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Beastars #7


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200 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 8, 2018

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About the author

Paru Itagaki

81 books552 followers
Paru Itagaki ( 板垣巴留, Itagaki Paru) is a multi-award-winning Japanese manga artist, known mainly for her work Beastars. She is the daughter of Keisuke Itagaki.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 166 reviews
Profile Image for Jenvile.
382 reviews25 followers
July 31, 2020
This volume is within my top favourites so far. The 👏🏼 character 👏🏼 development 👏🏼 is 👏🏼 getting 👏🏼 somewhere 👏🏼

Finally we have something that isn’t a whole volume about Legoshi pining after Haru, and he !finally! realised that his affections for her will go no where if he continues doing what he’s been doing.

I loved Louis in the chapter, I LOVED JUNO (wow she’s growing on me and I have no problem with that at all), I loved all the new characters, I loved the conversation between Jack and Legoshi, I loved the climax - honestly it was all great. I’m so excited for the next volume!
Profile Image for Clark.
132 reviews11 followers
May 3, 2020
Can we talk about how this is written and drawn with the female gaze? Paru Itagaki is queen of creating embarrassing moments, adorable moments, moments full of TENSION.. and in this volume I straight-up stopped to draw certain panels, they were so beautiful.
Paru sensei is the reason it's okay that we went on the wrong timeline several years back. We're on the one with BEASTARS. I haven't read that many manga but I think I may be spoiling myself with a high standard for manga.

Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,331 reviews232 followers
March 18, 2022
Editor: Didn't this used to be a murder mystery?
Author: Oh, crap! I forgot!

Suddenly, we are given a very serious and secret governmental organization that is very concerned about a student at the school being named head boy, or BEASTAR, or somesuch because that animal will surely be the next world leader. Because that's how that's done, of course. So why not let the students try to solve the murder, and they'll name the best detective the Beastar . . . and maybe king?

Independently, our hero, Legoshi, thinks maybe he should figure out who killed that alpaca from the first volume . . . since he didn't have sex with Haru? Is that how blue balls work? And it would really help to be able to sniff out clues, but gosh darn the pesky cold he just got. Surely that won't play a role in extending the mystery into future volumes, right? And let's not even talk about the deer and the crime syndicate.

Dumb coincidences and outlandish left turns as plot developments are signs of some real bad writing. (And I forgot to mention last volume how a character made a big deal about Legoshi being on a first-name basis with Haru when literally everyone in the series has one-word names, and everyone calls Haru "Haru.")

I have four more volumes out of the library right now, but that would only put me halfway through the complete series. Hmm. It might be time to consider an exit strategy . . . Maybe one more . . . ?
Profile Image for Mangrii.
1,029 reviews351 followers
August 10, 2019
3,5 / 5

Un nuevo tomo de Beastars siempre es una buena noticia. Aunque estemos ahora en medio de un momento más transicional, es una delicia la locura de mundo dicotómico que ha planteado Itagaki sensei y sus matices filosóficos sobre la vida. La séptima entrega nos sitúa con un Legoshi en plena evolución. Admite su derrota por el corazón de Hal y se dispone hacerse más fuerte para solo protegerla y que pueda ser feliz. Por otra parte, Rouis dirige los Shisigumi con mano de hierro, sometiendo el mercado negro bajo su cornamenta. Y a la vez en la escuela Cherrytown, se celebra la reunión de evaluación de todos los animales para decidir un nuevo Beastars tras cinco años sin ninguno.

Si hay una cosa que me ha gustado del séptimo tomo es como por fin han recuperado la trama que abre la historia de Beastars. El asesinato de Tem la alpaca vuelve a ser importante en el transcurso de los sucesos, sobre todo en el caso de Legoshi. Volvemos en Beastars a tener esos toques de misterio tenebroso que rodean este cruel mundo de la escuela CherryTown. Además, contamos con la leve introducción de un nuevo personaje, el cual en pocas páginas nos deja claro que no será alguien anecdótico. Andaos con ojo Rouis y Legoshi, que os quitan el puesto de favoritos.
Profile Image for Amanda.
804 reviews171 followers
July 27, 2020
Real rating: 4.5⭐︎

As if things were not already wild enough, relationships are getting complicated.

