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Jewish Literacy Revised Ed: The Most Important Things to Know About the Jewish Religion, Its People, and Its History

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Widely recognized as one of the most respected and indispensable reference books on Jewish life, culture, tradition, and religion, Jewish Literacy covers every essential aspect of the Jewish people and Judaism. Rabbi Telushkin discusses everything from the Jewish Bible and Talmud to Jewish notions of ethics to antisemitism and the Holocaust; from the history of Jews around the world to Zionism and the politics of a Jewish state; from the significance of religious traditions and holidays to how they are practiced in daily life. Whether you want to know more about Judaism in general or have specific questions you'd like answered, Jewish Literacy is sure to contain the information you need. Rabbi Telushkin's expert knowledge of Judaism makes the updated and revised edition of Jewish Literacy an invaluable reference. A comprehensive yet thoroughly accessible resource for anyone interested in learning the fundamentals of Judaism, Jewish Literacy is a must for every Jewish home.

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First published April 26, 1991

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About the author

Joseph Telushkin

37 books158 followers
Joseph Telushkin (born 1948) is an American rabbi, lecturer, and best selling author. His more than 15 books include several volumes about Jewish ethics, Jewish Literacy, as well as "Rebbe", a New York Times best seller released in June 2014

Telushkin was raised in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Solomon and Hellen Telushkin. He attended Yeshiva of Flatbush where met his future co-author Dennis Prager. While at Columbia University, they authored Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism and Why the Jews?: The Reason for Antisemitism.

While at University, Telushkin was an active leader of the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry. As part of his position, Telushkin visited the Soviet Union where he met with dissidents such as Andrei Sakharov. He was eventually listed by the KGB as an anti-Russian agent.

An Orthodox rabbi by training, Telushkin serves as a spiritual leader of Los Angeles’ Synagogue for the Performing Arts, founded in 1972 by Rabbi Jerome Cutler. He is an associate of the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership and a former director of education at the non-denominational Brandeis-Bardin Institute. Telushkin is also a Senior Associate with CLAL, the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, and is a member of the board of directors of the Jewish Book Council. He has been on the Newsweek's list of the 50 most influential Rabbis in America since 1997.

Telushkin is the author of sixteen books on Judaism. His book, Words that Hurt, Words that Heal, inspired Senators Joseph Lieberman’s and Connie Mack’s Senate Resolution #151 to establish a National Speak No Evil Day in the United States, a day in which Americans would go for twenty-four hours without saying anything unkind or unfair about, or to, anyone. His book, Jewish Literacy: The Most Important Things to Know About the Jewish Religion, Its People and Its History, is one of the best-selling books on Judaism of the past two decades. More than two decades after its publication, the book remains a foundation text for Jews, non-Jews, and prospective converts alike. The first volume of A Code of Jewish Ethics, entitled A Code of Jewish Ethics: You Shall be Holy, which Telushkin regards as his major life's work, was published in 2006. The second volume, entitled, A Code of Jewish Ethics: Love Your Neighbor, was released in 2009.

In 2013, Telushkin was invited by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres to speak before the commission in Geneva.

In 2014, Telushkin released "Rebbe: The life and teachings of Menachem M. Schneerson, the most influential Rabbi in Modern History" which appeared on all the major best seller lists including New York Times Best Seller list, Wall Street Journal and Publishers Weekly.

Telushkin tours the United States as a lecturer on Jewish topics, and has been named by Talk Magazine as one of the fifty best speakers in the United States. He wrote the episode 'Bar Mitzvah' on Touched by an Angel guest starring Kirk Douglas.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 162 reviews
11 reviews2 followers
December 4, 2013
I appreciate the usefulness of an encyclopedia of Judaism, but I can't get over the inflammatory statements (such as, 'Muslims like to build temples on the destroyed temples of other religions' or categorizing all antizionist jews as self-hating, and categorizing all antizionist gentiles as antisemitic). I felt the term antisemitic was thrown around fairly easily while at the same time making wild generalizations about non-Jewish groups. I am irreligious so I prefer an objective POV for these sorts of reference books, and this was not objective. I have read other objective texts written by religious figures, so I don't think it's asking too much.
Profile Image for char.
307 reviews5 followers
June 25, 2013
The book was extremely thorough and educational, and works both as a collection of individual encyclopedic entries and as a whole cohesive narrative. However, it only gets three stars because of the distracting and persistent Islamaphobia that came up every time the author mentions "Mohammed" or laments the permanence of the mosque at the Dome on the Rock, lest there be "an international Islamic jihad (holy war)." He also misunderstands many themes and elements of the Qur'an, which is problematic when you're trying to compare the Qur'an to the Torah.
Profile Image for India M. Clamp.
265 reviews
August 28, 2022
Our author Joseph Telushkin was ordained at Yeshiva University and grew up in Brooklyn. With over fifteen books to his credit (non-fiction ) and cited by the President of Yeshiva University about his text “a gift to humankind," Rabbi Telushkin is an authority on Judaism. He illustrates quite simply the power of our words and how they can influence us and others in the right or wrong direction. Being mindful of the בְּרֵאשִׁית‎ and סוֹף and our non-secular substantive role in each.

