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Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen deliver the final tale about Triangle, Square, and Circle.

This book is about Circle. This book is also about Circle's friends, Triangle and Square. Also it is about a rule that Circle makes, and how she has to rescue Triangle when he breaks that rule.

48 pages, Hardcover

First published March 5, 2019

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About the author

Mac Barnett

91 books1,214 followers
Born to non-farmers in a California farming community, Mac Barnett now lives near San Francisco. He's on the board of directors of 826LA, a nonprofit writing center for students in Los Angeles, and he founded the Echo Park Time Travel Mart, a convenience store for time travelers.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 388 reviews
Profile Image for Calista.
4,742 reviews31.3k followers
April 8, 2020
This beginning book is about 3 shapes, circle, square and triangle, all have limbs and eyes. They play hide and go seek and find something in the waterfall they can't see. What is it???

The ending is what saved this story for me. We are asked to imagine what it is. I rarely come across it. So then I decided to read this too the nephew and see how he takes it. We read the story and the ending stuck in his craw. He kept asking me what it was, over and over. I told him I didn't know. How can we not know? he asked. I told him there are lot of things in life we can't know. He said he didn't like not knowing and he gave this 1 star. He was actually a little upset over being left in the dark literally. I had a good chuckle over him.
Profile Image for Whispering Stories.
3,007 reviews2,614 followers
March 12, 2019
Book Reviewed by Stacey on www.whisperingstories.com

Circle is the third book in the children’s shapes trilogy by Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen. The first two books in the series were Triangle and Square.

One day friends Triangle and Square visited Circle. The three decided to play a game. Circle said she would close her eyes and the other two were to hide. They were allowed to hide anywhere except for behind Circle’s waterfall.

Circle closed her eyes and when she opened them Square was standing in front of her. He pointed at the waterfall and said Triangle had hidden behind it. Circle was a little annoyed and went to find Triangle.

In the dark cave behind the waterfall though it would seem that Triangle and Circle weren’t alone. Who or what could be waiting for them in the dark?

The Shapes Trilogy of books have all been fun to read. They are a little unusual and the illustrations are a bit dark and not much happening but this is what makes the books stand out from the crowd.

The story is interesting and different, I can see kids trying to guess who is hidden in the dark. It’s just a shame that the series is only a trilogy as I would have loved to read about many other shapes and their adventures.
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.8k followers
December 22, 2019
This is the third in a series about Triangle, Square, and Circle, are all here to play a game of hide & seek at the foot of Circle's waterfall. Circle has one rule, however—don’t hide behind the waterfall. So of course Triangle immediately does this. And Circle goes into the dark, begins yelling at his friend, but he/she/they encounter someone else in the absolute darkness. Who or what could be waiting for them in the dark?!

Outside, in the light, Circle asks about who it is they may have encountered: “If you close your eyes, what shape do you picture?”

I keep thinking about this book, as will kids of all ages. It's not a kid's picture book, you may say, what's it "about"?! But that there is exactly the point; who else but Mac Barnett and Jon Klaasen would make a book that would urge you to ask so many questions! Is it about differences? Will there now be more books from them about (now) more unconventional shapes?!

I read this, approaching the holidays, with several people of all ages, who all just wanted to talk about it. Is this also true of 3/4 of the Goodreads Picture Book nominees of 2019? It is not. Keep making these books, Jon and Mac!
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,867 reviews6,098 followers
September 11, 2019
#1 Triangle ★★★★★
#2 Square ★★★★★
#3 Circle ★★★★★

This trilogy killed me. I really need more books about these shapes, or more shapes in the same world... I don't care, I just need there to be a dozen more of these books because they crack me and my kid up (and as a kid's librarian, I promise, finding books to amuse both parents and children is a task in and of itself sometimes) and they're so much fun to read aloud. Plus, again... the shifty-eyes expressions are such a weird little delight.
Profile Image for La Coccinelle.
2,254 reviews3,564 followers
March 26, 2019
I think maybe I'm missing something. I didn't think this one was that great. It had me engaged right up until the end, but then it got really juvenile, the book almost screaming, "I'M A CHILDREN'S BOOK!"

