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Beastars #4


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At a high school where the students are literally divided into predators and prey, friendships maintain the fragile peace. Who among them will become a Beastar—a hero destined to lead in a society naturally rife with mistrust?

As gray wolf Legoshi continues to grapple with his feelings for dwarf rabbit Haru, he discovers another member of the Drama Club is friendly with her too. But just how friendly…? Meanwhile, someone else is developing feelings for Legoshi. And Bengal tiger Bill is threatening to reveal some disturbing truths about someone’s past…

204 pages, Paperback

First published July 7, 2017

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About the author

Paru Itagaki

81 books552 followers
Paru Itagaki ( 板垣巴留, Itagaki Paru) is a multi-award-winning Japanese manga artist, known mainly for her work Beastars. She is the daughter of Keisuke Itagaki.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 227 reviews
Profile Image for Mir.
4,911 reviews5,226 followers
March 12, 2020
I don't want to make it sound like this series is didactic or message-y because it isn't, but I continue to be in awe of how gracefully Itagaki slips in details that highlight the oddity of life-as-we-know-it.

Eg.: We find out how Haru and Louis met. Louis shed his antlers unexpectedly early and was hiding in the garden so no one would see. My immediate reaction was, But why would he be embarrassed when that's totally natur-- Oh, right. Because we never shame people for things that are totally natural. And teens aren't horrifically self-conscious about the changes to their bodies.

But also you can miss that point and just read it as two people meeting for the first time and how the circumstances color their relationship. And no, [SPOILER] if you were wondering if Louis was just one of the many boys using Haru for sex: that's not the case. They have a relationship and It's Complicated.

For a really posh school with a variety of students of different strengths and sizes, Cherryton seems weirdly hands-off about supervising them and preventing bullying... although I guess that fits with what I've read about traditional boarding schools.
Profile Image for Emi.acg.
583 reviews213 followers
January 25, 2021

Profile Image for Dani ❤️ Perspective of a Writer.
1,512 reviews5 followers
January 14, 2020
At a high school where the students are literally divided into predators and prey, it’s personal relationships that maintain the fragile peace. Who among them is a Beastar—an academic and social role model destined to become a leader in a society naturally rife with mistrust? Is it Legoshi, the scary looking but soft hearted wolf? And what is up with this murder?!

When I started Beastars I found something compelling about Legoshi but I wasn’t too enthralled by the world. Now I know that’s because we hadn’t had a chance to explore it enough yet. Beastars vol 4 takes us deep into the underbelly of the prey vs predator world. We see Legoshi try to stick with his principles and love totally mess with his convictions. We learn at the hidden depths in Louis and the creature who keeps him sane.

In romance manga we don’t normally get this twisted with the relationships. Part of it is this isn’t an innocent, all feelings sort of romance. This is sex between different species sort of twisted. There are all sorts of ramifications, desires and ambitions at work here... and it effects more than the happiness f each character.

I will admit that Beastars vol 4 hooked me hardcore. I love me deep characters that have demons to fight, longings to fulfill and others to win over. We have a cliffhanger that has me dying for the next volume and a couple of alpha prey and predators who are sure to do something about it.
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,331 reviews232 followers
August 22, 2020
My, these kids have some damage. Sex and violence, predator and prey, love and hunger and desire: it all starts boiling over here as secrets are revealed and jealousies rear their heads. Wild developments occur, and then that cliffhanger ending?!?! Yikes!

Okay, I'm hooked. Now I just need to wait for the library to actually receive the next few volumes that are on order.
Profile Image for Jenvile.
382 reviews25 followers
May 27, 2020
Initially the first half of the volume was 3 stars, but with the addition of Juno’s fiesty personality (we all know that iconic scene in chapter 31), as well as Louis’ backstory, those elements added another star for me. Honestly Juno is iconic, I’m fucking obsessed with her. I originally didn’t like her since I found her personality meek and simple. But DAMNNNNNNNN
Profile Image for Mangrii.
1,029 reviews351 followers
January 8, 2019
4,5 / 5

Beastars ha metido la directa hacia lo oscuro e inesperado. Este cuarto volumen es la prueba de ello. Un Legoshi encandilado de la conejita Hal, todavía se debate en su interior tras los sucesos del mercado negro ¿De verdad esta enamorado o es solo su instinto de caza? Mientras Juno, una joven loba recién llegada al club de teatro, suspira por Legoshi. Todo esto cuando se acerca el día del acontecimiento más esperado por todos los enamorados: el Festival del Meteorito. Un vertiginoso e impactante volumen, donde conocemos el verdadero y perturbador pasado del ciervo Rouis, destapamos a la verdadera Juno, y tenemos un conflicto amoroso de lo más interesante.