Legoshi continues to try figure out who he is and what he's meant to do. It seems everyone has expectations and tasks they want to burden him with, adding to his angst about his feelings for Haru and how he wants to proceed with that—and in true teenage boy fashion, all of his carnivore drama club crew are being pervs and giving him a hard time about her and asking inappropriate questions. Does he want to put her on a pedestal and worship her? Does he want something more? But they're so different.... There's some breathtaking and beautiful tension in the scenes with Haru and Legoshi. Itagaki's raw, loose style works so well with communicating emotions.

Louis struggles with leading the gang and putting on a strong front, and we get a look into black market politics. When Juno comes to try and convince him to return to Cherryton to restore order to how things were, it gets...interesting.

And now to wait for the next volume to be released.
Profile Image for Mir.
4,911 reviews5,226 followers
July 18, 2021
This felt like a bridging episode where not that much happens, btu several new characters and potential plot directions are introduced, and we're reminded that no one seems to have ever investigate the murder from book 1, what's going on with that?
Profile Image for Victor The Reader.
1,546 reviews16 followers
January 24, 2023
As talk of who will be the next Beastar after Louis’ shocking departure, Legoshi begins to feel that someone is following him and he laters meet Six Eyes, a giant rattlesnake 🐍 who is the school’s security guard. He talks to Legoshi about the murder months ago, and showing interest about it he agrees to find possible suspects. For Louis, he continues to feel inferior as he becomes the new leader of the Shishi-Gumi cat gang. Later as Legoshi tries to find suspects and a new member of the drama club makes his introduction 🐑, he’s severely attacked by a shadowy figure who could be the killer and it leaves him making a tough decision and finding assistance to unlock his beastly power. A (100%/Outstanding)
Profile Image for Jena.
605 reviews141 followers
May 7, 2021

Really liking the character development for Legoshi. Not really sure about Louis' storyline though...

CW for series overall: violence, some gore, assault, trauma, sexual assault
Profile Image for Timothy Pitkin.
1,939 reviews8 followers
July 17, 2018
Love how we get to see some of the politcal sides of this world as well as we learn that Shisigumi is not the only criminal group out their. We also get to see some good signs of loyalty with Louis and his new group. But what is kind of weird is that just now we are finally getting back onto the whole murder mystery plot that the story started which seems kind of weird and it is kind of weird how they make Tem's murder so important this late into the story.
Profile Image for Moriah Venable.
1,291 reviews39 followers
August 3, 2020
This volume was amazing! I was hoping we would finally find Tem's killer but we found a few clues.

The scene with Louis and Juno was really well done.

I felt horrible for Legoshi, not only because of his decision with Haru but also the attack.

I need the next volume. Do we find out who the killer is then? I've been anxious reading to see if that's the volume we find out. So far, nothing. Maybe next volume.
Profile Image for Martina Koa Alice.
Author 14 books34 followers
May 22, 2021
Avrei apprezzato qualche indizio in più su tutti i carnivori del club ora che sono tutti sospettati. Solo alcuni parlano, altri rimangono di sfondo come fossero comparse. Avendo visto l’anime so chi è il colpevole e continuo a pensare che avrebbe dovuto esserci più coinvolgimento di un maggior numero di personaggi.
Resta comunque tutto bellissimo come sempre. L’introspezione di Legoshi è fatta benissimo, le sue reazioni, che spesso e volentieri sono esilaranti, sono studiate a fondo.
Profile Image for Anthony Flores.
556 reviews1 follower
April 24, 2022
Es momento del entrenamiento de Legoshi... Lo raro es que ya encontró quien mató a Tem pero todo estaba oscuro so, es como no haber encontrado nada...

