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Trouble Brewing

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This sweet, savory, and satisfying novel—perfect for fans of The Coincidence of Coconut Cake by Amy Reichert—follows a smart, ambitious woman making her way in the male-dominated world of beer brewing.

Piper Williams is used to being the only woman in a room full of men, but she isn’t used to being instantly drawn to someone she’s in business with.

After working long hours brewing in her garage, Piper is determined to prove herself—and to ignore the chemistry she has with Blake Reed, owner of Minnesota’s newest gastropub who is going to stock four of her brews. She wants her craft beer to stand on its own merits and knows that the tight-knit male-dominated brewer community will assume the worst if she starts anything with one of her vendors. No way she’ll risk everything she’s invested in her budding business on a guy who might not stick—no matter how charmingly handsome and funny he is, right?

And Blake has a conflict of his own—his haughty family wants him to ditch the gastropub and support his father’s political campaign. Well, that, and the fact that he knows Piper’s snark and sass is the perfect blend of crisp and refreshing for him. So Blake and Piper make a pact: she’ll go out with him if, and only if, two additional pubs start carrying her beer. Sticking to the pact proves harder than either of them expected—especially since the attraction is off the charts between quirky, independent Piper and smart, charming Blake.

Then Piper gets a once-in-a-lifetime offer that could launch her company to the next level—and take her away from Blake. Are she and Blake just drunk in love, or do they have something real that’s worth risking her dreams for?

321 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 25, 2018

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Suzanne Baltsar

8 books143 followers

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Profile Image for Jamie Rosenblit.
1,029 reviews632 followers
September 5, 2018
3.5 stars!

Cute rom-com centered in the food/beverage world - Piper is a craft beer brewer who is working on getting her brews sold in local bars when she meets Blake, owner of The Public, a new hot gastropub in town. Given that this is a rom-com, sparks fly but Piper doesn’t want to mix business and pleasure. Will it be possible for these two to work together without it leading to more?

For those who are fans of Amy Reichert (who isn’t?!), be sure to check out a new voice in this fun genre!

Thank you to Simon & Schuster for an advanced copy. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Mandi.
2,319 reviews726 followers
August 28, 2018
DNFing @ pg 75

I wanted to like this - the heroine is a brewmaster - when does that ever happen???

But immediately, when she meets the hero's friends (the hero owns a new bar and she wants him to sell her beer) all they can do is comment on her appearance (does the carpet match the drapes?) etc...and it was super annoying/

Then the heroine kisses the hero, and then gets all upset by it and it was just odd. Everyone acted too over the top or perky. It just didn't feel like realistic people to me.

Profile Image for Karen R.
869 reviews520 followers
October 2, 2018
3.5 stars. Loved the title’s play on words; it was the first clue that this was going to be a fun and flirty read. This dreary rainy day could not have been better placed. I curled up and in no time immersed myself in Piper and Blake’s world, reading for hours, enjoying the snappy dialogue and ebb and flow of this easy reading chick lit story.

Piper is an ambitious young woman who is hellbent on making a name for herself in the traditionally all-male brew-making business. When one day out hawking her product, she fatefully meets Blake, a hunk with gorgeous hair who is opening a gastropub. It is a double whammy love at first sight. Enjoyed these two, their banter and the friends they hung out with.
Profile Image for Megan Lyons.
516 reviews12 followers
August 1, 2018
1 1/2 stars

I was pretty excited about this book, as I am a huge craft beer fan. Craft beer still feels like a pretty male dominated industry, for workers and to a lesser extent, customers. I have had random guys come up to me in the liquor store to “help” me pick out a beer, when they knew less about beer than me, and been condescended to by servers who decided I wouldn’t like a certain kind of beer, so I was really looking forward to this. I also tend to like food themed books, so this seemed like such a great choice for me. The problem was, it just wasn’t very good.

I wanted this to be an ode to beer, in the same way some of the culinary romance books are an ode to food. However, it never really felt like a celebration of craft beer. Instead, the brewery just felt like an obligatory setting.

The love interest was kind of cocky and boring and I really didn’t like him. The plotting keeping the characters apart felt forced, and there was a whole subplot about the love interest’s family that didn’t really go anywhere. I was also super irked by the epilogue, and I felt like the protagonist reacted really out of character to something.

I did relate to one scene where the protagonist was being patronized by an waiter, and the fact that it made me stop and think about the ratio of female head brewers in Vancouver, even though it is an exploding market, but as a novel it just wasn’t very good.

