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The Stillwater Girls

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Two sisters raised in fear are about to find out why in a chilling novel of psychological suspense from the author of The Thinnest Air.

Ignorant of civilization and cautioned against its evils, nineteen-year-old Wren and her two sisters, Sage and Evie, were raised in off-the-grid isolation in a primitive cabin in upstate New York. When the youngest grows gravely ill, their mother leaves with the child to get help from a nearby town. And they never return.

As months pass, hope vanishes. Supplies are low. Livestock are dying. A brutal winter is bearing down. Then comes the stranger. He claims to be looking for the girls’ mother, and he’s not leaving without them.

To escape, Wren and her sister must break the rule they’ve grown up with: never go beyond the forest.

Past the thicket of dread, they come upon a house on the other side of the pines. This is where Wren and Sage must confront something more chilling than the unknowable. They’ll discover what’s been hidden from them, what they’re running from, and the secrets that have left them in the dark their entire lives.

256 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 9, 2019

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Minka Kent

20 books3,697 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 7,354 reviews
Profile Image for Felicia.
254 reviews978 followers
February 8, 2019
I'm sitting here trying to decide how to start this review and all I can think of is "why"?

Everything was going fine. I was actually loving this book, the mystery had me rapt, I had to know what was going on. It was killing me! You know those kind of stories, right? Completely and utterly absorbed in this book.

And then I turned to page 203....

...the final reveal was so far beyond absurd my eyes rolled completely into the back of my head leaving me unable to read the final pages.

In fact, my eyes are still staring at my bloody brain and I'm writing this review on keyboard memory alone.

I may never be able to see again. Thanks a lot Minka Kent.

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Debra.
2,797 reviews35.9k followers
April 17, 2019
Raised in isolation, taught to fear the outside world, two teen sisters, Wren and Sage are left alone in their family cabin in upstate New York after their mother leaves seeking medical attention for their younger sister, Evie. Months pass while hope ebbs away, food diminishes, livestock dies, and fall is turning into winter. Then someone knocks on their door.

Nicolette wants to be a foster mother. She and her husband cannot have children. Her husband doesn't seem to be entirely on-board, but she notes he has not been himself lately. She believes he is hiding something from her and is being distant.

I was fully invested in the story and enjoying the book until well, it had me scratching my head thinking "You have got to be kidding me!?!" and not in a good way. I can honestly say that I did not see that coming! At all! Not once! Parts of the reveal worked for me and parts did not. I will say that this book was a 4-star book for me until the end. Still, I did enjoy it. I enjoyed the teens and their self-resiliency. I enjoyed Nicolette and her desire to help.

I enjoyed Kent's writing. I thought she did a fabulous job depicting the life of the two teens and their reactions to the world around them. I liked how I didn't quite know what was going on and how the two story-lines would intercept, but the big reveal took it down a star. Again, parts of it worked for me and parts didn't.

Thank you to Thomas and Mercer and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,288 reviews4,051 followers
March 20, 2019
Two seemingly different, and I mean extremely different stories running side by side. You’ll ask yourself, how on earth can these stories be related? How are they possibly going to merge? There’s just no way.... but hold on!

Nicolette, married to a world class photographer feels her world is crashing down around her. She’s losing the thinnest of threads that are barely holding her marriage together. Unable to have children, she’s desperate to foster a child. Her husband Brant...well, not exactly on board with that choice. He’s perfectly content with his freedom of globetrotting around the world for his photography.

Wren and her younger sister Sage are living in a secluded cabin and quickly running out of food, desperate to keep warm. Their mother left more than 2 months ago with the girls’ youngest sister who fell ill. She left strict instructions with her 2 daughters to never, ever open the door to anyone until she returns. Is she coming back? The sisters are losing hope. Then comes the inevitable late-night knock on their door!

I absolutely love when separate stories align simultaneously! It’s like a trying to put the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together. And though I found some sections to be a bit predictable, it took nothing away from my overall enjoyment.

Minka Kent continues to deliver suspenseful and gripping thrillers that will keep me reaching for more of her books in the future!

