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Reeve Nelson is determined to make it in Manhattan. He’s hardworking, dedicated and willing to put in the extra hours required to be successful at his new job at a prestigious real estate firm in the city. There’s no way he’s going back to small-town living and an ex-girlfriend who won’t let go. But his boss isn’t making it easy.

Leo Rodriguez enjoys his reputation as a ruthless businessman. He’s a lone wolf who’s scraped his way from the gutter to rebuild his life and launch a distinguished career on his terms. When an opportunity to expand in the market comes up, Leo wants the eager new agent with a sense of wonder on the project. But nothing goes quite as planned. Reeve expected to be intimidated and overwhelmed by Leo, however, the explosive mutual attraction and fierce desire between them is a big surprise. Neither man is looking for love and yet, something special just might happen if they can find their way…together.

95 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 16, 2018

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About the author

Lane Hayes

101 books1,653 followers
Lane Hayes loves a good romance! She’s the bestselling author of the Out in College, Starting From, Better Than, A Kind Of, Right and Wrong, and Leaning Into Series! Lane loves red wine, chocolate and travel (in no particular order). All things she can find in sunny SoCal where she lives with her amazing husband in a not quite empty nest.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 93 reviews
January 23, 2018
I didn't love A Way with You quite as much as I loved A Way with Words, but I have to admit Leo was one sexy motherfucker. All that power and intensity. GRRRR!

One of the highlights was being privy to Tony and Remy's (MCs from A Way with Words) glorious HEA. *happy sigh*

Another huge PLUS: This book is steamier than the first. Like I said, SEXY. MOTHERFUCKER. Who knows how to pound Reeve into the mattress.

I would have given my right arm to get Leo's POV!

I wasn't clear on why Leo never told Reeve what project he was working on when the two talked about everything. I understood why Reeve was upset, but he could have handled it better. Because screaming Get your own fucking mint chip has never resolved anything.

Considering this isn't a long story, both characters were fairly well developed. There was a bit of summarizing to establish the relationship, but I felt that spark between Leo and Reeve.

"You're mine. Tell me you're mine."

"Yes. I'm yours."
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,257 reviews259 followers
January 14, 2018

A Way with You (Memories with The Breakfast Club) by Lane Hayes is the follow-up story to A Way with Words. It's about Remy's brother, Reeve Nelson, who has moved to the city and is starting a new job; it's a fresh start for him. What he didn't anticipate is being assigned to work under Leo Rodriguez. Intense, intimidating, but sexy as hell Leo Rodriguez.

I'll start off by saying this novella did not go in the directions I was expecting. I thought it was an office novella, but it wasn't at all. I won't go into detail what happened, but it was a pleasant surprise that made me fall in love with Reeve.

As for Leo, who doesn't love an asshole who goes after what he wants. Can you imagine all that intensity and sexiness coming at you? LOL

Anyhoo, some highlights:

-Writing novellas is an art form. Sometimes I think it's harder than writing a full-length book and Lane Hayes did an exceptional job. She gave a complete story, which evoked lots feelings, in a short number of pages.

-The characters are well developed and experienced growth.

-The story is told from Reeve's first person POV, but we were never left wondering what Leo was feeling.

-The chemistry was tangible.

-The story had a feel-good vibe with a pinch of angst.

-And the end was sweet. ♥

Can this be read as a standalone? Yes, but read A Way with Words. I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Renée.
1,106 reviews380 followers
January 13, 2018
~4.25 stars!~

When I go into a novella, I am expecting a quick, fun read. I know the authors don't have the time to deeply develop the characters or the relationship that they would have with a full-length book. I'd much prefer to read longer stories, but I also set my expectations of novellas this way, so as not to get bummed out when things move along too fast or remain semi-surface-level.

But I got a pleasant surprise here. Lane Hayes actually managed to pack in more feelz than a typical novella would. And for that, this story deserves a higher rating.

Reeve is the brother of Remy from Book 1. He has just moved to NYC and is ready to take the elite real estate market by storm. He is hired to work in the prestigious McAllister company, directly for Mr. McAllister himself.

That's not what he finds out on Day 1. He will be working for Leo Rodriguez instead.

Another surprise for readers - This is not an office romance.

You'd think so with that setup, right? But things take a turn that I wasn't expecting. I can't say what without spoiling it. I decided to go with it and was glad that I did. I liked how it turned out even better.

Leo is a force of nature. Intense. And while Reeve is intimidated at first, he has quite a backbone (and quite a temper when pushed too far). Reeve was exactly what Leo needed and vice versa.

Would I have preferred a full-length story about these two? Definitely. But I also can't say that I was left wanting.

