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حصارهای الکتریکی، با سيم‌خاردارهايی در بالای‌شان، دورتادور ويوارد‌پاينز را فرا گرفته‌اند. شهری كه هفت روز هفته و بيست‌و‌چهار ساعت شبانه‌روز، تحت نظارت تک تيرانداز‌ها است. هر كدام از 461 شهروند آن، به‌دنبال تصادفی فاجعه‌بار در اين شهر چشم گشوده‌اند. در هر خانه و محل‌ كاری، دوربين‌های مخفی وجود دارد. به مردم گفته می‌شود كجا كار كنند، كجا زندگی كنند و با چه كسی ازدواج كنند. بعضی‌ها فکر می‌کنند آن‌ها مرده‌اند و اين زندگی پس از مرگ است. بعضی‌های دیگر نیز بر این باورند که در یک زندان آزمایشی‌ گیرافتاده‌اند. همه در خفا آرزو می‌کنند از آنجا بروند ولی همان چند نفری كه جرأت آزمودنش را دارند، در آستانه‌ی شوک وحشتناكی هستند. ايتن برک دنيای آن‌سوی حصار‌ها را ديده است. او کلانتر اين شهر است و يكی از معدود كسانی كه از حقيقت خبر دارد. ويوارد‌پاينز فقط يک شهر نيست و حقيقتی كه پشت حصار‌های الكتريکی خوابيده، دنيای وحشتناكی است ورای تصورات یک انسان.

386 pages, Paperback

First published September 17, 2013

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About the author

Blake Crouch

77 books53.2k followers
Blake Crouch is a bestselling novelist and screenwriter. He is the author of the forthcoming novel, Dark Matter, for which he is writing the screenplay for Sony Pictures. His international-bestselling Wayward Pines trilogy was adapted into a television series for FOX, executive produced by M. Night Shyamalan, that was Summer 2015’s #1 show. With Chad Hodge, Crouch also created Good Behavior, the TNT television show starring Michelle Dockery based on his Letty Dobesh novellas. He has written more than a dozen novels that have been translated into over thirty languages and his short fiction has appeared in numerous publications including Ellery Queen and Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine. Crouch lives in Colorado with his family.

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Profile Image for Jeffrey Keeten.
Author 6 books251k followers
August 2, 2018
”I know what they need. Perfection all the time would drive them mad. For every perfect little town, there’s something ugly underneath. No dream without the nightmare.”

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We all have secrets we carry around with us. As a species we aren’t really good at keeping secrets, even those rattling skeletons that could prove detrimental to our lives. In the end, most of us end up telling somebody. You can swear someone to secrecy, but the same itch, the same need to tell someone that compelled you to tell them, is whispering to them from the corners of their brain. This powerful urge, maybe with some help from some uninhibiting wine or soul exploding sex, will eventually gain the upper hand, and those locked away words will spill. They swear that person to secrecy, and so on and so on until everyone you know...well...knows.

So the only way to keep a secret is to tell NO ONE.

Recently appointed Sheriff Ethan Burke is carrying the granddaddy of all secrets. I was trying to think of something in the history of mankind that is a bigger secret. Knowledge of what Brutus has planned for Julius Caesar at the forum?...hmmm...nope. Finding out the Japanese plans for Pearl Harbor on December 6th?...not even close. How about the fact that I travelled back in time and handed Alois Hitler a FREE condom nine months prior to April 20th, 1889? Epic fail! Unfortunately...his appendage was too small to stay covered for the crucial moment (as it turns out that unfortunate disability runs in that family). See, and what did I just do...I told you!!

Ethan tells his wife, Theresa.

Guilt is hammering away at him. He has kept secrets (not very well... proving my point) in the past. Big ones like doinking his hot FBI partner Kate, who also is a resident of Wayward Pines. She also happens to be running a resistance movement against the powers that be. No one, except Ethan... well and now Theresa, knows exactly who that might be.

The electric fence surrounding the town hums with high voltage electricity. Occasionally, one of the 461 residents uses the fence to kill themselves. Unfortunately, the smell of their charred flesh just makes people hungry for barbecue. Miraculously, new people show up to replace those who have been lost. They are quickly assimilated into the community. Speaking about the past is verboten. If people don’t accept the rules by joining the rest of the seemingly ecstatically happy people, they are fêted. Yes, there is a big group. Yes, there is a big party. No, those being fêted are not having a good time.

What the FRILL is going on?

