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The House

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It's dark. It's snowing. Enemies are all around you. You're lost. You're exhausted. And the snow keeps coming. Up ahead is an empty house. A shelter. A refuge.

Do you go in?

The House is a critically acclaimed 7-issue horror series that follows a squad of US soldiers in the Battle of the Bulge during World War II who get lost in the snowy woods. As the storm becomes worse, they happen upon an abandoned mansion that they take refuge in. But once the door closes, they begin to notice that things aren't right. As night falls, they realize that they may be in more danger if they stay, but when they go to leave, the front door is no longer there. Then things get worse from there.

166 pages, Paperback

Published February 1, 2018

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Phillip Sevy

83 books3 followers

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Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews
Profile Image for Chad.
9,112 reviews994 followers
November 23, 2021
The House needs to be condemned. It's not so much scared as just confusing. Drew Zucker has grown into a solid artist with Canto, but the art here is really crude. The faces are poorly drawn and all look the same as do the uniforms. I couldn't tell anyone apart. The panelling didn't tell the story well either. Things aren't really scary when you can't infer what's going on from panel to panel. There's a lot of typical haunted house stuff like rooms moving and stretching out. That's really difficult to make ominous in a comic where every room looks the same. I do suggest checking out this creative team's later work in Canto, but I'd give this a pass.
Profile Image for Alexander Peterhans.
Author 2 books266 followers
September 10, 2021
The House is a haunted-house-as-the-antagonist story, and it feels kind of stale and unconvincing. When you basically have the house as a character in your story, you have to give it some, well, character. The house in The House feels like every haunted house you've ever seen. There is some play with inner dimensions, "it's larger on the inside than the outside", and the passage of time, but it never really goes far enough out there, so to speak. This house should be shattering dimensions, literally and figuratively gobbling the characters up!

The story takes place during WW2, and besides the house, there are a lot of characters, and it becomes almost impossible to tell them apart. Here's where the quality of the art comes in to play - it's pretty bad. It borders on the amateurish, with badly drawn anatomy and faces, making all the characters even harder to discern. Action scenes are stilted. When ghosts appear, they look more ridiculous than frightening.

The House is not for me.

(Thanks to Dark Horse Books for providing me with an ARC through Edelweiss)
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,867 reviews6,098 followers
September 22, 2021
The House didn't blow me away, but I don't not recommend it, either.

If you enjoyed stories where the haunted house is the villain, and if you like anything that feels vaguely reminiscent of the Amityville house stories, this one might be up your alley. It takes place during WWII and follows a group of soldiers who seek shelter in an old, abandoned house, only to find that it's bigger on the inside (but not nearly as lovable as the TARDIS) and full of illusions, violence, and death.

While I enjoyed the premise and some elements of the overall storyline, I struggled with the art (many characters look same-y to the point of making it difficult to keep track of who's who) and the lack of depth in general. The story felt like it needed more fleshing-out, but with a bit more work and depth, I actually think The House would have worked quite well as a longer graphic novel or even a standard novella or novel.

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Thank you so much to the publisher for providing me with this review copy in exchange for an honest review!

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Profile Image for Dakota Morgan.
2,843 reviews39 followers
April 1, 2022
A band of World War II soldiers encounter a haunted house, get lost in its endless corridors, are ransacked by Ghosts of Christmas's Past, and are driven mad with fear. If you've read one haunted house story, it was probably just like this one - or better.

The soldiers are interchangeable, the ghosts are unexplained, and the house receives almost no backstory. It's just a scary haunted house in France. Uh, cool? I'm not a fan of Drew Zucker's stretched-out artwork. All the characters look like they're melting even when they're not in the haunted mansion.
Profile Image for Mirnes Alispahić.
Author 6 books99 followers
August 13, 2023
I wanted to like this. I really did. I mean how one could not like it? Haunted manor as a main characters, WWII setting, lost soldiers. Unfortunately, even though the idea is good, execution is far off. Art doesn't really suit the story, nothing scary about it as Drew makes all characters look the same and even when he tries to make ghosts scary it looks like he's trying Ben Templesmith's style from 30 Days of Night.
I believe the part of why this comic doesn't lives to the premise is the fact it was first released digitally on comixology so authors had to adjust it. Also, comic book is not the good medium for some of the ideas as they don't really turn up good (shifting rooms for example).
Story needed more storytelling, more development and built of tension from the beginning. Art definitely needed to be different.
Profile Image for Jameson.
886 reviews13 followers
February 2, 2022
I wanted to like this more than I did. It’s definitely ambitious. I’m not sure this is the right medium for this story, though—at least with this style of sequential storytelling. The ideas and logistics of this type of story demand an art style with more finesse and above all it begs for some narration. Minimalism, on both the art and text front, doesn’t suit an action-packed psychological horror-mystery with lots of misdirection and fake outs. I liked the plot and the artwork but they didn’t come together to do the story justice. It would make a good B movie or Twilight Zone episode, though.
Profile Image for Jason Medina.
Author 15 books20 followers
October 10, 2021
This was a nice quick read. A WWII horror story and mine is signed by Drew Zucker!
Profile Image for It's just Deano.
184 reviews7 followers
October 23, 2022
I'm a big fan of a haunted house story and the war setting of The House seems like an interesting twist on the genre. Sadly, it didn't live up to that preconceived notion.

