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Gifted Connections #1

Gifted Connections 1

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Blake knew she was different for a long time, but she had lived in denial for too long. Living in reprehensible conditions, she didn't think she had any hope of getting out anytime soon, with her half sister. It wasn't until she was confronted by her music teacher and series of events that she was forced to face reality. She was gifted with a special power and with the help of the new men that entered her life she would learn to control them. At least she hoped she did before her idealistic new life was torn apart by a man determined to use her powers for his own gain.

*Please be advised possible trigger warning.

380 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 28, 2017

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S.M. Olivier

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 251 reviews
Profile Image for Rachael*Caribbean*girl*bibliophile.
1,936 reviews433 followers
Shelved as 'nfmaa'
March 22, 2021
Spoilers ahead

RH with the men in other relationships and having sex with OW WHILE knowing the h.....wanting the h.......sometimes kissing the h!!!!!
WTF?!!! I always wonder how does a relationship build from there? How am I supposed to believe in TRUE love when one of the guys admitted he didn't love the girlfriend but kept her for convenience/sex?!! How does the h accept this!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrr
Profile Image for Alex.
21 reviews
July 14, 2021
There are some baby spoilers in this review.

When I first started reading this, I was so excited. It had amazing promise, with a main character who had a tragic backstory and abilities that had badass potential, as well as a seemingly intricate supernatural element.

Despite this, I couldn't make it past thirty percent. It felt like I had been reading for hours, getting an almost decent sense of Blake and her story (which was definitely not a bad thing), but without any real relevant plot information until all of a sudden I was hit with an information dump. And that's all that it was. Instead of discovering new information, being able to draw any sort of conclusions about anything (characters, plot points, etc.), or building up the suspense of putting the pieces together, the reader is immediately told. Blake has a weird dream? She promptly asks Jace/Jax if they knew her while she was at the institute (at which point, she had no real proof that she had ever even been to this mysterious place that was only mentioned in passing a few pages before). And from there they launch into this big explanation. As the reader, you know that's where the story is heading, but the fun is in watching the character figure it out, seeing the dissonance as she realizes that what she always believed to be true may not be reality. Later, Jemmy makes a joke about multiple connections? All of a sudden, the boys come clean about a secret they had been hiding for almost a decade without much, if any, prompting. It was very unnatural. Not to mention that she is suddenly connected to all six of them, and not just Jax and Jace, despite not a single indication previously. She had the telepathic connection to Jax, when she and Jace had physical contact, they both felt some sort of odd energy, but there was nothing with any of the others, even though she had been around them and made contact with some of them.

I was also a little stuck on how easily Blake acquiesced to literally everything. It seemed very out of character for this girl who had spent years fending off pedophiles, her abusive stepmother, cruel peers, etc. and raising and protecting her little sister to then allow this group of strangers (who were men, of which she stated she was highly distrustful, many times) to come in and literally take over her entire life. I'm not saying that that isn't a valid plot point, or that they shouldn't have attempted to save her and her sister, because I love that trope. My problem is that she just went with it. She didn't know these men at all! Sure, she kind of knew Jace and she had spent years talking to Jax, but Blake said herself how easy it is for evil men to fool people. There is no way that Blake would have allowed her little sister to spend all of this time alone with strange men right out of the gate. It felt like the author just wasn't sure how to bridge the gap between Blake's horrible life and her new, easier life and instead of transitioning to it, she just omitted anything.

Then, there were the girlfriends. These men have spent the last seven years knowing that they share a nebulous (if that's what it's called -- for all the explaining that is done, not much is very clear). Yet, they all entered into committed relationships knowing that not completing the connection could cause death or keep everyone from coming into their full powers. It just doesn't mesh with how much they supposedly care for her before even knowing her.

Olivier had a great concept with this book, but in my opinion it just needs to be polished and fleshed out in certain areas.
Profile Image for Teneille Pryce.
75 reviews
December 20, 2017
That end though


I knew Olivier was gonna play me. I knew it.


The story follows our protagonist Blake Thomas. She has an abusive step mom who is absolutely trash. The woman shouldn't be in charge of her own self much less two children. Her horrible personality and actions shaped Blake into the responsible person she is. Blake is an okay protagonist. I love her relationship with her sister though I felt like it started to crumple when she met her prospective lovers. She still cares for her, but I felt like they are not as close especially near the end. Maybe it's just me

The guys are all okay too. Jax and Remy are my favorites. Noah has some issues that I didn't get, because Blake was very understanding about the whole thing.

