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The Omni Towers #1

Beneath the Fallen City

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Kayla is a scavenger, driven to search the ruins of abandoned cities for artifacts in exchange for critical life-saving supplies. But, the rarest artifacts are found in the most dangerous ruins—those under control by the OmniLab traders.

Carl is one of those traders—and Kayla’s invaded his district. He’s determined to stop her and the best way to do that is to recruit her. The only problem?

Kayla hates traders.

When a powerful man intent on revenge starts hunting her, Kayla realizes the only way to save herself may be to accept Carl’s offer. But that would mean surrendering to OmniLab and giving up everything she knows.

Only everything isn’t quite what it seems.

Including OmniLab.

And Kayla’s in a lot of trouble.

Beneath the Fallen City is an exciting post-apocalyptic fantasy series with romantic elements and shocking twists. Join Kayla as she unearths the secrets of the past and discovers a hidden world no one thought was possible.

370 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 25, 2014

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Jamie A. Waters

15 books494 followers
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Jamie A. Waters is an award-winning fantasy romance author and dragon enthusiast. Weaving together magic, intrigue, and some delicious romance, she creates memorable and immersive worlds that provide the perfect escape. Her books feature strong, spunky heroines and their swoon-worthy heroes who will stop at nothing to save the day.

Sign up for her newsletter for all the latest information and get a FREE book: www.jamieawaters.com/newsletter-signup

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 171 reviews
Profile Image for "Avonna.
1,323 reviews544 followers
July 9, 2016
I am so happy I tried THE TWO TOWERS (Book #1, Post-Apocalyptic Romance) by Jamie A. Waters! This book is an exciting start to a new YA post-apocalyptic romance series. It is a mix of sci-fi, paranormal and YA romance done right. It has well planned and executed world-building, realistic dialogue and plot twists throughout. I find it hard to believe this book is from a first time author!

The world of The Two Towers is set 150 years after a devastating war that left the Omnilab Towers and few survivors on the surface of the Earth. The Towers contain the Inner Circle that had them created for survival of their families to keep their bloodlines pure and for those who paid well enough to survive with them. The survivors on the surface of the earth are the ‘ruin rats’. They scavage through the remains of the past for artifacts they can trade for survival to traders, who are lower level Omnilab employees represented in different districts on the surface.

Kayla grew up on the surface with an adopted family and is one of the best ruin rats ever. She has an uncanny ability to find some of the best artifacts even after the traders have cleared a section and the rats are just left with the remains. She is also able to computer code and pick locks better than anyone. She finds The Aurelia Data Cube and sets in motion the plot that will carry her and her friends forward to discover her biological roots, powers and the corruption in The Towers.

Kayla is a fantastic heroine! She is small and sexy, a powder keg if you get her riled, but she is also loyal and loving to a fault. The differences in her two romantic interests, Carl, a Trader and Alec, a member of the Inner Circle couldn’t be greater, but they both love her and are willing to do anything to keep her.

This series is a must continue for me!

Written for and posted first on The Romance Reviews.com.
Profile Image for Talia Johnson.
465 reviews3 followers
January 25, 2021
Okay so this book was honestly terrible and I should give it 1 star, but I didn't because I had too much fun reading it, and when I say fun I mean I had fun laughing at it and hating Kayla. Kayla is honestly one of the worst characters, she's the worst Mary Sue (perfect/without flaws/good at everything/upstages everyone/unrealistic) I've ever read about and I've read about a lot. Let me introduce you to Kayla, she's the youngest, the prettiest, the smallest, the curviest, and the most fiery person on the planet. She's also the best scavenger, the best tech person, the fastest lock pick, a force to be reckoned with on her speed bike, and not to mention that every man loves her and is almost violently attracted to her 24/7 and all the girls think she's great and want to be like her with the exception of one who obviously hates her. Also she's super loyal and loving, well at least they say, I never saw any evidence of that. But anyway, that's Kayla. The world literally revolves around her. When something that literally has nothing to do with her happens and she's not even there, some how they make it about her. All the characters are constantly thinking and talking about her for no discernible reason. Sometimes it's all about how she's the best and other times it's all about how hot her curvy but petite body is (honestly reading some of the descriptions about her body you would think this book was written by a man who has yet to find out that women are actually people). So yeah that's basically all you need to know about Kayla, she's the center of the world and is actually the best and everything and no one knows why because she just is. And the only people who wonder why just want her dead so somehow, she's still the center of the universe.

