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Witches of Keating Hollow #3

Spirit of the Witch

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Welcome to Keating Hollow, the enchanted town where love heals, friends are forever, and family means everything.

Yvette Townsend’s life was perfect…right up until her husband fell in love with someone else. Newly divorced and still reeling from her broken dreams, Yvette’s sworn off men. Now she’s determined to lose herself in her magic and her beloved bookstore. There’s only one problem—she has an unexpected new business partner who’s driving her crazy both at work and after hours. 

Jacob Burton has always been an excellent businessman, but his track record with relationships is nothing short of tragic. After finding his fiancée in the arms of his best friend, he moves to Keating Hollow and invests the quaint bookstore to keep it from going under. But as time goes on, it becomes more and more clear that Yvette and the town just might be saving him. And if he’s lucky, he’ll find out what it means to love the spirit of the witch. 

244 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 25, 2018

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About the author

Deanna Chase

125 books1,646 followers
Deanna is a native Californian, transplanted to the slower paced lifestyle of southeastern Louisiana. When she isn't writing, she is often goofing off with her husband in New Orleans, playing with her two shih tzu dogs, making glass beads, or out hocking her wares at various bead shows across the country. For more information and updates on newest releases visit her blog at www.deannachase.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 121 reviews
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews923 followers
December 8, 2020
The Witches of Keating Hollow series has been a blast. I’ve been devouring the books off Kindle Unlimited.

I just love the small town of Keating Hollow. It’s a wonderful magical community where everyone knows everyone and what’s going on. Each book in the series brings us a new couple to enjoy as well as new drama and emotional struggles. I just love the light magical feel and the heartfelt romances. This series is full of facing what life throughs at us, healing oneself, finding love and family and friendships.

Spirit of the Witch

Another delightful read. This series is an emotional roller coaster rid, but its also got so much love, family and friendship. We are onto the another Townsend sister, Yvette, the oldest. We get to see into her life and the struggle she is dealing with in her resent divorce to a man she loved and gave the best years of her life too only to find out…… Well I’m not going to spoil that surprise and all the other fun ones along the way. Join the journey into a delightful series, a quaint town, loving family and friends and finding that forever someone.

Rated: 4 Stars

Profile Image for Kathrin.
805 reviews54 followers
January 1, 2022
Die Serie ist nun wirklich auf den genretypischen Pfad angekommen. Das muss nicht unbedingt was Schlechtes sein, aber für mich ist es damit Zeit erstmal eine kleine Pause einzulegen. Die Bücher lesen sich schnell und unterhaltsam, weshalb ich mir Band 4 auf jeden Fall mal anschaue.

Das Ende war mir dieses Mal ein wenig zu gewollt und "zufällig". Der Rest der Geschichte aber durchaus gut - von den letzten 10% mal abgesehen, sodass ich drei Sterne vergebe.
Profile Image for Denise Keef.
449 reviews11 followers
October 1, 2018
Keating Hollow is one of my favorite places to visit. The Townsends who this story revolves around is made up of a loving father and his four daughters. Each book centers on one of the daughters and tells her tale of who she is and how she became the person she is today. Each story also includes the family and also catches up with what they have been up to too. In this wonderful addition to the series, we visit with Yvette who in the last book, Heart of the Witch, we learned she had her heart broken when her husband left her for the love of his life. Broken and feeling defeated, Yvette struggles to handle the heartbreaking news and trudges forward the best she can with the support of her family. While drowning her sorrows at her sister Abby’s wedding, she decides to throw all caution to the wind and goes home with the bartender from the wedding. And this is where the story gets really interesting! Imagine spending the night with one very good looking man only to find out that he is entering your life not only as your out of character one night stand but also as a business partner. Talk about a very uncomfortable situation…poor Yvette! Can these two people who were both hurt by the ones they loved find a way to ignore their growing feelings for each other and maintain a business environment and remain professional or will they say ‘the hell with it” and take one more chance at love with each other? Ahhhh…I’m not giving THAT secret away! You my dear friend will have to find out for yourself! So, come along on a marvelous journey into this amazing series and lose yourself in a quaint town where everyone looks out for each other, friends are numerous, love is over flowing and family means everything. I love this series that Deanna Chase has spun, weaving her own kind of magic over the pages that lets one let go of life’s tribulations for a while. Definitely a very entertaining and captivating story that should be added to the reading list by those looking for a wonderful escape.
Profile Image for Kristine .
1,737 reviews11 followers
September 24, 2018
This is a fun and entertaining story with interesting characters. I didn’t want to put the book down. It was fun following along on these characters’ journey. I enjoy this series and this is a great addition.
Profile Image for Emily Pennington.
18.8k reviews319 followers
September 30, 2018
Yvette Townsend was a fire witch, so aside from burning down the bookshop, magic wasn’t going to get her out of this awkward meeting. She stared at Jacob who was standing behind her desk and talking about the big changes he wanted to make! Because of her impending divorce, Yvette had made a deal sight-unseen over the telephone with Michael J Burton, Miss Maple’s nephew and the former regional manager of Bayside Books in Los Angeles. He would be her new business partner and buy out her ex-husband’s share of the bookshop. However, at the wedding, Clay had asked Jacob at the last minute to fill in as bartender. How could Yvette have known that “Jacob the bartender” whom she took home with her after her sister’s wedding was actually “Michael J. Burton”, her new bookshop co-owner! She wanted the floor to open and swallow her up!

