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Icy Sparks

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Icy Sparks is the sad, funny and transcendent tale of a young girl growing up in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky during the 1950’s. Gwyn Hyman Rubio’s beautifully written first novel revolves around Icy Sparks, an unforgettable heroine in the tradition of Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird or Will Treed in Cold Sassy Tree. At the age of ten, Icy, a bright, curious child orphaned as a baby but raised by adoring grandparents, begins to have strange experiences. Try as she might, her "secrets"—verbal croaks, groans, and physical spasms—keep afflicting her. As an adult, she will find out she has Tourette’s Syndrome, a rare neurological disorder, but for years her behavior is the source of mystery, confusion, and deep humiliation.

Narrated by a grown up Icy, the book chronicles a difficult, but ultimately hilarious and heartwarming journey, from her first spasms to her self-acceptance as a young woman. Curious about life beyond the hills, talented, and energetic, Icy learns to cut through all barriers—physical, mental, and spiritual—in order to find community and acceptance.

320 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1998

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About the author

Gwyn Hyman Rubio

4 books116 followers
Gwyn Hyman Rubio (born August 7, 1949 in Macon, Georgia) is an American author, best known for her novel Icy Sparks.

Rubio graduated from Florida State University in 1971 with a degree in English. She then joined the Peace Corps and spent several years working as a teacher in Costa Rica. After returning to the U.S. and settling in Kentucky she became interested in writing, ultimately receiving a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Warren Wilson College in 1986.

She wrote for a decade before her first novel Icy Sparks was published in 1998. The book received favorable reviews from critics, but sales were modest until Icy Sparks was selected for Oprah's Book Club in 2001. Rubio's second novel, The Woodsman's Daughter, was published in 2005.

Rubio's father was Mac Hyman, author of No Time for Sergeants.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,478 reviews
Profile Image for Jeff-is.
30 reviews4 followers
September 3, 2007
Ugh. I just saw the book cover, and wanted to hurl. My sister told me to read it. Thats the last recommendation she ever gave... I killed her.
Author 1 book1 follower
October 30, 2007
i thought this book would be interesting: a little girl growing up with Tourette's in 1950s Kentucky. i was so wrong. this book does a horrible job of getting inside a child's mind and does little to show us how her doctors at the institution came to understand enough about it to finally send her home. then it gets all Jesus-freak at the end. i have no idea why this is in Oprah's book club. no sir, i didn't like it.
Profile Image for Aimee.
419 reviews3 followers
June 8, 2023
I didn't care for this book. It felt like one of those that you're supposed to like to seem smart or part of a certain crowd-ie oprah's book club. I got this from a thrift store, since normally I don't read the oprah books.

Even with icy's "episodes" it was a lot of nothing that happened with a bunch of wildflower descriptions thrown in. I didn't really care about her as a character.

I was also very annoyed that I read 275+- pages then it went very "God showed me the way" in the last 20-30 pages. I hate preachy books, even more so when it comes out of left field. The ending felt like a cop out. From the revival scene on, I completely disliked the story.
Profile Image for Anna.
54 reviews5 followers
September 2, 2007
i read this in high school and used it as part of my research for a paper on tourette's. "but anna," you may be thinking, "this book has a publication date of 2001, and you are 26 years old. that math doesn't compute."

yeah, well, books exist before oprah gets her hands on them. TAKE THAT, OPRAH! WHO SCOOPED YOU NOW, HUH??!?!? you think you're SOOOOOO cool with your show and your book club and your free iPods? well GUESS WHO READ THIS BOOK before you?????

anyway, i remember liking it.
Profile Image for Kenzie- M.
16 reviews
August 26, 2012
Several times throughout this book I asked myself why I was still reading it, and after finishing it the only answer I have is "I was bored and kept hoping it would get better". It never really did. Don't get me wrong - if it was THAT horrible, I'm sure I would've given up - but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

The premise, that of a young girl growing up in Appalachia in the 50's with Tourette's syndrome, sounded interesting and promising, but the writing is...unskilled. The dialogue ranges between quaint and believable to "no one actually talks like that, ever". Gestures and body language are ALWAYS described in an awkward, baffling manner ('Miss Emily centered her hands on top of the table and pushed up' - what the hell is that illustrating?? No, she is not trying to lift the table in that scene, Miss Emily is just chatting).

