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Jessica Goldstein has worked hard to get where she is. She focused herself and soon, she was offered the opportunity of a lifetime: An internship at Threads. All is right with the world until she faces a man who interjects a sense of chaos into an otherwise successful life.

Reighn Abrams had a rough childhood but since he became a male supermodel, he has it all. Money, designer clothes, access to anywhere he wants to go, and of course, women. Reighn lives his lives in pursuit of his own pleasure, whatever that may be.

He meets Jessica who rejects him, driving him insane. Reighn is finally able to prove himself to Jessica, who after getting to know him, that he wasn’t that bad after all. They struggle to get past the hurdle of distrust Jessica but eventually, forgiveness heals and she is able to look past it and move on.

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About the author

Ellen Hutton

39 books32 followers
Ellen Hutton is an author of contemporary and Young Adult romance. She lives in Texas with her husband and their dogs. She enjoys reading, writing story, good wine, TV shows. If she’s not writing, She will hang out by the pool with her family and her friends.

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Profile Image for ☆☆Hannah☆☆.
3,182 reviews42 followers
July 19, 2018
Overall this was a good read. I will admit that it took some time for me to even like Reighn. He was arrogant and just down right an asshole. Yes, most guys in these stories are but this guy rubbed me the wrong way. Part of it was that even though he wanted to get Jessica into bed he was still sleeping with other women. I did like Jessica in this story and I was happy that everything worked out for her in the end.
Profile Image for Emily Pennington.
18.8k reviews319 followers
July 20, 2018
Jessica had always dreamed of working for ‘Threads’, one of the most popular fashion magazines in the United States. With the encouragement of her best friend, Courtney, she was finally sitting in the waiting room, ready to have an interview to intern at ‘Threads’. Wordsmithing was one of her strongest skills, and she graduated with top honors and a degree in Journalism, so Jessica had a good chance of getting hired. The interview was not as easy as she had assumed, however, and she was grateful when it ended and she could return home. Having found rapport with one of the executive interviewers, she was hired and on top of the world!

Reighn Abrams was the cover model for ‘Threads’ and his ego was absolutely filled with himself. Women were an easy commodity for him, and he used them like Kleenex. Having everything he could want left him bored with all he had. When his agent contacted him about a photo shoot, he took his time getting there as a sign of his power and the fact he was a top model and they could just wait for him to get there. When he finally exited the elevator, he looked down at his cell phone to text his agent that he was there.

An error someone else had made in the paperwork meant Jessica had to run a dozen of the 30-page handouts for her boss’ upcoming meeting. She had less than an hour to get it done. Unfortunately, moving swiftly down the hallway, Jessica collided with someone and all her papers scattered on the floor! The man snapped at her for running into him – even though he had been texting on his phone – and stepped around her without offering to pick up the papers. He would find out who her boss was later and complain about her clumsiness!

When Reighn ultimately saw Jessica at a party, he didn’t remember her at all, nor their encounter when he knocked her papers all over. He planned instead on using her body, and was unprepared to be rejected when she absolutely remembered HIM! As expected, rejection was intolerable to Reighn’s ego and she became a challenge. How would he convince her that he was all she could ever want? How would he make her change her mind?