A buddy read with Susanne!🌸

Thank you to NetGalley, Thomas & Mercer and Minka Kent for an ARC to read and review.
Profile Image for Bill Kupersmith.
Author 1 book232 followers
July 17, 2019
A most engaging and suspenseful read till we reach the final chapters, when we uncover a back story that is so totally preposterous, unethical and unbelievable I’m embarrassed to have to admit I read the book. But even stranger than the ludicrous plot was having a character who had always lived in a cabin in the woods and never seen a flush toilet or a toaster, sit down and read Gone Girl. I’d love to read her review.
Profile Image for MarilynW.
1,487 reviews3,680 followers
April 8, 2019
Nineteen year old Wren and her sisters Sage and Evie, have been raised by their mother in a cabin in the woods, never meeting another person, and being warned by their mother of the evils and devastation of the former civilization outside of their little world surrounding their cabin. They've been warned never to venture away from their plot of land and that saying at the cabin is the only way to stay safe. But then one day their mother must leave to take Evie for medical care, when she becomes gravely ill. Months later winter is coming and food is running out and Wren and Sage know they must soon leave the shelter of the only home they know, to try to save themselves from starvation. Their hand is forced when the first man they've ever seen shows up at their cabin.

At the same time, we meet wealthy Nicolette and her globe trotting photographer husband Brant. Nicolette yearns for a baby while Brant seems happy to continue their childless life. Not only that, Brant has become preoccupied and distant from Nicolette and she begins to think that their marriage is on the brink of collapse. At first it's hard to see how the worlds of isolated Wren and Sage and worldly Nicolette and Brant connect to each other but those two worlds do eventually meet. I was very invested in the story of Wren and Sage and how they were going to handle surviving when their entire life had been in the hands of their domineering mother. Nicolette and Brant were interesting and I wanted to know if Nicolette's fears had any merit since she seemed to display a paranoia that might not be founded in reality.

I couldn't put the book down but once we get to several reveals concerning Nicolette, I had a hard time dealing with the rest of the story. What we learn just seems so far fetched to me that the story lost it's steam. There were just too many things that had to happen for the story to work out the way it did, to be believable to me. The story does get 3 stars from me for the intriguing first part and because I really enjoyed the characters of Wren and Sage.

Thank you to Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for this ARC.
Profile Image for Katie B.
1,467 reviews3,119 followers
February 7, 2019
I went into this with fairly low expectations because I haven't read anything by the author before and given the synopsis I thought there was potential for the story to easily veer into hot mess territory. However, I was pleasantly surprised that this turned out to be a pretty entertaining read. This is not some literary masterpiece (not trying to be snarky, the vast majority of books do not fall into the masterpiece category) but in terms of holding my interest, I was left feeling very satisfied and look forward to checking out other books by the author.

Sisters Wren and Sage have been living in a cabin with their younger sister, Evie, and their mother. The girls are completely isolated from society and are told to never leave the forest. When Evie becomes deathly ill, the mom leaves with her to get medical attention in a nearby town. The problem is they never come back and Wren and Sage are left wondering what they should do in order to survive.

I liked how the story switched back and forth between two characters and I think that's partly why the story had such a good pace and turned out to be a fairly quick read. I'll admit I did kinda side-eye the big surprise or twist in the book but honestly I was having such a fun time reading the story up until that point that I decided to just go with it and not analyze it to death. When I picked up this book, all I wanted was something that would hold my interest and keep my mind off real-life stuff for awhile, and thankfully it successfully accomplished those goals.

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for giving me a free advance digital copy in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Abby.
123 reviews
February 10, 2021
I was about to give this book 2 stars, and then I thought to myself "I gave Ready Player Two 2 stars. Did I dislike this book equally as much as Ready Player Two?" And the answer is no, actually, it was worse. I go by personal enjoyment for ratings on here and at least RP2 was bad in an entertaining way. This book.... well, let me break it down.

The Plot: Boring. After the two narratives converge, there is no more action (and there wasn't a whole lot of it to begin with). The second half of the book is just the protagonists sitting around while various people come and tell them things that they've discovered.