When Yvette saw that Jacob planned to have a bookstore café with coffee, pastries, along with other big changes -- especially without even talking about it with her first -- she was not happy. She liked her bookshop just the way it was! But Jacob was a businessman who prided himself on improving and flourishing businesses. And if this bookshop stayed the same, he knew it would begin to lose money. They argued and Yvette wanted to dissolve the partnership already, even though she didn’t have the money to buy him out – and as a 51 percent owner, it wasn’t her decision to make. There was still obvious chemistry between them; and he loved a woman with sass who stood up for herself. She was smart, sexy, and independent – qualities he most admired in a woman. He planned on sticking around!

As they worked together and made plans for the store as a team, Yvette and Jacob became more comfortable and enjoyed being with each other. Then Jacob had to go to LA to sign papers with his ex-fiancee. What he learns while there ends any chance for happiness with Yvette. What does the future hold for them now? Or will Jacob step away from the bookstore completely?

Absolutely wonderful book! And the added delight for me personally was the name-dropping of so many of my favorite authors – so this bookstore setting is perfect!! There is so much love and family wrapped up in this book too. It doesn’t get much better than this awesome caring community who watch out for each other. Get your copy and catch up on how everyone is doing – and see what happens with the bookstore partnership.
Profile Image for Pam Louis.
1,724 reviews7 followers
January 23, 2019
Yuevtte Townsend had a perfect life at least she thought she had until her husband run off with another man. Then divorced her because she had to buy his part of the business out she had to get another business partner to keep her book store open. She had hoped he would be a silent partner one but nope.

Jacob Burton is great at business but his fiancee ended up in the arms of his best friend. Now he is the new partner of Yvette and sparks are flying. Lol
I LOVED it. Wonderful characters. Great twist and turns to the all the way to the end. It has magic, mystery, betrayal, action, and so much more. I loved the way the story was told and couldn't turn it off. Don't miss it. Voluntarily reviewed and I honestly loved it
Profile Image for Heather Rainwater-Alvarado.
399 reviews15 followers
March 10, 2020
Book 2 read perfectly into this one and set the stage for Spirit of the Witch. The concept that her divorce came from the fact that her husband discovered he is gay after 11 years of marriage is a bit ludicrous but also creates a connection with the reader to empathize with her situation. Despite all she’s been through, she has such a strength to her that she’s really inspiring. The matchup between Yvette and Jacob is plutonic and they really do bring out the best in each other. The initial plot is a bit unbelievable, but becomes a bit predictable until the end. The final plot twist was completely unexpected which made up for some of the predictability. And the hilarity of the senior citizen Bingo ladies had me howling in laughter. The Townsend family continues to develop which is what keeps my interest throughout the series. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
498 reviews1 follower
December 3, 2021
Read this one in a day. Thoroughly enjoying the series. Now I have to obtain the next couple of books to continue the sagas.
46 reviews1 follower
August 15, 2020
Love the Books!