The story has a good pace and kept me reading late at night. Which is partly why my interest begun to wane near the end. The story is really interesting so it wasn't long before my attention was stolen again. Then, Olivier played me. I knew she was gonna hurt me, but I didn't expect to happen when it did.
Profile Image for Ashley B.
366 reviews4 followers
December 8, 2017

This book was a good length. The formatting was wonky and had a few grammatical errors but i can look past it. The story is good and i know a lot of people liked it. The characters upset me quite a bit i mean come on. Dump your mean petty girlfriends. You know your connection is with you now. Are you telling me you need to keep them around because ypur sex drive is that high? You will continually hurt you nucleus because sex is more important. Also the end really left me bummed out. I am now going to look for some thing happy to read to pull me out of this funk
Profile Image for Anne .
405 reviews32 followers
February 13, 2019

Warning. Long rant ahead. I'm from the minority so feel free to skip this post entirely.

1. There are corrections needed to be dealt with. They distract me from a steady reading but a thorough editing can definitely fix.

2. The organization of the settings. I haven't really picked up a substantial detail about the gifted community. I think I was too busy rolling my eyes and bitching and facepalming to notice them. If I'm not mistaken, there are random spiels regarding the gifted people, the connections among them and whatnot. But I think they're mostly tactlessly explained so unless I'm manually listing all trivial pieces of information, I don't have any idea how this works at all.

3. Its length (as in the body of the novel) feels tedious for me. The same damn conflict repeating itself over and over and over again...it's just. Let me get to my next point.

4. Seriously. What the fuckity-fuck is wrong with these guys. I have never felt this much frustration and distaste for a bunch of six guys. First of all, spare me the the nucleus is the only girl for me blah blah blah bullshit. If what they claim about the heroine is sincere, naturally, their actions *should* be in sync with their words. I was planning to list each guy and be Judgey McJudge all over them but I'm so tired of it already. Just thinking about what doesn't make sense about them hurts my head.

5. As a result to my fourth point, the romance, the chemistry between the heroine and the heroes...it doesn't make any sense. Sometimes it feels logical. Sometimes it feels way off. Seems forced.

I should say the only thing I liked about this whole thing was the reverse harem factor. But obviously, that one was ruined through it all, too.

Ugh, for the record, I hate to be the one to post this kind of rant here.

January 3, 2022
Oh, I’m pissed right now! 😩 WHY?! I mean, I knew it was going to happen, but I still wanted to throw the holy grail (my iPad) across the room!
And I really want to kick Noah’s ass! And I know he’s gonna make me hate him in the next book because of what the precognition was!
And don’t get me started on Molly. We haven’t even met her and I already hate her!
You’re killing me, Mrs. Oliver 😩😭 I hope by the end of the 2nd book I won’t be sending you hate mail, because I really do love you. Peyton’s Path is one of my favorite RH series and I’m waiting impatiently for the next book. So this series is supposed to fill the hole in my heart from missing it. But right now it’s tearing me apart!!
Okay, off to book 2 and I’m so nervous 😬
Profile Image for Belle .
585 reviews38 followers
March 8, 2021
I’m having strange feelings about this book. While I didn’t love it, I also didn’t hate it. The story could’ve flowed better, but it’s really sitting with me? Could be the dang cliffhanger!

So, while I enjoyed Blake’s character, I do think she fell into this new world way too easily. It was slowly building up to something for like the first 25%, and then she has a dream and then that’s when things unravel quickly after.

I have really no idea how any of the guys are supposed to look. I feel like if it was mentioned, it was super brief. I went into this actually kind of excited about the OW drama, I was in the mood for angst, but I kind of hated how it was handled.

First, Blake is super understanding, and despite it all, I liked this about her. I liked that she wasn’t instantly jealous and her insecurities that played a role seemed genuine and natural. I even liked that she had hesitations to pursue anything with Noah, since he wouldn’t dump his freaking girlfriend because she was “an easy lay” and “Blake’s not ready for his needs yet.” I thought that was handled super badly. I wouldn’t want a connection with him either at that point.

Blake clearly doesn’t understand how their world works, and that the nucleus is the center of everyone, and one of the guys even mentions during the end that he hasn’t felt anything toward anyone but her since they met. So i don’t get how Noah continued to be with another girl, IN HER PRESENCE, who was also rude as hell to her. I’m all for OW drama when the guy isn’t the one pursuing her, but Noah stays with her!! And with other girls!! And then toward the end he starts becoming a drunk? Could it be because he’s not getting any attention from Blake? Because you know, SERVES YOU RIGHT.

Jax had a girlfriend to pass the time with, which I can begrudgingly understand, and he dumped her as soon as he met Blake in person. What I can’t really get behind is all these guys having serious relationships and falling in love knowing they had a nucleus out there. Even if it has been years, Jax and Jace were apparently out there searching for her, and had met her when she was little. So???

Jace especially, he knew her for a year before he bothered to say anything about her gifts, seeing how she came to school with bruises and such. Why did he wait so long to say anything? I just can’t get completely behind the idea that these guys were in love with different girls, I personally just prefer it to have been lust if it needed to be, but that’s not the case. Blake forgave him way too easily at the end after he had kept the truth of where he was going from her. He barely apologizes and she loses her virginity to him lol.