Plot Twist Part 1: I guessed the core plot twist on page 55 out of 249, when the author tells us for the SECOND time that one of the protagonists, Nicolette . I'm putting in another spoiler tag here so that you can try to guess the plot twist too. Ready?

Plot Twist Part 2: Nicolette is convinced her husband is cheating on her. It turns out that Which brings me to...

The Husband: Throughout the first part of the book, Nicolette builds up this really damning picture of her husband. He doesn't love her the same way he used to, she is constantly making sacrifices for him and his ~art~ that he never reciprocates, he's distant and doesn't pay much attention to her, and he is clearly hiding something from her. She even mentions that there have been many times in the past where she has slept with him, despite not being in the mood at all, because she could sense that he "needed it." And then

Plot Twist Part 3: The real villain all along was

The Themes, or Lack Thereof: This could have been an interesting opportunity to explore the parallels between

I realize that this review is like 90% spoilers now, but if you haven't read the book, here's my recommendation instead: go watch an episode of Criminal Minds. Any one, it doesn't matter. They handle mental illness with about the same half-hearted, weird-double-standards sensitivity as this book does, but it will only be an hour long and it will actually be exciting! You know, like a THRILLER!
Profile Image for Susanne.
1,174 reviews38.4k followers
March 10, 2019
3.5 stars (rounded down)

An Enjoyable Mystery with an Unrealistic Ending.

Wren, 19 and Sage, 18, are sisters, living somewhere off the grid in the woods of New York. Their Mama and their younger sister, Evie, 9, left them months ago - as Evie was sick and needed medical attention. Fending for themselves, foraging for food, Wren doesn’t know how much longer they’ll survive, when a man breaks into their cabin - though he doesn’t hurt them, both sisters are scared. When it becomes clear he knows their Mama, Wren becomes suspicious. She just knows that she and her sister Sage need to escape - or else.

Once they get out, they find safety at Nicolette’s house a few miles away. Nicolette, who has never had children and who has always longed for them. Nicolette who suspects her husband Brant of keeping secrets from her and who finds peace and comfort in Wren and Sage’s appearance. Nicolette who has only ever wanted to feel needed.

This is a novel filled with mystery and intrigue and I was hooked immediately by Minka Kent’s storytelling! It wasn’t until I got to the final reveal that I did a “huh,” well that was a bit strange. As in, never have I ever! That said, up until that point, I was was loving every second. And I didn’t really read the synopsis of this one I just saw “Minka Kent” and “read now” and I was like “yeppers, I’m in.” That said, it was still pretty good, the twist was just a little “out there.” That aside, I loved the characters of Wren and Nicolette - they were compelling and convinced me that I’d made the right decision - this book screams “read me” and if another one of Ms. Kent’s books came up as a “read now,” I’d grab it in a heartbeat. Hope you will too!

This was a buddy read with Kaceey, which we flew through in less than a few hours!

Thank you to NetGalley, Thomas and Mercer and Minka Kent for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

Published on Goodreads and NetGalley on 3.10.19.
Will be published on Amazon on 4.9.19.
April 7, 2019
3.5 Stars

Two sisters alone, kept off-the-grid, hidden secrets, a women on the search to find the secrets her husband is keeping

The Sitllwater girls captured my heart and I was hooked right from the start and wanted to know about them. I was rooting for them, confused by their circumstance and wondering how they came to where there are. The suspense increases as the story goes on and I was questioning how the two storylines are connected here.

Things clipped along at a fast-paced and I raced through this one quite quickly. I was flipping those pages in excitement as fast as I could till that big reveal came. Well everything came to a crashing halt once that reveal and some twists came in that didn’t really feel like much of a twist.
Now my detective skills are not the sharpest but I feel that even the best detectives would not see that ending coming or find it predictable. And having a dark and twisted thriller mind is not going to help you out either. Lol However that ending will give you something to talk about and I am glad I had a couple of my Traveling Sisters to chat about the ending with.

Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for my copy to read and review
Profile Image for Courtney ✩ (Hiatus).
260 reviews456 followers
May 9, 2024
★2.5 stars, rounded down

Two young girls must leave their home–a cabin in the woods–in the middle of the night, when an intruder disrupts their peaceful life. A life that had dwindling resources, as they awaited the return of their mama and youngest sister. But once they leave, they quickly learn the life they were living was far from a truthful one.

