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Il fu Mattia Pascal

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Pubblicato nel 1904, Il fu Mattia Pascal, il più famoso dei romanzi di Pirandello, riveste un'importanza fondamentale nella letteratura italiana del Novecento. Grottesco antieroe pirandelliano, Mattia Pascal è un uomo senza certezze e senza vocazioni. Creduto morto dopo una fuga da casa, pensa di approfittarne per cambiare vita, ma il desiderio di spezzare le catene delle convenzioni sociali, lo slancio verso la conquista di un'originaria purezza e autenticità falliscono: perché la vita deve comunque darsi una forma e la fatica che bisogna affrontare per crearne una nuova e sostenerne i compromessi è talora così grande, che costringe a rientrare precipitosamente nella vecchia. La quale, pur con i suoi originari limiti e le sue falsità, rende possibile l'esistenza, allontanando il rischio della disgregazione, impedendo di essere altro da sè stessi, condannando a una realtà fittizia, ma inalienabile.

240 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1904

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About the author

Luigi Pirandello

1,229 books1,316 followers
Luigi Pirandello; Agrigento (28 June 1867 – Rome 10 December 1936) was an Italian dramatist, novelist, poet, and short story writer whose greatest contributions were his plays.
He was awarded the 1934 Nobel Prize in Literature for "his almost magical power to turn psychological analysis into good theatre.
Pirandello's works include novels, hundreds of short stories, and about 40 plays, some of which are written in Sicilian. Pirandello's tragic farces are often seen as forerunners of the Theatre of the Absurd.

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews352 followers
November 10, 2021
Il fu Mattia Pascal = The Late Mattia Pascal, Luigi Pirandello

The Late Mattia Pascal is a 1904 novel by Luigi Pirandello. It is one of his best-known works and was his first major treatment of the theme of the mask.

The protagonist, Mattia Pascal, finds that his promising youth has, through misfortune or misdeed, dissolved into a dreary dead-end job and a miserable marriage.

His inheritance and the woman he loved are stolen from him by the same man, his eventual wife and mother-in-law badger him constantly, and his twin daughters, neglected by their mother, can provide him with joy only until an untimely death takes them.

Death robs him even of his beloved mother.

تاریخ نخستین خوانشنسخه فارسی: روز سوم ماه ژانویه سال1974میلادی

عنوان: مرحوم ماتيا پاسكال؛ اثر: لوئیجی پیراندللو؛ مترجم: بهمن محصص؛ تهران، امیرکبیر؛ سال1348؛ در424ص؛ چاپ دوم: تهران، امیرکبیر، سال1394، در247ص، شابک9789640016992؛ چاپ دیگر تهران، انتشارات علمی فرهنگی؛ سال1394، در292ص؛ شابک9786001217548؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان ایتالیا - سده ی 20م

از بهترینهای کلاسیک است؛ داستان مردی که از زندگی خود، دل خوشی ندارد؛ او دور از خانه، در روزنامه، خبر مرگ خودش را میخواند، نخست جا میخورد، سپس تصمیم میگیرد، با ترک شهر خود، با هویتی تازه، زندگی دیگری را، آغاز کند؛ با این همه، سرانجام در زندگی تازه نیز، به جایی نمی‌رسد، و بازمی‌گردد، تا با گذشته ی خود رودررو شود...؛ اما بسیار دیر شده، چرا که شغلش از دست رفته، و همسرش دوباره ازدواج کرده است؛ تقدیر «ماتیا پاسکال» اینست که در قالب شبح، با هویت از دست رفته اش، باز هم به زندگی ادامه دهد؛

کتاب خواندنی و هیجان انگیز رمان «مرحوم ماتیا پاسکال»، با طنزی گزنده، و خواهان« کشف هویت» و راز و رمز آن، برای شناساندن، و به تصویر کشیدن استعداد و توانایی منحصر به فرد «پیراندللو» در داستان سرایی، نقش به سزایی داشته است؛ این اثر هر چند یکی از آثار داستانی «پیراندللو»، به شمار میرود، اما بیانگر بخشی از زندگی نویسنده نیز، هست؛ گویند: «پیراندللو» این رمان را، بر بالین همسر روانی خویش نوشته است؛

نقل از متن: (از چیزهای نادر و شاید تنها چیزی که به آن اطمینان داشتم این بود که اسمم «ماتیا پاسکال» بود؛ من هم آن را به کار میبردم؛ هر گاه کسی به سرش میزد که برای مشورت یا پرسشی نزدم بیاید خودم را جمع و جور میکردم، چشمم را میبستم و جواب میدادم: من «ماتیا پاسکال» هستم؛ - متشکرم عزیزم، میدانم؛ - به نظرت خیلی کم است؟ راستش را بخواهید حتی به نظر خودم هم این چیز زیادی نبود ولی در آن زمان هنوز نمیدانستم که حتی ندانستن همین چه معنایی دارد؛ به این معنی که نتوانم مانند گذشته ها به موقعش بگویم: من «ماتیا پاسکال» هستم

چه بسا کسی پیدا شود که بخواهد برای دلسوزی بر من «این چندان ارزشش را ندارد» تصور فلاکت آن بدبختی را بکند که ناگهان کشف کند که نه پدر دارد و نه مادر و نه میداند که بوده و چه نبوده، در اینصورت ممکن است از فساد آداب و رسوم، از عیبها و بدبختی زمانه که میتواند اینهمه گرفتاری و دردسر برای یک بیچارۀ بیگناه درست کند برآشفته گردد؛ «این هم باز کمتر ارزشش را دارد.» باری موضوع این هم نیست)؛ پایان نقل

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 30/10/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 18/08/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
November 5, 2017
Η πρώτη φορά που πέθανα...

"Τίποτα ή πολύ λίγα συγκράτησα από εκείνα που αρχικά είχα φανταστεί. Είναι αλήθεια πως τίποτα δεν είναι δυνατόν να επινοηθεί, που να μην έχει κάποια ρίζα, λίγο-πολύ βαθιά, στην πραγματικότητα∙ ακόμη και τα πιο παράξενα πράγματα μπορούν να είναι αληθινά, αντιθέτως καμία φαντασία δεν φτάνει να συλλάβει κάποιες τρέλες, κάποιες μη αληθοφανείς περιπέτειες που ελευθερώνονται από τα δεσμά και εκρήγνυνται απ’ την ανήσυχη ψυχή της ζωής∙ παρ’ όλ’ αυτά, όμως, πώς και πόσο διαφορετική φαίνεται η ολοζώντανη
πραγματικότητα από τα επινοήματα που μπορούμε να δημιουργήσουμε εμείς από αυτήν!

Πόσα ουσιώδη, ασήμαντα, ασύλληπτα πράγματα έχει ανάγκη το επινόημά μας, για να γίνει και πάλι εκείνη η ίδια η πραγματικότητα απ’ την οποία δημιουργήθηκε, πόσα νήματα που να το συνδέουν με το περιπλοκότατο μπλέξιμο της ζωής, νήματα που έχουμε κόψει εμείς, για να το κάνουμε να γίνει κάτι ξεχωριστό!
Τι ήμουν τώρα εγώ, αν όχι ένας επινοημένος άνθρωπος; Ένα περιφερόμενο επινόημα που ήθελε και, εξάλλου, έπρεπε αναγκαστικά να ζει για τον εαυτό του, αφού είχε ριχτεί στην πραγματικότητα".

Ο μακαρίτης Ματίας Πασκάλ είναι ένας "διανοητικός" μάρτυρας του θανάτου του. Είναι στην ουσία τα "μάτια και οι σκέψεις του πεθαμένου" που έμαθε απο τις εφημερίδες για το θάνατο του και περιγράφει τα γεγονότα
που συνέβησαν στη ζωή του μετά την αυτοκτονία του...

Ο αναγνώστης ταυτισμένος με τον "πνευματικό" θεατή-μακαρίτη, παρακολουθεί όλη την ιστορία της προ και μεταθανάτιας μοίρας του.

Ο Πασκάλ γίνεται αναχωρητής απο την ίδια του τη ζωή που δεν τον χωράει. Είναι καταδικασμένος σε έναν δυστυχισμένο γάμο, κατεστραμμένος οικονομικά,εργάζεται σε μια άσκοπη δουλειά ως βιβλιοθηκάριος και έχει τραγικές αναμνήσεις απο το χαμό αγαπημένων του ανθρώπων.