I will read book 2 because the cliffhanger did get me. I usually hate that trope, especially since we spent this whole book slowly building relationships and connections, and now? We’re going to have to do it all over again? And I’m probably going to have to see them all with their girlfriends again aren’t I? 🙄
Profile Image for Toma.
797 reviews
January 16, 2019
I really hate cliffhangers. Like REALLY hate. In this case it was obvious from a mile but I still had hopes. Now I am dying to know how everything will be sorted out. Ech...

I enjoyed this book immensely, cliffhanger or not. Even poor editing did not put a damper on it. It would have gotten 5 stars if not for the way the guys acted. If you claim that nucleus is the bane of your existence and you simply cannot be without a nucleus, then why do you need girlfriends? Well, ok, have girlfriends, especially since Blake said she did not expect them to break up, but is it necessary to bring them around? And boy are they bitches. But still, I look forward to reading more!

What bothers me is the unknown about the publishing date of the second book. I sincerely hope the story will continue.

After reading the second time I can only agree with myself that there were a lot of mistakes in the book. Spelling and grammar did not bother me much, but sometimes it was difficult to understand who the author was referring to. E.g. 'All three were sitting and enjoying the game and then she turned to him and kissed him.' Which one is 'him'? And the answer is three paragraph further. It just detracts from the pleasure of reading and understanding the story.

All in all I would say that the beginning (before she met all the guys) was a bit too lengthy whereas once she met them everything evolved very quickly. Based on her character description Blake should have been more reserved with them. Some sort of balance could have been found.
Profile Image for Jennifer G.
2,610 reviews50 followers
November 12, 2021
Blake goes to school full-time and keeps top grades, works full-time as a cocktail waitress, and cares for her sister full-time. She keeps food in their trailer and gives her step-mom enough money to support her habits while trying to avoid her latest boyfriend. Life is hard. Oh, then there's her strange ability to command people when she is highly agitated and the voice she hears in her head. One night it all comes to a head, and she suddenly finds herself in a new world. A world where people have abilities like hers. A world where if you find your connections, your power is magnified. Blake's connections could make her the most powerful gifted in the world. She needs to be protected from those who would use her for their own desires. But will her connections be strong enough?

SO CONFLICTED. Above all, this book is entertaining. Despite the fact, it needs another round of editing. I don't care if it says it has been edited from the previous edition. Do it again! However, entertaining I found it, I was equally upset by it. I've never read a harem with so many guys I didn't want the Center girl with! Let's break them down. Spoilers ahead>>>
Remy: I have no issues with my broken boy. He's the only one I keep.
Troy: Treats her like one of his pretty possessions. Shows off his wealth and flaunts his popularity with the women. Slimy. Connect and toss.
Jace: Seems okay until we find out he's best "friends" with his "ex" supermodel girlfriend and doesn't tell her when they are going to be together. Good thing the paparazzi captures it all. And it doesn't appear they are exactly over. He can't be trusted. He only seems interested in sex with Blake. Connect and toss.
Jaxson: I can't complain about him. He had a girlfriend but broke up with her when he found Blake. He's still way too flirtatious to be trusted completely. Connect, tell him to grow up, then maybe reconnect.
Noah: Has a steady girlfriend who he doesn't plan to break up with because his sex drive is too high for Blake to handle; he cheats on his girlfriend, has sex with randoms, he drinks too much. He can be tossed to the side. Complete the connection if it protects you, then send him on his way. He is not worthy.
Drake: Has a girlfriend who cheats on him and he's not passionate about but he plans to stay with her because "you don't give up on people". So, we have a guy who wants to be mistreated and won't show her he cares for her. Connect, then send him to therapy.

Too many of these guys are involved with other women to be considered hers. They are kissing in front of her, having sex down the hall from her bedroom, allowing the girls to bully her. The guys and their girlfriends disrespect her at a level I can't handle.

Then the end. Memory loss is my least favorite trope in all of fiction. I want to see if this series gets better. It really was entertaining but in the way trashy tv is. It's a great premise. I want the story to live up to the premise. I want the guys to get their sh** together and treat Blake like the Queen they should. And I don't want to suffer through an entire book of memory loss to get there. Can someone tell me, without spoilers, if this is resolved quickly and I should read book 2 or if it's the whole book, and I shouldn't make myself sick over it?
Profile Image for Rossy.
294 reviews20 followers
August 19, 2021
All THE Hs know about their connection for 7 ish years but have relationships with OW... whilst caring for her..yeah right.
Not one of them waits for her, if I remember right.

The writing itself is good and the idea was awesome.. but the plot and character decisions did not feel right
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kokom1.
853 reviews3 followers
April 4, 2019
Soooo good! Keeps you in your toes. It’s like Xmen RH style. Love it!
Profile Image for Nancy.
88 reviews10 followers
February 12, 2019
The book that started the rise of the Queen of Cliffhangers

The heroine of this RH is Blake, a beautiful high school student, who struggles with providing and protecting her little sister, between a seedy job, drug addict step-mother and her molesting boyfriends. She also has a past with mental institutions, as revealed, as well as a voice she communicates with. This all leads to an encounter with a group of men and the realisation that she is, literally, gifted .