*I received an Advanced Reader Copy of this book from Indigo Books and Music in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Gaele.
4,077 reviews82 followers
September 28, 2018
I’ll be honest, at this point in my life and reviewing career I should know better than to take the advice of publisher blurb-recommendations, but I live in hope and occasionally find a gem. But the comparisons in this blurb don’t connect on any level with the exception of food and drink. And that isn’t to say that this book was horrible, but using a story that contained both depth and emotion, and comparing it to a far lighter and less well developed romantic comedy is a failure- doing a disservice to the author and the story she brought forward.

In this book we meet Piper, a brew master who has just scored a coup – the local gastro-pub is going to stock four of her beers, and the owner, Blake, a guy she finds attractive and is giving her a shot at her dream. Now, moving onward, Blake has made a ‘deal’ with Piper – if she can convince two more pubs to stock her beer – she’ll go out with him. So – not so bad, but a far cry from the depth and solid heroine working for her dream that I hoped for.

And from nearly the first interactions through the last, the humor and Piper’s character were off – ‘carpet matching drapes’ comments are not only in poor taste, but when you first meet Blake’s friends and they talk like that? Seriously? And not only does she miss this infantile behavior as being a giant red flag – but she kisses Blake and then gets all “oh I shouldn’t have’ about it – a total backpedal where things just seemed to be thrown up to push them together or pull them apart, without regard for the actual reason we are there – her touted ‘dream’ of making her own craft brewery work.

I don’t know where the editor was on this one – and if the story was to be about her struggles in breaking into the industry as an anomaly – female brew masters are relatively rare – and then Blake being one of the stones on the path – that’s one thing. But this muddled mess of romance and dream-chasing, with a bit of family drama from Blake’s side being thrown in at random points without really going anywhere – the book was disappointing and lacked a solid plot or identity. Sadly, even as I hoped for something – development in characters, a seriously solid sense of place, the real struggle to move toward capturing a dream, and it never came. There’s a solid story when all of the chaff is blown away here – but it was far too muddled and required an identity, leaving me with no doubt that the blurb and comparing this title to one from Amy Reichert was a huge miss.

I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.

Review first appeared at I am, Indeed
Profile Image for Smutty~ Vibes.
245 reviews
October 23, 2018
I thought this book was a great read it was funny and nice and keeps you interested i really lovrd reading about piper and blake this was my first book ive read by Suzanne Baltsar and im looking forward to read more books by her :)
Profile Image for Leigh Kramer.
Author 1 book1,335 followers
November 25, 2018
3. 5 stars. I like beer but I wouldn’t call myself a beer aficionado. I like what I like and I enjoy going on brewery tours but I don’t think much about how it gets made or the steps between idea to actual sales. As such, I’ve never thought about it being a male-dominated industry and I was highly intrigued when I learned Trouble Brewing is about Piper, a female brewer, and what she faces on her quest to start her own brewery.

I admired her drive and passion for her work, as well as the frank understanding of the obstacles she faces in addition to the rampant sexism and misogyny in the industry. I didn’t always understand her reasoning, particularly when it came to Blake, but I could empathize with her struggle in wanting to be treated fairly, while also wanting to date the guy she’s interested in.

The sexism she did face felt heavy-handed and I wish this element of the story had been handled with more nuance. It’s a hard critique to make because I really appreciated the way the story didn’t back down from Piper’s roadblocks and how infuriating it is we women are still dealing with this BS. It made me that much grateful Blake understood the double standards Piper faced and that he was supportive of her no matter what.

Even though Piper and Blake have a few things stacked against them, I was really rooting for their relationship once it got started and hoping they’d have a happy ending.

Blake was a magical unicorn in some ways and a conundrum in others. He has an extremely toxic family but he still goes to family dinners. His best friends said really inappropriate things when they first met Piper. I think we’re supposed to see them as lovable goons but I just wanted to tell Blake to find better friends. Blake also has a hard time not trying to fix things for the people he cares for, regardless of what they want. This could be aggravating to watch. He has more growing up to do and while I wish he’d had to grovel more, he does make some big moves that were satisfying to watch.

While I had some nitpicky issues, I really did enjoy reading it. Piper’s foray into brewing and watching her ups and downs was fascinating to me and that’s the real reason to give this one a a try.

Disclosure: I received an advanced copy from Gallery Books in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jenna.
1,931 reviews22 followers
December 3, 2019
3.5 stars

The differentiation of this writers romance books is that she has female characters who are working in what are typically male-oriented fields. (ie. beer brewing, football coaching, boxing)
I did read the 2nd book in this series previously, so I’m doing this out of order. (So I knew what ultimately happens with these characters but that was ok)

Some humor. Great characters w/chemistry. Good story.
Quick, easy read.

