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Big Bad Wolf #2

The Wolf at Bay

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Solve the crime or fix the relationship—Cooper Dayton can’t seem to do both in this stunning and suspenseful follow-up to The Wolf at the Door by Charlie Adhara

Going home digs up bad memories, so it’s something Bureau of Special Investigations agent Cooper Dayton tries to avoid. When he’s guilted into a visit, Cooper brings along Oliver Park, his hot new werewolf partner, in the hopes the trip will help clarify their status as a couple…or not.

When Park’s keen shifter nose uncovers a body in the yard and Cooper’s father is the prime suspect, Cooper knows they’re on their own. Familial involvement means no sanctioned investigation. They’ll need to go rogue and solve the mystery quietly or risk seeing Cooper’s dad put behind bars.

The case may be cold, but Park and Cooper’s relationship heats up as they work. And yet if Cooper can’t figure out what’s going on between them outside of the bedroom, he’ll lose someone he… Well, he can’t quite put into words how he feels about Park. He knows one thing for sure: he’s not ready to say goodbye, though with the real killer inching ever closer…he may not have a choice.

262 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 24, 2018

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About the author

Charlie Adhara

8 books1,913 followers
Charlie Adhara loves snarky souls with a soft spot, twisty whodunits and happily ever afters. She writes contemporary, mystery, paranormal, queer romance. Or some assortment of that. Whatever the genre, her stories feature imperfect people stumbling around, tripping over trouble and falling in love. Charlie has done a fair amount of stumbling around herself, but tends to find her way back to the northeast US.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,002 reviews
Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews969 followers
April 8, 2019
5+++++++ Porcupine stars


Warning! Gushing! Gushing and more Gushing!



-This book made me really happy.

-Cooper is the best MC ever, not the one we are used to, he is flawed, doesn't know when to shut up, doesn't know how to apologize, annoying, loving, funny and i freaking love him.

- The writing is so good, clever and the character development is also so well done. The take on werewolves plot is unique and not the kind we are used to. I really do appreciate that, it always refreshing to find stories like this. The mystery was so well done and kept me guessing until the end.

- Park is still Park with all his elusiveness at one point i wanted to shake him to make him open his mouth and spill all the beans. Still love him though and he is so good for Coop, so he automatically gets a pass from me.

- The relationship development in this book, is the kind i really love. Cooper and Park complement each other.

-The banter and Cooper's dry sense of humor will forever keep me coming back for more.

- We also get to meet Cooper's family, which is code for meet the parents in an informal kind of way. Learning about Cooper's background and knowing how it contributed to who he is, made me love him more. I Love his family too. Park's interaction with Copper's family was so funny and enjoyable.

End of Gushing!


Simone 💖 explains it better HERE.

Thank you so much Impatient Elf for gifting me this book.
Profile Image for Snjez.
878 reviews800 followers
July 20, 2023
I think I liked the first book just a tiny bit more, nevertheless this was a great sequel.

Cooper and Park are still wonderful together. I loved the relationship development in this one. The family dynamic between Cooper and his father and brother was done really well and it made this story more special.

The mystery part was pretty great in this one, too. Again, I had no idea who and why until the very end.

I'm looking forward to learning more about Park and his background in the next book.

Re-read 3/2020: I'm happy to say that I really enjoyed the audiobook for this one. The pacing and the narration were so much better than book 1. As for the story, I liked it even more than the first time. 4.5 stars
Re-read 7/2023: 🥰🥰
Profile Image for Candy M..
65 reviews847 followers
May 13, 2021
⭐ 5 "Yet if GR allowed 6+ to be a rating, THIS WOULD BE GETTING IT" stars ⭐

As is customary for me, I read the first book, loved it, and then procrastinated picking the rest of the series back up for months.

Now that I finally did, however…

A visual representation of how things went down. But getting emotionally KO'd was a price I was more than willing to pay for this thrill ride.


Writing this review ended up being more difficult than I expected, considering I finished reading this one last night and just sat there in bed contemplating life for a good hour or two. As can happen after finishing any excellent book, or so I’ve been told.

So, for the sake of attempting to be practical, I’ll try to dodge most of my giddy mumbling and attempt instead to address my biggest highlights from the book in two separate parts.

Starting with, THE PROTAGONIST.

Oh, Cooper. Agent Dayton. Porcupine (which I dare everyone say is not the cutest pet name ever, I’ll wait). This guy is probably one of my favorite protagonists in fiction right now. There is a great complexity in him, which in turn makes residing inside his head and looking at things from his POV such an enriching experience.

Cooper is a man with deep-seated insecurities, afraid to showcase his vulnerability and still crumbling with a necessity to feel cared for deep inside. He is a contradiction of traits which only the best of characters possess in my opinion: intelligent, yet with a stubborn streak strong enough to frustrate even himself; loyal to the select few people he allows himself to care for, yet reluctant to accept those same individuals throwing any kind of gentleness his way.

He could be intuitive and efficient when it came to his job (although entirely too much of a risk taker), yet the denser person known to man when it was time to recognize his own impact in other people’s lives.

Live footage of Cooper trying to dodge his own self worth, pretty much.

And, if my case wasn't yet solid enough, allow me to pull some receipts:

First off, right at the start of the book, we have this kind of inner monologue by Copper when talking about his relationship with Park (aka the glorious werewolf love interest):

“Not that Park seemed like a flowers kind of guy, all jokes aside. Nor was he technically Cooper’s boyfriend. Possibly. That too was on the list of things they did not talk about. It was a long list.”

Meanwhile, how he also described Park behaving a few pages later…

(Addressing Cooper's need for a special diet after an accident he had, by the way)

“Ever since then Park had been hyper-vigilant that Cooper was getting enough nutrition. He often cooked him little omelets in the morning before Cooper woke, had started researching supplements and vitamins he thought Cooper should take, and packed snacks for him on cases as if he was a child.”

Not technically a boyfriend” you say, Cooper?

For a tremendously smart guy, Cooper really was a dummy too.

But even such a thing, which would’ve definitely set me off in a different book, was just another aspect I ended up enjoying here. Because again, Cooper felt like a three-dimensional character, with his own considerable hang-ups to justify such reactions. For anyone who has ever had self-esteem or abandonment issues, Cooper’s perspective is one that is too easy to understand and relate to.

He was not a perfect MC, that’s very true. Instead, he was one I could recognize as a real person with legitimate struggles, and that made rooting for him and loving him all the easier.

Now, proceeding to the other tremendous highlight in this book for me...


God, how I fangirled over these two.