Story and Characters
The structure and reading experience was unusual, insofar that it can be described as a curve. The beginning was great, it was exciting and hooked the reader in, with a seemingly strong heroine, with interesting powers and promising plot.
The second and middle part, in comparison, was kind of a let down. It reveals some faults that are commonly suffered in RH-harems, the guys were hard to distinguish, no less due to the amount of the guys, thus the relationships were hard to build on and on top of that, the pace of the story *and* relationship slowed down significantly.
Nevertheless, it was saved by a truly amazing cliffhanger that makes it impossible not be feel excited for the next book. I know I was, having instantly moved on to the second one on my Kindle.

Much better future books
One motivation for nevertheless continuing reading are the future books. As it moves forward, it becomes truly unique. The following books are an enjoyable and addictive reading experience, because once you moved on from the first book, it becomes really fast-paced, at times feeling as if there are two books smashed into one, with interesting plot twists and additional characters that enrich the book as it goes on.

Overall, do not be discouraged by the middle of the book. I can truly recommend reading this book. Although they are far from perfect, it has been one of those few book series that I could not let go of! . It has truly something addictive and exciting that just makes you want to continue.
So, if you can ignore some YA elements or are even new to the genre, you will more than love it!
233 reviews8 followers
January 6, 2018
Great story but desperately in need of editing

It's a great story, but the editing is atrocious and gets worse as the book goes on. Subject verb agreement is nonexistent, phycoloy is used instead of psychology, repeatedly, and really now, do you think Drake is intending to study child algae? (Phycology is the study of algae and seaweed). Jemmy is called Jimmy, Noah's powers are identified as Troy's even though Troy's powers were noted in the previous sentence. The wrong pronouns are constantly used when referencing a character. The Oxford Comma is important, use it. There, their, and they're are different words with different meanings, make sure you use the correct one. There are numerous sentence fragments; use comma and semicolons as appropriate to avoid this. This would be at least a four if not five star book if correctly edited. The author doesn't have a social media page, but I'm hoping she reads this before putting out book two. It's a great story, but these errors really take the reader out of it. If you can't afford a professional editor get some friends to read through it for you, some of these errors will stand out just from having another set of eyes on it. I know of three highly educated people who will be more than happy to proof your final draft of the remaining books in the series for you if there is really no other way for you to get them edited. Editing is important people.
Profile Image for Chrissy.
1,390 reviews56 followers
April 14, 2021
Interesting Start to a NA Paranormal Reverse Harem Series

I enjoyed this book despite some minor editing problems. I decided to read the series after enjoying Peyton’s Path by the same author. This is an earlier series and it does show. It’s not quite as nuanced as the later book, though there are some similar themes, such as neglected daughter who is talented and meets a group of young men who happen to be wealthy.

This book is about Blake, who was being ‘raised’ by her step-mother after the murder of her father 7 years earlier. She tolerated her step-mother’s abuses because of her younger sister who her step-mother basically ignored and left to Blake to look after almost from her birth.

Blake is gifted musically and intelligent, but doesn’t plan to go to college, simply graduate, get a job and get custody of her younger sister. Not only is she gifted musically, but she is gifted in other ways.

After years of struggle things come to a head and she reaches out to her music teacher for help and finds herself in a completely different world, of wealth, security and exception gifts.

The book has an interesting plot and the characters are intriguing. There are lots of secrets still be told and there are lots of hiccups along the road to Blake and her sister being happy.

I will definitely be reading the rest of the series, because I enjoyed this book.
Profile Image for Cecilia.
586 reviews
July 30, 2018
I love love RH genre but not this one. It was okay. BuT i do plan to contiue with the books.

Blake has gone through a tough time in life with a horrible stepmom raising her and a string of her stepmoms boyfriends who abused her.

THen she finds a group of guys shes connected to and discovers she has powers.
Now to me the most important thing in a RH is the relationship between the guys and the girl.
Now this one their relationship is kind of more realistic. They dont allllll automically fall in love with Blake, and a few of them are actually dating other people while getting to befriend blake. And I kinda like how its not insta-love. i really do.
While I get the guys clearly all care about her, I don't get even half the amount of strong relationship buildling between them. I like guys that are swoooon worthy in books.

The length of the book is SOOOOOO DAMN LONG. Listen I love a good long book, but when you put info and scenes that are not needed all it makes me do is skim over it.
On the plus side she loses her V card to Remy or Jace I forget.

Overall not a bad book. At the end the cliffhanger is someone does something to make it appear like her meeting the guys never happened and she is dating some other guy.
Profile Image for Jackie - Fire & Ice Book Reviews.
544 reviews148 followers
July 24, 2019
Very Good

Such a unique story that is captivating and addicting. I enjoyed getting to know Blake and all of the other characters. I'm upset on how it ended, but excited to see what is next. I definitely highly recommend this story.
Profile Image for Shoni Wake.
353 reviews17 followers
January 25, 2022
I don't know... it's definitely better than some other S.M. Oliver's books like "Sanctuary" but...

