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Guild Hunter #11

Archangel's Prophecy

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Return to New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh’s darkly passionate Guild Hunter world, where human-turned-angel Elena Deveraux, consort to Archangel Raphael, is thrust center stage into an eons-old prophecy….

Midnight and dawn, Elena’s wings are unique among angelkind…and now they’re failing. The first mortal to be turned into an immortal in angelic memory, she’s regressing. Becoming more and more human. Easier to hurt. Easier to kill.

Elena and Raphael must unearth the reason for the regression before it’s too late and Elena falls out of the sky. Yet even as they fight a furious battle for Elena’s very survival, violent forces are gathering in New York and across the world.

In China, the Archangel Favashi is showing the first signs of madness. In New York, a mysterious sinkhole filled with lava swallows a man whole. In Africa, torrential monsoon rains flood rolling deserts. And in Elena’s mind whispers a haunting voice that isn’t her own.

This time, survival may not be possible…not even for the consort of an archangel.

372 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published October 30, 2018

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About the author

Nalini Singh

231 books26k followers
I've been writing as long as I can remember and all of my stories always held a thread of romance (even when I was writing about a prince who could shoot lasers out of his eyes). I love creating unique characters, love giving them happy endings and I even love the voices in my head. There's no other job I would rather be doing. In September 2002, when I got the call that Silhouette Desire wanted to buy my first book, Desert Warrior, it was a dream come true. I hope to continue living the dream until I keel over of old age on my keyboard.

I was born in Fiji and raised in New Zealand. I also spent three years living and working in Japan, during which time I took the chance to travel around Asia. I’m back in New Zealand now, but I’m always plotting new trips. If you’d like to see some of my travel snapshots, have a look at the Travel Diary page (updated every month).

So far, I've worked as a lawyer, a librarian, a candy factory general hand, a bank temp and an English teacher and not necessarily in that order. Some might call that inconsistency but I call it grist for the writer's mill.

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Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,951 reviews33.6k followers
July 18, 2018
So, a couple things before I get started...

1) Based on preliminary reviews, I seem to be in the minority in not adoring this book.
2) This being an ARC, I can't really tell you why that is, specifically. Sorry.
3) I am NOT in a reviewing mood today (or just lately in general, actually), but I wanted to get at least something down while this book is fresh in my mind and before I read it again.
4) This review is probably gonna suck ass. Again, sorry.

That said, keep all that in mind when reading this review.

This was me when this ARC hit my kindle:


Elena and Raphael are one of my spirit animal couples.
I ADORE them.
And I adore this series.

Now, I am not sure if this was just a case of my expectations being too high or what, but this thing just didn't blow me away...and the ending straight up pissed me off.

But let's back up.

In every one of these books, there is always (1) the grander overarching plot line and (2) a case or puzzle that must be solved within the cover of each specific book.

So here we, of course, had...(1) a case that had to be solved and (2) the overarching Cascade issue...but we also had (3) a sort of "mystery issue" that starts in the beginning...

And ends on a cliffhanger.


Thus my pique.

Now, said pique is not the sole source of me not loving this book to the fullest.

I also felt like the story moved a bit slowly and the case in this book seemed a little...less than when compared to the of other books.

And yes, okay, I was irritated that the above mentioned issue was hanging over my head for the entirety of the book.

All that said, I still enjoyed this book.
It's VERY important that fans read this book.
SO much happens here that moves the overarching plot line forward, especially that vexing "issue" I keep diabolically mentioning without fully explaining.

I truly believe this is one of those books I will love and appreciate more upon a re-read and upon creating distance between it and my ridiculously high expectations.

I think if you go in with that in mind, this book WILL blow you away. And it will make you pine for the next installment, like me.

Until then, though, we wait.


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Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,464 followers
November 3, 2018
First. let me say that I love this series. It is one of my very favorites and if Illium and Aodhan don't get together soon I may lose my shit.

But, this book was just not as good as the past ones. The story was really slow and weak. There was recapping over every.single.thing. And, the side characters that we love were barely present at all. We never saw Naasir or Aodhan. We only saw a few glimpses of Bluebell. And, the rest of them had what seemed like a couple of obligatory sentences just to make sure they were mentioned. Most of the book was Elena going in circles and thinking about her past - which we have done to death.

Cute doggy is right, but not me. I let things stay buried. Cuz when you dig something up, it's gonna stink. (Plus, I'm emotionally stunted.)

Elena's wings are failing and things are going crazy in the world because of the Cascade. While this is happening, Elena is trying to find a murderer. And, Raphael seems to continually be going out of town throughout the book. I understand that she wants to be all Ms.-independent and to not have him hover and such, but you know when it might be a good time to let your S.O. hover? When you are wasting away for no reason and there is some sort of death prophecy over you. Yeah, honey, you maybe should take the day off... you know, in case I die today.

But, not Elena.

It's just a flesh wound.

She has some serious shit going down and he can't hang around long enough to do anything more than scold her and then sex her. Then, they decide it's the perfect time to have a separate girl's night out and boys night out. Why? Is it a "He's about to be single" party?

That'll be her obituary. They charge by the word you know.

Of course, he says that if she dies, he will become a monster and ruin the world. Am I the only one who thinks that might be fun to watch?

See? They get it. Let's all put on our cardboard helmets of protection, our old eclipse glasses from last year and watch the world burn. I'll make popcorn!

I know, I'm a bloodthirsty little thing. But, you love me anyway. Even though I complained about this book. right?
Profile Image for Corina.
774 reviews2,488 followers
November 1, 2018
4.5 stars


Buckle up this book is an emotional rollercoaster ride of epic proportions. I had no idea what to expect. I certainly didn’t expect so many punches to my heart. The FEELS were unreal. They came non-stop. I honestly was a blubbering emotional basket case at the end.