Together, Park and Cooper were such a lovable and OTP-worthy pair, I was living for it.The way they both continued to gravitate towards the other even when misconceptions had them drifting apart, almost as if allowing too much space was physically taxing them. Yet even while angry or upset, they were also courageous enough to apologize and own up to whatever hurtful thing might've been said.

Although, as implied before, emotional constipation should be the title of Cooper’s autobiography (if the guy had any more emotional walls, he’d be the Fort Knox of emotional repression), so that means we see in the romance a reflection of Cooper struggling with his own necessity of driving people away. So reluctant to acknowledge his own love for Park because in him, after all, our lead sees a true opportunity for happiness, a promise to finally be someone’s priority, and so the idea that it could all be a cruel illusion messed with his head.

Cooper needed a few of these... not that Park would've let me near lol.

So yes, you could say this romance was a deliciously angsty journey of not only relationship progress, but the self-improvement needed to get there. Until by the end, both in Cooper’s and Park’s side, the barriers they had both erected around their hearts crumbled just enough to allow the other to squeeze right through. Even then, you’re left with the feeling that it’s only the beginning of their epic love story.

Which, considering there are three more books in the series(totaling at five), I can see as even more of a tease for the emotional odyssey awaiting these two ahead.

And, truthfully, I couldn’t be more excited to read it.


With that main part out of the way, because I needed to squeeze some quotes as an outlet for all the fangirling this book had me doing, allow me to drop some more examples of their dynamic below:

🚨 WARNING: Self-indulgent quotes and slight spoilers ahead 🚨

"Park shook his head, smiling. “Porcupine,” he said.
Cooper felt heat rush his face. It was something Park called him occasionally in private. When Cooper was being “especially prickly.” Whether it was meant out of affection or exasperation, Cooper wasn’t sure, but it sounded intimate in a way they both usually avoided and tended to do unpredictable things to Cooper’s physiology."

Told y’all Porcupine was the best pet name ever.

Even in the smut (which by the way is SCORCHING, so another thing to rate this highly for), you still had gems like this one showing up:

“The only mystery I want to work on right now is the mystery of Agent Park, in the motel room”—he pulled Park’s sweatpants down, freeing his dick to bob in interest—“with the candlestick.”
Park laughed. “God, you’re a dork—”

Adorable, I said.

So in conclusion...

Because if these two aren’t relationship goals despite their issues, then I don't know what is.


And, finally, Keywords to decide whether this book (and series) is for you:

Shifter romance but make the plot actually engaging. Emotionally constipated leads learning to openly love. Actually satisfying character development. Territorial Alpha Werewolf who is not so secretly a softy (but only for the MC, so don’t worry). Family dynamics. A murder mystery to spice things up. Some rather delicious jealousy. Subtle dominance/submission play. A bit of roleplay peppered into it. Non-gratuitous smut but oh how good it is. Versatile couples. Size differences (Park is ripped and Cooper is kind of a twig). Witty banter: loads of it. And, last but not least, a warning for the kind of fuzzy feelings that will have you staying up until ungodly hours.


Big Bad Wolf series by Charlie Adhara

The Wolf at the Door— 4.5 ⭐
The Wolf at Bay— 5 ⭐
Thrown to the Wolves — TBR.
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing— TBR.
Cry Wolf— TBR.
Profile Image for ~Mindy Lynn~.
1,398 reviews658 followers
January 27, 2020
5 Stars!

Really good. Lots of growth character and relationship wise. Still in shock that I will have to wait until fucking APRIL 2019 to get the next book.

Avoiding going home is no longer an option for Cooper when his father calls and pretty much guilt's him into coming home for his brothers engagement party. Coop would like to see his family he just hates going back to his hometown where the memories he'd rather forget lingers. But he can't say no and the only way he feels like he can survive this trip is if his new werewolf partner joins him. He and Parker are on shaky grounds when it comes to their "relationship". That is exactly where the problem lye's because Cooper is uncertain if they are in a relationship or if they are just partners with benefits. He's hoping bringing Parker with him will help clarify what they are doing.
What should have been a short weekend visit attending his brothers engagement party turns into a longer stay when a body is found in his fathers backyard after digging up his late wife's gazebo. The body is identified as a neighbor that everyone had assumed left his wife and town. The body not only brings into question of Cooper's father's innocence, but also secrets from the past about his mother that Cooper is shocked to discover.
I loved the mystery of this one. It had many layers and I enjoyed getting to learn more about Cooper and his family. Especially about Cooper cause the man totally rubbed me wrong for the majority of the first book. By the end though he had totally grew on me and in this book I definitely felt more connected with him.
The relationship between Cooper and Parker in this book takes many steps forward and a few back. To say these men are emotionally stunted would be the absolute truth. They both tip toe around what they are to each other. Cooper tries many times to have the big conversation of "what are we", only to find many excuses to avoid it. I think they both avoid the talk because they aren't sure how the other one is feeling and both don't want to be hurt by rejection. They've both had plenty of that in their life so avoidance is key. Until it isn't.
I really loved this book, even more than the first. I can't believe the wait we have to endure for the next book to be released. But it's worth it cause I completely enthralled with this story. The only hope I have for the next one is that we get more on Parker and possibly his POV. That would be awesome.

If you haven't picked up the first book I highly recommend you do and do the same with this one on release day.

Happy reading dolls! xx

I was given an ARC by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for * A Reader Obsessed *.
2,429 reviews503 followers
July 16, 2019
4.5 Lovely Stars!


This sequel did not fail me.

Admittedly, it drove me quite bonkers but really really incorporated so many things I love in a romance where I have a soft spot for not only law enforcement MC’s but also the exact situation where there is so much doubt and insecurity and the small baby steps of wins is just so gratifying because you're waiting on the edge of your seat for some grand gesture but all you get is a small look or twitch or that rarely heard endearment and your heart clenches with joy with each instance.

That’s what happened here. Sparse in the romantic overtures but still meaty enough to fuel that want and longing.

Despite my rambling this is still a mystery at its core, and while Cooper and Park are contemplating or avoiding or ignoring their budding feelings for the other, they have to deal with Cooper’s dad being accused of murder.

Beware unreasonable familial expectations and being in the closet with said family. Beware miscommunication or no communication between these two knuckleheads but when they do make their proclamations, I swooned like an idiot. Cooper continues to be his usual snarky self, putting his foot in it over and over. And Park?? Seriously?? This sexy alpha werewolf is all I want for Christmas! Pretty please?! Unf.

A compelling page turner and I finished this in a day. That’s the real indication of an absolute obvious win!
Profile Image for Chelsea.
279 reviews134 followers
May 29, 2024
To say I was UNDERWHELMED for 80% of this book, would feel like an understatement.

It was just doing fine?
It just really did be plotting along...

