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Stone Creek #1

The Man from Stone Creek

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There is trouble in Haven, Arizona, and Ranger Sam O'Ballivan is determined to sort it all out. Badge and gun hidden, he arrives posing as the new schoolteacher, and his first order of business is to bring the ranchers' children under control. He calls on local postmistress Maddie Chancelor, whose brother is in firm need of discipline.

336 pages, Hardcover

First published September 1, 2011

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About the author

Linda Lael Miller

484 books3,044 followers
The daughter of a town marshal, Linda Lael Miller is a #1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of more than 100 historical and contemporary novels, most of which reflect her love of the West. Raised in Northport, Washington, Linda pursued her wanderlust, living in London and Arizona and traveling the world before returning to the state of her birth to settle down on a spacious property outside Spokane.
Linda traces the birth of her writing career to the day when a Northport teacher told her that the stories she was writing were good, that she just might have a future in writing. Later, when she decided to write novels, she endured her share of rejection before she sold Fletcher’s Woman in 1983 to Pocket Books. Since then, Linda has successfully published historicals, contemporaries, paranormals, mysteries and thrillers before coming home, in a literal sense, and concentrating on novels with a Western flavor. For her devotion to her craft, the Romance Writers of America awarded her their prestigious Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007.
Long a passionate Civil War buff, Linda has studied the era avidly for almost thirty years. She has read literally hundreds of books on the subject, explored numerous battlegrounds and made many visits to her favorite, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where she has witnessed re-enactments of the legendary clash between North and South. Linda explores that turbulent time in The Yankee Widow, a May 7, 2019 MIRA Books hardcover, also available in digital and audiobook formats.
Dedicated to helping others, “The First Lady of the West” personally financed fifteen years of her Linda Lael Miller Scholarships for Women, which she awarded to women 25 years and older who were seeking to improve their lot in life through education. She anticipates that her next charitable endeavors will benefit four-legged critters.
More information about Linda and her novels is available at www.lindalaelmiller.com, on Facebook and from Nancy Berland Public Relations, [email protected], 405-206-4748.

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173 (3%)
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53 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 232 reviews
Profile Image for J.Elle.
826 reviews123 followers
March 5, 2008
I haven't read smut in a while, so I figured I was due and started with this mostly tame western one. Nothing really thrilled me about this. As you might imagine: single woman trying to make it out in the wild west frontier who is determined not to need anyone or anything claps eyes on strong male town newcomer who is masquerading as the new school teacher while secretly trying to track down the evil posse that is killing people for gold in nearby towns. She sees him naked accidentally. He chuckles and stands unabashed. (Really, I should think about writing my own smut. Look at how good I am at summarizing it?) Anyway, even though he has promised another girl back home that he will marry her, he can't get that prim store-keeper out of his mind until he is crazy with desire for her. Fortunately, the first girl drowns. He's not too broken up and manages to capture or kill all the evil posse members and propose to the store-keeper who swoons in delight. They do it under the wheels of his wagon. The end.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Emily.
804 reviews121 followers
July 13, 2013
Linda Lael Miller is referred to as "The Queen of Western Romance." This is not one of her best showings. Featuring far too much death and (unnecessary) destruction, and an almost chaste romance, as well as a pretty convoluted mystery subplot, The Man from Stone Creek might be worth a skip.
Sam O'Ballivan comes to Haven, AZ to pose as a schoolteacher while also tracking down a band of murderous outlaws. Maddie Chancelor runs the general store in town and is raising her rapscallion younger brother. The development of their relationship was slow enough to be realistic, but once the bandits were caught and the end of the book loomed, they were pretty quick to get to the sexytimes without even having kissed prior to this. Miller tosses in a couple of steamy scenes at the end in case you need that kind of thing, but it didn't really feel true to character for either participant.
The bad guys were pretty obvious throughout, except for the lead bad guy which came as a bit of a surprise, and seemed a little unlikely. However, the chase developed at a realistic pace as well, which was good.
To address the death and destruction: Linda, you don't need to kill every inconvenient character (or make a Happy Ending for every sympathetic one). Also ***SPOILER*** If it's going to be difficult for the hero and heroine to choose where to live when they marry, because they both have a vested interest in two geographically separate locations, you don't need to burn down the whole town to get her to go live at his ranch. ***END SPOILER***
In the end, this was a very interesting mix of completely genuine and realistic storytelling combined with some "Are you kidding me??" moments that completely spoiled things, in my opinion.
Profile Image for Rebekah.
882 reviews17 followers
February 27, 2013
This was like 17 different books stapled together and I kept reading after bedtime not because it was SO GREAT, but because I was like, "what ELSE can you throw in here, Linda Lael Miller?" Animal adoptions, child adoptions, drowning in the crick, romantic rivals, gold and train robbery and bandits, intercultural relations, WHORES WITH HEARTS OF GOLD, I'M SURE I'M LEAVING THINGS OUT. There's two dogs in this, and a guy named Rowdy. (the dogs are fine.)
Profile Image for Linds.
1,060 reviews32 followers
January 3, 2010
I was under the impression that his was a western romance, but I would say this is really more of a western geared towards women.