As I said when I wrote the review for the first book in the trilogy, Pines, my recommendation is to watch the Wayward Pines TV series first. I know! Shocking! I feel like frog marching myself out to a stone cliff and throwing myself into the sea. The rule is always read the books first. *Sigh* one thing I’ve learned after decades of life is that flexibility, even as your joints refuse to be so, is important in all things. Rules were maybe not meant to be broken, but certainly, they were meant to be bent.

Be the tree that sways in the wind.

Watch the series, there are only ten episodes ( I really appreciate it when American TV shows some restraints with the number of episodes), and if you like the series, read the books. The books do differ from the series, but not by a large margin. In for a penny in for a pound, on to book three.

My PINES review, the first book in the trilogy.

If you wish to see more of my most recent book and movie reviews, visit http://www.jeffreykeeten.com
I also have a Facebook blogger page at: https://www.facebook.com/JeffreyKeeten
Profile Image for Shelby *trains flying monkeys*.
1,704 reviews6,406 followers
August 1, 2015
Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift.
That's why it's called the present.
Work hard, be happy, and enjoy your life in Wayward Pines.
Notice to all residents of Wayward Pines
(required to be posted prominently in every residence and place of business)

Ethan Burke is now sheriff of Wayward Pines. He knows some of the town's secrets but not even close to all of them.
This series of books are very hard to review without giving any secrets away because the whole damn book is secrets. All you can do is buckle up and hope for the best. If the best is not available just plan on running.
Ethan's former partner Kate and her husband do come into play again.

You still can't leave town.
You still shake your head that you are enjoying these books as much as you are because they make no sense.

I can't wait for the next one!

Book source: Gifted from a friend.
Profile Image for Richard (on hiatus).
160 reviews205 followers
January 8, 2020
My first review of 2020 has left me a bit stumped.
Wayward, the second book in Blake Crouch’s Wayward Pines trilogy follows on directly from book one. The problem in reviewing this instalment is that any mention of the book’s setting or plot will immediately be a major spoiler for book one.
However, our hero Ethan Burke, FBI special agent and general good guy, is still stranded in the strange community of Wayward pines ...... white picket fences handsome Victorian buildings and polite but glazed eyed townspeople. A perfect small American town harbouring dark and bizarre secrets.
This weird mix of thriller, Sci fi and horror is appealing and very well done.
The action is fast and compelling, the characters are complex enough to give a veneer of reality and the dialogue is slick enough to make the most far fetched incident slip down easily.
I’m becoming a big fan of Blake Crouch with his big, imaginative concepts worthy of Michael Crichton and the edge of seat readability of Stephen King.
His light, clever and exciting books are, to me, the perfect beach or holiday read or ‘palate cleanser’ (as described by a goodreads friend) to be read between heavier literary novels.
Much recommended and looking forward to part 3!
Profile Image for Dan Schwent.
3,123 reviews10.7k followers
June 15, 2015
When Ethan Burke, sheriff of Wayward Pines, runs across a body, he's tasked with investigating her murder. But what does the deceased have to do with Burke's ex-partner and former lover? And what will Theresa think about her husband and his old flame spending time together?

I got this from Netgalley.

After the jaw-dropping reveal at the end of Pines, I was pretty sure Wayward would suffer from the sophomore slump. It did not.

Instead of bucking the system, as in the first volume, Wayward sees Ethan trying to keep order in the manufactured reality of Wayward Pines. His investigation leads him to an underground movement of people bent on getting to the bottom of things. It also brings him closer to his wife, Theresa, and son, Ben.

This book had a paranoid tone like the first but the pace wasn't nearly as frantic. I really like how Blake Crouch doesn't maintain the status quo and isn't afraid to shake things up. I also liked that Ethan and Kate didn't get their genitals tangled. Pam and Pilcher both moved a bit higher on the douche bag scale.

I have to say that I didn't quite like this one as much as the first. Trusting Ethan made Pilcher look like an idiot. Mostly, though, I think the first book set the bar a little too high.

3.5 out of 5 stars. Luckily, I have the final volume on deck. Time to poach this pear.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mort.
709 reviews1,497 followers
November 23, 2018
I've been wondering how to review this book. I want you to read the first Wayward Pines book (PINES) before you tackle this one, and I don't want to give the twists or anything away.

