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Miriam Stoltzfus is a young Pennsylvania Amish woman once filled with dreams for a future with a man... who jilted her. Now she is known as the old maid schoolteacher with a heart of stone. Could a forbidden romantic friendship with an English newspaper reporter stir the embers of her heart? Or, will she follow the traditional path and settle for a marriage of convenience born out of the sake of a child?
Either way, she must find the key to letting go of the bitterness that binds her ability to love.

A Merry Heart is book 1 in the Brides of Lancaster County series.
Other books in the series include Looking for a Miracle: Book 2, Plain and Fancy: Book 3, The Hope Chest: Book 4.

288 pages, Paperback

First published February 1, 2007

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About the author

Wanda E. Brunstetter

192 books2,229 followers
New York Times bestselling and award-winning author, Wanda E. Brunstetter is one of the founders of the Amish fiction genre. She has written close to 90 books translated in four languages. With over 10 million copies sold, Wanda's stories consistently earn spots on the nations most prestigious bestseller lists and have received numerous awards.

Wanda’s ancestors were part of the Anabaptist faith, and her novels are based on personal research intended to accurately portray the Amish way of life. Her books are well-read and trusted by many Amish, who credit her for giving readers a deeper understanding of the people and their customs.

When Wanda visits her Amish friends, she finds herself drawn to their peaceful lifestyle, sincerity, and close family ties. Wanda enjoys photography, ventriloquism, gardening, bird-watching, beachcombing, and spending time with her family. She and her husband, Richard, have been blessed with two grown children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

To learn more about Wanda, visit her website at www.wandabrunstetter.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 193 reviews
Profile Image for Renee.
143 reviews2 followers
April 28, 2021
Do you like historical theological romantic amish fiction? Have I ever got the book for you. If you don't like these things, this book is also excellent. I recommend making it a drinking game. The person across from you takes a shot when the phrase "heart of stone" is uttered. The person to your left takes a sip every time some synonym for 'old maid' or 'spinster' is introduced. And EVERYONE takes a shot when the phrase 'tragic buggy incident' occurs. I promise you that everyone will have alcohol poisoning by the middle of the second chapter.
Profile Image for Abyssdancer (Hanging in there!).
131 reviews25 followers
April 15, 2022
Such a sweet romance … Miriam, a 26 year old school teacher, harbors bitterness and anger deep in her heart after her beau leaves her for another woman. She vows never to love again, and actively rejects Amos, a shy widower, when he confesses his love to her and asks to court her. This repulses Miriam, and drives her closer to Nick, a non-Amish man who befriends Miriam as he researches the Amish lifestyle to write about it for the local newspaper. Will Miriam overcome the bitterness within her that prevents her from loving and trusting others?

Well, yeah … after studying her Bible … it’s an Amish romance … I think a godly marriage is a requirement for the happily-ever-after …

Amos and his daughter Mary Ellen are such lovable characters … their patience and kindness are tested by Miriam’s continuous rejection of accepting love in her life … at times I got really annoyed with Miriam, but I knew how this book would end, and I just sat back to enjoy the getting-there … it’s been a long time since I’ve read a book with a happy ending … I’m just going to let the sunshine warm my heart, and bask in the afterglow of a romance written well …
Profile Image for Jacqueline J.
3,533 reviews347 followers
November 24, 2010
I had a lovely long insightful review of this all typed up when somehow I knocked against the keyboard and deleted it. I don't have the heart to recreat it. Suffice it to say that as a non reader of Christian fiction, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this novel of one woman's crisis of faith. The characterization of the heroine, Miriam, was good and in depth. The other characters, not so in depth. The book takes place over a long period of time with just a short scene or so to illustrate what is happening in her life instead of a play by play narrative. I did keep complusively turning pages urging her to stop being such a downer and see the love of the good man in front of her. I would have liked a bit more characterization of him. He seemed a bit too cardboard. Still, I might try others by the author.
Profile Image for Kimberly.
52 reviews
December 21, 2013
A Merry Heart is yet another W.E. Brunstetter read, that did kept the pages turning. It is not a fast paced action thriller, BUT it does keep your interest and is a calming, inspirational read for the end of the day with lessons to be learned.

Admitting I am a fan of novels that are about the Amish, because they were the first genre of books that I encountered that had a Christian theme that was close to I feel on certain subject matters. Also they did open a door for me to wonder about things such as my values and traditions.

In a Merry Heart, (which I will read again with a pink highlighter) you find a women who was courted and hurt by a man she trusted and loved. Her journey till the last pages of the book could very easily mirror some of us in our relationships with the Lord. We have been hurt by those claiming to be friends or Christians, we have lost faith and trust in anything related to church including the offering plate, are we ever able to put behind us the actions of those hurtful people long enough to recognize the true love that Christ has for us?