Όταν ανακαλύπτει πως τον θεωρούν νεκρό και τον διαγράφουν όλοι, αποφασίζει να επινοήσει μια καινούργια ταυτότητα,ένα ψεύτικο όνομα,μια απολύτως ελεύθερη νέα ζωή.

Μετά απο πολλές περιπέτειες έρχεται αντιμέτωπος με τον ίδιο του τον εαυτό και διαπιστώνει με πόνο πως πρέπει να γνωρίσει την αληθινή του ύπαρξη.

Είχε αποφασίσει να παραμείνει άγνωστος απο τον επινοημένο του εαυτό και απο όλους γύρω του.
Αρχικά χαίρεται και απολαμβάνει αυτό το παιχνίδι της μακάβριας ελευθερίας. Καταλήγει όμως βαθιά δυστυχισμένος.

Με δραματικό τρόπο ο συγγραφέας απεικονίζει την πολυδιάστατη ανθρώπινη προσωπικότητα που είναι κυρίως μεταβλητή και σχετικά αληθινή.

Αμφισβητεί με αξιοθαύμαστη μομφή την πραγματικότητα. Φέρνει το άτομο αντιμέτωπο με τον εαυτό του για να γνωρίσει την ουσία της ύπαρξης του.

Ερχόμενοι κατά πρόσωπο με την αμφίσημη ταυτότητα μας ίσως γνωρίσουμε τους εαυτούς μας και ζήσουμε.

Ως "ζωντανοί" νεκροί ή ως "νεκροί"ζωντανοί σε μια γνήσια,ελεύθερη και αληθινή ύπαρξη κατ'επιλογή μας.


Καλή ανάγνωση!
Πολλούς ασπασμούς!
Profile Image for Jim Fonseca.
1,137 reviews7,779 followers
March 7, 2023
[Revised, pictures added 3/6/23]

In the first few pages the author tells us this is the story of a man who “died twice." Our hero, or anti-hero, is going nowhere in late 1800s Italy. He earns a pittance as the librarian in a backwater Italian town. He lives with screaming kids, a wife who has lost interest in him, and a vicious mother-in-law who hates him.


While out of town for a few days, he learns from newspapers that the decomposed body of a suicide victim down by the watermill in his hometown was mistaken for him. He is free! He goes on a gambling spree and actually makes money and creates a new life for himself in a distant town.

But living a second life is far from easy and the plot turns into a farcical soap opera (or a real opera, since the work is translated from Italian).

The book was published in 1904, and like other novels around that era, such as Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment or Unamuno’s Abel Sanchez, there is a lot of exploring of the psychology of the main character due to the newly developing field of psychology.

The story kept my attention and I found the plot fast-paced and with a bit of a mystery to it.

[image error]

The author won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1934, mostly for the 40 plays that he wrote. He is considered an early developer of the Theater of the Absurd.

Top image: St. Mark’s Square, Venice, around 1890-1900 from blogs.loc.gov
The author on an Italian stamp from colnect.com
Profile Image for Steven Godin.
2,655 reviews2,921 followers
February 10, 2022

Recognized as one of the founding figures of modern drama and theatre, Nobel Laureate Luigi Pirandello is not so well known in the English language as a novelist and short story writer, but this humorous affair written in 1904 shows he could work wonders in both fields. He touches on some of the themes that reverberate throughout his work as a dramatist: those being illusion and reality, and the enigmas of identity.

The narrator here (that would be Mattia Pascal) is something of a wazzock, a risible buffoon, a figure carved out of a fizzy comic opera, he is the impoverished son of a once-rich family that ended up being ruined by a villainous swindler. Living a dreary existence as an archivist, with a weary marriage, he is bedeviled by an intrusive mother-in-law, and tormented by creditors, so swiftly slips away to Monte Carlo where luck and fortune find him. Whilst missing in action back home he is mistakenly identified as deceased (slightly far-fetched, but hey, people make mistakes) and sees an opportunity to start a second life by being an enterprising rogue under a new identity and new name. But eventually he comes to realise he can only ever be the one and only Mattia Pascal.

To the consternation and confusion of all the other characters, this novel turned into a right old lark, with a shadowy, farcical and slapstick nature infused with a sardonic tone. This is death on a silver platter without the inconvenience of dying!. With Mattia's self-created doppelganger - Adriano Meis, Pirandello reminds us of how he began addressing that conundrum which he calls the "clumsy, inadequate metaphor of ourselves" and for all the laughable moments this novel provided, on deeper reflection I also found it quite moving, as Mattia Pascal slowly starts to realise that his freedom is in part illusory and comes at a price, as he loses his identity so he loses his ability to control his own destiny, becoming even more imprisoned than he was before.

Again translator William Weaver, who I have come across with many other Italian novels, does a great job here.
Profile Image for Sawsan.
1,000 reviews
August 1, 2021
رواية من أشهر أعمال الكاتب الإيطالي لويجي بيراندللو صدرت عام 1904
حكاية ماتيا باسكال ..الرجل الذي يموت مرتين وفي انتظار موته الثالث يكتب قصة حياته
العائلة, فترة الطفولة والشباب, الحياة الزوجية البائسة التي لا يستطيع الخلاص منها
في أحد الأيام يقرأ خبر غريب في الجريدة وتُتاح له فرصة البد�� من جديد
هل يستطيع أن يتخلص من هويته وماضيه ويرتدي ببساطة قناع شخصية أخرى
ماتيا يحاول الهروب للبحث عن الراحة والحب والسعادة
لكن بالتجربة لا يتمكن من الانفصال عن ذاته الحقيقية ويتوق للعودة إليها
يكتب بيراندللو بأسلوب جميل وفكاهي عن مفارقات الحياة, قيود المجتمع والرغبة في التحرر
حقيقة وأوهام الواقع والهوية, ما نحن عليه فعلا وما نبدو عليه للآخرين في الظاهر

Profile Image for Lea.
123 reviews715 followers
October 31, 2017

Central questions of Pirandello’s novel are “Who am I” and “What is freedom”.

One of the few things, in fact about the only thing I was sure of was
my name: Mattia Pascal.

The last time I read Pirandello I was in high school, and I think I read some plays that I have to re-read because I don’t remember them very well. This is his most-famous novel that has some autobiographical features and is exploring themes of identity, self, freedom, and death that were the most obvious and prominent, spiced up with a humorous note that made this novel relatively light read. Mattia was full of deep introspective philosophical questions, with a little bit of hopeless, nihilistic world-view. I would say that death and mourning really accompanied him through his childhood and adolescence and shaped his perspective on himself and the world. First the early death of his father, that became a distant, unfamiliar and unrememberable figure, and then death his two baby daughters and his mother, that was a living shadow, without any initiative or authority in her life, that could handle her own life issues and was over-sensitive about Mattia and his brother. Without an example of how to handle maturely the problems that he was facing in his life, Mattia started to escape into solitude with books and deep abstract thoughts. He felt pretty empty and alone in the world with questions of meaning and direction he should take in his life. I could certainly relate to this type of defense mechanism of avoiding problems and conflicts with other people as I believe many people who adore books and are intellectual types could.

So I read and read, a little of everything, haphazard, but books of philosophy especially. Heavy stuff, I grant you; but when you get a little of it inside you, you grow light as a feather and begin to touch the clouds. I believe I was always a bit queer in my head. But these readings quite finished me. When I no longer knew what I was about, I would shut up the Library, and go off along a little path that led down a steep incline to a solitary strip of seashore.

His own financial and marital situations became a cage that he associated with his own sense of self, and that was the beginning of his longing to escape not only his situation, but his own self. The idea of a suicide as in killing his former identity rises and he does, helped by the series of the events, he becomes Adriano Meis, the man that travels the world with any obligations to anyone except himself.

What could possibly happen to me anywhere
worse than what I had been through? Perhaps beyond the horizon ahead a
new slavery awaited me--but with heavier chains, I asked myself, than
those I had just snapped from my feet?

In time he learns through the pain that there is excruciating loneliness in the absolute freedom, and our longing for connectedness makes us dependant on others and the quest for absolute freedom impossible. Freedom is the dream we dream but never achieve, and even if we could achieve it, as Mattia, we wouldn’t be happy or fulfilled. We can crave solitude only to get it and learn that we cannot live alone.

I was so absolutely free that it was difficult for me to bring myself to any particular kind of life.

Fear of being caught again by the tentacles of life would keep me more than
ever aloof from men. Alone! Alone! Utterly alone!

