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Warriors #5

A Dangerous Path

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ShadowClan has a dark new leader, but will he be satisfied with his power now -- or does his desire for revenge burn even more strongly? Fireheart fears that there is a connection between the rise of Tigerstar and the terrible dreams that haunt his nights, murmuring of danger and death.Meanwhile, a mysterious and vicious threat unlike any other has invaded the forest, placing every cat's life in peril. Fireheart's beloved leader has turned her back on their warrior ancestors, and Fireheart can't help but wonder if she's right. Has StarClan abandoned them forever?

313 pages, Paperback

First published June 1, 2004

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About the author

Erin Hunter

292 books9,728 followers
Erin Hunter is the pseudonym of five people: Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, Tui T. Sutherland, Gillian Philip, and Inbali Iserles, as well as editor Victoria Holmes. Together, they write the Warriors series as well as the Seekers and Survivors series. Erin Hunter is working on a new series now called Bravelands.

Erin Hunter is inspired by a love of cats and a fascination with the ferocity of the natural world. As well as having a great respect for nature in all its forms, Erin enjoys creating rich mythical explanations for animal behavior, shaped by her interest in astronomy and standing stones.

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3 reviews2 followers
May 4, 2008
December 26, 2019
This is the 5th book in the first series of Erin Hunter's Warrior Cats.
Okay, I must admit: I'm an adult (thirty - something) reading these children books, but, hey, I'm a crazy cat lady, so it's okay, right?
There's only one book left in these series and everytime I think: 'This story will loose it's magic', but everytime I'm relieved that it didn't. The story is full of loyality, suspense, intrige and there's Always a clifhanger.(In this book you can take that last part very literally).
At every moment that you think the story is dragging on or is getting boring, there is a new secret, dangerous situations,...that keeps you reading further.
When the dark threat grows in the forest, you can just feel Fireheart's fear. That's an example on how the author gives the cats 'human' feelings without exagerating.

I think these series are the perfect example for kids who find it difficult to find a good book or don't like to read. Maybe these can be the doorway to other books and keeping children stimulated to read.
Profile Image for Monica.
Author 5 books303 followers
February 19, 2021
Se acerca el final y eso me entristece. Me he encariñado con estos personajes como no había pasado en mucho tiempo.
Profile Image for Emily.
92 reviews37 followers
October 16, 2022
Someone tell me why I’m out here sobbing for a children’s cat book
Profile Image for Tarmia.
198 reviews
July 17, 2017
“His voice barely more than a whisper, he added, “I love you.” Sandstorm’s eyes glowed. “I love you too, Fireheart,” she whispered.”

