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The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything

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From Stephen R. Covey's eldest son comes a revolutionary new path towards productivity and satisfaction. Trust, says Stephen M.R. Covey, is the very basis of the new global economy, and he shows how trust—and the speed at which it is established with clients, employees and constituents —is the essential ingredient for any high–performance, successful organization.

For business leaders and public figures in any arena, The Speed of Trust offers an unprecedented and eminently practical look at exactly how trust functions in our every transaction and relationship—from the most personal to the broadest, most indirect interaction—and how to establish trust immediately so that you and your organization can forego the time–killing, bureaucratic check–and–balance processes so often deployed in lieu of actual trust.

384 pages, Hardcover

Published October 17, 2006

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About the author

Stephen M.R. Covey

35 books230 followers
Stephen M. R. Covey is co-founder and CEO of CoveyLink Worldwide. A sought-after and compelling keynote speaker and advisor on trust, leadership, ethics, and high performance, he speaks to audiences around the world. He is the author of The SPEED of Trust, a groundbreaking and paradigm-shifting book that challenges our age-old assumption that trust is merely a soft, social virtue and instead demonstrates that trust is a hard-edged, economic driver—a learnable and measurable skill that makes organizations more profitable, people more promotable, and relationships more energizing. He advocates that nothing is as fast as the speed of trust and that the ability to establish, grow, extend, and restore trust with all stakeholders is the critical leadership competency of the new global economy. Covey passionately delivers that message and is dedicated to enabling individuals and organizations to reap the dividends of high trust. Audiences and organizations alike resonate with his informed, practical approach to real-time issues that affect their immediate and long-term performance.
He is the former CEO of Covey Leadership Center, which, under his stewardship, became the largest leadership development company in the world. Covey personally led the strategy that propelled his father’s book, Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, to one of the two most influential business books of the 20th Century, according to CEO Magazine. A Harvard MBA, he joined Covey Leadership Center as a Client Developer and later became National Sales Manager and then President & CEO. Under Covey’s direction, the company grew rapidly and profitably, achieving Inc. 500 status. As President & CEO, he nearly doubled revenues to over $110 million while increasing profits by 12 times. During that period, both customer and employee trust reached new highs and the company expanded throughout the world into over 40 countries. This greatly increased the value of the brand and company. The company was valued at only $2.4 million when Covey was named CEO, and, within three years, he grew shareholder value to $160 million in a merger he orchestrated with then Franklin Quest to form FranklinCovey.
Over the years, Covey has gained considerable respect and influence with executives and leaders of Fortune 500 companies as well as with mid- and small-sized private sector and public sector organizations he’s consulted. Clients recognize his unique perspective on real-world organizational issues based on his practical experience as a former CEO.
Covey currently serves on the board/advisory board of several entities, including the Human Performance Institute—the leader in energy management technology—where he serves as Advisory Board Chairman.
Covey resides with his wife and children in the shadows of the Rocky Mountains.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 925 reviews
Profile Image for Janet.
74 reviews71 followers
March 20, 2008
Stephen M.R. Covey, the son, was head of training for his father's company.

The book is needlessly long and I didn't need to be sold on the value of trust (which is why the book is so long), hence, why the 3 star rating. Long sections of the book are very general and boring and I kept thinking how the book could have been netted down. I recommend the book, recommend skimming the boring examples and felt that along with the Economics of Trust, all that a reader needs on the important subject of trust.

The practical advice Trust includes five waves of trust (self trust based on the principle of credibility, relationship trust based on the principle of proper behavior, organizational trust based on the principle of alignment, market trust based on the principle of reputation, and societal trust based on the principle of contribution). Most of the book is taken up with examining those five waves and their underlying principles.

He makes the point that trust is comprised of two basic elements: essentially character and competency.

The core of the book is in the 13 behaviors that have been shown research wise to establish trust (talk straight, demonstrate respect, create transparency, right wrongs, show loyalty, get better, confront reality, clarify expectations, practice accountability, listen first, keep commitments, and extend trust). He applies the concept of emotional bank accounts from his father's book to explain that a deposit for one person may be a withdrawal for another.

