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Seraph Black #2

Watercolour Smile

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“Maybe I was stupid to have agreed to this, but when all of the options that you have in life are dangerous ones, you can only choose to do something reckless, or turn a blind eye and allow the cards to fall as they may… and I was sick of being blind.”

Seraph Black has endured a vicious stalker, a change of schools, a bonding, a triple-murder, and more than her fair share of uncomfortable situations; but it seems like the world isn’t done with her yet. The messenger is back with a systematic vengeance that knocks her flat, and not even her self-proclaimed secret-keepers are prepared for how far he is willing to go to get what he wants.

She is walking on eggshells, trying to keep everyone at a distance. Especially those that are closest to her. Unfortunately, there is one person who keeps slipping through the cracks: Silas Quillan, the gift in her life that keeps on taking. Every time she turns around, he’s taking something else from her: her choices, her privacy, her freedom, her sanity… and if she’s not careful, the the next victim might just be her heart.

Warning: While this book is intended for a young adult audience, it is not recommended for persons younger than 15 years, due to some disturbing themes.

First published February 29, 2016

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About the author

Jane Washington

33 books3,994 followers
Jane is a Wall-Street Journal bestselling author who spends all her time writing books and then telling people not to read them.
Find her here: https://linktr.ee/janewashingtonbooks

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 378 reviews
Profile Image for Helen 2.0.
470 reviews1,345 followers
July 11, 2018
2.5 stars.
What a rare surprise for a YA series - book 2 was better than book 1! (ok, so I gave book 1 a single star... this still counts as an improvement.)

Some things haven't changed. Seph is still the special-est of special snowflakes, everybody still worships every cell in her perfect body, and the relationship dynamics are still iffy at best. Massively abusive at worst.

But now we have plenty of interesting story to balance the negatives.
-Zevgheri intrigue & politics
-insights on the Messenger
-Silas, being Silas
-Scenes with Seraph making her own decisions, acting like she's a real person outside of the company of her men

I have more confidence in Jane Washington now so good thing I didn't give up after Charcoal Tears. She's laid off the insta-love trope in Watercolor Smile and let things develop a little more naturally. That leaves me excited to see Seph & the boys fall in love for real - without the fabricated drama. Hoping to see further improvements ahead.
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,130 reviews3,054 followers
August 29, 2024
✅ Reverse-Harem (very mild so far)
✅ Pace and action
✅ Intrigue
✅ Drama / Angst
✅ Characters
✅🆗 Romance
✅🆗 Some parts of the plot are just very convenient or non explained enough
🆗 High school setting
❗️❗️ Trigger warning: mentions of sexual abuse on a child (nothing graphic)
❗️❗️ Kind of cliffhanger

Weak 4 stars? I want to give Watercolour Smile more than 3.5 stars because despite a few complaints about the plot, this book was a quick read and pretty addictive too, but at the same time, some parts of the plot just don't really make sense to me, so I will go with 4 weak stars...

Well... some questions are answered in this book, but I think I still have more questions now than I had before starting it. 😅 I am honestly still a little confused about some things that were said or that happened in the last 80 pages or so. Honestly, it felt like reading a different book. So many things happened, it was crazy! I just couldn't stop reading because I HAD to know what would happen next, but at the same time, I am still not sure that I really understand everything that happened. I thought I had a good idea where this story was going, and I was right for the first half of the book, but then a few twists happened, and all went to hell. I am not complaining, but I am a little confused as to where this is all going because there are still 2 books left in the series.

While I still enjoyed this book very much, there were some plot holes or let’s say some inconsistencies that bothered me more than the first time I read this book. The boys want to keep Seraph away from the Klovoda and the Voda, yet everyone in the Klovoda probably knows about Seraph, they know where she is attending school and whom she spends her time with, am I the only one who’s wondering why the Klovoda or the Voda didn’t just try to grab her one day after school if they were so desperate to talk to her? Or they could have forced the guys to bring her in since they have to obey the Klovoda. I’m not talking about kidnapping here, but they could have forced a discussion to happen if they were that desperate. The fact that they are just looming in the background as this untrustworthy entity that is all-powerful and wants Seraph but does nothing about it seems contradictory.

Are the boys under the Klovoda’s command or not? Could they run away and hide with Seraph if they needed to? Could the Klovoda order them to bring Seraph in? Not knowing those information makes that aspect of the plot blurry and weird at times. As if things are happening this way because the author needs it to happen this way, but she never thought about the other possible venues and outcomes, so she never addressed them. Things are just the way they are and that’s it.