I know that doesn't sound different but I think the main difference is that the main conflict in a romance is between the couple or forces against them. In this book the conflict is basically the hero against the bad guys that come into the town.

One reason it's a little hard to get into is that the characters tend to be two dimensional. The hero is "perfect". Tough, handsome, and spends his time taking in prostitutes and orphans in order to give them a chance at a better life.

But the author doesn't really deeper and explain what drives this man to be the way he is.

There was also a plot involving some bad guys that were stealing some federal gold. I don't remember much about it which doesn't bode well since I finished it yesterday!
Profile Image for Becky ♡The Bookworm♡.
681 reviews71 followers
May 13, 2017
This was an action packed historical western with a fantastic hero! I fell in love with Sam right away, especially over the way he handled the kids in the town of Haven. He arrived from Stone Creek to take over as the new school teacher, but the town has suspicions that there is more to the new teacher than meets the eye. A bullying incident with the school kids brings him face to face with Maddie Chancelor and the sparks begin to fly. The tension between the two kept me turning the pages and filled the gaps between the action sequences very nicely. This was a great read that took me through every range of emotion. I can't wait to read the next book! I highly recommend this one!
Profile Image for Sara.
248 reviews4 followers
October 19, 2009
Really this could be a 3.5 Star book.

I love reading turn of the century westerns. Miller did a great job creating this small western town with its daily hardships and their strong willed people built for survival. She also did a great job keeping the characters true to their personalities. (Thank you!)

I felt the novel could have been non-fiction to tell you the truth.
The main characters Sam O'Ballivan and Maddie Chancelor were so realistic. I think if I had lived in 1904 Arizona I might have met them in this town.

Good read!
Profile Image for AG Reads.
446 reviews12 followers
May 24, 2018
This was a good book, but the romance takes a backseat to the plot and secondary characters IMHO. It was more like a western novel with a love interest rather than a historical romance.
Profile Image for BJ Rose.
733 reviews87 followers
August 28, 2011
This is about a marshall going undercover as a schoolteacher in a 1903 border town that has your one rich, nasty rancher who also owns the general store that is managed by a young woman. Maddie has a younger brother who is, of course, one of the students who harassed the previous teacher that Sam replaced. I liked the way that Sam & Maddie interacted with everyone else in this small, poor town and the ways they helped them. I wasn't crazy about the way the triangle of one man/two women was resolved. Sam was 'nearly engaged' to a woman he's known for years back home, and she takes it into her head to join him. Her daddy knows that Sam is undercover - he's the one who sent Sam to try to capture or stop the band of rustlers & train robbers before they killed again - and he doesn't stop his daughter from going into harm's way. By this time, Sam is crazy about Maddie, but he's made promises to Abigail. I kept thinking of all the ways this could be resolved, but was stunned at the solution. I would have been angry if one of them had been killed by the bad guys, so maybe stunned isn't so bad.
Profile Image for Mareli.
1,034 reviews31 followers
August 22, 2015
Good but a bit boring. And left some open points. Where did the little girl go? (the one kidnapped with her mother?). I didn't find her anywhere in the book :(

But the heroine is a very strong lass! And I loved her. And besides dogs&children, a good combination!