I will read the next book as I want to see Bear & Sonja’s story.
Profile Image for Brei.
341 reviews118 followers
August 3, 2018
*****I received an advance reader copy of this book from Netgalley for an honest review.*****

Piper is a brewmaster in a male dominated world. Blake is an owner of the new gastropub in town. Romance ensues with a side of beer. I thought this was a cute, charming book. I ended up really liking this book and finished it in a couple of days. I don't read a ton of romance novels but I liked the story description. As mentioned in someone else's review this romance isn't hot and steamy, it is more sweet and funny.

I enjoyed the supporting characters as much as I enjoyed the main characters. I gave this book 4 stars instead of 5 stars because I didn't really believe Blake's parents. They and the sister were just obnoxious and forced but they were about 5%of the book.

Choose this book if you are looking for a quick, sweet read that might teach you something about beer. By no means is it an encyclopedia on brewing but they have several tidbits thrown in that the average reader wouldn't know. Overall this book is a sweet, charming read. I feel like this book could easily turn into a Hallmark Movie.
Profile Image for Sina & Ilona Glimmerfee.
1,056 reviews119 followers
January 1, 2020
Inhalt: Piper ist von ganzem Herzen Bierbrauerin. Leider ist es für eine Frau gar nicht so leicht sich in dieser von Männern dominierten Branche durchzusetzen. Als sich Blake bei ihr meldet um ihr Bier für seinen neuen Gastropub zu testen, ist sie ernsthaft in Gefahr sich in ihn zu verlieben. Doch sein Herz ausgerechnet an den einzigen Kunden zu verlieren, ist ein hohes Risiko.

Art des Buches: Frauenroman

Wie fand ich das Buch? Ich mochte schon allein die Idee, dass es nicht um ein Cafè, Bäckerei oder Weingut geht. Ich mag die Charaktere, das Setting und die Liebesgeschichte. Schön zeigt die Geschichte auch, wie viel schwerer es Frauen im Berufsleben haben können, vor allem wenn sie sich in einen typischen Männerberuf wagen. Die Autorin nimmt viele Anleihen auf die Pop-Kultur, ob man das mag, ist reine Geschmackssache. Ich konnte mich bei dem Buch jedenfalls sehr gut entspannen und habe den Roman in einem Rutsch durchgelesen.

3 passende Wörter zum Buch? Liebe - Bier - Freundschaft

Wem empfehlen? Wer gerne eine schöne Liebesgeschichte mit Pub-Atmosphäre mag, wird sich hier sehr wohlfühlen.
Profile Image for Kate.
2,207 reviews77 followers
May 25, 2018
**I requested and received an eArc through Edelweiss**

3.5 ☆
A cute romance set.in the brewing world. I really loved that Piper was a brewer and loved the Out of the Bottle brewery she was trying to launch. Blake was suitably hot. Loved the supporting characters, especially Bear and Conner. The romance was more cute and charming rather than sexy and hot, but cozy romances work for me.

Super fast read- just wish I'd saved it for Memorial Day weekend- it would have been a perfect book to read at a cookout with a nice beer in hand!
Profile Image for Amy’s Booket List.
349 reviews9 followers
September 25, 2018
more on www.amysbooketlist.blogspot.com

The first word that I think of to describe this book is cute. The story is cute. The couple is cute. The ending is cute. That’s not to say there isn’t substance, because this novel really delves into some important topics: feminism, sexual harassment, money, and obviously love and what that looks like for a modern woman trying to have a career in a male dominated field. In the end, though, this is a fun, easy read.

I learned a lot about brewing and now want to try all the varieties Piper makes, especially, a grisette. That French for little grey. I mean, it’s French, so of course I’m interested. She also provides some places in Germany I am adding to my travel booket list. My travel booket list is something I am working on for Blogtober. I am making a list of the places I have read about and now need to see. Think Culloden and the Scottish Highlands because of Outlander. Sorry, I got distracted, back to the review.

The dialogue and description are very well written. The story flows easily and seems to make be paced nicely. I would like to see a little more subtlety in the dramatic portions of the story. For instance, there is a scene with another brewer where literally, the guy says the worst things possible. Not innuendo, just point blank horribleness. Same with a scene with Blake’s family. Not a single bit of that interaction seems realistic. The people involved all behave in a nightmarish fashion. With a little bit of restraint, more verbal condescension instead of transparent rudeness, Baltsar could have created some intricate and more believable scenes.

