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A Lemon Tea Cozy Mystery #1

Witch You Wouldn't Believe

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Welcome to Lemon Bliss, Louisiana where an abandoned lemon tea factory is the most happening place in town and witches secretly rule the roost.

Violet Broussard gets called back to the hometown she left in the dust when a dead body is found in the abandoned factory bequeathed to her by her grandmother. Violet has plans, big plans, and they most definitely don’t involve staying in Lemon Bliss any longer than necessary. The town is mostly famous for its lemon tea infused with enough alcohol to make one experience bliss, hence the town’s name.

Yet, once she’s there, things get a tad wacky. There’s the old factory, which has amateur supernatural investigators sneaking into it, there’s the fact that the moment Violet sets foot in town, no one wants her to leave, and then things get plain crazy.

Violet’s mother announces she’s a witch, and so is Violet and apparently half the freakin’ town. Violet’s busy trying to absorb this astonishing fact—who knew?!—and gets caught up in sorting out exactly how a dead body ended up in the factory.

Fending off the opinions of her mother and a gaggle of coven witches, Violet finds herself falling for Gabriel, a too-handsome-for-his-own-good sort who happens to be descended from witches as well. As if she doesn’t have enough going on already.

Loopy lemon tea, witches and wackiness abound in this cozy mystery.

192 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 1, 2018

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About the author

Lucy May

32 books60 followers
Lucy May loves coffee, dogs, cooking, and writing. She’s a misplaced Southerner living in Maine. She’s grown to love four seasons, but she still pines for sleepy southern summers. She likes to think she might’ve been a witch in another life and still believes in magic. She wiles away her time spinning silly, snarky & sexy paranormal stories.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 100 reviews
25 reviews
July 29, 2024
Hoo boy. I think this is my first time ever giving a one star rating on Goodreads and as much as it bothers me to say so, this is my honest feeling.

I just want to say that the book has potential. It had a catchy blurb, but that's just it... it was catchy. The contents, however, were a teeny tiny bit upsetting for me. The prose is good, that much I can say, but it was muddled by many other problems I encountered that made me decide that the book wasn't working for me.

My first problem is there is NO magic in this book. Or at least, magic that was supposed to be shown and not told. Yes, this is one of the books where it says it has witches, but not much magic is happening in it. Unless you count Lila and Coral being able to find Violet in random places all of a sudden, or if the witches appear in the cameras only for them to disappear and never seen again once they moved past the several cameras' view.

So is this a Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane trope? Not really. Like I said, there's not much magic in the book to confirm it and it was around 70 or 74% of the book where magic is only explained and--take note, that was only the explanation part (an issue of show vs. tell). Violet's mom could have taken the opportunity to SHOW her and me, the reader, just a bit of sample. So be aware that you have to slog on through the entire book without any of the magical actions.

My second problem is the drawn out conversations between Violet and the witches. I know dropping the truth on someone wasn't easy but the witches certainly took their sweet time in telling Violet who she was. They weren't forthcoming with her especially the mother. Now that I thought about it, half of the conflicts in the book could have been resolved if the characters talked it out with Violet instead of being vague with her. And when they DID talked it out with her, they started getting all cagey and mysterious again.

At one turning point in the book, Violet was confronted by her mother for doing something on a whim and that she should have come to her to talk things out. Poor Violet told mommy that she HAD been wanting to talk about things but they were being super sketchy about it so she just did what she felt was right and responsible. Then the mother goes dismissing Violet's response saying that it doesn't matter now and that they have to go to an emergency coven meeting and I was like, "What the huh???"

My third problem is Gabriel. No, not his character because he's sweet and all, but I'm talking about how he was portrayed in the blurb. The blurb says that he came from a line of witches and my excited brain told me that ooh, maybe he's a witch too!

He's not.

And that in itself was what did it for me. Look, I longed to see a cozy mystery with a witchy protagonist having a witchy love interest but no, this wasn't it. It's actually my fault for thinking Gabriel is a witch, but why then was it mentioned in the blurb? Of course some of us will think he's a witch if the author mentioned he came from a family of witches, darn it!

