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Colorado Hearts #1

Heart of Eden

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USA Today bestselling author Caroline Fyffe’s sweeping saga about five sisters finding love and forging new lives on the Colorado frontier.

Raised by guardians in Philadelphia, the Brinkman sisters have suddenly been bequeathed more than the truth about their late, estranged father—they’ve also inherited the Five Sisters Ranch, the dynasty he’d built for them in Eden, Colorado. It’s theirs on one condition: to claim it, they must live on it for six months—a wilderness worlds away from the comforts of the city. For Belle Brinkman, her father’s last wish could fulfill a dream she never knew she had.

Though Blake Harding, their father’s protective friend and faithful foreman, has yet to come to terms with his own broken past, he finds his heart opening to the inspiring and determined Belle. But Eden soon proves to be a tough paradise for all of them when the sisters’ lives are threatened by someone hell-bent on driving them out of town. Now they must gather their courage if they’re going to secure their legacy and have a chance at claiming the new life and possibilities of love that the untamed territory offers.

328 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 23, 2018

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About the author

Caroline Fyffe

30 books607 followers
USA Today Bestselling Author Caroline Fyffe was born in Waco, Texas, the first of many towns she would call home during her father's career with the US Air Force. A horse aficionado from an early age, she earned a Bachelor of Arts in communications from California State University-Chico before launching what would become a twenty-year career as an equine photographer. She began writing fiction to pass the time during long days in the show arena, channeling her love of horses and the Old West into a series of Western historicals. Her debut novel, Where the Wind Blows, won the Romance Writers of America's prestigious Golden Heart Award as well as the Wisconsin RWA's Write Touch Readers' Award. She and her husband have two grown sons and live in the Pacific Northwest.

Visit Caroline at www.carolinefyffe.com
See her photographs at www.carolinefyffephoto.com
Twitter @carolinefyffe
Write to her at [email protected]. She loves hearing from readers!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 268 reviews
Profile Image for Dale Harcombe.
Author 14 books390 followers
November 17, 2023
Three and a half stars
Raised by guardians Vernon and Velma Crowdaire after their mother died, the Brinkman sisters receive word from Eden, Colorado that they have an inheritance from their late, estranged father. They had always believed he was a dangerous man who wanted nothing to do with his wife who left him for Philadelphia with her five daughters, Mavis, Belle, Emma, Lavinia and Katie. So it is with more than a little surprise to find they have inherited the Five Sisters ranch in Eden. There is a condition attached to them claiming this inheritance. They must live on the property worlds away from their familiar city lifestyle and jobs, for six months.
But then they find they are not the only ones to inherit. An equal share has been left to Blake Harding, their father’s trusted friend and foreman for many years. Blake has been like a son to John. So how will this work? Will they be able to survive six months or should they take a smaller cash settlement and call it quits? And what about Lesley, who is wanting to marry Belle? Where does he fit in Belle’s plans.
This is an enjoyable read. Belle and Blake are both lovely characters. Through Blake, Belle learns more about her father and his life in Eden. Blake has his own issues from the past that he struggles to move on from. Despite what common sense is telling him, he is attracted to Belle. The other sisters all work well and Moses, who works on the ranch and is a great friend to Blake, is a lovely character. There are also welcoming townsfolk. Then there are also those who do not want the sisters in Eden and will go to great lengths to try and get rid of them. Will they succeed in Frightening the sisters away? This is an engaging story with a great setting. It includes a number of dramas including a rattle snake, a kidnapping and various other dangers.
It is book 1 in a historical western series. My first book by this author and enjoyable enough for me to maybe read more in the series. A couple of things were a tad predictable but overall an interesting read about family, friendship and love as well as secrets and betrayal.
Profile Image for Debby *BabyDee*.
1,329 reviews73 followers
October 19, 2018
Audiobook Review

This was a nice beginning to a new series by Caroline Fyffe a brand new author for me. I am starting my KU series listens and decided to pull this series to start. I can say that this new author did not fail with providing a beautiful story.

The story is about Belle and her four sisters who have endured hardships of losing loved ones, deceit and mistrust, and giving up what they only know to having to return to Eden, Colorado after their estranged father's death. When the reading of the will takes place they learn that they are wealthy women and do not have to bear the obstacles that they were enduring when they lived in Philadelphia. One problem...they only own fifty percent of the ranch and Blake Harding owns the other.

