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192 pages, Paperback

First published July 25, 2017

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About the author

Karuho Shiina

102 books578 followers
See also 椎名 軽穂
Karuho Shiina was born and raised in Hokkaido, Japan. Though Kimi ni Todoke is only her second series following many one-shot stories, it has already racked up accolades from various "Best Manga of the Year" lists. Winner of the 2008 Kodansha Manga Award for the shojo category, Kimi ni Todoke also placed fifth in the first-ever Manga Taisho (Cartoon Grand Prize) contest in 2008.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 91 reviews
Profile Image for Laura Grace.
1,708 reviews222 followers
December 3, 2020
I'm not crying. You are…

I literally don't know what to say.

I can't believe it's ending. *sobs*

I thought the whole thing with Pin was handled really well. I wasn't super fond of things leading up to it, but it was a good ending concerning that arc.

Seeing everyone graduate though…


I'm nervous to start the next volume. I'm still remembering how everyone was when the series just started.

How could it be almost over?!
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,367 reviews233 followers
February 21, 2020
In this penultimate volume, Valentine's Day is the impetus for a big love confession for two supporting characters whose will they/won't they vibe took over what felt like the final third of the series.

I'm just happy to see the main characters retake center stage as they graduate high school and prepare for college.

The final volume is on hand, so on to the conclusion!
Profile Image for August Lawson.
179 reviews1 follower
February 14, 2022
I love Pin. Like we all agree that he's a good guy he can just be kinda annoying and it's amazing!
He's a good guy and not at all a slimeball. I love that he won't date Ayane bc he's not a creep. honestly this is a highlight for me bc in so many mangas/animes they don't care about the age difference and some encourage it.
This was a great relationship that was never going to happen. I felt like I could root for it because they actually had a relationship as friends. I felt bad rooting for them but that's beside the point.
Profile Image for clea.
351 reviews371 followers
January 9, 2022
i was literally crying the entire time oh my god its finally ending I LOVE THEM SO MUCH IT HURTS THANK U FOR SHARING THE JOURNEY OF THEM TO US
Profile Image for Maude.
320 reviews3 followers
June 23, 2023
can't believe it's almost over 😭
Profile Image for DonutKnow.
2,640 reviews49 followers
October 1, 2018
The feels are real. I didn’t want to cry so I may have skipped some bits 😅😅 Sue me for being emotionally constipated 😂

I had a bit of a laugh at her speech when she freelanced it to say that she doesn’t mind that she was called ‘creepy’ but at least her speech was authentic to her 😂👍 You do you Sawako!!

I wonder what’s in store in the last volume. Probably a look into their futures.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Estefany.
544 reviews49 followers
October 18, 2018
Ahhhhhh Pin y Yane me traian al borde de un collapso aunque bueno su final fue interesante porque en la vida real hubiera pasado. El discurso de Sawako fue muy lindo y la ceremonia en general, también. Los momentos de Kazehaya y Sawako son muy lindos. Y Chizu con Ryu awwwww muy lindos muy lindos.
Profile Image for Flor ):).
730 reviews158 followers
March 25, 2021

Este es un volumen muy melancólico con los chicos graduando tenemos vistazos a como eran al principio y como fueron creciendo juntos a lo largo de tres años.
Profile Image for thi.
744 reviews82 followers
September 12, 2023
PIN … you’re a stand up guy, I’m sorry I doubted you but it comes with the territory
Profile Image for Shirley.
902 reviews83 followers
March 22, 2022
Pin reminds me of Ryke Meadows in a way, he has rough exterior but actually gentle. I really love his words of affirmation for Yano-chin, she definitely deserves it. This is an emotional volume, they're graduating.
Profile Image for Julie.
2,154 reviews187 followers
August 24, 2020
I like the way that this was handled. Pin's a pretty decent guy although he's a weirdo and annoying.
Profile Image for a.
1,252 reviews
April 18, 2024
Can't believe I'm about to be done with this series 😭
Profile Image for Jae's Manga Reviews.
57 reviews10 followers
April 28, 2018
Series Review: 5/5 - I own all 29 volumes and have the 30th preordered :D

Volume Review: 4/5
I was SO excited for this, especially because of the front cover ... Pin with his hair down ... wow! There were happy and sad parts, but mostly sad, which is probably why I gave this 4 stars instead ... I don't like reading sad mangas when I'm expecting them to be happy!

