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Storm in a Teacup: The Physics of Everyday Life

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Storm in a Teacup is Helen Czerski’s lively, entertaining, and informed introduction to the world of physics. Czerski provides the tools to alter the way we see everything around us by linking ordinary objects and occurrences, like popcorn popping, coffee stains, and fridge magnets, to big ideas like climate change, the energy crisis, or innovative medical testing. She provides answers to vexing questions: How do ducks keep their feet warm when walking on ice? Why does it take so long for ketchup to come out of a bottle? Why does milk, when added to tea, look like billowing storm clouds? In an engaging voice at once warm and witty, Czerski shares her stunning breadth of knowledge to lift the veil of familiarity from the ordinary.

288 pages, Paperback

First published January 10, 2017

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About the author

Helen Czerski

5 books243 followers
Helen Czerski is a physicist at University College London’s Department of Mechanical Engineering and a science presenter for BBC. She writes a monthly column for BBC Focus magazine called “Everyday Science” that was shortlisted for a Professional Publishers Association Award.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 600 reviews
Profile Image for Ayse_.
155 reviews82 followers
May 29, 2018
Standing ovation. This is truly a marvelous, witty and entertaining book. It is rare to see a scientist write with such gusto and appeal. I wanted to hug her in the end.

This book is full of little anecdotes that bring the information alive in one`s mind. Her curiosity is contagious. Physics for everyday life is a book that will put the sparkle in your eye, if you are one of those people who look around, observe and love to know Why. It will make a great gift to the scientifically inclined teen or adult.
Profile Image for Susan.
2,856 reviews584 followers
September 6, 2016
How many times have you heard someone say (possibly one of your children…) that a particular subject at school is not relevant to them personally? In this book, author Helen Czerski attempts to show us how physics affects everyday life. Each chapter begins with something everyday – something small; such as trying to get ketchup from a bottle or stirring a cup of tea. From these innocuous springboards, she uses these examples to investigate much greater events in science and technology, using these seemingly simple beginnings.

Even the chapter titles in this book are delightful. You have such titles as, “What goes up must come down,” “Why don’t ducks get cold feet?” and “Spoons, Spirals and Sputnik.” Who can resist? Being a child of the Seventies, when science was not a compulsory subject, my scientific knowledge is less than zero, but I found myself enthused by this book. She does not dumb down her writing, but simply makes it accessible, understandable and entirely riveting. I can honestly say that you will not see everyday things in the same light again if you read this book and so, if you have any interest in how the world works and the strange, amazing patterns within it, give this a try.
Profile Image for ياسر حارب.
Author 6 books5,916 followers
July 21, 2017
Despite the complexity of physics, this book will make you understand it and love it. You observe simple stuff in your daily routine, and never thought about how they work, right? Well this book will make you look at life in a different way.
Physics is for everyone. I kept saying "wow" throughout the book. I recommend this book to everyone.
Profile Image for Karen R.
869 reviews520 followers
February 7, 2017
Author and PhD Helen Czerski loves physics and wants others to share her enthusiasm. She sure won me over. This is a thoughtful debut by Czerski, a physicist/oceanographer. Chock full of tidbits on how/why stuff works, she breaks down things that I never even thought about and makes science easily understood.

Curiosity is human nature and I find myself more curious of everyday experiences and thinking about things in new ways after reading Helen’s book. Is it worth paying more for a fluorescent light? Should my sunglasses have polarizing lenses? How can I tell a raw egg from a boiled egg without taking off their shells? Why isn’t my ketchup coming out of the bottle? Why does my tea water slosh around when I carry my mug to the other end of the room? Why don’t ducks get cold feet? Well, I never put much thought in about these things nor their physics but now I can amaze my friends with newfound knowledge! I could go on and on about the stuff I learned from Helen, but just do yourself a favor and go buy the book.
Profile Image for Carlos.
663 reviews305 followers
April 14, 2017
This book is an anomaly, it deals with very technical and complex stuff but tries to take the simple approach to explain said phenomena. Physics will always be a complex subject and even though it affects everything inside and around us , there are few people who can name what this subject is about , let alone try to explain it to other people. This book tries to fill that gap and explain complex physics fundamentals to the masses (us), it succeeds in a way , as some parts of this book were really fun and you forgot you were actually studying physics, but by taking the simple route you also lose the ability to explain the more complex stuff of physics which it is what makes that subject so important. A delicate balance had been reached by this book, very short of achieving its true goal but coming in very close to it .
Profile Image for L.A. Starks.
Author 11 books711 followers
February 25, 2017
This is physics without the equations, far more immediate and dramatic than the way we usually encounter it in courses. Czerski provides a great deal of good, basic knowledge--how physics is a part of everything we experience and do. Her examples are easy to understand and refreshing.