I also found the middle portion of the book, where Icy is institutionalized, to be annoyingly ham-handed. Why are several of the child patients given animal characteristics? Is it to match Icy's ~frog~ theme, and why? If there's supposed to be some symbolism in the autistic boy that headbutts like a bull and the crazy kid who thinks he's a bird (NOT an actual disorder or remotely believable just stop it), it isn't readily apparent and doesn't go anywhere. Also, in a book that's about outcasts and respecting people's differences, I thought it was interesting that the nice aide at the institution was beautiful and the mean aide was ugly. Very progressive.

I think the final insult was finding that the climax of the book, and the solution to Icy's social problems, basically involved Icy FINDING JESUS PRAISE THE LORD and almost smacked of faith healing and just NO NO NO. So this entire book was a slow build meant to preach to the reader? Yeah, thanks.

Pass on this one.

Profile Image for Irishcoda.
207 reviews4 followers
July 12, 2007

Sometimes when I come to the end of a good book I feel a little sad because I've enjoyed the story so much and now it's come to an end. That's how I felt when I closed the book on Icy Sparks by Gwyn Hyman Rubio. I'd picked up the book because it was one of Oprah's selections and the book jacket sounded interesting--a little girl with a troubling affliction grows up in 1950s Kentucky. As one growing up with deaf parents, I felt very different from the others as a child. I would be able to relate to this character.

Icy Sparks is going to be one of those memorable characters for me, like Scout Finch and Francie Nolan. Orphaned at a very young age, spunky Icy is raised by her loving grandparents. When she is about 10, she begins to struggle with a frightening condition--she'll get an urge to tic, pop her eyes, or croak. She tries really hard to hide what is happening to her but it all comes out in the presence of one very cruel teacher.

Icy spends time in a mental institution which seems brutally cruel but, after all, this is the 1950s when people didn't understand about these kinds of things. They didn't accept people's differences as easily as they do today.

Luckily, Icy is surrounded by enough love from her grandparents, her friend Miss Emily, her principal Mr. Wootten and the hospital aide Maizy that she isn't lost forever. She's got a gift that helps her deal with what's happening to her--a lovely singing voice.

I thought this book was fantastic and definitely recommend it as an excellent read!
Profile Image for Jen.
364 reviews53 followers
July 3, 2008
Icy Sparks is Anne of Green Gables with Tourette Syndrome. I loved the character, but wasn't super crazy about the story.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part was kind of painful because it shows her at 10 years old first beginning to manifest Tourette's, and becoming an outcast in her community--it's the 1950's in rural Kentucky and nobody had a clue about Tourette's. I really liked the second part, which induced me to keep reading the book (saying what it's about would be a spoiler), but the last part was a letdown.
Profile Image for Heather.
296 reviews112 followers
April 10, 2019
It was good, but then it got super religious at the end. Which is fine. Just not my wheelhouse. I enjoyed the rest of the book, though.
Profile Image for Book Concierge.
2,959 reviews374 followers
December 18, 2022
Book on CD performed by Kate Miller

From the book jacket: Rural Kentucky in the 1950s is not an easy place to grow up, and it’s especially hard for ten-year-old Icy Sparks, an orphan who lives with her grandparents. Life becomes even more difficult for Icy when violent tics and uncontrollable cursing begin – symptoms brought on by a troubling affliction that goes undiagnosed until her adulthood.

My reactions
We know much more about Tourette’s Syndrome today than during the timeframe of this story, and I hope even the residents of rural Appalachia would be more compassionate about a young girl so afflicted.

Icy Sparks jumps off the pages of this book straight into the reader’s heart. This is a child who is curious, intelligent, kind, loving, and who learns to stand up to bullies and fight for herself. She shows empathy and compassion in her dealings with others even when they ostracize and belittle her. I loved her friendship with Miss Emily, an obese woman who knows a thing or two about being friendless and lonely. I wanted to throttle the teacher who so obviously hated this child. I was glad that the principal showed more genuine caring for Icy and that he made efforts to help and encourage her. And I can’t say enough bad things about the hospital worker who delighted in inflicting pain (physical and mental) on the vulnerable patients in her charge. As distressing as that episode was for Icy, it helped define the woman she would become.