I really like the books I have read so far, I'm working on number 4!
Characters are Great, the writing is solid. I like the switching up of plots, and the Sister and Family aspect. Very good read.
Profile Image for Catwithbooks.
2,290 reviews9 followers
July 30, 2021
Von dieser Reihe bin ich total angefixt.
Bei dem Klappentext dachte ich nur Oh nein die arme Yvette. Obwohl man schon in den Vorgängern geahnt hat das was nicht stimmt.
Ich muss aber sagen ich war ganz schön überrascht in wen sich Isaac verliebt hat und wie die beiden damit umgegangen sind. Es war mal was komplett anderes.
Yvette ist einfach bezaubernd, eigentlich wie alle Townsend Schwestern.
Durch die Scheidung ist Yvette gezwungen einen Investor für ihren Buchladen zu finden, aber sie hat unverhofft Glück.
nur dieser Teilhaber treibt Yvette in den Wahnsinn, denn Jacob sieht nicht gut aus, er flirtet auch unverschämt Charmant mit Yvette und er hat gute Idee für den Buchladen.
Doch beide sind nicht auf der Suche nach einer festen Beziehung, tragen sie doch Ballast mit sich rum. Und dieser Ballast bringt Jacob sogar noch in die Gegenwart zum straucheln und seine Zukunft durcheinander.

Die Geschichte um die beiden fand ich wieder sehr schön aufgemacht und hatte viel Witz und Charme.
ich bin ja schon gespannt auf den nächsten Band, denn es gibt ein Detail welches immer wiederkehrt in den Geschichten und ich bin gespannt ob das im nächsten auch so ist. Auf der einen Seite finde ich es ganz nice auf der anderen Seite etwas nun vorhersehbar.

Aufjeden fall lassen sich die Bücher richtig gut lesen.
Profile Image for Angel.
333 reviews4 followers
April 30, 2020
The first half of this was great. It probably had my favorite dynamic between the leads. The last half or maybe quarter just was frustrating. It was so similar to the other stories in the series it makes me wonder if all of these books are going to end the exact same way. I also wonder why there was no involvement with Jacobs family at all. The only family they ever focus on is the townsends. Even though his aunt ms. maple was there in town and supposedly someone he was close to but not one scene with them having dinner with her. they mention he worked for his fathers bookstore but nothing with him either. When i thought about that i realized they have had none of the family of the guys involved in the other books either, even though clay and drew were supposed to be raised in the same town. Even though there was a wedding that would normally involve both sides of the family. Just seems odd to me.
817 reviews6 followers
March 31, 2021
Content: clean with clear sexual innuendo and suggestions of sex

I was really really nervous about this book. I did not like how the second book ended with Isaac. And to say he bugged me in this book is an understatement. Yvette is trying to move on and has to get a new business partner for her book store bc she had to buy Isaac out. Because I disliked Isaac so much I’m going to break my review down by character. There will also be some SPOILERS below.
Yvette: she was strong and trying to move on. It didn’t help that her whole life had been turned upside down by a surprise divorce, a new business partner and her fathers health. She stuck it out and was able to move on. Overall she was a good character, she just didn’t capture my heart.
Jacob: he was good for Yvette. He stood up for her in front of Isaac, was there for her when her niece needed help. A little in his head and angry and his ex but rightfully so. What I admired about him is he recognized his anger and would take a step back so he didn’t let that anger out on Yvette. He was blindsided by a daughter he knew nothing about. I will get to that below. He was willing to do anything he needed to be there for a daughter he didn’t even know. I mean sell his house and move anything. That is a caring man.
Isaac: he’s a piece of work and a jerk. I honestly can’t stand this character. At one point Yvette confesses she’s made at him and she feels like everyone keeps telling her to let it go and let him be happy. WTH. He cheated on her, yes he’s gay and he finally admitted that to himself but it is no excuse to cheat. FOR MONTHS AND MONTHS mind you. As soon as he realized he was in love with another man he should have talked to Yvette. There are other things that irk me about it. The fact that he seemed to openly be flaunting his new relationship but still felt the need to tell Yvette what to do. And the kicker. Yvettes house is so overmorgaged she couldn’t get a loan to pay off Isaac for his half of the business. So she had to get a business partner. She’s struggling with money and he walks away with a new boyfriend, new house AND a brand new BMW. If he truly truly loved her why on earth would he force her to buy him out right then and there. She even said without the inventory she would have had to close the store. Ok enough ranting about him.