Onto the next one!
Profile Image for ✿-Anna-✿.
576 reviews3 followers
October 8, 2015
The book was okay, not really much too it... the story line was interesting but I think could have been written with a little more excitement, I don't know it was just lacking in something.

The main characters where likable but it was more like you like them because its written that way, there really wasn't anything to really make them stand out to be OMG I really want to get to know that person better... they were just like a cookie cutter - cut out of what main characters should be like... and so you should like them.

Sam's name O'Ballivan, you know was created just so they could have the joke of calling him an SOB.. not funny... especially since I kept wanting to call him O'Sullivan.

and Maddie Chancelor, was okay.. but sorry to say was kind of boring... actually the whole book was so eh... maybe if I had read it 20 - 30 years ago I would have like it more... then again maybe not.

Not sure yet if I'll finish the rest of the series, maybe I'll give book 2 a chance.
450 reviews18 followers
March 12, 2015

I pretty much never fall asleep while reading. If I start a book at night, I will read until I finish the book at 3 or 4 am. Up until the night before last, the only books I've ever fallen asleep on were required books for philosophy classes, oh and Great Expectations in high school. But the other night, I fell asleep on The Man from Stone Creek. I pushed through the next night, but I had to force myself to keep reading.

The characters weren't very well developed. Abigail was thrown in there just to add conflict between the hero and heroine, but then was removed as a problem far too easily and with too little reaction from everyone. The plot was too predictable by far, and did not have a satisfying ending. And the entire novel was very light on romance.

To sum up, I didn't hate it, but I also didn't find much to recommend it. In fact, I will probably not be reading any more Linda Lael Miller, at least for awhile.
Profile Image for Ladiibbug.
1,580 reviews83 followers
December 15, 2008
#1 Stone Creek series - Historical Western Romance - Strong 5 Stars!

Superb, one of my favorite reads of 2008 ... Donna, thank you SO much for the recommend :-)

Haven, Arizona Territory - 1903

LLM writes so descriptively that I could taste the dust from the trail, hear the horses drinking thirstily from the riders' hats at a well, feel the tension at a supper attended by romantic rivals ...

Maddie runs the local mercantile to support herself and her young brother Terran. A new schoolteacher, Sam, arrives and must bring the rough ranchers' children under control - including Terran. Sam keeps his gun and Ranger badge hidden, while working undercover to capture rustlers and train robbers. Lots of gun slingin' shootin' action!

Several engrossing and exciting sub-plots give this tale additional depth. LLM's main and many supporting characters are so clearly drawn, so compelling and the unfolding story of their inter-relationships kept me eagerly turning the pages and thinking "Oh, wow!" or "Aha!" :-)

I must admit that going into the book I thought LLM would be too tame, too unexciting for my tastes. But LLM is much more enjoyable for me than the Sarah McCarty historical western erotica I've been reading. Her (LLM) writing paints a distinct picture, conveys the characters' emotions so well. Fabulous!

Profile Image for Laura.
314 reviews1 follower
August 26, 2009
3 1/2 stars
Linda Lael Miller does a wonderful job of depicting the Old West. I've read some of the McKettrick books and loved them, so I decided to pick up the Stone Creek series as well.

Sam O'Ballivan arrives in Haven, Arizona as the new school teacher. He doesn't look much like a school teacher--he's a man when most teachers are female and he carries a .45 on his hip.

Maddie Chancelor runs the local mercantile. She's the sister of the young Terran who Sam recognizes as a little troublemaker right from the start. Maddie is fiercely protective of the child and irritated with the new teacher for calling him trouble. She's also oddly attracted to the teacher...