It wasn't bad. The beginning was promising, the damaged MC having to take care of her little sister. The perfect set up for an overprotective, independent, strong and ready to fight or fly character. Unfortunately it fell flat as soon as she met the "boys". She is too easy to fall into a comfort zone and start to develop relationship with them. She even lets go off her sister, which I find a bit frustrating. Because she was basically her mom and here we see her easily accepting separate bedrooms and doesn't go to sleep with her sis. Totally off on psychology here. Sure you can explain it with some "supernatural connection" that makes her feel safe but honestly that is dissatisfying to read, always. It's a slopy, lazy writing.

Now the boys. Honestly I found them to be a bit wishy-washy. They all have either blue or grey eyes, only one has brown. Statistically talking that's...a bit not right. But whatever. What is truly unforgiving is how similar they all sound. They don't have their own voice it kind of mixes in together to create that uncomfortable cacophony of weird and endearing cliches. I didn't feel any of them. Especially with the "girlfriends " mixed in.

I love drama. I love everything mean girl and etc, it's my guilty pleasure. Here at first it was great. I love to see the struggle that they might face when real life clashes with future. But it all draggs out making me hate the guys. I am at the point when I don't care about any of them and will be glad for them to f off into the sunset with their b girlfriends. Let's be real if you are dating a bad person and you know it, you probably are a bad person. Like attracts like.

MC's never ending string of "it's unfair to them" and then the guys like "we grew up in this environment we are okay with it" and they go and still be with their gs? You okay there? Or I like it when their gs bodily harms MC or abuses her with words some of them like "we known each other for a long time we will still talk no matter what ". I am laughing. Nah. Self disrespect at its highest. She went from having a back bone to being a small insecure little thing that wants to keep everyone happy. I am truly struggling with it.

I know it's going to be hard to go through book 2. I don't know if I will finish it. I really don't feel anything for the boys and I can't stand it when she goes and talks about how much she cares when they did a bare minimum for her. A person all of their powers are straining on, your "future ". They just throw money at her, grope her when they feel like it and then go to their girlfriends.

Jax...sure he broke up with her but then again he has the strongest connection with MC and it took him that long? Hello? And he still talks how it won't stop him from talking with his ex. Oh please. He is not it.
Don't get me started on Noah's "high sex drive". He can f himself with a kite. He is the worst. He is barely even there. The author should've created 'a fading connection string' that would make it angsty and possibly make him work for it in the future but as of now I hate him the most.
Jace. I don't like him. He is sleazy. Her ex teacher. Knows that she knows about his "friend" and still lets others address his relationships and when "confronted" doesn't even explain anything. But somehow he gets her to spread it. Wtf.
Troy was promising until he went MIA on the whole story and then that little fact that he told her "oh you know I like older women" " so you wouldn't like me if I wasn't your 'it'?" , "Not necessarily ". And she still kisses him. I don't get it.
Drake. He annoys me. "He will always love his cheating girlfriend no matter what. She will always be part of him" omg. How many of you still loved a person that constantly cheated on you? I don't even remember their names.
Rem. He was barely there. When he was they sexed it up and then he was jealous of every guy in his vicinity. Hypocritical.
Sure she has 6 guys but she also makes them stronger. And it's supposed to be different. So in my opinion they are the hypocritical ones.

Erotica is 3/10. Not good at all.

And still the story isn't bad. I had some good times with it.
Profile Image for Amanda.
976 reviews7 followers
March 19, 2024
Holy Moses!

