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Kill 6 Billion Demons #2

Kill 6 Billion Demons, Book 2: Wielder of Names

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In this collection of the second major arc of the popular webcomic Kill 6 Billion Demons, woefully out-of-place sorority sister Allison Ruth and angelic lawman '82 White Chain' must struggle against their own fears in a fateful clash with one of the seven evil masters of creation.

128 pages, Paperback

First published January 8, 2018

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About the author

Tom Parkinson-Morgan

6 books66 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews
Profile Image for Chad.
9,119 reviews994 followers
January 10, 2018
Less obtuse but still a lot to digest. Once the story started to concentrate on Allison and we were seeing the story from her confused perspective, it was easier to follow. Before that, it was like trying to drink through a firehouse of world-building information. I read this digitally and the colors were so dark I could barely make out what was happening until I switched from my ipad to a 24 inch screen. The colors were still too dark but more readable.

Received an advanced copy from Image and Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Graham G.
288 reviews57 followers
August 18, 2021
The second book is significantly better than the first. Not great, but now there's actually a plot and characters as opposed to incoherent jerking off about how cool the author thinks their world building is paired with bad philosophy.

The big problem is the protagonist is not active in her own story. And you can write a story with a passive protagonist, it's just incredibly hard to do well. And even within those stories, at a certain point they have to stop being passive. Thank God, she finally does in LITERALLY THE LAST 10 PAGES.

I hope each book in the series subsequently improves, because asking the reader to slog through is a big ask.

Also, minor gripe. The series is called Kill 6 Billion Demons, and our protagonist is yet to have killed a single demon, or have killed anything for that matter. Also, almost every action scene is incoherent and hard to follow. Action scenes are supposed to be the one part of comics that they all excel at, that are hard to fuck up. I'll still read the next ones because I hate myself.
Profile Image for Mac.
187 reviews1 follower
April 1, 2022
IPAs in a drinking contest? Damn I guess it really is hell.

Profile Image for Colona Public Library.
1,062 reviews28 followers
February 26, 2018
I'm still hoping for more character development, but I hear this comic continues (and started) online and has many more chapters. I want to learn maybe more about Allison's past? Maybe what her college life was like and compare that to what she's going through now. I feel there was a little more fun in this, especially with the drinking musical! The story is still a bit muddled to me, but starting to come together a bit more. I was impressed with the art and creativity in the last volume and this volume really wow-ed me! The Illustrations are fantastic! ~Ashley
Profile Image for Mike.
531 reviews410 followers
September 2, 2021
Full review to come once I finish the series. I can see how some folks might be overwhelmed by this book, like the protagonist: they are thrown into a weird (and visually striking) world with smatterings of exposition to ground the reader thrown in. It may have helped that I had already read this chunk of the story from the webcomic and I can assure you the story is well worth sticking with.
Profile Image for Pop Bop.
2,502 reviews120 followers
January 5, 2018
A Weird, Funky, Beautifully Drawn, Hoot

I didn't realize what a big deal the "Kill 6 Billion Demons" world was until I started reading this. Partway through I decided to do a little research. Since this is Volume 2 and the second major story arc, if you start here you just get dropped in the middle and have to figure out the backstory. Poking around the internet taught me that this is a hugely popular webcomic; it's a tabletop game; it has a devoted following, a blog, and an immense backstory. Well, I just wanted to start with an entertaining read, not enter into a lifelong commitment, (at least not yet), so I skimmed enough on the net and the blog to get the gist.

Basically, our heroine, (sorority sister Allison Ruth), has some kind of thingy/key, she's trapped in the middle of a multi-multi-multiverse, and she has to kill 6 billion demons and defeat at least a couple of the seven main evil guys, in order to get home. She picks up companions; she is helped, (especially by the gloriously named angel "82 White Chain Born in Emptiness Returns to Subdue Evil"), and frustrated by a vast array of characters, and essentially she does a multiverse dungeon crawl without knowing much about anything that's going on. But that's O.K., because what's going on is going on so fast, so weirdly, and so confusingly that understanding it all is sort of beside the point. (Actually, about half way in the story does start to clear up; people more knowledgeable than me have observed that this is where the pieces do start to come together, so that's good.)