Then the story gets intense but also murky for me. Jacob finds out he’s a father, to a 6 month old. He ex fiancé had slept with his best friend Brian. According to Sienna (the ex) she had been sleeping with Brian for 2 months while they were engaged. I right off the bat I don’t like either of them. I’m condensing this but it turns out Sienna has some mental problems and has gone of the rails a time or two. Her and Brian had 1 drunken night. So why might you ask don’t I hate Brian like I do Isaac. Hypothetical much right. I think the biggest difference to me is Brian was sincerely sorry. I mean he couldn’t even face his best friend he was so ashamed. But once he knew the baby wasn’t his he insisted Sienna tell Jacob. I didn’t see that sincere regret from Isaac at all. Brian wasn’t even in a relationship with Sienna and that is were things get a little off for me. I just don’t know how Jacob didn’t even know she was pregnant. How it could be kept a secret from everyone in their lives. As much as it made me think, really could this really have happened. It was filled with so much emotion part of me didn’t care if it could be a possibility. I have really started to enjoy this author and look forward to reading more book!

Also there isn’t really much magic at all in this one.
Profile Image for Kristina Anderson.
3,745 reviews69 followers
September 30, 2018
Spirit of the Witch by Deanna Chase is the third bewitching tale in Witches of Keating Hollow series. Yvette Townsend is shocked when she walks into her bookstore, Hollow Books and finds her one night stand inside. It turns out that Jacob Burton is her new business partner and he has a host of new ideas for the store. Yvette was forced to get a business partner after her husband told her he was gay, that he wanted a divorce and for her to buy out his share of the bookstore. Yvette, as well as Jacob, want to keep their business relationship professional, but there is no denying the chemistry between them. Jacob moved to Keating Hollow after finding his fiancé and business partner in the arms of his best friend. He does not want to make the same mistake, but Yvette is hard to resist. The pair need to find a way to work together to make Hollow Books a success. As time passes, Jacob and Yvette become friends and decide to try a personal relationship. But then something unexpected happens that could tear them apart. Come along to Keating Hollow to see what happens between Yvette and Jacob in this enchanting tale.

I believe it is best to read the Witches of Keating Hollow series in order. Each book involves a different Townsend sister along with the citizens of Keating Hollow and the extended Townend clan. I found the book to be well-written and with a nice steady pace. Deanna Chase has an engaging writing style that draws the reader into the story. Spirit of the Witch has romance, family, love, magic and humor. Yvette is a smart and sexy woman who has had her heart broken. It does not help that she keeps seeing her ex-husband, Isaac around town with his new boyfriend, Jake. Jacob is handsome man with a charming way about him. He has some good ideas to help boost sales for Hollow Books, but can he convince Yvette? The Townsend girls are keeping a close eye on their father, Lincoln who has been diagnosed with cancer. I like that we get to catch up with the other Townsend sisters to see how they are faring. My rating for Spirit of the Witch is 4 out of 5 stars. Spirit of the Witch is a romantic tale that will charm you until the very last page.
Profile Image for Janet Smith.
Author 35 books1 follower
September 25, 2018
Spirit of the Witch is a great addition to the Witches Of Keating Hollow series. Book three finds Yvette getting to know her one night stand and new business partner, Jacob. Once they realize they're business partners, neither of them wants to get involved. The plan is to keep it strictly business, since they had both had relationships in the past connected to their businesses and neither ended well. Neither wanted another messy relationship ending to affect their business. But, no matter how hard they try, they can't stay away from each other.