Circle, Triangle, and Square play hide-and-seek. Circle has a rule that nobody's supposed to go behind her waterfall, but of course one of her friends does, which necessitates a rescue operation. They find more than they bargained for in the space behind the waterfall, and I was eagerly flipping the pages until... there just weren't any more pages. We're left with a rather unsatisfying ending.

The pictures are okay. I did like the waterfall. The shapes are basic, but they're basic shapes; there's not a lot you can do with an anthropomorphized circle, triangle, and square.

Maybe I would've gotten more out of this book if I'd read the first two in the series. It seems like it should be able to stand on its own. But I'm not sure if it really does; I'm left feeling like I missed something important.

Thank you to NetGalley and Walker Books for providing a digital ARC.
Profile Image for Farjaneh_.
220 reviews100 followers
December 20, 2021
《هو الحق》
من اول یک جلد خوندم بعد دیدم خیلی عجیبه گفتم شاید جلد بعدی رو بخونم بهتر بشه ، هر سه جلد رو خوندم و نشد 😂
یک سری از ایده‌هاشون جالب بود ولی پایان بندی و ��تیجه‌گیری‌هاش رو دوست نداشتم
۲۹آذرماه ۱۴۰۰🍂🍁
Profile Image for Abigail.
7,495 reviews227 followers
March 5, 2019
Author Mac Barnett and illustrator Jon Klassen join forces again in this final entry in their "Shapes Trilogy" about three friends: Triangle, Square and Circle. In this entry in the series, the friends are playing hide-and-seek, with Circle warning her friends not to go into the cavern behind her waterfall. When the rule-breaking Triangle does just that, Circle must set out to extract him from the inky blackness, only to find that the two of them are not alone...

I don't know if my reaction was influenced by the review of an online friend who read an advanced copy of this one, but I found the conclusion of Circle somewhat unsatisfactory, and thought it was the least successful, story-wise, of the three titles in this picture-book trilogy. The artwork was simple and appealing, in that vintage Klassen style that one either likes or doesn't (I do, in case it needs saying), but the story felt as if it were building to a reveal that never came. I can understand why Barnett chose to end it as he did, but while I think some young children might find the conclusion here fun and interactive, others might feel cheated. Fans of the earlier books will undoubtedly still want to check this one out, and it is to them that I would recommend it.
Profile Image for Mathew.
1,532 reviews196 followers
July 3, 2019
The final instalment in the shape trilogy, circle rounds off (sorry!) the tale of the three friends. Although the story is one of play and hide-and-seek, deeper themes on breaking rules and stereotypes rests beneath the surface to be explored when the reader is ready.

I had been looking forward to the close of the trilogy so much, having found Triangle and Square to be such a humorous duo. Although Klassen delivers once again, the narrative just didn’t have the punch that the others had for me.
Profile Image for Drew Canole.
2,466 reviews15 followers
July 6, 2024
Pretty weak story for Barnett. The art is great by Klassen as always, but much of the story is just eyes drawn on a black background. The story at the end has you using your own imagination, which is a fine device but makes for a lackluster art book.

The design of Circle is great. I love how she floats above the ground and the look of her shadow.
Profile Image for Chance Lee.
1,377 reviews146 followers
March 6, 2019
The conclusion to the Triangle, Square, Circle trilogy is really creepy -- or is it? Very ambiguous and strange. This story developed in such a wild way that I want to own all three for myself. Varied themes and deep esoteric questions.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,460 reviews243 followers
March 25, 2019

In Circle, we get all the kids together!