Each section of the book comes with ways to check on your performance and to create plans for improvement.
Profile Image for Tim.
Author 72 books2,676 followers
September 8, 2009
The bulk of this short book might be characterized as "moral philosophy 101." It will be informative for moral imbeciles and those (many, by the measure of apparent business ethics) who don't believe that personal and business ethics have any connection. It's a basic outline of how to extend and create trust, and how to reciprocate when you receive it. Formulaic pop psychology.

The value of the book for me was in the first chapter. It makes the case for trust as a business value, that high trust increases speed and decreases cost. Covey gives the example of the acquisition of a $20 billion dollar business from Walmart by Warren Buffett, done in a two hour meeting, and with complete legal approval in less than a month, as a demonstration of just what a difference trust can make. On the reverse side, he points out the increased cost and inconvenience of air travel since 9/11 as an object lesson in the costs and penalties of reduced trust.

I remember when we started O'Reilly's publishing business. We would take orders on the phone, tell people to send us a check, and send out the books immediately, without waiting to receive payment. We did get stiffed a few times, but overall, it was a good plan.

Today, we offer our ebooks without DRM for the same reason: we trust our users not to screw us. It's good business.

Interestingly, I first heard about this book from Dave Wennergren, the CIO of the Department of Defense. It's an idea that really resonates here for government, and it's one that I've been passing on in my talks about gov 2.0.

In that regard, there's a great quote about Craigslist in the latest issue of Wired:

“If most people are good and their needs are simple, all you have to do to serve them well is build a minimal infrastructure allowing them to get together and work things out for themselves. Any additional features are almost certainly superfluous and could even be damaging.”
--Gary Wolf, Wired Magazine, Sept 2009

Even though I gave this book only three stars, it's worth reading for the first chapter.
Profile Image for Jacob.
Author 3 books128 followers
July 22, 2008
This phenomenal book has been out less than a year but I thought it just as good if not a better read than 7 Habits written by his father. This book so perfectly describes trust, breaks it down and shows how relevant it is in business, home, and all other arenas of life.
Profile Image for Steve Whiting.
181 reviews15 followers
February 17, 2016
There's a certain formula to these business-guru books: checklist of improved ways of working ("4 cores" and "13 behaviours", check), strained acronyms ("TASKS", check), a pseudo-scientific formula leading to a spuriously calculated buzzphrase ("trust tax", check), an overarching theme ("5 waves of trust", check) and usually a magic-quadrant style diagram of some sort ("Smart Trust", check), many supportive personal examples from career and family (definitely check!)

As will be apparent from that list, this book ticks all of those, and as a result seems a little over-familiar. Having said that, there's nothing actually wrong with the central concepts - they're all laudable and sensible ideas, though presented rather repetitively (once you get to the third 'wave' you can pretty confidently predict everything you're going to read next). At the same time, the ideas aren't exactly rocket-science either - most of the behaviours and attitudes promoted here should be the normal way of thinking and working for any decent, honest person.

So - there's not much that's revelatory here, but the content is still worthwhile - probably mostly of benefit for any business leader who is struggling with engagement with his/her staff or peers and can't understand why. However, I can't help but think that this 320+ page book would make a decent 10-slide presentation; it's certainly not as vacuous and patronising as something like "Who moved my cheese?", but there is an awful lot of padding.

Overall - I'd look for a summary, or look at the author's website and skip the book.
Profile Image for Gabriela.
Author 13 books43 followers
August 6, 2012
According to Stephen M.R. Covey, the new economy is looking for businesses and individuals who can practice the virtue of trust. The Speed of Trust shows the importance of trust and how the rate at which it is built can help businesses win over clients and employees too. The book proposes that establishing trust is essential to creating high performing companies.

Gone are the days when companies would be secretive, make bad decisions and get away with it. Today's economy is increasingly becoming open and information spreads fast. How do you show your employees and customers that you value them and that you are on the same team? By working to build a transparent business culture, in which information is readily available, bureaucracy is eliminated and innovation is allowed to thrive.

The ideas in the book resonate with me, not because they are moralistic but it is the way the economy is working today. A bad reputation will spread fast and will hurt your company and a good reputation will spread fast too and boost the company. I wish Covey showed how businesses could build back any lost trust. Nevertheless, this is recommended reading for all business professionals.

44 reviews
June 20, 2012
This has to be one of the lamest books I've ever read mostly because I can see corporations across America eating it up. I'm reading it for a Leadership Training class at present. The "CORE" argument of of the book is that one must increase trust with others in order to make relationships and work efficient and cost effective. I bet this book is handed out for free to employees businesses like it so much.