I'm worse than dead: as old Anselmo reminded me--the dead are through with dying, while I have to die again. Alive as regards the dead, dead as
regards the living! What kind of a life can I live, after all? Again
alone, all by myself--solitude!"

The only ultimate liberation that we have on this earth is death.

Supposing, in a word, that there were no such thing as this
death which fills us with such terror, that death should prove to be
not the extinction of life but a gust of wind, merely, which blows out
the light in our lantern, extinguishes this dolorous, painful,
terrifying sense of life we have--terrifying, because it is limited,
narrowed, fenced in by the circle of fictitious darkness that begins
just where the light from our lantern stops.

Very mind-provoking read with themes that deeply interest me, but for some reason, I didn’t connect with the novel as well as I thought I would. Maybe I read it at the wrong time and might change the rating in the future, but for now, 4 stars, even though I would highly recommend this novel to all the people who have a need to think about themselves and the world in a deeper way.
Profile Image for Fereshteh.
249 reviews639 followers
February 3, 2016
شده با خودتون گهگاه آرزو کنین کاش میشد به جایی برم بدون آدم هایی که منو بشناسند و اون وقت همه چیز رو از نو شروع کنم؟خودم ، زندگی و حتی گذشته مو دوباره بسازم؟ تا حالا آرزو یا تصور همچین آزادی رو در ذهن داشتین؟

پیراندلو با این اثرش به این موضوع پرداخته. ماتیا زندگی خانوادگی چندان خوشایندی نداره. به مرور زمان گرفتار فقر شده و از بخت بد ازدواج زجردهنده و ناموفقی هم داشته و در نهایت مرگ چند عزیزش باعث میشه به سیم آخر بزنه و همه چیز رو رها کنه و بی خبر بره. بعد از بردهای پی در پی تو قمارخانه های مونت کارلو قصد بازگشت داره که با خبر خودکشی خودش تو روزنامه مواجه میشه. و بدون ثانیه ای درنگ با خودش فکر میکنه "آزادی" با پای خودش اومده سراغش چرا بهش جواب رد بده؟ در پی آزادی روانه میشه و شروع میکنه به بریدن همه ریشه ها، پاک کردن همه خاطرات و تجربه ها و از نو ساختن گذشته ای خیالی و هویتی نو، شاید همون کسی که همواره آرزوی بودنش رو داشت

کم کم این سوال پیش میاد که ماتیا زندگی دلخواهش رو یافته؟ آزادی ای که دنبالش بود رو پیدا کرده؟ اصلا دیگه می تونه ادعا کنه که وجود داره وقتی از ریزترین لذت های زندگی محروم شده؟ ماتیا گرفتار گذشته خیالی و ناقص خودش و ناچار به دروغ گویی، بریده شده از همه ریشه هایی که داشته، نه می تونه دوستی پیدا کنه که باهاش همصحبت باشه و نه وقتی عشق با همه قدرتش به سراغش میاد می تونه با خوشحالی قبولش کنه..اینجا فقط توهمی از آزادی سایه ای از یه مرد مرده رو گرفتار خودش کرده و تنهایی و بی هدفی رو به ارمغان آورده و دیگر هیچ

پیراندلو هم برای خواننده معمولی داستانی جذاب نوشته و هم برای خواننده سخت پسند تر درطول این داستان پرکشش، کلی سوال فلسفی مطرح کرده. طنز پنهان لابلای سطور هم این جذابیت رو دوچندان می کنه. تا قبل از فرار ماتیا شرح بدبختی های خانوادگی منو به شدت یاد خانواده پاسکال دوآرته مینداخت و بعد از فرار، ماتیا، تنهایی وتفکرات و پرسش های درونیش منو یاد ترس ها و تردیدهای قهرمان کتاب جنایت و مکافات مینداخت

از بهترین هایی بود که خوندم. با این که به نظر نمی رسه همچین داستانی بتونه فضای غمباری نداشته باشه ولی نثر شوخ و شنگ پیراندلو، کتاب رو به اثری دلچسب تبدیل کرده.
Profile Image for Luís.
2,167 reviews977 followers
July 1, 2024
That's a fair and often funny reflection on life and freedom, which I can only appreciate in close relation to men.
I had a little trouble finishing this book due to its somewhat dated state, but it is worth a visit.
Profile Image for Megha.
79 reviews1,147 followers
February 21, 2012

Have you ever thought about going to a place where nobody knows you and starting a new life as an entirely new person?

Luigi Pirandello makes Mattia Pascal live out this fantasy. Great misery has befallen Mattia Pascal and there is no silver lining in sight. Unable to think of anything else to do, he runs away leaving everyone and everything behind. A few days later on his way back home, he discovers that while he was away a dead body was mistaken for his and he has been declared dead in his town. Out of the confusion this caused emerged one thought: FREEDOM!! All the ties of his past life were now broken and Mattia could now re-invent himself and live a new, better life.

And then follows the tragi-comic tale of the late Mattia Pascal. Life experiences have a great say in shaping a person. In trying to erase his past, Mattia Pascal had to lose a great part of himself. His roots were cut-off and he was empty, a mere shadow of a person. He found himself struggling with the questions of self-identity and his purpose in life. The people he had left behind, the ones who thought he was dead were indeed free of him, in a true sense. He, on the other hand, could not escape the past life he had lived. Poor Mattia's miserable adventure at living a new life reminds me of something Fyodor Dostoevsky said in Crime and Punishment:

"If you ran away, you’d come back to yourself."

Mattia never found real freedom, it was only an illusion. The question of whether free will really exists has been a long standing debate. And Pirandello's take on this is in the negative. What Mattia was living was tyranny masked as freedom. How could he ever hope for a true friendship or relationship when he was not free to reveal the real himself to anyone. His freedom tied him in the chains of solitude, complete solitude. The only life left for Mattia Pascal was that of the ghost of himself.

Pirandello's writing is very accessible and easy to read. It is flavored with wit, irony and subtle humor. For casual readers, he gives a compelling and well-crafted story. For more serious readers, it is interspersed with intriguing thoughts, reflections on life and some beautiful passages. The novel is a little treat for those who love existential themes and paradoxes.

My copy of the book has a brief beautiful post-script by the author where he talks about art, reality vs. illusion and how very realistic human significance can sometimes be found in imaginary fables. This was in response to critics who had denounced his work for being unrealistic and far from normal life.
The postscript is followed by another one which reports a *real life* case similar to the life of Mattia Pascal in this novel, which happened several years after the novel was first published. Fiction is real, after all!
Profile Image for Peiman E iran.
1,437 reviews880 followers
November 24, 2017
‎دوستانِ گرانقدر، داستانِ "مرحوم ماتیا پاسکال" با هنر و فرهوشی <لوئیجی پیراندلو> به گونه ای نگارش یافته است که هم از نکته هایِ غم انگیزِ زندگیِ انسانها سخن به میان آمده و هم دارایِ جستارهایِ خنده دار و خوش مزه است
‎داستان در موردِ مردی به نامِ <ماتیا پاسکال> میباشد .. ماتیا در دهکده ای کوچک زندگی میکند و زندگی خوب و خشنود کننده ای ندارد.. بنابراین به اندازه ای زیرِ فشارِ زندگیست که زن و مادر زنِ خویش را رها کرده و از دهکده گریخته و ناپدید میشود... ماتیا به قمارخانه و میکدهٔ "مونت کارلو" رفته و پس از بازی قمار، پولِ زیادی برنده میشود... در همان گیر و دار، پیکرِ بی جانِ مردی بیچاره و ندار را پیدا میکنند و به اشتباه گمان میبرند که آن پیکرِ بی جان همان ماتیا پاسکال میباشد
‎ماتیا زمانی که از این خبر آگاه میشود، برای دست یافتن به آزادی، برآن میشود تا از این پیش آمدِ بادآورده بهره جسته و به زندگیِ پنهانی ادامه دهد.. از این رو، نامِ <آدرین مِیس> را برایِ خود برگزیده و زندگیِ رهایی بخشِ خویش را با نام و نشانی نو، آغاز میکند
‎او به شهرِ رُم رفته و در مهمانسرایِ خانوادگی اتاقی کرایه میکند... سرپرستِ آنجا <آنسلم پالئاری> نام دارد که به همراهِ دخترش آنجا را میگرداند... در این مهمانسرا (پانسیون) شخصیت های دیگری نیز زندگی میکنند که هر یک داستانِ جالب توجهی داشته و داستان به آنها نیز میپردازد.... <ترنس پاپی��نو> به همراه برادرش <سیپیون> و خانمِ <سیلویا کابورال> نیز در داستان نقش دارند
‎ترنس پیش از این با دخترِ دومِ پالئاری ازدواج کرده است و از او جدا شده است... برادرش سیپیون نیز دزد و بزهکار است که با وی در مهمانسرا زندگی میکند .. ترنس هوایِ او را دارد، چراکه وی به بیماری صرع دچار شده است
‎سیلویا دیگر شخصیتِ داستان، هنرمند بوده و آموزگارِ موسیقی است و از بامداد تا شامگاه پیانو مینوازد
‎ماتیا پاسکال، چند سالی در آنجا زندگی میکند، ولی از آنجایی بیمِ آن را دارد که مبادا نام و نشانش آشکار شود، کمتر با دیگران نشست و برخاست میکند و سرانجام آنجا را ترک گفته و به دهکده باز میگردد... ولی در میابد که همسرش در این سالها و در نبودِ او، دوباره پیوندِ زناشویی بسته و بچه دار نیز شده است
‎عزیزانم، بهتر است خودتان این داستان را خوانده و از سرانجامِ غمبارِ داستانِ زندگیِ <ماتیا پاسکال> آگاه شوید
‎امیدوارم این ریویو در جهتِ شناختِ این کتاب، کافی و مفید بوده باشه
‎<پیروز باشید و ایرانی>
Profile Image for Carmine.
608 reviews75 followers
March 3, 2018
Vivere fuori dalla vita