“Another ex-girlfriend!” My voice was only half-heartedly exasperated, especially since this wasn’t a problem that I usually had with Quillan—and Sam hadn’t seemed as mean as the girls I usually encountered. “Thank god Silas is scary as all hell, I don’t know how many I can handle. I swear they pop up every time I turn a corner. Poison has taken to pointing them out, like she’s playing Where’s Waldo, except that Waldo would be the girl that those boys haven’t slept with.”

The first part of this book was similar to the first book. It picks up a few months after the end of Charcoal Tears and Seraph, Cabe, and Noah are living the high school typical life, while Miro is working and Silas is doing whatever it is that Silas does when everyone leaves the house. It was entertaining, but since I'm not the biggest fan of the whole high school vibe, some of it felt a little pointless. I would have preferred if less time was spent on the high school part of the story, and more time was spent on the shitload of information and revelations that are all packed in the last fourth of the book, or on the quest to find this mysterious Messenger.

I don’t know what Silas does. Nobody does. He probably returns to the underworld to make sure his demons aren’t slacking on their torture schedule or—”
“Silas isn’t a demon, Poison. We’ve been over this.”
“I’m going to need proof. Have you ever seen him sleep? I bet he hangs from the ceiling—”
“Also not a bat.” I sighed.
“I was thinking more along the lines of a vampire. And I know he disappears all the time, but have you ever marked off the days on a calendar? I bet it has something to do with the moon—”
“Ahh, werewolf. That’s a new one.” I clapped my hands slowly, showing that I was impressed.

Some of Seraph's decisions annoyed me, but overall she remains a likable main character, and her discussions with her brother and friends added a humorous touch to the book. The characters that I really loved in this book though are Miro and Silas. I love Miro's calm, steady and comforting presence (and who cares if he was her teacher, just snuggle with him already!), and I just want to roll Silas in a fluffy blanket and hug him. He's the toughest of the group, but he's probably also the saddest and the most scared by everything that's happening with Seraph. Clarin and Poison are also great new characters and I really hope we will continue to see them in the next book because I like their brand of eclectic craziness.

I now also had a very, very complicated relationship with four different men. One of them was my teacher, another was his borderline sociopathic twin, and two of them were pretending to be my brothers.

The romance is not really moving forward, but the relationships between the characters are changing and evolving. There is an unexpected twist and it does add some mystery and angst to the book, but overall it was a little frustrating. I know that many readers are uneasy with the fact that Silas and Miro are 25 and Seraph is only 17, but at that point, I don't even care, I just want something to happen! This is definitely a slow-burn romance, and I am very happy that the almost-insta-love vibes were not as present in this book and that the relationships could develop in a more natural and smooth way. On the other hand, all I wanted was for Seraph to finally be with her pairs and for them all to be happy, and things kept getting in the way!

“What are you doing on a roof?”
“Can’t tell you that.”
Nothing new there. “Um… can you get off the roof for a second?”
“Why? Are you going to tell me something that’ll make me fall, or something that’ll make me jump?”
I laughed uneasily. “I’m going on a date.”
“Jumping it is.”

I also need to mention that I applaud Seraph for her decision not to form both bonds in the first book, because she felt overwhelmed by the idea of being bonded and "shared" by 4 guys. I love reverse-harem romances, but usually, the main character is on board with the idea without any insecurities or worries because she likes all the guys. The fact that Seraph is worried about what it will mean in the future is realistic and I liked that. I also forced her to slow things down with Cabe and Noah, which is good too. I have to say though that I am a little confused about the strain and what Seraph feels when she is being touched by her pairs. Sometimes she can’t resist it, sometimes she seems repulsed by it, it got a little complicated at times to understand how it all affected her, and what her body was telling her to do.

I will definitely continue this series, but I hope that the third book will be a little less confusing than the end of the second book. Although I have to say that even though the last stretch was confusing and some details still don't make much sense to me, this series is just entertaining and addictive so I just don't care that much about those problems right now, and I just want to read the next book. I also have no idea at all of the direction this series will take, and I don't know if I love it or if it scares me... Probably both!