Before I move on to characters, I have to stop and talk about the Gilmore Girls. Not only did this book literally reference Gilmore Girls (actually talking about specific scenes), but Piper got Blake to watch the series on Netflix. And like most oxygen breathing adults, once you start watching it, you are hooked. The book actually echoes some GG aspects. If you are a fan, and read this book, come back and tell me if you agree.

The Characters...

I probably have the same issue with the characters. Blake was a good guy. Piper was a determined woman. Blake’s family were all horrible without redeeming qualities. I loved seeing a woman working as a brewer, because this concept is so new to me. I just would have liked for the chracters to have more layers, just to keep it a little more interesting.

* Special thanks to Suzanne Baltsar, Gallery Books, and Netgalley for providing a copy of Trouble Brewing in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Brandy Painter.
1,691 reviews314 followers
Shelved as 'set-aside'
April 28, 2019
I thought this premise was enough for me to overlook the first person. I really really hate it when romances are written in first person. Turns out I couldn't overlook it. I don't know if the writing would have been just as cringe worthy if it had been third person, but I do know I rolled my eyes so many times in the first four chapters I feared they would roll out. So I'm done.

I've said this a lot, but I won't stop as long as it keeps happening: TRUST. YOUR. READER. If your writing a dual first person, is it necessary to put their names on the chapter? Not if you've done the work of making their voices distinctive it's not. I'm not stupid. I can tell who's narrating. (It probably didn't help that this time the book doing this followed Spinning Silver, which changes point of view constantly and with no warning, and yet it is not confusing as to who is speaking without the reader being told. Huh.)
Profile Image for Jenni Walsh.
Author 15 books538 followers
December 20, 2018
I don’t read a lot of romance (I typically gravitate toward historical fiction) but this book has inspired me to read more books similar to this gem. It was smart, witty, sweet, and engaging. Although, what I enjoyed most was the authenticity. While a female brewer can be rare, I felt like this storyline could be unfolding — right now — somewhere — in the real world. The banter, drama, friendships, and of course the FRIENDS references really struck a chord for me. Definitely pick this one up for a fun and light read!
Profile Image for mrsboomreads.
425 reviews72 followers
January 12, 2019
Fun and engaging romantic comedy with a modern twist. Piper is a female brewer, dedicated to her craft and making her own way in a male dominated industry. Her single minded focus does not allow for dating or romance. That is until Blake, the owner of a new gastropub in town, decides to feature her craft beers on his menu. This book was exactly what I expected: flirty, fun and frought with equal amounts of tension and steam.

Thank you to Gallery Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advance copy, in exchange for my honest feedback.
Profile Image for Chrissie G.
234 reviews10 followers
January 17, 2020
I enjoyed this immensely! Piper and Blake are so hecking cute together and it was the perfect dreary January pick me up I needed this week. I look forward to reading Suzanne's next novel!
Profile Image for Maureen.
925 reviews60 followers
September 17, 2018
This is a pretty cute novel about Piper, who is a brewer and Blake, who owns a gastropub. There is a lot of beer-related jargon and banter. It is an easy read. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to be an early reader in exchange for my fair and honest review.
Profile Image for Danielle Phillips.
130 reviews6 followers
September 17, 2018
I write this review with coffee in hand and sleepy eyes because I pulled a very late night to finish this gem! From the first few words I was hooked. It normally takes me a few chapters to get into the grove but I was invested in Piper and Blake from the very beginning. Trouble Brewing is a light easy read, not complex but also not lacking in drama and a web of characters and plot turns. I would say that I wasn’t surprised by the ending and smiled as I finished the epilogue. The characters were fun, I want to sit in Blake’s gastro-pub and have a Piper brewed beer. The chapters switched between the voice of Piper and the voice of Blake and after I got the hang of verifying who was speaking, I enjoyed the differing view points as it made me appreciate each main character as their own person.

Strong independent female lead, love, hurt, frustration, life changing decisions, friendship, and anger can all be found in Suzanne Baltsar‘s novel but following one’s passion and knowing that hard work means sacrifice and criticism was the element I enjoyed most.
384 reviews3 followers
October 27, 2018
Good novel regarding a woman breaking into the beer brewing male dominated world with support from her friends and ultimately finding someone to love in the process. Author shows readers what an truly independent woman looks like in a male dominated world.
Profile Image for Meredith.
118 reviews3 followers
October 20, 2018
Trouble Brewing is a sweet modern Romance featuring Piper and Blake. Piper is a brew-master trying to find recognition in a male dominated industry. Blake is a Gastropub owner who brings in Piper's beer and sparks fly. This reads like a Hallmark channel movie, I could even see Ryan McPartlin cast as Blake. While being utterly predictable, I still enjoyed the fierce independence of Piper and all of the 90's references (Animaniacs & Sandlot). I won this book with the Goodreads giveaways.
Profile Image for Megan Bustraan.
58 reviews3 followers
September 14, 2018
I thought his was just such a cute book. The best way for me to describe how it made me feel reading it is like how you feel wrapped up in your favorite blanket on a cold day. It was just really cute. I loved the main characters and their friends. The way the author described everyone made me want to sit down and have a beer with them too.