☆My Thoughts:
The Stillwater Girls is written in first person, told from the dual POVs of Wren (the oldest sister, age 19) and Nicolette (a woman on a mission to figure out her husband’s secrets). The chapters are all short, and the story has its thrilling, fast-paced moments.

Unfortunately, I was expecting more from the plot and its twists. Anytime children are thrown into a thriller/horror, I immediately expect creepy vibes, and in a few ways this book delivered on that. The basic way these girls lived in the woods–no electricity, no sense of the outside world–gave them a haunting nature. But I found it hard to believe this cabin had never been discovered in the 19 years of Wren’s life, especially with its vicinity to Nicolette’s house. Having the FBI involved in a case would lead me to believe some of these obvious connections would have been more thoroughly vetted…? Overall, the twists felt a bit cliche to me, and while only 200-some pages, the book dragged in the middle.

* ゜・。。・゜゜・。。・゜*

In the mood for all the thrillers and this one sounds chilling! 🙀
Profile Image for Kendall.
662 reviews771 followers
February 3, 2019
I have been an absolute huge fan of Minka Kent since I turned that last page of The Memory Watcher. I remember thinking.... have I been living under a rock this entire time not knowing anything about this author named Minka?!

I absolutely loved Minka's first two books The Memory Watcher and The Perfect Roommate. The third book I was disappointed and was hoping that I would fall back in love with her books upon reading The Stillwater Girls. Unfortunately, as much as it pains me to say that I was also left disappointed in reading this one.

Let me start out by discussing what I loved about this book. Minka has such a way with grabbing her readers in on the first page. Her writing is addicting, engaging, and mysterious. I was intrigued by this story from the first chapter up until the end. There was no slow pacing, lagging, or being bored whatsoever in this one my friends.

I finished this book in a little over a day... like I usually do with all of Minka's books. But, my issues with this is that I feel it failed to deliver upon the ending. I felt it was a tad predictable in where the story was going due to not having many characters in this one. I also had issues believing some of what was revealed with the girls/main characters. I will not go into detail of the plot.. because it's too hard to discuss without having spoilers.

I absolutely miss the jaw dropping twists that Minka had in her first two novels. I feel that she has failed to have those twists and turns in her last two books. Is her writing absolutely addicting to the max? Hell yes!

Overall, this was entertaining and am glad that I was able to read another book from Minka! I will continue to be a huge fan of hers and will always grab her books! I'm hoping that she has a book soon that delivers those twists, addictions, and mysteries that I long for! ;).

3.5 stars for this one.

Thank you to Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

Publication date: 4/9/19
Published to Goodreads: 2/1/19
Profile Image for Lindsay L.
757 reviews1,458 followers
July 5, 2023
2 stars

This storyline pushed my eye-rolling to the extreme 🙄The plot is highly unrealistic but easy to get lost within.

This novel started off strong and intriguing with one narrative sharing the voice of sisters living off-the-grid in the woods, unaccustomed to real world living. We follow their lives and struggles once their mother goes missing. I found the writing of their perspective highly atmospheric, emotion-stirring and easy to get lost within. The other narrative explores a marriage falling apart after not being able to bear children. That plot line felt forced at times as the dialogue often lacked natural ease. The sisters perspective was much more interesting and connectable for me. I was invested in their journey and rooting for them.

As the story progresses, suspension of disbelief is needed as there are several plot points that are unrealistic. This is often a turn off for me, but I was invested enough in the sisters journey to follow it through. Unfortunately the major plot twist that happens around 80% is so extremely ridiculous and cringe-worthy that I immediately lost any sort of connection I had. I skim read the rest. I thought about giving this 1.5 stars but I did enjoy certain pieces of the first 80% so I’m settling at 2 stars.

Overall, this was not a winner for me. I did enjoy certain aspects of the writing so I would give this author another chance with the hopes that her storylines are more believable.