The end of the book, about electromagnetism, gets a bit denser. And the conclusion has a "history-of-the-world" overreach aspect. But, these are minor, minor points in an innovative, thoughtful and considerate-to-readers explication of this basic science. One comes away saying "why can't anyone else teach physics so clearly?" The answer is, it takes a remarkable talent to first understand the science (with all of its equations), then doubly so to explain it with such immediate, everyday examples.

The biology corollary to this book is the beautifully-written, unfortunately-named Lab Girl, by Hope Jahren.
Profile Image for kartik narayanan.
745 reviews224 followers
April 28, 2020
Storm in a Teacup lives up to its name - the book takes basic, every day phenomena and explains the physics behind the phenomena in an easy and approachable fashion.

The stand out feature for me was the clarity of explanations aimed at the common person without getting into too much detail while still retaining the core of the physics. There are multiple topics covered in the book and within each topic, there are various examples considered. This book focuses mainly on newtonian physics which is a good bet since that is more in line with our common sense.

Overall, I will highly recommend this book for people who want to get a basic understanding of physics in the real world without getting into equations or quantum mechanics. Advanced readers will not get much of this book though.
Profile Image for Esraa.
293 reviews314 followers
June 18, 2023
بطريقة سلسة جداً شرحت د. هيلين تفاصيل فيزيائية- المفروض أنها معقدة- من خلال تفسير ظواهر يومية بتحصل لنا طول اليوم، وتجارب قامت بها بنفسها لمسابقات علمية أو مع طلبتها في الجامعة.
الفصل الأول: عن قوانين الغاز، تدرجت في شرح الظواهر بداية من الفشار وحتى إطلاق الصواريخ.
الفصل الثاني: عن الجاذبية وتأثيراتها المختلفة على الأرض والمحيطات.
الفصل الثالث: عن اللزوجة والشد السطحي ومثلاً ازاي فقاقيع الهواء بتتكون على سطح السائل.
الفصل الرابع: عن اتجاه الكون نحو الاتزان.
الفصل الخامس: عن الموجات وتدرجت لحد ما وصلت لموجات الموبايل والواي فاي.
الفصل السادس: عن تحركات الذرة والاهتزازات.
الفصل السابع: عن قوة الدوران والأقمار الصناعية (فكرني بجزء في فيلم interstellar لما استخدموا طاقة الدوران لتوفير جزء من الوقود في بداية انطلاقهم)
الفصل الثامن: عن الكهرومغناطيسية.
الفصل التاسع: كان يشبه تجميع سريع لكل الظواهر السابقة وبيان كيفية تضافرها لتكوين حياة على الكوكب.
التجارب والظواهر كانت متنوعة لكن يعيب الكتاب عدم وجود صور توضيحية بجانب التجربة زي مثلا كتاب تاريخ موجز للزمان.
Profile Image for aPriL does feral sometimes .
2,036 reviews474 followers
January 15, 2018
Helen Czerski, physicist at University College London's Department of Mechanical Engineering, explains what the physics is behind everyday stuff, like what makes a toaster toast bread or what forces are at work when we stir milk into a serving of tea. Amazing. I had no idea electromagnetic forces were in the bottom of my toaster, for example. I had no idea of why ducks' feet do not freeze. I had no idea of how the sound of thunder worked (that rumble after the initial crash). She talks about the soda bubbles and centrifugal forces and gravity and electrons and photons and soundwaves which underlie our activities in kitchens and gardens and oceans. I never thought about snail slime, but now I know more about the physics of slime. I knew atoms vibrate, but now I understand more vividly how fast or slow that that vibrating is occurring determines so much more about what form an element takes - solid, liquid, gas, and how it makes stuff, like water, glass, clothes drying out, function.