Although adequate description is necessary in any story, the intense focused descriptions of every single thing became too thorough and sometimes made the story drag, particularly the page after page commentary of every single step in going for her pre-employment physical exam. I think it can make the reader start skimming or skipping pages. There was also a good deal of repetition of points that had been covered even a paragraph or two earlier. But the story line was complete and the characters were introduced thoroughly. Jessica remained strong and steadfast to her ideals; Reighn cleaned up his act and made some improvements. Was it enough progress that they could find a way to move forward into a relationship? Grab your copy and follow their journey.
Profile Image for Jami.
511 reviews2 followers
July 20, 2018
I am an avid reader devouring as many books as possible each and every week. I normally LOVE Ellen Hutton’s books and the premise of this one had me very excited to read it. This was an ARC copy that had not been through a final edit and was filled with errors. I can honestly say my review rating is not based on that. I give a lot of feedback and leeway when it comes to errors in ARC copies so that is not the problem with this one. The problem is the story. It took 42% of the story for the two main characters to even meet. It took an additional 8 to 10% for them to even go on their first date. Reighn was hard to become invested in. I disliked him for the same reason Jessica at first didn’t like him. He was a spoiled, self centered, womanizing pig that had no respect for anyone or anything. I can’t even count how many woman he had sex with before finally dating Jessica, it was unbelievable and even included a three-some. The night he officially meet Jessica and she shot him down he still left with another chick and had sex with her twice before discarding her like a piece of trash. Then we are suddenly supposed to believe that he is really a good guy and has given up woman in pursuit of Jessica. Their relationship of 9 plus months is then rapidly gone through with little detail after we have endured excruciating detail about everything else. These characters were almost overly developed at the expensive of their story. In the end I still liked the premise, and even ended up appreciating the transformation of Reighn but getting there is not a journey I would take again. This didn’t feel like the Ellen Hutton I know from previous books and I can’t say it is a favorite of mine. Some will love it. This can be counted on but for me, I would love for Ellen to do a mulligan and try this one again. I know this story could be great.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,345 reviews17 followers
July 22, 2018
This book starts with Jessica who is an overachiever who since a young girl wanted to be a model for Threads. Her mom busted her bubble telling her she is plain with brown hair and eyes. She has moved away from mom graduates third in her class, and did it in 3 years She gets a job at Threads. Her Mom is proud of her, she is feeling like she is on top ofthe world.
Now Reign is introduced, he is a manwhore with an explicet sex scene with 2 women.You realize as the book goes on he is a womanizing pig who will do or say anythng to satisfy his sexual needs. He uses the fact he is a main model to exploit woman
Now she is in a hurry to set up room, trying for perfection. He is texting and walking and her papers fly. He keeps going, no offer of help. She really dislikes him.
She's dressed up and he notices her at an event, while talking with her he stares down another. She totally blows him off, not wanting anything to do with him.
Now all of a sudden he is flirting with her with the goal of conquering her. He isn't used to rejection so he tries hard to conquer her at first. finally a romance starts. This book is slow to build characters.
Now after her Mom, her whole like convinced her she is plain. He thinks she is beautiful? He isn't used to rejection. Does many expensive fun things to entice her to go out with him.
They slowly start dating, cute storyline that developed slowly. You're expected to believe that he would change and settle for only one woman after different women all the time. It's hard to believe. You now start to like the changes in this man as the story goes on and believe he's changing. Then she walks in to see him with another woman. I can't say more or it would ruin ending.If you're not one for explicit, detailed sex scenes this book may not be for you
This was an ARC book that I was not required to review.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Janet Taggart Baldwin.
829 reviews20 followers
July 14, 2018
I have to admit I didn't much like the H in this story. Reighn was a gorgeous male model who didn't have great role models with either his mother or father and simply used woman roughly and rather cruelly for sex and then sometimes literally dumped them on the curb. The sex scenes were too numerous and callous and very unflattering to him. Jessica was a sweet, unpretentious, hard-working young lady who started working at the magazine that he frequently modeled for. When Reighn saw her at a party, he immediately wanted her for sex, not remembering he had already ran into her rudely a few weeks before, causing her to spill all her papers and didn't even stop to help her or say he was sorry. But Jessica remembers and will have nothing to do with him. Reighn has NEVER been turned down before, so it is a complete shock to his system and she becomes a challenge he has to win. There are a lot of editing errors, and too many casual hook up sex scenes that I ended up skimming over. That is why I have it only 4 stars instead of 5. But it did have a HEA and I was very satisfied with it! All in all it was a good read by Ellen Hutton.

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Profile Image for B. Koe.
928 reviews11 followers
July 20, 2018
This manuscript is not ready for publication. Jessica is pedantic, driven and more than a bit OCD. Just out of college and having grabbed the job of her dreams as the assistant to the editor of Threads the magazine of her obsession, Jessica is focused on whatever she can do to make herself an invaluable asset to her boss, the magazine, and people with whom she works. Now, if you are thinking, “Wow, I know this movie!” that is what I thought at first, too. However, we were BOTH wrong, quite pleasantly so. However, the rest of the story was NOT compelling. While I loved that the author allowed me to learn about the characters through their actions, remembrances, and angst, I did not really like the characters. Jessica was too stereotypical and uptight, even though she was a good friend. Reighn was abhorrent, or more specifically a male whore with no redeeming qualities. Even though the writing was easy to read, the characters were too flat to relate to, and the story had little romance as a result. I can't recommend this book.

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Profile Image for Joyce Black.
1,049 reviews6 followers
December 12, 2018
The beginning of the story starts with overly overt sexual scenes between the main male character and assorted females he encounters. I felt this section was overplayed and did not need to take up as much bandwidth in the book as it did. As the story evolves we are shown more depth of character and his back story. He becomes more mature as the story unfolds. The main female character has a similar familial history of abusiveness as the main male character that strikes a cord between them. The main female character is a strong and determined person. She does not back away from her ideals nor from her principles. This stance is what draws in the main male character and so starts their romance. There is turbulence along the way but they do end up with their happy ever after.