And now we enter the mystery plot of the novel. I stopped caring who killed the victim because I was literally skimming the entire thing when I reached the 50% mark in my Kindle hoping for some magically exciting things.

The reveal of the victim's death was also anti-climactic. A confession was made and then poof! the case is closed. I understand cozy mystery is supposed to be a clean and fluffy read, but it doesn't mean there shouldn't be any suspense or a bit of thrill to keep things exciting. Honestly, I was so sad and disappointed on how the victim died...

Anyway, that's what I think about the whole book. The writing is good but there were a lot of missed opportunities and I'm glad I got the ebook for free when it was featured on Amazon. I think this is more like a prologue rather than being Book 1 in itself. There were a lot of set ups in this to give way to the next book.

Was hoping this is the series for me and who knows, maybe magic will be properly featured in Book 2 but I sadly have to move on.
Profile Image for Carol.
1,628 reviews59 followers
May 27, 2018
Violet Broussard runs a successful bakery near New Orleans.
She gets a call to come back to Lemon Bliss, Louisiana.
A dead body has been discovered in an abandoned
lemon tea factory. Violet inherited this factory and her
grandmother’s house.
Since the factory is legally hers, the Sheriff wants to talk
to her in person. It seems the deceased was one of two
supernatural investigators that believe the factory has
unnatural happenings occurring and that her mother and
several woman are involved.
Arriving home, Violet not only finds a problem with the
dead man but discovers that she is a witch. Her mother
had decided not to reveal this earlier in her life. In addition,
her mother and friends are all witches. Her mother heads
up a secret coven. Their meeting place is a secret room in the
old lemon tea factory.
Everyone wants a Violet to move back to Lemon Bliss.
What will she do? What will happen with the factory?
A quick read cozy story.
This is the first book in the Lemon Tea Cozy Mysteries series.
The epilogue hints at what is to come.
510 reviews5 followers
December 20, 2020
Interesting storyline

An interesting storyline filled with twists and turns to keep you turning pages, a murder or is it, witchy goings-on and a disbelieving heroine suddenly discovering that it's all real and she's a witch. An absorbing slow build cosy that's well worth a read, Baz.
Profile Image for Harmony.
417 reviews6 followers
January 9, 2021
I didn't really care for this book. I found it boring and rather silly. None of the characters were likable. They were flat and one dimensional. The entire book needed more depth. The mystery was never solved and the author made it a point of adding a cliff hanger. The book was already difficult to read so adding a cliff hanger just made it worse.

The author attempted to add tension between the MC and her potential love interest. However, since both characters were one dimensional, I didn't care what happened to either of them or their relationship.

The author also attempted to add something to the story with the "mystery". Again, since nothing in this book was developed, I didn't care about any of it.

Then there is the issue with all the secrets. I hate when books do this. Why even have relatives around and introduce the concept of witches if it's all going to be secrets? It annoys me and I wish it was another thing that would just go away in these types of books. Speaking of magic, where was it? This is supposed to be a paranormal cozy mystery yet there was NO MAGIC. Other than the author hinting at it with the flowers and such, no magic was actually shown.

2-stars because I actually finished it although I feel that this book is really a 1-star. It's a very short book, I finished it in a couple of hours. I'm from Louisiana and will read just about anything that has it as a setting. This book could have been set in Timbuktu for all the difference it made. There was NOTHING in this book that indicated a Louisiana or even a Southern setting other than the author using the name Louisiana and New Orleans as destinations.
Profile Image for Lucy.
1,614 reviews33 followers
February 6, 2019
I read this book for a reading challenge and listened to it via audiobook. It was a pleasant enough surprise, but I'm not sure whether I would continue the series. 

