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Ancient Magic: A Practical Guide to Spells, Potions, and Power

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In the ancient world, magic was everywhere. The supernatural abounded, turning flowers into fruit and caterpillars into butterflies. In a time before scientists studied weather patterns and figured out what caused the Earth’s most mysterious phenomena, it was magic that packed a cloud full of energy until it exploded with thunderbolts. It was everyday magic, but it was still magical.

In Ancient Magic, author Philip Matyszak ushers readers into that world, showing how ancient Greeks and Romans concocted love potions and cast curses, how they talked to the dead and protected themselves from evil spirits. He takes readers to a world where gods interacted with humans and where people could not only talk to spirits and deities, but could themselves become divine.

Ancient Magic presents us with a new understanding of the role of magic, combining a classical historiography with a practical how-to guide. Using a wide array of sources and lavish illustrations, this book offers an engaging and accessible way into the supernatural for all.

208 pages, Hardcover

Published March 12, 2019

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About the author

Philip Matyszak

56 books223 followers
Philip Matyszak is a British nonfiction author, primarily of historical works relating to ancient Rome. Matyszak has a doctorate in Roman history from St. John's College, Oxford. In addition to being a professional author, he also teaches ancient history for Madingley Hall Institute of Continuing Education, Cambridge University.

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Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews
Profile Image for Natalia.
352 reviews43 followers
April 2, 2021
Несмотря на такое яркое название, книга вполне серьёзная и заигрывание с потенциальным читателем дальше названия не идут. Автор структурирует систему представлений о магии и магических ритуалов в античной Греции и Риме, приводит множество цитат и подкрепляет информацию ссылками на источники. Все по делу, познавательно и очень интересно!
Profile Image for Linniegayl.
1,111 reviews29 followers
February 26, 2024
Readable, chock-full of just about every kind of magic -- or magical creature -- one can imagine from ancient Greece and Rome. The book includes a lot of the author's classic humor, but is well-referenced with countless quotes from ancient texts.
Profile Image for Ivan Chernov.
173 reviews8 followers
November 16, 2020
Продолжение серии книг, куда до этого входили "Скандинавские мифы". Описывает то, что мы сейчас знаем (дрожжи, закалка стали) для людей в античности было сродни магии и поэтому описывали это влияниями богов и их посредников.
Было интересно узнать некоторые моменты про отравителей, оракулов, но можно было и пройти мимо этой книги.
Profile Image for Victoria Mottram.
60 reviews11 followers
January 22, 2019
I loved this book. As usual, Philip Matyszak has brought a highly readable and accessible approach to his subject. It is also good-humoured, with 'how to' tips on using ancient magic yourself - for example, throwing apples is a way to attract a woman. Try it. I dare you.

It also offers sound advice, such as (in reference to Nero) 'the easiest way to avoid being haunted by your mother is not to execute her in the first place'.

The book itself is finished with a magical purple hue across the images and subheadings. It's a magical little book.
Profile Image for Nina.
252 reviews28 followers
July 31, 2022

Okay, about Baba Yaga is not here, it's me. Here we have about Rome and Greece.

It was informative and interestingly written. It is written and presented very well in terms of structure: without excess, to the point, and yet with a note "on my own". The author gives a lot of quotes, there are pictures, and in general the design is nice. I remember reading about Scandinavian mythology from this series, and I didn’t like that book at all - Wikipedia was more interesting to read than it.

The main plus of this book is that it will be interesting even to those who are already a kind of layman of ancient magic. Yes, such people are unlikely to find something new here (although who knows?), but they will still not be bored reading. Personally, I judge by myself - I already knew most of the information presented, but still clung to some new details. Most of all I liked how the author explained the psychology of ancient people, how he explained their craving for magic, and also my respect for the joke about the Scorpio zodiac.
Profile Image for Olya.
216 reviews2 followers
November 9, 2021
Благодаря чувству юмора автора чтение нон фикшн становится увлекательным путешествием.
Profile Image for Assaph Mehr.
Author 7 books386 followers
June 10, 2024
I love Matyszak's way of non-fiction story-telling, making antiquity highly accessible. The subject of this particular work is also very dear to me, and I can't believe I missed it. Come to think about it, looking at the publication date, I can't help but wonder if he wrote it specifically for me after an online conversation we had about ghost stories, around the time I wrote In Numina . (I know he didn't, but it certainly feels like it 😊)

What to Expect

Matyszak focuses on the ancient's mindset, where magic wasn't quite the "super"-natural thing it is today, but woven into every aspect of life (such as the lack of any distinction between medicine and magic). This review is written charmingly and engagingly, with lots of "practical" advice, albeit with the warning that "readers do not try such a ritual at home. At best, the experiment will fail, wasting both your time and several bucketloads of sheep’s blood. At worst – you might succeed."

The areas covered are talking to the dead (both how and why you might want to), the various people who practiced it and the various types of magic, the slim distinction between love potions and curses, mythological beasts and how to use them, defending oneself and loved ones from all the dark arts flying about, and divining the future.

The people and techniques covered are from all over the Greco-Roman world, from mythological heroes and witches like Jason and Medea, to real-life people who studied the natural world like Pliny and Cicero. He brings in many samples from varied sources, and presents them in an engaging way.

What I liked

I love Matyszak works in general, for making antiquity so accessible. Using fictional non-fiction, he tell a story as much as he teaches. He makes the subject feels relevant, familiar, and interesting.