Sure there was mystery (one I didn't solve before the reveal, because I am dumb and don't piece things together because i'm just trying to vibe here)

But the frustrations lied with... the fact the boys do not talk about their feelings.
Everything felt up in the air.
The fact there was like no wolf content for most of the book was kinda weird too, but towards the end you do get a lil crumb, and I ATE THAT SHIT UP.

and do not get me started on the amount of "looks that he couldn't decipher" which had me ripping my hair out and wanting to YEET my kindle into space, because THAT COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED IF YOU JUST OPENED YOUR TRAP AND HAD A YAP????

fucking dumb men who don't yap..... yuck.... grow up.

BUT THAT ENDING, oooooooooooooft.

For me, book one was 5 stars the whole way through, until the ending, which I hated with raw intense passion.
I feel that book 2 achieved the literal opposite, it was a 3 star read through out most of it... BUT THEN

Those feels........... SMACKED ME THE FUCK UP.
Cooper's dad, the relationship development, the action, the reveal, the feelings... Roll them all up into a ball and put them inside me because I'm feeling warm and cosy rn. 😇
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,920 followers
March 4, 2020
Yeah... I liked this one even more than the first. Pretty awesome series so far and you know what... Cooper is even starting to grow on me!!

He can still be a douche at times, but his douchiness is fading a bit :P

Parker was still his awesome self and I want to give some extra credit to Cooper's brother and father... they were pretty great men.

On to the next, so curious about Parker's fam ;)

4 full stars
Profile Image for Simone - on indefinite hiatus  -.
724 reviews42 followers
February 26, 2020
***4.5 Stars***
Sometimes letting people get to know more about you didn't bring you closer, it just gave them more reasons to want to walk away.

Partners. Four months after solving their first case for the Bureau of Special Investigations, former FBI Agent Cooper Dayton and werewolf Oliver Park are still partners in the field. And in bed.

Lovers. So yeah, they are in a relationship. Kinda. Sorta. They have fun together - in and out of bed -, watching movies and talking about everything and anything. Just not feelings. Because that would mean stripping your soul. Baring your deepest secrets to someone else. Which in turn evokes your deepest fears because... God, what if the other one doesn't like what he finds there? What if he doesn't feel the same?

Oh, and talking about their past is another absolute non-topic because that also belongs to the deepest secrets part and that could easily mean tempting fate. Cooper's fate comes calling, though - well okay, it's his dad who calls him, but in this case it amounts to the same thing - and reminds him in no uncertain terms that he should make an appearance at the engagement party of his brother, which means going home. Home to a place where nobody knows about Cooper's secrets, either. When a ghost from the past gets dug out - umm, literally - and Cooper's dad is suddenly the suspect no. 1, Cooper is glad that Park tagged along and can help him searching for the real perp. But when Park worries him by acting weird, another body turns up, the evidence against his dad piles a mile high, Cooper's world unravels by detecting a family secret and his own secrets bubble to the surface, Cooper suddenly has more on his plate than he can chew...

This book made me wonder if I am living in an alternate universe and might have some werewolf genes myself. You should have seen me howling with laughter sometimes and getting all gnarly and growly here when these guys wouldn't talk... Like I said in my review for The Wolf at the Door, though, I can understand where they are coming from. Basically, I could have copied my review for the first book, not because the second book is a replica from the first book and therefore boring without any development - hell no, quite the contrary - but rather because everything I said there is still true. I just love the different take on the whole wolfy thing and as of yet I stick to my word that this series could also be for people who usually are not really into shifter books, but who love a good whodunnit and a slow burn romance. Charlie Adhara seems to be a master at spinning a mystery plot because I had absolutely no clue who the perp was. Again. Okay, in the end I was right, but only because I suspected everyone.

Cooper and Park - no, Oliver - are well on their way to become one of my favorite couples. I just love their chemistry and although their sex can be quite kinky (role play, just sayin'), I especially love every tender and gentle moment between them...
"I'm glad you're in my life," Cooper said simply. There was a lot more he could have said, maybe a lot more he should have said, but this was the clearest, most honest thing he could give right now.
Park did nothing for a moment, almost as if he hadn't heard, then pulled back and looked cooper in the eye. His expression was so fierce it was actually startling. "There isn't anywhere I'd rather be," Park said, and kissed him, hard.

tumblr_static_tumblr_static_4zz5x17mcs8w04swoc0048sc8_640.gif (400×225)

... paired with some good-natured banter and the movie references and humor that already got to me in the first book.
Cooper scrambled for his gun and turned to see Simpson pinned to the floor with a man kneeling on his back, ass waving in the air and cuffing Simpson's hands.
Cooper left his gun holstered and flopped back on the floor with a sigh. He knew that ass. Knew it very well indeed.
"Cutting it a bit close," Cooper said.
He heard a huff. "Our Bat signals must have gotten crossed. I could have sworn we said we'd meet outside."

All signs - well some signs - point to us getting to know more about Oliver's past in the next book and I cannot wait to get to know him better. The very last sentence at the end of the book made me whine like a pup, though, because I have to wait until April 2019 until the next book comes out...

Highly recommended!
netgalley netgalley2
Profile Image for Rain.
2,089 reviews28 followers
August 25, 2023
Because hell if he was going to let Park slip away without a fight. And if there was one thing Cooper was good at, it was fighting.

I love the leading men who seem to have their shit all figured out, yet there is something so endearing about those that are a mess and try so hard to do better.

Cooper is struggling with his health (he’s lost a huge chunk of his small intestine). The only good thing that’s happened to him in the past four months is his new shifter work partner (and occasionally bed warmer), Park.

Cooper and Park work for the BSI, an offshoot of the FBI. These two men are SO GOOD for each other. They have amazing chemistry but they aren't officially a couple.

The banter and dialogue is excellent. I LOVED Cooper’s family and how he allowed himself to finally see things from a different perspective.

And Park. He is serious boyfriend/husband material. His nickname for Cooper is perfect.

This story made me incredibly happy, and I can’t wait to read the next one.
Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,788 reviews3,926 followers
March 1, 2019
I kind of slogged through this one.

I know. I know.

IDK why I keep reading them wrong.

Maybe I should retire to the blanket fort forever the weekend?

Cooper exhausted me in this one. I can handle anxiety and insecurities and angst, but it was his selfishness that broke me and made me feel like wrapping Park up in a super tight, prolonged, possibly awkward hug. I also had trouble understanding how someone trained at Quantico to be not only logical but observant could be so illogical and completely oblivious to what's right in front of him repeatedly. Not just about Park either. His father and brother are both jumping through hoops to try to get some sort of relationship with him too.