Kate Miller does an excellent job narrating the audiobook. She brought these characters to life, and I really loved how she interpreted Icy.
Profile Image for Sammy.
207 reviews978 followers
June 12, 2007
Good read. For the most part, this book was a very enthralling and entertaining read. The story itself and the writing both very fine. It's not a book, though, that's going to go down in history as one of my favorites, despite the fact I really did enjoy it.

The main problem I had with the book was the characters themselves. They were likeable enough, but with the exceptional of Icy, most everyone she encountered seemed 2Demensional at most, they weren't flushed out enough for my taste. I'm not saying every character that appears on page needs to have a full history and story going on, but there were characters that played a huge part in Icy's life that didn't have enough to them. I didn't see it with Miss Emily or Icy's grandparents. Those three were central figures in Icy's life.

Also the antagonists Icy encountered throughout her journey, like her teacher in the beginning and the one nurse at the hospital... they were just mean, there was nothing behind them pushing this meanness. Perhaps it was Rubio's way of letting us see this from young Icy's point of view. Adults don't need a reason to be mean, they just are mean! But if you're going to write in the perspective of a ten-year-old, keep it consistent.

At times I felt Icy was not thinking nor acting her age, her views became suddenly too adult, her attitude to adult. When we jump forward a couple of years I at first thought Icy was 16 or 17, not 13. It's hard to write from the perspective of younger people, so I give Rubio major props for being able to capture any of those ages.

So, basically, it was character that gave the book it's biggest flaws. But while reading it I really didn't mind. I was very interested in the subject matter, what was going on with Icy and what was going to happen. I was drawn to Icy and concerned for her a lot. Even though I knew what kind of disease Icy had, I wanted to hear the answers just as badly as she and her family did.

I would recommend this book to read. Forget what I said about characters until after you read it, don't let it cloud a very entertaining read for you.
Profile Image for Janice.
297 reviews
September 10, 2016
Until I reached the last 30 pages, I really enjoyed this book and was prepared to give it a rating of 4. The religious fervour that came out of nowhere had me feeling as if I had missed something in the story. But I hadn't. The feeling at the end is that the author needed a quick and tidy way to wrap up Icy's story, it felt like a cop out..after years of struggling with Tourette's Syndrome (undiagnosed) it takes one reluctant trip to church to discover that Jesus is the answer. I could buy into the idea that community support and an outlet (singing) could help with the symptoms of the disorder, but I could not buy into the complete and total turnaround that seemed to happen for Icy.
Before the last 30 pages, I enjoyed Icy's story. She is 10 years old when she starts to manifest symptoms of Tourettes. It is Kentucky in the 1950's and no one, least of all Icy, understands what is happening to her. Icy displays determination, spirit and resilience in dealing with her symptoms. She is a bright, articulate child who survives the loss of her parents at a young age, abuse at the hands of a teacher, a stay in an asylum and isolation. She handles it all with strength and humour. However, the story is almost entirely focussed on Icy. I would have liked to gain a little more understanding of the supporting cast in this book. There could have been more development of several key characters: Matanni, Emily, Mamie and even the teacher. I think that understanding them would have given me a better grasp on life in Kentucky in that era, particularly life for someone who is different.
So...the book was entertaining and enjoyable until around page 271. From that page on, the story was disappointing.
Profile Image for Ashley.
220 reviews7 followers
April 24, 2010
When I read the back of the book cover to Adam he gave a big dramatic sigh and declared, "You read the most depressing books in the world." A book about a young girl growing up with undiagnosed Tourettes Syndrome, a story where the heroine feels completely unable to adapt to the world around her, a girl with no mother, raised by her loving but confused grandparents, a child who's only friend is a 400 pound adult, a stint in a mental hospital where the main character struggles and still remains undiagnosed, WHAT ISN'T TO LOVE ADAM? I was so on board with this book, the style, the struggle of the main character, the way the reader begins to realize this book isn't simply talking about the pain of living with Tourettes but actually the difficulties each of us face attempting to fit into society, and then WHAM the ending. Ugg the ending. Maybe YOU will love the ending, but all I can tell you is that I rolled my eyes a LOT in the last 30 pages. Read it, then tell me if you rolled your eyes too.
Profile Image for Laura.
850 reviews312 followers
March 20, 2017
3.5 stars rounded to 4 stars. Thought provoking but somewhat repetitive on the issues addressed. I would think this would be appropriate for a tween. First book I've ever read that character has Tourette syndrome so that was interesting.
Profile Image for Karen Klein.
621 reviews40 followers
June 28, 2014
Wonderful read! I picked this book up from my local library for $0.25 after briefly scanning the back cover. I thought that it would be interesting to read because my son was diagnosed with transient tic disorder (similar to Tourrettes) when he was about 4. I know that this book is fiction, but as I was reading about Icy Sparks (the main character) and how she described what she felt prior to her "fits" and extreme anger, I wondered whether or not my son felt the same way before each tic episode.
Icy is a smart, feisty girl and a fantastic character. She's a young girl being raised by her grandparents in a small Appalachian mountain town in the 50's. At the time, no one truly understood her disorder and she was taken out of school and placed in a facility for a period of time. Even after she was released and returned home, she still remained isolated, with only her grandparents and Ms. Emily (an obese older woman) who was also shunned by the people in town. The author tries to show that prejudice is found everywhere, even in a small mountain "hick" town. As Icy grows and matures into a teenager, and then a young woman, she begins to realize that being different doesn't matter because God has created everyone in His image; she also discovers that she is able to sing beautifully. The ending is a positive one, where Icy goes off to college, becomes a therapist and uses her singing talents to help other children.
It's a wonderful book - you cry with Icy, get angry with her and for her and just want to reach into the book and give her a big hug. My son, who's 22 now, also got a great big hug! Just a small note....I truly believe that books come to you when you need them - I received an answer to prayers and a message from the Lord! :) I just love when that happens!
Profile Image for Kris (My Novelesque Life).
4,674 reviews205 followers
February 3, 2015