Some of us can and some can not....
Profile Image for Gabrielle.
811 reviews25 followers
August 17, 2015
Miriam is heart broken when the man she thought she loved has decided to marry someone else. She tries not to let it get her down but, two years after he sends her a break up letter she still cant seem to come to terms with it. Among trying to get over a lost love, it seems bad luck comes her way when her father has a massive heart attack and dies. Shortly after the tragedy her niece, while waiting fro Miriam after school gets struck by a falling tree branch and is in a coma. Now it seems all the Miriam has to look forward to is visits from an extremely nosey reporter, but when he gets a job and moves to Columbus Miriam finds herself becoming increasingly closer and closer to Amos. A heartwarming story, A very enjoyable read. Anyone who enjoys Amish books will enjoy this one.
148 reviews1 follower
October 20, 2017
I thought this would be a light read, but I was very wrong. This book was depressing and frustrating. The lead woman was so bitter and hostile that it was impossible for me to want good things for her. She was the most pessimistic character I've ever read. Amos deserved so much more than begging for love from this bitter woman. Redemption came too late. I no longer cared about what would happen with her, and honestly, she should have been alone. I don't think anyone could have realistically seen past her constant snapping and griping to want her for a wife. A kinder character was only revealed in the end with extremely brief hints at it earlier. The author is talented, but this book just wasn't for me.
221 reviews122 followers
October 31, 2013
Another book that I'd give 2 1/2 stars if I could. I didn't like who the main character was so bitter for most of the book. I also felt that Nick was a bit too flirty for his own good. This is yet another disappointing book from Brusntetter, but I wil read the next one to find oru what happens to M Miriam's niece.
Profile Image for Ashley.
199 reviews16 followers
February 4, 2013
I loved this book it was a fast read and very good. I didn't want to put it down, it always had me quessing what is going to happen next?!. I will say that I was very suprised towards the end of the book. It had such a great ending to it. I would recommened it. I am starting on book #2 today.
216 reviews2 followers
February 18, 2018
I read this last spring a couple times and really enjoyed it. This is one of Wanda’s better books!
Profile Image for Monica.
848 reviews
August 10, 2023
A sweet Amish romance. Brunstettler's books are always so good. This one was no different. The first in the Brides of Lancaster Series.

Mariam is a 26-year old teacher in the Amish community and considered an old maid. She is considered by all to have an ice cold heart. Mariam was hurt years ago by a boy she thought she would marry one day, only to be jilted. Amos has loved Mariam since school, but he has never told her how he feels. How can he get her to realize he loves her for her and not just as a step-mom for his daughter. Mariam wishes Amos would just leave her alone. Nick is an English that has turned her head. Can Mariam come to terms with God and her feelings? Can she really leave her Amish community for an English or should she just do what everyone else seems to want her to do?

I think if you enjoy sweet romances, Christian or Amish fiction, you should give this book a read.

😊 Happy Reading 😊

Profile Image for Alyssa White.
529 reviews17 followers
May 27, 2018
First book in a connection series, Miriam has to overcome her stubbornness in order to open up her heart. This first book was really difficult for me to get into. Miriam was the type of character you wanted to knock some sense into, very stubborn and not open to anything. The idea behind the story was nice, it was just hard to get into.
Profile Image for Kristin.
460 reviews54 followers
January 28, 2018
A Merry Heart is book #1 in the Brides of Lancaster County series by Wanda E. Brunstetter. Other books in the series include Looking for a Miracle: Book #2, Plain, and Fancy: Book #3, The Hope Chest: Book #4.

My Honest Thoughts
I have to be honest, I really struggle to like people who are overly bitter. Miriam is one of those people. I’m this way in real life and with my fiction. I totally understand that some people cannot help feeling bitter. As a fairly optimistic person with a positive outlook on life, bitterness just makes me want to smack someone and tell them to snap out of it. I felt that way through much of this book. I wanted to reach into the pages, grab Miriam by the collar and give her a good shake.

This book is based on Proverbs 17:22 which states that A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Miriam’s family and friends were constantly pointing this out to her. I get where they were coming from but at the same time, I also feel like maybe Miriam needed to seek professional help. I felt that depression was downplayed. Who pines for an old boyfriend for years after a breakup? Oh, some people do that? Maybe I’m just cold-hearted? I might have cried for a couple of weeks over old boyfriends but then I was okay. Crying for years and condemning yourself to a life as an old maid is not the typical response to a breakup. No, I truly feel that Miriam was already depressed and then tragic events further damaged her spirit.

However, I did love the underlying message of hope in the salvation of Christ. I just don’t want anyone to get the idea that becoming a Christian automatically takes care of every problem. Have I known people who were healed of depression by the Lord? Yes, I absolutely do. But I also know people who still battle and still fight with it.