Okay but also the world building was a mess. It starts out as a pretty obvious dystopian sci-fi vibe. Not a ton of descriptions so I actually have no idea what to picture, I just know that there were some wars now the world is basically destroyed and the "ruin rats" have crews and scavenge for stuff to trade. There's a trader in charge of each crew. There are two towers the Omni towers, Kayla hates all things Omni. There's a mix of old and new technology that you just sort of pick up along the way. This is all you know about the world building for about 65-70% of the book. Then boom, we find out that Kayla isn't an orphan she's actually from one of the most powerful Omni families. Shocker. So then she goes to the towers and yeah they're definitely fancier than the rest of the world, but we only know that cuz Kayla said so, but we don't see that and we don't really know what that means. And we're just cruising along through the book and another shocker (except this one actually was shocking because it came from no where and didn't make any sense, also it's kinda a spoiler but seriously don't read this) Kayla has magical mind powers. Totally throwing off the vibe. Also guess what, she has the strongest magical mind powers anyone has seen in years and is super good at using them even though two days ago she didn't even know that was a thing. And at this point you may be wondering, "hmm where did those magical mind powers come from? It seems a little... random." Well good news, they tell us, Kayla is descended from dragons. Yeah you read that right, dragons. Wat? Bro I have no idea. So like I said, the world building was a mess.

Now the love triangle, because of course this book has a love triangle. I hated it. I hated Carl. I hated Alec. I hated Kayla. And I hated that there was no actual development or reasons to ship Kayla with either. Although, I will say that Carl is better than Alec. Carl may be a piece of cardboard, but at least he's not a manipulative piece of cardboard like Alec. Also there was some weird claiming stuff and I just couldn't get behind that.

One thing that honestly made it really hard for me to take this book seriously (other than being descended from dragons lol) was Kayla's insults. They were so weird! And really over the top and unnecessary and random lol. It was like "Hi I'm Kayla and I'm the best and super small but super tough so let me prove that by insulting with really mean but weird insults no one even knows the meaning of." It was a weird vibe.
Profile Image for Jacque.
998 reviews24 followers
September 3, 2021
What a rush! Beneath the Fallen City by Jamie A. Waters was amazeballs. This page turner kept me riveted from beginning to end. I read the prequel first because, ya know, that’s what they are there for. Although in this case, the prequel had been released after the series had started. So, unlike other readers, I had an inkling of what to expect. Or so I thought.

Kayla is a scavenger. A ruin rat in this new apocalyptic world. Her job is to search abandoned cities for artifacts to exchange for critical life-saving supplies. And she’s good at it. Real good. She knows the rarest artifacts that will get her camp the most credits are found in the most dangerous ruins. Those are the ones under control by the OmniLab traders. Carl is one of those traders and he knows the only way to stop her from poaching in his district is to recruit her. Nope, not going to happen. That is until one of the other traders starts hunting Kayla for revenge. Now the only way to protect herself is to join up with Carl and OmniLab. If she does, her life is going to be changing – drastically. The only question is: will it be for the better?

Holy WOW! This was non-stop excitement. Having been introduced to Kayla in the prequel, I had some preconceived notions about her, annnnd had to toss them right out of my head. She’s smart, quick, and quite the spite fire. Guess you had to be if you are running on survivor mode 24/7. The story is fast paced, full of twists and reads like it is three stories in one. It begins with what became of Kayla once she joins Leo’s camp, moves onto what happens when she becomes a trader, followed by (queue the ominous music) a trip to OmniLab. GASP! See that line in the blurb that reads “Only everything isn’t quite what it seems.” That wasn’t a joke. Be prepared to have your mind blown.

As I mentioned in my previous review, I really liked how Ms. Waters painted a very good picture of possibilities. We do get a bit more information of how the world, and the survivors, got to where they are now. The layers keep peeling back and more is exposed. I still have more questions, but I am getting a better sense of it all. I know it’s not the most important thing, but I do like to know the whats and whys of the worlds I am reading. Either way, this is shaping up to be a great series and can’t wait to find out what happens next.

Stars: 4
I received this book from BookSirens. I was not compensated for the book other than the entertainment it provided. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for MummysVampire.
432 reviews4 followers
January 28, 2022
Wow! So, do you know that feeling when you finish an amazing book, and then you check Goodreads to see the full series is out!! Eeek, binge read commencing now!!! I absolutely loved book one of The Omni Towers Series by Jamie A Waters. Doing a happy dance as there are 6 more books!!