He doesn't seem to recognize any of it. It's just the Cooper show 24/7.

Maybe it's just me being Southern but how little he knows about Park after 4ish months was staggering to me. How can you spend 4 mos with a person and not know anything about them? That's just rude to me even if you subtract the romantic feelings, isn't it just common courtesy to show interest in someone that you spend every day with?

He's dancing around the big L word and I kept thinking, "WTH are you even in love with? What he does for you?" And that, again, made me sad for Park.

The straw that broke the camel's back was when the only thing that came to mind when Park mentioned Cooper meeting his family was meeting them in an official capacity.

So yeah, I would've liked a break from Cooper and would've given a kidney to get inside Park's head.

The mystery storyline was solid and full of twists and turns. I found myself wanting to get back to that rather than... all the shit I just said above.

The chemistry between them continues to set my kindle aflame especially that scene with the dresser.

I liked the ending which pulled it out of TwoStarLandia. I hope the next one doesn't backtrack into this hot mess of a one-sided relationship and the good lord willing I'll find out more about Park.
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
685 reviews1,434 followers
September 20, 2021
5 stars

"I'm glad you're in my life," Cooper said simply. There was a lot more he could have said, maybe a lot more he should have said, but this was the clearest, most honest thing he could give right now.
Park did nothing for a moment, almost as if he hadn't heard, then pulled back and looked Cooper in the eye. His expression was so fierce it was actually startling.
"There isn't anywhere else I'd rather be." Park said, and kissed him, hard.

can i just say, Park and Cooper are officially going in my fav couples list. 😌✨

ah, it's the way Park has completely stolen my heart (since the very first moment he appeared in the first book) bc of his quiet, protective yet sweet self but i admit Cooper has grown on me—especially in this book. i loved Cooper's family so much, and the moment he had with his dad when they've finally had the talk? i loved that. what i didn't love was how .

omg i thought it was so adorable how these two lovebirds get flustered (and turn into cute ass dorks) when they're expressing how they feel:

exhibit A
So," he said. "Why weren't you? Shifting every day, I mean." He took a breath. "Is it because I've done something wrong? Made you feel like—"
"No. No, Cooper, you didn't do anything wrong."
"Then what is it? Because I was seriously worried. Shit, I am seriously worried."
Park looked away and muttered something.
"Sorry, what? Not all of us have super ears."
"I said I did it for you," Park said so loudly Cooper jumped. And then in a normal tone of voice, "Not because of you, but for you. I wanted to make a good impression with your family. I wanted to be there for you because I could see how hard it was for you being here. I didn't want to just...disappear on you.

exhibit B
You—you love me," Cooper stuttered.
"Obviously," Park said. "For quite some time now."
"Quite some time now," Cooper repeated faintly. "And you didn't tell me this before because...?"
"I didn't want to rush it and lose you. Or worse, pressure you into saying the same. You know, put flower juice in your eye. I even wondered if some space would help but"—his expression turned serious—"like I said, I have a hard time walking away from you."
"Oh. Well. That's good. Nice to know, I mean." Cooper poked at the hospital blanket, rearranging it over his lap. "As you pointed out before, I've made my feelings clear. So."
Silence. He glanced up and was caught in Park's slow smile.
The smile widened. "Papa, no! I luurve him," Park said dramatically, and put a hand to his brow.


Park seemed to think that over, perhaps looking for hidden digs or sarcasm. Eventually, almost tentatively, he said, "Well, I was really, embarrassingly bad. Can't dribble for shit."
Cooper tugged Park still closer and slid his free hand around Park's waist. "Go on."
"When my hands are above my head, I'm all thumbs. Can't catch a thing."
"Mmm." Cooper pressed their bodies together and inhaled the curve of Park's neck to his shoulder.
"I never once made a free throw."
"Oh baby, the things you say," Cooper groaned.

the way Cooper defended Oliver from Gabriel 🥺

You didn't do this for me. Only for yourself. Just like always." Cooper started to walk away, paused, and turned back. "And just so you know, Oliver's not my colleague, he's my partner. And he's not my guard dog, he's a goddamn good man, and no matter what else we are or aren't, I know he's always got my back and I've got his. So if you ever fuck with him again, you should be a hell of a lot less worried about his bite and more with my bark. Get it?"

anyways, i loved these two. is it obvious yet? 🤪
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,474 followers
July 16, 2020
He's going home to see his family while trying to hide that he's gay (even though he's bringing his boyfriend with him), that he works a dangerous job (even though he has giant scars from a brutal attack), and that werewolves exist (even though said boyfriend IS a werewolf).
This is going to go great!!

Well, this is true. It couldn't possibly be worse than some of my past family holiday visits.

And, it's not like his father and brother are cops or anything. Or, that they find a dead body under the family gazebo and the father is the prime suspect. Or that the FBI will show up, or a killer will try to kill them or anything.

Except, yeah. It's exactly like that picture.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,320 reviews592 followers
July 17, 2019
4 Stars

There’s nothing like a dreaded hometown visit that results in a murder-mystery to get the blood pumping!

In this sequel to The Wolf at the Door, BSI agent Cooper Dayton and his werewolf partner (and maybe-boyfriend) Oliver Park find themselves immersed in yet another murder investigation when they discover a long-since-dead-body buried in the backyard of Cooper’s childhood family home.

Keeping the more intimate details of his professional and private life from his family has been a long, drawn out battle for Cooper, so bringing Park home for a spontaneous visit – as purely “work partners” – was already rife with potential emotional minefields, without the added drama of there being a (long ago assumed runaway neighbour’s) body uncovered in the backyard.

Solving a murder outside of their jurisdiction proves tricky, especially when the FBI involved seem to have zeroed in on Cooper’s dad as suspect number one, but Cooper will do anything in his power to exonerate his father and catch the real culprit.

On top of the inevitable family drama and the whole pesky murder thing, Cooper and Park are also facing some pretty pivotal decisions where their feelings for one another and their undefined relationship are concerned. Although they get off to a rocky start with some typical Cooper and Park miscommunication, they grow stronger and more communicative as the drama and danger around them escalates.

All in all, it’s just another walk in the park weekend adventure for these two – one that turns out perfectly perfect, with a crime solved, family relations mended, and a relationship acknowledged and embraced in the most smile-inducing of ways.

In all honesty, the whodunit murder mystery aspect of the plot didn’t quite engross me as much as the mystery being solved in the first book, but it was definitely great to get a better feel for where Cooper came from and to meet all the people who had an impact on the man he is today.

What I love-love-loved was the relationship progression between Cooper and Park - even if they were typical idiots to begin with, letting their personal insecurities hold them back from expressing their feelings for one another. Boys, sheesh!