Ultimately, the book reads like a tea party opus. The book has some silly statements that really irk me. 1. Unions show the lack of trust between corporations and employees. No, unions reveal that employees have been underpaid and underappreciated for their work for over 100 years. Unions work to solve trust issues by making sure people come to the bargaining table with equity. 2. Sarbanes Oxley wastes time of Corporations because if we trusted them we would not have to take all the time needed to fill requirements. No, corporations flagrantly disobey laws and imbuing public "trust" in them will not forestall corporations like Enron from taking money and not reporting correctly. Our recent financial meltdown is proof enough. Covey would say that if these corporations acted ethically none of that would have happened. I agree. But, they did not act with integrity, instead they craved "results", even bogus ones. Corporations need checks on their integrity.

Covey seems to live in some magical world where unfairness - at the structural level - does not exist. Where if you work hard, you will accrue benefits. Trust does not get at the very real biases in our workforce and society that undermine the work some people do.

Nevertheless, the book is well written. And it's so mind-numbing I actually enjoy flipping through its pages. Often, it makes me laugh, even though its not supposed to.
Profile Image for K.D. Absolutely.
1,820 reviews
May 4, 2009
This book makes a lot of common sense. Productivity in the workplace is indeed based on trust. If you are not trusted by your boss, he will check or will let your colleague check your work. However, the book did not talk much about how to re-gain trust which can easily be lost in the day-to-day office environment. Everyone starts with a clean slate with favorable (that’s why we are hired in the first place) trust index. However, even if we always work diligently, there will always come a time when we commit mistakes. So, I guess that the book could have been more effective if there is a portion on how to deal with boss who nitpick errors and how to re-gain lost trust.
Profile Image for Sierra.
193 reviews7 followers
July 23, 2024
this book references the 7 habits of highly effective people a bunch - i wish i had read that before this book
Profile Image for Karl-O.
173 reviews4 followers
October 6, 2011
In The Speed of Trust, Stephen M. R. Covey (son of renowned author Stephen R. Covey (The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People)), delves into the mechanics of trust, an element, which in spite the attention we think ourselves giving it, remains to a great extend underestimated. According to Covey, trust is the keystone for every relationship in our lives, including our relationship with ourselves.

The author does a great job in showing that trust is something we can recover. I believe this to be one of the most powerful ideas in the book. As individuals, we tend to think that trust is something unfixable and can’t be retrieved once lost. But the book shows different ways to help people recover their trust to themselves or to the people around them.

On the other hand, how can we determine who to trust? How can we know that we are trustable by other people? Here comes Covey and explains the key elements of trust which he calls the four cores: integrity, intent, capabilities, and results. Questioning these cores in others as well as ourselves can guide us in building trustful relationships in our lives, getting rid of the useless relationships with distrustful people, and enhancing our self-confidence and identity.

Covey also explores the different "types" of trust, which are highly correlated with one another: self trust, relationship trust, organizational trust, market trust, and societal trust. These five waves of trust, as the author calls them, are essential for the success and well being of not just ourselves, but our families, organizations, and societies as well. Throughout the book, the author emphasizes that the trust we build in our organizations and markets, is an echo of the trust we have in ourselves. I particularly liked when he talks about how trust can affect both speed and cost. The examples used to demonstrate this idea were very helpful and tangible, as the Warren Buffett’s acquisition of McLane Distribution from Wallmart. He shows how this 20$ billion acquisition took only two hours and a handshake due to the high trust both parties had in each other, and the whole merging process took less than a month instead of several months spent on formalities and millions paid to consultants and attorneys.

Covey also shows that it’s not only important to be trustable or to trust other people, but also to inspire them to trust themselves and one another and I think this is the essence of effective leadership in today's world.