"Il fu Mattia Pascal" è incentrato sul tema della maschera e dell'identità, elementi che sono ricorrenti nelle opere pirandelliane.
Come nel racconto "la carriola", nella quale uno stimato avvocato ha come unica valvola di sfogo il poter far fare la carriola al cane, anche qui abbiamo un protagonista ingabbiato nelle convenzioni sociali e con l'ossessivo desiderio di allontanarle.
Se la maschera è considerata un peso per noi insostenibile - quasi decisivo nel nostro alienamento dalla realtà -, allo stesso tempo risulta l'unico modo per uniformarsi a un sistema impossibile da controllare: la nostra grigia e fastidiosa esistenza, perlomeno, viene convalidata.
Il gettare la maschera - sconfinare nella realtà vera - esalta l'identità, ma al prezzo di non essere più riconosciuto da quel meccanismo: l'esistenza cessa.
Profile Image for Nikos Tsentemeidis.
421 reviews276 followers
August 28, 2018
Άλλο ένα εξαιρετικό βιβλίο του Pirandello και σίγουρα πρωτότυπο, τόσο ως προς τα υπόλοιπα του που εποχών διαβάσει όσο και γενικότερα.

Κατ’αρχάς είναι υποδειγματικός αφηγητής, χρησιμοποιώντας το πρώτο πρόσωπο (Ματτία Πασκάλ) σαν να μη γράφει ο ίδιος. Αυτή την ικανότητα που δεν έχουν πολλοί συγγραφείς, οι οποίοι στα περισσότερα τους έργα είναι προβλέψιμα καθώς το ύφος τους είναι απαράλλακτο, για τον υποφαινόμενο αποτελεί μεγάλο πλεονέκτημα. Η αφήγηση του είναι πολύ ζωντανή.

Ο ήρωας καθώς αφηγείται τη ζωή του διαβάζει τον θάνατό του στις εφημερίδες. Η συγκεκριμένη σκηνή είναι πέρα για πέρα απολαυστική. Αποφασίζει λοιπόν, να δραπετεύσει από τη ζωή αυτή που για τους άλλου έχει τελειώσει. Ξαφνικά νιώθει ελεύθερος, μακριά από οποιεσδήποτε δεσμεύσεις, οπότε δοκιμάζει την τύχη του.

Φεύγοντας μακριά φτιάχνει εκ νέου την ζωή του. Μετά από δύο χρόνια όμως διαπιστώνει ότι είναι ξένος σε μια κοινωνία που δεν τον αποδέχτηκε. Τότε λοιπόν αποφασίζει να επιστρέψει στην παλιά του ζωή, πιο ευτυχής από ποτέ. Σύντομα όμως θα αντιληφθεί ότι όλα προχώρησαν και κανείς δε νοιάζεται πλέον για τον ίδιο.

«Μόλις κατέβηκα στον δρόμο, βρέθηκα ακόμα μια φορά χαμένος, ακόμη κι εδώ, στην ιδιαίτερη πατρίδα μου. Μόνος δίχως σπίτι, δίχως προορισμό».

Ο Pirandello συνηθίζει με απλές πλοκές, όπως στο θεατρικό του «Έτσι είναι αν έτσι νομίζετε», να δημιουργεί μεγάλα έργα με μεγάλα νοήματα. Είναι τεχνίτης του λόγου, έχει τρομερή αίσθηση του χιούμορ. Μετά και το τρίτο του έργο που διαβάζω (το «ένας κανένας και εκατό χιλιάδες» είναι το πιο βαθυστόχαστο), αποτελεί αγαπημένο συγγραφέα.
Profile Image for Erika .
93 reviews103 followers
October 19, 2018
Dal momento che suppongo che la maggior parte di voi abbiano già letto questo libro molto prima di me, non temo di fare spoiler a nessuno. In ogni caso, cercherò di mantenere un'analisi piuttosto "superficiale" del testo, accennando brevemente solo ad alcuni aspetti tecnici.

Il Fu Mattia Pascal è il secondo libro del nostro amato Pirandello, un libro che ha permesso allo scrittore di ottenere un grande successo presso il pubblico e presso la critica, soprattutto grazie alle repentine traduzioni in diverse lingue già dopo la prima pubblicazione.

Ma cosa rende davvero questo romanzo così accattivante, tanto da essere annoverato nella lista della BBC?
Certamente bisogna dire che il tema non è la novità del libro, la novità consiste piuttosto nell’organizzazione della struttura, il nostro cala la storia in una struttura apparentemente tradizionale ma che è svuotata dall’interno, anche attraverso la tripartizione del libro. Tale struttura tripartita corrisponde a tre diversi momenti del personaggio, scandendo la sua finta morte, il cambiamento d’identità e il tentativo di ritornare indietro alla sua vita d'un tempo. Sono tre momenti che corrispondono anche a tre diversi tipi di romanzo, con la conseguente sperimentazione di tre diversi romanzi.
Prima di tutto, bisogna dire che la storia comincia dalla fine. Il Mattia che apre il romanzo è in realtà ormai quasi alla fine del suo percorso, e si cimenta nella stesura della sua storia a ritroso. Un personaggio ormai fuori dal tempo e dalla storia, che si muove tra il cimitero e la biblioteca, anch'esso luogo di morte. A questi ultimi due capitoli finali si agganciano le due premesse, che anticipano la narrazione. Questi quattro capitoli costituiscono un romanzo dentro il romanzo, che vive in uno stadio di non-vita, di estraniazione rispetto al tempo e si muove in uno spazio morto. È proprio in questo spazio che Mattia è un vero e proprio personaggio umoristico. Dopo tale incipit, si entra nel primo romanzo, in cui sperimenta un genere di romanzo di largo successo: idillico-famigliare, in cui si celebra un mondo edenico che precede la modernità, in cui esiste sintonia fra l’io, la natura e la famiglia, che si potrarrà fino al settimo capitolo. Dall'ottavo al 16esimo capitolo si passa al terzo romanzo. Questa volta il modello è costituito dal romanzo di formazione perché il personaggio, cambiato il suo nome, procede a costruirsi una nuova personalità, compie una sua personale formazione che vede al suo fianco Anselmo Paleari, l’affittacamere che gli fa da educatore. Lo spazio e il tema mutano completamente. La nuova incarnazione di Pascal che cerca di costruirsi un nuovo io, e di vivere in libertà senza gli obblighi del passato.