This is set in a post apocalyptic world following fiery, independent, and kick ass Kayla who is a Ruin Rat. These are people that scavenge the dangerous ruins of the abandoned underground cities for artefacts to trade for survival supplies. There is a hierarchical system for the survivors and she is in the lowest rank.
The people at the top, live in the Omni Towers in luxury and care nothing for the people outside. They have their own people they send to trade with the poor people outside that live a tough and barely survivable life.

Kayla is the best at what she does and meets Carl an Omni trader who does all that he can to recruit her. Initially she refuses, but after crossing another dangerous trader, her life is in danger so she has no choice but to accept the gorgeous, sneaky, cocky Omni Traders offer. Trust me sparks fly between this pair, and in the most delightful way.

From here Kayla goes on a journey of discovery which I can’t talk about as the way the story unfolds is so intriguing with lots of twists and turns you won’t see coming. She has to face so many obstacles and does it smiling, kicking ass, and mouthing off the most hilarious insults. You can’t help but fall in love with her, along with pretty much everyone else lol.

I cannot recommend this enough as the world building and writing is superb. There are so many reveals along the way about Kayla’s past that will shock you. Honestly you need to read this now, and trust me, you will find it difficult to put down.

I believe this was the authors debut book, I’m so impressed as she nailed it. When the first book in a series makes that much of an impact, you know it’s going to get even better.

5/5 can’t wait for more stars.

Thank you BookSirens for this copy in return for a non biased review ❤️
Profile Image for Masquerade Crew.
268 reviews1,611 followers
November 16, 2014


This book is a solid start for a new writer. The setting is very interesting, as is the concept of a team of ‘ruin rats’ scavenging artifacts for a bunch of people essentially locked away in two towers, and the main character’s origins are equally interesting.

What lacked for me, however, was a real sense that this was a science-fiction story. There are many features mentioned (sensors, UV gear, com-links, etc.) but few were described with enough detail to give clues as to what they looked like or how they worked. For some people that might not be a big thing, but I like to feel immersed in a story, especially when it is happening in a place invented by the author. Also, I had thought the story was a science-fiction novel with romance in it and soon realized it was a romance with science-fiction in it. Again, for some that might not be an issue, but it affected my perception of what I was getting into and my overall enjoyment of the story. That said, the intimate scenes were well-written and quite hot.

I would have liked to see more character development from some of the secondary characters. Veridian, I think, could have been stronger, and some of the others as well. Still, the cast functions well as a support for Kayla and, by the end, everyone does what they are expected to do. I did find Kayla too intense for me, sometimes overly reactive and downright obnoxious, but she did have her quiet, sensitive moments, which helped make her likable.

It’ll be interesting to see what comes next, as book 1 raises many intriguing questions to be answered in book 2.
Profile Image for Sam Everard.
228 reviews12 followers
December 7, 2020
I should know better than to start a Jamie Waters book on a Sunday when I don't have anything pressing enough to pull me away from her words.

I didn't know what to expect from Beneath the Fallen City, I only knew that Jamie's ongoing Dragon Portal series had completely captivated me and I was curious enough to delve into her other works.

I did read the prequel, and was curious about the intrigue of the towers, the ruins, the life these so-called "ruin rats" led amid their disdain for those living above. But jumping into Kayla's life as a scavenger and watching as utter chaos unfolded... it was a ride that I definitely didn't see coming.

The sassiness and steam are immediate and likely a driving factor in the enthusiasm I felt in continuing through the story... but when the true mystery came to the surface and the *real* action unfolded.. Man. I cannot wait to see where this goes.
Profile Image for Eve.
703 reviews15 followers
March 26, 2024
2.5 Stars

There was a bit too much happening in this for my taste. Don't get me wrong, it made the time pass, and I didn't hate my experience, but there was too much going on - especially for Book 1. I would have liked to explore the world more and the life of a ruin rat rather than squeezing it all into one book. This very much read in three parts and I think it would have been better to split it that way too in order to create a world I want to read about. I have no clue where they plan to go from where we left and to be quite honest, this didn't grab me enough to care. I shan't be carrying on with this series but I enjoyed this for what it was - a way to pass the time.
Profile Image for Gina.
1,917 reviews48 followers
January 25, 2021

I didn't think this was that bad, so I'm keeping it at 2 stars even though I'm not going to finish it. I love the concept. I wasn't happy with the execution. It definitely wasn't what I was expecting, and after several bad books already this year, I couldn't bring myself to read all of something with this many world-building issues by chapter 7. Definitely urban fantasy light with more romance/insta-lust than exciting action.
Profile Image for Vinny Lee.
24 reviews1 follower
May 7, 2014
The book "The Two Towers" was my first experience with Jamie A. Waters' work. I welcomed the chance to read this futuristic, sci-fi novel when I was offered it in exchange for an honest review. Being a fan of authors such as Issac Asmov and George Orwell when I was a child, I remember being absorbed for hours about possible advances in science and future events for the human race. This book, being based 150 years in the future was quite a read and I found it right on par with my childhood memories of reading a good science fiction story.