In this book, Violet is called back to her hometown after a dead body is found in the factory left to her by her grandmother. The factory was no longer being used for anything but the man who died was a paranormal investigator and the police are more than a little suspicious of Violet's mother. Violet doesn't want to be back in her hometown, she was more than happy to leave it in her rearview mirror and she doesn't appreciate everyone trying to keep her here. Especially when her mother tells her she's a witch. I've read many cosy mysteries which have brought in magic or paranormal into the mystery, some better than others. And I think this incorporates the magic very well, helped by the fact it's as new to the main character as it is to us so the info dump is reduced way down.

I liked the main character's response to her mother telling her she was a witch and the rules of magic we were introduced to makes me interested in the next book in the series, as did the little sequel hook at the end. However, I wasn't so enthusiastic at the characters. They all blurred together apart from Violet, her mother and the police officer and I can't even remember how old the people are in this. I'm open to listening to the new book in the series but I'm not rushing to pick it up. 2.5 stars! 
Profile Image for Dallass.
2,087 reviews
December 8, 2019
Short, but fun.

I really enjoyed this story, and the characters that lived in Lemon Bliss. When Violet returns to her hometown, things take a turn for the weird as she discovers - much to her shock - that her mother and friends are witches, and so is she.

This throws a spanner in the works as Violet tries to get to the bottom of what’s happening at the old factory, who killed the paranormal investigator, and what’s up with the Sheriff.

Quite a fast paced and fun read that didn’t take long at all to get through. Will definitely be picking up the next book.

3 stars ⭐️
Profile Image for Courtney.
701 reviews
October 6, 2019
This was a short book, but I wouldnt really call it a mystery. There really wasnt much in the ways of an investigation in my opinion. Gabriel was really sweet though, and I am curious to see how his and Violet's relationship will go. I also wonder if Violet will continue trying to understand her Magic. Plus what is going on with George? He is hiding something fishy.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Shae Petersen.
443 reviews2 followers
October 7, 2019
This was a cute cozy mystery that has magical elements. I liked Violet and I am interested to see how she uses her magic and grows as a character in the series. I would also like to see more of her relationship with Gabriel. I like the coven characters and their magic interesting how all their abilities differed. Keen to continue.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tracey.
281 reviews
May 26, 2024
Free audible book. Not bad. 3.75⭐️. Would read more in the series
Profile Image for Angela Griffin.
1,374 reviews3 followers
February 13, 2022
Potential for a good series despite the cheap ploy

This is enjoyable; the characters are mostly likeable, however, their motives are a bit murky. Violet and Daphne had best stay alert!Although the "older generation keeping the secret" trope is threadbare, the death and surrounding events is intriguing. The biggest surprise is Harold Smith! He seems a very lazy sheriff, but he's surprisingly canny; too bad his motivation to dig deeper is so childish. Although I tend to dislike incomplete stories meant to lure the reader deeper into a series I am sufficiently intrigued to try Book Two.
Profile Image for Kristine (The Writer's Inkwell).
505 reviews11 followers
May 2, 2024
Review was originally posted on The Writer's Inkwell

Have you ever gone out on a whim and just randomly read a book out of the blue?

It's not often that I just randomly pick a book out of the blue anymore. In a time where I work all the time, I find that I am becoming more and more selectively in what I am willing to read. However, I recently went onto my local library's app and just typed in the word 'Louisiana' (which is my home state) and then chose the mystery genre. This is how I became aware of this short three book series by Lucy May.

Now, for the sake of transparency, I did check out the audiobook. I spend almost two hours a day driving to and from school and it gives me something to focus on during my commute.

This series is a cute starter series. It contains lots of the common cozy mystery tropes that we have all come to love (food, crazy locals, potential love interest, and constantly explaining small town life). It was entertaining and interesting enough that I listened to all three books in two days during my spring break.

On the positive side, it's an easy listen and it has many of the cozy mystery elements that I really enjoy. As a mom, educator, coach, etc., sometimes I need something that is light and bit "fluffy" to enjoy while I'm working or trying to balance the dozens of commitments/tasks/jobs that I need to get through. This book series definitely fit that bill and made it so I could be entertained while I was being productive.