Ho davvero adorato questo libro, e non ho alcun dubbio sul perché sia stato inserito nella lista dei cento libri da leggere prima di morire. In ogni caso, vi invito tutti a dare un'occhiata, non solo a questo libro, ma a tutti quelli che sono stati inseriti lì dentro. Sono sicura che troverete dei libri che vi lasceranno senza fiato!
Profile Image for Uhtred.
313 reviews19 followers
May 1, 2023
The Late Mattia Pascal is such a great book that when a reader writes a review he wonders (rightly) what he can add, which has not yet been said, to one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century. The reflection is correct, but after reading it you really want to put your thoughts on paper.
The Late Mattia Pascal is undoubtedly a milestone in world literature. Why did I re-read a book from 1904 in 2020? For various reasons: the first is that a work like this must be read several times in life. The second is that in the midst of thrillers, noir, essays and science fiction, every now and then I feel the need for a "difficult" book, one that forces you to think.
Pirandello does not need any presentation, and the Late Mattia Pascal is one of his best known and most loved works, at the basis of which there is a narrative intuition that is still unsurpassed today. The book develops around the theme of the individual identity of each man: in the book, it is that of Mattia Pascal and his alter ego, Adriano Meis. The novel is the protagonist's story and of the events that have led him to be the "Late" of himself.
At the beginning Pirandello explains how Mattia's father got rich by playing cards with an English captain from Liverpool and how, with the great fortune he had accumulated, he managed to buy houses, vineyards and fields in his Ligurian village. Due to an illness, his father dies during a trip and Mattia's mother entrusts the management of the estate to an administrator, who is dishonest and over the years takes possession of all the assets of the Pascal family. Mattia and his brother are too busy having fun to notice and furthermore Mattia gets the administrator's niece pregnant, who forces him to marry her. Mattia thus passes from a life of fun to a very different life: he has lost all his money, he has to work as a librarian to earn something in a village of people disinterested in reading, he lives with his wife at the house of his mother-in-law who despises him, has two children who both die, the relationship with his wife is bad, his mother also dies. A hell. One day Mattia decides to leave for Monte Carlo without telling anyone, to try to get rich by gambling like his father did. Luck is on his side this time and in about ten days, between unique acquaintances and many lucky bets, he manages to multiply his little initial money up to win a lot of money at roulette. He then decides to go home, to redeem himself, to show everyone what he was capable of and maybe buy back some of the lands that belonged to his family. During the train journey, however, the fact that will change the book happens: Mattia reads in the newspaper that there has been a suicide in his village and discovers that he has been identified in the corpse found, which was hardly recognizable because already in state of decomposition. After a few moments of bewilderment, Mattia decides to take the opportunity to escape from his old life. He decides that his new name will be Adriano Meis, takes off his wedding ring, cuts his beard, grows his hair and puts on dark glasses to hide his squinting eye.
The first thing he will do is travel a bit, see the most beautiful and famous cities, in complete freedom; but such a life, without affection, friendships and ties, soon tires and Adriano decides to settle in Rome, where he rents a room.
After a first period of euphoria, however, the first problems begin: Mattia has no documents and when he suffers a theft he cannot even report it, but the worst thing is that he cannot even marry the woman he fell in love with, Adriana, the daughter of his landlord. Mattia feels imprisoned by this condition, for which, if you do not have an identity card you are non-existent for the society, and then decides to renounce the identity of Adriano Meis (whose suicide he stages) and to take back the old identity, returning to his village inventing some excuse. He decides to visit his brother first, who is obviously very amazed by the sight of his brother believed to have been dead for two years. His brother tells him that his wife has now remarried to an old friend of him and that however, if Mattia returns, the marriage will be canceled according to the law and so they would get married again, even if his wife didn't want to. Mattia decides to go back to the village and see what happens. As soon as he enters his wife's house, a great chaos happens: the wife faints, her new husband is already thinking about the problems related to the marriage to be canceled and the old mother-in-law reacts in her own way, screaming like crazy. Mattia, in front of a happy family (who also had a daughter) decides not to interfere in their life. He renounces to assert his rights on marriage and decides to live in the village on the sidelines, abandoning everything that is no longer his property, because it belonged to the Late Mattia Pascal.
He then resumes his work as a librarian, excluded from everything and everyone, pervaded by a sense of constant strangeness, and with the only consolation of a visit every now and then to his own grave in the town cemetery, with the feel that he is now nothing else that the "Late Mattia Pascal".
Why did I speak of unsurpassed narrative intuition? Because here we are in presence of a protagonist, Mattia Pascal / Adriano Meis, who was able to formally die twice in the book. With his experience, he has matured, he has grown, he has discovered what it means to have ideals, he has known true love, but he cannot have a second chance. For a man like him, victim of destiny and his will to change him, there is nothing left to do but feel sorry for himself in front of his own grave, the tomb of the late Mattia Pascal, on which to bring fresh flowers from time to time.
The story of Mattia Pascal also has another bitter background: in just two years all the inhabitants of the village forget him, the family does not seem to despair of his death and his wife remarries, replacing him with a richer man. Our society soon forgets, it replaces everything and everyone and goes on: it was true in 1904 and it is even more true today....
Profile Image for Araz Goran.
834 reviews4,402 followers
November 4, 2022
قد لا يكون مدهشاً لو قلت أن هذه الرواية هي من أكثر الروايات التي استمتعت بقرائتها رغم صعوبة أسلوب كاتبها وحشوها أحياناً بالفلسفة، لكن يعلم الله أنني انسجمت في قرائتها أي انسجام وتلذذت بأفكارها المجنونة..

بيرانديلو كاتب صعب المراس، شيق الكتاب، يستحوذ على ذهن القارئ، يغرق الرواية بالتفاصيل والافكار في ذات الوقت لدرجة أنه يعمل من التفاصيل اليومية والحوارات النفسية أفكاراً جامحة وغرابة في التفكير، انها متعة ان تقرأ له ان تحب أفكاره ان تضحك معه وتصاحب شخصياته العجيبة، شخصياته التي تبدو منفلتة، غريبة الاطوار، عميقة التفكير، يستحوذ عليها كل تفصيل، تفكر دائما بأدق التفاصيل..

هنا يسرد أحد قصصه التي يموت فيها بطل روايته ماتيا باسكال أكثر من مرة، هذا لا يتعلق بأمر خيالي، بل هو حدث حاصل في الرواية، بل يمكن أن يحدث مع أي شخص منا، يسرد لنا بيرانديللو بكوميديا سوداء قصة الفرد الميت، وكيف يعود للحياة وكيف يموت مجددا�� ، يضرب بيرانديللو على وتر التلاعب بالشخصية الانسانية ، يتساءل دائماً، كم روحا في داخل كل فرد، كم نفساً يحتويها كل إنسان ، وكم نتغير بعد أي حادثة تحصل في حياتنا ثم لا نعود كما كنا، أو لا يرانا الناس الشخص نفسه بعد أقل حدث يحدث في حياة الفرد.. إنها فلسفة مثيرة للاهتمام وحب شديد لمعرفة هذا الكاتب المجنون الذي يكتب لنا ويحلل شخصية الانسان، في اطار من علاقات الحب والمال والسلطة وعلاقة الفرد مع مجتمعه ومحيطه وكيف يؤثر كل ذلك على مسار الحياة والمحطات التي يمر فيها فيما بعد..

رواية ممتعة وساحرة، تستحق القراءة ، من الروايات الفريدة في الأدب العالمي بحق..

Profile Image for Donato.
182 reviews17 followers
October 8, 2020
Before you read another book (or finish the one you're reading), before you see another movie, before you contemplate any work of art, get yourself to the nearest bookstore or library or wherever you prefer to look at books, and find Pirandello's Il fu Mattia Pascal (The Late Mattia Pascal), wherein you will find "Avvertenza sugli scrupoli della fantasia" ("A Warning on the Scruples of the Imagination"). Just read those 4 or 5 pages, which are not actually part of the novel, and you will begin to see (perhaps) that Art is True. [1]

Here's a taste:
"...quei tali signori che, giudicando un romanzo..., condannano questo o quel personaggio, questa o quella rappresentazione di fatti o di sentimenti, non già in nome dell'arte come sarebbe giusto, ma in nome d'una umanità che sembra essi conoscano a perfezione, come se realmente in astratto esistesse, fuori cioè di quell'infinita varietà d'uomini capaci di commettere tutte quelle sullodate assurdità che non hanno bisogno di parer verosimili, perché sono vere."

"...those gentlemen that, in judging a novel..., condemn this or that character, this or that representation of facts or feelings, not in the name of art as would be right, but in the name of a humanity that they seem to know perfectly, as if it actually existed, but is in fact separate from that infinite variety of men and women who are capable of committing all those above-mentioned absurdities that don't need to seem verisimilar, because they are real." (my translation)

Oh yeah, what about the novel itself? A philosophical romp into what it means to to be Alive. So good I wanted to read it again right away, but of course there's more literature to be consumed........