And the ENDING!!!!!! O M G

I still don’t know what to say, much less write a cohesive review.

I went into this book without reading the blurb. And subsequently I had no idea what was to come. The plot just kept pummeling my heart until I was a blubbering mess. At this point I can admit that reading the blurb would have prepared me somewhat – lol.

So, yes when it’s all said and done, Archangel’s Prophecy is an end and a new beginning for Elena and Raphael – maybe!?

I have the feeling there is so much change coming. The next big Cascade power struggle is near and nobody has an idea what change it will bring. Clearly some change is already coming, since Elena is in some kind of transition – loosing her wings and regressing back to being human. A transformation of some kind. I can see big things coming for her. HUGE changes, that feel like something big and magnificent. Something that will make her equal to Raphael perhaps.

This fact alone had me at the edge of my seat. It’s no surprise that I devoured this book from beginning to end. I especially loved seeing all my favorite characters again. But most of all I loved that Elena’s circle of friends and family is getting bigger and bigger with each book.

She is a true beacon of joy and life for all of them.

As always reading an Archangel book is a pleasure and privilege. This series is one of my most favorite UF worlds, and I’m looking forward to it each year. Nalini Singh is a true master storyteller. Her incredibly well plotted arcs keep me on the edge of my seat, which I literally was while reading Archangel’s Prophecy.

As before, the author has an amazing way of reminding the reader of facts, past events and developments that after a year might have been forgotten. Her way of explaining these facts never feels repetitive. It’s expertly weaved into the story in a fresh and interesting way.

If you love this series you’ll enjoy book 11. If you are new to this author I can only recommend to you to pick up book Angels’ Blood. You won’t regret it. A vampire hunter falling in love with an Archangel, who later on is also turned into an angel and now is loosing her wings. Come on, it doesn’t get any more fascinatinat than this.

ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Holly.
1,485 reviews1,400 followers
January 9, 2019
I love this series, but not this book. I spent nearly the entire book wanting to shake both Raphael and Elena. I can't go into any of it without going into major spoilers, which I will put in the comments instead. One thing I can mention that annoyed me that isn't a spoiler - this book has a TON of recaps. We're talking, someone could read this book and it is basically attempting to give them the background history of the last 10 books at every possible moment. Is this really needed? Who is going to start reading this series starting at book 10? Who needs a recap of basic background of Elena's life if you've been reading this series? It felt like filler.

I will say that the end of the book is VERY interesting with a bit of a cliffhanger which I found amazingly awful or awfully amazing. I haven't decided which it is yet, but either way I will of course read the next book and it better be another Elena/Raphael-centric book (for those of you who haven't read this series, about half of the books deviate to focus on other secondary characters).
Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews904 followers
October 29, 2018

Hot damn. HOT. DAMN.

Who do I have to sleep with to get the next book in this series, because the cliffhanger in this one? It just may kill me.

But seriously. I started reading Archangel's Prophecy with the firm belief that everything will be OK in the end, I'd get to spend time with one of my favorite couples and I ended up being on an emotional roller coaster that at times had my heart fly out of my chest.

Nothing is right in Elena and Raphael's world. Elena reversing from immortal to mortal is giving both of them (and everyone else around them) serious grief. The prophecy doesn't predict sweet things for Elena and the Cascade is back in full effect. At the same time while she is fighting weird symptoms that weaken her our beloved Guild Hunter is trying to solve a case that involves her brother in law being assaulted and in a coma. No rest for the wicked. Or so.
“I will undo the universe for you.”

In all of this, however, we see the deep love the mortal-turned-angel and her archangel have for one another. It is something Nalini Singh excels at - she doesn't just tell us what her characters feel, she shows us and makes us feel along with them with every beautiful word she writes. You feel Raphael's despair and fury about his helplessness in the face of Elena's decline, his endless love for her that can only be described in superlatives. The way he loves her is just breathtakingly sweet and beautiful, they are made for one another.
"Eternity, Elena, that is what you promised me. His mental voice was ragged, his body possessive and primal in her, around her. I will never release you from that promise."

Elena's determination and love for life, her smart mouth, her keen intelligence and her hope even when things are hopeless, those are the things I adore so much about her. It's all there.
He was fighting fear, too. She felt an ache deep inside her heart; she was the reason he understood fear, and she wished that weren’t true.

ARCHANGEL PROPHECY is one of my top favorites in this series. It kept me on the edge of my seat with its twists and turns, had me holding my breath and shattered my heart and shredded it in the best way possible. And that CLIFFHANGER. Why? How can Nalini Singh leave us hanging like that?

Now the wait begins for the next book and I hope that Ms Singh writes like the wind.

So. If anyone can point me to the person who I need to bribe for the next book...I pay well.

Just kidding. I don't have money. My offer from the beginning of my review stands.

Profile Image for Aisling Zena.
635 reviews507 followers
July 16, 2020
3.5 stars


Rant ahead!Contains swearing.

Are you kidding me? What did I just read? We have spend 11 books reading about Elena's transformation. Her adjusting and training and getting stronger, new powers and all the hoopla that goes with it and I get this???!! That cliffhanger sucked ass. And the next book better fix this shit or I'm not going to be happy. Not that anybody cares, but I'm extremely unhappy with this. Don't get me wrong I love being back in the Guild Hunter world and the writing is as always great, I just disliked the outcome and plot.

You should read it just because of events relative to overarching plot.


April 2018
I hope we get some plot progression but from the blurb is seems we are back to Raphael and Elena facing even more trouble.

Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,817 reviews737 followers
August 13, 2024
2nd read: Still just as good the 2nd time around. I connected more after going back and reading this series in order. I’m still amazed at the lengths Raphael went to save Elena. Swoon!