I adore me some Park action – this guy is like the perfect werewolf-y gentle-giant and I want one - but I daresay, Cooper is still my personal favourite. I just relate to the guy on so many levels, in a way that I probably shouldn’t considering how many people complain about his personality in their reviews! Whoops...

Ultimately, this series continues to shine with its notable writing quality, its impressive, fast-paced plot, and the absorbing character/relationship development that keeps growing from strength to strength.

I’m officially a fan, if that wasn’t clear. <3
Profile Image for Hayley ☾ (TheVillainousReader).
418 reviews1,496 followers
March 24, 2022
2022 reread: these books are such a comfort, I just adore them so so much [⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑]

1st read: [⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑]
I fucking love this book. I fucking love this book. I fucking love this book. I want to scream it from roof tops. I’m so in love with this book and these characters. It’s stupid.


I fucking loved Cooper and Olivier in the first book and I love them even more in this one. God, I love them so much. They are so snarky and cute and so much fun. For real, they might tie with Caleb and Theo from Riven which is huge because I love those babes to death.

This book was just so. much. fun. I really enjoyed the mystery aspect, I mean digging up a body in your parent’s backyard? Dream. Jk, sort of. It was well-written and I had no idea who did it until the very end. But what I loved the most about this is the relationship development with Cooper's family and between Cooper and Olivier.

When The Wolf at Bay starts Coop and Park have been *ahem* fucking for about four months, they don't know where they stand with each other since they are both too scared of rejection to have "the talk", and things are a little rocky between the two. So! Weekend away to save the day. I absolutely loved their relationship development, it was so sweet and funny and their banter was fucking ON POINT. I know a lot of people get annoyed when characters have bad communication, I'm one of them, but it just worked for these characters. Cooper is a bumbling, prickly porcupine and Park is super mysterious and they aren't the best at talking, but it's okay because they're working on it and I could really see their progress throughout the book. Adhara did a great job showing that not only are they lovers but good friends, they genuinely like being around each other even if it's just watching movies. I am nothing if not trash for the mundane moments, which this had plenty of.

I loved being able to see more of Cooper’s personal life, how his childhood and “be a man” trips with his dad and brother shaped his character. And Olivier, my god, is just the sweetest, most patient man around. While Cooper fumbles around, tripping all over himself Olivier made sure that Coop knew he was there and would be waiting once he was done making a mess of things. He let Cooper know he has his back, without being overbearing. Even though this is solely from Cooper’s POV, Olivier felt no less developed. They both just felt so real.

And god damn, they were so fucking funny. Cooper's personality is so sardonic and they both have such clever and dry humor I was constantly bustin' up laughing. I adore them, they are such a delight to read. As a fiercely independent significant other, I appreciated the representation of a love that is not co-dependent nor all consuming. In so many books I read about a I-can’t-live-without-you-you’re-my-everything love and I seriously appreciate a love that does not revolve around the NEED to be together, but more the WANT to be together. They don’t need each other to survive, but they want each other in their lives. It’s more of a chosen love, a love that adds to their life instead of being their life, and I’m so happy about it.

Another thing I really loved was how casually their kink in the bedroom evolved. I get the importance of contracts and safe-words and what-not, but it was fun reading a couple who kind of just went with the flow in the bedroom. They weren't embarrassed to say what they needed or to explore fantasies and I loved that.

In the end I love this book. It had the perfect amount of humor, drama, and sexual tension (oh my god *fans self*) and I felt that the character and relationship developments were fantastic. It's hard to find a good balance between the mystery/plot and the romance development and this one is just
really good at balancing them both. This is the only MM series (and only second series in general) I've read that follows the same characters, instead of changing characters with every book, and I think Adhara is doing a great job with the pacing and development of everything. There is just enough information to move things forward but also leave you wanting more and with more questions, especially about a certain wolf.

Long story short, The characters make me so happy and I can't wait for more books about them. I hope there are a million.

**I've read this twice already because I'm OBSESSED and magic.
Profile Image for Ky.
589 reviews83 followers
November 10, 2018
5 stars

Amazing story!

The mystery was soooo good. The suspence had me reluctant to stop reading even though it was the middle of the night and I had an early morning. And the romance? That had a nice comfy spot in the plot as well.

Bit by bit the fantastic world that Charlie Adhara created for her characters is revealed to us and we can do nothing but buckle on and get ready for the ride.

There is no paragraph after paragraph of information about what being a werewolf means and I liked that. The details we get are few and far between, but the clues and the teasers are all over the place. The half sentences drove me crazy with curiosity about what their end was supposed to be. For some we get the answer a few pages later. For others we'll have to wait some more. We did get some answers and some details about Parker's past though so I can't complain.

With the third book having the title Thrown to the Wolves my guess is that Oliver and Cooper are going over to Oliver's family. And maybe this time we'll get to see a wolf on page and learn a bit more about them. Only five more months to find out!

*An ARC of this book was kindly provided to me by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. *
March 1, 2024
4.5***** stars
audio: 3.5 stars

This was SOOOO GOOD! But it honestly doesn’t come as a surprise to me when the case Coop and Park where investigating was connected to them personally. That is always so much more thrilling to me.

And hell, WILL WE EVER WITNESS PARK SHIFTING?? It’s time! Especially after the events in this book.

“You don’t understand how dangerous that is, do you? He’s making himself sick. I could see it as soon as I met him.”

And omg, Coop was so painfully oblivious to Park’s feelings for him. Damn, I’m so glad they figured it out.

“I love you.”
“You—you love me,” Cooper stuttered.
“Obviously,” Park said. “For quite some time now.”

Erik Bloomquist tho, man I think I found his performance for this one even less impressive than in the last book but sure, I got used to him. *shrug


Big Bad Wolf Series

Book 1 - The Wolf at the Door - 4.0 stars
Book 2 - The Wolf at Bay - 4.5 stars
Book 3 - Thrown to the Wolves - 4.5 stars
Book 4 - Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - 4.5 stars
Book 5 - Cry Wolf - 4.0 stars
Profile Image for Diana.
597 reviews18 followers
October 7, 2018
The Wolf at Bay is book 2 in the Big Bad Wolf series and picks up four months after the ending of book 1, The Wolf at the Door . Cooper Dayton and Oliver Park are now partners at the BSI, but they are struggling to define their relationship outside of work. Cooper returns to his childhood home for a family event, and Oliver decides to go with him. Cooper is nervous, not only about seeing his family, but also having to deal with not so nice childhood memories. When skeletal remains are uncovered, Cooper’s father is the number one suspect. Cooper and Oliver try to prove his father’s innocence, but other childhood events are brought to light, leaving Cooper with even more questions about his childhood.