[1] See also Moby-Dick
Profile Image for erigibbi.
1,022 reviews706 followers
January 28, 2019
Il fu Mattia Pascal è uscito per la prima volta nel 1904 a puntate sulla Nuova Antologia e solo poi è uscito in volume per la stessa rivista.

L’opera di Pirandello, premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1934, si rifà al filone umoristico del ‘700-‘800 e rendendola a puntate l’autore è sicuramente riuscito a far sì che essa diventasse un’opera fruibile da un pubblico più vasto, probabilmente anche incuriosendo il lettore per aver racchiuso al suo interno riferimenti autobiografici.

Mattia Pascal, il protagonista, è insofferente nei confronti della sua vita. Dopo essere stato dato per morto dalla moglie e dalla suocera decide di non tornare nel suo paese e di godersi la sua nuova vita sotto un altro nome: Adriano Meis. Mattia capisce però che questa vita non lo porta comunque a essere felice né tantomeno a essere libero come invece lui credeva. Decide perciò di ritornare nel suo luogo d’origine e di riprendersi in mano ciò che aveva lasciato, compresa la sua identità, ritrovandosi però in una situazione peggiore dai contorni tragicomici.

Il romanzo ha sicuramente un grande valore dal punto di vista sociale. Ne Il fu Mattia Pascal si parla infatti di cambiamento esistenziale, perdita di certezze, il non condividere i ruoli e le regole imposte dalla società, ricerca di una propria identità, di una propria felicità e soprattutto della libertà.

La riflessione di Pirandello è basata su una serie di eventi tra loro collegati che spesso risultano poco credibili, tuttavia si sorvola su questo aspetto perché, a mio avviso almeno, si rimane concentrati sul fine ultimo dell’autore: il messaggio che vuole trasmettere. E qual è questo messaggio? L’autore ci fa capire che da un certo punto di vista è impossibile sfuggire alle regole della società perché si rischia di perdere quella libertà che non sembra ci appartenga ma che in realtà abbiamo, e si rischia di diventare nessuno, una presenza fisica su questo mondo, ma nient’altro.

Se all’inizio tutto può sembrare divertente e comico, più si va avanti più ci si rende conto della drammaticità della situazione, della vita di Mattia (o Adriano?). Da spensierato giovane sperperatore di denaro mai guadagnato seriamente, Mattia ha dovuto affrontare due lutti tragici, uno di seguito all’altro, la propria morte (per quanto falsa sempre sconcertante no?), la fuga e il ritorno. Ed è proprio quando i toni cambiano che Il fu Mattia Pascal ha iniziato a conquistarmi.

La superficialità di Mattia mi ha annoiata, mi ha spinto a pensare: “Ma cosa diavolo ci avevo trovato di interessante dieci anni fa, quando lo lessi per la prima volta?”. Ho persino pensato di abbandonare la lettura, colpevole anche uno stile di scrittura non immediato e semplice.

Ma quando i toni si sono fatti pesanti, quando è emerso un Mattia consapevole, consapevole di sé e del mondo attorno a sé, be’ a quel punto Pirandello è riuscito a trasportarmi, a coinvolgermi nella storia di un uomo che voleva cambiare vita, ma in modo sbagliato, in un modo che non avrebbe portato a nulla, se non altra sofferenza e un ulteriore annullamento di sé stesso. Questo è ciò che mi ha spinto a continuare con la lettura e che mi spinge a consigliarvi questo libro.

– Eh, – sospirai io, sorridendo, – poiché dobbiamo vivere…

– Ma dobbiamo anche morire! – ribatté il Paleari.

– Capisco; perché però pensarci tanto?

– Perché? Ma perché non possiamo comprendere la vita, se in qualche modo non ci spieghiamo la morte!
Profile Image for Simona B.
912 reviews3,102 followers
November 27, 2016
«Io?... Scomparso... riconosciuto... Mattia Pascal...»
Rilessi con piglio feroce e col cuore in tumulto non so più quante volte quelle poche righe. Nel primo impeto, tutte le mie energie vitali insorsero violentemente per protestare: come se quella notizia, così irritante nella sua impassibile laconicità, potesse anche per me esser vera. Ma, se non per me, era pur vera per gli altri; e la certezza che questi altri avevano fin da jeri della mia morte era su me come una insopportabile sopraffazione, permanente, schiacciante...

Come ogni maturando che si rispetti («Individuo appartenente alla specie homo sapiens di età compresa tra i diciotto e i diciannove anni, subordinato alle arbitrarie bizze di una razza dominante detta "corpo docente"; la sua peculiarità risiede nel fatto che, in accordo con le teorie bergsoniane e con i risvolti più oscuri della relatività einsteiniana, probabilmente ibridati con i più reconditi e sadici corollari della legge di Murphy, per il tapino maturando tempo scorre diversamente: in breve, non ne ha neppure per respirare» -così si legge nel Glossario dello scolaro); come ogni maturando, dicevo, ho dedicato le notti del mese di maggio alla redazione della mia tesina. Il metodo che ho adottato per scegliere gli argomenti è stato semplice: ho scelto le materie che mi piacciono di più e ho seguito lo stesso criterio per gli specifici moduli, poi mi sono messa alla ricerca del legame che li univa e, una volta trovatolo, ho avuto la mia mappa. Ecco, una delle prime voci comparse su questa mia lista è stata proprio la dicitura Pirandello, con aggiunto, tra parentesi, un timido possibilmente la buon'anima del bibliotecario.
E sì, infine il mio progetto si è realizzato e io ho avuto la fortuna di unire piacere e dovere e rileggermi con bell'agio questo Fu Mattia Pascal senza dovermi rimproverare di togliere tempo allo studio. Così nella tesina ho potuto sproloquiare a piacere (sotto il beffardo titolo di "Chi non muore si rivede": dovevo pur introdurre il motivo dell'umorismo) della tappa che questo romanzo rappresenta nella poetica pirandelliana, come essa viene espressa, quale sarà il passo successivo e di innumerevoli altre cose per me sempre interessantissime ma più marcatamente accademiche. In questo recensione, invece, voglio fare quello che nelle mie recensioni faccio sempre: voglio cosa è stato questo libro per me e per me soltanto, lasciando stare il vitalismo, la trappola, la lanterninosofia, o meglio reinterpretandoli su misura per una lettura che si proponeva, oltre ai fini didattici, anche quelli propri di una degustazione dell'opera che sia individuale, solitaria, indipendente e deliziosamente soggettiva.

Il drammaturgo girgentino dal puntuto pizzetto bianco è sempre stato uno dei miei pilastri letterari, e con "sempre" intendo proprio dal principio, quando ero ancora una bambinetta imberbe e il mio numero di libri letti non superava la cinquantina, compreso Geronimo Stilton. Se adesso dovessi cercare di mettere nero su bianco quel che ci capii alla mia prima lettura il risultato sarebbe una parola di cinque lettere che comincia con n e finisce con a, ma non importa, perché, anche se avevo solo undici anni e mi pareva di leggere un'altra lingua, anche così questo libro mi lasciò qualcosa. Ora, a distanza di anni, a colpirmi è soprattutto la forte umanità di Pascal, un'umanità che è in primis debolezza; un'umanità che non si desume da caratteristiche morali o spirituali, ma che è piuttosto condizione comune a qualunque persona viva, attributo terreno, che non presume né elargisce meriti, che è anzi un peso, una zavorra. Mattia Pascal è convinto di potersene liberare, e con essa liberarsi anche di quelle disgrazie che la appesantiscono, la moglie, la suocera, il lutto per le morti della madre e della figlioletta, quando il caso lo uccide annegandolo nella gora del mulino del suo stesso terreno, la Stìa, ma lasciandolo vivo e vegeto e gettando al suo posto, in quel canale, il cadavere di uno sconosciuto. Pascal si gode la sua libertà, girovaga, fa il vagabondo, vede tante città da perderne il conto; ma eccola, eccola l'umanità, quella bestia ferina che Mattia non è abbastanza «forestiere» da seminare, non abbastanza «filosofo» da stordire a pensieri o a parole, che lo fa stabilire, lo fa diventare Adriano Meis, lo fa innamorare penosamente, teneramente, della creatura più dolce che esista. Lei, però è viva, viva mentre Mattia Pascal è morto e Adriano peggio che morto, perché vivo ma tale da dover vivere da morto. Tutti gli svantaggi dell'esser stato trovato cadavere e nessuno dei privilegi, aver liberato dalla propria presenza la moglie ma non poter a sua volta voltare pagina, non dover pagare le tasse ed essere derubato senza possibilità di denunciare il fatto: sfuggire ad una trappola e gettarsi di propria sponte, quasi con voluttà, tra le maglie dell'altra. Quale incubo peggiore di questo?