Like I said, I was pleasantly surprised and would definitely recommend this as one of the better novellas I've read with more feelz than usual.

It's out in only a few days so enjoy!
Profile Image for Ele.
1,311 reviews40 followers
January 21, 2018
*3.5 stars*

I think I might be in a reading slump.
Profile Image for True Loveislovereview.
2,608 reviews1 follower
January 22, 2018
Reeve and Leo.
Reeve moved to New York City to start his new job at The McAllister Group as an estate manager.
He's got a beautiful and dynamic boss...Leo, only that's it... the man is a gyre... he has a lot of energy and a grumpy mouth. Everyone is shivering when the almighty Leo is around including Reeve.

The job is impossible and Reeve is questing himself... he has a breaking point.
When he's face to face with Leo, again.. and getting insulted by Leo he snapped.. and in the heat of the fight he does something stupid....and...afterwards....he's gone.

Somehow, after he quit his job, he ends up in a bar with... Leo... the untouchable Leo...

Then some unexpected things are happening .... they start to talk and talk and even end up on the sofa...together ... the next morning there is no regret...and maybe Leo isn't as unattainable as Reeve thought.

Wonderful read, after first reading A Way with Words, it was great to meet Remy, Tony and Tony's nephews and nephews from nephews again. This was such a good addition to the whole story.

The main, Reeve and Leo, where greatly developed. The layers piece by piece exposed, it was not heavy-heavy but some bits were heartbreaking and affected me quite. The whole story was written in a captivating way, in all the right proportions.
Reeve and Leo were steaming hot together but also funny and heartwarming. This all written in a vivid way, really well done!
A mustread for the ones who are fan of some charming love story.

Read and reviewed for Diverse Reader
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,745 reviews378 followers
January 18, 2018
Lane Hayes is the caramel syrup in my macchiato, the jam and cream on my scone, the icing on the cake (which I don't eat but I know she loves), basically she just makes my day better.

This is book two in her addition to Felice Stevens' Breakfast Club Kindle Worlds series and features Remy's brother Reeve. It's tagged as an office romance but there's a neat twist which makes it so much more.

I think I loved Reeve and Leo even more than I'd fallen for Remy and Tony in the first one. In this there's no need for hiding anything other than insecurities but each man finds courage in the other to put down tentative roots which only get stronger.

The sex is well hot, these two just can't keep their hands off once their relationship changes and there's plenty of emotions on display. I loved Leo's hidden vulnerability, Reeve's was all on the surface and every so often it would explode. There's a fair few funny bits in this one as well.

For a short story, there's a heck of a lot of depth and development and I loved seeing the relationship deepen.

Gorgeous covers on both books too.

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Kindle Worlds is currently only available in the US.
Profile Image for Len Evans Jr.
1,474 reviews221 followers
January 21, 2018
This book is a sequel to the book "A Way With Words" and is the second book that Lane Hayes has written in the Memories with the Breakfast Club universe created by one of my most favorite M/M romance writers Felice Stevens. That said, going into this book I thought it unlikely that Ms. Hayes could top the awesome job she did in the first book, I really loved Remy and Tony they were so totally awesome and so perfect together. Well, she managed it do it and in spades. Though this book was not a full-length novel, the story she wrote was so complete and well written that is certainly felt like it was. The two MCs are fully-developed and complex, each with their foibles and faults. I loved that even though they only got bit parts both Tony and Remy made a few appearances here. Love getting the update on how their relationship, including their marriage! All in all, this book was a fun (I laughed out loud a number of times) and full of feels (yeah I cried some happy tears) read.
386 reviews23 followers
February 28, 2018

I loved this, but I wish it was longer. That's really my only complaint.
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,362 reviews553 followers
January 22, 2018
4.5 stars

I loved this. It was so sweet and hot and once we got to know Leo I really felt the connection between him and Reeve. My only complaint is that it was too short. I wanted soooo much more of these two, I wanted a full length novel. Ohhh how even more wonderful these two would have been had we gotten 250 or so pages instead of a 100.

Reeve is Remy's brother, who Remy mentioned in A Way with Words. He starts out this novel working at a high-end real estate firm in NYC, and his boss is Leo, and Reeve has to try and deal with being fish out of water in a big pond. When it becomes too much and .

Remy and Tony were an adorable background couple in this, and they're getting married in this book, and although we don't get to see it, knowing they got married made me happy.