1st read:Amazing!!! Ok, call me crazy but I seem to like to jump into series just to see if I'll like it. I didn't like it. I LOVED it! Like really, really loved it! I've actually never read this author before either. Again, crazy I know. I kept seeing her books pop up with so many of my book friends and I get it now. I'm so excited that I get to go back to book one and enjoy the ride Nalini Singh has created.

What did I love about it so much? I'll start with Raphael. He was perfection to me. I have this thing for heroes who are dangerous and scary, cold and aloof, but only if he isn't that way to the heroine. I like the idea that only she can make him human. Now, there were some flash backs that hint at him not being that way to her in the beginning but instead of making me leery, I'm more anxious to see how she broke through to him. And what he did at the end of this book...WOW!

On top of my favorite type of hero, this also had my favorite type of heroine. Elena was awesome! I love a heroine who is tough but soft with their hero. A heroine who can fight and kick some serious butt. That's Elana. Even during her struggle of regressing back to human she kicked butt in this book. Added bonus was she wasn't too tough to lean on Raphael. She called him when she needed him instead of stubbornly trying to not appear weak. This couple was fantastic!

Side characters were so interesting and added enough into this book that get me excited to see if any of them have a book of their own. Then the plot had me at the edge of my seat. I had no idea where things were headed and had me pushing to read faster. It didn't dissappoint.

That ending is huge. It's a major cliffhanger and I can not wait to see what is going to happen next. I'm so happy I jumped into this series. Nalini Singh has a new fan in me. I want more!
Profile Image for Beth.
3,135 reviews287 followers
October 27, 2018
I found ARCHANGEL's PROPHECY a 4.5 star read. I'm a huge fan of Singh's writing and love the Guild Hunter storyline so you are wondering why not a straight out 5. Every once in a while you a novel in the series is a build up to the next major plot shift...ARCHANGEL'S PROPHECY is definitely one of these major plot shift books leaving you hanging at the end and left me still wondering where this book will go next. The What ifs and possibilities will leave you pondering long after you are through.

I received this ARC copy of Archangel's Prophecy from Berkley Publishing Group. This is my honest and voluntary review. Archangel's Prophecy is set for publication October 30, 2018.

My Rating: 4.5 stars
Written by: Nalini Singh
Series: A Guild Hunter Novel
Sequence in Series: Book 11
Mass Market Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Berkley
Publication Date: October 30, 2018
ISBN-10: 0451491645
ISBN-13: 978-0451491640
Genre: Urban Fantasy | Paranormal Romance

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Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,771 reviews1,584 followers
November 5, 2018
This review was originally posted on Books of My Heart


In Archangel’s Prophecy, we are back to Raphael and Elena as the main characters in this installment.  Normally, they aren’t my favorites to hang out with in this Guild Hunter series. *Gasp* I know, I know but I’ve never really warmed to Raphael. However, at least I don’t want to stab a pencil in his eye anymore so we’ve come a long way.  
“Mess with me and I will shoot you through the heart, I swear to God. I am so far past hangry, I’m homicidal.”

This starts out pretty ominously, with some cataclysmic events happening in the world, and a prophecy that leaves the reader wondering how will Elena fare after all is said and done.  Raphael is evolving and it appears Elena will need something significant to happen to her if they will beat the next big bad challenge on the horizon.

Elena also has the challenge of figuring out who tried to kill her brother-in-law and why.  There are a few vamps that have come to some gruesome ends recently and somehow Harrison is tied to it.  Elena must figure it out before destiny tracks her down if she is going to keep her sister and niece safe.

The Legion is an interesting concept in this series and I like how other worldly they still seem.  They are ancient but still like children. I love the interactions Elena has with them throughout this series and how they seem to understand what is happening but have been asleep for so long that the details seem a little like those of a dream.  They are so close but also just on the edge of awareness.

The best part of this was the strange stuff happening with Elena and the ‘messenger’ who is watching her.  The worst part of the book was also the stuff happening with Elena because I’m so worried about her. There is some funny in-between all of that too.
“The basic definition of a parasite is an organism that lives on or inside a host and feeds off that host. Therefore all fetuses are technically parasites. A fetus with DNA from an archangel will be a super-parasite,” she added cheerfully. “It’ll suck you dry of energy, so you’d better be really old and strong before you start thinking about the flitter-flutter of tiny wings.”
Elena slitted her eyes and pointed. “You’re having fun making my future offspring”— and jeez, she was never going to be ready for those—“sound like energy-draining horrors.”

But that ending…Because I received an eARC from the publisher,  I don’t get the sneak peak of the next book which might have made me feel better about where Archangel’s Prophecy ended.  I’m definitely eager to see what is going on with Elena and Raphael and how this evolution will work. Also, remember how once upon a time I wanted to stab a pencil through Raphael’s eye? Well, he has been totally redeemed.  That Angel would rip out his heart for Elena and so I’m going to cut him some slack since he didn’t have any humanity in him when we first met.

Overall, a good side mystery happening to go along with the main story arc.  Since this is a well-established couple,  most of the story revolved around the mystery and the next step in the Convergence.  I definitely wasn’t ready for the book to end this time around.

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Profile Image for Lady Heather .
1,305 reviews770 followers
March 9, 2024
 photo teaser 1.jpg

Publication Date: October 30, 2018

 photo cover reveal.jpg


Return to New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh’s darkly passionate Guild Hunter world, where human-turned-angel Elena Deveraux, consort to Archangel Raphael, is thrust centre stage into an aeons-old prophecy…

Midnight and dawn, Elena’s wings are unique among angelkind—and now they are failing. The first mortal to be turned into an immortal in angelic memory, she’s regressing. Becoming more and more human. Easier to hurt. Easier to kill.