Of course, that means if you are looking for a more in-depth mystery that will have you constantly reflecting on the "whodunit," this is not the book series for you.

There were two things that did bother me throughout the series. The first is Violet. I know, I know. How can I recommend a book if I have a problem with the main character? Trust me, there is some method to my logic. Violet is an okay protagonist. She serves her role well as the local girl who has returned to her hometown to uncover the truth of the mystery. However, she is a royal pain in the butt when it comes to her relationship with her mother and their coven. She is constantly believing that they are responsible for what has happened, and there is only so many times you can go after the same red heron. Which leads me to my other issue with the series: the conclusion.

When I read a mystery, I enjoy trying to figure out what happened and I pride myself on trying to figure it out before the author reveals the truth. I was highly disappointed in the reveal of all three novels. Even now, I'm trying to figure out how to explain my issue without spoiling the book. Let's just say, that mysteries can't be easily explained away, and sometimes authors are afraid to make the truth be a little more devious.

So where did I land on this series?

I would be interested in trying some of Lucy May's other series. I find that sometimes I like newer series more than their first. They grow in their writing and they learn how to develop better settings, plots, and make it so the reader is more invested.

I would recommend this series to someone who is looking for that light and fluffy read that doesn't require a lot of investment or thought. It's definitely a great series to have on while you are cleaning or doing mindless work around the house, or driving around for long periods of time. However, if you enjoy cozy mysteries and read a lot of them, you might not be that interested in this book. Also, if you are looking for a lot of supernatural elements, this is not the series for you. The supernatural elements seem to be a side note.
Profile Image for Seraphia.
1,966 reviews28 followers
April 12, 2018
Meet Violet Broussard. She is running her own successful little bakery when she gets a phone call from the sheriff back in Lemon Bliss, LA. A dead body has been found at her grandmother's old factory. The sheriff is calling Violet in because he believes that she may be connected to the crime. Violet heads down to Lemon Bliss thinking that this will be an in and out situation. Too bad that won't be the case. The sheriff questions her but tells her to stick around. He wants to hint that she may be liable for the man's death when CLEARLY he and his partner were trespassing and the sheriff did nothing. Violet isn't happy to be leaving her little bakery behind, but she knows this is important and tries to go with it for now. Things drag on, but while she's in town, she learns a not so little secret from her mom. She's a witch. Of course, Violet balks at this revelation, but can it really be true? First things first, she has to stay out of trouble and discover what actually happened to the man who died at the old factory. Should be easy, right? Not when you find out your mom may be more than a little involved.
Witch You Wouldn't Believe by Lucy May is book one in her Lemon Tea Cozy Mystery series. This book is a good start to a new series. If you're expecting fun desserts, sweet recipes, and delightful treats...you're going to be disappointed. If you're expecting magical fun and magic-induced sticky situations...once again...you'll be disappointed. But wait! This story is still worth reading. This story is like a homecoming, taking a step in the right direction story. Violet left Lemon Bliss because she wanted to do her own thing. But this murder is a push to bring her home where she is needed. As you read the story, you'll see that this is true for other characters as well. Something has happened in their lives and they've returned or come to Lemon Bliss. Violet is an interesting character, but I will admit that she comes off a bit flat. I was hoping for more personality from her. There is a hint of romance in this novel as well, but it is a bit flat, too. I like Lila a lot. She's an energetic character where Violet is subdued. I love the small town tone and feel of Lemon Bliss. It's so funny to read how quickly certain characters know what is going on quickly after it happens. I couldn't help but giggle.
While there are some elements to this story that seem flat and one dimensional, I think that this is a good start to this series. The author is setting the groundwork for the next book and it has me hopeful. I will admit that when I saw the cover I was excited about fun, magic, and tasty treats, but this book is still an enjoyable story. The epilogue really sets the stage for the next book. My curiosity is piqued and I'm eager to read the next book. Trouble is coming to Lemon Bliss and I want to have a front-row seat.
I am rating this book 4 out of 5 stars. While the story doesn't reflect the beautiful cover, this is still an enjoyable story. I think that the author has a good storyline idea going and I look forward to what happens next with Violet and those around her.
Profile Image for Emily Pennington.
18.8k reviews319 followers
April 13, 2018
Violet Broussard turned her bakery over to her Assistant Manager, Tara, because she needed to return to her home town briefly for questioning in a murder investigation involving a defunct old lemon tea factory she had inherited. She went to the coffee shop to get a sandwich and met a handsome man, Gabriel, who had moved there recently. The town gossip also caught up to her in the coffee shop and told her it was time she stepped up to her leadership role – and at Violet’s confused look, told her she was to be the leader of their coven of witches!