I found the story to be very well written and engaging. If the author didn't do it themselves; whomever edited and proofread this book needs to be applauded. The arrangement of each paragraph flowed well and each chapter was very easy to read. What pleased me most about the authors writing style, was that it didn't feel stilted in language and it wasn't absurd or awkward to read. Unfortunately, I find a lot more bad writing from seasoned authors. I read the other reviews of this book and say that I must agree that this does remind me of the Hunger Games a bit; although I've never read the book and only seen the movie.

I liked the lead character Kayla. She reminded me of a 5 foot 2 inch stick of street-smart, ruin-rat dynamite, ready to explode at a moments notice. Her saucy and inquisitive demeanor in the story-line filled her out and kept the character interesting. Kayla having a back-story built in to the plot really helped as well. Her man Carl, made a great underdog at her side battling the corrupt and evil Omnilab. The other characters such as Seara and even Varidian also seemed well thought out and developed too. In my opinion, the whole story was very well put together, believable and vividly written from start to finish.

I'm really amazed that this work seems to be this authors first book here on Amazon. Bravo! This author deserves five stars all the way for a fantastic debut release. I would recommend this book to all adults that like action packed science fiction!
Profile Image for Angela.
6,175 reviews78 followers
October 17, 2019
5 Stars

Beneath the Fallen City is the first book in The Omni Towers Series by Jamie A. Waters. I really loved this book- the story really drew me in and had me avidly following along on this incredible journey. The story is a mix of dystopian, post-apocalyptic, sci-fi, fantasy, action, and adventure. It’s quite unpredictable and kept me guessing much of the time. With tension, intrigue, danger, secrets, revenge, discoveries, scavengers, traders, and plenty of drama to keep things moving along- I was completely captivated. I fell in love with Jamie A. Water’s stories, imagination, and writing style after reading “How to Kill a Fae”, just recently, and there began my fascination with her work. When I found this book- I knew I NEEDED to read it, so I grabbed a copy and dove right in.
What I discovered between the covers was an incredibly well-woven story full of rich and vibrant details which brought the whole story to life. The characters are cleverly crafted into fully realised interesting and complex individuals, with their own personalities, quirks, and flaws.
The world building is superb- Ms. Water’s skillfully created a complex, vividly detailed, and interesting world in which to stage her story. As I noted previously, her attention to detail is remarkable- giving the story much depth and complexity.
Kayla is a scavenger in this post-apocalyptic world- searching the ruins of cities for anything valuable as her means of survival. We join her on this adventure as her scavenging brings her to the attention of a trader intent on recruiting her- as well as a dangerous man who begins hunting her. She soon discovers that nothing is what it seems- and she is thrust into way more than she bargained for. And so the excitement begins.
This was such a fantastic start to the series- and I can’t wait to continue the adventure!

Thank you, Jamie A. Waters!
Profile Image for Rhiannon Chillingworth.
799 reviews189 followers
August 28, 2023
DNF at about 30%.

I've really enjoyed a different series by this author, so I thought I'd try his.

Unfortunately, it didn't work for me. I think it's one of the author's earlier works, and if so, that would make more sense.

There are several issues I had with it that made me not want to go on, which I'll list in order of how much they annoyed me.

Mainly, the fmc was just not likeable. She is one of those too perfect, good at everything, totally gorgeous - but doesn't know it - and everyone loves, or has strong feelings about. The repetition of this just made her one dimensional and dislikeable in my eyes. Maybe this gets better, but it annoyed me too much.

Secondly, the writing style is very tell, rather than show. I felt like I was just getting told what the characters were doing or saying, with little description. I found his style just made the book dull.

Finally, I felt like there was very little world building regarding the dystopian world.