Elena and Raphael must unearth the reason for the regression before Elena falls out of the sky. Yet even as they fight a furious battle for Elena’s very survival, violent forces are gathering across the world. In China, the Archangel Favashi is showing the first signs of madness. In New York, a mysterious sinkhole filled with lava swallows a man whole. In Africa, torrential monsoon rains flood rolling deserts. And in Elena’s mind whispers a haunting voice that isn’t her own.

This time, survival may not be possible…not even for the consort of an archangel.

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This is the best, of the best of the Guild Hunter Series!

Oh... the ending.
Be prepared. I was shocked and surprised by it.
I really liked how the ending was narrated by the Primary of the Legion.

I love the potential this story arc has (so many exciting possibilities).
I can't wait to see what happens next, and I can't wait to see the full potential of the Legion and discover their past and memories.

Raphael's desperation to find a cure for Elena was heartbreaking and so honest and true.
His character seemed to devolve right along with Elena's body.
The emphasis on Raphael and Elena's vows of "we" and "together" in this battle against the unknown forces and prophecies is what made this story so amazing and the reason why I read Nalini Singh's books.

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I know many people had a hard time with the ending of this book, but I believe that only good things are going to come with this new arc.

Amazing read!

Favourite Quotes:

"Nothing will take you from me.
His fingers dug into her flesh.
Not even the Cascade.
The wind and the rain in her mind, a relentless storm she never wanted to escape.
He was hers and she was his, and together they were a unit that could not be torn apart by forces either mortal or immortal."

“Enough of this.” His consort placed her palms against his glowing wings.
“You don’t have to save me, Archangel.
We are us.
That’s how we fight this. Together.” One hand against his heart.
“You’re a little bit mortal and I’m a tiny bit immortal. We did that to each other. We created the wildfire. We beat Lijuan. We’ll beat this together. The one thing we won’t do is surrender who we are to this menace.”

“I will undo the universe for you.”
Tear it to pieces, leave it as broken as his heart would be if he didn’t have Elena.
“Tell Cassandra I don’t believe in the predestination crap, either.”
Profile Image for Debra Johnson.
10.8k reviews170 followers
May 15, 2022
Archangel's Prophecy by Nalini Singh
Genres; Adult, Paranormal, Romance (I should add Suspense, but I'm not going to.)
2 Stars

🎵Original thoughts right after I finished reading & before my review ⬇⬇
I am so upset with this book right now, I don't dare rate & review it!

Why, Ms. Singh, WHY did you end it this way? Really! A cliffhanger! You are above such shenanigans. You have no need to resort to this type of ridiculousness.
The ENTIRE story is about Elena becoming something else. Then you leave us just dangling in the wind with our britches down! Big deal, he wakes to see her eyes looking at him. That does not tell us what this ENTIRE STORY has been about! It does not tell us what Elena has become!

And really, with all the innuendo, the extra words that had nothing to do with this plot and dragged the story's flow way down, the repetitiveness, both things that are not your normal writing, you leave us with a CLIFFHANGER!

I may NEVER read another book in this series, and I am so upset I may never read another Nalini Singh book again!

After reading the above, there isn't much left to say.

I have read virtually every book she has written. I even read her older books from 2004 by Silhouette Desire.

The lowest star I have ever given her writing is 4 (Four).
What the heck happened here?
This book is horrible!
And it's not the editing!
It's the writing!!
The story itself is poorly executed.
It is a whole lot about nothing.
I am beyond crushed and disappointed.

This Was my favorite series.

And for it to be so bad, and so disappointing to give it 2 Stars Breaks My Heart! 💔💘

With a heavy heart ❣❣ I have to say, 'At this point I really don't know if I will Ever read another book in this series.'

Profile Image for Francesca ❆.
501 reviews95 followers
December 31, 2019
That blurb!!! Never before I’ve been so scared about an upcoming release!!
Let the speculation begin!

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

April 17th update:

Well, this cover looks freaking awesome! Let me just slap it with Heart and Legion in the “best GH covers” slot!

And the advanced excerpt is fucking scary! And awesome! And I can’t wait to read this!!!

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

July 4th update

You can now request an ARC on NetGalley....of course I requested it (and of course they’re gonna reject me 。゚(TヮT)゚。 )
Sooooooo, I will offer a year supply of homemade lasagne, homemade tiramisù, various kinds of home cooked risotto & pasta to whoever sends me a copy 😇😇😇

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰


Profile Image for Annie .
2,480 reviews945 followers
November 1, 2018

Nalini Singh returns to the dark and twisted world of the Guild Hunter series with ARCHANGEL'S PROPHECY. Readers are back with Elena and Raphael, the main couple of the series as they experience something very concerning. As the first mortal to be turned, Elena possesses incredible powers. However, when she starts to weaken and does not know why this causes quite a bit of alarm for them. Now, when I first heard that this was going to be another one of Elena and Raphael's books, I was a bit concerned since we have had so many already. However Singh does put a great spin on things, creating good conflict that really makes the series more refreshing. I really enjoyed seeing the ups and downs in this book and I especially enjoyed the other conflicts that supported this main one as well.

As always, Singh's writing is exquisite. It's much more like poetry or lyrics than simple narrative sometimes and it's become one of my favorite parts of this series. The nice thing about this book is that there's a nice balance between the tension, so it really keeps the readers engaged with the characters. I'm very intrigued about what will happen to a few certain characters. Singh really knows how to keep readers guessing!

ARCHANGEL'S PROPHECY completely took me by surprise but there is no question that I love returning to this world. Singh is a must-read, especially if you love Paranormal Romance.

Read this review at Fresh Fiction
3,201 reviews387 followers
March 23, 2021
Well. I was right to be worried. This book put me through the emotional wringer. And it kept me glued to the pages throughout.

But it’s not easy. It’s hard watching characters that you love go through such life altering changes, especially when it ends on a cliff-hanger.