Since the Sheriff was out on a call, Violet drove to the house her grandmother had left to her. She was surprised that the inside looked so clean, no dust anywhere. Her mother arrived and urged her to stay permanently, but Lemon Bliss was no longer her home. Then the Sheriff called and insisted she accompany him to the old factory for questioning. The victim had been a paranormal investigator, the Sheriff said. He was investigating the “coven”, he said, indicating that was nonsense. As they went upstairs to the scene of the crime, a voice called to them from downstairs – Lila, the town gossip Violet had talked to earlier in the coffee shop was there. The Sheriff told Violet she would have to stay in town a few more days, because he had a strong feeling that she was somehow involved, despite the fact she had not been back home for years! Would the Sheriff actually accuse her of murder? Who was Gabriel and how did he fit into her life? Would she have to solve the murder herself or be locked up in prison?

I enjoyed this book. The story line moved slowly along, but the mystery of what was really going on kept the reader engaged. Violet herself was unaware of the real situation, so the mild tension kept things interesting. Something is going on that is gathering the characters in the town for some purpose – what can it be? With this being the first book of this series, I have high expectations that the action will rev up considerably going forward.
Profile Image for Texas.
1,687 reviews395 followers
June 26, 2018
Witch You Wouldn't Believe #1 - My first book by this author and I was pleasantly surprised by this good story. Set in Louisiana (my second choice after Texas), this well written story about a witch coven is intriguing and mesmerizing. The characters range from interesting to annoying and do grow as the series goes on (I've also read Witch is When it Gets Crazy #3). I do have a problem with a character not trusting her mother and she really doesn't have a broom to ride with her suspicions. She has a good relationship with her mother, but still thinks she could be a murderer? Nope, didn't work for me, but the story held my attention to the end. There is humor, but not much about magic. This book does a good job setting up the series. It is not a cliffhanger although I assume the story continues in book 2. (There's still the background story from book 1 in book 3.) 5*

Witch is When it Gets Crazy #3 - As much as I would have enjoyed reading the second book, I didn't have it. The coven is getting more interesting, along with the characters. The story is interesting, but I still have a problem with Violet not trusting her mother, and some of the older witches, she's too strong with her suspicions and her actions. She was proven wrong in Witch You Wouldn't Believe (#1), yet she didn't learn a thing and her actions are dishonest. Why not use a "keep out" spell for the factory, like the Coven's room. Otherwise, the characters are developing into an interesting bunch and the plot keeps the reader immersed. 4*
2,326 reviews10 followers
November 18, 2022
“Dangit!” I muttered after finishing "Witch You Wouldn't Believe." It had all the elements but it wasn't particularly well done.
Successful bakery owner Violet Broussard has been summoned home to Lemon Bliss, Louisiana, by the local Sheriff. The reason? A man has been found dead in an abandoned factory left to her by her grandmother.
It turns out he was investigating reports of the supernatural in the area.
Given that there is no actual magic in the book (plenty of hints but no spells) it should not have taken him very long!
Her mother tells her that she comes from a long line of witches - and that is one of the oddities in the narrative:
"Your grandmother wanted to tell you when you were eleven, but I refused."
And, shortly afterward:-
“Honestly, I wanted to so many times, but your grandmother felt it best you didn’t know.
And then, after denying the possibility of witchcraft all along, Violet does a complete reversal for no real reason.
There's a love interest in the form of Gabriel Trahan.
Strangely, while having a row in a local coffee shop, he stands up to leave and then "stared at me for several long minutes before leaving me alone at the table."
Several minutes?
If there is one thing that recent times have proved it is that the old adage that "there is a grain of truth in every rumour" is baseless. And there's the problem with the book in a nutshell, no matter what the rumour is it is accepted as fact.
2 Stars.
Profile Image for Nevathalless.
36 reviews32 followers
November 11, 2020
No Magic. No Stakes. No Editing.