“The burning but unconsumed bush recalls nothing so much as the opening chapter of Genesis, in which God’s divinity is made manifest by his unique ability to control nature.”
—Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

The breadth of knowledge in this text is all encompassing. Many people wonder what is the essence of being a Jew. Rabbi Telushkin assists us in defining the meaning of the life of a Jew and this book serves as a reference on the intertwined connection apparent in the quotidian habits of a life, traditions (Shabbat), culture and religion of Judaism. Discussions within are part of learning about the bible, Talmud and how the play of ethics surfaces from anti-semitism to the holocost.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Simcha York.
180 reviews20 followers
May 31, 2011
Rabbi Telushkin's Jewish Literacy is intended to serve as a general introduction to Judaism and Jewish culture and history. It performs more than admirably as such an introduction. Telushkin's prose is simple and elegant and capable of delivering large amounts of information with little wasted verbiage. His style is engaging as well as informative. This is no dry Judaism 101 textbook. Telushkin clearly has a love for this work and it comes through in his writing. He has an academic's grasp of the facts, and a storyteller's gift for the personal and historical anecdote.

This book is a must-have for anyone looking for a general introduction or reference to Judaism and Jewish cultural literacy.
Profile Image for Edward.
157 reviews17 followers
March 24, 2015
A good overview of Jewish ideas, history, and theological principles written by a member of the Jewish community. Arranged in short articles, the information is easy to digest regardless of background and makes for rapid reading despite its 750-page length.

The author seems to come from a fairly conservative (in the context of Judaism, not necessarily politics) mindset, but makes a sincere effort to represent the many sects, opinions, and divisions within his religion. For non-Jews, this may be the most valuable attribute of the book: dispelling monolithic assumptions about Judaism. If you grew up in any kind of Christian religious tradition, you automatically know some things about the Jewish religion, because Christianity is a historical offshoot (or appropriation, depending on who you ask) of Judaism. If your knowledge stops there though, you only get part of the picture; you've only understood something as explained by outsiders from the outside of a community.

As with any encyclopedic summary of a much broader, deeper subject, it's also important to see books like this as the beginning of further research. Because of the format, Telushkin often doesn't go into detail about topics that often have entire books devoted to them. This is not his fault, but it sometimes allows him (whether consciously or not) to gloss over facts that reflect negatively on his biases. As an example, his stance on the modern state of Israel: he is understandably very favorable toward it, its survival, and in justifying certain actions taken by its government. In one entry, he briefly mentions an incident that took place at Kafr Qasim, an Arab village within Israel's borders, in 1956, where a group of Israeli soldiers murdered almost fifty Arab civilians for unknowingly violating a curfew order. Telushkin condemns this of course, and notes how the Israeli government tried, and convicted, some of the soldiers involved. He stops there, and the reader is left with the impression that Israel holds itself to high standards when it comes to the conduct of its military. He neglected to note however, that all the convicted soldiers were pardoned within a year, and their commanding officer was given a largely symbolic fine. While this revelation doesn't mean Israelis don't care about Arab civilian deaths, it can affect one's judgement overall. It also explains why Arabs may still feel some bitterness over the affair despite an official condemnation of the soldier's actions.

Still, I think it's on the reader to tease out this kind of information and make decisions about its larger implications on his or her own. Personally, I came away with more sympathy toward Israel than I had before--and a greater awareness of the assumptions many Americans make when it comes to going too far in that direction and believing Israel can do no wrong. I look forward to reading more about Israel, and everything else Telushkin covered.
Profile Image for Coop.
41 reviews15 followers
December 26, 2018
"Jewish Literacy" is formatted as an encyclopedia of Jewish history, with 1-5 pg. entries on things like King Nebuchadnezzar and The Damascus Blood Libel. I chose to read it sequentially to my wife as a bedtime story. We found it often makes for violent and tragic bedtime stories. Nonetheless, the book is full of important summaries that seem really useful for a non-Jew trying to understand the Jewish people. Occasionally, the author shares a legend, story, or aphorism that is truly profound (I loved the chapter on Rabbi Israel Salanter). And if you've never surveyed the history of the Jews, you may be amazed by all the momentous turns of events and paradigm shifts.