"Icy Sparks is the sad, funny and transcendent tale of a young girl growing up in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky during the 1950’s. Gwyn Hyman Rubio’s beautifully written first novel revolves around Icy Sparks, an unforgettable heroine in the tradition of Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird or Will Treed in Cold Sassy Tree. At the age of ten, Icy, a bright, curious child orphaned as a baby but raised by adoring grandparents, begins to have strange experiences. Try as she might, her "secrets"—verbal croaks, groans, and physical spasms—keep afflicting her. As an adult, she will find out she has Tourette’s Syndrome, a rare neurological disorder, but for years her behavior is the source of mystery, confusion, and deep humiliation.

Narrated by a grown up Icy, the book chronicles a difficult, but ultimately hilarious and heartwarming journey, from her first spasms to her self-acceptance as a young woman. Curious about life beyond the hills, talented, and energetic, Icy learns to cut through all barriers—physical, mental, and spiritual—in order to find community and acceptance." (From Amazon)

I enjoyed this novel as it did remind me of To Kill a Mockingbird and The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. A very well-written book.
Profile Image for Yzobelle.
Author 5 books33 followers
January 17, 2012
It could have been better. The build up of characters and plot was going well at the beginning. It started to decline and get all muddled up when Icy was at the institution. The characters, events, and relationships became so weak and confusing. There was no clear explanation as to what finally made them decide to send Icy home, no clear diagnosis or even a prognosis of what Icy had, and there was no resolution to Wilma's case. (The revelation of the Tourette Syndrome came at the epilogue.) The last part became even worse, with the idea of religion too injected that it was like bringing all its readers into some fanatic devotion meeting of some sort.

I wonder what happened to the author?! It could have been a good story. She had good characters to work on, her writing style was potential, with natural humor ... but something seemed to have gone amiss along the way. Could she have been in a hurry to wrap up the book and turn it in to the publisher without giving it a second read? Or did she get bored with Icy that she wanted to just end it and start a new writing project?

Can anybody tell me how this book got Oprah Book Club label?
Profile Image for Natalie.
88 reviews
December 15, 2008
One of the best pieces of odd story-telling I've read in a long time. Take a little girl in the country who's trying to fit in as best as she can. Add the fact that she has Torette's Syndrome (sp?), and you have fodder for a painfully funny yet touching comedy.