I don't like to rate books I don't finish, I would definitely not discount this author, as I really enjoyed a different series. This one just didn't work for me.
Profile Image for Jason Pettus.
Author 13 books1,390 followers
February 10, 2023
2023 reads, #13. (I'm now reading romance novels and women's erotica on a regular basis, in order to better help my freelance clients who write in the same genres. Check out my "romance" tag to see all my reviews.) This is my latest read from a group of 30 romance novels I downloaded to my Kindle for free last month from one of those promotional websites, featuring a handful of titles in each of around a dozen romance subgenres, such as Western romances, Regency romances, space alien group sex romances, small-town Christian romances, etc. This particular subgenre is known as "dystopian sci-fi romance," and the best compliment I can give it is that it actually works very well as simply a dystopian sci-fi tale, full stop, and in fact I wouldn't have even thought of the romantic relationship we see in this book being big enough to call it the book's main genre if I hadn't in fact found the book at a romance promotional website. I mean that as a big compliment to popular veteran author Jamie A. Waters (who, unlike many of the Kindle Unlimited authors I read, actually has 16 books out at this point and thousands of public reviews), that she could take a book like this to a sci-fi convention and still have lots of fans, even if none of those people in particular would consider themselves romance fans; and needless to say, this also is a strong sign that Waters handles her central romance with a lot more surprise and finesse than a lot of these contemporary "book a month" authors, who are downloading online guides to how to structure a romance novel's plot and then are sticking to that structure unquestioningly.

That's perhaps the biggest joy here for genre fans, that the central romance here between a plucky young woman who scavenges cyberpunk-style among the ruins of a long-over civil war on her planet, and her would-be boss who is one of the few "outside travelers" from a nearby enclosed community of upper-classers who have mostly sealed themselves off from the riff-raff outside their gates, is full of surprises and unexpected beats, along with a realistic triangle complication when she too finally visits the "Omni Towers" of this series' title and finds herself equally falling (that is, with a lot of trepidation) for a haughty young junior member of that insular society's ruling class, the generalities of which you can picture falling safely into YA "Hunger Games" or "Divergent"-style territory. It's the action-oriented plot itself, though, that provides most of the thrills here, a well-done melodrama with a deep mythos and lots of great world-building. It's one of the rare romance novels I've read now that I would actually recommend to non-romance fans, and I look forward now to checking out the other five books in this long-running series.
Profile Image for Mutated Reviewer.
838 reviews14 followers
September 6, 2018
"Beneath the Fallen City" is the first book I've read from author Jamie A. Waters, and I have to say, I really enjoyed it. The main character Kayla, is a young woman who feels more alive than ever scouring the ruins of old civilizations. After world wars ravaged the planet, all that's left are camps, destroyed buildings, and two mysterious towers owned by a strange company called OmniLabs.

Check out the rest of my review here!

Profile Image for Myreadbooks.
1,456 reviews25 followers
September 29, 2018
I would like to thank the author and the Netgalley website for this partnership.

I was immediately attracted to the cover and the summary.

It is learned from the beginning that since 150 years after the land was destroyed, two towers built by an Omnilab have allowed those who have survived and managed to protect their families to find refuge in these two towers. We find Kayla there, gifted in computer hacking and who finds an artifact and will find herself in trouble.

I immediately hooked on the story, which was so captivating and full of suspense and twists and turns, as well as the characters. Looking forward to reading on.

Profile Image for Maura.
1,981 reviews6 followers
October 19, 2019
One of the great things about Kindle Unlimited is that I can borrow books that I wouldn't "normally" read.

BENEATH THE FALLEN CITY is the first book of what looks like a 6 book series (so far). Book 1 is a lot of world building detailing the who's who and the what's what.

There are a few weird twists and it seems as if the story line was being plotted as it was written. It changes direction and it never really puts itself back in the same direction again.

I will be adding book 2 to my TBR pile because I am curious enough to how the story continues.
14.5k reviews81 followers
March 8, 2019
She finds.Things in the destroyed cities to find items to sell and she has now gone into his area. He is not happy but he wants to recruit her but she hates them. She is even more danger and only be can help her. She is unsure what to do. What will she do? See what will happen

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for PelicanFreak.
1,733 reviews
March 17, 2024
Updated, audiobook listen March 15, 2024
This was not my first read of this book and is unlikely to be my last, though it was my first listen and it was just as good as I remembered, if not better. The book hangover is real. This is an incredible world to get lost into with epic world-building, a love triangle type situation that’ll give you whiplash, one of the strongest female leads I’ve read, a slight paranormal aspect, a dystopian setting and so, so much action and adventure.