The Sadako (whoops, even I call her that) and Kazehaya parts were not so big and there were a TON of flashbacks. However, it was good. It's winding down. That makes me sad. At the same time, I feel like I'm ready to see it end. I love this series a lot, but 30 volumes is a ton when you want to reread haha. Plus I'm ready for them to move on a grow up. I always have this weird thing about reading manga ... like these characters actually exist in Japan and are living their lives there. These ones especially are close to my heart!!
Profile Image for Sarah.
382 reviews
May 5, 2018
I was an emotional mess for this volume because I thought it was the last volume. Because of this, the first time I read this volume, I was slightly disappointed. I wanted to see our dear, precious students in the future. You can imagine my happiness and horror when I realized that a. this was not the last volume, and b. we had to wait until December for the last volume.

However, I finished my re-reading of the series and read 29 for a second time this week. If it wasn't for Ayane and Pin's part of this volume, it would be a 3-star. Although heartwarming and emotional with the ending of the group's high school career, this volume does not cover a lot story-wise. The most exciting part, and a majority of the volume, is a wrapping up of Ayane and Pin's story, as mentioned above. It was adorable. I love Ayane and Pin.
Profile Image for Gaby.
616 reviews
September 16, 2018
I'm not sure if it was just me but it felt off. The art was slightly different than her previous books and the story (sorry not sorry) kinda sucked. I felt like even though Sadako has grown tremendously from her shy days, it felt like the author kept falling back on those stereotypes and weaknesses instead of showing how much she has changed. This volume is the one before the final and going to showcase Ayase and Pin's relationship, as they are on the front cover (omg goals!). Yes, they are teacher and students. I didn't like how Ms. Shiina handled that one. Also the graduation ceremony felt rushed and results on the finals. All in all, it's a good read and bittersweet bc it's been a long journey for everyone.
Profile Image for Adrianna.
426 reviews5 followers
June 21, 2018
3.5 - We get an acceptable resolution for Pin and Ayane, and the class graduates! Interesting to see some of the cultural differences between a Japanese and an American high school graduation. And Pin’s hair at the ceremony is my favorite thing ever! Ready for this story to wrap up in the next edition.
Profile Image for Kate.
250 reviews
June 10, 2018
I'm proud of this series for where it went with Yano's story, sad but proud!
Profile Image for Green Yuki.
386 reviews4 followers
September 28, 2021
No sé qué decir, solo que el tiempo pasó muy rápido en este manga y siento el mismo sentimiento de separación. Ya se graduaron y ahora cada quien irá a la universidad.
Ya salieron los resultados de Ayane y batalló para decírselos a Pin, de paso tomó el valor para confesarse. Ya sabíamos que iba a ser rechazada, sentí pena y alivio a la vez, pies Ayane se sacó un peso de encima. Después de todo fue su primer amor, y ese muchos lo recuerdan con cariño. Ayane chan fue muy valiente, de estar en su lugar nunca me hubiese confesado. Pin, como ya se está haciendo costumbre, se gana más mi respeto, y aunque siga haciendo sus bromas ya me es imposible verlo como un personaje cómico, no puedo dejar de pensar que también yo me enamoraría de él XD y que es un profesor muy bueno. No me esperaba que ha supiera los sentimientos de Ayane porque fue muy bueno ocultandolo. Además pensé que tal vez la rechazaría como lo hizo con Kurumi cuando pensó que ella gustaba de él😅😅. Ya veo que me equivoqué, después de todo era un momento serio.
Los resultados de Sawako y Kazehaya están a la espera y Kurumi y Sawako verán sus resultados juntas. Los muñequitos de Sawako son feos, pero es un gesto muy bonito que la hace más tierna. Y Kazehaya al final le regala su corbata. Es todo tan lindooooooo y a la vez triste porque ya no se verán tanto como antes, incluso algunos ya no se vean. Ayyy, voy a recordar mi época de colegialaaaa😭😭😭😭😭.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Luana.
1,425 reviews60 followers
October 27, 2023

Manca un solo volume alla fine e la nostra Ayane ha trovato il coraggio di affrontare le sue paure - ha superato l'esame di ammissione per l'università di Tokyo a cui puntava e, forte del supporto psicologico delle amiche, ha confessato i suoi sentimenti al suo primo amore...ed è stata respinta. Per la prima volta, la ragazza ha deciso di prendersi un rischio simile e ne ha affrontato le conseguenze. A dispetto di certi suoi atteggiamenti da esagitato, Pin l'ha trattata con gentilezza, ha apprezzato il suo coraggio e ha ribadito ancora una volta il fatto che crede in lei e nel suo potenziale. Tuttavia, tra i due ci sono pur sempre dieci anni di differenza e Pin non ha alcuna intenzione di uscire con una ragazza così giovane, per di più una sua ex allieva. E così la povera Ayane torna a casa con il cuore spezzato per la prima volta.