2.5 - Could have been cute, but overall fell flat.

The headline basically says it all. I picked this book up for free on Amazon and I'm glad, because now I don't have to bother trying to get a refund.

I understand it is a cozy mystery, but this did not live up to the potential given to it in the blurb.
The plot was flimsy, it took way too long to get going, the characters are basic, boring, and hard to care about. I wound up spending more time editing and submitting errors than I did enjoying anything.

This book also ends in a cliffhanger/set up for the next book(s) in the series, which I won't be reading. Regardless of there being little resolution to a poorly delivered plot, I was unable to connect enough for the cliffhanger to convince me to return.

I'll admit, I am usually more into hard, gritty horror/mystery; cozy isn't my typical genre - but I dabble. This was very far removed from the cozies I know and love. (Think: Rita Mae Brown or The Cat Who series, etc.) I was trying to find a new series to recommend to my Grams (who devours cozy mysteries with a speed that is hard to fathom) so I took a gamble.

I lost.
Profile Image for Kalie (Half of Pristine Prose).
172 reviews21 followers
January 24, 2022
Welcome to small town Louisiana home to a secret coven of witches, a suspicious sheriff, a hot handy man ready for a hallmark like romance, and a bakery owner coming home due to a death in her family's abandoned lemonade factory.

This is the perfect cozy mystery!!! I normally don't' care for the gossipy meddling southern ladies in shows or books, but every one in this book was a gossipy smalltowner and somehow I loved every second of it. Perfect dash of murder mystery that has got me trusting no-one and a wonderful ending setting us up for the next book.

Can't wait to see more magic in the rest of this series, cause seriously didn't get enough of it in this one. That's really my only complaint.

Gets extra points for being a clean romance. At certain points I was worried it wouldn't be so that was a nice surprise. Hoping the rest of the series stays clean also.
39 reviews1 follower
March 6, 2024
Takes way too long to get going

This book takes way too long to get going. In my witch cozies I want to see some magic right away. I was quite a ways in and still nothing magical had happened. It was a lot of going in circles, what did her mother know about the murder? Mom’s not telling. OK, got it. How many times do I have to be exposed to that same dialogue. Not only that, the sheriff revealed nothing. So you’re trying to muddle through this book and it’s not even like little bits of a mystery are being revealed piece by piece. Nope. Just a lot of I’m not telling. Exhausting and not the fantasy escape I’m looking for. Also, the main character just suddenly accepts she’s a witch after being dead set against it. The more I write about it, the more I realize how bad he writing was. Really glad I stopped reading.
Profile Image for Nadine.
1,842 reviews2 followers
June 24, 2018
I really liked it

It takes a long time for an actual story to take shape. Chapter after chapter and we know next to nothing about the case, and next to nothing about Violet’s magical abilities. It takes a long time for her to accept that she is a witch. And while that’s understandable, it wasn’t very exciting to read about. But once the pace picked up, it was actually very nice. Very pleasant!

