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Tamer: King of Dinosaurs #2

Tamer: King of Dinosaurs 2

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Control dinosaurs.
Tame women.
Rule the world.

A month has passed since Victor Shelby was abducted by aliens and put on a savage dinosaur world. In that time, he has learned how to survive, tamed dinosaurs, and won the love of three beautiful alien women.

But when another dinosaur attack leaves them defenseless, Victor realizes that he’ll need to push his Tame ability to the limit and build not just a camp, but a fortress.

Or they will all die.

380 pages, Kindle Edition

Published December 27, 2017

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About the author

Michael-Scott Earle

73 books1,551 followers
NYT and USA Today bestseller of fiction. Top 100 Amazon best selling author.

You can buy my novels on my website. www.michaelscottearle.com




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28 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 105 reviews
Profile Image for Steven Allen.
1,137 reviews16 followers
January 7, 2018
I read the first Tamer book and did not care for it that much. Mostly I did not care for the LitRPG material within the story and perhaps I was a little too harsh in my review because of it. However, there was something in the writing of the first Tamer that I just did not care for. There was something missing that grabs me and pulls me into the story. In the beginning of the first Tamer I was hoping that Victor got bit by the damn snake so that something would happen other than him whining.

The author has a small but loyal and vocal following on Facebook. He is good at answering questions without getting defensive and knows how to agree to disagree without taking offense. When the author mentioned that the previous co-author of Tamer and he had decided to separate, I had hope for the second Tamer book being better than the first.

In the second Tamer book my faith in the author is justified. The second Tamer book jumps right into the action, with no whining Victor. I like the changes in the Victor character, and how he has manned up to the challenges he faces.

The first Tamer had too much LitRPG material breaking the flow of action. The LitRPG elements in the second Tamer are more subdued and short, easy to blast through without breaking the flow of the action. The first Tamer the LitRPG material broke the action, pulling the reader from the story. In the second Tamer, the LitRPG material is ingrained smoothly into the story feeling more natural rather than something forced. I still do not care for LitRPG, but the story is good enough even with it that I can ignore the LitRPG material and move on.

The second Tamer may not be to everyone’s taste especially if you are an ultra-feminist viewing the women in this book as subjugated slaves there only for Victor’s gratification at his whim. Many of those readers who so harshly criticize this book may be missing the point – this is escapist reading meant for lighthearted fun, not worldly conscious high-minded fine literature. Is Tamer realistic – hell no and it is not supposed to be. If the reader is looking for fine literature, go find an untranslated copy of War and Peace.

The sexual harem fantasy is just that, a fantasy. In the second Tamer Victor gets way more action than he did in the first story, and while that does not necessarily make the story better, at least Victor is not whining about his blue balls all the time. The end of the second Tamer makes you wonder just how large will Victor make his harem.

Even though Victor is only in his early 20s men that young still have a sexual prowess limit. Three women to keep satisfied would strain most men not including all of the other factors of Victor’s life. Should all six women join Victor’s harem the poor man is going to be wrung dry and will get nothing done. Unless the women turn toward each other for gratification, something that is present in some of the author’s other writing, poor Victor is going to be one busy man.

After the first Tamer I was dubious that I would continue reading this story. Originally the only reason I purchased the second Tamer book was that the author solo wrote it. Should I have found the second Tamer as disagreeable as the first, I would not have read another Tamer novel. I now find myself eagerly awaiting the third Tamer novel so that I can learn what happens to Victor, his fort and the ladies of his harem.
Profile Image for Wing Kee.
2,091 reviews32 followers
October 24, 2018
More of the same male wish fulfillment.

World: The world is fun, it's not super detailed and relies on a lot of pre-existing pop culture knowledge of dinosaurs. There is some detail in the construction of the groups fort and some interesting ideas behind the powers of the characters. RPG tropes a plenty as this is in reality not a Tarzan clone but rather a video game Tarzan clone.