Definitely recommend this great short story. Loved it :D
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
1,005 reviews25 followers
January 24, 2018
Another sweet one. I enjoyed this one but not as much as the first. I liked Leo a lot but Reeve got on my nerves a little. I liked them as a couple and I was happy with the ending. Sweet with little angst.
Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,504 reviews70 followers
July 16, 2020
This didn't resonate with me as much as "A Way With Words". Quite a few things didn't make sense to me, and I missed a more detailed relationship development.

Still quite an enjoyable read all in all. (And I love guys like Leo!)
Profile Image for Gabis Laberladen.
1,123 reviews
January 20, 2018
Darum geht’s:

Reeve Nelson hat nach der Trennung von seiner Freundin seine Heimatstadt überstürzt verlassen und will in New York neu anfangen. Der Job, den er ergattert, scheint perfekt, denn er wird als Immobilienmakler in der prestigeträchtigen Firma super bezahlt. Doch die Sonderstellung als Assistent des mega erfolgreichen, aber unnahbaren Chefs macht ihn bei den Kollegen unbeliebt und er weiß eigentlich nicht wirklich, was der Chef, Leo Rodriguez, von ihm erwartet und was genau seine Aufgabe sein soll. Als der Druck zu groß wird, verliert Reeve gegenüber Leo seine Beherrschung.

So fand ich’s:

Leo heißt nicht nur so, sondern er verbreitet auch die gefährliche Aura eines hungrigen Löwen um sich. Als Reeve der Kragen platzt, entdeckt er eine ganz andere Seite an seinem geheimnisvollen und sehr sexy Chef. Auf eine Büro-Romanze wartet man allerdings vergeblich, denn Reeve hat seine Grundsätze und schmeißt den Job hin. Doch Leo akzeptiert das nicht so einfach.

In weniger als 100 Seiten wird uns eine Liebesgeschichte erzählt, bei der nichts gehetzt wirkt, sondern in genau dem richtigen Tempo sehr heiße Begegnungen, neu entdeckte zärtliche Gefühle und ein gezähmter Löwe kombiniert werden. Reeve und Leo haben eine ganz tolle Chemie und es macht viel Spaß, mitzuerleben, wie die beiden ungleichen Männer sich näherkommen.

Reeves Bruder Remy und sein Verlobter Tony haben wichtige Nebenrollen und ich mochte beide sehr. Ihre eigene Geschichte wird in „A Way With Words“ erzählt, das hier schon bereitliegt und auf das ich mich sehr freue.

Lane Hayes gehört sowieso zu meinen Lieblingsautorinnen und das hat sie mit dieser Geschichte genau nach meinem Geschmack ein weiteres Mal bekräftigt.
Profile Image for Sylvia.
1,434 reviews12 followers
January 24, 2018

I just Loved Leo
i would've liked reading his pov because
i didn't care much for Reese with his little temper trantums .
♡the sexy times though
Profile Image for Bárbara.
1,165 reviews79 followers
January 15, 2018
*ARC provided by the author*

Well, this was a pleasant surprise!

I'm somewhat new to Lane Hayes' books, but from what I've seen so far, compared with this, she's come a long way from earlier works.

This was pretty much angst-free, and for a story this short, quite well developed.

The characters had a nicely paced evolution, both personally and in their relationship- and the sexual content, for those who may like to know (while I can appreciate it, it's not top priority for me) was quite entertaining!

Honestly, I'd say this one is a win on various fronts.
Profile Image for Lelyana's Reviews.
3,325 reviews388 followers
February 4, 2018

I like a story with the right portion. Low angst, fun, and romantic.
I loved Leo and Reeve, they're easily became a couple right after Reeve said what he wanted to say. And regret it. LOL.
I revisit my favorite couple, Tony and Remy, and their HEA! And Reeve and Leo were just one step to theirs.
I enjoyed this one a lot, this is an adorable and enjoyable read, I recommended it for short weekend read!
This can't be read as a stand alone. Read A Way with Words about Remy and Tony, you won't disappoint.
293 reviews5 followers
January 18, 2018
3.5 stars because of what could have been. Sigh

I LOVED A Way with words and most of the authors books, but this one was a miss for me for a couple of reasons. In this genre, I expect if there is a blow job to have details, to NEVER read the words that one character talked dirty to another. This was a good story but the details and dialogue were missing in several places, replaced by words. Maybe trying to keep it short? Unforgivable.
Profile Image for Chris Kottner-Kirschner.
1,086 reviews13 followers
February 9, 2018
Nach der Trennung von seiner Freundin, wagt Reeve Nelson in New York einen Neuanfang. Beruflich, wie auch privat. Zudem lebt auch sein jüngerer Bruder Remy mit seinem Verlobten Tony in der Stadt und so hat Reeve auch gleich Familienanschluss. Leider entpuppt sich der Traumjob als eine Nummer zu groß für Reeve und als sein Temperament und auch seine Hormone mit ihm durchgehen, kündigt er.