As a condition of their father's will, The five sisters must remain in Eden for six months before they can determine if they want to stay or sell their stake. However, during their time in Eden they are faced with danger and eventually falling prey to loving a land that their father was proud of when he was alive.

After having to work together on the Five Sisters Ranch, an attraction between Belle and Blake overshadows the animosity that they have for one another that eventually turns into love. Fyffe sets up this story to show the innuendo of possible love imterests to come in other books in this series between the other sisters and people of the town. It is obvious in this story that the townsfolk are close knit individuals who have esteem for one another.

There is attraction and some passionate moments in this story between the main characters. However, the story is a clean historical romance that was truly enjoyable and the plot made it a delightful listen although the narration was not as good as expected.

Profile Image for TJ.
3,022 reviews206 followers
January 8, 2018
What a lovely beginning for a very promising new Western romance series! The premise of five sisters raised in Philadelphia in the late 19th century, then transplanted to a small town in the wilds of Colorado to oversee the inheritance of a cattle ranch, a tannery, logging mill and other businesses their deceased father left them is novel and extremely creative.
The story does feel just a bit disjointed a few times when the chapters suddenly jump from one character to another right in the middle of a scene and the climatic ending is a little melodramatic. Still, the overall journey is an absolute delight. So much so that those very small draw-backs are quickly overshadowed by the sheer joy of the journey!
Profile Image for Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen.
1,688 reviews615 followers
February 14, 2021
4 Stars

It's been awhile since I've read a Historical Western romance and what better way to get back in the saddle than with one of Ms Fyffe's books. Entertaining, dramatic, and sweet are a few adjectives to describe the beginning of this series.
Profile Image for Heather.
1,399 reviews24 followers
January 16, 2018
This was a terrific kick-off to a new series by Caroline Fyffe. Belle and her four sisters have just learned that their estranged father has died and they must travel to Eden, Colorado for a reading of the will. When they arrive they find that nothing that they believed about their father or Eden is true. Plus they now stand to inherit half of a very successful ranch and multiple businesses if they stay in Eden. Belle is almost engaged to Leslie and has to decide if her future lies in Philadelphia or with her past in Eden with Blake and the ranch. Filled with heartwarming characters, this clean western romance sets the stage for a great series as each of the sisters must make their own decisions in Eden.
918 reviews14 followers
January 24, 2018
Ludicrous. Sisters raised in Philadelphia with minimal side saddle riding skills inherit half their father's ranch and within a few days are riding astride and helping with the round up no less. Somebody has watched John Wayne's The Cowboys one to many times. Or has never been on a horse or around cattle. A dnf at 64% or whenever they put on their boy clothes and ride out to bring in the herd.
Profile Image for Sharon.
500 reviews15 followers
June 18, 2018
This was a sweet, clean, old fashioned Western romance. If you like that, you'll like this.

There were certain elements I liked--the setting was charming and well written. The sisters at the center of the story had a lot of heart and some of them were well fleshed out--others seemed like placeholders for later books in the series.

It's a town in Colorado short on women, and five pretty young ones show up all at once, with a fat inheritance tossed in their laps. The story of how they got it is sad and really well examined throughout the entirety of the novel. The girl's father is not a character we ever get to see but you feel like you know him really well.

The romance is sweet if a bit predictable. The pacing is not great--it spends a good portion of the novel on the first three days of the girls' stay in the town and then races through some very dramatic events, some of which forward the story and some of which just end up attributed to some fairly peripheral characters.

POV was choppy--we spend most of the time in Belle's head (our spunky heroine), but also in the heads of various men of the town, which comes of kind of creepy when those men are eyeing the five sisters as potential mates.

I'm complaining a lot, but overall it was a sweet pastoral romance. The primary romance between Belle and Blake is well done and satisfying.
Profile Image for Kathy Heare Watts.
6,390 reviews175 followers
January 23, 2018

Once again, Ms. Caroline Fyffe has taken her readers on a roller-coaster ride in this emotional journey of family, loss, deceit, betrayal, lies, secrets, and love. The story will bring the five Brinkman sisters back to Eden, Colorado, where they were born, from their home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They must all be in attendance for the reading of the will, left by their father, John Brinkman.