'Storm in a Teacup' is an excellent general science book of everyday physics, well written and extremely fun to read! Highly recommend. Simple explanations, but not at all juvenile or patronizing. Subjects are vaguely linked, but the author really seems to more or less follow a train of thought than rigidly organize her subjects.

Really interesting book.


Popcorn and Rockets
What Goes Up Must Come Down
Small is Beautiful
A Moment in Time
Making Waves
Why Don't Ducks Get Cold Feet?
Spoons, Spirals, and Sputnik
When Opposites Attract
A Sense of Perspective

In back are extensive References and Index sections.
Profile Image for Douglas Lord.
710 reviews31 followers
March 19, 2017
Damn this book is disappointing because it sounds like it could be so good. It’s scattered, not centered, and feels disorganized. Czerski’s ’splainings aren’t so clear, skipping from point A to point B then to point Z in leaps and bounds. For example, she discusses the strength of air pressure through writing about Otto von Guericke’s vacuum pump demonstration for the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III in 1654. This segues into a discussion of the first attempts at mail by rocket, then space rockets generally, which she tries to sum up as “just molecules bumping into things.” The rest of the explanations are similarly reductive, chopped up, even discrete. VERDICT Isaac Asimov could teach through his writings (see Of Time, Space, and Other Things), and authors such as Mary Roach, whose personal approaches take the form of narratives, can be followed and learned from. Not so much with this book.

Find reviews of books for men at Books for Dudes, Books for Dudes, the online reader's advisory column for men from Library Journal. Copyright Library Journal.
Profile Image for Paul.
2,180 reviews
December 23, 2016
For some people, science can baffle them, they see it as confusing and the domain of experts and specialists. In some cases, they are right; there are some hideously complicated theories out there that are seeking to explain the finest detail about quarks, string theory and genetics. But it needn’t be that way, science can explain just how the things that we interact with on a daily basis, work. In this, her first book, Czerski takes some well-known items, like eggs, popcorn, ducks, Wi-Fi, magnetism and of course teacups and describes how they work and how they show the inner workings of the physics laws.

As an introduction to physics and science it is a great little book. Czerski has a chatty style of writing as she tell us about the various subjects, whilst unobtrusively slipping the science in under the radar. For me it is a bit too general in scope, I tend to prefer more specific books, but by making science interesting, and more importantly accessible, this book will appeal even to those that rarely venture into the world of science. 3.5 Stars
Profile Image for Sara.
235 reviews37 followers
February 12, 2017
Hmmm, how to rate this one...

Well, I didn't love it. In fact, I found it hard to get through. But still, I don't think it was that bad of a book.

Czerski brings some interesting tidbits and every day knowledge of physics into her book and from her writing it is quite clear that she is passionate about science. She even has a sort of love letter to science in the final chapter.

Physics is just a bit convoluted at times and it's tough to visualize some of these concepts without the aid of diagrams or pictures at all. Some information reads fine without it, but other aspects I struggled to completely grasp. Although she avoids dense vocabulary and generally being pedantic on concepts, it doesn't quite hit the mark. It's too bad because the author seems a lovely, dedicated scientist.