Finally, the subject matter of this book may seem superficial for some (well, after all we all know that trust is important), but caught in our everyday lives, I can't help but realize that people underestimate trust or don't pay regard it as an asset. This book can be helpful in showing how trust can affect everything and how we can make our lives and surroundings better by utilizing it more effectively.
70 reviews
October 9, 2016
من نوادر الكتب ، التي أصنفها بخمس نجوم

كتاب رائع مُلهِم في الادارة بل و حتى في الحياة العامة و العائلية

استطاع الكاتب ان يقدّم وصفة منطقية ، لزيادة الانتاجية و خفض التكاليف ، و زيادة الشعور بالسعادة..... إنها الثقة

بل استطاع الكاتب ان يفرّق بين الثقة المطلقة و الثقة المعقولة

و كيف تتجازو موضوع الارتياب من وضع الثقة في بعض الافراد ، و مد جسور التواصل

عليكم بإقتناء الكتاب


Profile Image for Nate.
537 reviews64 followers
December 11, 2023
I read this for work. Some interesting points about establishing trust with people, but for me the reasons the book gave for doing this were in the wrong place. People should be trustworthy to treat people well, not to make money.

Most of the ideas in the latter half of the book were too idealistic. For Comey's ideas to work, everyone in the world would have to 1. function at their best mental health-wise, 2. be aware of the points in this book, and 3. never make a mistake.

Many of Covey’s examples catered to elitist class principles. He completely ignores the fact that people working for him would tell him anything to save their jobs. He also completely ignores the fact that many folks are struggling to survive.

Also, the contents of this book was mostly filler. It could have been a brochure.
Profile Image for Claudia.
2,582 reviews94 followers
July 31, 2012
While Covey (son of the 'famous' Covey)sets out a great argument for trust in businesses, I, of course, look through the lens of an educator. I think the part that resonated the most with me was the first section on self trust, and the section about organizational trust. Sometimes I found the parallels, sometimes I didn't.

Self trust...believing in your mission, your purpose. Trusting YOURSELF to make good decisions, to reach out to others, to inspire trust. That is exactly what should happen in a classroom.

And the other section, about organizations, helped me look, not only at my own school, but the profession and helped me analyze part of the reason public education seems so mired in disfunction right now. We don't trust each other. We're coming from different stances, we don't understand, and we haven't taken the time to really trust.

One thing that I kept noticing, like an underlying theme, is a huge problem I have with corporate reform...the need to change, be different, mix things up. That's what 'reformers' are doing. They're playing with education, with my profession. Let's try this, let's try that. It's kids' lives they're messing with as they try this, and then try that. BUT that's the climate they're comfortable with, because they are not dealing with lives...they're dealing with services or products. They can afford to be very very wrong...they just start over with new products. We in education have to pick up wounded kids and try to restore their confidence...So, I feel like I understand better.

The thing about trust is that it has an opposite, and also a counterfeit. The opposite is easy. The counterfeit? What an interesting concept. That's the person who tells you she trusts you while she's plotting something that will work to her advantage and your disadvantage. Wow. I know people (men and women) who can do that with ease.

I got tired of counting...five waves, 13 behaviors...I got tired of the Covey vocabulary...tax, dividend, withdrawals, deposits...Kept wondering why 5, why 13. That actually distracted me as I would count them off...

Lots of great lines...some of Covey's and some he's found to illustrate his points.

What Gandhi thinks, what he says and what he does are all the same...

My life is an indivisible whole, and all my activities run into one another. My life is my message ~ Gandhi

Listen First means to listen to yourself, to your gut feelings, your own inner voice before you decide, before you act

Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great.

Leadership is getting results in a way that inspires trust.

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn ~ Alvin Toffler

You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough ~ Frank Crane

Extending trust to others rekindles the inner spirit

AND: HIGH TRUST COMPANIES OUT PERFORM LOW TRUST COMPANIES. That brings me back to my education parallels. We are now living and working in a climate of little or NO trust. Yet we're being punished if we don't reach the results OTHERS ('reformers') have set for us. We don't trust them; they sure as heck don't trust us. The climate is toxic until someone begins to trust. I see it at the state level with our SDE; and at the national level.

I saw no solution in this book, no breakthrough...but I did find inspiration to go back to my classroom and build that trust, one student at a time!
Profile Image for Craig.
24 reviews6 followers
July 10, 2008
In the last few weeks, I've been traveling quite a lot—Brazil, Macedonia, Serbia, and throughout the U.S. Since I have a ritual that involves reading on planes, I've been able to get through a few books I've been hearing quite a bit about. The three I want to tell you about here, are all amazing. If you saw my copies, you'd see dog-eared pages, underlining, exclamation points and question marks in the margins. I really had no idea how much I'd be affected by each one, and completely surprised by how they all seem to fit together so well.