I wholeheartedly recommend this read.

5 stars.

🎧 Audio:
The audio was perfect! Both narrators were great and it was beautifully produced. 5 stars.


This is the kind of book that swoops in and restores my faith in the arts. In a dull, dull world where everyone is just putting their own spin on things that already exist and trying to make a buck, Waters comes in and gives us a whole new world to get lost into.

Beneath the Fallen City has complex characters who will prompt all kinds of emotions; some you’ll love, others you’ll love to hate. Others, you might even go back and forth on as more details emerge or they show their true colors.

I had resorted to re-reading old favorites like Harry Potter and The Hunger Games when I really need an escape, another world to get lost in. With this series, I won’t be needing to revisit past reads for a while. The reader gets a world that, while foreign, has plenty we can still relate to and dive right into. Nothing needs further explanation; it’s all made to make perfect sense and be comprehensible, without any long-winded or far-fetched explanations.

There’s action and fighting and various types of drama from romantic to vengeful to plain old greed and there’s adventure; all of it has a bit of a paranormal aspect, but nothing inconceivable. There’s some good versus bad or right versus wrong, but not in the same old, done-to-death way we always see. The reader is also treated to a love triangle of sorts, but not the usual, been-done-to-death type. I don’t want to give too much away, so I’ll just say it’s well done, really fun and I definitely have my steady favorite to root for.

Every time I stepped away from this book, all I wanted to do was get back to it. Not much holds my attention these days, let along sucks me in this extremely anymore. It’s so refreshing.

Also, if you want a good, strong female lead or role model, Kayla is a total badass. Read it, buy it for your daughters, nieces, etc. as that front is also covered. Carl is a good male role model, while we’re on the topic: a guy with good intentions and a pure heart. I feel like there is something for everyone to relate to in this complex, action-packed, adventure-filled read.

5 stars. I wouldn’t change a thing.
Profile Image for Lcdk.
114 reviews1 follower
May 10, 2014
I finished this book before bed last night, but only just found time to leave a review. First of all, let me say that I love science-fiction and especially any sci-fi that has a dystopian or post-apocalyptic influence. That is what first intrigued me enough to give this book a chance, but it's definitely not the only thing that kept me hooked once I had delved into the story.

What I admire about this author and 'The Two Towers' is the simple fact that she isn't afraid to stand out from the mainstream and generic that most writers seem to abide by; Jamie A. Waters adds a unique twist to the genre that I haven't come across before, and I would consider that to be quite an impressive feat - considering the fact that I have read countless sci-fi books over the years that incorporate a dystopian them in some form or another, yet there's only a few that I would consider to be in the same tier of quality that I would say The Two Towers resides in.

Another thing that stood out to me about this book is the added romance twist, which adds an extra layer of originality to the book and which is also a big reason of why I loved this book so much and literally found myself reading it whenever I had the chance. I have seen a few authors try to blend different elements from other genres into a post-apocalyptic/dystopian setting, but most fail - thankfully, Jamie A. Waters has gone way above and beyond and left me not only more than satisfied with the book, but also with a name to keep an eye on - in anticipation of future releases. I highly recommend The Two Towers, and I ultimately give this book a strong 9/10, there are a few very minor 'rough parts', but I haven't came across a single perfect book in my life, so I am still going to give this book 5 stars, as I think that's what this author truly deserves, considering she isn't one of the 'big names' of the genre, at least not yet..
Profile Image for Beth.
3,135 reviews287 followers
June 23, 2014
What an exciting start to a fabulous new series! Jamie A. Waters' The Two Towers sucked me in and left me wanting more.

In a dystopian society, Kayla is highly skilled at recovering artifacts that can further society and traded for survival. When her skills get her noticed by Omnilab, the powers within the towers...Kayla's simple scavenging life will never be the same.

Can you say, "I didn't see that coming"...
Totally unexpected plot twists and turns keeps The Two Towers jumping through your imagination, but Waters also writes a highly original tale with expert world building and fabulous characters that had me clinging to the pages. Quite simply, this book was a perfect match for my reading tastes. It had science fiction, dystopia, and romance all wrapped up in one marvelous storyline. I will be anxiously awaiting the continuation of this story.