I just don't think she exactly struck the balance between physicist and pop. science books. It's not bad... just not my favorite.
Profile Image for فيصل الظفيري.
1 review1 follower
October 15, 2019
أتحدث هنا عن تجربتي بترجمة هذا الكتاب الفيزيائي المليء بالمغامرات والاستكشافات العلمية المتعددة. الكتاب ليس من اختياري بل اختارته دار النشر. ولست متخصصا في الفيزياء ولم أترجم لها كثيرا. لكنها تجربة مفيدة مع أنها في الحقيقة صادفت أوقاتا عسيرة علي. لغة الكاتبة، كما أوضحتُ في مقدمتي للكتاب، كانت سهلة في معظم الأحيان، غير أنها استخدمت في أحيان أخرى اللهجة العامية لمفردات وعبارات معينة مما جعل من إيجاد المقاابل العربي السليم مربكا. لكن يسر الله تعالى حل معظم الاشكالات بعد التشاور مع الدكتور المراجع.
نلاحظ أن الترجمة عمدت إلى استخدام أسلوب لغوي مباشر وسهل لسبب بسيط وهو أن لغة الكتاب الأصلي كانت كذلك، فلم تلجأ هيلين تشيلرسكي لأساليب بيانية أو أدبية بشرح تجاربها التي واجهتها في الحياة وارتباط الفيزياء بها إلا في أضيق الحدود حينما تجيش بها المشاعر وتغرق في تأمل الأشياء وأعماقها في الطبيعة. أمكن التعبير عن التجارب التي عايشتها المؤلفة بطرق عدة، لكني أظن أن التكافؤ السليم في مثل هذه الترجمات هو عدم المبالغة بالتعبير عن تلك التجارب عند نقلها إلى اللغة العربية وعدم اللجوء لما أسميه "استعراض العضلات اللغوية" من قبل المترجم لأن النص الأصلي لم يلجأ إلى ذلك، وإلا قد يقع المترجم بفخ التكلف والاصطناع وهو ما قد يؤدي به إلى الابتعاد عن روح النص المصدر والغرض الرئيس من نقله ألا وهو المعرفة العلمية.
وأرجو الله تعالى أن وفقت في هذه التجربة الترجمية، ويسرني في هذا المقام تلقي ملاحظاتكم وآرائكم وانتقاداتكم لأصلح هفواتي وعثراتي. وتقبلوا أطيب تحية
مترجم الكتاب/ فيصل كريم الظفيري
Profile Image for John Gribbin.
165 reviews104 followers
January 30, 2017
Slightly edited version of my review in Wall Street Journal:

​Did you realize that the rumble of thunder associated with a lightning flash is actually a result of the whipcrack sound from the lightning flash taking longer to reach the ear from greater heights up the lightning bolt itself? “These sound waves are travelling at about 1,100 feet every second or 767 mph, which means they’re taking 4.7 seconds to cover a mile,” explain Helen Czerski in her entertaining new book. “What I hear just after the initial crack is the sound from slightly higher up the lightning bolt. It started as the same sound but it took longer to reach me because it had to travel along a sloping, and therefore longer, path. And then as the thunder rumbles on, I’m hearing the sound from higher and higher up that same lightning bolt.”
Dr Czerski is a British physicist with wide experience as a science popularizer both in print media and for the BBC. The emphasis here is definitely on “popular”; “Storm in a Teacup” is very much a fun book, pulling together many easily accessible accounts of how physics explains everyday phenomena, from the titular teacup whirlpools to the reason why ducks don’t freeze when swimming in icy water. Most of the stories are self-contained, so the reader can dip into the book anywhere and be pretty sure of pulling out a juicy plum; many are anecdotal, drawing on the author’s experience as a marine researcher, investigating what goes on at the boundary between sea and atmosphere. Czerski is at her best when describing her personal experiences of natural phenomena, whether this is her struggle with scientific equipment on the heaving deck of a research vessel in a storm, or something as familiar to the reader as that flash of lightning. The result is a painless way of learning how the world works, like having a friendly physicist giving you a personal fireside chat.
Although individual anecdotes are self-contained, “Storm in a Teacup” is arranged thematically, with eight chapters each jumping of from a particular phenomenon (such as the reason why popcorn pops) and developing a theme based on that everyday event (in this case, how space rockets work) with a final chapter looking at humankind’s place in the universe.
I particularly enjoyed the discussion of why coffee stains dry out to produce brown outlines, not because the explanation was a surprise to me, but because of the nod given to the pioneering microscopist Robert Hooke, whose contribution to the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century is so often overlooked. “Hooke,” she says, “hadn’t just shown the way to the world of the very small; he’d thrown open the doors and invited everyone in for a party. [His book] Micrographia inspired some of the most famous microscopists of the following centuries, and also whetted the appetite of fashionable London.” Indeed “Storm in a Teacup” whets the appetite in the same way, and the fact that there is indeed a connection between Hooke’s work and the way a puddle of coffee dries out gives you a hint of the approach used by Czerski.
One thing I learned was why ducks paddling in cold water are able to maintain their body heat. The chapter is jokingly titled “Why Don’t Ducks Get Cold Feet?” but what it actually makes clear is that their feet do indeed get cold (very cold), but thanks to some ingenious plumbing arrangements, this does not make the body of the duck cold. As the author herself says, “ducks can happily stand on the ice precisely because their feet are cold. And they don’t care.”
This otherwise excellent book did irritate me in a few small ways. A misguided attempt to interpret the English for an American audience ends up falling between two stools when we are told that the British approach to solving a problem is to “find the cookie tin and put the kettle on.” In my experience, a Britisher might have a biscuit tin, and an American might have a cookie jar. No Britisher I know has a cookie tin, but perhaps they do things differently on board ocean research vessels.
More seriously, a reference to radio waves spreading out in circle from the sinking Titanic misses the opportunity to point out that they actually spread spherically, which is relevant to the story built up from that remark. I suspect that the author meant “spherical” but wrote “circular” in a fit of absent-mindedness and never corrected it. Finally one of my pet hates is to see a physicist refer to “the Theories of Special and General Relativity.” It is the theories that are special (that is, restricted to the special case of uniform motion) or general (that is, generally applicable to any motion), not the relativity!
As these examples show, the book would have benefited from a final polish by an editor with an understanding of physics and the vernacular. But these are minor points which are unlikely to trouble the intended audience. “Storm in a Teacup” would be an ideal gift for any scientifically inquisitive person, including children and adults who retain the sense of wonder of a child. Robert Hooke would have loved it.
Profile Image for Jeremy.
416 reviews9 followers
October 29, 2017
A pretty strong offering for the popular physics genre. The author does a good job taking everyday events (frequently involving tea, sometimes coffee or milk) as a springboard to show how physical principles and processes play out across a range of scales. The great strength of this book is a welcome focus on phenomena like fluids and surface tension, which are quite fascinating but don't get this thorough a treatment in other books I've read. A drying coffee spill leads to an explanation of how redwoods can carry water all the way to their top, mopping up a splash of milk leads to a discussion of the technology of microfluidics, and so on. Naturally, this also entails a discussion of how changes in scale (in size, time or speed) change the way that the physics plays out at the same time she underlines the similarity in the processes at work. Her writing is clear and detailed and a joy to read.