1. Charcoal Tears ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Profile Image for Jessica ❥Chatterbooks Book Blog❥.
845 reviews3,190 followers
July 31, 2016
I really enjoyed the first book in this series, and I couldn't wait to read this one. I liked the main characters and I was excited to see the relationships develop in the second book. Sadly, that is not what happened. If anything most of the relationships seemed stunted. It was extremely frustrating to read. Questions that you are hoping to get answers to in this book don't really get answered. You are just left with more questions for the most part. Despite that, I was mostly enjoying this book up until the last quarter. To say that it was confusing would be an understatement. It felt like I was reading a different book. Seriously, I started questioning if I missed something or it was late and maybe I was just really sleepy. I was beyond upset with the ending. I will be reading the next book, because I want to know what happens to the characters. I am hoping that the third book will be more like the first one.
Profile Image for Lburt.
1,162 reviews13 followers
May 12, 2016
So I enjoyed book one of this series but it left a lot of questions unanswered. So when this book came out I jumped at the chance to read it. I'm so frustrated with this book. First it just goes around in circles. She keeps pushing the boys away but I don't even understand why. Then between Weston and her Stalker with no real answers and just confusion. Nobody ever tells her anything. I'm
So confused. Then with memory loss thing. Omg! Sure why don't we just start over again! I'm literally getting a headache trying to follow this story. There is no forward movement the plot doesn't develop at all. Almost 70% into this book and nothing new has happened. She's still refusing Caleb and Noah they have no leads with the bad guys, and still no one tells her anything. Sigh stick a fork in me I'm done.
Profile Image for Rhema P __(:з」∠)__.
241 reviews8 followers
February 29, 2016
Holy shit. I cannot believe that just happened. When I started reading this book I was honestly trying to figure out how this would go. I thought the storyline would be easy enough, typically bad guy/protect the girl stuff and it sort of started that way at first, easy enough with scenes from every girl's not so serious pervy fantasy and the background plot. but noooo it turned out to be a complete and utter mind fuck, especially if your half way through. it'll get you utterly frustrated (especially in moments that screamed "kiss her you dog"!!), probably annoyed at some of Seraphs decisions or lack of, you'd get confused and really shocked and will probably have to re-read chapters to fully understand some parts, and then lest we forget the despised cliffhanger at the end....overall it's not a normal or typical story. It's interesting and yeah, Jane really does know how to make us desperate for the next book.

update(24/1/15): Finally!!! we have a release date, 29/2/16 and the good news is...well not sure if its actually good or if It'd just make you even more desperate for book: http://janewashington.com/new-release.... I really hate having to wait so long for sequels especially that of books I really liked. So pleasess Jane, because am pretty sure I'll be thinking about what might happen all night and at random intervals during the week, hell I might even dream of this book, so please put me out of my misery and at least announce the date for the sequel.
Profile Image for ⋆☆☽ Kriss ☾☆⋆.
601 reviews205 followers
May 10, 2019
Watercolor Smile picks up right where Charcoal Tears ends and behaves much like another installment of a serial instead of a separate arc of the same tale, expanding upon the things we were teased about in book #1 and revealing some bigger pieces of the puzzle surrounding the antagonizing factors of the story and how all these things are connected.

It’s actually kind of hard to write a review about this one without any spoilers, since the book doesn’t want to reveal major plot points even in its description, but I’ll do my best since the style of this series relies so much on keeping readers in the dark and slowly revealing the puzzle piece by piece by piece and keeping everyone guessing.

Overall, this was a good next step in the series. The reveal is slow, careful, tantalizing readers. But this also makes 70% of the book feel a little slow and mundane. It’s not unenjoyable or hard to read—don’t get me wrong, I read this pretty quickly and easily—but I kept thinking to myself “some of this could have been cut away with zero consequences.” The last 30% of the book is where things really start to happen and we get several major reveals. Luckily, Lead Heart and A Portrait of Pain are both out at the time that I’m writing this review, so the nature of the cliffhanger we get isn’t too hard to stomach.

I’m still enjoying the prose, the characters, and the story development. Though I’ll never be totally at peace with the fact that Seraph is 17 and Silas and Miro are both 25 and keep this intense tension that you know is always a few threads from blowing up into something physically intimate. There’s much more focus on Seraph’s physical interactions with Noah and Cabe—the ones who are her age—but there’s definitely some romantic/sexual undertones to what’s happening with Silas especially, and Miro a little. Are any lines crossed? Not especially; there’s a scene where Silas and Seraph embrace and do some… intimate touching? Like lips touching necks and cheeks. Anyway, from how it’s going I’m assuming the author is waiting for Seraph to have her 18th birthday before all hell breaks loose, which is better than like going after her now, but it’s still kind of really creepy because they’ve known her since she was really small and it just feels wrong/weird and the legality portion doesn’t make it seem less wrong honestly.

Though on this note, there’s a bit of a warning I wish to issue! It’s revealed later on that Seraph is a victim of childhood sexual abuse too. We experience a flashback wherein Gerald made a young Seraph give him hand jobs and uses it frequently as a abuse tactic, and once attempted to rape her. It’s not especially graphic and it’s only there for a page or two of the novel, but it’s still there and I want to let any potential readers know in case.