Written by: Jamie A Waters
Series: The Two Towers
Sequence in Series: 1
Print Length: 374 pages
Publisher: MuseItUp Publishing
Publication Date: April 23, 2014
Rating: 5 Stars
Genre: Science Fiction
Find this book on: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Profile Image for J.S..
Author 1 book7 followers
December 23, 2018
Starting with the most important, because priorities.
I HATED the whole Alec and Kayla insta-love thing because I absolutely fell in love with Kayla and Carl. I want them to be together. No, I NEED THEM TOGETHER!
Jamie A. Waters... how dare you do this to me?
But onto the review.
Beneath The Fallen City is a pretty decent first book in a series. The post-apocalyptic world is interesting enough. I rather enjoyed the first half of this book. HOWEVER! Everything went downhill for me the moment Kayla entered the towers because the author wasn't satisfied with the romance and decided she needed a romantic triangle (I loathe romantic triangles. I loathe them!). Not only that but Alec is, in no way, shape, or form, even close to the level of interesting Carl is.
Even though the book ended on a note I liked, I confess I've taken a peek into the sequels and... I refuse to read about Kayla and Alec. I REFUSE!
But anyway...
Another thing that weirded me out was the whole DRAGON bit. You'll know what I'm talking about when you read it. It just felt so sudden and out of place with a Sci-fi story. This is a Sci-fi that decided it no longer wanted to be Sci-fi, and turned Fantasy. In my opinion, that isn't the way to go about writing Science Fantasy.
Despite all, however, I cried towards the end of this book. The last few scenes between Kayla and Carl touched me. I love this pairing so much, and that is why I won't be reading the sequels.
Profile Image for Jaid.
23 reviews4 followers
July 20, 2014
Jamie A. Waters magically transports her readers to a war ravaged world of post apocalyptical action, doused with political and emotional upheaval along with some ill-timed romance. Carefully building her domain into a well oiled machine she holds us close and dares us to look away. Torn between two very opposite lives with a multitude of obstacles and loves, her heroine fights for truth, personal freedom and the right of every human...to live.

I fell hopelessly in love with the completely relatable Kayla, the female protagonist. She was witty, head strong and full of spunk which had me absolutely laughing out loud! All characters were well thought out individuals making a lasting impression on your psyche. The plot was layered with numerous surprises around every corner and left me trying to peer unsuccessfully around them.

Her amazing imagination shows through and I enjoyed the overall pacing of the plot. The dialog was realistic, not overly saturated and flowed well. Her descriptive ability really shines and it comes alive through her writing.

She managed to not only breathe life into her characters but throughout the very environment that surrounds them. Ms. Waters flawlessly integrates romance, sci-fi, post apocalypse and adventure with grace and flare, subsequently making you yearn for more.
Profile Image for David Ketelsen.
Author 1 book12 followers
May 25, 2016
I received a free e-copy of The Two Towers from the author, Jamie Waters, last week. The book is a frothy combo of science fiction trappings with some romance writing style mixed in. The result is a very human focused book with the novelty and high interest level that comes with good dystopian SF. One cautionary note for younger readers---there's some steamy passages that should limit the audience to adults.

I loved this book. Waters is an excellent writer and the editing is top notch. This is an excellent book that just demands to be made into a movie. Waters has a sense of visual and emotional drama that grabs the reader and just doesn't let go. Her main character, Kayla, is just barely an adult but is already a highly skilled scavenger and technician with an innate sense of where to look for loot in the ruins that remain of human civilization. She's scrappy, sexy, empowered and willing to go toe-to-toe with anyone and everyone. Believe me---she's a fantastic heroine. There's also the two love interests that you find in romance novels but that's about all that's typical about this book. Waters throws out the normal bodice ripping stereotype and has created a book that is inventive and really holds your interest. This is a great book and the sequel is coming out in a few weeks so this is a perfect time to start reading the series.
Profile Image for Pratr- Authors.
442 reviews10 followers
November 2, 2014
I received the book from the author and Paranormal Romance and Authors that rock for an honest review.

One hundred and fifty years In the future, after the world has been destroyed by wars. Kayla is a ruin rat, searching ruins for anything of value that can be sold for credits. She has good instincts when searching. Carl is a Omni trader, one of tow that deal directly with Omni. He wants Kayla and just not as a ruin rat. Kayla works for Leo, along with her partner Veridian. About a year before she found the Aurelia Data Cube and Ramiro stole it, then Kayla stole it back and sold it. Ramiro is out to get Kayla and from here the story picks up the pace.
You got to love Kayla, she is feisty, head strong a fantastic female lead. Carl is a little harder to read. Sometimes you get the feeling he is just using Kayla but then other times you feel as if he really has feelings for her. Character development is out of this world. Even the secondary characters are great. The descriptions of how the world looks now is great. Such detail you can picture it in your mind. There are a lot of twists and turns and the story doesn't always go the way you think it will. Great read for lovers of sci-fi/ dystopian stories.