The story is full of bitterness on the part of the five sisters, Mavis, Belle, Emma, Lavinia and Katie and their belief that their father and mother had a terrible relationship, he didn’t want them, and now he was gone. The complete opposite is the truth, and it will take time for the daughters of John to learn more about their father and how much he truly loved them.

“Life is a paradox. Will we ever know the truth?”

The story includes the lies and deceit that these girls have heard all their life from their guardians, and how they were cheated from seeing their father and having a relationship. It will come from stories shared by strangers, learning more about a man that not only loved them but cared about the people in Eden and made the town a better place. About his love for the ranch that he named “Five Sisters” and how he took in Blake Harding and treated him like a son.

“Nothing soothes a man’s soul like a wide-open vista.”

The story is full of mystery and danger with several harrowing life and death instances against several of the girls trying to convince them to leave Eden and take a lump-sum payout. But these girls are John Brinkman’s daughters, and they have the fortitude not to back down and give in to threats. Belle will prove to be a strong woman, helping out at the ranch, working with the fall roundup just as hard as the men, yet to stay sweet and compassionate with her sisters as they all cope to a new life in the west. She will learn more about not only a father she was cheated from knowing but about their mother and how her parents ended up together.

“She reminded him of John in so many ways. His stubbornness, for one. And that serious tilt to her brows, another. Amazing how that happens.”

“They knew so little about their past. Their mother was alone and destitute and their father the hero who married her to calm her dying father. The story could be in a novel, but with a teary ending instead of a happily ever after.”

“I wish I’d had a chance to speak with him, know him, live in his house. We were led to believe he despised us. Why would we want to know a father who didn’t want us?”

“Hurt makes you stronger, fear grows your courage, and heartache makes you smart.”

The story will have some mystery guest that will keep an attorney busy researching while keeping secrets. Who is trying to run the sisters out of town and what is their ulterior motive? Are their several possible romances in the works? Will Belle go back to Philadelphia and marry Lesley Atkins or will she remain in Eden to be near her sisters? Will Blake and Belle realize their feelings for each other before it is too late?

While this story is about all five sisters, it mainly focuses on Belle and the growing relationship between her and Blake, while she is trying to decide her feelings for Lesley. Belle proves to be a strong, spunky, determined woman who doesn’t back down and faces adversity head on. I think she would have made her father very proud. The greatest legacy she can leave is to continue in the direction she is going.

I am looking forward to June 2018 when the next book, True Heart’s Desire will be available.

Disclosure: I received an ARC e-copy of this book via NetGalley and voluntarily read and reviewed. All thoughts, opinions, and ratings are strictly my own. Also, I entered a Goodreads contest and won a Kindle copy of this book.
63 reviews
July 28, 2018
Love this!

Minimal “western” type violence and no sex (although rape is alluded to by one character). If you’re looking for racy, you won’t like this. If however, you’re looking for a good clean romance, you’ll probably like this.
Profile Image for Cynthia.
2,102 reviews20 followers
January 23, 2018
I just love new series a fresh start with new characters that you get to know and most of the time come to love. I really loved the map that is included that if you want to go back and see the lay of the land you can. I enjoyed the opening which gives you a little back ground and you get to get a feel of each character. Not all is as it seems there has been some lies told along the way that made the characters lose year of knowing a kind man. It is too late for them but is it too late for the children to learn and grow, find love and overcome a hurtful past. As we take the journey with these five daughters we see heart break, pain and sorrow of a love they will never know and all they will find and have to deal with along the way.

Blake’s life hasn’t always been good when he came to work for John he got way more than a job but a man to look up to. A man who has honor, kindness and helpful giving way more of his self than is expected to a foremen. His feelings for the five girls are not the kindest how could they stay away from a man that was just a kind sweet man. Now that that their father has died they are on the way to see what is left for them in the will. He just shakes his head how is he going to deal with this mess and all the problems they will bring. Blake is a strong man who takes care of those he cares about, he isn’t afraid to call a spade a spade and has no trouble laying it all out telling them all just how it is. This is one man that had me from the first page when he was high on the hill overlooking the land telling us his feeling on John, his daughters and the land.

The girl’s lives haven’t been any easier than Blake’s has been. Losing a father they don’t really remember and a mother so soon after they have moved being left to two very unkind people to raise them they just want to be done with it all. They are looking forward to their arrival and all that it may bring in hopes for a better life. Each girl is unique it was fun getting to know them and watching them try to fit in and learn the ways of the land. They have a big choice to make, stay or go and learn more about the father that so many lies has been told.