Story: More of the same as the last book. More dinosaurs and danger, more Victor being brilliant and untouchable. More sex and female taming that I think now is the main point of this book. I'm not going to get into the ideas and the portrayal of women in this book cause this is a lost cause so I'm gonna accept it for what it is: lonely male nerd wish fulfillment. It's campy and somewhat entertaining but it is what it is.

Characters: Not a lot of depth here, basic archetypes from the Male who's awesome and women fawn over to different types of women to give variety to the male and the readers.

Fun, stupid, wish fulfillment.

Onward to the next book!
Profile Image for C.T. Phipps.
Author 87 books638 followers
January 28, 2018
TAMER: KING OF DINOSAURS 2 is pretty much more of the same and really could have been combined with the first book to form one larger volume. The story reflects another young woman joining the harem/community of our protagonist as she struggles with the transition from being a beautician to living in a dinosaur filled jungle.

We also have Victor winning over the married member of his party (the blonde who looks like Sheena of the Jungle on the cover). Which turns to be a surprisingly poignant tale despite the fact he's already involved with two women. This is a fun story even if it is a basic male fantasy epic and perhaps spends a little too much time talking about how Victor Shelby is building a fort in the jungle. Still, I look forward to the next volume as it's fun and entertaining throughout.

883 reviews15 followers
January 31, 2021
So I just burned through Tamer books 1-4 and have decided to give them all one review so I'll just copy and paste this for all the books. On the upside, no spoilers since I'll I'll only be talking in generalities.

First, this is a "harem" book, which I know some people are sensitive about. I'm only sensitive about disrespectful portrayals of women and the women involved in this story are aliens so the author is perfectly able to justify the harem based on the women's alien backgrounds. Author also goes out of his way to emphasize the women's other competencies, like intelligence. Still woman after woman seeks admission into the harem and, over the course of four books, it gets a little bizarre and tedious. Personally it would have made more sense to me to have several of the women just not be interested in that type of relationship but so far none seem likely to abstain.

Second, the first couple of books, if memory serves (I did blow right through them) were more along the lines of travel journals. The significance of this this is that travel journals are all about the journey so a big climax isn't required. Books 3 & 4, while still taking the travel journal approach, end on cliff hangers. Books are not tv shows and a cliffhanger in a book either means the author lacks writing ability, wants to milk his readers for extra money or both. The travel journal approach lessens my outrage at such crappy authorship, enough so that I decided to stick with a 4 star rating, but I could definitely see how someone would give these books lower ratings.

One of the things the author does well is spread mild humor through out his books. The MC can magically "tame" animals so when he tames a group of five, three male and two female, he names them Scooby, Shaggy, Fred, Velma and Daphne and allows the MC to later quip about how someone didn't get away with something due to those darn kids, much to the confusion of his alien harem.

One thing that has both good and bad points is that this is a non-standard litRPG. The people aren't playing a game but aliens have given them a HUD that tells them their strength, etc. But no one knows the rules so no one is strategically leveling up. It gets pretty annoying to have the main character repeatedly say throughout four books that he doesn't even know how his tamer ability works. However, without that aspect the characters focus on day to day survival and so it gives the story a real "Swiss Family Robinson" vibe that I enjoyed.

Bottom line: This book won't be for everyone, even litRPG fans, but it is better than a lot in this genre. It is just too bad the author doesn't understand that books are not meant to have cliffhanger endings.
1 review
December 30, 2017
Great nerd read

Loves books read all of the series this might be one of his best. Tots fun and the character development doesn’t involve the first two chapters being really boring
10 reviews
July 22, 2018
I want to read this, but the author has pulled all of his kindle books off of Amazon. Now all thats left is a few books in "Audible" format. My Kindle says they're "unavailable", and the Goodreads links fail.
9 reviews
January 11, 2018
Much better than the first novel. Sure the book is essentially a male power fantasy wtih dinosaurs, but its unabashedly so, and through that lens this book is excellent. While I didn't enjoy the first novel, the character development given to the female characters there does pay some dividends here, as the gap between their treatment of Victor from one book to the next is fairly stark. Victor himself has "manned" up in a rather stark way compared to the previous novel, and while I'm not entirely convinced its believable, it does cut-down on a lot of waffle-y exposition where he tries to decide what to do, and instead he just does it and then has sex, rinse repeat. As such the story moves along much more smoothly than first one without getting too tied down in explaining the minutiae of their survival.
372 reviews4 followers
April 1, 2018
Continues to deliver, overtones of Swiss Family Robinson

I love the measured pace as Victor faces challenges, grows the community, and adapts his building and survival strategies, and his qualities as a leader. There is something very romantic and intriguing about surviving in a challenging, primitive environment, and building everything you need from nothing but your wits and skills.