Profile Image for Derek White.
Author 5 books105 followers
December 4, 2014
*A Copy of this Book Was Given To Me By The Author In Exchange For An Honest Review*

I was, after reading it amazed to learn that this is a debut novel. The story has everything a sci fi tale should have - - a credible plot where the world created by the author is credible, and more important there are no inconsistencies or continuity errors such as one often gets with an author's first work. It is rare, nowadays, to find a post apocalyptic tale that does not leave you depressed after reading it: there is hope for the human race after all! Kayla is a heroine that male readers will love immediately and female ones will envy. Unlike most such people in novels she has two suitors, either of whom will do nicely. No doubt future episodes will sort out who gets to spend their life with her.
The story itself will keep your interest as it did mine and you will keep turning pages right to the end. You will then look forward to the next story set in this future just as I am.
Welcome to a new author with the same ability to describe the world as Arthur C Clarke, Asimov and others.

Review has been done in conjunction with Nerd Girl Official.
For more information regarding our reviews please visit our Fansite: www.facebook.com/NerdGirl.ng ***
Profile Image for B.A..
Author 8 books15 followers
May 17, 2014
This book is a must read for fans of sci-fi visions of the future. (Fans of Firefly, I'm talking to you!)

The planet has been completely destroyed by war. For those who can and are willing to pay, two self-sustaining towers can offer safety and luxury. But for everyone else, there is the surface where people scavenge, barter, and trade to get by.

This is the first work that I've read by Jamie A. Waters, but her writing introduced characters to the reader as if they were old friends. Each character was painted with familiarity. No flat characters in this book. Immediately, I found myself connected to "ruin rat" Kayla who is a spunky, tough, and at her core, sensitive character. She scared me at times and surprised me a few times as well.

While reading this book, I found myself literally sitting on the edge of my seat as I devoured the pages. It was so intense and highly entertaining.

The author has a keen sense of dialogue and description. (And I have to say, some of the best editing I’ve seen in a while.)

I highly recommend this book, and can’t wait to read the next!
16 reviews
April 29, 2015
* I received a free copy of this book from LibraryThing in exchange for an honest review*

Wow! What a fantastic book! I generally don't read much science fiction but I am so glad that I read The Two Towers. The book is very well written, and is likely to appeal to a broad audience as it includes plenty of action, romance, a wonderful cast of characters, including a kick-ass heroine (Kayla) and some interesting plot twists. While I was initially irritated by Kayla's seeming perfection (here we go, yet another heroine who is drop-dead gorgeous and good at everything!), this lessened as the novel progressed and important elements of her backstory were revealed. The characters were well-developed and the dialogue realistic. I loved the camraderie between Kayla, Carl and the team. I would highly recommend this book to other readers and eagerly await book 2!
Profile Image for Kim.
1,443 reviews2 followers
December 24, 2020
**I received an ARC from Book Sirens and am leaving this review voluntarily.**
Gods, I love Jamie Walters. My first intro to her writing was a prequel novel to this one. That glimpse of her world was enough to hook me, so I jumped at this one when it was offered. She did not disappoint.

This novel is the story of her ruin rats, trying to make a living in a post-apocalyptic world, scavenging in the ruins to do so and hampered by the traders set up by the "Towers" to oversee them without really caring about their survival.

The plot is quick and entertaining, the characters intense, multi-faceted and downright funny in places, the dialogue moves along and carries the story. I really have no negatives about Ms. Walters or her writing. I am almost fan girling over here actually.
Profile Image for Barbara Harris.
42 reviews3 followers
April 30, 2014
First let me just say that this is one of those books that sinks its hooks into you and doesn't let go. So don't start it unless you have cleared your schedule. You have been warned!

The Two Towers is set 150 years in the future. The world has been ravaged by war, and unless you were one of the select few who could buy a residence in the elitist towers built by Omnilab it was up to fate wether you would survive. Kayla is the descendant of the lucky few who survived outside the towers.

A "ruin rat" to the core you can't help but fall in love with her. She finds herself caught up in a fight that was predestined to her, but will going up against the evil and corrupt Omnilab corporation prove to be too much?

Overall this book is a very solid five stars.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 171 reviews

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