Belle is headstrong but also kind hearted she gives a lot to those she cares about. She is strong and looks out for her family. Trust isn’t something any of the sisters gives easy they have reason not to. As Belle gets to know Blake she finds a man she can look up to, she loves the stories he tells of her father. She looks forward to their time together talking and listening. She has a lot of choices to make there is one left at home that she is close to but what about these new feeling for Blake.

I really enjoyed the twist and turns and the surprises the author throws our way. It is intriguing filled with danger of the unknown. Not everyone is happy that the girls are there and someone wants them gone. As the danger builds love blossoms not only between people but the love of the land. The author has a way of writing a story that pulls you in, painting a scene that is easy to picture. I have been like Blake setting on a horse on top of the world looking out as far as you can see taking in the beauty that lay before me. It was so easy to relate to him and so easy to picture the things he saw. I thought of my own son that has the same name, Blake became my Blake which made him even more endear to me. I was held spellbound by the heartbreak, tears, sorrow, smiles and surprises they were so real to me I felt I could just about each out and touch the characters. They became my friend, my family, I took on their pain, when their heart broke so did mine. My hats off to the author for bring such a realistic story that holds you spellbound keeping you on the edge from danger to surprises that you feel all the way to your toes. This is a big win for me I can hardly wait until the next one comes out to find out what is in store for me. If you want a true delightful pleasure pick up the audio Ms. Fyffe audio’s are a wonderful I am so looking forward to listening to this.
Profile Image for Romancing the Book.
4,420 reviews221 followers
October 28, 2018
Reviewed by JoAnne
Book provided by NetGalley
Originally posted at Romancing the Book

Heart of Eden is one of the best western historical reads that I’ve read in a while and rated a 5 star review. Fyffe is an author whose books I have read a time or two but they were a long time ago. I will be adding more of her books to my always growing TBR pile so I can rectify that in the future. I look forward to reading more books in the Colorado Hearts series and seeing how the lives unfold of the five Brinkman sisters and other characters I grew fond of.

When the story begins we are in Colorado in the 1880’s and it sets the stage of what is to come. We then switch to Philadelphia learning about the lives of the Brinkman sisters who live with their guardians whom we find out have been evil over the years even when their mother was alive and it only got worse once she died. When their mother took them from their father’s ranch many years before he always hoped that they would one day return and love the land as much as he does. Their lives were hard living with their guardians and they had no idea they had a loving father and a home back on their ranch in Colorado. As we get to know each of the sisters, little by little, we learn their personalities, their quirks and how they seem to be settling for what they have or are they? The characters have a depth to them that we learn a little bit at a time.

When they arrive in Colorado, due to the terms of their father’s will, things get interesting fast. It’s not all good since they are on the Colorado frontier with ranches, cowboys, lawlessness, small town life, small town businesses, horses and lots of doubts about what they’re doing there and whether they will return to Philadelphia or not. Blake, their new partner, is a font of knowledge about their lives but especially their father who they realize they never really knew from what little was said back home. None of them can get enough and neither could I. Blake and Belle hit it off since they are working together on the ranch but is it just friendship or is it more? She does have an almost fiance back in Philadelphia who was wimpy but also controlling and seemed to have his own agenda.

There are a lot of twists and turns to the story with multiple stories going on that tie nicely together as they are interwoven throughout. There are sad moments along with happy ones and lots of hard living. The descriptions of the land, the mountains, the town, the people, the businesses, the ranch and the animals were vivid and made me feel that I was there. There was some closure and a happily-ever-after in the offing but since this is the first book in Fyffe’s new series I know I’ll be back for more. I for one can’t wait!
692 reviews
January 25, 2018
I never tire of going back in time with this author’s 1800 stories. This time we travel to Eden, Colorado and meet the Brinkman sisters. Their mother took them away from the Five Sisters Ranch and their father when they were very small. Now they are grown, and their father has died. In order to inherit his large cattle ranch and his other holdings in town, the 5 sisters must live on the ranch for at least six months. When they return to Eden they become reacquainted with Blake Harding, their father’s right had man, whom he always treated like a son. As they try to adapt to a place that is foreign to them they have to decide if they want to stay; however, there is evil people who want them gone.