Little Icy finds comfort in the form of an adult, Miss Emily, a grossly obese woman who runs the local seed corn mill where they have tea parties with Miss Emily's cats. What you end up with is unusually unique story-telling style that is hard to find in NYC's "push the plot points" style fiction. It's one of those remarkable novels that you're shocked and pleasantly surprised to find that some big NYC editor had the foresight to discover this.

It's a fabulous journey into life of the non-ordinary.
Profile Image for Edwina Callan.
1,850 reviews68 followers
April 15, 2017
As the mother of a child that has Tourette's Syndrome, I was appalled by the stereotypical portrayal of the main character. Complex vocal and motor tics, such as those described in this book, are the rarest symptoms of this disorder and yet I've heard it called "The Cussing Disease" because it is always shown at the absolute worst end of the spectrum in print and media.
Believe me, if my son starts spewing out cuss words then it isn't because of his Tourette's.
Profile Image for Gail Poag Smith.
147 reviews20 followers
February 17, 2016
I really enjoyed this story, set in the 1950s, of a young girl with Tourette's. Of course, at that time not much was known about the syndrome and her grandparents, who were raising her, and her school officials were at at a loss to know what to do.

Narrated by the girl, Icy, she doesn't have a clue what is going on and in spite of all her efforts finds she is increasingly unable to control her actions and speech.

This story reminded me so much of an author I know who had similar experiences growing up in the 1970s. Jonathan Friesen managed to become a school teacher and now writes amazing award-winning books, including "Jerk, Cailifornia." That book was the ALA Schnieder Family award winner for best book of the year with a character with a disability.

Back to Icy Sparks, what I most appreciated about this book is the fact that instead of the usual tragedy of mean-spirited and horrible treatment of someone who is "different," Icy, at least from the adults in her life, is treated with kindness and undying attempts to help her and find a solution for her problems. Through an odd sort of characters, including another obeses "outcast," Icy continues to be loved and educated and even treated in a mental facility. That is so unusual in most of these types of stories, in my experience.

I also feel that this would be a good book for an older teen, if the can handle the language. It's not particually bad and is always used in conjunction with Tourette's, but the themes and hopeful outlook would be positive influences in most anyone's life.
70 reviews
November 6, 2011
Ordinarily, I hate all literature, fiction, or story-telling about Appalachia. HATE. And I mean that as forcefully as the all caps implies. Silas House? So twee and building stereotypes that some of us would rather not have to fight against on a daily basis. Jesse Stuart? Please spare me.

But this book, while set in eastern Kentucky, isn't really about Appalachia. It's about a girl who happens to grow up in an isolated community, surrounded by mountains. But she's a special girl -- and she's got a secret. Her secret makes her good at keeping the secrets of others, even when it's to her detriment. Not only is she special, but she's special in a way that makes her alone. No one understands her and she doesn't even understand herself. Who in this world hasn't felt like he or she has been on the outside looking in? Gwyn Rubio does a good job of creating a sympathetic character without pretensions. Icy may suffer from Tourette Syndrome in an age before it was really understood, but this book is a work of fiction, well-written and entertaining, without the seeming agenda of educating the audience. How refreshing!