I have two substantial complaints, though. The first is that Rabbi Telushkin does not delve deeply enough into the Jewish thinkers he discusses. For some figures, like Rabbi Akiva or Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik, far too much time is spent on their geographical movements and the respect afforded them, and not enough time on their actual teachings.

My second complaint is that the author is highly motivated, and not subtly, to read Zionism into potentially any part of Jewish history. If you read this book, you'll see what I mean. It becomes extremely annoying in that it feels like the author is wasting my time with politically motivated reasoning.
Profile Image for Ryan.
283 reviews25 followers
September 9, 2009
Really interesting for the first 600 pages. Har har.

Exactly what I was looking for in terms of a book on a religion - it's essentially a narrative encyclopedia about Judaism. Goes through the Bible, religious texts, historical periods, and then contemporary practice and custom (the last bit I skimmed through). It picks out events, people, ideas, and places that you should know about to have some sort of literacy when thinking about Judaism (and by extension, good parts of Christianity, Islam, and world history). Really interesting. Each entry is anywhere from a few paragraphs to a few pages, usually brief and well written.

I almost gave it 4 stars because at times he tries to paint Judiasm as logically the best choice of religions, but then I realized he's a Rabbi, writing a book called Jewish Literacy, and my goyim self should be more surprised at how even-handed and restrained it really was.
Profile Image for Laura.
62 reviews
February 18, 2010
Rabbi Telushkin's books are always welcomed on my nightstand, as his writing style is unassuming, eloquent, yet basic. This book serves almost as an anthology to all things Jewish, which is great for non-Jews to learn "why they do that?" for a variety of holidays, events, customs, tenets, etc.

Considering Christianity is founded on many principles of Judaism, I think this book should be explored more by Christians than those of our own faith. This book certainly is written to assume that the audience knows nothing of Judaism.

My favorite section of this book is that which is devoted to the noteworthy Jews of history, included Golda Meir and many others. I slowly savored each word of these mini-biographies, absorbing as much wisdom as possible.
Profile Image for Suzette Tanen.
106 reviews
December 14, 2019
I read this 670 page book over the course of the year - it's a great overview of Judaism and though I knew a lot of what's in it, R. Telushkin's stories and examples make it a very enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Olga Vainshtok.
104 reviews6 followers
January 1, 2024
Книга интересна и для евреев живущих в России, и для новых реапатриантов, и для тех, кто просто интересуется еврейским миром. Книга обладает энциклопедической полнотой: это и история евреев, и традиции, и, конечно, иудаизм. Что-то было мне знакомо, что-то нет. Но особенно меня заинтересовали трактовки некоторых событий, некоторых глав из Торы. Маленький спойлер: оказывается Талмуд регулирует даже сколько раз в неделю супруги должны заниматься сексом.
Profile Image for Susan.
140 reviews
August 6, 2010

This is an amazing book. In the past I'd used it for study but only read assigned pages. I'd also used it for reference. Since whatever I read was so interesting and educational, I finally decided to read it cover to cover. I learned SO much. It's not for in-depth knowledge with its chapters of 2-3 pages or less. But enough to know at least a little bit about almost every Jewish topic of import regarding history, theology, tradition, modern Jewish issues, important Jews and Jewish scholars, the Holocaust, etc etc. After reading, one should be literate about most aspects of Judaism. Exactly as the title says. It is a tremendous work, and clearly a long labor of love by Joseph Telushkin.
10 reviews
March 17, 2009
Written by a rabbi for Jews hoping to understand more about their own cultural, historical, and religious background, but accessible to anyone, and I found it a fascinating read for a layman with a mostly Christian-inflected upbringing. Full of little nuggets that are often underplayed in a Christian education, like the deep roots of the supposedly Christian Golden Rule in Jewish writings (Leviticus) and teachings (Rabbi Hillel).
Profile Image for βαβυλών.
43 reviews10 followers
July 2, 2020
So, I came to the conclusion this author was sort of insufferable well before I made it to the point in the book, about 1/3 through, that it devolves into nothing but virulent anti-Palestinian/pro-Zionist propaganda. There is nothing in this book that can't be found elsewhere, from authors that aren't casually Islamophobic apologists of genocide that use the n-word to make points about antisemitism. Awful.
Profile Image for Nathan Albright.
4,488 reviews132 followers
December 27, 2018
This is by no means a small book, and I must admit I have some quibbles about it--especially where the author engages in Talmudic studies--but if you want to understand Judaism from a contemporary Conservative Jew, this is certainly a worthwhile reference source although at 750 pages is not the sort of book that most people will want to plow through in one go.  Even an ambitious reader like myself read this book in chunks over the period of a couple of weeks, and I cannot imagine this book being read much faster than this without becoming the stuff of nightmares.  It should be noted that there are a lot of parallels between this book and the author's work on biblical literacy, although in both cases the author's view of biblical interpretation involves the Talmud rather than merely the midrashic interpretation that non-Jewish readers would be more amenable to.  This book could likely be considered to be the sort of work that would not be likely to appeal outside of an audience of Jews who might want to understand their own background better or those who are at least somewhat close to Judaism in terms of their own religious thinking.