I can’t tell you how much I loved this book. It was so much more than I expected. Yes, it was a romance, but the author did a fantastic job of weaving in a murder mystery into the story. I kept trying to guess who it could be, and of course, I was completely wrong.

I also adored both Cooper and Oliver. Cooper had a lot to come to terms with, but I also think it helped make their relationship stronger. Their conversations had me laughing over their teasing/snarky comments and I cannot wait for book 3.

Highly recommend, but start with book 1.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

March 18, 2024
Liked the first book, but LOVED this one ❤️

Sooooo… let me just wipe the silly grin off my face. As you well know, I usually write my reviews the minute I finish a book, and after struggling a bit with book 1, I devoured this one, up to a point where I thought about hiding an AirPod under my hair at work (please don’t tell my boss 😅 ).

Firstly: after complaining about the narrator in book 1, I quite liked him here. It’s not that I got used to him, he really did a better job. Still not in my top 5, but he didn’t put me to sleep any more, and I even recognised different voices for different characters.

As for the plot: this time there’s a body under the gazebo in Coop’s childhood home, and his father is the main suspect - so ofc Coop and Oliver start investigating, even though it’s technically not their case.

The murder mystery kept me guessing until the very end, although I admit that I had trouble keeping all the possible culprits apart, and - again - we had a few loose ends that I wasn’t completely satisfied with.

But the relationship between Coop and Oliver was sooooo… swoon worthy, without ever getting too cliché, I absolutely loved this part (and them). And because of that, I’ll rate it with 5 stars, despite the slightly unsatisfying mystery. And because wherever a book leaves me with a huge smile on my face, I can’t rate it with anything less.
Profile Image for Moony Eliver.
396 reviews213 followers
July 25, 2019
Yep. Yep yep yep. In spite of myself and a handful of imperfections, I’m officially a fan.

You might be aware that this is not my normal kind of read. It’s basically a vanilla, no-depravity-in-sight, contemporary romance. (I know I know, but even that part falls a little shy of my kink baseline. 😆 Also, this is the most non-shiftery shifter series you could ever hope to meet.) Plus, it’s a detective mystery. Not checking my favorite boxes.

And yet here we are. At some point and without my express permission, these characters got under my skin. I loved the interpersonal dynamics, not just with Cooper and Park, but with the other members of Cooper’s family and hometown, as well. I wasn’t expecting this novel to be as… emotionally intelligent?… as it is. The way the reader experiences Cooper being back in his hometown and struggling with adolescent beliefs/reactions — it's downright uncomfortable, and I bet many people can relate to it. And there are scads of little things between him and Park that ring so true, so realistic, and so healthily un-romance-novel-like.

Another of the highlights for me: just like in the first book, the quality of the sex writing is WAY above average. This might be the first time I’ve considered details of those scenes to be actual spoilers, so I’m not going to go into them, but suffice it to say they're hot and strong. And thankfully not so many that the heat fizzled; the quantity is just right.

The book isn’t perfect. I adore Park but speaking as objectively as I can, his character isn’t robustly developed. (Miles better than it was in the first book, though.) Suspension of disbelief is required from time to time, and I don’t mean for the paranormal element.

But with the other elements are as strong as they are — and OMG I forgot to say how funny it is! Dozens of LOLs — those minor things didn’t detract from my enjoyment. Looking forward to book 3...

OH and also. I don't see any faces of any kind in this cover. 😂
Profile Image for Xia and the Giant TBR.
Author 5 books196 followers
September 14, 2020
I don't like mysteries, I don't like werewolf books and yet I'm binging this series like crazy, and I can't wait to start book 3.
Cooper and Oliver are adorkable with their imperfections, and the way they dance around each other's feelings. They have great chemistry, both as FBI/BSI partners and as lovers.
I also like the mysteries. I usually stay away from mystery books because the majority of them are so dull, you can guess in the first part of the book who did it. Not here. Points for that.

Thanks to all my friends for the recommendation, and especially to Rosa who reminded me again this year I had to read these books asap <3
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,745 reviews378 followers
August 23, 2019
Another piece of brilliance, full review to come when I'm at the laptop.

The follow up to The Wolf at the Door is just as brilliant as Charlie Adhara's debut paranormal novel.

Filled with a fast-paced plot which drives the narrative forward in a consistent process, The Wolf at Bay gives us a Cooper and Park having to deal with a case which is too close to home when Agent Dayton's father is the prime suspect in a cold case murder inquiry.

There are tensions galore in this one, from Coop's inability to admit to his feelings for Park, from his dad's reluctance to admit the seriousness of the situation, from the mystery of who was responsible for killing the neighbour...

I loved the complexities of this cold case, the body having laid there undisturbed for more than two decades, the secrets which began to unravel as the FBI came to investigate, the small town mentality where everyone knows something they probably shouldn't about what's been happening.

The angst between Coop and Park was also frustratingly delicious. Neither man is capable of just plain out saying what they're feeling or thinking so there's lots of bumbling around and awkward moments.

That's not to say that Coop isn't actually opening up about what he wants, he is but it's all an internal conversation he's having up to the point where he realises he needs to let them out. There's a beautiful scene with his older brother Dean which had me getting a bit teary - which is unusual in a romantic suspense paranormal with a mystery element!

But there are smexy times too and they're seriously hot. Cooper's starting to let himself get a bit more honest about what he wants and Park is more than happy to give him it. There's also a switch scene towards the end which is gorgeously emotional and full of feels which I loved.

Eventually, the plot thickens and the pace ramps up until the big final denouement and it's a doozy and came out of left field for me. Unlike book one, where I'd spotted the big villain fairly early on, this one was more of a surprise and the reasons and rationale behind it was very clever and quite unexpected.

I love it when a paranormal offers a different take on a trope, and Charlie Adhara's done that with this series, and I love it when a mystery can have me second guessing my way throughout the story trying to work out who the bad guy is and, again, this book is a winner.

Book three won't be out until next April so I'm already suffering withdrawal symptoms but it's a wait I'm willing to do for such a talented writer and a compelling series.

#ARC kindly provided by the publishers Carina Press in return for an honest and unbiased review
Profile Image for Fabi.
1,031 reviews156 followers
October 4, 2018
The author's GR bio says "...her stories feature imperfect people stumbling around, tripping over trouble and falling in love..." and that's exactly what she writes. Writes wonderfully, I might add.

The Wolf at Bay is not a stand-alone novel and should be read after The Wolf at the Door. Please be aware that this review may be spoilerish regarding book 1.