Look, I trust Nalini Singh. I believe in her vision for the characters and that she’s going to do right by them. I’m clinging to that right now.

That being said, I don’t think I’ll be rereading this particular book until I have the next one in my hands. I need to know what happens. Need to.

The blurb O____O

I'm so worried!!
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews920 followers
October 26, 2018
Note: If you haven’t started the Guild Hunter series yet, then you need to start from the begging. Their is an over all ARC and character development.

Elena has a fight on her hands and it my just end her life….

Now, Elena and Raphael have had their challenges throughout this series, but in this one destiny and prophecy and the Cascade are all agents them. Elena is losing her immortality, but she will not give up without a fight. I cried, I felt, and I hurt for all involved in this installment. This was an emotional and heartbreaking read. The ending will leaving you reeling and shocked.

Besides the Cascade and Elena’s fight with destiny, we have a murder mystery going on and a Consort determined to protect those she loves. We also get little snippets, POV’s, of The Legend. I really enjoyed seeing their perspective; especially at the end, when you know time is moving on, but you can’t figure out how much time and what the outcome will be.

Ms. Singh has delivered another superb installment in the Guild Hunter series. It’s a fight, It’s an FU to prophecy and destiny, and one emotional roller coaster ride. I can’t wait for the next installment; especially after that ending.

Rated: 4.5 Stars

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Berkley Publishing Group via NetGalley with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

Profile Image for Hayley ☾ (TheVillainousReader).
418 reviews1,486 followers
November 5, 2018
Pre-read mood:

Post-read mood:
Well. Shit.

I don’t know what it is about Raphael and Elena but it takes me a little while to warm up to them, and I genuinely like them. My like for them is a new thing because I've struggled with them as characters for awhile. I can't put my finger on why but I just didn't love them as much as the other characters. That being said the development they, as individuals and as a couple, have gone through throughout this series is truly fantastic. I've never read anything like it and we finally clicked after book 9. So yes, I love them, I loved their journey in this, the way they treat and love each other, we just always go through a bit of an adjustment period.

After a bit of a dragging start this really picked up and I'm even more in love with Nalini Singh then I was before, which I didn't think was possible. For those of you who don't know, the Guild Hunter series is my all time favorite Urban Fantasy and this installment did not disappoint. I was so happy to be back in the amazing and complex world Nalini has created and back to kickin' it with my tribe. JFC I love these characters so much.

One of the many things I love about this series is there are two plots: the overarching plot of the whole series and then the plot/mystery that is solved within the one installment. Both the book's plot and the overarching series' plot were like falling down a rabbit hole. I had absolutely no idea what was going on or how things were going to end.

My one gripe with this book is that I wish it had addressed Holly and Venom's development a little more. I know, I know, their book was the last one but I felt like it could have been wrapped up a little tighter and I was hoping we would get a little bit more of a conclusion in this one.

Now, for the ending. I've seen that a ton of people are super pissed about how this ended which I do not understand. I thought the ending was really well done and to be expected from a multibook series! I say don't be swayed by the hate.

I would also just like to say, if do not get together I swear I will burn all of these then curl into a ball and cry. I have been shipping them for years and I feel like my ship got a few breezes in it's sails this book.

Overall, another fantastic installment to my favorite urban fantasy series. I'm so excited to see where Nalini is going to take this because shit is about to get real.

If you're like me, forever on the hunt for a good urban fantasy series, I would highly, highly, highly recommend this one. The world is unique, the characters are freaking awesome, there's swoon-worthy romance and the plots are well-written and complex. It's seriously my G E M series.
Profile Image for Maria Dimitrova.
745 reviews147 followers
November 15, 2018
Sort of a buddy read with Robin.

After a lot of thinking I lowered the rating from 5 to 4 stars. It pained me but once the initial euphoria of the long anticipated release was over and I had some time to reflect on what happened in the book I can't with a clear conscience rate it higher. Even 4 starts is pushing it and i can only justify it because I'm so attached to this series and the characters.

I was disappointed by the fact that the rest of the recurring characters didn't play much of a role in this but my biggest disappointment was that a lot of the book seems like a filler. Nothing major happens for perhaps 60% of the book. And I was annoyed at Elena. i get it she's a strong independent woman but if you think you'll die soon you'll make the time to be with your partner. And more importantly he will make the time because Raphael was as worried about that as she was. Add to it the cliffhanger at the end and I was bummed. Don't get me wrong it's a good book. i just remember best the things that displeased me.

Now to the pleasant part. I LOVED being back in this world. I really missed it and it's characters. I squeaked like a chew toy every time one of the recurring characters showed up (I want a Bluebell book so damn much!) and I enjoyed the heck out of the small details of daily life slipped here and there. Some of the developments in this one made my heart soar with happiness while others made me shudder in fear. And while I didn't care much about the mystery being investigated I still devoured it in only 3 days. So overall it was a good addition to the series.
Profile Image for Kira.
1,261 reviews137 followers
September 23, 2018
4.5 stars

Warning: it ends in a cliffhanger. A huge one. I got to the last page and was furiously trying to get the next page and was wondering if my ARC was defective and was missing a chapter or a page or a paragraph. It just ended with so much left open ended. It explained a little but not much. I really hope the next book is about Raphael and Elena. I’m not sure I could take it if I had to read about some random couple before getting a solid explanation.

Elena and Raphael weren’t together nearly as much as I’d hoped. The part of the story involving them and the overarching issues with the cascade was great. There were more weird power fluctuations. A bunch of bizarre things were happening to Elena and she kept getting weaker and weaker. It was obvious something bad was going to happen.

Elena kept insisting that she was going to fight to survive but didn’t really do anything to find a cure or to figure out what was going on. Most of her time was spent working on a case. Although she was determined to solve the case to protect family, the case itself was boring. In many ways it was only peripherally related to her family, so it was hard to stay invested.