Igual, temo por el futuro de Louis, esto de estar en la mafia no ha de ser nada bueno...
Profile Image for Gabcia.
324 reviews14 followers
June 12, 2022
Czas na filozoficzne ecie pecie które zawsze są w mangach i anime, bohaterowie mają jakieś niezrozumiałe motywy działania, no i dużo rzeczy się dzieje ogólnie, ale trochę wolno ta akcja się rozwija. Więc czekam na kolejną część.
No ale nowa postać męska>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Profile Image for Loz.
1,512 reviews21 followers
December 1, 2020
Still enjoying this but it's treading a bit of water.
Profile Image for Ruthsic.
1,764 reviews30 followers
May 25, 2020
Warnings: grievous injury, assault

With this book, we are diving back into what started this series - Tem's murder. As the secret council of creatures pressures the Cherryton Academy headmaster to pick a Beastar already, Loius, the main contender has been living with the Shishigumi and we get to see a bit more of what they are doing, and what is going on with Louis. Legosi has been settling back into regular life, but when he is approached by a fan (ahem) to look into Tem's murder, he is pulled into the simmering dispute between herbivores and carnivores in the school. More importantly, it is made known to us, as readers, that the murderer is quite possibly someone in the drama club, and who Legosi is friendly with. (I have my doubts on Bill, btw) Legosi is also reassessing his relationship with Haru, after he gets teased by his carnivore club members of being a perv who like small herbivores, and he comes to a decision regarding what he wants and what is possible; although, their last scene puts forth more questions! Legosi's investigation into the murder could have been more subtle, as evidenced by what happens when he starts digging.

The theme of strength is played off the many characters of this series quite well - is strength just the power of a carnivore, is it the refusal to live powerlessly, is it adapting to what society is, is it looking at the truth and finding your place in it, or is the power to change things. A world in which one set of creatures are food for others, and the other set has a flimsy lid on their instincts, what is right - this is a question that Louis and Legosi are grappling with, but also is seen in the character arcs of Haru, Juno and hell, even Ibuki. I'm loving the forays into how the nature of their world affects these characters that Itagaki is doing so well, and also how much character-driven this is.

Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review from Viz Media LLC, via Edelweiss.
Profile Image for emma.
21 reviews
May 23, 2022

| obvio q la mejor parte es la de rouis dios AAAAAAAAA se roba todo el manga este chabon

| PINA LOCO PINA, me emociona q metan personajes nuevos, aunq igual mepa q Pina no hace mucho más q armar bardo en el club de teatro y darnos la portada del siguiente volumen (amo las portadas de beastars con todo mi ser).

| el final del tomo es un montón porq en la segunda temporada cuando vi esa parte queria ROMPER TODO, Riz te tengo re fichado. ME PONE MAL Q LO CAGUEN TANTO A TROMPADAS A LEGOSHI BASTA MAN

Profile Image for Ox.
46 reviews1 follower
March 11, 2020
Legosi!!! Porqué?? Me dolió lo que te hicieron :(. Pobre Jack resultase lastimado, sentí mucha empatía contigo :'(
Luis que te pasa?? No te reconozco :v
Este tomo me dolió mucho, me destrozó lo que le sucedió a legosi, espero que gohin lo apoye :(
Profile Image for Paracosm.
528 reviews2 followers
January 22, 2022
And to everyone's suprise I dont have much to say about this one. Louis' POV is by far the best part of the series.
Profile Image for Dichlorobenzen.
217 reviews12 followers
May 22, 2022
Chyba z 3 miesiące zmuszałam się do przeczytania tego, ale ostatecznie nie żałuję. To dalej jest bardzo dobra historia, a kreska bardzo ładna, dużo lepsza od tego, co zrobili w anime.
Profile Image for Brydon.
313 reviews2 followers
February 21, 2023
Love the cover of this one!!

Around here is when Juno starts to warm up to me, it’s nice to see her try to get Louis to come back to the school. Quite the contrast to when she went on the offensive towards him in the drama room.

Also poor Jack… boy is too pure.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 166 reviews

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