The first book, “The SPEED of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything” is by Stephen M. Covey—no, not that one—this is his son! I read his dad's book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” (Stephen R. Covey) fifteen years ago (and a few times since) and I credit it as the single most influential piece of my career development. It lead to the creation of my personal mission statement which you can download and read in the Resources Section of the Common Ground website.

“The Speed of Trust” is all about the importance of trust as a concept in all of our relationships—personal and professional. The concept resonates for me as a central tenet of how I function as a consultant. In fact. I am using many of his concepts and ideas in the “Consulting for Consultants” workshops I'm piloting here in the Balkans on this latest trip. Take a look at the slides below (which I developed for the workshops) and you'll get an idea of the kinds of things Covey is talking about.

I particularly liked his definition of leadership (which I also ascribe to consulting): “Getting Results In A Way That Inspires Trust.” Isn't that AMAZING!
Profile Image for May Ling.
1,077 reviews286 followers
November 30, 2011
I really enjoyed this book and actually began quoting it before I even finished reading it. Covey just has a way of articulating things that is so completely clear.

I think the role of competency hit home. The problem in a lot of large organization is the wrong mix of competency and soft skills. Ego comes into play and suddenly communication is completely and utterly broken. Great read.
573 reviews4 followers
November 10, 2018
Blah Blah Blah....now you've read it too.

(Seriously, unless you are an MBA student working on a business case thesis....or an individual who lacks any emotional intelligence, just skip it)
Profile Image for Stephanie Thoma.
Author 1 book23 followers
March 23, 2019
The main message of this book is to lead with trust to give relationships the opportunity to flourish. Even if you're burned a few times, you will come out ahead of those who don't lead with trusting others who demoralize those they associate with. A bonus: Covey writes in a conversational and engaging way.

- The story of Joe, an NYC donut shop with long lines eventually put out a jar for people to pay using a trust system, and they'd come up and get their donuts. People often appreciated being trusted so much that they paid more than what was due!
- Organizations leading w/ trust vs. tight contracts get a 300% larger return on average (what?)
- Trust = character (integrity) + competence
- Establish trust with one = establishing trust with many
- You can trust someone w/o thinking they are competent for a particular task. Perception of character is the mainstay marker of trust.
- 4 cores of credibility: 1. self 2. relationship 3. organizational 4. market
- "Self=trust is the first secret of success... the essence of heroism." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Keeping commitments becomes 1 of 2 choices: You can change your behavior to match your commitment, or you can lower your values to match your behavior."
- NGO orgs have the highest organizational trust rankings
- Talent provides a deeper well than skills
- "If you don't like change, you're going to like irrelevance even less." - General Eric Shinseki
- Avoid the common tendency to put more energy into new relationships and assume people in existing relationships know you care. There is probably a greater need for demonstrations of concern in existing relationships.
- Stockdale Paradox (Jim Collins) You must never confuse faith... with the discipline to confront the brutal facts of your existing reality.
- A person will not ask for your advice until they feel understood by you. If someone's emotions are running high and you give premature advice, you will be ignored.
- One man cannot do right in one department of life whilst he is occupied doing wrong in another department. Life is one indivisible whole." - Gandhi
- "He who cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he, too, must pass." - Lord Herbert
- "Better trust all and be deceived, And weep that trust, and that deceiving, Then doubt one heart that, if believed, Had blessed one's life with true believing." - Frances Anne Kemble
Profile Image for فادي.
590 reviews767 followers
November 4, 2019
رغم أنه قديم زمنياً إلا أن بعض الأفكار فيه صالحة لهذا الزمن
Profile Image for Adrienne Michetti.
205 reviews15 followers
March 6, 2023
This book has a lot of valuable insight; it's easy to see why it has become a stalwart reference for leaders. The first part of the book is all philosophy and tenets, whereas the following parts give more examples and application specifics. The first part really is a lot of platitudes, so thankfully there is something practical that follows.

However, it could use an update. Much of the the examples are dated, and/or extremely hetero-normative. They are laden with subtextual "holier than thou" judgement, likely rooted in Judeo-Christian values. An updated version with an expansion on the tiny section that details cultural differences and trust would go a long way today. Also, some of the examples are now of people we know aren't great examples (Tiger Woods, anyone?).