This book consists of 352 entries arranged into fifteen parts that give an introduction to Jewish life and history and culture, followed by an index.  After various introductory material the author opens with a discussion about stories of the Bible, divided by book of the Bible, containing the first 63 entries (I).  After that there is a discussion of material taken from the mishnah and Talmud and the history of the second commonwealth period (II).  After this the author discusses the early medieval period where Jews were under Islam and Christianity (III), followed by the late medieval period (IV) and the early modern period in Western and Eastern Europe (V).  A somewhat sizable section includes the author's thoughts about matters relating to Zionism and Israel (VI) and another grim set of reading concerns the author's reflections on various aspects of the Holocaust (VII).  From this point the author moves on to a discussion of Jewish life in America (VIII) and short sections on Soviet Jewry (IX), Anti-Semitism (X), and Jewish texts (XI).  After this the author has some longer comments on Jewish ethics and basic beliefs (XII) as well as a discussion of the Hebrew calendar and Jewish holidays (XIII).  The author concludes the book with a discussion of the life cycle within the Jewish culture (XIV) and the synagogue and prayers of Judaism (XV), which makes for a satisfying conclusion.

With a book like this I am not necessarily looking for things I agree with because there will be much that is outside of my own experience and practice.  That said, this book was very informative and I found it a worthwhile reference material from a Jewish perspective that I could take seriously even if I did not fully agree with it.  And that is likely to be the case with many readers, as this book reveals a great deal of the division that exists over authority and interpretations and beliefs and practices that is within the Jewish community.  The author is forthright about these divisions and makes a point of talking about distinctive elements that both bind people together and separate them, and that give the Jewish community a great deal of diversity even if there are frequently similar experiences of persecution to be found within the grim experience of Jews throughout much of the world.  The author has clearly thought and read a lot and conveys a melancholy sense that there is far more to say than he can manage but that he felt it important to try to provide a guide to Jewish life and history.  The achievement, if an incomplete one, is certainly a worthwhile one, and if you want a book on the subject this is certainly a fine one.
Profile Image for James.
308 reviews2 followers
August 6, 2021
I just finished reading Jewish Literacy by Joseph Telushkin; all 750 pages. The book has been laying on my shelf, literally, since my son was confirmed at Temple, May 2012. It was given as a reward for the few kids that underwent confirmation after the Bar Mitzvah. I mentioned I was reading it tonight to one of my rabbis and suggested it as good literature to give people in the process of converting to Judaism. He said he looks for less intimidating-looking literature first, and he had a point. I will admit that I did intersperse reading it with other reading. The book looks scarily big but it is surprisingly readable and accessible for what amounts to an encyclopedia covering Jewish history, literature, practice, holidays and life-cycle.

Jewish Literacy contained a lot of material I didn't know, even though I am more involved than a typical Reform Jew. Bias alert; one of my tennis partners attended day school with him.
Profile Image for Lirazel.
341 reviews12 followers
June 21, 2020
5/5 for thoroughness and accessibility. I docked a star because sometimes Telushkin's bias comes through. He actually does a quite admirable job of presenting a range of Jewish beliefs on most topics in a fair and balanced way (if this were a Christian book, I'd describe it as ecumenical, but I don't know what the Hebrew/Jewish equivalent to that word is), especially considering that he's Orthodox, but there are definitely a few moments, many related to how he talks about the Arab world, that made me uncomfortable.