Thank you to the publisher for my review copy!
Profile Image for Julie (JuJu).
899 reviews207 followers
February 11, 2019
Short Summary:
An emotional roller coaster ride!

My thoughts:
This was a not-so-typical suspense. Filled with characters that were so vividly described, I found myself emotionally attached as I was pulled into their heart-wrenching journey. It was a mix of suspense and just the right amount of heartbreak.

This is my first book by Minka Kent, but I have another waiting in my TBR. Her writing style is so captivating. I loved every minute of this book.

Recommend: Yes! Highly recommend to anyone looking for a quick, emotional and suspenseful read!

My Rating: 4 ⭐️’s

Published: April 9th 2019 by Thomas & Mercer

Pages: 256

Some of my favorite Excerpts/Words:
”And I recognize the look she’s giving him—it’s the very same look I gave him when I was a young butterfly thrilled to be caught in his net.”

Thank you to NetGalley / Thomas & Mercer / Minka Kent for this digital ARC, in exchange for my honest review!
#NetGalley #TheStillwaterGirls

Book Blurb
Ignorant of civilization and cautioned against its evils, nineteen-year-old Wren and her two sisters, Sage and Evie, were raised in off-the-grid isolation in a primitive cabin in upstate New York. When the youngest grows gravely ill, their mother leaves with the child to get help from a nearby town. And they never return.

As months pass, hope vanishes. Supplies are low. Livestock are dying. A brutal winter is bearing down. Then comes the stranger. He claims to be looking for the girls’ mother, and he’s not leaving without them.

To escape, Wren and her sister must break the rule they’ve grown up with: never go beyond the forest.

Past the thicket of dread, they come upon a house on the other side of the pines. This is where Wren and Sage must confront something more chilling than the unknowable. They’ll discover what’s been hidden from them, what they’re running from, and the secrets that have left them in the dark their entire lives.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Wilson.
303 reviews1 follower
January 25, 2024

Profile Image for Mackenzie - PhDiva Books.
730 reviews14.5k followers
June 8, 2019
Two stories intertwine in a shocking way!

First, two girls raised in isolation off the grid find themselves forced to leave the hold home they’ve ever known when a stranger comes to call. Miles away a woman with everything life has to offer questions her marriage, feeling disconnected from her husband and certain he is keeping a secret. With twists, turns, and a fascinating conclusion, I found myself completely engrossed!

I always make sure to put in the book blurb so that the publisher voice is present in my reviews. But in this case, I felt that the blurb, though engaging, accurate, and intriguing, leaves out half of the story and I’m not entirely sure why. In fact, the half that is left out is prominent from the very beginning of the book and is equally as intriguing—initially more-so for me. I want to talk in a non-spoiler way about both stories, because they are given equal time in the book and they eventually intertwine in a fascinating way!

In alternating chapters, we here the story of Wren and Sage narrated by Wren, and the story of married couple Nicolette and Brant, narrated by Nicolette.

Wren, Sage, and their sister Evie were raised in a small cabin in the woods with no modern amenities. They were completely isolated from the world, except for a man who came by every once and awhile to bring supplies. But one night Evie got very sick, and their mother took her into town to get help from a doctor. And then she never returned…

Month pass, and Wren and Sage are running out of food. The livestock are dying, and they are heading into winter alone, unsure if their mother and sister are still alive. And then a stranger comes, and everything is not ok. Desperate to get away from him, Wren and Sage may need to do the one thing they were told never to do…go into the forest to escape.

Well the stranger was positively creepy! And Wren and Sage have a fascinating story. These are two girls living in modern times who have never seen a telephone, never had central heat, never had plumbing. And now they are alone, not even sure what their mother’s name was. In fact, it never really occurred to them that their mother had a name besides ‘Ma’… When the stranger comes, it is unclear what he wants, but very clear what he doesn’t want—for them to escape. Chills!

Then in the alternate story we meet Nicolette, an affluent woman married to a famous photographer named Brant. But their marriage is not in a good place. Nicolette finds Brant at times incredibly loving, and at other times so distant. And they have some tough times in their past. Things that are difficult for any marriage to withstand. And then Nicolette finds evidence of a secret—something Brant has never told her. What could it mean? How long has he been lying to her?