I voluntarily received an advance review copy of this novel via Booksprout and I am leaving an honest and unbiased review. I have no affiliation with this author.
2,281 reviews12 followers
July 22, 2018
I volunteered to read this ARC for an honest review. I really enjoyed this story about Jessica and Reighn. Jessica is a young woman who is starting an internship at the famous Threads magazine, working for the head writer. Reighn is a womanizer, always using and tossing away women when he's done. Jessica had a run in with him on her first day at work and thinks he's a jerk since he didn't apologize for running into her, he's mad since she didn't bend over backwards for him. There is a spark between them that is hard to deny once they get past the hate. Her co-worker Sandra says it's because she first rejected him then hasn't slept with him. Follow them along as they learn about each other and how to deal with their lives with jealous past hookups and accidents and lots of surprises. Good read for ac day at the pool.

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Profile Image for Daniella Marchand.
399 reviews4 followers
August 2, 2018
Jessica & Reighn
She always dreamed about being a writer for Threats, so she only studied, not party or other kind of fun and ending 1y early, in the top 3. So when she finally land a job there, it's her dream come true, it's the cherry on top, the best rewards she can get after putting so much in it.
Reighn alias Mattheus is the star topmodel for Threads, he use women and dispose them like durty tissues, sometimes 1, sometimes more women at a time, till he meets Jessica !!!
But big problem : she said NO and reject him cause her first impression isn't a good one, but a very bad one. So she will says no everytimes he ask her out.

Yeah the male characters was real a big joke, a jerk an A's. But he will never stop his advances, normally what he wants he gets !!!
Very explicit, hot & heted scene in details, they really have this pull and eletricity between them.

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Profile Image for Misty Goan.
2,808 reviews14 followers
July 22, 2018
An interesting eniemes to lovers romance with a slow build, fast paces easy flowing drama that is scorching hot. Reighn was a gorgeous male mode, player and concieted extrodianiaire. Jessica was a sweet hardworking intern that always dreamed of working at the top fashion magazine. They first run into each other when there was a problem and she was rushing to get copies to her boss when they bump into each other scattering the papers because he was texting, thinking to get her clumsiness fired. They later are at the same event he does not remember her. Although she has been crushing on him she wont give him the time of day. He then becauses obsessed with her with causes true feeling to be unearthed, sure to be a crazy sensual relatiinship. Can she trust him? I enjoyedvthis quick easy love story.

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488 reviews6 followers
July 14, 2018
This was a story about a woman who gets an internship at a top fashion magazine and meets the top male model who works for the magazine. There are a lot of great sex scenes, even those that are just a dream, but the story just moves way too slowly. It was almost half of the book before they meet each other and almost two-thirds of the book before their first date. The dates were pretty awesome (renting an entire theater or going to Paris, for example) but nothing really adventurous happens. Maybe while the male model was being driven somewhere, he could have been kidnapped or something to add a little suspense! But eventually all leads to their HEA, fortunately!

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July 17, 2018
I really enjoy reading Ellen Hutton’s books. I did enjoy this book also, but felt there was too much lead up before the characters really interacted with each other. I really enjoyed reading once the characters began to interact with each other towards the last 8-9 chapters. I enjoyed how Jessica made Reighn work for her attention because she was not willing to be one of his notches. I enjoyed how Reighn finally realized he needed to show Jessica the real him if he wanted to truly have something special with her. It was great read though.

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Profile Image for Ife Davis.
346 reviews1 follower
July 20, 2018
Jessica is a girl with dreams and admires the magazine Threads, so when she gets an interview she's anxious and hopeful.
However, since she's not what some members of the panel deem as fashion worthy she has further reservations about her chances, so when the opportunity comes she wants to do her best and gain a full-time position.
Reighn has pulled himself out of a tragic past and made his name as a model and womanizer.
I liked how Jessica has a strong friendship with Courtney and how the main characters of the book paths converged.

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Profile Image for CL Westbrook.
497 reviews2 followers
July 20, 2018
Where to start... an aptly named book for Jessica that turns to something more! Raighn being a playboy who takes what he wants from women but soon finds Jessica who he falls hard for. Jessica & Raighns story is fab to read. Raighn has some demons in his life that holds in to his heart. Jessica definitely keeps Raighn on his toes... I love that.