We also are told that the messenger—aka Seraph’s crazy stalker that’s like possessively obsessed with her—is likely her twin brother whom she was separated from as a young child; he sees her naked and you know does general creepy things but there’s not a detailed scene of anything severe like rape happening in this book. So there’s a little bit of a theme of incest, and also since Noah and Cabe pretend to be Seraph’s siblings in the book there are some references/jokes make in the story by classmates and such, so the topic is definitely there, but it’s not like… super explored or anything, just mentioned in passing a few times.

But as for the plot and the choices the author has been making, I’m enjoying it! Not too much has been given away, so there’s still an air of “what’s going to happen?” that permeates the book’s tone. So much is left in the air and unsaid that this honestly isn’t a story I feel like I can make many predictions of. It’s possible that things could go several ways and I like that; a very predictable feeling story can be nice, but gets boring, so having this uncertainty is kind of thrilling and keeps me interested in continuing on, even during the slowest or least interesting parts (which aren’t many, but there are a few for me). I also am appreciating that this book mixes unique ideas with familiar ones, so the story feels fresh but isn’t so new that there’s trouble understanding or relating to it. Overall, I applaud Jane Washington for being able to dive off from the beaten trail into new territory, but in a way that doesn’t get us all lost and caught in a field of thorn bushes.

I don’t have much else to say beyond this; I like this book very much, enjoyed it, got through it easily, and I’ll be beginning book #3 shortly! Oh, there are also a few errors I noticed, like writing “from” instead of “form” and some missing quotations, but this is an indie published book so that’s to be expected.

Unlike book #1, I didn’t get this book from Net Galley in exchange for a review, but it was free randomly on Amazon one day last December and it’s on Kindle Unlimited, so there’s definitely a way to read this book and its series for free without paying like $15 USD for all four books!
Profile Image for Rhea_Sways.
482 reviews106 followers
March 24, 2017
My thoughts about this book are similar to those of the first book..
refer to this

I believe this book was more heavily focused on developing the relationships and characters and roles of the individuals thats the author had previously introduced to us.

I enjoyed the same writing style of the author however, I do believe this book included more dark matter as well as melancholy. The writing and world building was ever as confusing before..
Some of my questions were answered however I have new ones now and I am still questioning many turns and twists within the book. I need a companion with me to discuss this!!

The plot points and progress improved significantly towards the end. The beginning and middle of the book drifted from the original conflict. We had new characters introduced who weren't as fully developed as I would like.
To add to that the author added some shock measures.. .. mind you completely useless ones in my opinion.

We essentially saw the beginning of a pairing of Seraph with Cabe and Noah and it came to its bitter end just as quickly. I was severely mad/disappointed/offended to say the least!

I did feel that that the author has a knack for adding a certain dark element to her characters which was certainly brought forward within this book. I truly felt the darkness and volatility that surrounded Silas within this book and the height of his recklessness.
I felt as readers we had no idea why he reverted to the little child, I understand that abuse leads to dire consequences in each individual. However, I thought I saw strength within his character to rise above all.. we will see.

The biggest dilemma at this point is I want to read the next book but the book after that has not been published yet. So should I wait another week to for the 4th one to release so I can binge read the next two or not?
Profile Image for Maria Dimitrova.
745 reviews146 followers
January 2, 2018
Why do I always like the sociopaths?
This was the question that haunted my mind throughout the series. Usually I like the reverse harem trope and I cheer for all the guys more or less equally. However, this time I have a major preference for one of the guys and of course it has to be the brooding mass murderer.

What surprised me most is that we get character growth. Most of these type of books have almost no character development, especially when it comes to the female lead. Once she falls in love with her guy/s that's it. She becomes an accessory frozen in time. A prize that needs to be guarded. And while the boys did try to put Seraph in that glass prison she manages to break out time and again. Add to this the new details about Zev's society and norms and Watercolour Smile managed to suck me in from the start.
Profile Image for Jasmine.
426 reviews15 followers
February 12, 2017
After finishing this book I'm almost at a loss for words. Because it was everything I could have hoped for and more.
And also because it ripped my heart out a few times and, as if that wasn't enough, shoved it in an incinerator, sending me in a cycle of never ending pain.
You don't do that to someone's heart.
And now I have a Silas-size hole in said damaged heart, in my aching head, and in my wounded soul. It's a pretty big hole in case you're wondering.