So, I'm going to keep this short.
A successful trilogy usually has this formula:
The first book gives you some situation you find interesting, and ends with a brilliant twist.
The second book rips everything apart, makes you pick a side to do battle on, upsets the norm and makes you want to read the final book...
The third book is all out war - "There can be only one!" - and, thanks to the way of the world and the business of stories, the good guys somehow comes out on top.

I haven't read the third book yet, and this second book is still following the formula, but I can say this: It takes an extra-fucking-ordinary writer to keep me interested through the second story, and Blake Crouch has the skill set to not only do that, but end it on a cliffhanger which will force me into reading the third book.
Well done, Sir!
May 22, 2017
Εξαιρετικό πλεονέκτημα το γεγονός πως είχα και τα τρία βιβλία της σειράς όταν ξεκίνησα να διαβάζω την "Πόλη". Σε άλλη περίπτωση δεν μπορώ να φανταστώ πως ειναι να περιμένεις τη συνέχεια από μια ιστορία που σε έχει κερδίσει ολοκληρωτικά και προσπαθείς να κατανοήσεις τις ανατροπές που εξελίσσονται από σελίδα σε σελίδα.
Στο δεύτερο μέρος μπαίνεις ακόμα πιο βαθιά μέσα στην "Πόλη" που πραγματικά θα μπορούσε να χαρακτηριστεί με τους πιο οξυμωρους προσδιορισμούς.
Όπως κι αν το σκεφτείς ή το χαρακτηρίσεις η ουσία παραμένει στο εξής ερώτημα : ψεύτικη ζωή; ή αληθινός θάνατος;
Αναστέλλεται η ανθρώπινη φύση ακόμη και μπροστά στον αφανισμό;;
Χειραγωγείται το ελεύθερο πνεύμα όσων έχουν βιώσει πολιτισμό και ανεξαρτησία;;
Βολεύεται η ύπαρξη μέσα σε μια ασφαλή επανάληψη ψεύτικης ευδαιμονίας;;
Ελπίζω πως στο τρίτο μέρος που ανυπομονώ να ξεκινήσω θα απαντηθούν ικανοποιητικά τα ερωτήματα μου και θα καταλήξω στο πιο λογικό συμπέρασμα που πιστεύω ότι αξίζει η ανθρωπότητα.
Καλύτερα μιας ώρας ελεύθερη ζωή ...

Καλή ανάγνωση.
Πολλούς ασπασμούς!!
Profile Image for Peter.
3,418 reviews645 followers
June 16, 2020
The story gets even tighter and more depressing. "This is the last town on earth and we are surrounded by monsters." Well, what are the "abbies" and who is responsible for Alyssa's death? What is David up to and what does Hassler want? Is Ethan able to rescue this town and his family? Is the fete going as planned? When you have started part one of this trilogy, this second volume is an absolute must read. It has a very dark undertone, is very dystopian and you don't know if the story is set in the future or in the past... a very intriguing read. The concept of this town is absolutely frightening. Now I will turn to #3. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽.
1,880 reviews23.1k followers
October 20, 2019
Holy freaking cliffhangers, Batman! Good thing I had book 3 in hand. 3.75 stars. Review first posted on Fantasy Literature:

Wayward, the second book in Blake Crouch’s WAYWARD PINES trilogy, picks up right where book 1, Pines, left off. I’ll avoid THE major spoiler for Pines, but minor ones are inevitable, and if there was ever a series where you absolutely need to read the books in order, this one is it. Ethan Burke is the newly-minted sheriff of the small town of Wayward Pines, Idaho (population 461), the prior sheriff having come to an eyebrow-raising end (after reading a few of the flashback scenes in Wayward, one becomes more sympathetic to the urge to dispose of former sheriff, Pope).

Having survived a life-and-death battle with The Powers That Be that control all aspects of life in Wayward Pines, been reunited with his wife Theresa and son Ben, and gotten an explanation of the massive secret explaining the strangeness of life in this small town, Ethan is in a more cooperative mode with the people in charge … well, kind of. Life in picturesque Wayward Pines is so much like a prison camp, with constant video and audio surveillance, strict rules about how to behave and what not to say, and secrets that Dr. Pilcher and his enforcers will kill to protect.

Ethan’s in on the secrets now, but he’s having trouble keeping them. In particular, Theresa is quietly insistent about being told what’s really going on. And now, as sheriff, he’s expected to be an enforcer of the rules and secrecy. His orders include being ordered to spy on a group that’s rebelling against the rules, which includes Kate Hewson, his former Secret Service partner with whom he had an intense affair in his past life. He’s also investigating the violent death of a young woman, and Kate and the rebel group are prime suspects.