It becomes more complicated when Jacob's past dives head first into the present. Jacob's ex comes back into the picture and she isn't alone. However, what at first appears to be a mean woman proves to be much more than that. This story is heartbreaking in some ways, but also full of love in others.

Yvette's family is back with her, and that's one of the things that makes this series (and all of Deanna's series) great, the consistency and the connection between each book. The Townsend family is a close knit family who the reader roots for no matter what. Lin Townsend is still sick, no miraculous, quicky, recovery, although there may be a slow building recovery. Which is how a recovery from cancer usually happens.

I'm hoping there is a book 4 with Faith's HEA. I already know who I want her to end up with. Jacob's friend Brian. Of course I don't know if that's what Deanna will write, but even if she doesn't, a couple if things are for sure: 1) it will be a great love story 2) there will be twists and turns, which means it won't be boring, and 3) it will be as romantic as hell.
Profile Image for Kris.
69 reviews
March 5, 2020
When you think life just can’t knock you down any further...

Yvette is determined to enjoy her sister Abby’s wedding. After all, it’s not Abby and Clay’s fault that her own marriage exploded. And the absolute GALL of her ex to bring his new boyfriend to the wedding is all the push Yvette needed to hook up with the sexy bartender and a night she wouldn’t soon forget...until said ‘one-night-stand’ just happens to be with her new business partner, shocking them both!

Yvette didn’t mean to fall head over heals with Jacob, and Jacob certainly didn’t need to mix business with pleasure as he thought he learned that lesson from his last encounter.

Relocating to Keating Hollow to help a struggling bookstore get on a different, more profitable, track seemed like the perfect distraction for Jacob Burton. What he didn’t plan on was falling head over heels for the eldest of the Townsend sisters and bookstore owner.

Can Yvette trust her heart? Can Jacob’s past come back to haunt them?

Another masterful tome from Ms. Chase. She never disappoints. I look forward to meeting another of the Keating Hollow witches in the next book.

Reviewer was given a free download of this book in consideration for an unbiased review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
426 reviews
November 13, 2022
Yvette Townsend
Michael Jacob Burton

Yvette is the owner of Hollow Books, the only bookstore in Keating Hollow. Who now after a divorce has a silent partner, when she meets him she is shocked to see the man she picked up at her sister’s wedding and thought was a bartender. Jacob Townsend is good at making businesses succeed and grow. He had spent summers in Keating Hollow with his Aunt and thought it would be the perfect place to recover from his break up with his fiancé and start over away from the family business. He is equally shocked when Yvette walks into the office. They try to get on with business but just as they decide to date Jacob has to go back to LA or his ex-fiancé won’t sign to sell their house and close out their business interest. Once there he gets a big shock which changes things and what he might do and will probably end his relationship with Yvette. I really liked both Yvette and Jacob characters. They are both strong, independent and business savvy but yet considerate, caring and family oriented. I would definitely read more books by this author and read more books in the series. This book can be read as a stand alone, it is a quick fun read.
Profile Image for Toula.
2,417 reviews
March 4, 2020
Audio book review

Book 3 in the series. I have all 3 audios . Love all 3. This one has it all mystery , drama , love and learning what family is all about. It also teaches people how to forgive and let go of anything that drags you do .

Hero is Jacob . Heroine is Yvette.
Yvette heart was broken when her husband left her for another man . She was hurting bad. So at her sisters wedding she hooks up with Jacob , Yvette thinks he’s only a bar man Boy oh boy Yvette finds out later that Jacob is also her business partner . They both try to keep things professional, their attraction for each other crosses the line. Right when Jacob is ready to start something with Yvette he gets a real big shock .... when he’s ready to sacrifice his life with Yvette things fall into place. What is the shock Jacob learns. Grab it and see . This was a fantastic story. I highly recommend it