The 3 shapes and friends, Triangle, Square, and Circle, are all here to play a game of hide & seek. Circle has one big rule though—don’t hide behind the waterfall. It’s dark back there. Sooo….what does Triangle do? :)

Three distinct personalities with different points, curves, and angles take shape in this story in words and pictures. Personalities that mix and work on the page to create fun and smiles. Most of the book is in the dark. Pitch black actually! With sets of eyes looking around and out at the reader. It IS dark behind the waterfall. And there just might be a surprise hidden in the dark.

“If you close your eyes, what shape do you picture?”

Circle was an uplifting tale about knowing, seeing, and loving your friends for who they are. Along with a jumping to conclusions about people and shapes you don’t know yet idea on the side. I loved how it all came together!

Will we see more shapes from Barnett and Klassen? This was supposed to be the last book in a trilogy, but….maybe. Hopefully! We’ll get to meet a few more friends and shapes.

Check this one out!

Profile Image for allie .
209 reviews54 followers
December 28, 2023
part 3 of reading children's picture books to 'meet' my reading goal
Profile Image for Genevieve Trono.
597 reviews123 followers
March 1, 2019
Circle is a creative and unique take on teaching about overcoming your fears. It is definitely not for everyone but our kids found it to be super appealing and they enjoyed that they could come up with their own ending since it was left open to interpretation.

It was also a great conversation starter about how we shouldn't always jump to conclusions about what we think about someone before we get to know them. Thank you to NetGalley and Candlewick Press for a copy of this book...all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Nadine in NY Jones.
2,967 reviews253 followers
March 23, 2019
This is Circle.

This is Circle's waterfall.

Yes! I am so here for Circle and the waterfall and hide-and-seek!!! If you remember from previous books, Triangle is kind of a jerk, and Square is difficult to understand. Turns out Circle is a Rule Follower, and quite brave.

Circle lays out the rules for a proper hide-and-seek game, but things do not go as planned, because Triangle doesn't follow the rules.

The conclusion is wonderfully open-ended and will inspire a fun and thoughtful conversation with your kids.
Profile Image for Jason.
3,894 reviews26 followers
May 4, 2019
I'm torn between wanting more of these books and simply wanting to just keep wanting more. Honestly, this is a great way to end the trilogy, despite SO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS about these three. I appreciate so much creators like Klassen, Barnett, Rex, and Pizzoli keeping children's picture books fresh and interesting...
Profile Image for Essareh.
166 reviews1 follower
August 3, 2024
از دو جلد قبلی مجموعه بیشتر دوستش داشتم.
از حیث عجیب‌وغریب بودن، خیلی مک بارنتی نیست. فکر کنم واقعاً کتاب کودکه.
Profile Image for Ivonne Rovira.
2,183 reviews229 followers
January 5, 2024
I love the trio of literal figures — Círculo, Triángulo y Cuadrado — who inhabit this adorable picture book, translated into Spanish. Readers will love the story and the illustrations by Jon Klassen, who won the Caldecott Medal for This Is Not My Hat, are as fabulous as you’d expect.

Me encanta el trio de figuras geometricas — Círculo, Triángulo y Cuadrado — que habitan en este libro de cuentos ilustrado y traducido al español. Lectores les encantaran el cuento y los dibujos por Jon Klassen, cuyo ganó el premio Caldecott por el libro El Ladron Del Sombrero.

In the interest of full disclosure, I received this book from NetGalley and NubeOcho in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Mehsi.
13.5k reviews411 followers
December 4, 2019
The new (and apparently last book, though I would love to see another book about the mysterious shape that we meet in this book) book about shapes, this time Circle is the one who has the lead role.

I read this book in Dutch, but will be writing my review in English. :)

I haven't read the second book, but I did read the first book. It doesn't help that nowhere it is said which book is which volume. I think I will have to reserve Square at the library (one of them). Because this series is just tons of fun to read and I want to read all of them now.

I was instantly in love with Circle. How cool and super that she floating and didn't roll. Because I thought that would happen (as that is something that often happens when shapes are round). I love that the author/illustrator decided to go for something completely different.

