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Tales From The Bedside: True Stories From A Night-Shift ICU Nurse

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Tales From The Bedside is a collection of short stories from a caring and brilliant ICU nurse. Her stories will captivate you, make you laugh, warm your heart, shake your head, and just maybe... will inspire you, too. Step inside to go behind the scenes of a world unlike any other in the healthcare industry. "Cynics do not contribute. Skeptics do not create. Doubters do not achieve." - Gordon B. Hinckley "Be never tell unkind stories; above all, never tell long ones." - Benjamin Disraeli • Download your Free Kindle App, now. Read Kindle books on any device (smartphone, tablet, pc).

69 pages, Kindle Edition

Published November 30, 2016

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About the author

Stephanie Klipple

1 book2 followers

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5 stars
253 (30%)
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169 (20%)
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198 (24%)
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118 (14%)
1 star
81 (9%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews
87 reviews
January 4, 2021
I quite enjoy these sorts of books where medical professionals share anecdotes and experiences. This one left me cold. The author comes across as arrogant and believing they are a saint. The few stories that aren't massaging the author's ego are so short and lacking in detail they're barely worth the effort of turning the page. Do not recommend
November 12, 2019
Brief, fortunately

More than half the stories were just not very interesting. Luckily thr book is very short. Any longer and I wouldn't have finished it. Also. the constant LOL was irritating. This is a book, for pity's sake, not a text message! And most of the things you LOLed about didn't even rate a faint chuckle from me.
Profile Image for Laura.
776 reviews111 followers
September 1, 2023
I couldn’t take this seriously. I’m not sure who decided to put this together as a book but it wasn’t a great idea. There’s zero formatting, no chapters and the editing is non existent. Instead, it’s a mere collection of comments that appear like one big Facebook post thread - complete with LOL’s, LMAO’s and RANT OVER!!!

There are lots of great medical memoirs out there. This isn’t one of them.
Profile Image for Meredith Inglis.
152 reviews4 followers
January 18, 2020
This was a quick read that taught me about, “nurse life”; as I like to say.

I enjoyed the stories and thought Stephanie is a great patient advocate.

The only reason I’m rating 4 stars?

The constant: LOL! / OMG that took away from a valuable story. Very distracting and out of place.

The other reason? A lot of medical jargon I did not understand. I am reading another nursing book that gives detailed definitions of all the jargon. I am a not a nurse; so I feel like this book was tailored just for nurses.

Keep up the good work, SK!

Profile Image for Ruthy lavin.
451 reviews
January 18, 2021
Not great... a very quick read which could have been so much more interesting!
Not enough information, too much emphasis on what a wonderful nurse the author is, and the content is a bit repetitive.
2 stars.
Profile Image for Christine Cazeneuve.
1,275 reviews29 followers
February 5, 2023
2.5 stars

Disappointed. These were not stories but just a few paragraphs, if even that, of people that this ICU nurse took care of. I applaud and respect these hard working and dedicated professionals, but this very short book seemed to be more about the authors stories than her patients.
Profile Image for Jasmine Annalise.
22 reviews2 followers
June 17, 2024
I really hope this author is a better nurse than she is a writer. A sloppy attempt at a medical memoir tbh
Profile Image for Deborah.
629 reviews80 followers
October 15, 2020
ICU nurse

A few stories about several patients. Short book about being kind and attentive to patients. This nurse takes care of physical and emotional needs.
1,299 reviews
December 15, 2020
short and sweet

Some folks are amusing, other folks are aggressive. Some folks are sorrowful and some are coming towards the end of their lives in this volume. Most of them are scared or out of it and all are cared for in the best possible way by this nurse or that’s how the book comes across and I’m sure it’s true too. Nursing is a difficult job at the best of times what with having to deal with patients though most seem co-pperative enough but then there’s the politics of the hospital not touched on here mind, just stories of people that need to be looked after and cared about. There’s some medical jargon here which is to be expected. All the stories are short and all of them humourous, insightful or just sweet. Very nice read.
40 reviews1 follower
January 14, 2021
What a wonderful soul!