There were some weak places as well. I was particularly underwhelmed by her treatment of magnetism and how batteries work, but in a book that covers so much ground those are minor dull spots in an otherwise excellent piece of popular science writing.
Profile Image for Udit Nair.
346 reviews75 followers
January 19, 2023
It's a beautiful book which can make you fall in love with fundamental concepts of natural sciences. The principles of natural sciences are so ubiquitous and prevalent that we often forget about it. More than forgetting it's just that we glance over it because we might be busy doing something else.

This is a physics book but without those complex calculations which can put you down. But inherently it's just trying to make things simpler and the author does a fantastic job in that. After reading the book one will not forget how electromagnetism plays a key role in functioning of bread toaster. Or how counter current heat exchange happening in the feet of ducks keeps them warm enough to wither the drastic colds. The book is filled with such fantastic snippets across.

I specifically liked the title of the book. Just like the name it's literally a storm in a teacup. The author takes you through everyday things which everyone comes across and explains how fundamental are the principles of physics for its working. Such books help in inculcating a sense of awe and wonder for things around and makes you more curious about everything.
Profile Image for Darla.
4,068 reviews940 followers
April 14, 2018
This book makes physics accessible and show the many applications around us both very large and very small. Using the familiar -- a cup of tea, popcorn, duck feet, etc.-- our eyes are opened to the laws of physics that are all around us in our world and gives the reader a new sense of wonder.

Even though this book does not promote the idea of a higher being, I cannot help but marvel at how our Creator has, in His divine providence given us things like our planet, our bodies and the systems that support life and civilization. Just as a complex microprocessor must have a designer, so does the intricate processes that take place in and around us.

"The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech, nor are there words,
whose voice is not heard."
Psalm 19:1-3
Profile Image for Paul  Perry.
399 reviews224 followers
June 9, 2018
Helen Czerski has long been one of my favourite popular science presenters, due largely to the infectious enthusiasm she beings to her work, and this book begins in very much the same tone. The introduction bubbles with her rapid fire passion for knowledge.