Il volume si chiude con la cerimonia di consegna dei diplomi che ci mostra ancora una volta il percorso di crescita di Sawako, ormai perfettamente integrata all'interno della sua classe, apprezzata da compagni e professori, fiancheggiata da tre amiche e da un fidanzato che stravede per lei. I tempi in cui era una semplice ragazza solitaria tenuta alla larga da tutti sono solo un lontano ricordo. E questa cosa mi ha fatto emozionare parecchio.
Profile Image for Ady Weasley.
1,490 reviews42 followers
September 1, 2019
Ame este tomo, en serio a cada parte que leía una sonrisita boba se me ponía en mi cara , no lo podía evitar, sobre todo por que en este tomo podemos ver el des enlace de la historia de Pin y Yano.

Cuando empezó la historia y conocí a Pin no pude más que pensar que era un personaje in poco bobo y nada lindo, pero amable. Sin embargo cuando vemos a Pin con el cabello peinado hacia abajo es una persona totalmente diferente, es un personaje guapo y eso era algo que no me esperaba.

Yano ha aprobado su examen y tiene que informarle a Pin, ella está muy nerviosa pues es 14 de febrero desea llevarle un chocolate y también confesarle sus sentimientos, y por un momento se arrepintió pero finalmente fue a la casa de Pin le dijo que aprobó el examen y se le declara aunque Pin la rechaza . En serio me entristeció, pensé que quizás se diera algo entre ellos dos pero no fue así.

Finalmente es la ceremonia de graduación y Sawako es la encargada de dar el discurso, el cual es muy lindo, pero lo más lindo es el manga que Takahashi, "La leyenda de Sawako"
Profile Image for Melissa.
53 reviews
June 21, 2022
Note to self: bad idea to read final volumes of a series during commute or in other public settings 😭

The cover was a bit of a red herring, but I think in the best way possible. As Ayane’s perception of Pin evolved, so did mine. We saw less of him being annoying to Shota and Sawako and more of him being helpful and demonstrating how a tactless self-proclaimed playboy ends up being a high school teacher. And then seeing Pin through Ayane’s eyes, how could she NOT fall in love with him. But I think his careful and playful “rejection” (if we can even call it that because in truth he simply did not reciprocate) of her proved his worth as Ayane’s first love 💕

Overall, 4 stars because not much else new happened in our other storylines. I know it’s the end, but this volume mostly wraps up the container of the story that was high school (lots of flashbacks) without giving us the DEETS on Shota’s and Sawako’s plans (though the reminiscing at school after hours and the kissy-kissy was very cute ����).
Profile Image for Ris Sasaki.
1,148 reviews186 followers
May 21, 2020

It was weird in a very good way to read this volume.
Maybe it's been a couple of years since I've read the raws to this volume online, but to read and completely understand all the words and details that were put into each chapter gave me a new perspective into this series.

But again I must say that it's really weird to read it now.
Not because of the plot per se (because we all wanted to see Ayano and Pin and see the graduation ceremony after everything that happened) but because of how long I've been with this story and its characters.

I've started to read Kimi ni Todoke when I was in middle school and high school was a dream made by reading too much of shoujo manga.
Now, it's been six years since I've finished high school and only now I can fully experience all these characters graduating and seeing this experience with their eyes.
It's a wild ride and I'm grateful for every page that I've read so far.
Profile Image for Dani.
63 reviews1 follower
September 27, 2023
I was so excited to write something for this, I was typing it all in the search bar until it didn't let me type!
I am crying, this volume made me cry at work. I really like how Pin handled the situation with Ayane, and I hope she goes on to live a good and successful life!!
I love that they all told Sawako they believe she isn't really evil, they all became friends! This whole classroom friendship situation has me in nostalgic tears, I'm missing my middle school group "B" T__T. I'm sad I didn't get to experience graduation with them, but through this book is exactly how I feel it would've gone. I'm definitely not Sawako though ^^'. I'm very happy I came back to finish this series, I can't wait to read the last volume, and for the epilogue that's coming soon!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 91 reviews

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