Wayward doesn’t have nearly as strong of a mystery element as the first book, Pines, but the suspense factor is still high. Ethan’s investigation of the murder and the rebel group, and his own resistance to the deeply problematic aspects of life in Wayward Pines, are leading him to a crisis point. Crouch weaves in multiple flashbacks from Dr. Pilcher’s prior life, which shed light on his motivations and character, as well as those of the people he’s surrounded himself with.

A new subplot follows the adventures of Tobias, a man who’s been exploring the country for many miles around Wayward Pines for the last couple of years, nearly dying many times. Now Tobias is on his way back to Wayward Pines and the woman he loves. Tobias’s story turns out to be far more relevant than I first expected. Though life for everyone in Wayward Pines is far different now, people’s past behavior and decisions tend to catch up with them.

One of my few reservations about Pines was the necessity for the prison camp type of treatment of the town’s innocent and confused inhabitants. Wayward explains the reasons behind it, which is helpful in one sense but not in another, since it involves a megalomaniac mastermind — a character I’ve met a few too many times in literature.

Wayward is a fast-paced SF novel that makes up in tension what it lacks in depth. It ends with a huge cliffhanger; I strongly advise having The Last Town on your e-reader or nightstand ready to start as soon as you finish this one!
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,669 reviews9,106 followers
May 11, 2015
Find all of my reviews at: http://52bookminimum.blogspot.com/

"Will this place ever feel like home?"

"I don't know," Pam said as she stood. "That's entirely up to you."

Me reading Wayward . . .

Houston commercial photography

and . . .

Houston commercial photography

Have you guys read these yet? At least tell me you’ve got the 10 episode television series set to record on your DVR. In case you’re one of the five people left on the planet who has yet to hear about these books, here’s some bad news . . . I can’t really tell you anything that goes down. The not knowing is all the fun.

Here’s what I’m willing to share. Book #2 of the Wayward Pines series shows us that there is a new sheriff in town . . .

Houston commercial photography

We find out what the townspeople do in their spare time . . .

Houston commercial photography

Then . . .

Houston commercial photography

Seriously. You have to read (or watch) for yourself. And right when you think you have it allllllll figured out because . . .

Houston commercial photography

You’ll find out you still know diddly squat. Bring on #3! That’s where the . . .

Houston commercial photography

"What. Have. You. Done? And he began to run."

If you’re looking for something that will keep you up reading way past your bedtime or sitting on the edge of your chair from all the not-knowing, I can’t think of a better suggestion than this series.

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, NetGalley!
135 reviews194 followers
July 14, 2016
This was just as good as the first book in the series, though it didn't move quite as fast, at first. Still, it intrigued me throughout. I learnt my lesson from book 1 - and didn't really bother trying to figure out what was going on or put too much effort into guessing what would happen next; just went along for the crazy ride. And it didn't disappoint.

Ethan is still struggling to control his conflicting emotions - and is trying to fit into his new role in Wayward Pines. There are still a lot of secrets to be uncovered in this supposedly idyllic little town - even after the big reveal at the end of the first book. Interestingly, Theresa seems to have some secrets that she's kept hidden. I wonder how that's going to play out? Just like the first book, this ends with a cliffhanger as well, which is no bad thing - unless you were one of those lucky people that read the books when they were first released and had to wait for the next one in the trilogy. Glad I wasn't one of them. That would have been excruciating.

Anyway, I enjoyed this as much as the first book, despite it's change of pace - and can't wait to start the next one.
Profile Image for Mario.
Author 1 book212 followers
August 6, 2015
The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! I'm really trying to stay cool while writing this review, but seriously, what the fuck did I just read?! This is no way to finish a book, how dare you Crouch?!?!?! I'm just pleased that I can start book 3 immediately, because waiting, even a day, would be fucking DEVASTATING.

Okay, so now that's out of my system, lets get on with the review.

This book started out a little slow. It didn't have as much mystery and action as the first book had. In Pines something big happened in almost every page, where this one wasn't quite like that. But don't get me wrong, I still loved this book just as much as I loved Pines and for some reason I read it even faster. They just had different vibes.

Also in the beginning I felt like I kind of knew where the story was heading (where in Pines I had no freaking clue 90% of the time). BUT then the end happened... And it blew my fucking brains out. It actually made me love this book even more than the first one.