However, if think you might find this ebullience wearing, don't worry. Czerski reins this in to a more academic tone for the book proper without ever becoming dry and, Instead, holds the reader's attention in a fascinating way. In each of the nine chapters she begins by discussing a particular physical phenomenon that refers to real-world experience and skilfully expands it to broader and yet more interesting connected areas.

I found the approach to be engaging and educational. Even in areas where, as a long time reader of popular science, Czerski was covering ground with which I was familiar, I was still engaged by her obvious interest and approach, and by anticipation of the direction that her train of thought might lead us.
Profile Image for R Nair.
122 reviews52 followers
November 17, 2017
Something I wish I could have gotten my hands on while in school. Or even while pursing a degree in Engineering. A very informative and at times unique, out-of-the-box perspective of some of the most fundamental principles in classical physics without the essential mathematics.
Profile Image for Ettore1207.
402 reviews
December 8, 2017
Un ennesimo libro di divulgazione sulla fisica, con luci e ombre.
Le luci sono rappresentate da alcuni degli argomenti trattati, interessanti e inusuali. Ad esempio: lo sapete perché i piccioni hanno quel buffo modo di camminare, con la testa che oscilla vistosamente avanti e indietro? (no, non è questione di equilibrio...) E sapete perché è così difficile camminare con una tazza colma in mano senza spandere il contenuto, mentre la cosa è molto più facile se si usa un vassoio? E come fanno le anatre a nuotare in acque gelide con quelle zampone che dissipano un sacco di calore?
Le ombre vengono da una sensazione di disorganizzazione e da alcune parti un po' tirate in lungo, fra cui spicca quella sull'elettricità e gli elettroni.
Ho trovato abbastanza fastidioso il modo di scrivere "americaneggiante" (nonostante l'autrice sia inglese) con uso di frasette e aggettivi inconsueti che dovrebbero - credo - suscitare un sorriso mentre invece sono soltanto insulsi. Qualche esempio:
- La nostra atmosfera ospita vaste quantità di acqua e energia, e di solito questi beni ingombranti si spostano lenti e tranquilli.
- In una grigia, cupa e fredda giornata invernale, un toast è un perfetto cibo consolatorio.
- Le bolle sono rassicuranti perché sappiamo dove cercarle: in alto.
- La maggior parte delle volte, il mio gregge di elettroni supplementari fuggiva, una particella alla volta, chiedendo un passaggio all’acqua volante.
- Dopo la guerra, la EMI cercava persone con esperienza in elettronica, perché le prime televisioni erano bestie complesse e vivaci,[...]

Nota pedante: c'è questo errore:
Un interruttore aperto è semplicemente un punto del circuito in cui due parti di conduttore elettrico si toccano.
Quello è un interruttore CHIUSO.
Profile Image for Nicola Michelle.
1,547 reviews10 followers
May 4, 2020
It’s so easy to cast an eye over the world that skims over detail and curiosity. Most would admit to just seeing blue skies, oceans, blindly make their cup of tea in the morning and shoving their toast into the toaster, baring no thought to the world around them (me included) however this book has given me a whole new eye when looking over the things I previously didn’t connect the wonders of science to.

If you want a book that will revolutionise your thinking and make you think twice about those everyday things you normally don’t think twice about, this is the one.

The authors enthusiasm for her field truly shines through the pages and I absolutely love how big and usually intimidating theories and concepts in physics are brought down to a normal human level in the things we see and do in everyday life. It makes it so much easier to connect to a subject that some can find hard to visualise and understand.

It truly brings out your inner child curiosity that normally doesn’t continue into adulthood when it comes to things like science and as a scientist myself, it’s all too easy to launch into the hardcore science and skip out all the fun stuff and fundamental thinking. This is a great book to further your understanding and have fun with all sorts of physics concepts.

Fantastic book and a recommended read, this is one I’ll definitely re read again as it’s such an effortless and interesting book!
Profile Image for Baal Of.
1,243 reviews63 followers
November 22, 2019
This book delivers pretty much everything I like from a general-interest popular science book. Clear explanations of scientific concepts, in this case about physics, and how those ideas connect to impact peoples' lives. I thought the organization of the book was done very well, and liked how Czerski tied disparate threads together. I particularly liked the explanation of how snails use their slime for moving around, and for navigating seemingly impossible routes, all due to the physics of mucus which behaves like a solid or a liquid depending on the forces acting upon it. This book was packed full of fascinating departures into subjects that might not seem at first to have anything to do with physics, but time and again the author demonstrated how an understanding of science enriches the amazing beauty of the world. the final chapter taking perspective from three different levels of viewpoint was an excellent way to close the book.
Profile Image for Hanie Noor.
187 reviews30 followers
September 24, 2023
One of the book that got me sold by its introduction.

