a que nuevas conspiraciones en su contra se acercan o la rodean ya; Egwene al’Vere se prepara para una guerra, dispuesta a todo con tal de unificar la Torre Blanca.

Con rumores de muertos que caminan, los seanchan aumentando, tratos peligrosos y secuestros poniéndose de moda, este libro también podría estar gritando que las cosas se están descontrolando o van rumbo a hacerlo y rápido.

"—No creerás que ella va a completar la ceremonia, ¿verdad?
—¿Qué ceremonia?
—La llamaste tu esposa tres veces esa noche en Ebou Dar. ¿De verdad no lo sabes? Una mujer dice tres veces que un hombre es su esposo y él dice tres veces que ella es su esposa, y están casados. Por lo general hay también bendiciones, pero es decir eso delante de testigos lo que hace que sea un matrimonio. ¿De verdad no lo sabías?
Mat se echó a reír y se encogió de hombros, pero su risa sonó ronca.
—Pero ella no dijo nada. De modo que, dijera yo lo que dijera, no significa nada. —Pero sabía lo que Egeanin iba a contestar. Lo sabía, tan seguro como que el agua mojaba. Le habían anunciado con quién iba a casarse.
—Con la Sangre eso da igual. A veces un noble de una punta del imperio se casa con una noble que vive en la otra. Un matrimonio convenido. En la familia imperial siempre son así. Si no quieren esperar hasta que puedan estar juntos, cada cual reconoce el matrimonio con esa fórmula allí donde esté. Siempre y cuando lo hagan delante de testigos, antes de que se cumpla un año y un día el matrimonio es legal."

Oh, dioses.
Profile Image for Maria Dimitrova.
745 reviews146 followers
November 4, 2016
Buddy Read with the awesome people of BB&B!

Ten months ago I would have taken one look at this book, read a couple of chapters and promptly given up because basically nothing happens. It's a testament to Mr. Jordan's ability to spin a web of characters, events and places around the reader, that now after reading all the previous books in the series I didn't find this boring at all. Slow and frustrating at times but not boring. I remember bitching about books 1-3 with their slow build-up and excessive descriptions and I strongly suspect that if I'm to read them now it won't bother me at all. Because compared to this one they were choke-full of action. In a way, here, we take a breath after the explosive end of Winter's Heart. It focuses on manoeuvring and politics, it sets the stage for future events and shows that despite the monumental event that was the cleansing of saidin the world hasn't changed a bit. It's still on a crash course to total annihilation and everyone is scrambling to avoid it but despite their best intentions are making things worse. Our protagonists slip farther towards darkness and madness and you can practically feel the desperation that drives them. The only bright spot was Mat and his attempts to woo the Daughter of the Nine Moons. That was hilarious and a much needed break from all the bleakness. And as we get closer to Tarmon Gai'don I feel we will have less of those funny and light exchanges and more death and desperation.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,484 reviews

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