Putting aside the larger story arc, many of the kicks here are from scene to scene, and sometimes panel to panel, and if you get a half of it you're way ahead. For example, there is a multi-page bit in which Allison accepts a drinking challenge from a demon - if she wins he'll help her. Between the main action, the jokey comments from the onlookers, and the slyly humorous details hidden throughout the panels, you could probably pour over those pages for quite a while and still find new stuff. Think "Where's Waldo" if Waldo where a satanic being hiding amongst demons, gods, corpses, and unimaginably weird creatures somewhere in the outer reaches of Hell. All of this is drawn in a sort of modern Heironymus Bosch style, which makes it especially funky and weird.

It helps that Allison hooks up early on with a character, Cio, a demon who identifies herself as a fan fiction writer, and who serves as Allison's companion. We, along with Allison, get enough explaining from her to sort of figure out what's going on most of the time. That said, though, this whole world does have a steep learning curve and lots more going on than appears in this book's pages. I'm sure devoted fans will have lots to say, good and bad, about how this volume compares to the web comic. But speaking purely as an interested newbie, I thought this book was a refreshingly and wildly imaginative hoot. And that was fine by me.

(Please note that I received a free advance will-self-destruct-in-x-days Adobe Digital copy of this book without a review requirement, or any influence regarding review content should I choose to post a review. Apart from that I have no connection at all to either the author or the publisher of this book.)
Profile Image for Bill Coffin.
1,286 reviews6 followers
May 17, 2021
If you're on the wavelength of this off-the-wall story of a gradstudent/barista who gets pulled into a bonkers, multi-planar world with angels and demons and everything in between as she discovers she is one of the most powerful beings in the universe...then you're going to love this. If this all feels a bit like 10lbs of story stuffed into a 5 lb bag, then it's going to be a hard read. Either way, Tom Parkinson-Morgan gets huge credit for publishing this ambitious effort on his own. But throughout all three volumes, one can't help but thing how much better this might have been if he had some help along the way.
Profile Image for Psychophant.
511 reviews19 followers
April 22, 2023
It is interesting to see how the confidence of the author has progressed from the previous book. When I read the webcomic the change seemed more gradual, but in book sized packages it is more evident.

The ambition is huge, and we start to see huge fantastic vistas, battles with hundreds of participants, and a plot of universal proportions, together with creative world building and a cast of characters we start to care for.

Great second book.
Profile Image for Tomas.
269 reviews2 followers
January 22, 2024
The Short Answer
I love this. The last volume was a perfect setup and introduction to this world, but now the story can really kick into high gear. The mythology is rich and fresh without being overwhelming, and the characters are multi dimensional and fresh.

If you liked the first volume, you'll love this volume.

The Long Answers
This comic has grown at a wonderful pace. It's hard to write about without spoiling things, and there's precious little to critique. The art is still sometimes a little sketchy and rough, but it's so consistent that at this point it has just become a style, and it really helps give the book an alive feeling.

So the long answer isn't going to be much longer than the short answer. If you haven't read the first volume do so immediately. If you liked it (and why wouldn't you) then just keep going. This is the perfect follow up.

Recommended for everyone.
169 reviews1 follower
December 25, 2020
Second volume of the series! This is where I went from being impressed at the comic to honestly loving it.

Where the first volume could get a bit heavy for me thanks to the amount of exposition needed to introduce the world (note: partly my fault - I binged the whole thing at once. And it was a lot...), this one was more of an adventure. There's a couple of silly moments, the characters get more fleshed out, the villains are great, the art is breathtaking and the universe it all takes place is, like last time, full of wonder.

One of the main themes seems to be Allison having to decide her own fate - or, as someone put it, "the shape she will take".