I really wanted to like this, but The House feels sparse and minimal at best. All the elements are there for a good haunted house tale, but they lack any substantial texture or weight to them.

Despite its basic plot it still manages to feel a little confusing in places. There are moments when you're wondering what is going on or why something is happening and it's just not really explained all that well.

The art here is great though. Drew Zucker's art is the saving grace here and delivers some appropriately spooky visuals that fit the atmosphere of the book.

Overall, The House was sadly a pretty forgettable read. Zucker's art definitely stands out, but the slow and soulless plot won't really grab you the way a good horror story should.

My Score: 4/10
My Goodreads: ⭐⭐
Profile Image for Rachel.
273 reviews8 followers
March 22, 2019
I'm reading by issue (I couldn't afford the whole graphic novel in one sitting), I'm learning the characters at a slower pace. Issue #1 just hooks you and pulls you in. Issue #2 builds up the excitement. I'm wishing there were more issues. I will say that I had trouble in the first issue telling the soldiers apart. That made things a little confusing going into the second issue.

I have now finished all seven issues. It was really good. I will admit that I could only give it four stars because at some points I had trouble understanding what was going on. The art was a little confusing, but only at a few scenes. Overall, I would definitely recommend this for anyone who likes horror comics.
Profile Image for Matthew Boyette.
57 reviews6 followers
September 3, 2020
I gave this four stars for two reasons. The first is the lack of differentiation in the art. It was difficult to tell who was who because everyone looked the same. The second because of a lack of text. Some books can be too wordy, but this lacked a great amount of wording to explain what is happening. However, this was a great haunted house story that was a quick and fun read.
Profile Image for Fernando.
Author 27 books12 followers
January 20, 2024
Primera reseña de 2024 y he tardado un poquito...

Un grupo "comando" de soldados de avanzadilla aliados, cada uno con sus traumas particulares bien cargaditos de casa sumados a la presión de la guerra, se extravían por un bosque nevado Europeo un tiempo tras "el desembarco", toman un Nazi de rehén y se refugian a pasar la noche, ante la presión de morir por ser un blanco fácil o terminar convertidos en cubitos de hielo, en una enorme mansión siniestra que se alza perdida en ninguna parte y resulta ser un vórtice de un Mal latente desde el principio de los tiempos. Al cruzar la puerta, pese a que el aspecto interior convierte en comparativa el hogar de los Addams en la casa de Minnie Mouse y que las advertencias del prisionero caen en saco roto porque nadie habla alemán y él no sabe inglés, se monta la gran fiesta de pasaje del terror.

"One shot" sencillo, breve, conciso, que va al grano y no se le reprocha sino todo lo contrario. Casas embrujadas, nazis, antiguas maldiciones, traumas psiquiátricos que nos pesan y condenan, una pizca de sugerencia de horror cósmico, otra pizca de "Diez negritos" y ya tenemos resumida esta obra casi al completo. La mansión es el enemigo en si mismo, con bastante canibalización de otros edificios malditos como "Red Rose" o "La casa Winchester" y provoca que todos tus miedos y mierdas salgan a la superficie, en un claro homenaje a "Horizonte final".

Dibujo muy nítido, colorista y con todo el espíritu de los cómics de terror de toda la vida. No innova ni lo pretende. Una historia típica y predecible muy bien contada cuyo espíritu es entretener mediante un relato de miedo tradicional que hemos visto en otras ocasiones.

Existe una película, con el mismo nombre, menos personajes y trama semejante ambientada en Noruega, que no sé si será inspiración de este tebeo o viceversa. Muy disfrutable. No ha salido en castellano.

El busto de Lovecraft le da un aprobado raspado.
60 reviews
April 26, 2023
Picked it up at the library when I was looking for another graphic novel.

Didn't really find it that creepy, and very by-the-numbers. Most of the characters were basically indistinguishable from one another, and given very little attention overall. A real let-down from a fun (albeit fairly standard) premise.
Profile Image for John.
128 reviews
March 6, 2023
I have to agree with several of the other reviewers: The House is more confusing than frightening. I had a hard time telling the characters apart and the house is haunted because...it's a haunted house story, as far as I can tell. Nothing special here.
Profile Image for George.
396 reviews10 followers
May 2, 2022
The art in this book is great and it's a gruesome but addictive read. Much enjoyed.
344 reviews
March 31, 2023
Haunting classic haunted house story. The art striking and the trippy nature of the house is fun. Definitely nothing new in haunted house cannon but definitely a fun read.
Profile Image for Kat Trent.
214 reviews1 follower
July 4, 2023
I'm so confused about everything going on in this book. It was like a rip off of House of Leaves and wasn't even scary.
Profile Image for Graphics Gal .
50 reviews
May 10, 2023
"The House" is entertaining but if you have seen the movie "Ghosts of War" then you might feel a sense of deja vu. "Haunted" mansion, World War and exhausted soldiers... these elements are shared by the movie and this graphic novel. I won't say more than that so as not to spoil either story, but "The House" felt like something I've read/watched before.
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews

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