The orchestration of battles with tamed dinosaurs on one side is tricky to describe with words alone, but this is accomplished deftly. You get a real sense of how the strategies and tactics pay off as Victor expands his taming skills.

The LitRPG and game aspects of the story are very light. There is no concept of winning, skill trees, grinding to increase skills or any of the classic tropes in this genre. Much more mainstream in that regard. 3 stats, 1 skill and no known progression.
Profile Image for Scott.
131 reviews15 followers
June 6, 2023
A harem novel that leans a bit more to the adult side than I'm used to that I enjoyed a great deal despite some awkward spots.

My favourite part of this series so far is how the author goes into great detail describing what they must do to survive and how they're going to go about doing so. Many other novels would try to glaze over parts by saying things like "they gathered enough food and water for 3 days" but this novel explains in detail each day's routine and the challenges they face.

Despite the harem tag, this novel is far more complex than I first pictured and only goes to show that you shouldn't judge a book by it's taglines.
Profile Image for Michael Louis Dixon.
Author 6 books18 followers
December 18, 2018
I enjoyed the first book, and since it went by so fast, I picked up the next one. It's really more of the same, but this time Victor does manage to have sex. Again, I feel that the overall story is engaging and entertaining. This book does seem to go a bit further than simple juvenile fantasy and edges more toward the exploitative. While I didn't feel that hampered my enjoyment of the reading experience, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people who would find this scenario and depiction of women problematic. If you are sensitive to these kinds of topics then you might want to pass this up. Beyond that, it's a rollicking good dinosaur planet survival tale with a harem fantasy.
89 reviews
March 5, 2018
I enjoyed it as much as I did the first.

There still a lot of slow parts, but I'm getting used to it.

The girls are at risk of becoming boring characters, tho. Trel and Sheela are making progress but Kacerie and Galmine makes virtually no improvement as characters in this book. Galmine just suddenly becomes a background character in my opinion. Hopefully, introducing two new girls at this stage will not kill the old characters, both figuratively and literally.

The third book came out as well, so on to the next.
Profile Image for Jake.
233 reviews7 followers
January 4, 2018
A great continuation

Once again, it was very reminiscent of the game ARK: Survival Evolved, only with a harem. There were basically no grammar or spelling mistakes which made me very happy. Some of the story was a tad predictable and I was slightly let down by one or two things (very focused on the single male leader surrounded by beautiful women).

It was a great story for what it was and I'd totally read the next in the series!
Profile Image for Curtis.
767 reviews18 followers
January 5, 2018

Book #2 certainly doesn’t disappoint! With the characters and world already defined, this story provides much more action than the previous book. More fights! More dinosaurs! More exploration! New baddies! Comedy! Drama! Arachno-erotica! Fencing (with trees, not foils)!

It’s not a long ride folks, but it’s a wild one! Well worth the admission! Enjoy!

Definitely recommended.
15 reviews
May 15, 2022
After coming from the first book, I had high hopes for improvement and a better story. I was not disappointed, but at the same time there were some nagging things to me. However, let’s focus on the pros first and what I liked. This is just my opinion.

So the first thing I liked in this book is the introduction to a new character named Kacerie. She is fun, rude, and a bit of a spoiled brat and I loved it. Her behavior played off of Trel’s and it was really nice to see the spider woman reflect and ask herself if she really acted like that. There was a lot of growth for Trel here and it was fun to see how she struggled to deal with a gal equally as mean as her. Other then that, I did really enjoy that the sense of terror has only increased and the need for survival as well. After the group had finally defeated the last of the deinonychus or at least the big boss, it’s seemed things were getting better. Victor managed to train another larger parasaur named Bob and their camp was getting bigger.