Note: I actually binged the whole thing without a break back in November, but re-read the parts I had been skimming over a bit carelessly on December 24th, so that's where I'll mark this as "read".
Profile Image for Rinaldo.
265 reviews50 followers
February 2, 2023

Continuing on the high-octane, fever dream ride of the first book, Wielder of Names follows more of Allison Ruth's story in her endeavour to bring back her boyfriend. While still containing some epic fantasy formulae in its barebones, the second book of this series also showcases a lot of twists and turns of fantasy tropes.

Now willingly returning to the Throne, Allison is joined by the blue demoness Miss Cio and some new potential companions. Together, they're trying to approach Mottom or Mother Om, one of the Demiurges who each rules upon 111,111 worlds. At the same time, we also witness the vulnerabilities of the lawful and stern angel from the previous book, White Chain.

With a more balanced plot, super rich worldbuilding, labyrinthine lore, and gorgeous eye-melting artwork, Parkinson-Morgan surely treats his readers with an equally heavenly and infernal dish.
17 reviews
January 29, 2024
Book 2 starts off in the best way that Book 1 finishes, without overloading the reader with universe building. Parkingson-Morgan slowed down the hectic pace of introducing information and at the same time, made the story more focused and centered, either on our heroine or on our leading angel. I don't know if this is because he was able to get all that exposition out in the first parts of Book 1, or if someone simply said, "Tap them breaks a bit!" Nonetheless, Book 2 is a step up in enjoyment and launched me right into Book 3. It seems clear that eventually, Kill Six Billion Demons is going to shrug off her boyfriend, but her continued dedication to saving him remains one of the weirder things based on how long she dated him and unfortunate lack of awareness (Something I hope the character gets a chance to reflect on at some point!) that he essentially forcing himself on her prior to his abduction.
Profile Image for Sara.
885 reviews4 followers
August 11, 2018
These books are dense not only in the illustration quality but also in background information; I highly recommend reading them in sequence.

Book Two, Wielder of Names, gives the reader more background on this bizarre new/old world and its mythology as the story progresses. There was a definite feeling of Dante’s multilayered inferno through an Eastern religion’s sensibility. For those who just want to skim a graphic novel for a light read, much will be lost. I loved the weird theology-mythology, like layers of Byzantine bureaucracy that go on forever, teasing you with some illusion of sensibility.
6 reviews
April 18, 2019
Mad I slept on this series for so long!

Reluctant nobody (hero?) Allison returns to the epicenter of all worlds, the otherworldly city of Throne. She joins up with the streetwise thief and master sorceress Cio, and hatches a plan to find her missing boyfriend (Almost one night stand). Things don't go even remotely close to plan as Allison finds herself locked in a musical-esque drinking contest with a crafty demon. Meanwhile, kung-fu Angel White Chain finds himself at the center of a dark conspiracy amongst angels. Finally, Allison must navigate a gilded court and comes face to face with one of the seven demiurges, the ravenous Mother Om.
Profile Image for Shannon Appelcline.
Author 25 books149 followers
March 11, 2020
V2 has the scope and the beautiful art of V1, but it somehow loses a lot of the heart. We get a lot of exposition and a lot of big-picture happening, but that's in exchange for the loss of most of the screen time of our main character, and it's pretty hard to connect with the other angels and beings. So, this book doesn't feel like it really gets going until 70 or 80 pages in, and then much of the rest of the book is taken by a big fight.