Now all that's left is to read the last one, and tell you (if you haven't already) to do yourself a favor and go read this series.
Profile Image for Kaora.
615 reviews293 followers
July 24, 2015
This series is quickly becoming one of my favorites. From the moment I began with book one, to the end of book two I have been unable to put this series down.

I liked that book one focused on the character of Ethan Burke, while this one gave some depth to the villain of the series, Thomas Pilcher. While I'm not quite sure how he became the way he is, I did like seeing how he created the technology that brought them here, and his family life before all of this went down.

The book is not as action packed as the first, but it it has some great new developments that kept me hooked from beginning to end. I often struggle with books that are in the middle of a trilogy as I feel it is sometimes a filler book, simply for money. One that adds very little to the story. Happily that is not the case with this book.

It finishes on a bit of a cliffhanger that has me anxious for book 3.
Profile Image for Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘.
873 reviews4,132 followers
February 15, 2021

These books are like thrillers on crack, and again the story pulled me in from the very first page. So. Much. Win.

First of all, what you need to know is ________________. Indeed, while the ending of Pines offered us some answers, I have to admit that I wasn't completely convinced by _____________________. In that aspect, Wayward turned out to be a strong and satisfying sequel because _______________________. As for the twists and turns the story takes, didn't you love when _______________ ? It was by far my favorite part, because even though I guessed that ________________ and that _________________ (yes I did!! Okay! It was obvious! Whatever! Don't give a damn!), I couldn't help but feel stunned by ______________ . Not to mention the ____________________ : incredible idea, right? As for ___________________, his __________ was revealed to be even more crazy than I thought it was.

Haha. You really thought that I was going to review this book?

I can't, people, I can't! WHY?!

WAIT - is it good then? Well, let's see...

If a :
☑ A captivating page-turner...
☑ ... with complex and multi-layered characters...
☑ ... nobody to be trusted...
☑ ... hard choices to make...
☑ ... with the boundaries between right and wrong more and more blurred ...
☑ ... and a killer ending...

... is a good book for you...

... Yes it is.

Sorry, I did say that my review would be without any spoilers. I never said that it'd be useful, though. Oops.

Ps. After reading Wayward, I can confirm that Pines deserved my 5 stars. (my review)
Profile Image for Dave Edmunds.
310 reviews183 followers
February 4, 2022

"And it was in the pretending that he'd come to understand how well the illusion worked. How people could let themselves succumb, let themselves disappear into the pretty lie that surrounded them."

Initial Thoughts

Blake Crouch is back with Wayward, his second installment in the Wayward Pines trilogy. I was absolutely busting a nut to read this after I massively enjoyed the first book (Pines) and it finished with a huge twist that left me wanting answers. If you're reading this and haven't a clue what I'm talking about then stop reading this immediately and get a hold of that book like you're life depended on it.

Still here?  Fantastic...back to Wayward.  So special agent Ethan Burke finally has his memory back and is sheriff of the last town on earth 1800 years in the future. The rest of us homosapiens have devolved into a bunch of flesh eating monsters just dying to crash the party and rip those inhabitants limb from limb. Burke being one of a few individuals privy to this info is caught between a rock and a hard place as he carries out the dirty work of town overlord David Pilcher.

The Story

I describe the series so far as a sci-fi mystery.  The first installment was a very surreal affair where you never knew quite what was going  down.  This one on the other hand is a much more straightforward detective thriller.  Near the start of the story Ethan Burke runs over the dead body of a woman who has apparently been murdered, and Pilcher assigns him the task of investigating.

"That was how you dealt with men like Ethan Burke. With men who tried to run. You annihilated them. You made them a horrifying example for everyone to see. You sure as fuck didn't make them sheriff."

The murdered woman was one of Pilcher’s employees working in the mountain to oversee the surveillance and discipline of the town.  There's a prime suspect linked to Burke's past and there's plenty of intrigue in store as our hero is again in search of the truth.  That's the set up and more than you need to know. So get reading!

The Writing

Although we're back in Wayward Pines with Burke again, as I've already said, this book definitely different feel from the first book.  It's certainly more formulaic and structured as a murder mystery.  Blake Crouch, is definitely skilled at turning this  extremely original story into a thriller that’s difficult to put down.

"There are no rights anymore. No laws. Just force and fear."