I'm not gonna lie-- underneath the excitement and anticipation I had for this book was an undercurrent of fear and slight apprehension. Why? Because sequels have a tendency of disappointing me and making me less excited for any upcoming books. But I shouldn't have worried. This book was better than I thought and hoped it would be. It had more action, more excitement, and more suspense than the last book, but more confusion too. Charcoal Tears left me with a lot of questions (and, I am not ashamed to admit, in a constant state of Silas withdrawal, leading me to listen to Protocol every day with an aching heart. True story.) And even though I hoped for some light to be shed on some of the events that occurred, only few of my questions were answered. A few. Possibly less. While that would normally irk me, it really works here. It creates an atmosphere of suspense and anticipation, and for once you're actually feeling what the main character is, you're not sitting there wanting to slap her upside the head for being clueless and dumb. When Seph is confused, we're confused too. We realize things when she does, and we feel the same things she does when she's with Silas. You all know the feelings I'm talking about.

Back to the point. This book was well written, captivating, and absolutely breathtaking. As in you're left gasping for breath because why, Jane Washington, would you do that to me. Honestly. But despite having my heart ripped out, I can still acknowledge the genius that this book is (let's all take a second to appreciate the titles.)

Now trying to once again get back on track.
This book takes off right away and doesn't slow down. I love that there wasn't too much backtracking to the first book because info dump recaps are usually annoying and take up too much time. So if you don't remember much of Charcoal Tears then it'd be best to reread that before reading this one. Cuz you're just going to end up confused.
I love the friendship dynamics between Seph and the boys, even if their friendships aren't exactly clear or defined yet. And her interactions with Silas? They're honestly the most tension-filled interactions ever. They're amazing. I like how other characters like Clarin and Poison are in the book more so we see how they fit into Seraph's life.

There are also some pretty shocking things that happen in this book so brace yourself. Before you know it you'll find yourself roaring in anger or drowning in tears. Or just sitting there with a terrified dear in headlights look frozen on your face, cuz I'm pretty sure that's what I look liked 52% of the time. As I said before, there's a lot more action that happens in this book, especially in the second half. So word of advice? Read slowly and carefully. Soak in every word because if you miss even a single one you'll be on the next page feeling like a few IQ points have dropped off because you don't understand what's going on. It can get a bit confusing at times but it's better than being spoon-fed every detail like we don't have brains of our own.

All in all, there are no disappointments here...well. Other than the fact that the third book isn't already out yet. I like suspense, but jeez, not THAT much suspense. I just finished this book and I'm already dying. It's not fair to end books with cliffhangers, cuz oh, did I forget to mention? It has a cliffhanger. A full on "to be continued."
Brace yourselves.
Profile Image for Gwen.
292 reviews53 followers
March 2, 2016
****WARNING - Prepare for GIF overload ****
Hey look there, is that a bird, is it a plane or is it...... yes it is, it's that damn flock of flying pigs!!! this seriously not funny anymore - I think I am being stalked by Bacon...

Well where were we?- yes another 4 stars for a YA book, I know, I know, this is two in a row and it's starting to look like a Black Swan event and a sure sign of the end of the world, but let's not worry about that and concentrate on my review.
I must admit I didn't start well, the first two chapters was along the lines of..... WHAAAT?? I don't remember any of this but I got past it and the rest was A-MA-ZING.
Here follows my world famous synopsis without giving anything away, now in full color HD or not:
So we started with a bit of tap dancing and side stepping around emotions and bonds:

then we a had a little roll in the hay or two or not..

We met a bad guy or two or three or are they????

There was a moment.......

we met the... or is he?

And there was a ..... and then it was broken ..... and we nearly cried and...

But you know what, at the end of the day... when all's said and done ...


What a great read and highly recommended to all - get the book NOW!!!!!
P.s GO TEAM SILAS !!!!!!
Profile Image for Carol.
799 reviews59 followers
May 4, 2017
OMG this book has surpassed all of my expectation such an addictive story can't get enough page turner all the way everything I hope for when choosing a series.
Profile Image for Princess J. Antoinette.
966 reviews99 followers
April 23, 2018
I'm not sure how I feel about this book... I mean the 1st installment of this series was good. The author held me captive with the main characters and the storyline that I was excited to read this book (the 2nd installment) but I don't know what happened in the middle of this book, it's like the author went totally left with the storyline, which I must say I'm quite disappointed about it.

Well since I've started this series I might as well continue reading unto the 3rd book of this series and hope for the best. 🍀🤞

Overall rating:
3.5*~ Okay 👌
Profile Image for Aly.
2,972 reviews
July 28, 2021
I bumped this up to three stars because of the last quarter, otherwise it would have been two. Almost nothing happens for the majority of the book and I was so bored. Seraph and the guys keep dancing around each other, getting close and then pulling back. I don't mind if the story takes time to develop their relationship, but at 75% Seraph is still telling the guys to date other women and I wanted to tear my hair out. Why?? You idiot girl.