Later in the book we see the group struggle more with Kacerie, training more dinos, having a big moment where Victor was going to abandon Kacerie only to go back and rescue her from a dilophosaurus while almost losing two more parasaurs he had just tamed to super crocs. Things only went up from there as the time to build the fort was pressed and the need for Victor to tame more dinos (later he tames three triceratops) when the dangers keep coming. The fight with the Carnotauros and evading the Utahraptors, while also finding out that Victor has a limit and can pass out if he overexerts himself in battling with his dinos is all fascinating.

The only other parts that I did enjoy was that more of Sheela’s culture and background were explored and how even though her husband doesn’t even knows she exists, she is still loyal to him and to her peoples way. The other part is the fact that there might be other tribes out there and that they could be hostile when the groups sees smoke in the sky.

And now the cons. The book is still like the first one where it drags excessively with to much going into detail about how to do certain things or how they would crest those certain things that can be summarized into a few sentences or paragraph. It’s still a survival guide book to me and even though this book is about adventure, there’s very little of it. No exploring, no clues, no nothing as to why they are there. Victor’s view of the woman as nothing of sex toys has gone down, but it was so aggravating that he kept pressing Sheela about why she won’t admit her feelings for him. The guy is already sleeping with two gals, which leads to my next biggest con.

Trel’s relationship with Victor has turned to a 180 and now this woman is madly in love with him, while also wanting to have babies with him. What the actual hell. Galmine was a given due to her world embracing free love, but this just seemed wrong and zero development. I have accepted there is going to be sex in this book and harem element, but it’s way too focused on instead of actually telling a fun story. There is a lot of hope for this book to be great, but it keeps falling short with it focusing way to much on these unbelievable relationships. You have to nurture and build this up, not just say. I rescued now let’s have sex.

Next con is that Galmine is just there. She is literally just there doing as she is told with no depth. I had hopes that we would see more development, but it appears we won’t be getting that from her in this book.

The last con is the introduction to two new women towards the end of the book. The books are too small to include more characters and since I feel that the author is just wanting to make it a huge harem, I predict we are going to get more women in the future which means less character development. You can have more background characters to give the main characters more growth, but I’ll have to see and watch.

Overall, book 2 was good and pleasant to read. I found it much more enjoyable to read then book one, even with all the cons I have with it. I may picked up this book again just to read for fun, but we will see.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
370 reviews
March 23, 2021
This series is proving to be fairly enjoyable. I really like the stuff about building and taming dinosaurs. That stuff is awesome. For the most part, the characters are pretty interesting too. I just don't like that Michael-Scott Earle seems to desire harems in his books. It is stupid. I don't see why anyone would fantasize about a harem. It seems like a situation where people involved would feel unsatisfied or jealous. It also seems like it would be a lot of work. In other words, a bad situation rather than one to fantasize over. I also dislike that one of the characters in this book is a woman who wants to be ordered around by a man. That is just dumb. It is like the author is fantasizing having women wanting him to order them around. That sounds like slavery, and is some cases with how the author thinks, it comes to close to how slave owners basically were raping their slaves by ordering them to have sex with them. I am concerned about the mind of Michael-Scott Earle. The authorities may need to look into him in case he tries acting on his fantasies. He probably needs psychological help. If not for the messed up twists of his mind, the author could have easily written a five star book. His stories tend to be very fun and full of interesting elements. He just unfortunately lives out sick fantasies in his books. At least they are just a small side bit of the stories rather than on constant display. Oh, the characters in this book are also stupidly appear to only make use of the meat and sinew of the dinosaurs they kill despite complaining about not having good weapons or tools. They even complain about not having saws but mentioned saw like mouths of some dinosaurs. That is just dumb. Still, the book was a fun read. I really like hearing about trying to survive on a dinosaur planet after having just landed there with just the clothes on ones back. It is a fascinating concept.
1 review1 follower
November 19, 2019
this book is so bad the word bad can't describe it. here is a guy, a "looser" that suddenly out of nowhere become a dinosaur king. from being rescued out of 3 men, he the less capable survives. and then miracle after miracle he combats dinosaurs to never fail, winning all the time day-night no matter how dangerous the situation, he the man with no skills plans strategic plans that would be hard to come by to 40 years experienced generals. he never loses team members, only women join, of course, all in love with him.