Felix's Review

Felix agrees with the general sentiment, but -- coming from a world where those were indeed real -- had some quibbles on details. He knows for a fact (having done so in Murder In Absentia ) exactly how to use the various inner organs of a griffin for spells, and how to cut down on those long-winded invocations to reach the parts that matter. He admires Matyszak for his research into the original sources, but postulates that perhaps this is the reason why magic doesn't work as predictably in our world as it does in his.


On a personal level, it's heartening to see how much I got right in building the world of Egretia. I knew I'd never be a scholar and get all historical details right, and instead always focused on the mindset and the question of "what if" the magic was real. I'm quite proud of the result, as this work confirms I got it right.

It's a fun, quick read that will help anyone with an interest in classical antiquity to better get into the minds of those lived then (both figuratively, and -- with the right spells -- literally).


Enjoying the reviews, but wondering who the heck is that Felix fellow? Glad you asked! He's the protagonist of the Togas, Daggers, and Magic series, an historical-fantasy blend of a paranormal detective on the background of ancient Rome.

Assaph Mehr, author of Murder In Absentia: A story of Togas, Daggers, and Magic - for lovers of Ancient Rome, Murder Mysteries, and Urban Fantasy.
Profile Image for Rosie Wylor-Owen.
Author 25 books272 followers
March 20, 2019
Ancient Magic is just awesome. Not only do are we taught about the methods and mentalities behind spells and rituals people performed in ancient Greek and Roman times, but all the myths and legends they tie in with.

Ancient Magic teaches us how to raise the dead, see into the future and concoct “love” potions as the ancient Greeks and Romans did. Plus, give us the lo-down on all the magical practitioners, witches and Gods that influenced the craft and the myths that were born from their accolades.

I’m having trouble thinking of anything I didn’t like about this book. The cover is beautiful, the format lays out the information in bite-sized pieces and the content is really entertaining.

I suppose the only downside to Ancient Magic is that real magical practitioners today might have trouble recreating the same spells and rituals without having PETA rock up on their doorstep with pitchforks.

If you are writing a book involving magic or history, this book will be invaluable to you. Highly recommend for anyone in the midst of an ancient Greek and/or Roman related project. But if you’re interested in the subject without any ongoing projects, you are going to love this, too.
Profile Image for Kitamotokae.
28 reviews6 followers
June 12, 2022
Понравилась книга, много интересных фактов было. Сама я не знаток и не любитель греческих мифов, поэтому за некоторые пояснения по богам отдельная благодарность.
Забавными показались некоторые заклинания и ритуалы. Особенно ритуал для открывания дверей: приготовить зелье из специфических ингредиентов, произнести заклинание. Если дверь в итоге не открылась, то воспользоваться ключом. Гениально! :D
Удивило, что в древности на месте Крыма могли обитать грифоны, а т.к мой город недалеко, то и у нас вполне возможно они прогуливались, хех. Жалко, что книга не написана нашим соотечественником, было бы больше сравнений со славянскими волшебными животными (жар-птицой, например). А так попадаются примеры из жизни американских реалий.
Но не смотря на это было весьма познавательно. Автор проделал большую исследовательскую работу. Рассказал о различных оракулах, какие типы предсказаний были, о приметах и сущностях.
Profile Image for Aliona Hordei.
52 reviews13 followers
January 21, 2023
Rating: 9/10
Length: 3 h 4 m

Нарешті я закінчила читати цю прекрасну книжку.
Назва цієї книги може викликати припущення, що автор буде нам розповідати, що магія реальна, але ні. Це чітко структурована книжка, яка розповідатиме, як стародавні греки та римляни сприймали навколишній світ, у що вони вірили і які ритуали намагалися здійснювати на постійній основі. У книзі наведено багато витягів з різної античної літератури, деякі ритуали описані досить детально і якщо хтось у це вірить, то може спробувати повторити.

Мій улюблений фрагмент книжки

Це "Тінтіннабулум" - він же фасциній із дзвіночками, засіб від злих поглядів. Дієвий засіб, бо дуже складно насилати порчу, коли твій погляд прикутий до такого.
Profile Image for Anna.
22 reviews
July 21, 2024
Матышак в своей манере с первых страниц говорит, что, знаете ли, магия вокруг нас всегда была, есть и будет, просто мы чуточку больше знаем, поэтому можем объяснить реакции веществ и прочую шелуху жизни.

Книга шла очень тяжело, виноват автор или переводчик - не знаю. Но знаю точно, что часто были повторы материала и не в лучшем виде, как было с мифами Греции и Рима. К тому же отрывки были вырваны из вышеупомянутой книги. Не отпускало ощущение, что "Древняя магия" и мифы должны были быть единой книгой, так как или ритуалы, или мифические существа идеально бы дополняли сводку про богов и героев. К тому же сведения о существах дополнили бы краткий пересказ литературных шедевров.

Благодаря книге теперь ясно, откуда берут корни оборотни и вампиры, почему везде члены и как с этим жить.

Гравюры и цветовой фильтр, которые используют в своей серии МИФ, никак не могут работать друг с другом. Темные гравюры и хоба фиолетовый фильтр, в итоге получаем темное непонятное месиво.
5 reviews
September 1, 2024
Doceniam za ilustracje i podane źródła cytatów. Ogólny przegląd po praktykach magicznych, które dla antycznych były czymś równie naturalnym jak powiew wiatru. Dosłownie - natura niejako równała się magii.
Profile Image for polina.
36 reviews1 follower
January 26, 2023
короче аудиокнига мне не понравилась :(
попробую перечитать в бумажном формате как-нибудь
Profile Image for k..
24 reviews3 followers
February 9, 2023
didn't appreciate reading about zeus and then about instagram and snapchat in the next sentence. but i enjoyed this as a start to my reading of the series.
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews

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