Cooper and Oliver are officially work partners now. During their off hours they may be a little more to each other, but neither of them have the courage to take that personal partnership to the next level yet.

But even alphaholes can have their sweet momments. This is one of several "awww" quotes that left a smile on my face:
"...to me you’re as close to magical as anything I’ve ever known. And not just because of the whole werewolf thing, but because you’re you. All special and brilliant and patient and funny and you know, sort of good-looking sometimes, I guess.”
When Cooper is forced home for family obligations an unexpected murder discovery throws everything into upheaval. Clues are overturned and reveals rock Cooper's family world.

Not only is this a great murder mystery, I had no clue whodunnit, we are also treated to great, emotional character growth for both of our MCs. The plot originality in this series still boggles my mind. I read a lot, so for a storyline to really surprise me takes something special.

This series is special. I highly recommend it!

Review ARC graciously provided by the publisher via NetGalley

Profile Image for Iman.
722 reviews211 followers
January 13, 2023
This made me giggle, made me cry.

This book was full of positivity, and vulnerability. I adore that so much. Tending to old wounds, and falling in love. What a perfect little world. This had so many mature communications from Park and Cooper to Cooper and Dean. Then Cooper and his Dad. It made me tear up, I love it so so much.

I enjoyed the pacing and writing just as much as the previous one and I can’t wait for the next.

I really, really love the romantic scenes in this one. After the truth unfolds, they had this one, really romantic scene. It was pretty sexual too. The author made it seem so emotional and actually showed clearly the bond between them. In other books, sex after that would make me flip but this was written so perfectly. I could see they shared something so meaningful, I love it.

Chapter 11 destroyed me ! 😭😭😭 HOW DARE YOU MADE ME CRY LIKE THAT

Park can be so cute, and so grumpy. I looove him 🤭

Thanks again, Hugo ;)

favourite details:
*contain spoilers*

dad talks😭😭😭
the SEX HELP 👀😭
bro talk 🥹🥰
Profile Image for Llakshmi.
504 reviews446 followers
May 14, 2021
So I’m currently obsessed with super addicting MM slow burn mysteries.
After reading criminal intentions, I didn’t get my hopes up when I automatically jumped into this series (thank you @Candy) BUT HOLY SHIT WAS THIS GOOD.

I think Oliver and Cooper had chemistry from day one. It was pretty obvious that they listed after each other and their snappy banter was just right to make this have an enemies to lovers with a forced proximity feel to it. The romance however wasn’t as slow as I expected. not that I’m complaining. They sleep together. Well they rut together towards or a little after the 50% mark.

“Because you can hurt me.”
“I would never.”
“Not like that. You could hurt me because I... I care.”
“In that case, you scare me, too.”
Cooper’s heart pounded and he tingled all over. “Yeah?”
He felt Oliver’s smile on his lips. “Special Agent Dayton, I’m absolutely terrified, and I couldn’t be happier about it.”

The story itself was v fast paced. I found myself completely immersed in the plot and mystery without waiting for the MC’s to get together. The writing was exactly my kind and a complete page Turner.

The wolf part of the story, Especially Oliver’s backstory has yet to be told, so we don’t learn much about either of the characters in this book. But I am going to continue on with this series so…

Consider this a part II of my ranting reviews lol
Profile Image for Elena.
881 reviews105 followers
January 23, 2021
On paper, this series has the potential to become one of my favorites; it’s not there yet and I’m not sure it’ll ever be, but the right pieces are all there and I’m hoping they’ll be put together in the perfect way sooner or later.

I still love the world building and the mystery/interspecies-federal-agency aspect, despite the second not being as prominent here as in the first book. There’s something slightly off, though, in the way the author handles the interaction between Cooper and Oliver that makes it difficult for me to really connect with their relationship, although I appreciated the progress they made in this book, even if it took them a while to get there.

Cooper is less annoying than in the first book (to me, Teal, he’s less annoying to me :D), still completely clueless when it comes to personal relationships and still prickly, but more insecure and on the defensive than annoying.
He’s the kind of character that can very easily get on a reader’s nerves, so I count myself lucky that my reaction to his and Oliver’s one-step-forward-ten-backwards dance was more amused and fondly exasperated than annoyed. Weird, very weird, given how little patience I usually have for miscommunication and misunderstandings.

I say “Cooper and Oliver” because I place the “blame” on both of them in this book. In the first one the biggest problem was Cooper with his preconceptions and prickly attitude, here the “conflict” arises because they both avoid putting everything, or anything really, out in the open.
Each of them has understandable reasons, their reactions are perfectly in tune with their past experiences and hang-ups and I liked how realistic that was, but I wished some things were discussed between them rather than coming out the way they did.

Also, while Cooper is by nature reluctant to ask Oliver about anything personal, I got the impression that it wasn’t completely his fault he didn’t know much about Oliver after four months as partners. It seemed to me that a big part of his reluctance was due to Oliver’s tendency to avoid giving him satisfying answers every time Cooper forced himself to try and tentatively ask. I had no trouble at all relating to Cooper on that one, it was already difficult for him, so Oliver been evasive would have had the same effect of a “back off” sign.

They eventually managed to make some progress and talk for more than two seconds about something personal and , so that’s good.

The mystery was at the same time better and worse than the first one. Better because I didn’t have a clue who the murderer was, worse because I didn’t find it as interesting as the previous one.
I did enjoy knowing more about Cooper’s family and all that came with it, I really liked Dean and Sophie and in the end I even stopped wishing a brick would fall on Cooper’s father’s head every time he opened his mouth.
It may be not completely realistic that , but it left me with a happy feeling, so...who needs realism all the time, anyway?
Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,503 reviews70 followers
September 28, 2022
Reread September 2022
Absolutely fabulous! I love this!

Original review:

Oh my loving God. This was totally amazing.
(hence I put it onto my 'best of the best' shelf!)

Charlie Adhara totally bowled me over here, with a great plot and absolutely fabulous character development.

Four months after the events of book 1, Cooper and Oliver have been seeing each other regularly, but they have never talked about what they are to each other.

Cooper still has got the mind-blowing knack to choose the exactly WRONG words when it comes to feelings. Again and again. And we see Oliver hurt over them, and God, I so wanted to flick my hand over Cooper's head, roll my eyes in exasperation and shout at him for his emotionally obtuse behaviour.

"People are stupid in love. Lucky for me magic doesn't exist."

The thing is, we do find out why Cooper is so incapable of reading and reacting to emotions. And although some of this is down to his character, it also has a lot do with his past and the way he was brought up.

He was just a man. And a pretty pathetic one these days.
He just didn't have the right to stake claims on anyone.