Still, I think this is a truly excellent resource and would recommend it to anyone who's trying to increase their Jewish fluency--just keep your eyes open for those moments he might go too far. I listened to the whole audiobook from start to finish, but I think this would also be very useful as a reference book.
61 reviews17 followers
October 18, 2008
This is such an enjoyable and educational book! It is full of wise stories and insights about the Bible and Jewish life that will profit everyone who reads it. The Rabbbi is a gifted writer and exteemly knowledgeable.
The book is devided into a page or two chapters that are easy and pleasant reading. Every page brings new information or a slant on things I had never considered.
There are Christians who avoid what they call the OT believing it has little to do with them. But, we are Judeo Chrisitans who branched off Judiasm and it is to our Abrahamic roots we owe the life of our faith. The more we know about Judiasm the more we know of Jesus and the faith he believed in and lived by.
Get this book, get an education and deepen your faith.
Profile Image for Kristi Magy.
27 reviews
August 16, 2011
This book isn't an absorbing read, but it is exactly as advertised. This book is, cover-to-cover, an overview of all of the important elements of Judaism. I found it an invaluable resource in my journey through conversion to Judaism, and found the references within it even more helpful. Telushkin has written or collaborated on other books about Judaism, and I would recommend those as reference and resource books as well.
Profile Image for John Weiler.
123 reviews5 followers
February 6, 2017
In his epic work, Rabbi Telushkin provides a superb introduction to all things relevant to Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish people and their history. It is next to my dictionary and I have already consulted it a number of times. I am richer and wiser because of this book.

It loses two stars because, far too many times, the author ascribes motives where it is not certain that one exists. Keep that in mind when you read this book. But, do ... read this book!
Profile Image for Eric.
104 reviews15 followers
October 22, 2021
This book was an amazing and addicting read that is accessible to a wide audience. It’s Judaism at a surface level but if one is interested in learning more, typically at the end of each chapter is a list of sources and further reading. I think the author strikes a perfect balance: informative but leaving you intellectually curious to want to know more.
106 reviews
April 25, 2018
A great overview of Jewish history, customs and beliefs. If you are interested in Judaism, this is a good reference to start with. It explains things in concise, bite size parts, from the stories of the Torah, to the creation of the state of Israel.
Profile Image for liz.nicole.
26 reviews3 followers
November 29, 2020
i think it should be called american jewish literacy, or at most ashkenazi. it is a good general primer on those things, but it was very disappointing to get almost no information on sephardi, mizrachi and ethiopian traditions and history. it's like the western civ trajectory of judaism.
Profile Image for Frank Pajunen.
112 reviews5 followers
June 12, 2022
Amazingly thorough introduction to Jewish religion, people, and history. Enjoyed the content overall and the history section was full of things I didn't know.

EDIT: I agree with other commentors that the political bias is sometimes off-putting.
Profile Image for Victoria.
42 reviews3 followers
August 12, 2010
The short chapters on Jewish essentials make this a quick and easy book to read. Chapters are backed by scholarly references and historic anecdotes. It is best used as a reference guide.
Profile Image for Martin Denton.
Author 18 books21 followers
April 18, 2023
This is a long encyclopedia-like book written some 30 years ago by a modern Orthodox rabbi. Its goal is to provide a person--Jewish or not--with all of the important information about history, culture, people, and beliefs that would be necessary to make that person "literate" in Judaism. And at that goal it basically succeeds (though of course in a few places it is out of date).

Rabbi Telushkin is at his best, in my view, in recounting the history of the Jewish people/culture; this is the largest part of the book and, for me, the most informative, providing a fair and reasonably detailed account of some five thousand years of history in readable and interesting prose. Telushkin does not shy away from providing an assertive voice as advocate for the Jewish people when needed; for example, he is quite direct in addressing President Franklin D. Roosevelt's complicity in letting the Holocaust continue. I learned a great deal from this part of the book.

The first part of the book relates stories from the Hebrew Bible in vivid, clear language; I enjoyed this part a lot. The last parts of the book deal with the teachings, ethics, and rituals of the Jewish religion, and while I don't doubt Telushkin's faithful presentation of this material, I often found it hard to reconcile my own beliefs from 60+ years on this planet with some of the customs and laws that Telushkin seems to advocate. Telushkin shows us frequently that these customs, beliefs, laws and rituals have been amended/interpreted/revised over the years to reflect then-current conditions; and further that there are at least three different branches of Judaism today, each of which offers its own take on them. This suggests to me the fundamentally important notion that the teachings are meant to be interpreted by each of us, and works like this one are invaluable in providing us with a foundation to accomplish that important task.
Profile Image for Derek Jordan.
Author 1 book6 followers
May 26, 2022
Incredibly informative.. But so very full of facts that I really had to pair down and only 'read' in 20 min or so segments otherwise I would daydream and miss 90 percent of it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 162 reviews

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