Gabra Zackman Performance was fantastic. Her tone and voice for each character was great. You were able to tell each character by the way her voice was
2,326 reviews10 followers
August 18, 2021
"Spirit of the Witch", third in the Witches of Keating Hollow" series by Deanna Chase, is probably the weakest book so far. It's a good read just not quite up to the standards of the first two.
Magic is mostly missing this time out - there's so little that it could have been left out entirely and it would not have made a difference.
Yvette Townsend's life is in a shambles, her husband has left her (for another man) and she's had to bring in a silent partner to keep her bookshop going.
She has a one-night stand with a gorgeous bartender, Jacob, from her sister's wedding - as luck would have it he was standing in for a friend and is really ... yep, Michael Jacob Burton her new less than silent business partner. Oh, the embarrassment :)
It's pretty much Instalust followed by Instalove, complications and misunderstandings, and, of course, a HEA.
It's a quick read with some good moments, just not enough. And the plotting is predictable and somewhat forced.
2.5 Stars
205 reviews
May 29, 2020
This was my favorite Keating Hollow story so far! Last book (Heart of the Witch) ended with a cliffhanger about Yvette’s future… .the “had it all” sister no longer did. In this story, we see how Yvette struggles to continue on despite some unexpected turn of events in her life. I really liked the character development of Jacob, especially as he discovered many surprises from Sienna. On top of it, since I LOVE reading, I adored the nuances of learning about Yvette’s bookshop, her arrangements/displays with a touch of magic (reminds me of Sword in the Stone with the books floating about), her coffee/pastry area. Each Keating Hollow book is a pleasure to read. I look forward to Faith’s story next! And I see that Miranda Moon, who made a delightful entrance in this story, will have her story in Book 8!
Profile Image for Dawn Siemer.
1,124 reviews5 followers
November 7, 2020
Rebound ally

Yvette just got divorced. She's not over her husband blindsided her with the announcement that he's gay. A one night stand makes sense. Marrying the guy, not so much.

Jacob also recently had a long-term relationship blow up on him. He's over her, but still angry. Maybe he's finally ready for a new relationship, but he should know Yvette isn't.

Isaac does not make sense. If he was Yvette's best friend, why didn't he tell her about his feelings before serving her with divorce papers? Why would he continue to work with her dad, but insist on having cash for his half of the bookstore? It also seems like he left her with the house. Also, suddenly he's rich? Bookkeepers and accountants don't make that much money.

This is not a solid foundation for a lasting relationship, but I liked both of the characters, so it was fun anyway.
Profile Image for Mike Lewis.
1,754 reviews4 followers
May 28, 2022
entertaining paranormal cozy mystery series

This is an entertaining paranormal cozy mystery series. If I’m casting characters in an entertaining storyline. The Townsend sisters live in a small paranormal town about an hour off the West Coast. It’s a little town in the hills with the mountains and valleys and is mostly populated by supernatural families. They do have a few humans come to town to visit and for tourism and festivals. This series bounces between the different sisters in the towns and family of which there are four. This book follows Yvette and what’s going on in her life at the time. These are mostly mysteries of the heart of a family and other minor things going on. They are all entertaining and come to a fun conclusion most of the time. This is the third book in the series looking forward to the next one. Check it out
Profile Image for Becca D.
122 reviews
November 1, 2023
I had never read any of the Witches of Keating Hollow books, and the reviews had me excited to read it. I think this book had a lot of promise until it didn't.

First of all, with the title including "witch" I honestly thought there would be more witchcraft, but that's honestly not a huge deal.

The story was building well, going great until all of a sudden I realized I was 75% of the way through and there was still a lot that needed to be resolved. This isn't a series that focuses on the same characters throughout, so I knew it would have to be resolved in this book. And it was. But it felt horribly rushed.

Also. Jacob annoyed me. He was supposed to be this smart business guy, but never seemed to be able to think that far ahead. Just seemed to throw tantrums.