I just didn't find myself loving the characters in this one. Sam and Maddie are fine, but I didn't get connected with them. I got a little bored in the middle and then finally got back into it near the end. Part of the problem could have been that I read a review that gave away far too much without being marked as giving away spoilers...really, I should have just read the book without reading poorly written reviews.

A decent read and I will keep reading the series...

Sexual content: lots of innuendos/fondling, oral sex, and 2 full sex scenes.
Profile Image for Lori Michael Johnson.
207 reviews22 followers
July 13, 2020
This book was four stars until the last two chapters. The author kept going when she needed to stop writing. It was such a fun ride and then after finishing it, I expected to close the book and see Fabio there on the cover with a woman swooning in his arms. Yuck.

From the first chapter I had a crush on Sam. As the book went on, I found him a little too sappy but still a terrific guy. I loved the wild west portions and that is the reason I bought the book in the first place. I appropriately liked the characters I was supposed to like and disliked the characters I was supposed to dislike. That's always important to me.

As I was reading the book, I could actually hear the voices of some of the characters. Sam sounded like Sam Elliott. The madam sounded like Joan Blondell, etc. Minus the Harlequin romance stuff, (if I heard the words fervor, quiver, etc. one more time I was going to throw the book across the room,) this would make a great movie.

I reserve the right to come back and change it to 4 stars after I take a bath and wash the very gratuitous ending off of me. In spite of that, it was a fun ride and a great escape. For me it was Susan Wiggs meets Robert B Parker's Appaloosa.
Profile Image for Kari.
3,860 reviews90 followers
October 27, 2014
The Man From Stone Creek was a bit underwhelming. I liked the overall storyline. Sam is undercover as a school teacher while he tracks down a group of bandits. Maddie runs the local mercantile and takes care of her brother. The attraction is there, but Sam is promised to another woman

The problem I had with the story was the lack of heat between Maddie and Sam. They don't even kiss until almost the very end of the book. When they do finally kiss, they jump right into bed together. I just wasn't feeling the love between the two of them. I also felt like it was a bit too long. I definitely could have been shorter. I wouldn't say skip it, but just don't expect too much.
Profile Image for Megan.
178 reviews28 followers
October 26, 2010
I really enjoyed this book. It is the first book in the Stone Creek Series. I had already read books 2-5. It was nice learning Sam and Maddie's back story since I have read about them in the following books. It was also nice to see Rowdy's character being introduced because I loved his book, A Wanted Man. I can't wait to read the last book. You can't go wrong with a book by Linda Lael Miller.

If you like this series, you should definitely read the McKettricks series too.
Profile Image for L..
1,424 reviews74 followers
July 5, 2012
2.5 stars.

Although it's billed as a romance, it reads more as a western. If author Linda Lael Miller had left it as a western, I would have been able to give it the full three stars. However, the romance was the weakest part of the story. There wasn't much of a reason for Sam and Maddie to be together other than the fact that they were the main characters so they were contractually obligated to fall in love.
Profile Image for Yulia Anggraini.
419 reviews
December 18, 2015
utang ripiu. ..

g nyaka bakal suka am Miller in..cz seri yg Mckettrick gw cm selesai 1 judul n yg 2 lagi tak terselesaikaan....

kalimat2 x gampang dcerna ap adanya...tokoh2 x jg asiik...kasihaan am abigail... :(

n acara mandi violet itu bkin terharuuu...baiiik bangeet hero x jd guru...
n nasib penguasa kota itu menyedihkan...

daaan c perampok kereta apix...oraang itu ternyata....ckckckck...
Profile Image for Linda.
30 reviews13 followers
August 22, 2012
I am a big fan of Miller's books, characters and story lines. I love westerns and especially cowboys and her books have tall, handsome, sexy cowboys. She leaves you wanting for nothing in every book and I have read them all.
Profile Image for Veronica.
393 reviews
March 23, 2014
This book left a bad taste in my mouth. There was so much going on and I don't think it added to the story. Too many questions, too many loose ends. It was a very captivating book but I just didn't like it in the end.
Profile Image for Dawn.
3 reviews
October 31, 2012
Love her series, they follow along with each other and never forget the past.
38 reviews
February 5, 2013
Most of the books I have read by Linda Lael Miller have been really good. That is if your like cowboys and romance.
Profile Image for Τοημεε .
41 reviews
September 10, 2019
-this was meant to be a romance right? Well, it seemed like the author spent more time developing a relationship between Sam and Vierra than he did Sam and Maddie.