⛈️Storm in a Teacup: a metaphor that refers to making a big deal out of a small or insignificant issue. It's frequently used to describe a situation in which there is a lot of excitement, commotion, or drama over something that isn't particularly important in the grand scheme of things.

In the context of Helen Czerski's book, it serves a dual purpose that reflects the book's theme of exploring the physics of everyday life, demonstrating how seemingly ordinary & trivial occurrences can be linked to significant scientific principles. The book will transform these small, familiar phenomena into enlightening & engaging scientific journeys by revealing the deeper scientific complexities behind them.

Czerski meant to explore physics within the everyday world, making complex scientific concepts accessible & engaging for readers of all backgrounds. Czerski masterfully connects ordinary experiences, from popcorn popping to coffee stains, to fundamental principles of physics. Through her witty & warm narrative style, she unveils the hidden wonders of our familiar surroundings & demonstrates how these phenomena are intertwined with broader issues such as climate change, the energy crisis, & innovative medical testing. A short read that empowers readers to see the world through a new lens, transforming the mundane into the extraordinary.

Czerski's ability to bridge the gap between scientific complexities & the commonplace makesthis a captivating read. Her engaging storytelling, filled with personal anecdotes & relatable examples, ensures that readers can easily grasp intricate concepts. Not only it ignites a sense of wonders, it also equips readers with an understanding of the physical principles shaping our daily experiences. This is not just a book about physics; it's an invitation to explore the universe within our teacups, to marvel at the physics of everyday life, & to appreciate the profound connections between the ordinary & the extraordinary. Whether you're a science enthusiast or just curious about the physics behind everyday life, this book offers a delightful journey into the captivating world of physics.
Profile Image for Peter Tillman.
3,785 reviews433 followers
December 11, 2018
A well-written pop-science book by a young marine physicist. Her personal anecdotes were the most fun -- her college trebuchet project was memorable -- but the book is definitely science-light. Still, I enjoyed it. 3.5 stars
A couple of good professional reviews:

Czerski also writes a monthly column for the Wall Street Journal on this topic: https://www.wsj.com/news/types/everyd... (paywalled?), and she was an award-winning columnist for the BBC's Focus magazine: https://www.sciencefocus.com/search/?... . Her website has more of her stuff: https://www.helenczerski.net/

Profile Image for Sara Ponte.
103 reviews8 followers
March 25, 2021
Há sempre uma explicação física para tudo, e Helen Czerski explica-nos como olhar para as coisas por outra perspetiva, com simples e práticos exemplos do nosso dia-a-dia.
712 reviews149 followers
December 15, 2022
Why does the toast always fall to the floor on the buttered side? I put it down to Murphy's law, but this book gives a scientific explanation to this. I had not given a second thought .to most of the things happening around us (or inside us). This book explains everyday science in simple language.
Profile Image for Amanda.
609 reviews99 followers
February 6, 2017
Originally posted at Desert Island Book Reviews

Have you ever wondered why coffee spills leave a ring on the table, or why a piece of buttered toast always falls butter-side down? These are just two of the topics physicist Helen Czerski explains in this book, released at the beginning of January.

I’ve always liked science, though I’ll readily admit that physics was always my least favorite branch (I’m a chemistry kind of person). That doesn’t mean that everyday phenomena don’t sometimes mystify me. I understand the theories about things like wireless communication and electricity, but it’s just so crazy to think that we’ve managed to harness them and do so much to make them useful. That’s one of the reasons I really appreciated this book.

Czerski takes these everyday things and explains the physics of them, applying what is (I think) the least exciting branch of science to learn to simple little things, like bubbles, coffee stains, and cell phone wireless signals. Okay, that last one is not quite so simple. Still, I liked that in each chapter, she was able to tackle a theme (for instance, electromagnetism) and find several real-world applications to demonstrate it. I liked her apparent natural curiosity about the world and her easily replicable experiments (like putting raisins in a bottle of something fizzy or knocking toast off of the table).