There is much left to be desired in this instalment of the series. Characters I loved previously became frustrating, the story dragged, and the climax of the whole thing was far from exciting. Nothing seemed to go well for Thunderclan (or Fireheart for that matter) and the final death in the book was almost a relief for me, although somewhat sad. Sadder still, my main emotion while reading this was a vague, "ehgggg"; something between frustration, annoyance, and a monotonous, "when will it end"? It was not a positive experience. I really, really enjoyed some of the previous in the series and even if they were not all that good technically they were entertaining and gripping in their content. But, although I spend so much time wanting something to happen much of this book was a lead up to a confrontation that fell short and left me wanting something....anything. I appreciated the darker atmosphere and tone but it was not communicated well. I'm still looking forward to reading the last in the first Warrior's series. I find myself wishing I had read these when I was younger, maybe I would have liked this better? Who knows. Let's just hope the next book is an improvement.
November 16, 2022
I don't like this book.
I remember not liking it as a child and I still don't like it now. It's as if all the parts which I dislike in warrior cats are conjoined into one book, with almost nothing of the parts which I enjoy.
It's the "unaware cult vibes", Blustar's madness, Lostface, the blind belief of the warriors in Starclan, the whole Bramblekit/paw story, Leopardstar (I hate Leopardstar and so should you), Tigerstar (I hate Tigerstar and so should you), cat racism and many more.
It's just all around uncomfortable to read. This is not a book I would like to give moral tips to a child.
Also, I might be chill with most religions, but if Starclan was real they'd be my only exception.
Profile Image for Brooklyn.
6 reviews6 followers
December 30, 2008
This book was full of mystery and up and down romance. Now that Fireheart has found out that his enemy, Tigerstar, has gained leadership over ShadowClan. Fireheart is very frightened that this will destroy the forest,but a threat has come to the forest that no cat could ever dream of. But now that Fireheart thinks he knows what the threat is his only problem is getting Bluestar to listen to what he has to say. Many things happen in this book, but it was my FAVORITE of the series!!!!!!
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Profile Image for Sophie Crane.
4,678 reviews168 followers
November 11, 2019
This book promises the same astonishment you feel when you read the other books in this series. Packed with suprises, jaw-dropping situations and unbelievable secrets, the story is difficult to stop reading. But above all, the amazing descriptions - the forests, the scents and sounds, the feelings and emotions, the thundering of the cats rushing into battle -make this novel come to life.
10 reviews3 followers
February 14, 2008
something is in the forest and Fireheart doesn't know what it is. Bluestar thinks that it is windclan steeling prey and she declares a fight. Fireheart found a way to stop it. Bluestar thinks every one in the clan is a traiter except for Fireheart until he stoped the fight. Riverclan tries to take part of thunderclans territory but thunderclan wont allow it. they start to fight. During the fight Bluestar tells mistyfoot and stonefur the truth that they were her kits and she gave them to riverclan. graystripe lives with riverclan now but he saves Fire heart from leapardstar and she extials him. he becomes a thunderclan cat again. whitepaw becomes a warrior and longtail is mad because his apprentice is older that him and deserves to be a warrior. since longtails apprentice and an apprentice brightpaw didn't become a warrior they went looking for the thing in the forest and try to defeat it so that they can become a warrior. Fireheart finds longtails apprentice dead and brightpaw badly injured. later Fireheart finds out that tigerstar is feeding a pack of dogs in thuderclan territory. he makes a trail of dead animals that leads to thunderclan camp and at the end of the trail is brindleface. Fireheart figures out a plan to get rid of the dogs. Bluestar risks her last life for her clan. The dogs are killed and Bluestar said that firestar will make a great leader.
Profile Image for Raven.
39 reviews13 followers
May 30, 2008
moment of silent for bluestar............................................................................................................................................I HATED HOW ANNOYING SHE WAS IN THIS BOOK but it was sad when she died because she finally understood that her clan really loved her!TIGERSTAR HAS GOT TO GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!evilllllllllllllllllllllll lol but i hate him for now on! and i agree if jacob or edward dies in twilight then i will also die!(please dont let it be JACOB I LOVE HIM!)
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3 reviews1 follower
December 12, 2020
Overall my son is enjoying the series. However, there is a passage in this book that I found offensive and disturbing. This is on page 82 of the edition we have. One of the kittens is deaf and the well respected leader of the clan says upon learning that the kitten is deaf that "I'm afraid he can never be a warrior"...he can't be taught to "fight or hunt...he can't hear commands in battle...and how could he catch prey if he can't listen" and then in the next chapter this kitten, specifically because he can't hear is killed by a hawk.

What would a child who is hard of hearing think upon reading this? The cats in this book aspire to be the best warriors they can be. That's the goal - to live by the warrior code and contribute to the clan. And here the well respected leader is saying that this kitten because he is deaf will never amount to anything and can't contribute to the community in any way.

Cats die in these books all the time and I believe it's important for children to read how the struggles and challenges they face have serious consequences but to say (not even imply) that a cat is worthless because of their deafness is beyond the pale.

I am shocked that a children's author could write these words and a publisher would print them.
Profile Image for Nalle.
432 reviews55 followers
November 21, 2016
La magia con que están escritos estos libros me hace devorarlos y disfrutarlos de una forma única. Este es hasta ahora el libro más duro de asimilar; una nueva y feroz amenaza en el bosque, un clan que trata de volver a levantarse, un traidor proclamado líder y el cumplimiento de una profecía que cambiará el destino del clan del trueno. Creo que es difícil de asimilar por la familiaridad que ya se tiene a estas alturas con los personajes y aunque sabes que un suceso en especifico era ya inevitable eso no evita que duela mucho. Es un libro duro pero preciso, lleno de momentos necesarios para lo que viene, que tengo el presentimiento que no será precisamente color rosa.
Profile Image for Hitori.
16 reviews1 follower
July 1, 2022
Zakończenie było tak słodko-gorzkie, że nie wiem czy kocham tę serię czy nienawidzę że się nade mną pastwi...
Profile Image for Kasia (kasikowykurz).
2,069 reviews57 followers
January 28, 2023
Oh wow, co to była za część! Wojownicy to seria, która z każdym tomem jest coraz lepsza. Jest coraz więcej napięcia, coraz więcej akcji i tutaj zdecydowanie działo się naprawdę dużo, a ja już wiem, że zapewne za maksymalnie kilka dni wrócę do ostatniego tomu, tylko niech ochłoną emocje! Zacznijmy od tego, że nie mogłam się oderwać i po raz kolejny zastanawiałam się, czy potrzebuję snu, czy jednak wolę skończyć książkę :). W dalszym ciągu mam tak, że w trakcie słuchania doskonale wiem, kto jet kim, ale wymienienie imion tak po prostu sprawia, że przegrzewają mi się styli - jest ich naprawdę ogrom i są do siebie podobne, ale kociaki, które je noszą są na tyle różnorodne, że łatwo się w tym połapać.