I love the beginning of a new series, as it is so intriguing to learn the new characters, the town, and the beauty of a new setting. It is so exciting to get to know each character and their personalities and what they bring to the story. As you read you can envision the shops, streets and the people of Colorado, you can feel the heat as well as the cold, see the mountains, rivers and even the windmills on the ranch as the author’s descriptions are so vivid. As the author lays down a new plot, the reader can feel with excitement the other stories that will come out of the first one. I fell in love with Blake right away as his character was open, honest and he didn’t “beat around the bush” with what was on his mind. He was strong, loyal and very protective of those he cared about. He was definitely a man’s man. All the sisters had my attention as it was fun getting to know each one and how they would grow from this experience. Heart of Eden was such a great story. The plot was really interesting, getting you turning pages to see what was going to happen next. Along with the romance and friendships there are some bad guys thrown in to make things a little a scary for the sisters! I thoroughly enjoyed Heart of Eden and look forward to the others in this series. Another hit for Mrs. Fyffe.
Profile Image for Katie.
69 reviews3 followers
March 20, 2019
Why did I read this? Because sometimes reaching for something that you have 0 expectations for is a coping mechanism when school becomes overwhelming.

It was...okay.


My main problem here is how much time the protagonist spent crying. It became meaningless by the end of the story. A typical significant character development scene in this book is the following:

Blake: “Sometimes your dad and I rode horses.”
Belle: -bursts into tears-
Blake: “This seems normal.”

Crying ends up acting as a stagnant cue that the reader should feel sad when the writing isn’t strong enough to provoke that on itself.

The pacing has some serious issues as well. We’re told far more than we’re shown in some critical moments. Ex: The development with Elizabeth and her son felt thrown in at the end. I was disappointed about Henry’s sudden almost-apathy towards the sisters because of Elizabeth’s arrival; the interactions and relationships between the sisters and Henry stop at this point.

I’m not going to get into the history and representation issues here. Suffice to say: it’s probably about as inaccurate as you would expect.

The scenery was really cool. I have a soft spot for settings involving mountains and wide-open skies. That was nice. I liked how when she wasn’t crying, Belle was a hard worker who asserted herself.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Trader (RedHotBlueReads).
1,693 reviews38 followers
January 23, 2018
In this new series from Caroline Fyffe, the five Brinkman sisters travel from Philadelphia to Eden, Colorado for the reading of their father's last will and testament. It's a much different environment than Philadelphia, to say the least.

This story focuses on Belle Brinkman. Even though it would appear her future is in Philadelphia with her almost-betrothed, she's intrigued by what she finds in Colorado, and that includes her father's foreman, Blake. She's ready to take over the ranch and Blake is going to help her -- willingly or not.

I read quite a bit of contemporary romance and there are times I'm looking for something a bit different and I loved the historical content in this story. Heart of Eden does a good job of setting up the world for the future books in the series and I'm looking forward to the other sister's stories.

There were a few slow spots for me in this as well as some confusing point of view changes which kept me from ranking this book higher, but it was still an enjoyable read, especially if you are looking for something with an old western flare.

An ARC was provided for review.
Profile Image for Janice Spina.
Author 48 books107 followers
June 29, 2023
Heart of Eden is a lovely story filled with romance, adventure, danger, and underlying heartache of the loss of a father. The characters, five sisters, travel to Colorado after their father passed to learn more about him and their birthplace after being estranged for many years. What they find there is not what they expected.

Mavis, Belle, Emma, Lavinia, and Katie, the Brinkman sisters, strong and resilient, come to Colorado to forge the way for a new future which is uncertain to them but still hopeful to make up for not coming home sooner to see their father before he passed. Their mother took them away when they were young children to live with another couple. This couple, the Crowdaires, proved to be deceitful people who convinced the girls that their father did not want them in his life, preventing them from ever returning and finding out the truth after their mother’s death.

A thoroughly enjoyable beach read with plenty of threats of danger, uncertainty, and romance that kept this reader engrossed to see what would happen next to the sisters. I look forward to the rest of the books in this series. I’m sure there will be plenty more adventures for the sisters.