If this book is on your TBR pile, what the heck are you waiting for? Seriously, the summary does not do this book any freaken justice. Read it! You will thank me later.
There is so much More to the story than just what’s summed up. It interested me but only started reading it because I couldn’t find anything else. I’ve seen ppl rave about the book before hand but I just wasn’t into the summary that much. So it sat, for far too long. Really, I am kicking myself for waiting so long. I’m so glad I decided to read it.
First of all, the female lead character, is only 17 in the book. It was part of the reason why it didn’t interest me that much. I’m in my late 30’s so I thought it would be difficult connecting with the main character. Boy, was I wrong. Yes she is in her late teens but the flow of the story unfolded so naturally even with the paranormal gift side. There was no “twitches”, or missed build up for any scene. It really flowed so well, that I easily imagined myself as the main character. She was reserved, caring, loyal, determined, musically inclined but forever modest. Blake, was her baby sisters care taker since she was 10. Her baby sister Ella is 10 now, so it goes to show how responsible she was. Full time job, full time high school and full time caretaker of her lil sister, and she also managed her druggy stepmom and her pervert bfs. Before Blake knows it, she’s living with the Bella’s, a makeshift family. She guys all naturally surrounded her, and supported her and Ella. She was sorta learning her gifts even though there wasn’t much action on that front. More like going to school, her incredible music sessions, I related to her that way. I’m musically inclined too and it was just one more thing that connected me to her. Blake didn’t act 17 but she also didn’t rush Any of her connections relationships. I understood why she told the guys not to immediately abandon their relationships but she should have had a discussion with them about it before making that statement. I think that if the guys had a conversation with her before Jemmie gossiped about their relationships, I truly think things would have been smoother for her. Trust, she knew she felt safe with them, even if it took time to get to know them, she knew they wouldn’t hurt her. Blake only hurt herself by saying it, and Noah, Troy and Drake, continued on, bringing them around to hang out only hurt her, but of course she kept her hurt a secret. We got an inside view of her mind, and she consistently felt guilty for liking them all, but feeling it was a dbl standard that she got all of them while they only had 1 of her. This was a large part of the story. She is the self sacrificing type, never wanting to hurt people.
It was great to read how the plot unfolded, it didn’t feel to heavy, like the world was ok Blake’s shoulders and she was the only one in that a prophecy talked about saving the world. It was more natural than that. Yes, there’s a bad guy hunting gifted, a nasty man that has a habit of snatching under privileged kids with gifts and “testing” them. It was talked about but there wasn’t much action until closer to the end, where they save a bunch of kids. I had hoped that Ella’s premonition wasn’t going to come true so I truly hope that Blake and convince the guys who they are to each other. My heart broke at the end, I can understand while it ended with tears face down her face. Seriously great book. So so glad the next one is out!
Profile Image for Danielle (Danniegurl).
1,904 reviews101 followers
December 28, 2022
Too many details on mundane things and not enough on important things

I like the story and the idea behind it but the execution is leaving me needing more. We get tons and tons of detailed descriptions of making food, clothing, or what a house looks like, but we don’t get enough details where it matters. There were about 4 paragraphs of Blake making spaghetti but then when Troy and her went on a date it was literally one glossed over summarized paragraph of what happened. It was told. Not shown. The entire book is told. We are told how Blake thinks, how she feels but we are only shown things like her cooking, her dressing, her cleaning. Why do these things matter?
There’s this big thing with her music, it made it seem like it was part of her gift, she even had to make her own music and audition for the class but then she gets in and we barely get to see her in the classroom, we don’t go with her.

Many of the scenes are difficult to understand that it was a scene transition. One minute we are in the kitchen and then next sentence we are in the car, there was no transition dialogue.

I get the premise of the bad guy but I don’t get why Blake needs to keep her connections with the guys secret, or at the very least why they couldn’t all date and say they were dating if not connections. She feels undeserving of the guys, and that it’s selfish of her to want more than one, but it’s kind of annoying bc she has these connections and it’s completely unrealistic for her to watch them be with other people. I think the OW drama is annoying, and unneeded.

Also suddenly we are TOLD that something is going on with Noah. Why weren’t we shown this? When did he start doing this stuff and why are we just being told at that point in the book? We could have seen him drinking more in passing or something. Idk it just came out of left field and there was zero connection to his actions bc once again we were told and never shown this happening.

There were only a few minor typos or misused words like passed instead of past for example.

Overall the writing frustrates me it really does. It could be so much better with more editing and more SHOWING using prose and such and less details on food, clothing and scenery. I may try book 2 but I am not confident I’ll get though it. This ending bugged me big time. We knew it was going to happen I also dislike the magical amnesia plot but I still read them even though I get incredibly frustrated. Lol.
Profile Image for SakuraReader.
542 reviews3 followers
December 6, 2021
Ok. Crap. That ending. Ugh!!! Cue anxietyyy for who knowsss how long in the next book?!?!
You know those "foreshadows" on the easy reads that are extremely obvious the moment you read them? Those that the characters fear could happen and everybody ignoress or hopes won't happen and happen?! The moment I read it was like no pleeeease no that :(!!! And taaaa- daaaaa of coursee!!!!

My critics on this book:

I like the way this author writes (I read peyton's path too) but im thissss particular book it was just frustrating...

*spoilers ahead!!*

6 guys... I m starting to see a pattern here jaja is sanctuary also with 6 guys? And also with guys that are teachers and called "mr." By the heroine at first? Not a fan of that tbh but at least in peyton's path they were all mostly on the same place! And only focusing on the heroine! In this one I often forgot about troys and jaces existance until they made an appereace again...!

It's hard for me to jugle all the guys in my head if they are simply not thereee! But I mean not even the ones living with her its like so weird because she even spends more time with the band and the guys dont mind? And they keep their gfs around??

This was entertaing and annoying let me tell you...