If you want a fast read about a smart kid who is a misfit and doesn't really understand what's wrong with her, this book is a good option. If you teach high school, I can easily see this being on a reading list where kids get to choose what they read.
Profile Image for Suzanne.
271 reviews37 followers
August 7, 2008
Once you read this book, you will never forget it. Whenever I see a person reading this, I tell them how good & wonderful it is. It is so,so good.
Profile Image for Kkraemer.
815 reviews21 followers
June 30, 2020
Icy was nervous about starting 4th grade. She'd been a good student all through those first few years, but she'd heard scary stuff at the 4th grade teacher, and she wondered how she could manage the outbursts that took her down to the basement on a regular basis. More and more, it seemed, she just had to get to a place all by herself and croak and tic and pop her eyes. Once she took care of those things, she could be "normal." If she didn't, well....it could prove embarrassing.
4th grade doesn't work out so well. The teacher is mean, the kids make fun of her, and her outbursts get more and more obvious, more and more overwhelming.
She spends time in a mental hospital and, on her return, isolates herself from the world.
The story of this journey is the basis for Icy Sparks; however, it's also the story of living simply in the mountains, with only a few people, all of whom have their own burdens. It's the story of love and grief, the story of trying to be good and right.
Toward the end, there is the most beautiful and sensitive explanation of faith I have ever read.
Good book.
Profile Image for ehnonymus.
254 reviews11 followers
July 13, 2010
by far one of the worst books i have ever read. i often snag novels from the high school library when i am bored at work and since there isn't much to choose from i picked up icy sparks, mistakenly believing that a book on the oprah book club list must have some merit (after all, books i have loved for a very long time often end up on her list- east of eden, for instance). anyway, i was instantly disappointed and i think it was only horrified disbelief that kept me going. i kept thinking that there HAD to be a point in there somewhere. but no, it is just a disorganized and poorly written tale about a girl who has tourette's and finds jesus. half of the time it doesn't even make sense. i can't stand oprah, but seriously, there's no way that she actually read this and found it worthy to be on her list; she needs to fire some of her book-reading lackeys.
Profile Image for Marie Horning.
467 reviews21 followers
December 27, 2019
Icy is an adolescent orphan girl growing up with her grandparents in 1950s rural Kentucky. She has Tourette's Syndrome, but no one there really understands her disorder at the time. She ends up isolated from her community; too scared to go out. Icy is a very intelligent young lady, but her tics and uncontrollable cursing/croaking are wrecking her self-confidence.

After failing time and time again to trade a wiggle for a jerk, I felt all kinds of contradictions roosting inside me. I was afraid of having a spell in front of people, but also afraid of being cut off from the world.

It's a story about learning to accept ourselves just as we are. The last half of the book could have been much more succinct, though. It was a slow-go after she got back home from treatment in Louisville.
Profile Image for Kelly_Hunsaker_reads ....
2,042 reviews54 followers
July 11, 2020
I enjoyed this book about a quirky, unique and odd little girl who suffers from Tourette's Syndrome in the 1950s before anyone understood what it was. That is, until the last 25 pages. Up until that point I would give the book 4 stars. But the ending felt force and rushed, and the religiosity felt judgmental and negative. I hated it. I live near a religious "college" that teaches faith healing. They actually believe that they can heal anyone of anything through prayer, and will grab hold of me when they see me in public and pray on me without asking whether I want to be touched or prayed for. It is an arrogant view of prayer: "I am holier than you and my prayers have more weight than yours." This is what the ending of the book felt like. Ugh. That ending spoiled the entire book for me. I was no longer charmed. I just felt manipulated.

Profile Image for Taylor.
131 reviews24 followers
October 25, 2008
I REALLY liked the first half of this book. The experience of a young girl with Tourrette's was fascinating and plausible. The author's poor conveyance of dialect was distracting but forgivable, mostly due to the overaching sparkle of the main character's wit. Ten-year-old Icy is precocious and interesting, if a little too perceptive and articulate to be believed.

However, her transformation upon returning home (I'm being vague to avoid spoilers) defies her character and any patience the reader might have with the writing flaws. After that point, my rating quickly spiraled downward.

I'd recommend the first half of this book to anyone who is interested in what those with Tourette's experience. Aside from that, I would suggest skipping it.
5 reviews1 follower
July 22, 2019
Lots of different emotions transpired in the pages of this book, I learned about Tourette Syndrome also. Icy Sparks is a special girl.
Profile Image for Cathy.
487 reviews1 follower
July 24, 2020
For Kaska-boom: I was so frustrated by this book! I didn't really like Icy although I did feel for her and her struggle. The people who loved her but really did nothing to help her were part of my frustration. Icy's struggle with her disorder and inability or unwillingness to share what was going on inside her were a part of my frustration. The fact that no one really seemed to do anything to try to understand her was part of my frustration. The characters like Mamie Tillman and Miss Emily who I thought would figure in so importantly left me questioning why they were even in the story. And the ending!!! Oh my goodness, what a stupendous disappointment. This might be the worst Oprah book I've ever read. It's definitely the biggest disappointment.
Profile Image for Lexie.
88 reviews
December 12, 2023
If I could give it half a star I would. This book felt like it should’ve been a script, but even then it would’ve been bad. The storyline was too long and scattered. The main character was not an intriguing character. And it’s portrayal of Tourette’s seems a bit offensive.