Leo Rodriguez, Reeves Chef und eine lokale Berühmtheit, versucht Reeve zurückzuholen. Doch bei dem starrsinnigen Reeve beißt der gefürchtete und strenge Leo sprichwörtlich auf Granit. Aber er versteht es den Mann aus der Provinz zu umgarnen und schnell fliegen zwischen ihnen die Funken - und auch mehr. Doch selbst wenn Reeve nicht mehr für Leo arbeitet, so bleibt ihr Verhältnis fragil und man nähert sich nur langsam an, auch wenn die Chemie zwischen ihnen stimmt. Aber Reeve sucht auch unabhängig von Leo seinen Weg und beruflichen Erfolg im Big Apple.

A Way With You gibt es leider nur auf amazon.com zu holen und gehört zur Kindle World Saga rund um den Breakfast Club von Felice Stevens. Schon die Geschichte von Reeves jüngerem Bruder Remy wurde von Lane Hayes auf wunderbare Art und Weise erzählt und man ist nun natürlich sehr neugierig auf Reeve.

Nach seiner Trennung strauchelt er und fängt sich wieder. Doch es fällt ihm schwer Vertrauen zu fassen, da seine Ex-Freundin ihm doch übel mitgespielt hat. Und so leicht schüttelt Reeve das nicht ab. Es war wirklich toll zu lesen wie Reeve dem arroganten Leo die Stirn bietet und den Löwen zähmt. Auf 100 Seiten wird ihre Liebesgeschichte erzählt und man vermisst dabei überhaupt nichts.

Lane Hayes schaffte es ganz großartig Reeve und Leon sich kennenzulernen lassen, sich dem Leser gebührend vorzustellen und ihre Handlungen, Sehnsüchte und Träume zu verstehen. Dabei kommen weder Romantik, Erotik oder Humor zu kurz. Perfekte Lektüre für zwischendurch.
Profile Image for Natosha Wilson.
1,274 reviews14 followers
January 13, 2018
I really enjoyed his book. It was not too long but at the same time it was not too short either. Lane Hayes had just enough content in this book to make it a really enjoyable read.

Reeve is new to town and about to start his new job at a high end real estate agency as a real estate in Manhattan, the city and job he has been dreaming about since he graduated college. The only problem is the job that he thought that he was hired for is not exactly the job that he was hired for in the end. Instead he is supposed to be an assistant agent to a very arrogant boss who is also a monor television star. What a surprise Reeve got with that piece of information.

Still Reeve is not going to give up just yet. He instead looks at it as another obstacle to overcome and prove himself. The other issue is his boss, Leo does not exactly leave him feeling very comfortable about his job because he does not exactly explain what he expects of Reeve. So Reeve is left feeling like he was left out on a limb without a parachute to help him if he falls.

When everything finally comes to head between Leo and Reeve the sparks fly. But Reeve cannot continue to work for a man that he is attracted to and to a man that he has already slept with.

Can Leo and Reeve figure out what exactly is going on between them? Or is this just a passing lust between hem?

This was such an incredible read. There is so much that happens between these two men but not too much that it overwhelms the reader. This is one of those books that I would describe as a sweet romance. Sometimes thaose are the best books to read. Truly a great read.

Was given this galley copy for free for an open and honest review
Profile Image for Shannon.
2,544 reviews218 followers
January 15, 2018

Boss/employee? Enemies-to-lovers? Friends-to-lovers? A little of all 3? Whatever trope you want to assign to it, A Way with You is an entertaining, easy, and effortless read that left me craving more of Reeve and Leo. It takes something special to pull a reader into a story when it’s only 6 chapters long, and Ms. Hayes brought that something special to Reeve and Leo’s story. A Way with You is a sweet, sexy, feel-good romance.

Hoping to make a fresh start, Reeve moves to NYC and takes what he believes is the job of his dream. While things with the job don’t work out quite like he hoped, he gets more than he bargained for with Leo, his enigmatic, rude, and cocky boss. Sparks fly when Reeve reaches his breaking point and there’s no turning back.

It was quite delightful watching Reeve and Leo explore their feelings for each other and step out of their comfort zones just a bit. Leo presents one persona to the public, but in private his true self was able to shine through and I loved how he opened up to Reeve- there’s definitely more to the man than meets the eye. Meeting Leo was just what Reeve needed- it gave him the push to figure out exactly what he wanted in life, and in love. Seeing these two, quite opposite men, find each other made my heart happy.