Also I see what other reviewers mean about the pace. It's like slowly nothing but tragedy happens at the beginning and all of a sudden boom boom boom!
Is like a vomit of information and don't get me wrong! With RH right now I actually like the fast pacing because other than the theme (xmen in this cade) nothing can surprise me anymore! Not the personalities of each guy or the heroine, not their tragic pasts, not the over-the-top mean girls or covetful guys, not the foreshadows, not the point were climax comes! Especially not the sex (you name it, I've read it!). So since nothing will suprise me I rather we get to the point instead of wandering around it! I rather is a fast burn and ghe guys are already with the heroine becausee I alreadyy knoooow all the ways it will get there!

But still... the pace in this one was likee slow, fast, slooooow, zoooooooommmmmmm !!!
Profile Image for SunandBooks.
240 reviews1 follower
September 16, 2023
Had potential. I liked the story concept but there was no connection when Blake meets all the men. DNF at 40%. The author set her character up as someone who deeply cares about her sister. She is also mistrusting of all the men because she had bad experiences with her stepmother's boyfriends. However, when she meets a group of men she trusts them 100% with her baby sister because they are hot. Their first interaction with her sister is for one of them men to show her bathing suits and ask her to go swimming with one of them. Seriously!? I get that there might be bond connection but that wasn't described at all. Just the physical features of the men. There were no sparks or anything to imply bonds clicked in, or there is something deeper with all of them. The men do not seem to chase after her or try to. In fact, the bond seemed wishy-washy. It was stated that you can't refuse it but all the men have girlfriends. One of the men has a girlfriend that he loves but not on a deep level. Which is so weird because he won't leave her for Blake even after he makes out with Blake and deepens his connection with her. In this connection Blake can feel his emotions. Talk about awkward. One of the other men keeps a steady mean girl around (and has numerous other one night stands) around so he can have sex with her while he gets to know Blake. The reasoning is because he has a high sexual drive and Blake isn't ready for that yet because she is only 17 while he is in med school. All others have some exes they keep around because they were their firsts and they do not want to hurt their feelings. One of the men was even hanging out with his potential fiancé and than then told Blake that he believes in open communication that she should reach out to him and not get mad. I really like RH but this book has a huge disconnect on what that means. The men all live seperate life's: they live in seperate homes and they do what pleases them, they hook-up with whoever they want and come back to see Blake occasionally. There is absolutely no connection at all.
DNF for me, I like my female leads to be more assertive and not doormats.
Profile Image for Carli Liles.
75 reviews1 follower
January 2, 2018
I really liked this book and her dynamic with the guys. This one feels pretty realistic given the circumstances. She comes into a pre-made group of guys. Most of whom are "adults" (the youngest is a high school senior like the MC) They all have experience with women. Our main character doesn't, but it makes sense with her past. The boys have lived a charmed life, some for their whole lives, others for the past few years.

I know some readers don't like the MC or her harem ever "cheating", usually meaning have a relationship with anyone else. I don't think that arrangement works in every situation. I very much so empathized with the main character and how she reacted to meeting the guys and learning they were "destined" but still having current girlfriends. I think her reaction is much like mine would have been, including her growing jealousy. But it is a dynamic some dislike. So keep that in mind.

The main character, Blake has had a rough childhood once her father died. Her stepmother is not the best sort. There's some potentially triggering interactions between the MC and her mom's boyfriends. Some of the boys had similarly rough upbringings before they're found by Will/Pops.

They had "gifts" or special abilities. About 25% of the population has these gifts. The average human doesn't know. Most often the gift doesn't manifest until puberty. The gifts vary in type and strength. Some gifted have "connections". If they bond with these connections, there powers/strength of their gift should increase.

Blake also meets and makes a few girlfriends. This was a nice change of pace from many of the RH books I've read. Some are almost insular in the way they talk about the main character and her other relationships. This one has a couple of girlfriends (of the NON-romantic variety). It helps with the character learning about herself and this new life/world she's learning about.

It does end on a bit of a cliffhanger. Can't wait to see what happens next and how things progress with Ella, Alex, and Micah. And if they find the other one...
Profile Image for Meg Elle.
451 reviews6 followers
February 9, 2020
6 stars next level read

OMG amazing. Great story enjoyable read throughout enjoyable to read about the relationship great chemistry with the characters well fleshed out guys and characters includes female friend characters also well developed. Intresting world and builds it good length covers a lot. I mean just such a great book great plot great characters great relationships  big twist kind of thing at the end. A few people compared this to another series and I tried the other series and I did not finish it and I tried that before this actually  and I wasn't a fan and it's actually really a lot different there's a couple things that are similar when you say them aloud but it's very different  and you're going to choose this is thr book.  So i Loved Peytons Path from this author and I've had gifted Connections in my Kindle for a long time I don't know why I didn't read it sooner 