I think this book helps make physics seem more approachable, something that’s definitely nice when you want to read about it and not get your PhD in it. It’s science and when you read, you’re learning, but there’s nothing dull here. There aren’t loads of calculations and numbers (one of my least favorite parts of physics in high school). A lot of the things in this book would even make good cocktail party conversation starters (with the right crowd, of course).

The only part of this book I didn’t like was the last chapter. I know it was meant to tie things together and give us a broader overview of humans and our place in the world, but it kind of bored me. I liked the earlier chapters’ concrete examples and experiments and found that this was missing at the end. I would’ve left that whole chapter out, focusing instead on the real content of the book.

Storm in a Teacup is easy to recommend for anyone interested in science or in learning a little more about how and why the world works. I think it’s appropriate for anyone, of any age, though if you do have a physics degree, it might be a little elementary for you. It’s not exactly a quick read, but if you break it down into chapters, it’s enjoyable, educational, and something a little different, especially if your TBR pile looks anything like mine. I gave it four stars.

*ARC from W.W. Norton & Company via NetGalley
Profile Image for Cheryl.
11.2k reviews463 followers
Shelved as 'xx-dnf-skim-reference'
March 17, 2022
I tried, and did manage to thoroughly skim most of it. But I already pretty much know most of what she's teaching here, and her way of explaining things isn't compatible with my way of figuring things out, so mostly she just confused me. Somebody more naive would probably enjoy it more.
O dear. Here I am in March 2022 checking to see if I want to dnf at p. 83 for just about exactly the same reasons. I did appreciate the introduction more this time, at least enough to mention it. But here's hoping that I don't accidentally try to read it again. It just looks so appealing on the library shelf!

"Science isn't just about collecting facts. It's a logical process for working things out."

Profile Image for Tracey Allen at Carpe Librum.
1,071 reviews116 followers
April 24, 2023
Reading Storm in a Teacup - The Physics of Everyday Life by Helen Czerski is akin to dipping your toe into the world of physics and thankfully Czerski provides a steady hand for the layperson. Czerski looks at everyday occurrences like why a buttered piece of toast will usually fall butter side down when dropped and what happens when you add milk to coffee informs the book's title.

The audiobook was expertly read by Chloe Massey who shares her northern accent with actress Joanne Froggatt - who plays Anna Bates from Downton Abbey - which is to say I loved listening to her narration.

I found many of the topics interesting including how coffee rings develop and why it's hard to get tomato sauce out of the bottle until all of a sudden it comes glugging out. I was also curious to learn why pigeons bob their heads when they walk.

The author references a study of pigeons that was undertaken in order to understand why these birds bob their heads forwards and backwards when they walk. When the pigeon was walking on a treadmill, the researcher noticed it wasn't bobbing its head.

"The bird obviously didn't need to do it in order to walk, so it wasn't anything to do with the physics of locomotion. The head bobbing was about what it could see. On the treadmill, even though the pigeon was walking, the surroundings stayed in the same place. If the pigeon held its head still, it saw exactly the same view all the time. That made the surroundings nice and easy to see. But when a pigeon is walking on land, the scenery is constantly changing as it goes past. It turns out, these birds can't see fast enough to catch the changing scene. So they're not really bobbing their heads forwards and backwards at all, they thrust their head forward and then take a step that lets their body catch up and then thrust their head forwards again. The head stays in the same position throughout the step so the pigeon has more time to analyse this scene before moving on to the next one." Chapter 5

Fascinating isn't it? I've been wanting to observe this for myself, but the only pigeon I've seen since finishing this audiobook was asleep. Hopefully I'll have better luck soon.

Coming in at a listening time of 10 hrs and 14 mins, Storm in a Teacup took me a while to get through and when I got to the end and did a stocktake of the notes I'd written in preparation for this review, I noticed pickings were slim.

While I've never been one for physics, I was in safe hands here. Storm in a Teacup - The Physics of Everyday Life by Helen Czerski was a nice jumping off point that held my attention throughout, despite not knowing much about the topics covered.

Czerski's enthusiasm for physics shines through and this was an informative listen.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 600 reviews

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