The last quarter packed in all the action that I wanted throughout the book. We got to see a bit of the Messenger, learned more about Tariq, and uncovered corruption within the Zevgheri. If the whole book had more of this happening, I'd be on board. I'm giving the third book a shot, but if things don't improve then I'm calling it quits on the series.
Profile Image for K.S. Marsden.
Author 20 books725 followers
February 6, 2017
Despite leaving her abusive father, and escaping her violent stalker, Seraph's life is only getting more dangerous. She has to hide her powers, and hide her growing connection to the four guys that would do anything to protect her.

I received a free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

First of all, let me say that this all comes down to a matter of taste. The book itself is well-written, and I can see why it's popular. It just didn't do it for me.

The premise is interesting - Seraph is part of the Zhevghéri, a secret organisation of families with various powers. The most highly valued of which are those born with marks that show they will have two - for a better word "soulmates".
Seraph is special, as she is set to bond with two pairs, and the four guys just happen to be the equivalent of royalty.
Despite the growing connection between Seraph and the four guys, they have to hide it, for fear of the danger it will put them all in. (Their father, the Voda/leader is a complete control freak, and is not above torture and murder when it suits his needs).

The main thing that put me off in this story is the writing style. It is very poetic, and descriptive, and it can take a page to discuss the colour of Seraph's hair.
The constant attention to every detail made it very hard to follow the story, and stay invested. The tone of the book stayed the same throughout the book, and I felt that it sapped some of the excitement out of what should have been awesome scenes. But when Seraph is equally interested in the fact that she can do gymnastics, as when she is attacked by goons and her dad's house burnt down (plus some other really interesting stuff), I felt disappointed more than anything else.

The other thing is how much of an ongoing focus Seraph's abuse is. I don't like to read books about abuse. I know, you might argue that it is something that happens, and should be brought to light etc. I agree. But I am reading for enjoyment, and this just makes me feel horribly uncomfortable.
I think the worst thing - aside from how some major characters just gloss over and ignore the abuse, acting as though it doesn't even factor - was how Seraph is still the victim.
She has escaped her father's abuse, and has survived a violent stalker, and has four of the best bodyguards around. But she still lets the world treat her like shit. Whether it's high-school bitches and bullying; or guys constantly drooling over her, and their touch making her uncomfortable; Seraph just meekly accepts it all. She also accepts that people are hiding secrets from her; putting her life in danger; deciding her future without her... the only thing that she seems to get annoyed at, is when one of her guys might be getting involved with another woman.
She's constantly being carried, or curled in their laps, and just plain coddled. While growing forever closer to Silas - one of her four soulmates - who happens to be the most unstable and has fits of violence that can lead to him killing people. I actually liked the character, but I couldn't help thinking how she's drawn to unhealthy relationships, and it's all romanticised.

Overall, interesting premise, but not for me. I would recommend checking it out for yourselves, because I think a lot of this is just personal taste.
Profile Image for Rhiannon Chillingworth.
799 reviews188 followers
June 26, 2018
This wavered between 2 and 3 starts for me and I didn't like it as much as the first.

Way too much bond/connection/sort-of-romance-but-not drama-rama.

I also consider myself a reasonably intelligent person, but I feel so much of this book just didn't make sense. It felt like a bit of a mess, plot wise.

It also feels even more absurd that the men, in fact everyone, in this damn series are so pointlessly secretive with each other. I mean, the whole situation is pretty much totally fucked up by the end of the book, so what good did all this 'we must protect Seraph from Weston by not telling her a single fucking thing' do, apart from annoy the hell out of me?

Also, the men in this pretty much suck, apart from Silas, but more on him later.

Miro - acts like her bloody mother and is so damned uncomfortable all of the time around her. It's just annoying. Is it because he genuinely doesn't have romantic inclinations where she is concerned, or he does and he's her fucking teacher and therein lies the problem? It gets on my nerves.

Caleb and Noah - pretty much a pair of dicks in this. Just say to Seraph "we're really insanely lusting after you, so try to bare that in mind when you touch us because you're *straining*". It's also not like she's going straight for their fucking pants, she's just cuddling them. Or are they so freaking filled with lust that she literally can't touch them in a non-sexual way? The whole tying her hands to the bed thing so she couldn't touch them did not sit right with me. For me it just symbolises the way Seraph is treated. Also, what's with the way she can't touch them without being in pain and blacking out? Is it because she hasn't completed the bond? I don't know, but with the amount it's repeated, and she doesn't think to tell anyone it makes her feel like this, is equally annoying.

Even Tariq's keeping secrets and Calin (I think that's his name) only seems to care about tarting her up.

Poison is awesome. Yay to the author for having at least one other female character who isn't a total bitch.