as you read alone from book 1 to book 2 and so on, the general feeling is that the author is getting more and more childish to the point that listening makes you feel embarrassed.
the plot is so repetitive that you can fast forward every fight because it's so predictable it's embarrassing. the soft porn part is by far the most pathetic, Victor has the same scene over and over again with different partners, all "supermodel aliens".

the characters in the story could have been so much better, as aliens, but the author decided that making them one dimensional is the way to go here. all the texts that come out of their mouth are the same boooooooooooooring to death.

the only reason to read this book is to find out the end, but you can do that by fast-forwarding book 6 the other books are a total waste of time.
Profile Image for Fred Wagner.
447 reviews
September 30, 2018
Well, this series is just sucking me in. I accept it for what it is. Read the "preview" and it is not far off. One thing, however, is that Victor is taming the animals/dinos, not SO MUCH the women. Anyway, it too is a sort of survival series based in "Dinosaurland". Lol. And Victor is the "King". More lol's. I found it odd to consider that this guy is actually easily someone who could have been my son. The survival instincts are there as far as an untamed land. And of course I realized the age differences are easy to figure. Anyway, I'm starting to like him and the other characters. All unique. Well, for the most part anyway. I am well into book 3 already and see a 4th book listed on Goodreads (but NOT on Amazon... hmmm). These books are absolutely not literary masterpieces. I doubt the author ever intended them to be such. But they ARE entertaining. And quite often decently engrossing. The only thing which bothers me about this book (and the 3rd) is the length. I wish that MORE had been written in order to make it a more full-length novel in comparison to so many others and even the first of the series. Oh, well. Entertainment value is good. 5 stars.
10 reviews
January 10, 2018
Nicely written story without a lot of grammatical or spelling errors. The main character is a young man transplanted from modern-day earth to a world with dinosaurs. He bands together with several alien but very human-like women who each have different skills. In this second book of the series, they expand and strengthen their fort while taming different herbivorous dinosaurs and rescuing a couple more transplantees. The young man falls in love with several of the women. For me, that part detracts a bit from the rest of the story, but fortunately it wasn't hard to skip over the 2 or 3 pages where the intimacy quotient was a bit too steamy. For me, the survivors cooperating and making progress together in a challenging environment was what drew me in to the story and made me give it 5 stars. It's a bit like a simpler, more dangerous, less family-friendly version of the book Swiss Family Robinson.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Frances Law.
1,101 reviews12 followers
January 6, 2018
Victor victorious!

Once again Victor has shown how important his tamer abilities are. He and the girls have to fight off a herd of raptors. These have managed to climb the wall of the fort. Then he sees smoke in the distance and worries that there may be other survivors who are hostile. He is determined to build a bigger fort.
Kacerie who arrived recently is proving to be a problem and he needs to find more parasaurs to tame in addition to having his eye on a triceratops.
The women brainstorm with him and they come up with a plan. But will it be enough and will they get it all ready in time?
This is definitely a Boy's Own type story but it's lots of fun.
A bit poor on the proofing but otherwise a good, quick read.
Profile Image for Chris Evans.
903 reviews43 followers
September 10, 2018
Was recommended to give the second one a shot, but nope. There are a lot of explicit scenes in this one, the characters I didn't like before are still unlikable. There is even one point when Victor sees a beam come down near by, but instead of going to rescue the being suddenly dropped into a dangerous land, decides to go back and bang one of his girls instead. After that I lost all respect for him. This book even manages to make me dislike Sheela. She went from a stoic, reserved, and capable character to someone who just wants to be ordered around. :P If anything, this book is worse than the first one.
4 reviews1 follower
November 21, 2018
You know that feeling you get the morning after a rowdy party that got a little out of control or you drank a little too much and did stupid things. Reading the second TAMER book left me with feelings of regret. The first book was like being at the party and living in the moment. It brought back memories of scenarios my adolescent brain came up with and brought with it a bit of nostalgia. The second book made me regret reading the first, and filled me with dread enough to rethink my taste in literature and question why I thought the first book was good in any way.