Overall, I liked the book. Despite the struggle with Miriam, I began to love the story because I fell in love with the secondary characters, Amos, and his daughter. They made this book enjoyable for me. I just wish Miriam had seen their worth as early on as I did.
This review originally posted on A Simply Enchanted Life
195 reviews9 followers
October 20, 2018


Wanda Brunstetter's first book in her Brides of Lancaster County series is called A Merry Heart, and is based on the Bible verse above Proverbs 17:22.
The story involves around Miriam Stoltzfus, an Amish schoolteacher, from Lancaster County Pennsylvania, who has become very bitter, after having her heart broken by her longtime boyfriend, William Graber.
Miriam has let the bitterness from this failed relationship take over her life, to the point that she is suffering from severe headaches. No matter what her family and close friends tell her, Miriam has become so stubborn that she feels unfilled, and she cannot open up her heart, especially when Amos Hilty, a widower, falls for her and wants to court and marry her, so Miriam can help raise his young daughter Mary Ellen. Mary Ellen is one of Miriam's students and she just adores Miriam.
What will it take for Miriam to open her eyes and have the bitterness that consumes her let her learn to love again. Will it be facing two tragedies, her father dying of a massive heart attack and hr young niece spinal cord injury. Or maybe the attention of a little girl, Mary Ellen, who needs a mother. Or could it be a forbidden romantic friendship with an English newspaper reporter.
A Merry Heart is a story of mending a broken heart, regaining one's faith and trust in the Lord.
I suggest reading A Merry Heart to see how much bitterness almost ruins one's life.
5 reviews
December 20, 2011
A Merry Heart is a feel good romance novel. Miriam is considered an old maid in her Amish Community. She is also the school teacher there. Prbably one of the reasons she has never gotten married was because she had a bad relationship a long time ago. Amos is a widow with one daughter, and he has always been sweet on Miriam since their schooling together. When he starts to pursue her, she wants nothing to do with him. Probably the reason I really liked this book was because of how even though Miriam doesn't like Amos, he doesn't give up. Also Miriam starts to form a friendship with an Englisher which in Amish society is forbidden. Her parents want her to be happy but Miriam doesn't want to get hurt again. People can also learn from this book. How to forgive and how we can be happy. If you love romance and a feel good book, this one is for you!
Profile Image for Colette.
649 reviews6 followers
October 24, 2014
This book was about a school teacher named Miriam. She was heartbroken when the boy she thought loved her left the community and married another and she became bitter and sheltered her heart from any other romance.

One of her students was her niece, Rebekah whose spine was crushed by a tree while she was waiting for a ride home from school with Miriam. Miriam couldn't forgive herself for telling her to wait outside instead of in the school room with her and questioned her faith in God and blamed him for allowing these heartbreaks to happen. When Amos, the father of another of her students expressed an interest in courting her, she believed he was only looking for a mother for his daughter and a housekeeper for his home and she eventually married him under those terms, but after some time, she discovered he truly did love her.
Profile Image for Shelly Ann.
107 reviews20 followers
July 15, 2014
Wunnderbaar!!!! I loved it!!! Based on Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones....is what this book is based on. I love it so much!! I couldn't imagine hibernating in bitterness. The examples of living with being bitter were written so clearly. Nothing helps a bitter heart, except a fresh renewal of allowing God into your heart. That is the story, of Miriam. You did a great job on describing how it feels to live in bitterness. What causes headaches, migraines, and unfulfilled life. Just being unlovable! It makes you want to soul search your own life!! I did!! Maybe that's why God intended for me to read this book!!! Sure its in the Bible which I have read! But when it's explained like this in such a way like it was, it will open your eyes, your heart and your mind! Take a heed!!! This book will do just that!!!
Profile Image for Ratforce.
2,646 reviews
April 24, 2013
Fans of Beverly Lewis should find much to like in the novels of Wanda Brunstetter. Both authors write gentle and uplifting romances featuring the lives of Amish people. This is the first in the Brides of Lancaster County series.

If you enjoy the Amish focus of Beverly Lewis’s books, you may want to try Wanda E. Brunstetter. This is the first in the Brides of Lancaster County series, and it is available as an audiobook.

Much like Beverly Lewis, Wanda Brunstetter writes inspirational fiction centered around the Pennsylvania Amish. This is the first book in the Brides of Lancaster County series, and it is available as an audiobook.
Profile Image for Amy Lafleur Meyers.
1,022 reviews14 followers
September 10, 2016
As a fan of writers who write about the Amish, such as Beverly Lewis, I decided to give this author a try. Miriam, a young Amish school teacher, is determined not to marry, after being jilted by the man she loved. Miriam was a bit annoying initially as she ignores the advice of her friends and family to open her heart to love and also ignores a man who is interested in her. However, one starts to root for Miriam to find true happiness (and perhaps root for other characters). The story was a bit predictable at times, but an enjoyable read. I definitely plan read other books by Brunstetter, including the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Ariana.
59 reviews3 followers
January 11, 2014
There was not much character development for the two men attempting to court Miriam. It was hard to care for either of them, although I did prefer the man she chose to marry.