Credo che chiunque di noi abbia sognato almeno una volta di essere Mattia Pascal, di ritrovarsi di colpo con un bel gruzzolo in tasca e sgravato da qualunque incombenza, libero di poter fare della propria vita quel che meglio crede. Forse il problema non sono le costrizioni sociali ma il modo in cui noi le viviamo, o forse ha ragione Pirandello e nessuna serenità quantomeno apparente potrà essere raggiunta fino a che il mondo e i suoi tranelli continueranno a ipnotizzare l'uomo col loro canto della sirena riconducendolo sempre punto e a capo; sinceramente non lo so, e temo che la risposta sia troppo cruda per essere sopportata. Solo che, mano nella mano con Pirandello, la sua ricerca, seppur spaventosa, è anche incredibilmente, paradossalmente piacevole.
February 28, 2021
E se provassimo a dimenticare di avere un ombelico?

Egregio Luigi cav. Pirandello

nonostante la nostra “conterraneità”, non sono riuscita a farmi “calare giù” la sua poetica. Eccetto forse per quel breve periodo in cui, lasciata la fanciullezza e imboccata l’adolescenza, trovavo conforto nei rovelli identitari dei suoi personaggi, fossero uno, sei o centomila, ingenui, scafati o delicatamente cretini.
Quando gli alti e bassi dei tassi ormonali raggiunsero finalmente l’equilibrio, Lei mi venne a noia dall’oggi al domani. Mai più posi occhio a qualche sua opera sennonché, per un ghiribizzo mentale della terza età, ho rispolverato questo n.° 31 degli Oscar stampato nel novembre ’65 e divorato a manco quindici anni.
Che avessi sbagliato tutto a diciott’anni e mi fossi privata inutilmente di lei e della sua “nobel-itata” produzione?
Non amando la suspense fuori luogo, le dico subito: no, nessun errore. O, se proprio lei e i suoi estimatori arricciaste il naso, i miei giudizi sono tali e quali quelli di una ventenne. Male, si dirà: sei rimasta infantile senza disturbare il fanciullino di pascoliana memoria. Posso, però, vagheggiare di essere stata allora già matura piuttosto che oggi infantile.

E siamo giunti al nocciolo del contendere: il suo Mattia Pascal è ammalato d’infantilismo. E per giunta lei lo ha immerso in un mondo astorico: un 1904 tecnologicamente cristallizzato in cui le locomotive, che gli permettevano rapidi spostamenti, sarebbero rimaste tali e quali per sempre. Altro che alta velocità.
Ne dovrebbe risultare, secondo i suoi di Lei intenti, un Mattia prototipo dell’uomo costretto come i Prigioni di Michelangiolo dentro la vile materia fisica e sociale, maledettamente consapevoli dell’amara esistenza, pena non comminata manco ai macachi.
A” prescendere”, diceva Totò, che Leopardi questo l’aveva detto prima e meglio di Lei – mi perdoni-, la cosa notevole è l’inesorabile invecchiamento del suo personaggio. Altro che atemporalità dell’arte rispetto alla realtà. Le faccio notare sommessamente che eternamente giovani sono Ettore, Antigone, Paolo e Francesca, Julien Sorel, Mastro don Gesualdo o Ciccio Ingravallo, per citare i primi che mi vengono in mente. Che lei sia stato ‘anticchia sopravvalutato?
Intanto, se Mattia fosse vissuto in un altro paese piuttosto che nell' Italia di quel 1904, le sue disavventure non avrebbero avuto motivo di essere: il divorzio avrebbe messo fine alle sue istanze di libertà.
Il vizio non è nella forma ma nella tesi che lei strettamente lega alle cose del mondo, destinate a diventare desuete, come la storia dell’umanità doveva suggerirle. Se il malessere del "fu" dipende dalle circostanze, noi non possiamo che essere almeno scettici sulla diagnosi dei suoi mali: l’abbandono del talamo non ne avrebbe placato l’inquietudine e il dolore di vivere, connaturato alla nostra natura – lo ammette anche lei - e che nessuna sburocratizzazione dei rapporti sociali potrà lenire.
Tutt’al più l’avrebbe liberato dal peso di una responsabilità vissuta come estranea, dovendo fingere un amore non sentito. Un sospiro di sollievo più o meno profondo, e via.
Nè, tantomeno, la sua apparente dipartita dal mondo dei vivi avrebbe in altri tempi, ma anche nel suo, potuto provocare quel pò pò di riflessioni sui lacci e lacciuoli che tenevano Mattia legato manco fosse stato Prometeo.
La burocrazia ci potrà fare incazzare ma non ci rende infelici. Così come il divieto di balneazione in una splendida caletta privata o il limite di velocità: tutta roba che dipende dai mores e dalle leggi, tutta roba che cambia.
La felicità e l’infelicità sono un’altra cosa di cui non troviamo il bandolo, ma sicuramente non dipende da quello con cui lei ci ha “atturrato”.
Mattia Pascal odia il mondo che gli ha cucito addosso forme fittizie, separandolo da sé e dalla vita autentica, ma per sopravvivere se ne deve inventare un altro simile, pena la morte civile. La vita come una specie di recita? No. La vita è una necessità psichica, caro Lei: adattarsi alle cose e adattare le cose a noi, stringere legami o, come disse Leopardi, "stringersi in social catena è indispensabile. O lei è per il suicidio collettivo?
Noi non portiamo le maschere che il ruolo in un mondo boia ci impone. Noi siamo le maschere che diventiamo, via via, nell’intreccio di rapporti con gli umani dentro il mondo.
Io non sono più quella di ieri. Se m’incontrassi non mi riconoscerei. Io non indosso una maschera su un magnifico” me” che mi è impedito di dispiegare e che solo togliendola potrò risorgere a nuova vita: io sono quella maschera che ho costruito, inconsapevolmente ma “realmente”, giorno per giorno tra gli altri e grazie agli altri.
Se lei l’avesse sospettato, egregio cavaliere, non avrebbe condannato quel mischinazzo di Mattia a vivere prigioniero di una prigione senza sbarre che sono le 260 di questo romanzo .
Senza malanimo
Profile Image for Pedro.
630 reviews237 followers
June 3, 2024
Luigi Pirandello (1857-1936), Premio Nobel 1934, se destacó por su obra teatral, particularmente por la innovadora Seis personajes en busca de un autor (1921). Pero también escribió cuentos y novelas, como ésta, escrita en 1904.

Matías Pascal, cuya familia ha sufrido una serie de infortunios financieros, se encuentra atrapado en un matrimonio y una vida infeliz, hasta que una serie de hechos azarosos le permiten disfrutar de una libertad inesperada, y la necesidad de adoptar una nueva identidad: Adriano Meis. Y a medida que avanzan su nueva situación, comienzan a aparecer ciertas inquietudes en su alma: ¿Libre para qué?

"Caleme el sombrero hasta los ojos y bajo la fina llovizna que ya caía del cielo alejeme de allí, aunque considerando por primera vez que sí, que era hermosa, sin duda, aquella mi libertad ilimitada, pero también un poco tirana, ya que no me consentía siquiera comprarme un insignificante perrillo".

La novela, en la versión que he leído, está redactada en un lenguaje arcaico y extremadamente detallado en torno a la introspección de Matías y las situaciones que ocurren. Pese a ello se lee en forma fluida y resulta entretenida. Y en ella el autor logra transmitir la sensación del fin de una era, en la que pretende enfrentar lo que entiende como un vacío frívolo, con una serie de ideas, aparentemente basadas en la Teosofía (que pone en boca de su hospedador, Don Anselmo).

"Pues idéntico, señor Meis, es el destino de Roma. Los papas hicieron de ella -a su modo, ¡claro está! - una pila de agua bendita; nosotros los italianos la hemos convertido -a nuestro modo también- en un cenicero. De todas partes hemos venido aquí a echar, la colilla de nuestro cigarro, que es además el símbolo de la frivolidad de esta menguadísima vida, y la del amargo y ponzoñoso deleite que nos brinda"

En síntesis, una novela entretenida (aunque sin llegar a la calidad de Seis personajes en busca de un autor), con sus cuotas de humor absurdo, que tiene como plus un final inesperado, y de alguna manera abierto.