I highly recommend this book!
Profile Image for BrandyD.
548 reviews76 followers
July 17, 2021
Such a good start to a really fun series.
Profile Image for Melanie.
922 reviews34 followers
January 22, 2018
A wonderful start to a new series! I loved everything about it, from the characters that pop up from the page to the plot and pace. But what really stands out is the setting of this town of Eden and the wilds of Colorado.

The first happily ever after was that of Belle and Blake and it was fun, engaging and sweet. I am really looking forward to getting to know all the sisters and the men that will catch their heart.

Caroline Fyfe, bring them on!

Melanie for b2b

Gift ARC provided by the publisher
15 reviews
December 13, 2018
What a love story!

Amazing read! Love Colorado! Original story! So sweet, close of this book leads into another book #2. If you like horses, and finding love, you will definitely like the book!
Profile Image for Pam.
4,469 reviews56 followers
April 3, 2019
Heart of Eden: Colorado Hearts Book 1 is by Caroline Fyffe. This delightful book takes place in Eden, Colorado. Eden is a small town in Colorado that is basically owned by John Brinkman. He owned a ranch outside of town called The Five Sisters. He had married and had five girls; but his wife had left and gone back East with the girls. She thought it was too dangerous for the girls in Eden. However, it has gotten much better as the town filled up. He had never given up hope that his girls and wife would eventually return. He had faithfully written and sent them money to live on; but never heard from his girls and only hostile letters from his wife. Again, he hoped after his wife died; but the girls didn’t come. Luckily for him, he had Blake. Blake had come to the ranch from the East. His Brother had been killed in the Civil War and young Blake had fled to Colorado to get away from the fighting. A black soldier had nursed him back to health after he was injured and helped him get to Colorado. Later, Moses came to the ranch and became indispensable. Now that John had died, his will stipulated that to inherit, the girls must all come out to have the will read. One way or another, he wanted his girls home.
The girls had been brought up by friends of their Mother, Vernon and Velma Crowdaire. Vernon always talked bad about their Father and made the girls believe he was a terrible father and husband. After all, he hadn’t made any attempt to find out how they were, much less help out with their upbringing. The girls grew up working from the time they were little until now. They were not afraid of hard work so were willing to come West to find out what they could about their Father. To their consternation, they found that everything they were told was a lie. Now they had to reconcile that with the fact that they were ½ owners of the huge ranch their Father had plus the businesses in town. Now they had to decide if they wanted the ranch or not. They could take a sum of money instead or stay here for six months to fulfill their Father’s request. Blake would just as soon see them gone; but he wondered how he would keep the ranch after they left. What will their decision be? This is just the first book in the series. Since there are five girls, I expect the series to have at least four more books in the series.
Profile Image for Anna.
430 reviews10 followers
December 30, 2017
I have been looking forward to this new series and characters for a while now and I was not disappointed. Caroline Fyffe has once again created a setting that is so vivid and descriptive I could see myself sitting atop a horse looking over the vast valleys and cattle. New characters became almost instant family while reading. Their heartaches, fears, strengths and surprises were heartfelt and so real that I had to keep reading to find out more. The mystery that was kept up throughout was perfect. I had no clue and was completely surprised which is hard to do.

Five sisters away from their father their whole lives. Across the country they travel for the reading of his will. Along with Blake, the right hand man of their father for years and years. But trust doesn't come easy, especially when things come out that shatter the girls and make Blake feel a sense of pity for their plight. Now with a decision to stay for a while in Eden and the ranch things must be learned and taught. But danger abounds and with fear pushing at the girls will they leave and take from the ranch or will they stick it out?

Belle is headstrong and feisty. But also tenderhearted. She has to be strong for her sisters but in those quiet times with just her and Blake his memories of her father consume her. How could they have not known?? And what are these feelings she keeps feeling for Blake? She's practically engaged to Lesley. As the dangers escalate and fears become more, will they be able to work through all the misunderstanding and find their true hearts in Eden?
Profile Image for Peta Benjamin.
739 reviews22 followers
January 12, 2018
The five Brinkman sisters return to Eden, Colorado when they receive a letter informing them that their estranged Father John, has died. For many years they have lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with friends of their Mother, the Crowdaire's who took them in after they left their Father who they were led to believe was a cruel and violent man. Unfortunately their Mother was taken ill and died and the girls were left to work for their keep in the one room the Crowdaire's housed them in, and even though it wasn't the best of accommodations, at least they were all together and not on the streets.