Oh Nicolette… I really enjoyed her character, actually more-so than Wren and Sage, though I liked them too. Nicolette was so relatable to me, and that connection always helps me understand the story. What Wren and Sage were going through, on the other hand—I doubt many readers have experienced that!

I could not figure out how these two stories would come together, but when they did and the twists start—whoa!!! Somewhat unbelievable, but I didn’t mind it a bit! I was along for the ride and having a blast reading this!

Thank you to Thomas & Mercer and Amazon Publishing for my copy. Opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Mackey.
1,141 reviews361 followers
April 4, 2019
The Stillwater Girls, my first book by Minka Kent, is a solid 3 star: a good read, interesting, but quite flawed.

Stillwater is a forest in upstate New York in which two girls, Sage and Wren, have lived with their mother and younger sister, Evie, for their entire lives. They, quite literally, have had no contact with civilization. There are no cell phones, radios, televisions, internet - nothing. They never have seen another human being outside of the women in their cabin. At least, not that they can remember. Their mother occasionally meets up with a "supply man" who sells their homemade soaps and brings them supplies but, for the most part, they are self sufficient and adequately living off of the land around them. Until the night that Evie falls ill and their mother leaves the cabin to take her to find medical help. Wren and Sage wait....and wait.... Wren carefully marking off the days on her homemade calendar, weeks, then a month and then two. Then a man arrives at their cabin and their lives change forever.

Stillwater Girls completely had me hooked for the majority of the book. Kent is an amazing writer and the story of these girls, how they survived, their meager happiness and their fears, were palpable. I absolutely loved them. Until the final stage of the book. It was as though I was watching a ball of yarn unraveling. The storyline itself began to come apart string by string. While I appreciate plot twists and surprises, those in Stillwater Girls, felt so contrived and unbelievable that I wanted to back up and re-read it all again hoping for a different outcome. Surely all of the great writing at the beginning couldn't fall apart like this at the end, could it? But, sadly, it did. That's not to say that as whole the book wasn't good because it was. It could have been terrific, though, and it wasn't.

I appreciate the advanced copy given to me by #Netgalley, #Thomas&Mercer and #MinkaKent. I have read such great things about Kent's books and definitely will read one of her other works.
Profile Image for Selena.
495 reviews390 followers
April 6, 2019
I received a free e-copy of The Stillwater Girls by Minka Kent from NetGalley for my honest review.

This is the first book I have read by Minka Kent. I give it a 3.5 star rating only because I didn't care for the end. I was very excited to read this because I had so many people talking to me about how good it was.

As soon as I opened The Stillwater Girls I was addicted, just like with all of Minka Kent’s books. I found myself wanting to know more with each page as I went and I read this in little under a day which is usual for one of her books. I loved the author's writing. I liked the first 3/4 of the book a lot more than the last 1/4. The story is told between multiple story lines

The first story line is of two sisters, Wren and Sage, who are raised in isolation in an off grid, primitive old house in upstate New York. The girls have been warned against civilization and live fear. They know nothing of electricity, power or even government. They also have a little sister who is very sick so their mom takes her into the city to be treated. She tells Wren to watch over her sister and to be good. Unfortunately, it has been two months and they haven't come back. Food is becoming scarce and things are getting eerily frightening.

The second story is about Nicolette and her marriage to Brant. A marriage plagued with problems. Nicolette believes she can't have a child. She also believes that her husband is unfaithful and thinks he has had a child with another woman. The two plots end up intertwining right when Wren and Sage escape the cabin. They are then taken in by Nicolette and her husband.