My biggest beef with the book is Miriam ends up marrying the widower Amos because:

1. She loves his daughter and knows the girl needs a mother.
2. Miriam's brother is getting marries soon, and Miriam wants to leave the house she shares with him. What to do? Get married to Amos - now she has a home.
3. She doesn't love Amos, tells him so, and they decide to get married anyway. Everything turns out, though, because they start to fall in love about 6 months after the wedding.

Yeah, I don't like this book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
20 reviews2 followers
August 30, 2015
Miriam Stoltzfus had loved William Graber all her life and thought they would eventually marry. However, William moves away and weds someone else. Miriam is nursing a broken heart and has decided that she will never marry. She has closed her heart off to the very idea of love. Amos Hilty had cared for Miriam for a long time and the widower would like to marry her and create a family with his young daughter, Mary Ellen. Will Amos and Mary Ellen be able to break through the ice enclosing Miriam's heart and let the love in?

This is a special book that teaches that what we think we want may not always take the form we think it should.
Profile Image for Sherry.
74 reviews
June 19, 2017
This book was almost painful to read at times. Such a downer! I wanted to just put it down and not finish it several times. But I don't usually stop reading a book, so I trudged through it hoping it would get better. The main character in the book, Miriam, was hopeless. I wanted to shake some sense into her more times than I can count. She was a self-centered, hardened, cranky young woman who couldn't move on from being dumped by a man who never really loved her. I normally pick up a book like this for a light, cozy read after an intense thriller. But this was anything but cozy. I've read other books by this author, but this one was not enjoyable at all.
Profile Image for Laura.
217 reviews
October 16, 2012
This is the first time I actually did not like a character in a book. Miriam was a complete negative drag for the first 240 of the 261 pages of this book. She had finally seen the light which now causes me to have to read book 2. I am concerned this is a bit over the top and will push people on the fence away. Pray this doesn't happen but rather is used for good. It is certainly all true, just a bit strong and forceful at the end for casual readers. Great cookie recipe though.
Profile Image for Mandy.
1,599 reviews21 followers
May 20, 2013
I am a fan of Beverly Lewis, another Amish fiction writer. I thought I would try another author, so I picked up this book on audio. The storyline was predictable, but decent. However the writing was frustrating to me. Certain phrases were repeated over and over, when characters analyzed their inner feelings it was the same points each time. If this story had not repeated itself, it could have been much shorter. I think I will stick to Beverly Lewis' books in the future.
Profile Image for Ericka Johnson.
105 reviews
November 9, 2013
I love how Wanda E. Brunstetter writes about the Amish community. Miriam's heart has been broken years ago can she finally fill the void that has been there ever since William wrote her and told her he found someone else to love? Does she find love again? Can she trust another man again? Is it Amos the Amish man that has loved her since they were children or Nick the Englisher she keeps bumping into just when she needs someone to talk to.
Profile Image for Nancy.
1,610 reviews49 followers
November 12, 2013
I listened to this book in the car over a few days. Miriam is the school teacher in her Amish community. Some of the children think she is mean. She had expected to marry William, who left the area to learn a new trade. He found and married someone else, so Miriam was bitter towards men. She meets and is attracted to an Englisher, and there is a widower in the Amish community, who has loved her since they were kinder together. It's a nice story with a message.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Christian Singer.
178 reviews2 followers
August 5, 2016
I enjoyed Wanda Brunstetter's A Merry Heart. I could relate to Miriam Stolzfus's struggle with bitterness and learning to let go and trust. Proverbs 17:22, about having a merry heart follows her around. It seems like every time I turn around I'm reminded that Jeremiah 29:11 says God has a purpose for me. If you struggle with bitterness, can't get over a lost love, or can't forgive yourself or someone else, you'll relate to Miriam's struggle.
982 reviews5 followers
June 23, 2014
First in the Brides of Lancaster County series. Mariam is the local Amish school teacher in her mid 20's, an "old maid", according to her. The area matchmakers are working hard to change that though. Mariam had thought she would be married, but was jilted by her long time sweetheart so she thinks love will never happen again.

This is probably a series that should be read in order. I believe some of the characters in this book were mentioned in other series by Brunstetter.
27 reviews
November 3, 2017
I have just finished a trip through Lancaster, so decided to read this book. It felt like I knew so many of the places I was reading about, I could easily relate to Bird in Hand, Lancaster, and so many other places. The Author does a wonderful job of describing the area and the beautiful Amish people. I thought the book was good, but I felt it dwelt on the main character's unhappiness for far too long. However, I did enjoy the book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 193 reviews

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