A la vez, la vibración conspiranoica que rodea el universo de Beastars se vuelve más real. La diferencia entre carnívoros y herbívoros cobra nuevas dimensiones. Ya no hablamos solo de violencia (que sigue amenazando a todos), sino también del amor. Paru Itagaki aprovecha la ocasión para reflexionar sobre las relaciones humanas entre personas de distinta etnia. Un cuarto volumen arrollador, con un par de momentos de absoluto shock, que nos deja colgados con un cliffhanger de vértigo. En cuanto al dibujo, creo que Itagaki mejora y mejora con cada nuevo tomo. La composición de página ya era uno de sus fuertes desde el comienzo, pero en este caso es el nivel de detalle y expresión humanoide de cada protagonista lo que me enamora. Necesito el quinto YA.
Profile Image for Loz.
1,512 reviews21 followers
March 13, 2020
Compelling and engrossing! Really enjoying the series. Wonderful art, great characters. Can't wait for next volume!
Profile Image for Jos.
606 reviews82 followers
November 5, 2021
En este volumen, los sentimientos de Legoshi hacia Haru crecen pero ella tiene sentimientos por alguien más, Juno por su parte se enamora más de Legoshi y nuestro protagonista pasa mucho tiempo reflexionando, dividiéndose entre seguir sus instintos carnívoros, su corazón o hacer lo que cree correcto, y si le hace caso a una de esas cosas, no puede hacer lo que alguna de las otras dos le piden.

El drama amoroso entre los personajes principales de la serie se establece más en este volumen y, tal vez sea porque me vi el anime antes pero no es tan desesperante como en otras historias.

En este tomo por fin se profundiza más en el personaje de Juno, conocemos más sus ambiciones y vemos un poco lo que puede hacer para lograrlas.

Tenemos un poco de contexto del pasado de Louis y Haru juntos así como el pasado de Louis en general y porqué desea ser el Beastar, junto con los sentimientos complejos de Legoshi hacia su sempai.

No hay mucho más que pueda decir sin que sea spoiler así que solo comento que el tomo me gustó, es de lectura fácil pero sí es recomendable que se respete la edad mínima para leer esta historia (18 años) porque si bien ya de trataban temas fuertes en tomos anteriores aquí ya empezamos a ver temas adultos de forma explícita.

Trigger warnings: sexo explícito, sangre, mención de asesinato y muerte, secuestro
Profile Image for Kulwinder Singh.
577 reviews99 followers
May 27, 2021
Legoshi finally comes to terms with his feelings for Haru as soon as he realises that Haru is in love with Louis. Meanwhile, Juno fell in love with Legoshi and told Louis that she will become the next Beastars. Even though Juno is not a bad contender, I'm rooting for Louis to become the next big thing. Who would've thought there's going to be a love triangle in this series?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Arctialuna.
208 reviews9 followers
January 14, 2019
Cada vez me gusta más. Legoshi me encanta como protagonista y ya se plantea al completo la complejidad del dilema ético del mundo que se nos plantea.
Profile Image for Mileena.
595 reviews25 followers
May 13, 2022
5/5 stars

The drama is so addictive in this it’s ridiculous.

•Legoshi knocking on Haru’s door and finding Louis
•Juno being adorable and soft with him, but a little minx with Louis I kinda ship both?
•Legoshi going though so many emotions before finally accepting that he has feelings for her. The angst
•I am SO excited to see what goes down at the festival
•I love that even though Legoshi was being a bit out of line and grabbing her she immediately stopped fighting him when she realized through stereotyping that people probably thought he was attacking her and her first priority became diffusing the situation and getting him somewhere safe
•When there was the blackout and all the carnivore students immediately went to make a protective barrier around the herbivores, precious
•And of course by extension Legoshi running to find and protect Haru even though that ended kinda sadly
•Speaking of sad! Louis backstory!? I wanted to cry. Every judgmental thought I had about him instantly vanished I just wanna protect that poor precious baby
•That ending where there is a hit out on Louis and my baby girl gets kidnapped has me hooked. I’m so trash for this series
Profile Image for Victor The Reader.
1,546 reviews16 followers
August 14, 2022
We continue to see very different sides of our characters as ever-surprising Haru and Louis are having a secret affair behind closed doors. Legoshi’s growing infatuation for her is driving him nuts and sees how she has a big voice for someone her size. It’s also a shock when female wolf Juno is slowly having the hots for him and how she’s very determined to be the next Beastar. We learn of Louis’ dark past of when he was an orphaned deerling on the black market and became the heir of a rich businessman. A (100%/Outstanding)
Profile Image for Estibaliz.
2,124 reviews66 followers
February 23, 2023
I devoured this one! (Not pun intended :P).

These characters are so rich and interesting, multi-layered and just mesmerizing. Haru, Louis, the great Legoshi: I guess we have the classical love triangle here now... but better.

But, wait! We have a new contender (at so many levels)! Loving Itagaki's twist on Juno.