But now they must return for the reading of the Will and for the two elder girls who have memories of Eden, their eyes are opened to new possibilities of a life that just may be what they all need and for Belle, the second eldest, reacquainting herself with Blake Harding and the family ranch is proving to be more of a distraction from her fiancé and her life back in Philadelphia than she could ever have thought.

This is the first book in the Colorado Hearts series and I must say it is the beginning of a wonderful Historical series that I am sure is going to be very addictive.

Belle and Blake's story is enchanting and I expect the other sisters stories will be just as engaging.

Absolutely enjoyed every word and will definitely be reading the rest of the series.

Thanks to Netgalley and Montlake Romance for the opportunity to read and give an honest review of this book.
2 reviews
January 23, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
If you love western romance, Heart of Eden, the first in a new series written by Caroline Fyffe is a must read, Caroline brings her readers right into the story, Imagine you and your sisters are living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and you get a letter saying your estranged father has died, the girls decide to travel to Colorado. And, so the story begins.

A Colorado Hearts Novel
Heart of Eden by Caroline Fyffe

In Eden, Colorado, 1880 John Brinkman has died, leaving behind a large ranch and a great deal of money.
John had 5 daughters who he had not seen for many years, they were living with their mother in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Their mother had died many years before leaving them in the care of two guardians who treated the girls like servants.
Mavis, Belle, Emma, Lavinia and Katie Brinkman left their Pennsylvania home to travel to Eden Colorado to hear their fathers will. Learning they would inherit his ranch and properties, they would be required to live in Eden, Colorado for six months in order to claim the ranch. Life in the wilderness has proven harsh, but will the girls be able to withstand the dangerous life in the untamed territory?
Caroline Fyffe has written yet another compelling story of family love, good friends, hardship, suspense and some romance for readers to enjoy.
I absolutely loved this novel, I’m looking forward to reading more of the Brinkman sister’s lives and adventures in Colorado,

Profile Image for Brook Reader.
46 reviews1 follower
January 24, 2018
I received a complimentary copy of "Heart of Eden" It's a true honor to review it. Excellently written this Introduction to the "Colorado Hearts Series" takes you to Eden Colorado in 1880 and acquaints you with the Brinkman Sisters...
Upon return to Eden for the reading of their Fathers Will the Sister's learn their Father John Brinkman had left them a Dynasty as well as a six way partner/ownership to Five Sister's Ranch along with Blake Harding Foreman of the Ranch whom had been raised by John also... To Inherit they must stay six months. After being deceived for eighteen years the Sister's learn their father had loved them very much and was heartbroken that they had never chosen to return home not even for a visit...

In this story Belle Brinkman with spunky determination begins to learn the ways of ranch life taught by Blake Harding...
As she fights the battle of what she should do with her life... Belle and her sisters lives are threatened by someone adamant about making them leave. As this story of mystery and intrigue unfolds... Belle and Blake find true love and a life that will never be boring...

Caroline Fyffe writes a story here that reaches into your chest and grips your heart it's loaded with so much emotion the sadness put tears in your eyes, anger in your mind, fear in your soul and love in your heart... I'm impatiently awaiting the next installment...

1,161 reviews2 followers
November 1, 2020
I highly recommend this series. It's about five sisters that have been separated from their parents. Their mother died while they were young and their father was a monster according to the two people who raised them. When their father died they had to travel west for the reading of his will only to find out that their father deeply loved each and every one of them.

Belle is the second to the oldest daughter and she is a bit of a tomboy. When the will was read the sisters found out that they owned one-half of the second-largest ranches in Colorado. The other half was given to a man that dislikes them, Blake Harding. He seems to be against them because they never visited their father. How or why should she explain to him how she was taught to believe about her father. And to make matters worst someone is trying to kill the girls to get them to leave the ranch.

Blake has worked the Five Sisters ranch for the past eighteen years he has worked with their father John Brinkman. John was everything to Blake a wonderful father figure that was very caring when it came to his daughters. But they never came to see John. How can he run a ranch with five spoiled citified girls? He is working with Belle every day and he's starting to see that not all of the girls are spoiled. Belle is hardworking and she's learning to ranch very quickly. She is not the regular citified person.
Profile Image for Dorothy Roller.
480 reviews3 followers
January 23, 2018
Heart of Eden (Colorado Hearts Novels)
By Caroline Fyffe

Wow this first story of this new series by Caroline Fyffe is a Blockbuster. It's new, fresh, wild, and adventurous, the stories of the Five Brinkman Sisters who arrive in Eden, Colorado to find out what their deceased father's will entails and not expecting much at all. Bam hit between the eyes at what transpires in the attorney's office they really don't know what to think and they all need time to process it all.