In all honestly I struggled to make it over halfway through the second book before I put it down for good. The humor from the first book was lacking and the adolescent fantasy aspects of the harem, the demeaning language to women and the alpha male complex just became unpalatable and cringeworthy. If you are a hormonal young adult then you may enjoy this series. However, I left that behind a couple decades ago and thankful i did.
April 9, 2023
I liked the book, but there are some jarring odities.

The age of the main character has now been described as 22, 21 and 20 years in the span of two books.

And the author either doesn't know how big a foot is or doesn't know the definition of "diameter".
Making a door out of four foot diameter logs makes no sense. Especially when saying it will weight a couple hundred pounds! That door they were contemplating would weigh closer to 30.000lbs.

And a dinosaur tipping over a four foot diameter tree by brushing against it when walking past also is complete nonsense. I'm pretty sure the author flunked out of highschool.
Profile Image for The One Tree.
191 reviews18 followers
January 9, 2018
No Spoilers...

Love the attention to detail that Michael-Scott Earle continues to provide in this series. The world building is fantastic and as much fun as this is, he keeps it real with the issues that his characters come across and in the ways in which they’re overcome.

Fantastic story, dare I say rather novel at that.

Tamer 2 starts immediately where Tamer left off. Looking forward to reading T3. Yeah baby!
17 reviews1 follower
January 15, 2018
Dinosaurs, Damsels in Distress, Aliens !!! What's Not to Love ??

Mike's books are detailed with character development, which results in you knowing your teammates. errr participants. Even more fun is the laugh out loud humor he has dropped into conversations, like in what happens between the Spider and the Fly, errr Victor !! This was even better than his 1st of this series. Can't wait for more !!!!
178 reviews
January 16, 2018
Better than the first

The story is better than the first. I enjoyed the battle between the seven carno Dino’s and the main character’s three trikes and four parasaurs. I still think the main character uses the f-word too much, but he has toned it down a bit. The romance with the cat lady and spider lady are better this time. When the spider lady punks the main character it was funny and well written.
April 11, 2018
so victor is now the man he has 3 beautiful lovers and he is geting stronger in his taming . now the new girl that he just saved is a reall bitch she complains . doesnt wont to do any of the work , and tries to suduice victor to make her life easyer. only problem is that victor sees through her but instead of leaving her alone he gives her one last shot. to get her act together or she take her chances out side the fort
118 reviews16 followers
July 29, 2021
Lot raunchier than the first volume.
Also had better and funnier dialogue.
The work a holic nature of mc is a bit odd for it was clear that it was his normal nature.
The foreshadowing is bit too clear at times.
We also got more dinos, but it made me feel that we did not get enough interaction with those new or old dinos.
Base building is fun at times and frustrating and boring at other times.
Profile Image for Jordan Pedigo.
63 reviews3 followers
January 1, 2018
Michael-Scott Earle does it again!

If you enjoyed the first one, this one is even better. Without the need for establishing the world, and it's principles, MSE is able to spend much more time on character development, action, and structure building. I can't wait to see where it goes from here. 10/10
January 13, 2018
Who would've thought?

Sexy nerd dude tames Dinos and loves on chicks. Good deal dude. Despite it's seeming simplicity, this series is a total win! Character development up the wazoo. Mike, you're alright with me. I've read every book you've published and am panting for more... Yum yum
Profile Image for Scott.
1,372 reviews8 followers
February 15, 2018
Great Mix of Ingenuity and Action

Tamer was good, this is better as Victors powers grows as does the group. The action heats up as does the tension as they frantically try and race against each threat they come across. Fascinating use of early tech with a mix of woman and action scenes keeping the story fresh
Displaying 1 - 30 of 105 reviews

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