Silas - well, if it wasn't for him I probably would be done with this series. He's great. I loved his scenes with Seraph, and whille he's a bit of a dick to her too, it's clear why he is, and he is the only one who is honest with her about his feelings, both good and bad. Not happy with how things ended with him, but hoping it works out okay in the next book.

Seraph... poor Seraph. Things get progressively more fucked up for her and I think she is written really well. She's lost the plot really and I can't blame her.

So, in summary: plot a mess, male characters = dicks, Silas + Seraph = awesome - more of that, please! I don't think I've ever felt this in a RH before, but I sort of wish the others would get lost.

I'm not sure why this book has made me rage so much, as I'm not normally quite this sweary. Maybe it's just caught me on a bad evening. Either way, I'm off to start book 3 right now, so it's got me hooked, at least!
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,676 reviews213 followers
July 31, 2021
Watercolour Smile is the second installment in the series. In it, you are still following the same group of people from the previous book. Unfortunately, things don't always go their way and there's some people in higher power trying to pull them away from one another.

Now I get that they are all supposed to be "bonded" to each other or whatever but my mind is completely baffled due to what happened throughout this. People are saying she doesn't have the mark so she really isn't and now I'm wondering if they are just looking in the wrong place or what. Then there's the ex-girlfriends who just pop out of nowhere. It's definitely starting to annoy me because - I get it, we all get it - you guys were horny mothereffers. Please get a new hobby or something.

I'm honestly not sure what to think about the ending but if they keep putting themselves in harms way to protect her then they better freaking bond already. It's slowly killing me and the reasons they aren't doing it just ends up annoying me. Just do it people. Stop messing around. There is no point in waiting here!

Off to the next book I guess.
Profile Image for Sharon.
613 reviews3 followers
July 4, 2017
The sequel to Charcoal Tears is quite possibly even more fantastical as Seraph grows in her confidence and strange super powers.

Along for the ride are some hilarious support characters including Poison and Clarin who provide some comic relief in an otherwise intense story.

Meanwhile the mysterious stalker continues to threaten Seraph's new life, and even the four guys fated as her "pairs" are unable to protect her.
Profile Image for Elowen.
288 reviews
March 2, 2016
Holy shit!
So much going on.
So many answered questions only to raise so many more.
So much hate for
so many assholes.
So much betrayal.
So much fucking love for Silas!
So many revenge plots I have in my head.
So many emotions right now.
So much dreading the wait for number three.
Profile Image for Suzana Thompson.
Author 33 books99 followers
February 13, 2016
Free copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

I liked the first book so much that I was both excited and wary to read this one. I'm not a big fan of series books, because most of them lose steam for me the further I get into them. That did not happen here, and my excitement for the series actually increased with this second book. Many authors drag their stories out with filler to lengthen them enough to fill several books. I expected at least a little bit of filler here, but there was none at all. The story kept moving forward in the same exciting way as in the first book. Questions about the mystery were actually answered, and there was more character development.

Seraph was overwhelmed by the bond in the first book, but she became more independent and proactive in this one as she adjusted to her new life. There is still plenty of reverse harem sizzle to enjoy , but it also became more complicated for all of them to deal with. It's causing an understandable strain on them, as it realistically would. The emotional complexity of the situation is conveyed in a spectrum of reactions from the characters in keeping with their various personalities.

Silas is the most volatile, and he is my favorite. I don't mean that he is just my favorite guy in this story, but he is my favorite love interest in any story. I've been searching for him in all the romance stories I've ever read, and I've finally found him. He is exactly to my taste in every way. It's like the author wrote him specifically for me, but I'll be generous and share him with you. I've been in lust with lots of fictional characters, but I'm in love with Silas. Not that there isn't lust in this story, because that scene in the hotel room was some of the hottest sexual tension I've ever read.

I want to mention how much the side characters of Poison and Clarin have grown on me over the course of these two books. They are each so much fun in their own ways and add humor to the story. Yet they also have deeper sides to their personalities that are touched on in the story, and they keep Seraph from being isolated in her bond with the guys. She has friends, family, and enemies, so the plot has much more than romance to keep it interesting.

And oh my goodness, that ending! I love how it added a whole new dimension to their connection. This book surpassed all my hopes for the direction the story would take. The action, character development, and the romance were all better than I could have imagined. I'll be ridiculously excited to read the next book after experiencing the thrill of reading this one.
Profile Image for Dianne.
6,794 reviews601 followers
March 11, 2016
It would seem that life and its warped sense of humor isn’t finished with Seraph yet, aren’t surviving stalkers, murders and bonding enough to dish out to any teen? The messenger isn’t finished with her, and he is back with wicked poetry, threats and worse, as Seraph’s life continues to be ground up and pulverized like yesterday’s bad fish. The boys are there, but something has happened, as if they have been brainwashed not to believe in her, but why and by whom? Just when she needs all of the protection she can get, she must stand apart from her “family” and face the dangers that lie ahead as she becomes an abused pawn in a game of power where there doesn’t seem to be a good side or a bad side.