I would recommend this book to anyone that just needs a little escape for a little while.
671 reviews12 followers
September 27, 2018
Originally reviewed for Chick Lit Central (www.chicklitcentral.com)

There is a fighting spirit within Piper, an entrepreneur who wants to do it all, and do it all on her own. I appreciated that drive within her, even in the moments that begin to feel a bit like self sabotage. Coming from a background of having a really hard time asking for and receiving help, I could relate and identify with Piper in that way, although she takes it to higher extremes where her craft beer is concerned.

She doesn’t want anyone or anything to reroute her from her dreams, and that includes Blake. She had no inclination of the chemistry they’d have, a new type of hurdle that presents itself in strange and beautiful ways, and she senses that it’s going to come down to having one or the other, because she isn’t sure she can have both her passion and the man she’s falling hard for.

Piper’s story is a unique one. I didn’t know much about the brewing industry before reading Trouble Brewing, and I found it interesting, the various processes and behind the scenes views we get from her perspective, a woman in a male-dominated field, trying to break into the brewer community. I felt I learned a lot more about her through her interactions with Blake, and with the friendships she forms through the process of standing on her own two feet, one ale at a time.

Sometimes, we discover what’s really most important to us, through the hurdles and obstacles that are thrown our way, when we least expect it. That was presented to us time and time again within Piper’s story, ultimately discovering what is really worth fighting for.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
2,610 reviews11 followers
September 7, 2018
Thanks to the publisher, via Netgalley, for an advance e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

I have been wanting to read this book from the moment I saw comparisons to Amy Reichert's books, and when I saw that Amy Reichert herself gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads, I was absolutely sold. And wonder of wonders, this book truly delivered. I spent nearly 10 great years living in the Twin Cities, and thoroughly enjoyed the setting of this book, with lots of references to popular places in the area. I loved the main character, Piper, and her passion for her craft, and her tough attitude as she fights for her place in a male dominated field. This book was really a lot of fun, and before I was even done, I was hoping for a series featuring some of the other characters in the book. This book is less foodie than Reichert's, but if you're willing to sub beer for food as the main subcharacter, then you'll enjoy this just as much, too.
Profile Image for Marla.
40 reviews8 followers
October 12, 2018
What a wonderful, easy read! I had been stuck in a reading rut for about two weeks. Nothing was catching my interest or keeping me wanting to read. Then I received a copy of Trouble Brewing in the mail that I had won on a Goodreads giveaway. I immediately started reading it and couldn't put it down! I finished it in two sessions (because I had to sleep haha). It was a very realistic and lighthearted story between two very similar people from different backgrounds with a common love of beer. Tastefully written. I felt connected to Piper and loved Blake's character! If you want a great, easy read - I suggest picking up this book!
1,287 reviews
September 10, 2018
Cute story. Nothing particularly different other than Piper's occupation. Easy read.
1,087 reviews2 followers
October 2, 2018
Title: Trouble Brewing
Author: Suzanne Baltsar
Genre: Contemporary romance
Rating: 4 out of 5

Piper Williams is an anomaly, a woman brewer sticks out in the small craft brew community in Minnesota. But Piper is determined to make it. She wants her beer to be a success—and she’d like to own her own brewery instead of using her garage.

Blake Reed owns the newest gastropub in town, and he’s agreed to stock four of Piper’s brews, so clearly dating him is out of the question. No matter how attractive Piper finds him.

But their attraction is hard to deny, so Piper agrees to date Blake—if two other pubs will stock her beer. She’s on the verge of realizing all her dreams, and she can’t let a man get in the way. Then Piper gest a dream offer—one that will take her away from Minnesota, and Blake. Is living her dreams worth losing Blake?

I enjoyed this book quite a bit. The snark between Piper and Blake is fantastic, and the secondary characters are just as enjoyable as they are. I had to resist the impulse to go track down some craft beer as well…

(Galley provided by Gallery Books in exchange for an honest review.)

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