Dodatkowo została nam tutaj przedstawiona Sfora i jestem ciekawa, czy to ta sama, która dostała swoją serię książek. Jeśli tak, to może być naprawdę ciekawie! No i mamy dość smutne i niespodziewane zakończenie, ale jednocześnie jest takie... w punkt! Naprawdę fajnie kończy niektóre wątki i wywołuje smutny uśmiech. Nie mogę się doczekać finału <3
Profile Image for Kayla.
546 reviews15 followers
September 22, 2017
Second read: September 15-19, 2017

I knew what the end of this book brought; it was sad, but it needed to happen for the sake of Thunder Clan. On to the next book and the epic battle that looms in the distance.

First read: August 10-11, 2009

Profile Image for Emily .
856 reviews99 followers
April 28, 2018
I really enjoyed the first four books but this one wasn't that great. Bluestar was just annoying and unbelievable, the actions of the other clans toward Thunderclan weren't believable. Not figuring out what "pack, kill" meant was unbelievable. Plus nothing really happened. Apprentices were trained, cats hunted, cats went to meetings, cats died... but it was just really repetitive of other books. So many chances missed to kill Tigerstar (like at the very end). Well, one book left. Maybe it will get good again.
August 14, 2017
Originally read in December 2010.

Re-read September 1 ~ 10, 2013.



107 reviews10 followers
June 17, 2015
Profile Image for Andreea.
19 reviews3 followers
October 5, 2022
Because BlueStar died 🤧😔😭😭😭😭😭😭🥱🥱😭😫😫😫😫😫
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Profile Image for Vlin.
20 reviews1 follower
January 21, 2016

Fireheart is the new ThunderClan deputy, and he finds himself taking on more responsibility because his leader Bluestar is mentally and physically ill. To add-on top of that there is Tigerstar, the leader of ShadowClan, and the pack of dogs running wild in the forest. Also his leader, Bluestar, now thinks that everyone in the clan is a traitor, even Fireheart himself. She thinks that StarClan itself has abandoned her. And again she accuses that WindClan is hunting in their territory, and then Bluestar declares war on them and Firestar has to stop it. Will he do it in time or will the dogs wipe them out first?

I honestly don't get why Bluestar is acting so strange. I understand that she's been like sick and traumatized to the fact that their camp almost burned down because of the fire. Whenever Fireheart tries to talk to her, their conversation is basically something on the lines of this...
Fireheart: Bluestar! There's a bunch of dogs on the loose and prey is missing!
Bluestar: Get away from me you traitor! Starclan has abandoned me and has cursed my whole clan! You are all a bunch of traitors! (Yadda yadda yadda)
Fireheart: What could we possibly do?
Bluestar: *continues on raging of how Windclan has "stolen" their prey and how the clan is worthless*
Fireheart: Uh, okay. I'll leave you some peace...

Yep. The story could go on for hours.

However, the ending got pretty good. I was happy that Graystorm has finally come back to Thunderclan and now are best buddies with Fireheart. :) The most depressing part was that Bluestar lost her final life due to the plan of exterminating the dogs. But then when she said, "I knew it was you, Fireheart, who was going to save the clan. I'm sorry." I was like, "WHAT?! YOU KNEW THE WHOLE TIME?! AFGHAGHFGHAGFHA" Then after than I felt really bad and I wanted to blowtorch Tigerstar's head off. :)

End of the book. (and guess who' leader of thunderclan now :D)

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Profile Image for Ali.J.
44 reviews
April 3, 2022
تو رهبر بزرگی می‌شی. یکی از بزرگ‌ترین رهبرهایی که قبیله به خودش دیده. تو مثل آتیش گرمی تا از قبیله‌ت محافظت کنی، و مثل آتیش سوزانی تا ازش دفاع کنی. تو آتش‌اختر می‌شی، نور قبیله‌ی تندر.
°Dead inside gif°
Profile Image for Fioletowe Książki Zuzy.
101 reviews1 follower
March 15, 2024
#SforaDoWoraAWórDoJeziora 😎 Boże najlepsza książka ever… Dosłownie kocham a okładka taka piękna (mam inne wydanie niż to które recenzuję) Ogniste Serce (mmmm teraz już bardziej Ognista Gwiazda ehehe) kocham cieeee 👊😭💕