From start to finish, the mysteries surrounding Seraph grow murkier and more convoluted. Someone wants her as a weapon, another as a lab rat, while someone else may want her dead. To top it off, her powers seem to be out of control and she is terrified and alone as she faces some of the greatest betrayals that she never saw coming…is there no one, and nowhere to go that she can trust in? Can she even trust herself at this point?

Jane Washington has turned up the volume on Seraph’s story until it is screaming with confusion and fear. Through it all Seraph is losing whatever confidence she had in herself as she is proven time and again that no one can be trusted, and then there is that voice, that pressure in her head…Welcome to a world where nothing is as it seems in Watercolour SmileLooks like this series is just getting better and better.

I received this copy from the author in exchange for my honest review.

Series: Seraph Black - Book 2
Publication Date: February 29, 2016
Publisher: Jane Washington
Genre: YA Romantic Suspense | Paranormal
Print Length: 326 pages
Available from: Amazon
For Reviews & More: http://tometender.blogspot.com

Profile Image for Dana.
55 reviews1 follower
April 27, 2017
"Even if I closed my eyes and pretended it was you, it'd be like a cocaine-addict shooting up with water—"
"Super weird analogy," Cabe interjected.

You're still keeping secrets Jane. I think you're worse than the Adairs.
I've reread that scene at the cove multiple times now; I even tried looking in between the lines. Then I finished the book and had to go straight back to read it again. I don't know why I'm so hung up on that scene, it's not the most known pivotal event in Watercolour Smile. But fuck I have this nagging feeling it's important.

I did not read the available three chapters before reading the book, I consider that torture. I also didn't read the abstract, so really I had no idea what I was getting into. There's something really satisfy about a sequel, other than it being a crucial turning point in a trilogy, you begin to see almost everything beginning to connect. Little light bulbs going off in your head making you go, HOLY FUCK! I almost used a different quote from the book as my intro, one that made a huge fucking light bulb go off in my head. Not only did I go HOLY FUCK, but I also wanted to smack myself for not seeing that coming. Then again, I could be wrong maybe it's not a hint.

I'm still in love with the character building and the development is beautiful. I mention in some of my reviews that I'm not the biggest fan of multiple perspectives, but fuck I almost wish this series was just that. I would kill to know what's going through the boy's heads. So. Many. Secrets.

I want to say more, but I don't think I can without giving away the whole fucking book. I need someone to fangirl with right now.

Also, I'm going to need a release date for Lead Heart, stat.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review, also my first. :)
Profile Image for Sam.
7 reviews
February 21, 2016
I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

When I read Jane Washington's books, as soon as I sit down and start reading, I immediately get sucked into the world she is writing about, which is a great feeling.
I really, really loved this book, even though a few times certain things happened to rip my heart into shreds and just feel horrible for Seph. Which admittedly, I liked, because it made for a better story. I really loved the secondary characters Poison and Clarin, we get to see more of them in this book. I feel like Seph has really grown, especially talking about the bond. She is learning to try to be independent and be her own person and I really like that.
This book starts off a few months after the first one ends, and boy does it hit the ground running. Once it starts, there is no lull in action, no filler chapters, and nothing that even remotely resembles fluff. When I went back to read it a second time, there are certain things that you know Washington has written for a reason, not just for her own amusement. Just reading those little easter eggs, you wouldn't be able to figure out what was going to happen, but thinking back, you have an ah ha! moment.
Okay so I love all four of the guys, they're all wonderful in their own way but Silas is my definite favorite. His character is so deep and has so many facets, and going in, you don't really expect that, but it is a wonderful surprise.
Oh and did I mention that WHOPPING cliffhanger at the end? No? Well it is HUGE. And I mean HUGE. Like, the last few pages pulverize your heart and make you want to scream because theres no release date for the third book yet. A few questions were answered in this book, but it really opens more doors than it closes, because some stuff happens that just comes totally out of left field and leaves your jaw hanging open. But that was a good thing, and it really works for this book, it gives it that mysterious feel, and keeps you on the edge of your seat while reading.
This book was not lacking at all, there were moments I sighed, moments I wanted to scream, and countless others. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes suspense, in combination with romance and mystery.
Seriously just go read it right now its so flipping good
Displaying 1 - 30 of 378 reviews

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