 I love this book I mean it's truly excellent. When I first read Peyton path I was kind of new to this book world I would say and the more that I read the more that I see that there are great books and then there are Next Level books Peyton paths is definitely a next-level book and I've been looking for a Next Level Book for a while I get such bad book hangovers after I read a really good one that after when i would read books normally i would think we're good.. they just don't even do it.  I decided to read gifted connections because I knew Peyton's path was so good.... and just wow I'm sure I'll post again after I finish whats out from series... like I said I've been in the group for a while and I saw that gifted connections 5 is being worked on very happy for that. At the time I loved boyh Peyton path and I knew it was a really great book but now that I've got more into this world of books I appreciate it even more. ❤ 

Profile Image for Romance4me.
5 reviews
March 4, 2018

This is a reverse harem book.
Blake is a damaged and abused young lady. She has been through so much abuse, both mentally and sexually. She finds that she has special powers right as she meets a group of guys that claim to want to help her. After putting her trust in them, she starts to find her place in the world.
I have a few problems with this book. At the beginning of the book Blake is super caring and overprotective of her little sister. After she finds her guys it is almost like her little sister is forgotten. All of her fears seem to disappear. She just hands her over to others way to easily. I also don’t like how easily she trusts the guys. Blake was sexually abused for years. She was constantly protecting herself from horrible men. How does she just jump into a relationship with 6 other guys so easily? The book also seemed to jump between scenes rather abruptly. I found myself wondering what happened between some scenes. In my opinion there wasn’t enough angst. This is a teenage girl, there should be angst. I like build up when it comes to sex. I want the burning glances and steamy kissing scenes. I want hand holding and secret whispers. There didn’t seem to any of that. Blake went from hugging straight to sex it seemed. If you overlook those flaws, the book was pretty good. The book ended on a cliff hanger. I am looking forward to the next in the series.

Scale of 1-10, 1 being Low/Poor and 10 being High/Amazing
Plot: 6
Character Development: 7
Swearing: 5, not all the time.
Sex: 7, several graphic sex scenes
Age recommendations: 17+
Profile Image for Alyrica.
549 reviews15 followers
December 28, 2020

This was a reread. I was going to wait for book 5 however with several series being in process for this author I decided not to wait. Also, I was a little reluctant because both books 1 & 2 included elements that I found painful to read through.


So, I loved the first part of this book. I especially enjoyed Blake's journey and reading from her POV. I somewhat liked most of the guys however I didn't feel like there wasn't enough time spent with all of so I couldn't fully connect. I think having multiple POVs would have helped.

What diminished this read for me was all of the other woman drama and Noah. I can forgive a lot of cruel actions but a guy who is supposed to be a soulmate who not only continues sleeping with another woman but one who is vile and actively harms the protagonist through both word and deed. Blake is a lot better than I am because I would have written off Noah and let him deal with losing his powers. It bothered me enough to sour the memory of this read which is sad because I loved almost everything else.

The only other real negative for me was the lack of editing. Everytime passed instead of past or could care less was used, it pulled me from the story.

Even with the cons, I would still recommend this book series. It is an entertaining series as long as you aren't overly bothered with the issues mentioned above.
September 2, 2021
Ok. So i don't know how this book got such a high rate. Is not bad, but this feels more like a first draft in need of several revisions and a editor.

Sooooooo, my long winded review.

1) The Lost boys: I liked the banter among them, and their relationships. But they are difficult to tell appart. No way to differentiate them by speech pattern or clear personality, even their relationship with the MC wasn't all that different.

2) Pacing: starts wayyyyy too fast, slows down and then its whiplash with how sudden things happen. The overall rythm of the pacing and many scenes was jarring (some had no set up and something just popped up, to dissappear, important events happen without repercussions, etc). The "slice of life" scenes were the best constructed, but anything with deeper, tenser emotions just felt off.

3) My biggest gripe is the dialogue. The teenagers were better spoken than the lawyers and judges. Teenagers didnt speak at all like teenagers. Dialogue didnt feel organic, characters spewing their deepest secrets without set up whatsoever. The characters think and are described one way but speak and act the othe.

4) Characters: A lot of theme either dont have clear objectives and motivations or they arent showed enough.
The men felt a lot like they were filling a roll, the women felt more three dimensional, but too similar.
Profile Image for Jaliza Burwell.
Author 0 books19 followers
February 14, 2018
Serious editing needed

So I gave this a read...hmm...trying to collect my thoughts. The author wrote it well...as a draft. It really needed serious editing. As is, I don’t think she even had a beta read other wise she would have spelt psychologist/psychology right. There were sentences that weren’t complete or out together correctly and lot of spelling mistakes and wrong word usages. That’s the big issue. The boys dating I thought was an interesting situation and well handled except for one of the boys. She told them repeatedly they could see other people and most stopped their relationships fairly quickly and it wasn’t as over the top as I expected. The plot is really interesting. I got frustrated with how the female MC thought. She said she wasn’t this or that type of person but it didn’t really match with her other thoughts, and I felt like there was conflict with her personality and how she should have reacted to some situations. I’ll read book 2 because I’m too curious not to but it’s on KU so I’m not losing out on anything. If I had to buy this, I wouldn’t have.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 251 reviews

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