It's definitely get lots a hot steamy scenes as well as some in-depth soft moments. A fabulous book from Ellen. Loved the whole story as it unfolds. I couldn't put the book down. If I could give it more that 5 stars I would xx
Profile Image for T.
1,825 reviews
July 15, 2018
The only big issue I had was believing the change Reighn had. I know all playboy love stories like this have them changing with the right woman, but for some how this one felt off. I can't put my finger on it though to say what it is specifically. Despite this, I did enjoy the storyline and characters though.
Oh and if you have an issue with sex...lots of sex, then do not read this! lol

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14.6k reviews80 followers
July 19, 2018
She had worked so hard to get where she had got to. So when she gets an opportunity she grabs it with both hands. He had dragged himself up from the ground up and he was now a male model. He had money, fame and women. He has no-one refuse him so when she does it shocks him. He will break her down. Will he succeed? Will she let him in? See if she will

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Profile Image for Debra Richardson.
996 reviews2 followers
July 20, 2018
I enjoyed the ride Ellen Hutton took me on with Jessica and Reighn on their path to HEA. The book had a slow start in my opinion, however it really picked up about half way through. Both of the characters are broken due to having trust issues from past experiences. The story is well written and a bit emotional; with a well-developed relatable plot. A satisfying end. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
32 reviews
July 20, 2018
OK complete honesty time.
I found this never really got my attention til the last half, for me that's where the story began and it was a sweet story from there. The first part for me was more all sex and arrogance from Reign. I also didn't really like it was all played out in there heads, them thinking back rather than speaking. I felt I didn't connect with it properly due to that.

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1,293 reviews8 followers
July 21, 2018
He is a bad boy who is used to being able to get any women he likes with out much work or difficulty until he meets her. These two have great chemistry but they have problems that can get get in the way of them having happiness together. Can they work through the issues and hurdles thrown their way. If your not into explicit content then this may not be for you.

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Profile Image for Sheila Lee.
928 reviews13 followers
July 23, 2018
DISTRUST was a disappointment to me. Reighn was a narcissistic manwhore. After meeting Jessica, I found it unbelievable that he would become a faithful, monogamous man. If the author had spent less time on his amoral attitude and given him more vulnerable moments, I may have like the book better. If all you are interested in is how many ways and how often you can perform sex, then you may enjoy this story.

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Profile Image for Mommaleena.
680 reviews14 followers
July 26, 2018
Old dog new tricks or same ole ones?

What an intense story. I absolutely enjoyed reading Jessica and Reighn's story. Growing up with mothers like theirs, will they learn to trust each other before it's too late? Will it end as a HEA? You'll have to read it to find out.ARC received from BookSprout for an honest voluntary review. Due to sexual situations, this book is recommended for readers 18 and older
115 reviews1 follower
September 7, 2018
Jessica has finally landed her dream job working at Threads. On her first day she has a run in with an arrogant model (Reighn). Later she attends a party and runs into him again and he is instantly smitten. She wants nothing to do with him. I loved how she made him work for the date and to improve his overall attitude. The romance was sweet but not without some bumps along the way.

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Profile Image for Lynn Stifle.
3,573 reviews67 followers
July 19, 2018
The pace of the story starts off really slow, and it takes a bit before the main characters, Jessica and Reighn, to meet. The chemistry between between the two main characters was sizzling! Overall, this was a good read and I enjoyed it.

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9,016 reviews119 followers
July 20, 2018
This is a slow burning romance between Jessica and Reighn. He's the bad boy model womoniser and she's the hard worker with trust issues. It's an entertaining story filled with drama,suspense,humor and a hot steamy romance. I enjoyed reading their story and would recommend this book.

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Profile Image for Lena.
1,654 reviews17 followers
July 20, 2018
I read a lot and always looking forward to Ellen Hutton’s books. But, this one seems a bit different. I don’t recognize her way of writing - the flow is off and feels stiff and formal.
The characters are not likeable, even if that is not a requirement.
Sorry, I’ll be waiting for another Hutton book.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.
Profile Image for Ann L.
4,195 reviews30 followers
July 21, 2018
When I read the blurb for this novel I was interested and after the first chapter I was even more so, Jess, an intern and Reighn, male model is the focus of this story, we follow him trying to get on her good side after she rejects his advances.
Does he get the girl? grab a copy and find out.

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Profile Image for Monica Williams-Patterson.
60 reviews2 followers
July 21, 2018
I really enjoyed this story it was fast paced and kept you on the edge of your seat. And I loved the way he helped her with her issues.I felt that the characters are well developed and as always I love a HEA and this story delivers it all!

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Profile Image for Deb.
6,988 reviews28 followers
October 7, 2018
The female characters was pretty interesting and I liked her. The main male character needed a bit of work. He was not the best person as written by the author and I struggled to read about them as their relationship as it developed. I normally like this author's books so I didn't stop reading. I'm glad I did as it all came together in the end and I did enjoy it.
3,254 reviews30 followers
July 13, 2018
Received an arc in exchange for an honest review. I loved this book. Read in one sitting because I couldn’t put it down. Characters were well written and the plot was exciting. I definitely recommend this book.

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12 reviews
July 18, 2018
I absolutely loved this book. The story the pace that it was told, I hope I can find a lot more of Ms. Hutton's books.

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