Of course WE know that Oliver is in love with Cooper. Charlie Adhara gets his emotions across amazingly well, even if this is written purely from Cooper's POV. He wants Cooper, but holds back because he is a wolf after all. Can he be sure of that Cooper really wants THAT? My heart went out for him quite a few times and I couldn't help adore his laid back, calm attitude, but Oliver is also quite a man of secrets.

Who is he really in the world of wolves? Why are other wolves that deferential to him? There is some reveal about his family and past, but I got the impression that there is a LOT more to know about him. Something that will hopefully happen in book 3!
However, the cause of his illness was pretty easy to guess, tbh, and I might have expected Cooper to catch onto it a lot sooner, but that's my only niggly observation for this book.

What happens here is MEGA relationship development, written in the most brilliant way. From "avoid, avoid, avoid" talking about what they are to each other, and Cooper second guessing every sentence, every move and kiss they share, he goes to being able to say what he feels. And the relief and joy is just absolutely breath-takingly beautiful!

Also loved the mystery plot that involved Cooper's family. A family he regains in the most poignant way! I was, admittedly, totally shocked when the book ended so suddenly. It felt like the last ten pages had been ripped out because I wanted it to continue so much!
There's no cliff hanger here, just a HUGE amount of suspense.

And now we wait. For a whole SEVEN months. That's a lot of days and minutes, guys. A LOT!

I am going to ask for a portion of extra patience for Christmas!

If you haven't read this, I would highly recommend it.
If you haven't read anything about werewolves, don't worry. So far this series has been more of a mystery/detective romance and not a lot has been mentioned about 'wolfy and shifter' things.
If you love books with deeply vulnerable characters and tons of feels, you will really enjoy this!
Profile Image for Ninni.
350 reviews
February 4, 2024
Best decision bookwise this year was to reread the first in this series. This second I liked even better. Cooper brings Park along to visit his family and it doesn't take long for them to get cought up in an old case. Involving both relatives and neighbours. Cooper wasn't my favourite in the first book but here so much explains why he's kind of porcupinly sometimes... Park has his own things to deal with but this couple is 😍 and I'm immediately on to the next
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,133 reviews3,058 followers
June 27, 2024
✅ Werewolves
✅ Characters
✅ Pace
✅ Smut
✅ Identity of the killer is hard to guess
✅ Romance
✅(🆗) Plot
❗️❗️ Trigger warnings: mentions of murders (but nothing graphic)

3.5 stars

This book starts four months after the end of The Wolf at the Door. Oliver and Cooper are still partners and they've been solving cases together during the day, and enjoying each other's company (and having torrid sex) during the nights and weekends. What should have been a weekend at Cooper's childhood house to celebrate his older brother's engagement, transforms into an unsanctioned investigation though when a dead body is found in Cooper's father's backyard. Thankfully, Oliver is there to help Cooper with the investigation, and with dealing with his family.

As in the first book, the intrigue was well thought out and developed. There were enough hints for me to think "of course! It all makes sense now!" when the identity of the killer was revealed, but not enough foreshadowing for me to guess the killer's ID before the final confrontation, which is always a good thing in murders/investigation books. I love it when the plot makes sense in the end, but not when it's too obvious and you can guess who the guilty party is after only a few chapters, or when you have suspicions as soon as the guilty person is introduced to the plot because they're just too suspicious.

While I loved the romantic development that happened between Oliver and Cooper, they drove me nuts at the same time. I was SO FRUSTRATED with Cooper's unwillingness to talk about feelings or even consider the fact that there might be true and real feelings between Oliver and him! I understand his insecurities and the author did a great job of incorporating them into Cooper's character all throughout the book in a consistent and logical way, but a part of me just wanted to shake him until he admitted that he was in love with Oliver. It was not that he was afraid of saying the first "I love you" and putting himself in a very vulnerable position, it was that kept on thinking that there couldn't possibly be love between them since they'd only known each other and been together almost every day and most nights for four months... Four months is more than enough to develop romantic feelings for someone you spend so much time with! Anyways, I still love them both and they managed to work it out in the end, but I raged at Cooper many times while listening to this book. 😅

I have to say though that the romantic development between Oliver and Cooper was very well written. We could see clearly that Oliver and Cooper loved each other (even though this book is only in Cooper’s POV), and it was sweet in a way to see all the hard work Cooper was willing to put into this relationship to make it work even though he was scared shitless of talking about his feelings. Oliver was awesome too in his usual quiet and strong way. He always had Cooper’s back and was willing to be there for him or to give him space when he asked for it, even though Oliver couldn’t wait for their relationship to move forward.

Overall, this book was as good as the first one, and I will continue with this series for sure. I can’t quite put my finger on the “why” I can’t give this series a higher rating than 3.5 stars… I honestly can’t explain it, but there is something missing for me to give the “I really liked it” 4 stars rating. I liked it a lot, and I love Oliver and Cooper, but it’s not as intense or as epic, as other MM books I’ve read and rated 4 stars.

1. The Wolf at the Door ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Profile Image for Mir.
4,912 reviews5,230 followers
May 17, 2020
I enjoyed this slightly less than the first, but I think only because I don't care for audio as much as print books. Still, my desire to find out what happened did get me to spend more time gardening and on the treadmill than my lazy ass would otherwise have done, so it was a win-win!

The narrator was okay. He was generally easy enough to understand, although he did some of the characters in lower voices and I sometimes missed their lines. He was slightly nasal in a way that made Cooper seem extra whiny, or maybe he is that whiny? Definitely whinier than an experienced law enforcement agent at age, what was he, 30? should be. His dad Ed, a gruff sheriff and a main character in this story, did not seem like a guy who would put up with whiny sons.

There is a lot about Cooper's family in this book, and a little is revealed about Park's. Cooper's father insists he come home for his brother's engagement party. Cooper tries to avoid visiting his small hometown: because there are a lot of bad memories, because he feels like he is a disappointment to his family (honestly, a totally reasonable take-away from how his dad talks to him), and because he is not out and gets nagged about settling down, coming home, getting married.

The mystery, a cold case that wasn't actually a case in the first place, is fairly interesting. There were some weaknesses -- first of all, I don't think the FBI would immediately be called to a case like this, and if they were I think they would investigate more thoroughly -- and also points that may have been loose ends or maybe I just missed a few things that were important. Friends who read this, was it in fact .

Overall, I enjoyed this and am looking forward to the next installment.
Profile Image for Papie.
780 reviews166 followers
September 13, 2022
This was so much fun! The mystery full of family drama was delightful, and our two idiots finally admitted their feelings to each other.

“Cooper?” “Hmm?” “I think you’re pretty magical, too,” Park whispered into his hair.

I love them so much!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,002 reviews

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