The hide-and-seek with the other shapes was fun, but Triangle was being a pest again. Oh, someone says I shouldn't hide there. Someone warned me. Someone forbid me. *shrugs* Let's go!

I rolled around laughing when Circle was in the dark looking for Triangle and had a whole angry rant towards what she thought was Triangle, and the part that followed was especially hilarious. I am quite curious who those pair of eyes belongs to. Mm.
My guess? Pentagon! Now that would make a fun shape.

The illustrations were lovely, but then again I am a big fan of Jon Klassen and his work. Even the more simple things look fabulous!

All in all, I liked this book. It is just a shame that there aren't going to be more book about shapes. I would recommend this book.

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/
Profile Image for Seema Rao.
Author 2 books61 followers
February 25, 2019
Magical ~ Brilliant ~ Beautiful

tl:dr: Imagination is shapeless (and full of shapes)

How can they do it? How Barnett and Klassen make such amazing books, pictures books certainly, but just for children books? This book is called Circle. There is a circle. It is about circles, sort of. But, Barnett and Klassen start with geometric shapes and move the reader into the infinity of imagination. I'm consistently amazed by the authors' abilities to create instant classics. Absolutely wonderful book.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Seema Rao Write : Instagram| Blog| Twitter|
Profile Image for Rich Farrell.
676 reviews6 followers
December 31, 2019
I’m a huge fan of Barnett and Klassen, and Circle has its moments, especially Circle’s outburst at Triangle in the cave. Barnett has a way of catching the essence of a young child’s speech and Klassen’s eyes crack me up. The ending was fine, but I suppose I was expecting more. I don’t know. I’ll sleep on it.

I will say that I felt the same way about Square but the more I thought about the ending the more I ended up loving it. (I changed my review of Square from a 4 to a 5 and am starting here with a 4. Who knows. I’ll reread it in a month and see. Either way, this duo is putting out my favorite contemporary picture books hands down.)

Update: This is a book I’ve thought a lot about this year and have bumped it up to five stars. I love this trilogy and duo (12/31/19).
Profile Image for MeganRuth - Alohamora Open a Book.
1,903 reviews29 followers
April 9, 2019
Barnett's shape books are so fun. The circle books bring all the shapes together, and the open ended question at the end makes the book interactive. It's a fun enough story, but not his strongest book in the shape trilogy.

Storytime Focus: Friendship.
Profile Image for Sarah N.
490 reviews3 followers
March 17, 2019
(4.5 STARS)
Just when I thought I might know where this book was going... Klassen tricked me again, For once, I actually want a series expansion. This can’t be the end!
Profile Image for Jazz.
265 reviews41 followers
August 23, 2019
Existential dread with humor for kids.
Profile Image for Moonkiszt.
2,529 reviews295 followers
October 9, 2020
Featured in grandma reads session.

Circle is a girl. Just saying. This was important to the kiddos. She also doesn't have legs, although Triangle and Square do. Interesting story unfolds, with friends not behaving, and then a little tussle, and then a surprise. . . .that is never revealed.

The kids were puzzled by the end, but had fun with the question posed. . .one of them answered tesseract! Others were hexagon, octagon, rhombus and oval.

Profile Image for Filipa.
616 reviews1 follower
July 23, 2020
Who knew picture books could make me give such good hearty laughs.
Profile Image for Agnė.
774 reviews64 followers
March 10, 2021
Circle and Triangle's mini adventure behind the waterfall in this third picturebook in The Shapes Trilogy is literally my worst nightmare. I'm afraid of the dark too... though when you think of it, more of the unknown than the dark itself or even what the dark hides. My imagination always gets the best of me, haha!

But although I appreciate the though-provoking and interactive ending, I still wanna know what was in the dark!!! :D

As always, I love Jon Klassen’s illustrations, especially the colors and the texture:

Displaying 1 - 30 of 388 reviews

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