So, a bit of a disappointment after the amazing V1, but hopefully we're back on track now.
Profile Image for Johan.
1,211 reviews2 followers
March 30, 2024
I needed three attempts to finish the first volume of "Kill 6 Billion Demons". The first two times I gave up because it was just too weird. It is still weird, but apparently I am currently in the mood for some really weird shit. After finishing the second volume, it is my impression that the story has finally started and that the first volume was just setting the stage.
I got this via a Humble Bundle.
Profile Image for Ben Zimmerman.
1,113 reviews4 followers
May 25, 2024
This series got so much better in this book. Maybe half of it is lore now, which is still entirely too much, but the plot focused sections rip. There was a demon drinking contest/rap battle that absolutely ruled. Allison's interactions with Nadia were great. The War of the Teacups was cool as hell. The work finally feels like it's about Allison, and not just a bunch of made up religious philosophy.
Profile Image for Noah Posthuma.
34 reviews3 followers
January 14, 2018
The second volume of Kill 6 Billion Demons is in a much larger format than the first, and it really pays off. So much beautiful and complex art to look at. The printing is excellent, and the story ranges from a demonic singing-only drinking contest to an undead tree that demands tribute in brides. It's pretty wonderful all around.
66 reviews
April 2, 2019
In this volume, our protagonist becomes a hero, gets herself together, and chooses a path of...well, we're not sure yet. But we've got a hero, a sidekick, a team, and a few clear villians, so I think we're in business. The art is absolutely beautiful but too icky and gruesome for me, so I read with an index card to cover up some parts of the page, but that's okay. I'll persist.
Profile Image for Frodo.
165 reviews2 followers
December 9, 2022
mellora o suficiente en tódolos aspectos como para seguir lendo, pero que collóns é ese intento de desenvolver a allison coma personaxe? dáme a sensación de que conprimiu o que deberían ser capítulos e capítulos de exploración súa en medio tomo, e non para ben. deixoume descolocadísimo ese último panel.

pero bueno, suficientemente decente como para continuar
Profile Image for Blood.
26 reviews
February 26, 2023
Migliore del primo volume. Fortunatamente il modo eccessivamente forbito di parlare di quasi tutti i personaggi si è ristretto a solo un paio, così la lettura è più piacevole. Disegni sempre migliori, alcuni design sono davvero meravigliosi, adoro le scene piene fino all'orlo di personaggi tutti diversi stipati gli uni sugli altri. La storia però non mi ha ancora convinto del tutto.
Profile Image for Mike.
725 reviews21 followers
February 5, 2018
Parkinson-Morgan is still easily one of the best comics artists/writers working today. I'm still bummed that the text pieces are mostly dropped from these collections, but K6BD is so wild and fresh that I can let these go.
Profile Image for Raja.
159 reviews2 followers
November 10, 2018
Interesting. It doesn't quite come together for me, but I'm enjoying it enough to keep reading. The main character really needs more depth, there are some whiplash moments in how she's portrayed. I like several of the other characters, though.
8 reviews1 follower
April 6, 2021
A powerful second entry in the series, where Allison's agency begins to really kick off. This book introduces the beautiful transgender themes that will be explored more in depth later in the series. There's a notable shift in the artstyle over the course of this book which I'm grateful for.
Profile Image for Alex McCullough.
64 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2022
I ended up skimming a lot of the dialogue here which I never do with comics. This guy needs an editor. The story has potential to be really cool and the art is fantastic, but it's just soooo wordy. Very few writers can get away with excessive dialogue in comics for me.
Profile Image for Alexander Pyles.
Author 12 books52 followers
July 16, 2022
Honestly? Thrilling installment - there are some very small offputting deals here and there (i.e. a devil writing fanfic), but the sub-level themes of how we make our own prisons by being unwilling to change is lovely.
Profile Image for Nicolas.
1,333 reviews72 followers
October 19, 2022
Le deuxième tome poursuit avec talent ce que le premier avait entamé : une oeuvre incroyable, remplie de démons, d'horreurs, mais dessinée avec un style difficilement imitable, et peut-être même racontable : c'est foisonnant, rempli de détails qui n'apparaissent pas forcément à la première lecture.
Profile Image for Damian Herde.
223 reviews
May 28, 2023
Despite not getting into volume one, I read volume two since I already owned it. The story, world and characters have started to grow on me, but I’m still unsure about the art or pacing.
Still, there are some excellent character designs, and the overarching world is definitely interesting.
December 30, 2023
Again just a great comic! KSBD is becoming the comic to beat for me. With this volume Tom Parkinson-Morgan shows that he understands tension and pace just as well as everything else. The ending was simply awesome. Volume 3 is already on my shelf, next on the list!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews

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