I give it a 2.5 (rounding up to 3) for the potential it had.
Profile Image for Laura.
2,557 reviews
October 2, 2018
This is a great book; this is the third book in the Witches of Keating Hollow series written by Deanna Chase. Yvette Townsend’s life was perfect…right up until her husband fell in love with someone else. Newly divorced and still reeling from her broken dreams, Yvette’s sworn off men. Now she’s determined to lose herself in her magic and her beloved bookstore. There’s only one problem—she has an unexpected new business partner who’s driving her crazy both at work and after hours. This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. This book will keep you reading long into the night. If you are looking for a great book, then you need to read this book. I am looking forward to reading the next book by this great author.
Profile Image for Penny.
2,617 reviews72 followers
September 24, 2018
As I’ve said before, straight-romance, whether paranormal or not, is not one of my very favorite genres. However, I trust this author to write an enthralling story so much, I will read just about anything she writes. This latest installment in the Witches of Keating Hollow series is full of love, forgiveness, heartache, and just plain fun, just like the previous ones. You will laugh, cry, and love right along with the characters as the author is very talented in making you feel everything the characters are feeling. If you love a well-written romance, paranormal or not as there isn’t much paranormal in this one, you must pick this one up. It’s not to be missed! Highly recommend! I was provided the e-book which I voluntarily reviewed.
Profile Image for Elisa.
3,183 reviews36 followers
September 26, 2018
Well, now that was an extremely emotional read...

I am just loving the Keating Hollow books they are a wonderful mixture of paranormal, drama and romance all surrounding the quaint town of Keating Hollow and the Townsend sister's, mind you I wouldn't mind more stories from other residents once the 4 sisters all have their HEA and we are 3 down one to go.

Yvette and Jacob, what a pair both been hurt by previous relationships, both wary of trying again but both drawn to each other like a moth to a flame...lol

I love learning more about the town with each new story and I really love the Townsend family.
Profile Image for Laura Martinez.
1,912 reviews52 followers
January 27, 2020
This book follows Yvette’s POV which I have been dying to listen to since her husband handed her the divorce papers. Gosh, I think Yvette’s story is my favorite so far! Yvette has so much going on but she is always willing to listen to other people’s opinions and weigh them carefully. Jacob sounds very yummy to me and his story gave a interesting twist to the story. I love how the author hints on the romance or sex scenes and leaves the rest to our imagination. Love it!!
The narrator was great and she’s the same one that has narrated the previous books as well. Looking forward to the next book!
Profile Image for Dmcl.
827 reviews13 followers
September 30, 2018
Sister #3 gets the spotlight on Spirit of the Witch, book three in the Witches of Keating’s Hollow. Fire witch Yvette Townsend is paired with the gorgeous air witch Jacob in this heartwarming story that tells of their journey to each other. All the Keating Hollow favorites are there with some new characters that add to the warmth and love that has been a hallmark of this series. It’s a fast paced, well written story that will grab your attention from the beginning and never let go. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Amy Hannagan.
761 reviews3 followers
November 13, 2018
This is a great second-chance romance with a little paranormal flair. I admit to not being a huge fan of the second-chance trope but since I love this author and enjoy this series, I gave it a try. Boy, am I glad that I did. Yvette is a totally relatable character as a woman of a certain age who has just suffered a divorce just when she was ready to start her family. But into her life walks the scrumptious Jacob and her world gets turned upside down in all the best possible ways. This books was a true joy to read that evoked all the feels and even had me shedding a few tears.
Profile Image for Susan Landowski.
365 reviews2 followers
March 5, 2019

Great plot line and story arc. First I should let you know each book can be heard/read as a stand alone. The narrator catches the voices and emotions of all the characters well. I usually love to read but I am impressed with this audio version, This book has all the aspects that I love. Tensions between the romantic characters, a little mystery, interactions between family and friends and great sexual tension. Please listen to this book as you will enjoy and if you haven't already listen to the other 2 in series as well as the fourth one coming out.
Profile Image for Laura.
107 reviews
January 19, 2020
Another outstanding book by Deanna Chase brought to life by Gabra Zackman. Yvette and Jacob's story show two people searching for peace after being betrayed by those closest to them. True to form, I felt like I was there in Keating Hollow, being part of Yvette's and Jacob's lives. Feeling the new love excitement, the fear for a sick loved one, and amazed at their strength to find forgiveness in their hearts. Spirit of the Witch has you feeling the roller coaster emotions of life, while you hope and pray that Yvette and Jacob can get their HEA.
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