My only other editorial complaint is about structure of each chapter. There are soooooo many quotes and they are all introduced the same way: "Consider what XYZ person (usually a white male) had to say about ABC value/behaviour." I imagine Covey had an assistant whose sole job it was to match trust quotes with his text. They are often so out of context or just mismatched.

Having said all of this, most of the advice, examples, and rules in this guide are useful. It's not so much a handbook as it is a reference book. We all need these reminders, especially those in leadership of any kind.
Profile Image for Josh Steimle.
Author 3 books272 followers
October 6, 2015
Don't let it throw you off that this was written by Stephen R. Covey's son--it's a great book. He's not just riding his father's coattails, unless it is that he's following in his footsteps and doing a good job of it.

There are some valuable lessons in here for business, and everywhere else you have relationships. Especially the core point that where there is trust, things move faster. That's a competitive advantage for businesses. Businesses that foster the practices that engender trust will win, and others will lose. It's survival of the fittest.
Profile Image for Chuck.
132 reviews17 followers
March 6, 2016
A very helpful book. Obviously geared to business it still works well in non-profit situations. I read it as a board member for a non-profit Christian organization in mind. 4 core values and 13 behaviors listed. Insightful and on target. The concept of extending trust, smart trust, rebuilding trust and the propensity to trust are deeply insightful.

Plenty of good stories that helpfully illustrate the concepts. There's an edition called "summary". Wish I knew how good it was. Might be a good recommendation.
Profile Image for Alexander Nghiem.
10 reviews5 followers
March 1, 2023
full of generalizations passed off as “quantifiable evidence” . NO, saying “cost is measurable” and “trust impacts cost” does NOT mean that “trust is measurable”. i would have failed middle school science class if i tried to slip that one by the teacher.. luckily the worst i can do is give a bad review
also quite literally the most redundant writing i’ve ever read. book might lose 5 pages if it cut out every “nothing is faster than the speed of trust”
author definitely failed to get me to trust his writing competency
Profile Image for Ruth Hinds.
15 reviews
February 23, 2013
Amazing book! It explains what TRUST actually is- what it is made up of. It helps you understand why you do or do not trust someone. It also teaches how to extend "smart trust" to others, and make yourself more trustworthy so others can trust you. Everything is broken down so clearly and there are so many action items so you can apply what you are learning right away! One of my favorite books I've read! And I wasn't expecting that.
Profile Image for Tony Rogers Jr..
Author 1 book107 followers
January 16, 2016
A fantastic book that I believe everyone, not just business leaders should read. As the title suggests, this book is about trust: what it is, how its built and why it matters in business and in life. I actually came to this book a bit skeptical and didn't expect to learn much. The author met and exceeded my expectations to say the least. You definitely want to add this one to your library.

Tony Rogers Jr
Author of Visionary: Making a difference in a world that needs YOU
Profile Image for Nathan Hale.
113 reviews2 followers
February 21, 2023
So many great excerpts from Covey. I most appreciated the book when he shared experiences from his own life. Experiences go so far on my learning experience and I always appreciate hearing the various experiences people have. This book is a good read, but I think it’ll be even better to revisit in the coming future to review the steps and advice given. I liked that the book not only focused on trusting others but trusting yourself.
Profile Image for Hilda.
24 reviews14 followers
August 16, 2023
I read this for work and I can't believe the day is finally here when I can give this one star and move on with my life. It was repetitive and trite and I can't say there was anything here not already obvious for me to take away. It's also not a good look for an author to (1) feature their father's praise on the book cover, and (2) quote themselves in the text of the book.
Profile Image for Dayton Koons.
2 reviews2 followers
June 7, 2017
I really quite enjoyed the insights Covey gives on trust. I recommend this to anyone because I think the idea of trust isn't understood enough. Covey outlines a concept of trust that is very understandable and actionable.
Profile Image for Rachel Maleski.
45 reviews2 followers
January 1, 2023
This book is a capitalistic circle jerk. Maybe because I’m not interested in ever making my way into a Fortune 500 company, but nothing resonated with me and only seemed to espouse tactics to make more money and earn more market share.
Profile Image for John Stinebaugh.
266 reviews9 followers
May 31, 2018
What a great book. This is a challenging call to excellence that we should all heed. Read and reflect now!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 925 reviews

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