Somehow the solution to the case is a bit anticlimactic. But also a relief. The case is solved at 72% of the book and since it took a long time for the case to get started: the book was never really about the case. It was about Violet finding out she’s a witch. There’s no suspense, but I really liked it. On towards the next book!
230 reviews2 followers
October 30, 2018
Violet returns home to Lemon Bliss for questioning in the murder of a body found in an old abandoned tea factory she inherited from her grandmother. While there she finds out she is a witch, as is most of the town, and finds it hard to believe. All she wants to do is return home to her bakery, thanks to the sheriff who thinks shes involved in the murder, she can't leave. While in Lemon Bliss she is told she is destined to be the next leader of the local witch coven, yeah right, and meets Gabriel, who is hot, hot and also a witch. Join Violet in her adventure, its quite interesting.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
119 reviews
June 22, 2019
Good first book of series

Violet gets called to her previous home town in order to be questioned by the sheriff about a death in a factory she owns but has had nothing to do with since her grandmas death. An interesting read that follows her through new discoveries, old friends, and a man she could definitely be interested in. Will violet move back to her home town or will she return to the life she has made for herself, her bakery, and friends outside of Lemon Bliss?
I’m now going to get the next book in the series and have a quick look rather than curl up in bed and sleep, I’m too curious about what happens next!
Profile Image for Ariel.
5 reviews
June 9, 2020
This wasnt the worst book but wasn’t the best..The book is about Violet, who had to return to her home town because a murder took place in a building that she now owns. I expected more detective work and more of a build up from the main character in regards to the mystery. The big reveal of the murder mystery was a let down... I was expecting a bit more for the “who done it” and it felt like somethings were missing from the story. Sometimes the story flowed and then some parts of the story line felt rushed. I plan to read the next book to see if the story line gets any better before I fully commit to reading the whole series
Profile Image for Rachel C..
1,064 reviews36 followers
April 13, 2021
I want to like this book, but I honestly thought the main character wasn’t that likable. This isn’t what I would expect a normal person with normal feelings to do, particularly if they are at all loyal to anyone. This book was also super anticlimactic for even a cozy mystery. I had a really hard time getting into it and I don’t think I’ll read the rest of the series at the moment.
273 reviews
October 7, 2021
Witch I did not believe

This is a story about witches in name and in theory but definitely not in practice except one incident in their teenage years when Coral put an hex on a rival. Why anyone would suspect the ladies of witchcraft is uncertain because I don't remember reading about anything suspicious that they did except for meeting regularly in an abandoned factory. There's a lot of unwarranted secrecy even from the main character leaving her (Violet) to stumble around in the dark while judging herself unfairly.
I suppose the title is appropriate, I didn't believe the witch, didn't like the epilogue either.
Profile Image for Vicky.
Author 21 books55 followers
January 6, 2023
Good beginning to a series

This is a good beginning to a series that will obviously follow - there are way too many dangling threads left to think there won’t be. Unlike most cozies, this one is more like a serialized story in that although the “mystery” was sort of solved, it’s definitely continuing because there are too many unanswered questions.

The characters are quirky and fun—I can almost see the four ladies getting together for tea…and spell casting. And Violet learning about her heritage as a witch.

I look forward to more from this author.
Recommended for a light paranormal mystery that will obviously continue.
Profile Image for Abi.
2,169 reviews
April 3, 2018
This book was a cute cozy witch mystery. The plot line was okay, and I liked the small town setting and the lemon tea factory. The characters were all rather flat, even the main character. She was in a relationship, also, and I feel like their chemistry wasn't shown enough. I didn't exactly have any objections to their relationship, but they wasn't a ton of banter, or heart flutters, or super evident attraction. I also didn't love how evasive Violet's mother was at times. But overall, this wasn't a bad book. It was a quick read, and it was relatively engaging, with an alright plot. 3.5 stars.
1,021 reviews17 followers
June 4, 2018
This series is wonderful. Violet is the main character and she learns that she is a witch. Not believing a bit of it, she hopes to leave Lemon Bliss behind and return to her bakery and home. However, the sheriff is not letting her leave town until he can solve how a man was murdered in Violets grandmothers tea factory. While waiting for permission to leave town, Violet starts thinking about staying in Lemon Bliss. Looking forward to reading the next book in this series to see what happens next.
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