All the flashbacks in this volume were beautifully enriching, and the subtle treatment of issues like interspecies (interracial) relationships, slut-shaming, bullying, instinct vs upbringing... is just fabulous.
Profile Image for aro.
203 reviews2 followers
July 5, 2021
juno in chapter 31 tho
Profile Image for Libby .
232 reviews5 followers
July 21, 2021
I'm not sure if I mentioned in previous reviews but I'm definitely seeing that the common theme in this series is survival. Survival within the animal kingdom but in a high school setting. Some of our characters are not just trying to avoid physical harm (or worse, death) but they are trying to navigate social norms (e.g. Legoshi, a carnivore being in love with Haru, a herbivore is taboo; however, he does seem oblivious to this), hide insecurities (e.g. Louis hiding his shed antlers even though it's a natural process for male deer), and demand respect and acceptance from peers (e.g. certain carnivores are nervous about their social status at the school if Louis becomes Beastar). I appreciate that Itagaki has found a balance with presenting such human-like issues in ways that are realistic and sensible for their world.

This is definitely my favourite volume so far. So much happened without the volume feeling too crowded and overwhelming. I also appreciate the character development of Legoshi and Louis especially (we got a back story for Louis!). Their relationship (can we call it a friendship or rivalry? frenemy-ship maybe?) is odd and hard to define which makes it so interesting especially with Haru thrown into the mix. The plot is moving in a steady direction and I'm pretty excited to read the next couple chapters.
Profile Image for Gabcia.
324 reviews14 followers
March 31, 2022
Niby oglądałam anime i myślałam, że nic mnie nie zaskoczy, a tu proszę.
Matko, jak ja kocham te wszystkie postacie, tutaj są tysiąc razy lepsze
Profile Image for Carlos J. Eguren.
Author 19 books149 followers
March 7, 2019
No me esperaba algunos giros de los acontecimientos de este cuarto volumen de Beastars, una obra sobre adolescentes, pero protagonizada por animales antropomórficos con sus deseos, sus sueños, sus prejuicios, sus virtudes, sus defectos y demás temática que suele apasionar a un determinado sector del público del que no suelo formar parte... No suelo, pero aquí me entretiene y me hace pensar en los diferentes niveles de críticas del nuevo concepto de fábula que utiliza Paru Itagaki.

En este cuarto volumen, Legoshi reconoce su amor por Hal, mientras que Rous comprende que quizás tiene un contrincante y alguien empieza a chantajearlo sobre su pasado. Por el camino, secundarios como Juno van tomando forma y la trama avanza con rapidez, descubriendo las diferentes caras de cada uno de estos personajes. Tenemos una subtrama oscura que va a avanzando y todo concluye con un "cliffhanger" que nos obliga a leer el siguiente volumen. Fíjense que si omito que uno es un lobo, otra una coneja, otro un ciervo... parece una trama "teen" más que una fábula.

Acoso escolar, marginación, búsqueda de la popularidad, consumo de drogas, el uso de los instintos, el amor, el descubrimiento sexual, una infancia terrible... son temas típicos de las series sobre adolescentes, pero no es tan típico cómo los utiliza Itagaki en Beastars y, por supuesto, el lector lo acaba agradeciendo.

*Más críticas, algunas sin adolescentes ni demás bestias :), en mi blog, El Antro de los Vampiros y Otros Monstruos
Profile Image for Clark.
132 reviews11 followers
April 25, 2020
This continues to be DEVASTATING... the composition, the character design and facial expressions, the dramatic plotlines, the stupid, beautiful, agonizing slow burn between Legosi and Haru. I can't even get through this manga at a reasonable pace because I keep stopping to bury my head in the sofa and yell.
Profile Image for Elias.
145 reviews24 followers
October 19, 2021
Yeaaaaa~ That's the good stuff, oh ya, right here: platonic and romantic relationships complicated by societal expectations and taboos. The main characters have goals and ideologies that overlap with the others, and each new interaction provides a new conflict between them all.

Also, the facial expressions (and artwork in general) is extremely expressive no matter the scene or action.

I'm not a furry
Profile Image for CrowAndKraken.
51 reviews17 followers
February 3, 2020
I am more and more disappointed with this series. While I thought this might be a gripping story of murder and distrust between carnivores and herbivores with a little high school drama, this really is a high school drama with just a tiny seed of thrill. It bores me more and more and I am not sure I will continue this series...
Profile Image for Megan.
161 reviews4 followers
June 29, 2020
This is the best volume so far in terms of character development, raising the stakes in the plot, and addressing various social issues - all at a compelling, deft pace. I also finished reading in under an hour, so that's saying something.
Profile Image for Wendy.
179 reviews25 followers
September 9, 2020
I definitely want to see how Juno's character develops throughout the series. Her and Louis are going to be interesting opponents.
Profile Image for Lapis.
41 reviews3 followers
August 30, 2023
Loved juno in chapter 31 as well as a look into Louis past
Displaying 1 - 30 of 227 reviews

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