The end was so good, but what does it all mean? Things could drastically change from here on out. I desperately want the next book.

Thanks so much to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me this in exchange for an honest review!!!
Profile Image for Douglas Meeks.
887 reviews236 followers
October 22, 2018
This book was hard to rate, much less review. Let me start with the fact there are 3 pretty major plots in this book:

1. - Elana seems to be regressing back to a human

2. - She has to find a killer that threatens her sister and niece

3. - In China, the Archangel Favashi is seemingly showing signs of madness ...... or something

This book kept me kind of stressed out the whole way through, you keep telling yourself "Nalini Singh won't allow this to happen .... will she?" and that sets the mood for most of the book.

I think this may be one of the better books in the series but a LOT is happening and sadly of the 3 plots above, only 2 of them get resolved and so we get a bit of a cliffhanger on the other one which might drive me crazy before the next book comes out sometime in 2019 (I assume).

We do get a bit more insight into the "Legion" but even though we have 3 plots moving along simultaneously and each is handled masterfully the Elana plot overshadows them all and even me, the guy who gives 5 Stars to most of her books had to lower this one to 4 because of the cliffhanger and some really bizarre things close to the end that stretched my ability to accept this reality and the fact that the ending to plot number 2 seemed to be rushed a bit after a ton of buildup.

There are so many great things about this book I hated not to love it to death but when you invest a reader so deeply into a plot and then don't bring it to a conclusion it grates on me and waiting a year to find out what happens is not my idea of fun.

The fact that after all my above complaints I gave it 4 Stars should give you an idea of how good this book is so buy and enjoy or buy it and wait until the next one but this is one you can't skip folks.
Profile Image for Shawnie Nicole.
1,208 reviews12 followers
October 23, 2018
I am going to try to pack as much as I can into this spoiler free review because this book is not something to be spoiled. The reader needs to read this with their own eyes, they need to feel this book. So, no spoilers. I started this book after doing a reread of Archangel’s Heart only because I wanted to be prepared in case this book was a continuation of AH but while it is a continuation of a sort, a reread isn’t necessary. But it did help to immerse me in the world of Archangel’s and vampires. Archangel’s Prophecy is no slow burn of a book, Singh throws us into the deep end of this book and our only choices are to read or die. That’s it. Read or Die.

Singh set it up so that we are immediately put into Elena’s thought process. We are submerged from the beginning and because of this we get a real feel of everything she feels, hears and even touches. It was a brilliant but also heartbreaking experience for me. With everything going on in this book and being so deeply attuned with Elena I found that I couldn’t help but continuously look at the percent of pages I had left to read, like it was a ticking bomb. Even at only twenty-three percent of the way through I felt like it was all happening to fast, and everything was spinning out of control. Nothing I did let me slow down. I would liken it to doing ninety on the freeway, wind in your hair, joy singing through your veins and then realizing your brakes were not working. There was urgency in everything, something was happening and whether we liked it or not, it was to happen, and nothing would be the same.

It is very apparent that this book encapsulated everything that Elena and Raphael had been through. From their start to where they were at this point. It was kind of like an ode to them as a couple, but it also lifted the threads of friendship and partners, of bonds and loyalties. Nothing was over looked, everything reminded you of everyone. This was not just about Elena and Raphael; this book was about everyone who had been in their lives and those who had come into it. A reminder that although it is very much about these two people, there are people who surround them, love them, tie them to each other and make them stronger. It highlighted all the good and the bad and at times it was way too dark but never smothering. Archangel’s Prophecy for me is meant to give us hope. Yes, things don’t always go as planned but you must roll with the punches but never forget to throw some punches of your own.

This Guild Hunter book showed us what could happen when you let grief cloud over your better judgment, when you don’t surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally. When I think back on what I read, I can’t help but think about what Elena could have become had she not had people who loved her in her corner. Had she let the angry and grief consume her after Slater Patelis. Scary thought that, but then I remember… Elena is better than that. She is too strong for that.

I loved everything about this book, Singh managed to give me all my favorite characters without it being overwhelming. Jammed packed with emotion and so much happening at once I can’t help but be in awe of how Singh kept it altogether. Archangel’s Prophecy flowed with no hiccups and delivered. When I finished the book, I was a little put out because usually cliffhangers don’t happen in Guild Hunter books, there is always something of an “ending” for us never a legitimate cliffhanger. This ending was a cliffhanger to end all cliffhangers and I was not prepared for it. I was left repeating “what” for twenty minutes after I finished the book. But I wouldn’t change a thing because oh man was that one hell of a ride. Hopefully we won’t have to wait two years for the next book, my heart wouldn’t survive.
Profile Image for Moon .
3,346 reviews230 followers
July 17, 2018
There aren't enough stars for this book. I LOVED it! I never ever want to leave the Guild Hunter world. I wish Nalini would write it exclusively until the series is finished and I love her contemporary novels something fiercely!

I thought I had a grasp on what was happening in the Guild Hunter world, with Elena and Raphael, and everyone else. This book turned everything I thought I knew upside down. And to be honest, I'm shaken but with both worry and awe. Worry because I don't know what's going to happen next and that it'll be at least another year before I find out, and awe because I want to know more NOW and the story itself is just stunning!

Nalini Singh has always been a masterful storyteller, and I never once had a moment of concern that this book would be wonderful, but I also never stopped to wonder how she was going to keep the story going while keeping it fresh. I should have, but I trust her explicitly even if I'm questioning my judgment momentarily.