Profile Image for Edga.
1,973 reviews26 followers
January 26, 2018
What a great read. I haven't read any of the other books in the series, but that didn't spoil the story at all. Being a novello I wondered how Ms Lane would manage successful character and story development, sometimes missing in many shorter stories. Well, she nailed it, never, at any point did I think that the story was lacking in those areas.

The story certainly didn't progress as I expected. I totally thought it was going to be a straightforward office romance. How wrong was I? I'm not going to spoil the story, just to say that I absolutely fell in love with both Reeve and Leo. Reeve especially totally cracked me up.

Ms Hayes has a way of pulling me into her stories. I've read most of her books straight through, without putting them down. Have to say that I loved this book. I fell for the characters, the plot and everything else in between!
Profile Image for Barb ~rede-2-read~.
3,463 reviews107 followers
January 30, 2018
**4.5 stars**

Reeve Nelson arrives in New York, ready to set the real estate world on fire. He’s got the experience from having co-owned his own business with his ex-girlfriend, though it was in a small town and nowhere near the complexity or the pricing of life in the City. Hired by Leo Rodriguez to be his assistant as Leo prepares a new home real estate show for a major network, he eventually finds out that he was primarily hired because of his connections to his brother’s fiance’s family and their business, DeLuca Construction.

Remy and Tony DeLuca from A Way With Words both make an appearance in this story as Reeve relies on his brother for a shoulder to cry on when his dreams stall out and he experiences a major crush on his arrogant, ruthless boss. Their tension and sexual chemistry explodes one night when Reeve has had enough and confronts the big man. Thinking he has nothing to lose since he’s about to quit, Reeve gives him a verbal lashing, but to his surprise, Leo responds by kissing Reeve, and things get hot and heavy from there.

This story is fairly short—probably novella length—so much of the relationship development takes place off page. However, the author does keep us informed about what is happening in their lives as they go through the summer as friends. Reeve now has his own business in Brooklyn, where Tony’s family has more connections and Remy makes sure Reeve gets referrals, but he and Leo are still having sex, still spending hours talking about everything from their past to their likes and dislikes, and still sharing experiences on day-trips, hikes, runs, time at the gym. In other words, they are becoming very important to one another, and slowly but surely, each man begins to realize how much he is falling in love.

I always enjoy Lane Hayes’s writing and this story is no exception. I wish I had known about the first book, however, as I think it would have enhanced my pleasure in reading this one since the characters from that story are featured prominently in this one. Nevertheless, this can be read as a standalone.

This book takes two very different men on a journey of discovery and by the time they realize their importance to each other, rather than have their life circumstances turn against them, something very romantic and magical happens and big, gruff, “ruthless” Leo does something Reeve never expects. It’s definitely a romantic story with a capital R and is the perfect length to pick up when you need that special book to brighten your day.

ARC provided by the publisher through Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words in exchange for an impartial review.
Profile Image for Isabella ~Mikku-chan~.
799 reviews38 followers
January 18, 2018
*~~*ARC kindly provided by the author to me in exchange for an honest review *~~*

What a great novella and connected to A Way with Words, another stand alone novella in the Memories with The Breakfast Club exclusively for Kindle Worlds.

I liked how Reeve and Leo were presented and how well developed they were. Lane Hayes is definitely an author with great skill and that is clearly visible in the short novella.

She is able to create a solid story, a hot storyline without including unnecessary details. Leo and Reeve are clearly shaped and their characters are showing off.

Leo is a confident man, knows what he can demand, is maybe a bit arrogant but his hard work is the result of being now in charge. He isn't a monster, neither is he a tyrann, but he has strong believes and a certain attitude. This attitude is something Reeve wasn't expecting when he was applying for a job - and although he is annoyed by his boss' behaviour he is also fascinated by it - and the sparks are flying.

I loved the twist in the story in the middle of the book, it gave it a fresh turn of events, was unexpected but not unwelcome. The tension is there from the start but it's believable executed and well-displayed. Soon they create a bond and I liked how we were able to see different sides from both of the characters.

The book, this novella was a pleasant read, not too fast or hasty in the developement in their relationship, not unnecessary exaggerated with a dramatic storyline. The fact that Reeve is openly bisexual and that we have a great representation of it makes the book even more enjoyable. :)

I liked the way both guys were acting together, liked their unique character traits and their sweet, domestic scenes, balanced with the sexy, seductive ones. :3
5 out of 5 stars for this. The small re-appearance of Remy and Tony were great but of course the book is totally enjoyable without the knowledge of the former book.

Review originally posted on my blog with added content Mikku-chan / A world full of words
Displaying 1 - 30 of 93 reviews

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