This is a wonderful new start to what I believe will be the next blockbuster series that the amazing Caroline Fyffe has put together. Caroline writes very intriguing characters, unimaginable character's that you have no idea are as evil as they are, and so unsuspected. High adventure and so many things you have come to love with her writing.

If you know Caroline Fyffe's work then you already know this one is another fantastic work of art and if you haven't read a Caroline Fyffe's story, then heck start with this one and then go back to the other fantastic series she has. I promise they are all so good.

I received this ARC from NetGalley. I am doing my own honest and unbiased review without compensation of any kind.

Profile Image for Chandra.
366 reviews24 followers
August 6, 2018
SENSUALITY RATING: NO Profanity; NO sexual encounter

GENRE: Western Historical Romance

SETTING: Philadelphia to Eden Colorado

CENTRAL FEMALE CHARACTER: Five Brinkman Sisters – Mavis, Belle, Emma, Lavinia, Katie. Mavis has always watched over her sisters the way that a mother would; Belle is the closest to Mavis and also a decision maker; Katie is the youngest sister and innocent and shy.

CENTRAL MALE CHARACTER: Blake Harding has been the ranch foreman and knows every part of the ranch and the land; a Widower.

SYNOPSIS: John Brickman has made changes in six people’s lives that was totally unexpectant. Due to circumstances, five sister have returned to the town of Eden to make some major decisions. Blake does not know what to think of the five sisters. Have they come to take over the ranch operation?

WHAT I LIKED: Which man has an eye for and is attracted to each one of the sisters.

WHAT I DID NOT LIKE: The number of times a person’s thoughts were written into almost each paragraph was quite annoying.

OVERALL RATING: (5) stars because some parts appeared to be choppy. For instance, where was Lesley as things progressed? Where was he staying? Why was he not taking his meals with Belle; where was he? Why was he physically with the sisters wherever they went? One minute he is there; the next minute nothing is being written about Lesley.
Profile Image for Miriam Rivera.
482 reviews
January 23, 2018
I’ve always though as historical books as lighthearted reads. There’s always the mail order bride or the widow who can’t run her ranch and so forth. I love those kinds of books and I thought Heart of Eden would be just a wonderful predictable book. Boy was I wrong!

Heart of Eden is the first book of this new series by Caroline Fyfee. John Brickmans wife left him and took his 5 girls with her. He thought once the Indian threat would be over he would once again reunite with his family. The girls protector became their captures and John never saw his girls again until his death was he able to bring the back to Eden.

The first book is about Blake and Belle. Blake loved John as a father and Belle always thought her father had abandoned her and her sisters. The 5 sisters have a difficult road ahead not only by becoming business owners but also by learning their father was not the man they thought he was.

Every turn of the page brought a new surprise or character. Belle and Blake build a special bond slowly and we see every Brickman girl start to love Eden. I absolutely was enthralled by this book and didn’t put it down until I was done. I can’t wait fir the next.
Profile Image for Sonya Wasden.
1,008 reviews9 followers
March 13, 2018
The five Brinkmann sisters were raised in Philadelphia when their mother carried them away from their father in Colorado. All their lives, they had believed that their father was a monster and wanted nothing to do with them. The Brinkmann's guardians had stolen the money that had been sent for their care and the letters their father had written and convinced them that he was no good and they wanted nothing to do with him. But, upon his death, they were invited to Eden, Colorado, for the reading of his will. They learned that no only was he not a monster, but he had great wealth that he only wanted to share with them and his foreman, Blake, who had been like a son to him for eighteen years.

There was a love story or two in the book, especially Belle and Blake's, that was endearing and sweet. There was drama, suspense, a kidnapping, several attempts at murder, but over all of that there was love and romance. This story was clean and sweet with no foul language and descriptions of sex. It was a beautiful story told with strong characters and beautiful scenery.

I was given an arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 268 reviews

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