This book makes you feel for every wrongful person, out.there they are actually care, and I wish I could thank every one of them, because without them humanity would seize to exist. Thank goodness for these people, and let's hope when we finally get the world back to normal. Whatever that might mean, we learn to look out for each other, and the world has a lot more Stephanie's , as I feel the world will need them even more.
13 reviews
July 19, 2021
More like musings than stories. Short vignettes which are at most one page each. I didn't feel like I experienced her world or even glanced at it. No depths or insights. An easy read which passed the time but I can't say much more than that. The author seems quite full of herself and, please, don't put LOL in a written book, especially when it seems to serve no purpose (she places it after things which aren't even remotely funny)
1 review1 follower
August 31, 2020
Good stories

My only complaint, is that some of the stories ended too soon. Dr. Holmes MD, started out with all the things he could do, with his remarkable brain. I was expecting to read a case story that illustrated his freaky intelligence, but, sadly, no. Other than that, nice job.
1 review
November 28, 2020
Good Stories

I enjoyed the stories in the book. However I was very surprised to see that the book I purchased and downloaded onto my Kindle was skipping pages. The pages would skip anywhere from 3 to 13 pages. I would liked to have read the entire book. But like I said I did enjoy the stories I did get to read.
Profile Image for Gail.
1,869 reviews16 followers
February 28, 2020
Good book

Interesting snips from an Registered Nurse's career. Stephanie seems like a very caring nursery compassion for her patients. I only gave three stars for this book as it is so short. I feel she could have made it longer in her varied career.
Profile Image for Gina Hopkins.
9 reviews
April 18, 2020
Short sharp and hard to follow

This a book of short stories, some very short. Lots of opinions expressed with no context so there is no flow to this book, who uses LOL, in a written book?

Not my kind of read as it has no substance.
249 reviews6 followers
February 27, 2021
A surprisingly uplifting read

I started this book unsure as to why I'd chosen it. Indeed, unsure that I had intentionally chosen it. However, it turned out to be a thought provoking, funny, inspiring read. The author is obviously a fantastic nurse.
116 reviews7 followers
May 28, 2021

What a lovely set of stories about the wonderful job all health care staff give to unwell people. Many go beyond the job when caring for the sick and often get no thank you for it
June 5, 2021
Observations of a healthcare angel

Informative, funny, sad. These three words describe this book written by this healthcare hero. I highly recommend this book especiallyif you are considering a career in nursing.
7 reviews
October 17, 2021
I enjoyed the style of Stephanie Klipple's writing but it took me just 2 hours to read it when I might have expected something more substantial. It did however, give another glimpse of nursing in an ICU in an American setting.
144 reviews2 followers
December 25, 2021
We all need to read this kind of books

We need to treat our nurses with kindness.I really never thought about all they put up with and we thought our jobs were hard. I have no idea how they do it but thanks..
66 reviews
June 29, 2022
I'm sorry I read this book!

BORING! NOT INTERESTING, NOT FUNNY, NOT ANYTHING! I have always felt compelled to finish any book I start. This book has made me change my mind - the next one I feel THIS way about is TOAST!
Profile Image for Isabel Vanlint.
248 reviews1 follower
September 6, 2022
I thought this was interesting and although I did struggle with how short some of the sections were at times, I did like that it kind of gave it the feeling of reading someone’s diary. With most of the stories there wasn’t much detail or context which was sometimes disappointing but again it felt a bit more realistic than some super detailed medical memoirs.
2 reviews
April 21, 2023
Very Sincere and Genuine

I enjoyed reading it very much. Very inspiring. Keep writing about your experiences. Hopefully your next book or the next edition of this book will have more stories. Keep up the good work.

3 reviews
September 13, 2018
Loved it

Great writing...very honest. Wish it was longer and had more details and specifics... could learn a lot from her experience
Profile Image for Teresa Lavoie.
65 reviews
November 11, 2019
This book was interesting but very short.I worked as a night shift nurse in critical care and had many of the same events.Reminded me of why I retired from nursing.
March 10, 2020
Hardly a book

This is a Series of brief anecdotes from an ICU nurse. Finished within minutes. No stories that will stay with me.
42 reviews3 followers
July 13, 2020

Hum drum and less than mediocre. Don't waste your money or time...........The stories are not even stories. They were the authors impression of people and situations
7 reviews
July 25, 2020
Conceited much?

This book is mostly
The author telling you how great and how beautiful she is. Not worth the price tag.
23 reviews2 followers
August 6, 2020

This was well written and easy to read. Thank you for sharing your experience with me. I'm studying to become a CNA and enjoyed the stories. God's blessing on you always!
1 review
November 17, 2020
A very short, entertaining and candidly written experience of an RN. Its a quick and easy read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews

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