Hay un interesante epílogo agregado por Pirandello veinte años de la publicación de la obra, en el que hace frente a la supuesta obligatoriedad de la verosimilitud de la ficción, y en que enfatiza en la necesidad de distinguir entre "el hombre" como construcción abstracta, y los hombres reales y sus vidas, en las que ocurren hechos a veces inverosímiles. Permite imaginar las críticas que recibía, y lo innovadora que era su obra para aquellos tiempos.
Profile Image for Federica Rampi.
614 reviews205 followers
August 3, 2019

Il romanzo esprime la complessità della vita reale, continuamente dominata dal caso, dove il conflitto tra l'uomo e la realtà in cui vive genera il desiderio di fuggire, in primis da sé stessi.
È la parabola di una continua ricerca dell'io, dell'identità, di un'esistenza da vivere liberamente. Mattia Pascal è un uomo della media borghesia, i cui valori entrano in crisi e decide di aggredire la sua esistenza, nell'angoscia di non farcela, nella sicurezza che la vita è dominata dal desino. Ingannato dall'esistenza, continua ad autoingannarsi, creando e poi sopprimendo nuove identità.
Pirandello, utilizzando l'umorismo, cerca di esprimere compassione per la sorte umana, e, deridendo l'uomo, ne smaschera gli inganni e le menzogne.
Profile Image for Paula M..
119 reviews51 followers
December 21, 2017
O que somos sem identidade? E o que fazemos com a nossa vida se a vivermos como uma sombra de nós mesmos? Mattia Pascalle, o homem que morreu duas vezes e ressuscitou para afinal voltar a morrer (metaforicamente falando, é claro ), vai respondendo com o seu exemplo a estas questões. Fiquei a pensar que se ele fosse aquele agente secreto ao serviço de Sua Majestade as preocupações e conclusões registadas não se aplicariam.
Ressalta deste livro o humor: apesar de tudo e de todos, Mattia conta-nos a sua história com uma grande dose de humor. Não fosse isso e esta seria uma história insuportável de se ler.
Profile Image for میعاد.
Author 10 books304 followers
August 13, 2019
امان از ترجمه بد كه ميل آدم رو به خوندن از بين ميبره! اگه ميخواين از كتاب‌خونى زده شين اين ترجمه‌هاى نامفهوم رو بخونيد... داستان كتاب خوب بود ولى ترجمه بد بود و خسته ميكرد ذهن رو!!
Profile Image for Argos.
1,148 reviews403 followers
November 20, 2020
Geç tanıdığım yazarlardan biri de Pirandello oldu. Daha çok oyunlarıyla bilinen farklı bir yazar, zeki, kıvrak kalemi trajedi ile komediyi kolkola götürüyor. 1904 yılında okuduğu bir gazete haberinden yola çıkarak kendi yaşamından da notlar katarak bu özgün eseri ortaya çıkarmış.

Hayat, yaşam, insan davranışı üzerine felsefik dokunuşları mizahi bir uslupla veriyor. Ancak anlattığı her olay insanı kasvetli kılacak cinsten, hatta karabasanlar zinciri. Bütün bu trajik olaylarda bile gülümsetiyor, düşündürtüyor.

Ölümü ve sonrasını, özgürlüğü ve sınırlarını, varoluşu, hiçliği çok zarif bir dilde kendi deyişiyle “gerçek sanat” ile anlatmaya niyetlenmiş ve çok başarılı olmuş. Kara mizah demek zor da, ironik yönü ağır basan mizah duygusu çok yüksek yazarın. Okurken sıkılmak mümkün değil.

Bence mutlaka okunacaklar arasına alın.
Profile Image for Praj.
314 reviews868 followers
April 19, 2011

Mattia Pascal.

Mattia Pascal was a man born to endure adversities in every walk of life. He was a dutiful son who saw his family affluence ruined by a benefactor after his father’s death and his mother’s existence fading into rueful shadows. He was a concerned husband and a doting father even in the thorniest situations that brought demoralizing repercussions in his marital life. The only thing Mattia was ever sure about in his burdensome life was his name-Mattia Pascal. It was his solitary possession that he found solace in. May God bless his soul and hope that he ultimately finds peace for he truly needs it.
Remember you until the end of time – Adriano Meis.

Adriano Meis

Adriano Meis cradled in boundless freedom. He was an architect of his own life. Adriano lived a cheerful life with no obligatory relations. Free as a bird; he traveled places, embraced a new world with open arms where imagination had no boundaries. He was a self-made man justly born to be free. Yet, he died in solitude being caged in his own individuality; a man whose existence was in itself a nothingness.
Thanking you for an ephemeral bliss -- Anonymous.

Late Mattia Pascal is indisputably Pirandello’s masterpiece. Written in a biographical form it deals with the facet of personal identity and the calamitous dilemma of its mutability. The plot runs through familiarizing the reader with the fateful life of a young Italian man- Mattia Pascal, to whom happiness is a rare commodity. Troubled by a miserable marriage, penurious livelihood and utter condemnation of his survival; Mattia leaves his native land in search of a unsullied liberated self. Compelled by his rebellious mind-set, he finds an opportunity in a miscalculation when a newspaper reports his fallacious death. Finally, an escape to a freer life and thus an alter-ego unchained to societal obligation is created. Adriano Meis was a specter of broken ties who would be distressed by the humanness of Mattia Pascal.

Unmasking a phantom.

The famous Pirandellian epistemology of post-modernism/existentialism questioning the foundation of distinguishable identity and its significance to human existence illuminates through the minute details of Mattia’s life. Was Mattia legit in his actions of concealing the truth and using the passage to live an entirely different life? Would it have been better if he had braved his unfortunate situations rather than living like a ghost? Is a specified identity essential to individual to acquire a civil status that may sometimes become burdensome? Is identity purely mechanical or is there a human trait to its implication? The manuscript undeniably rattles your grey cells and makes you ponder on the limits of unconsciously self-constructing a new identity without acquiring a legit civil status. Freedom is what everyone craves to escape the harsh conditions of misfortune. But with limitless freedom comes the human aspect of excruciating seclusion and constraints of legitimacy. Death was seen as a liberating prospect by Mattia from his entire monetary and emotional burden. His newly altered appearance and name bestowed him contentment, until his past caught up overwhelming him with nostalgic reminiscences, thus gradually transmuting his new persona into a dense prison in itself. Pirandello justifies the legitimacy of society and reality that forms convinced “shadows” of which individuals can never liberate themselves, except when death overtakes mind, body and soul. In the end, whether it was Mattia or his alter-ego (Adriano), they were merely trying to unmask a self-created phantom as neither both could entirely break away from from each other.
Profile Image for Parastoo.
90 reviews475 followers
January 1, 2016
رمانِ جذابی در مورد رابطهٔ آدمی با هویتش. هویتت را دوست نداری و می‌خواهی از بندش خلاص شوی ولی وقتی به حادثه‌ای مجبور می‌شوی هویت جدیدی بسازی، همچنان گرفتارِ هویتِ پیشینت با خودت مبارزه می‌کنی. خلاصی نداری؛ چه با هویتِ واقعی چه با هویتِ ساختگی. نثر شوخ و شنگ پیراندلّو عالی است. و طنزش بی‌نظیر. خلاصه که خواندنِ زندگی ماتّیا پاسکال لذت فراوان داشت.
Profile Image for Giorgia Monni.
94 reviews19 followers
April 15, 2021
“Io mi vidi escluso per sempre dalla vita senza possibilità di rientrarvi”.
in “uno, nessuno e centomila” il protagonista, rassegnato di non poter conoscere neppure se stesso, supera il dilemma dell’identità disperdendosi in una visione panica della vita. Questo superamento non avviene in Mattia Pascal, personaggio radicalmente attaccato alla sua identità; nel momento in cui, per una combinazione di eventi, ne rimane sprovvisto, subito cerca di crearsene (letteralmente) una, quella di Adriano Meis. È un romanzo che parla di straniamento, alienazione, caratterizzato dall’umorismo di Pirandello e da numerose digressioni dal taglio prettamente filosofico. Lo stesso nome del protagonista potrebbe essere un’allusione a queste tematiche: Pascal, come Theophile e Blaise, i quali rispettivamente credevano nella reincarnazione e nell’incertezza della vita dell’uomo. È incredibile pensare che la storia prenda spunto da una vicenda realmente accaduta (E Croce che lo accusò di scarsa verosimiglianza!)
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