An eerie fast paced thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Profile Image for Tammie.
221 reviews60 followers
February 26, 2019
The Stillwater Girls, a mystery thriller book, was a solid 3 stars.
The story centers around sisters Wren and Sage. They live in a remote cabin with very little knowledge of the outside world. Problems arise when their mother and younger sister (Evie) leave for the hospital after Evie becomes seriously ill-they never return. When the girls situation becomes dire, they bravely set out to find help, landing on Nicolette’s doorstop. As their story gets out to the public, the girls (really young women) are labeled “The Stillwater Girls”.
The Stillwater Girls was a good book and very well-written. I admit that I was a little disappointed with the plot twist but it’s still worth a read. Recommended to fans of mystery thriller books. Thank you NetGalley for proving me a copy for review.
Profile Image for Tiff.
439 reviews41 followers
February 22, 2024
I thought for sure this was going to be a predictable thriller, boy was I wrong... Every guess I had was incorrect 😆

I honestly wish this was longer, I would have loved more back story on mama and lots of others things I can't say without spoilers. Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Amy.
2,201 reviews1,944 followers
April 18, 2019

This blurb is weird, it’s accurate and all but it leaves out something pretty big and I really don’t understand why?! So many times I feel like blurbs actually spoil things and I’ve even cut parts of them out for my reviews, but this time I’m just scratching my head wondering why. What they left out that I think is important for you to know is that besides the story of the sisters there is another main character that you hear from in alternating chapters. Nothing is ruined by knowing this, in fact it actually piqued my interest even more once I started so I figured telling you guys would only be beneficial.

Wren narrates things from her and her sister Sage’s POV and there is also Nicolette, a totally unrelated woman and I had zero idea as to how things would ever tie together. Their lives couldn’t be more different, Nicolette lives an affluent lifestyle and the girls are living off grid and barely surviving so trying to figure out how their stories would merge was damn near impossible. Between my intrigue with the plot and the insanely fast paced writing I was totally invested in this one.

As much as my overall feeling about this book is one of enjoyment I do have to point out that the big twist and subsequent merging of the two groups of characters was pretty out there and unrealistic. Did I even care? No, not really I was just having so much fun with the whole thing I had a moment where I sorta rolled my eyes and then I just moved right on. But I wanted to be honest, I know many of you are bothered by that kind of stuff, so if you have issues suspending disbelief just be aware. If you don’t, give this one a chance, it had an original premise and was a fast paced, addictive read!
Profile Image for Kayla Hewett.
263 reviews20 followers
July 5, 2024
Quick and easy bingeable thriller. I was sucked into the story immediately and didn’t see the twist coming at all. It was a tad bit unrealistic to me though and likely forgettable.
Profile Image for LIsa Noell "Rocking the Chutzpah!  .
695 reviews432 followers
December 14, 2021
My thanks to Thomas & Mercer, and Netgalley. I had decided not to request this book for review from Netgalley because it seemed a bit overhyped. I really wish I'd stick with my gut instinct! This story was so disjointed and all over the place. The twist? Damn it, woman! I should know better by now. If someone says to watch out for that twist then I should be able to find said reviewer and give them a swift knock upside their noggin! If there's a twist in these type of books, then it's usually one I've seen coming from a mile away. This isn't a book is recommend for people who enjoy authors that leave you guessing, or if you really enjoy digging into clues. I can't say it was a bad story though. For me it was meh.
Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,236 reviews1,491 followers
April 16, 2019

This was a gripping and engrossing read that captured my attention almost instantly.
I really liked the two separate narratives almost like separate stories, originally seeming poles apart but connected and eventually merging into one shared conclusion.
I liked the back and forth style of narration adding tidbits and clues, drip-feeding the reader and creating a sense of mystery and intrigue.
So you have Wren and Sage living off-grid isolated with there mother and younger sister.
When their younger sister falls seriously ill There mother takes her for help promising to return but she never comes back.
With there, food stores dwindling and losing hope the girls need to make a decision on what comes next, that is until their hand is forced by events out of there control.
Nicolette lives at the edge of the forest with her husband Brent a successful photographer.
Unable to have there own family they are on the verge of maybe fostering.
But when Nicolette starts questioning Brents loyalty to there marriage and whether he still feels the way he did when they married she embarks down a rabbit hole of doubt and the deeper she digs the more she uncovers in terms of unanswered questions.
Two seemingly unrelated story trains that are heading on a collision course of impact.
This was an easy and engaging read.
A real page-turner of a story that I couldn't put down.
It was slightly predictable in places but the twist itself was excellent and caught me completely unawares.
I found this to be really well narrated with such a heartwarming finale and I am happy to recommend.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of "The Stillwater Girls"
All opinions expressed here are entirely my own.


Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for ♥ Sandi ❣	.
1,468 reviews48 followers
March 26, 2019
3.25 stars Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for allowing me to read and review this ARC. Publishes April 9, 2019.

Minka Kent is a new author for me. I find her to be easy reading, expansive and imaginative. She writes with the expressiveness of an old soul. One who has seen way more than would be normal. I believe she captured the pure essence of her characters and set them on the best path for telling this story.

The novel starts out in two distinctly different ways. You think you are reading separate stories, stories happening decades apart. But that could not be further from the truth. One branch a primitive cabin lost in the woods, completely off the grid. The other an up-to-date failing marriage of a rich little spoiled girl. Midway in the book, the story starts to meld together and begins to make more sense.

There is a spot or two that pushes your sensibilities. You find the authors reasoning a bit hard to believe. At that point I let it go and remembering that I was reading fiction, took it in stride. Overall, this book was entertaining and worth the time for an afternoons read.
Profile Image for Elaine.
535 reviews41 followers
February 27, 2019
Did you ever just want to throw a book against the wall in sheer frustration? That is how I feel now having literally just finished The Stillwater Girls. Starting off in alternating narratives between Wren and Nicolette, the book is gripping, engaging and fast moving. Wren and her sisters have been brought up in a remote cabin in the woods. When their 9 year old sister gets sick their mother is forced to bring her to town for medicine but unfortunately never returns.

Nicolette is a wealthy privileged upper class young woman who suspects her husband to be cheating on her. When Wren and her sister, Sage escape the cabin and land on Nicolette's doorstep, the truth emerges. .

I thoroughly enjoyed this book up to about 70%, in fact I was raving about it to my co-workers. Then at the 70% or so mark, a bombshell is dropped, something so farcical and nonsensical that I struggled to continue. I skimmed the last 25% of the book and characters I had previously warmed to, I was now completely disbelieving of. Unfortunately the outrageous explanations for everything ruined for me what had been a very enjoyable book.
Profile Image for Danielle (The Blonde Likes Books).
638 reviews408 followers
November 3, 2020
I really enjoyed this one! It centers around two storylines, one focuses on a woman who is worried her husband is having an affair, and the other on two sisters who live alone in a remote cabin with no electricity or modern day amenities. It’s all they’ve ever known. After their mother goes out and never returns, they are on their own. When the sisters are forced to leave the cabin, the two storylines intersect and things get good!

This is more of a light mystery than a true thriller, with the questions being who are the girls, and why did their mother keep them in a secluded location, and another being the domestic drama between Nicolette and her husband.

I really enjoyed the story but I did find one part of the ending to be a little far fetched, which dropped my rating from 5 stars to 4. Overall, another enjoyable read from Minka Kent. Looking forward to seeing what she writes next!
Profile Image for Dennis.
904 reviews1,843 followers
March 15, 2019
I've never read anything by Minka Kent, but everyone is always telling me, "Dennis, you need to pick up something by Minka Kent! She's always writing the most twisted mysteries and you'll love them!" The Stillwater Girls is my first read by the author, and for the most part, I enjoyed this story. I would've rated this book higher, but there's a major twist that changes the entire narrative, and it just didn't work for me. I found it to be a little too unbelievable for me, and my interest in the plot began to diminish. Overall, I'm definitely glad that I picked up The Stillwater Girls , and I think that the author's writing is definitely superb. I'll definitely need to check out some of Kent's previous works so I can get a better vibe on how she crafts a story.
Profile Image for Mary  Carrasco.
62 reviews241 followers
May 8, 2019
This was a really great story about Wren, Sage and Evie. Sisters who were kept isolated from the world by their mother. Until one day when their mother leaves with Evie and never comes back. Again, a great story with an unfortunate, meh kind of ending. I just felt like everything fell in to place way too perfectly. I think with a few tweaks to the end this could have been a five star because most of it was well written. 3.5 stars rounded up.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 7,354 reviews

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