I'm an emotional reader. This book tapped into them from the very beginning of the book and did not let me go. I went on an emotional roller coaster, with joy, fear, sorrow, anguish, hope, an entire gamut of feelings and though there were moments that left my eyes wet and cheeks damp, I wanted more. The last book I can recall of Nalini's of the top of my head that evoked a similar visceral reaction of this magnitude is Angels' Blood. Don't get me wrong, I've laughed and cried throughout the other books too as I've fallen in love with this world and the characters in it, but not like this.

It's so hard to believe this is book number eleven in the series. I love how it continues to grow and surprise me. There is a reason this is one of my, if not my most favorite paranormal series ever. If you haven't picked up Angel's Blood you are missing out on some amazing stories and experiences. And if you are familiar with this series, you are in for a treat!
Profile Image for Steven.
1,147 reviews427 followers
October 30, 2018
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.


We've had a prophecy for a while now, and all of us fans have been trying to figure out what it's driving us towards. Well, obviously you already know this book is going to have some focus on that, what with it being the title and all that. ;)

This book kind of felt like more buildup, more setting up a story, with the main plotline for the book feeling like it took a major back burner to the forward momentum of the overarching series storyline. That's fine, I guess, but the way this one ended, with an almost-cliffhanger, very few answers, and lots more questions, it left me wanting more. That's normally not a bad thing, because the best books always leave you really begging for the next... which I am. I love this series (in spite of all the lady bits and "really, you're stopping to do that NOW?" moments that come with paranormal romance... UF is my typical preferred genre), so I definitely am already pumped and ready for the next book. Seriously, gimme! But normally, Nalini doesn't leave me wanting more out of the book I just finished. I'm usually satisfied with my current entree, and still ready for the next course. Unfortunately, with the main plot of this one feeling so secondary, it kind of felt like picking up a movie 20 minutes after it starts and leaving 20 minutes before it ended -- all the middle story and world-building without the big details being introduced well or tied up with a bow.

Anyways, it's Nalini and it's a great series, and it's still an awesome book. So, overall, I'll give it 3.5 out of 5, rounded up to a nice neat 4 stars. Even with the flaws, it's absolutely still a must-read, because this series is interesting and intriguing and chock full of great characters and a REALLY cool world.
Profile Image for Maya.
858 reviews483 followers
October 30, 2018

Wow! Did not expect that! I mean the ENDING!!!!! Like what?!!! And an even better question, when's the next book coming out, huh?! You just can't do this to your loyal readers Nalini, nonono... My poor heart can't take the wait and suspense and curiosity and just simply all these complex emotions that are driving me close to tears! Not fair! But damn if this book isn't one of my new favourites. Everything just fit and once again made my belief, that Nalini Singh is one of the best PNR writers, stronger than ever. And now I can go crawl in a cave to hibernate until the next book comes out... See ya folks!


Profile Image for Scholar inArmor.
122 reviews25 followers
February 4, 2022

Archangel's Prophecy felt so unfinished. The ending was rushed with so many unanswered questions. There's also Elena's family drama. We get this every book in which she features in. I just hope that this will be resolved in future books so we can move on from that storyline.

There are two pretty major things that happened in this book. First, Jessamy's wing is healed by Raphael. Oh my God. I gagged. Second, Favashi was in a way possessed by Lijuan (or her power or her mind particles) and Raphael cleansed her with his wildfire and put her into the Sleep with the help of Cassandra.

I want to end this review with the most important part of any book in the Guild Hunter series. Illium & Aodham. I really really think that Nalini is setting them up and I will be majorly surprised if they do not end up together. I know, I know, I am one of those who was overjoyed by Showalter's decision to not write a love story for Gilly and William. Gena snatched her from him and I was so happy because he was an asshole towards her. It made sense to me that he should have his heart broken/plans shattered to be ready for his own book with another heroine. Illium & Aodham. Honey. They are a whole another story altogether. These subtle hints that Nalini is constantly throwing. Subtle comparisons. Oh, honey... This ship is meant to happen and I will gladly sink with it if Nalini decides to not pair them up.

If you want to read my review of Archangel's War, the next book in the series, click here.


"Archangel of Death. Goddess of Nightmare. Wraith without a shadow. Rise, rise, rise into your Reign of Death. For your end will come. Your end will come. At the hands of the new and of the old. An Archangel kissed by mortality. A silver-winged Sleeper who wakes before his Sleep is done. The broken dream with eyes of fire. Shatter. Shatter. Shatter." - Prophecy of Archangel Cassandra

Could 'the broken dream with the eyes of fire' be Suyin?

Guild Hunter series reading order:

- novella
* bonus scene/chapter/short story

- Angels' Dance (Guild Hunter #0.4)
- Angels' Judgment (Guild Hunter #0.5)
- Angels' Pawn (Guild Hunter #0.6)
Angels' Blood (Guild Hunter #1)
Archangel's Kiss (Guild Hunter #2)
* Weapons Training (Guild Hunter #2.1) [Newsletter Exclusives Volume I]
Archangel's Consort (Guild Hunter #3)
- Angel's Wolf (Guild Hunter #3.5)
Archangel's Blade (Guild Hunter #4)
Archangel's Storm (Guild Hunter #5)
* Knives and Sheats (Guild Hunter #5.1) [Newsletter Exclusives Volume I]
Archangel's Legion (Guild Hunter #6)
* Zoe's Workshop (Guild Hunter #6.1) [Newsletter Exclusives Volume I]
* A Sip of Eternity (Guild Hunter #6.2) [Newsletter Exclusives Volume I]
Archangel's Shadows (Guild Hunter #7)
* A Walk on the Cliffs (Guild Hunter #7.1) [Newsletter Exclusives Volume I]
* A Small Fairy Tale (Guild Hunter #7.2) [Newsletter Exclusives Volume I]
* Fairy Balloons (Guild Hunter #7.3) [Newsletter Exclusives Volume I]
Archangel's Enigma (Guild Hunter #8)
* One Night at the Refuge (Guild Hunter #8.1) [Newsletter Exclusives Volume I]
* Secret Things (Guild Hunter #8.2) [https://madmimi.com/s/e7288b]
Archangel's Heart (Guild Hunter #9)
* An Unexpected Guest (Guild Hunter #9.1) [Newsletter Exclusives Volume I]
* Elena's School of Horror (Guild Hunter #9.2) [https://madmimi.com/s/5e666c]
Archangel's Viper (Guild Hunter #10)
Archangel's Prophecy (Guild Hunter #11)
Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,636 followers
December 2, 2018
My favorite couple is back!!!