It just felt like it was trying to do too much and in the process did nothing at all. So this was a waste.

And ya wanna know something? I don’t think Oprah really read this book at all.

Also the ending felt very out of left field and ultimately like a sermon in the end with no real build up to this point.
Profile Image for Wade Walker.
141 reviews4 followers
September 1, 2023
Okay ... deep breath. This book was gifted to my mom by my aunt (her sister) a few years after my own diagnosis of Tourettes in the late 1990s. My mom is not really a reader, so she passed it on to me, and subsequently I read it when I was maybe 15 or 16. At the time I remember really liking it, and even shared it with a well-liked teacher and a few friends, who also read it. I've kept it all these years intending to read it again. But reading it now, twenty years later, is a different experience.

I've lived with Tourettes nearly all my life; it was with me as a child and all of my adult life, so you'd think I'd appreciate the representation in this book a little more ... but I don't. This book is no different from every other sensational TV show, movie, news feature, documentary, or other type of media whose (true or fictional) depictions of Tourettes are now "common-knowledge" examples of what people think this disorder is (remember "Tourette's Guy" of YouTube fame, Maury Povich specials, Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigalo , The Wedding Singer, and that feel-good Hallmark movie In Front of the Class).

The author states that she consulted the then-Tourette Syndrome Association for information on the disorder; and firstly, I'll just say bluntly that I feel the Association has always had a very repetitive, droning approach to TS awareness and education. I myself learned about my new disorder from their stale educational materials and then continued using them for years to inform others. I know the points they highlight most, and the message they intend to drive home for their audience; and it is always the same. The facts never change, and the tone is always a bit condescending, especially toward those with the dreaded tics of coprolalia and copropraxia (inappropriate vocal and motor tics), who are and always have been "othered" even within the TS community, which desires to exclude us as outliers of an already misunderstood and misrepresented neurodevelopmental condition. And it is because of my firsthand experience with these tired old tactics and stigmas that I felt like Rubio simply sat down for an hour-long presentation from the Association on the basics of Tourettes, and then stood and declared "Welp, that's good enough for me!" and off she went to write Icy Sparks.

Rubio's approach to the disorder in the character of Icy panders to the common stereotypical version of Tourettes that existed at the time of writing, both socially and academically. Granted, not much has ever been known about TS, and research is always ongoing, but slow. Nevertheless, this story is just a cookie-cutter telling of the experience of Tourettes from the perspective of someone who obviously doesn't live with it or love someone who does. It's like knowing about cancer, hearing about cancer indirectly, and then writing a book about battling cancer, touching on typical subjects like hair loss and chemotherapy sickness, but with no real understanding of the lived experience of fighting the disease. It just feels very over-indulgent in the most patronizing way.

The classic trouble with teachers (which still exists today), the cliche writing and erasing of homework pages, the substituting of small tics for bigger urges, and the fact that doing something she loves and is good at (singing) causes her tics to take a backseat -- all of these things are just supercilious staples of what the world thinks about Tourettes, and the now-Tourette Association of America contributes in some ways (I think) to the very misunderstanding they seek to correct by not disseminating anything beyond these same, dry, beat-to-death facts and attributes over the last several decades.

As a teen reading this, I probably felt very seen and understood to recognize all the symptoms and characteristics of TS from a textbook point of view; but as an adult reading it, with 25 years experience living with Tourettes, it lacked any real feeling of what tics truly feel like, and how they impact our lives beyond just the challenges we hear about the most. It felt like the author started with a desire to write about Tourettes and uncertainly built the story around that foundation, rather than giving Icy any real character depth beyond her disorder. Her growth within the pages seems manufactured and not organic--as if Rubio knew her TS readers really needed a happy ending for Icy in order to feel good about their own experiences living with tics.

The down-home country imagery are what will stand out most in my mind after reading this book twice now. Icy's rural, 1950s Appalachian home actually comes to life superbly, and I loved that the most.
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