Na czym ryczałam:
• Jak dzieci Błękitnej Gwiazdy dzieliły się z nią językami na końcu 🙏
• Jak Tygrysi Pazur został przywódcą klanu (to z niedowierzania i ze złości) 🤮
• Jak Ognisty i Piaskowa burza wyznawali sobie milooooosc❤️❤️❤️❤️

Na czym się wkurwiałam:
• Na tym jak Tygrysia Gwiazda robił z siebie takiego uwu baka kotka i ojej ja jestem taki dobry i tylko chciałem się zobaczyć z dziećmi 🖕 fuck You Tigerstar
• Na tym jak Błękitna Gwiazda po raz 82625251726 raz mówiła że nie ufa swojemu klanowi i to zdrajcy ☺️🖕😕b*th to że jeden raz ktoś zdradził klan nie znaczy że wszyscy nagle zdradzą 🤯😱 no way
• „- (…) Zapamiętaj to miejsce, Ogniste Serce. To tu nie odbędzie się bitwa i nie zostanie przelana krew
- W takim razie powiedz mi, jak jej zapobiec” CALM DOWN ONA DOSŁOWNIE POWIEDZIAŁA CI ZE ŻADNA BITWA SIĘ NIE ODBĘDZIE (potem załapał więc oddaję honor) 🥸🥸🥸☠️☠️☠️

Dziękuję za te cudowne chwile z tobą, Fireheart 🙏🙏
Profile Image for R-kyuu.
22 reviews72 followers
November 20, 2014
Have you ever had a loss that scarred you for life?
This book is about Tigerstar's horrible ambitions to revenge thunderclan, the tragic result scars fireheart and the clans for a long time. Things are going to change greatly in all the clans. As the dark plans start to come together the forest is going to be blood-stained. One thing i really like about this book is that there is always darkness hidden in places that are quite closer that imagined, the mystery is unfolding. this book always urged me to read onward, and i couldn't wait to find out whats next. One thing I dislike about this book is that there are some parts in particular and if you really liked the other books in this series it will make you extremely heartbroken, but even so you will still want to read the rest of the series. overall I still love this book and I personally think it's one of the best series I read. I recommend this books to not only cat-lovers but people who loves to solve mysteries and secrets.
Profile Image for Brinley.
1,099 reviews72 followers
June 6, 2022
I've loved this series since I was little, so I go back and reread it every once in a while. To me, this is really when the series starts picking up. I had forgotten how heartbreaking this book was, so I was in for a not-so-pleasant surprise. regardless, I loved it.

Two of my favorite characters got a lot of page time in this one, Cloudtail and Brightpaw. (I refuse to acknowledge the fact that Lostface is her current name.) This book was when I first started loving Cloudtail, so I'm excited to continue the series. These books are super quick reads for me, so I'm always drawn into them. The author does love ending on cliffhangers though!

6/6/22 Reread

Aghhhh, this ending is so PAINFUL.
Profile Image for Noelle Pielecha.
66 reviews1 follower
July 1, 2023
A perfect book that was full of suspense, drama, love, action, and sadness. This book has multiple deaths due to a pack of dogs living in the forest. Swiftpaw died while trying to prove himself worthy as a warrior, brightpaw lost half her face, an eye, and an ear to the same reason, and brindleface died while hunting for her clan. Then, at the very end, Bluestar, the leader, dies. In between all of this, there is drama between ThunderClan and riverclan and windclan. I highly recommend for warriors fans or for fans of cat books!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Allen Garvin.
281 reviews12 followers
September 28, 2009
After the rather bland fourth book, a really strong story follows, probably the best in the series so far. Fireheart deals with a paranoid-delusional clan leader who thinks they're at war with Star Clan... Cloudpaw develops an atheistic attitude towards the cats in the stars... there are some nicely developed interfeline relationships here, while the story rollicks along at a very fast pace and ends in a quite satisfying (though a bit manipulative, emotionally) way.
Profile Image for Setsanata.
147 reviews18 followers
October 18, 2008
ShadowClan has chosen Tigerclaw--now called TigerStar--as their new leader, and Fireheart fears that his old enemy still harbors dark plans for vengeance on his former clan.

In this book, Bluestar dies, and Firestar becomes leader. [We all knew this would happen, seriously!]
Profile Image for Lami.
11 reviews
March 28, 2008
Finished! Need book 6! and It was sad when bluestar died....and the packpack! kill kill! thing was scary....
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