-I know absolutely nothing about Maddie and Sam, and what makes them tick. For example, this book started off with Terran (Maddie’s brother) acting like a spoiled little brat, I thought we were going to dig into why Maddie seems to spoil him (it was touched on but no questions were answered). I also thought we would get some good back story on Sam and drives him to do some of the things he does. We got nothing (except the memory of his mum).

-which makes me go back to my previous point. You’ll think that since there wasn’t much backstory then there’ll be better romance development between Maddie and Sam. Wrong!

-lastly, why does the author seem to just burn and kill off her problems. Abigail did not need to die. She seemed like a character who would take a step back. Same thing with the town. There was no need to burn the whole town to fix the problem of Maddie not wanting to move. And what’s up with portraying the donagher brothers as the three bad wolves only for them to end up useless.

I’m done. I just needed to rant.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
32 reviews
June 11, 2017
Arizona ranger, Sam O'Ballivan, is sent on assignment to Haven, Arizona to break up a gang of dangerous thieves. Even though this is a romance, the story's main focus is on the gang and Sam trying to discover who the members are and to foil the gang's plan to upset a train carrying Mexican gold. The Haven store clerk, Maddie Chancellor, who Sam is instantly smitten with is somewhat of an after thought. Even though, I selected this book because I wanted to read a romance I was pleasantly surprised to find out I liked the historical western story. I was genuinely shocked at the end to discover who the members of the gang were. I maybe adding another genre to my reading list.
Profile Image for Chris.
1,189 reviews29 followers
November 11, 2019
I'm almost ashamed to admit how much I liked this western romance. Ranger Sam O'Ballivan is sent to a small town disguised as the new school teacher to try to catch a gang of thieves. But he also finds romance with the owner of the local mercantile - until his fiancee shows up somewhat complicating matters. Sam is about as much of a male Mary Sue character as I've ever seen. He is absolutely perfect in about every way - which does get a little overbearing at times. He has the opportunity to put an end to the thieving but chooses not to when it could put others in jeopardy. But still, it's a nice piece of fluff.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,360 reviews5 followers
June 24, 2020
For those who enjoy a historical, western romance, this is an amazing book. There were a couple of plot lines going on and Miller weaved them together seamlessly. Because it is a romance, I knew the main hero and heroine would end up together but I kept trying to guess at the other character's outcomes throughout the story . . . and I was wrong on most of them! This was an emotional book--it made me laugh and cry and gasp and that's what makes it so good. Miller makes some hard choices to make the book more intense and surprising and, ultimately, satisfying.
Profile Image for Jules.
60 reviews
August 11, 2023
I was skeptical about this book. I read the summary that was at the back of another book and decided it looked somewhat interesting. But almost right away I was taken with the characters and fell in love with Sam’s generous heart and Maddie’s independent nature. The author describes scenes so well that you can visualize them easily in your head and the characters tug at your heart strings. I didn’t realize how exciting it would get. I was prepared for the romance but not the Indiana Jones style adventure. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Finished most of it in one sitting
Profile Image for Catheryn.
949 reviews17 followers
August 19, 2023
I really enjoyed this book. It pretty much takes place in a span of about 2 weeks or so. Its very fast moving and lots going on (seriously there is a bit of everything in here but I love it). Its a very sloooooow burn with mild spice. Surprisingly enough, Sam and Maddie don't spend the majority of time together but I still can believe the chemistry. The both have business they have to handle as well as their growing attraction for each other.

I would say this is more western fiction with some romance, but still didn't bother me. I look forward to the next book!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 232 reviews

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