“I will undo the universe for you.”


“No power is worth you, Elena-mine. I would give up immortality for a single mortal lifetime with you.”


Holy Freaking Shit that ending!!!

Loved the ending and can't wait to see what Nalini Singh has in store for these two. This could have been a 5 star except for the fact it dragged along. The last 10% of the book was crazy good but the first 90% was stupid slow.
Profile Image for Blacky *Romance Addict*.
486 reviews6,495 followers
September 25, 2019
This was too repetitive. Too many explanations about every single character, who they are, what they look like, what happened to all of them in the previous books and so on...

This is book 11. Seriously, who hasn't read all of the books before this one, don't bother, and those who did read the 10 books before this one - you don't need all those reminders about every damn character and about everything that happened to everyone since the series began. I mean really. Just a huge page filler, I think.

And the main mystery she was investigating is too predictable, I knew who the bad guy was since she first mentioned the person. Oh well.

Though, FINALLY something is happening concerning Lijuan. If she doesn't die in the next book, I'm not returning to this series.
Profile Image for Sarah.
3,344 reviews1,236 followers
September 19, 2020
1st read - July 2018
2nd read - September 2019
3rd read - September 2020

I have been a fan of Nalini Singh's Guild Hunter series for a long time now and I always look forward to every new release, especially when I know it's going to be a book about Elena and Raphael (although I'm desperate for Illium or Aodan to take the spotlight too!). The blurb for Archangel's Prophecy had me slightly nervous though, that mention of Elena's angelic powers regressing and her starting to loose the immortality she has been gaining was pretty worrying and there was definitely an underlying sense of fear throughout this story.

The weirdness caused by the Cascade is increasing, with more natural disasters occurring around the world, many angels attaining new powers and poor Elena who seems to be losing everything she gained when she became the first angel made. It's a worrying time for everyone and nobody is sure what is happening to Elena or why and she's the first of her kind so it's not like there is anyone to ask for advice either. I love seeing how far Elena and Raphael have come since the first book, they are such a strong couple now and it is clear that Raphael would risk everything to keep Elena safe but no matter how powerful he is as an archangel what's happening now seems to be completely beyond his control so it's really interesting to see him trying to deal with that.

Elena may be worried about her own failing health but when her brother-in-law is attacked she puts her own fears aside to protect her sister's family. If she is running out of time then the one thing she is going to do is make sure the people she loves are safe before she dies. I always enjoyed seeing Elena work with her allies to solve a case and that was no different here, especially given the ever increasing danger caused by the Cascade and a mysterious new watcher who appears to be stalking Elena's every move. We see plenty of all of our favourite characters and I found the scenes between Elena and her father particularly interesting, he's been such an awful father to her but then we get these tiny moments when he hints that he actually cares. It's hard to know what to make of him really.

The last few chapters of this book were devastating in a lot of different ways, there are some huge changes coming and things take a really shocking turn so I was left desperate for the next instalment. I can understand why some people aren't happy with that ending because we are left with a LOT of unanswered questions but at the same time I think we were given enough to ease some of our fears and no matter how much I want the next book I still loved every minute of this one. This series remains one of my all time favourites and I can't wait to see where Nalini is going to take us next because it's guaranteed to be one heck of a ride!
Profile Image for fleurette.
1,534 reviews160 followers
January 7, 2019
Archangel's Prophecy

Oh, I have so many mixed feelings about this book. I don’t think I had such diversified feelings about any other book in this series. As always with this series I’m enchanted with the story but, on the other hand, I wish it is a totally different tell and I truly dislike the ending.

I’m one of those people who hoped for Aodhan and Illium story. I’m waiting for it. However, till this time there was no trace that their relationship is anything but friendship. We all assumed that there can be something more and I like it this way. However, in this book there is a small hint that there can be in fact something more to it. And I’m not sure how I feel about it. If we are about to wait another and another book for Illium and Aodhan story, I think I would prefer to be still on the square one. Sluggish reveal of the concepts and leaving us with some allusions is just more frustrating.

Another thing is the general plotline of this book. I didn’t find it as interesting as I used to. I like the main idea of the vampire killer but let’s be honest, we have already seen that. The connection between Elena and Cassandra is a great thing (this thing with owls – excellent concept), I wish it was permanent. Elena shading feathers is probably the most interesting part of this book. That’s why I’m disappointed with the ending and the lack of answers. I hate cliffhangers and this one I find rather unnecessary and upsetting.

Also, is it just me or Elena becomes softer, especially in her relationship with Raphael. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about talking about your feelings and love. But she used to be such a strong, kickass heroine and this soft spot of her is quite new to me. She is more emotional than she used to be.

So yeah, for once I love this book as all the others in this series but on the other hand I wish it was just something else sometimes.
Profile Image for Lana *Lifeinwordsandlyricscom*.
644 reviews149 followers
November 15, 2018
The whole book I thought that I didn't like where this was going and then by the end of it I was like "Yeah, I could get behind this". And when the last page came I was begging the powers that be to please somehow prolong it. I don't know how I'll be able to wait so much time for the next book to come out.

You're killing me, Nalini Singh.

Over and out
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,425 reviews

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