Im always in two minds about the way he uses sentence fragments to get the narrative across.  On the one hand it's crazy fast paced, which is fantastic for keeping the story rolling and brilliant for action scenes. Highly enjoyable and takes your heart rate up a couple of notches, giving you a fairly decent cardio workout while you're at it. But on other times it does lack depth and the dialogue is never top class. Admittedly, I am spoiled normally reading Stephen King, Robert McCammon and Peter Straub. But unfortunately that's the standard you're compared to Crouch!

Final Thoughts

The pace on this one ramps up to a shattering conclusion. This is something Blake Crouch looks to be really, really good at. Certainly no problems landing the ending here.

All things considered, I really enjoyed the second part of this trilogy and really liked how the author changed it up, managing to keep things fresh. It will be really interesting to see if he does the same in the third…The Last Town (spoiler: I'm behind on my reviews and have actually read the third and Mr C doesn't disappoint).

A solid four star read. Really good, but did lack the impact of the first book. But sticking both books together a five star reading experience so far.  Stay tuned to see how things are wrapped up in the final installment.
Profile Image for Krysta ꕤ.
564 reviews265 followers
April 26, 2024
i’ll keep this review very short cause i don’t have much to say that wouldn’t be a spoiler lol. i liked this a lot less than Pines (the first book) and its due to Ethan acting annoying af like he don’t got not one bit of sense, along with his doormat of a messy wife. i also didn’t 100% love the direction this book took, but im still interested to see how things will wrap up in the next one. this was ok— just lacking some of the suspense that the first one had.
Profile Image for ☾❀Miriam✩ ⋆。˚.
901 reviews471 followers
May 8, 2019
I am so happy that I was able to enjoy this second book!

I want to keep this review spoiler-free so I'm not going to say anything about the plot in this one, just that the author still manages to keep some atmosphere of mystery even after the events of the first one, and even though the level of suspense just can't be like the first book, this one was still enjoyable! I love this series!

Starting book 3 :)
Profile Image for Emma.
2,620 reviews1,033 followers
November 9, 2018
This is my third Blake Crouch book and they all have this in common: you can’t put them down once you start. I remember being blown away by the tv series, but even knowing the story in advance doesn’t spoil it in the least. Can’t wait to read the last one!
Profile Image for Elizabeth Sagan.
106 reviews2,299 followers
June 17, 2018
This one is a 4.5!
Almost as good as the first one, but the ending didn't impress me too much. Still - super, super good. I've read it in a day, I couldn't put it down!
I can't wait to see what's next! Thank God the last one is already out!
Profile Image for Teju  A.
247 reviews15 followers
February 12, 2024
Holy Moly... Im rushing to hurry up to start reading the conclusion; book 3, but this is an excellent place to end the 2nd book, keeps readers on their seats. We see the sherriff and his wife trying to navigate their new lives in Wayward pines, as more secrets come to light with devastating consequences.....
Solid 4.5 stars!!!
Profile Image for Jorie.
363 reviews121 followers
June 22, 2023
In a way, Wayward works better than its predecessor Pines. The latter was a """mystery""", despite a hostile and incurious main character in Ethan Burke actively preventing any intrigue. Wayward has no such pretensions. Here, the curtain is pulled back, allowing Ethan and the readers a full view of the town of Wayward Pines' insidious inner workings, making for a much tighter narrative.

It's still not a good book, though. It's very dumb.

The series' premise reminds me of the goofy recurring holodeck scenarios they tried on Star Trek: Voyager, Chez Sandríne and Fair Haven. Sure, some people would like to visit a dusty French pool hall or a pre-industrial Irish town, but certainly not everyone. It's presumptuous to think that one person's special interest (in say, a small 1950s town or a 1920s speakeasy...👀) would appeal to the majority.

Not enough reason is given as to why these pastiches are chosen by their respective proprietors. Pilcher isn't presented with any reverence or false sense of security from America's imagined mid-century past that would've inspired his town. Rather, its vintage feel is a major red flag when new residents wake up there, creating so much unnecessary conflict. I understand the thinking behind Kate & Howard's speakeasy a little more, as they are operating under a sort of prohibition. What's laughable is the idea that every attendee would be down for bootlegger-and-flapper cosplay. Probably appealing to the author, but stupid to me.

And constantly having characters say "fuck", "fucked", "fucking" and "fucker" doesn't make your silly little sci-fi book more mature. When Ethan flipped off a surveillance cam after banging his wife, I didn't think, "Wow, what a cool, mature, well-adjusted adult". I just thought he was cringe.
Profile Image for Ɗẳɳ  2.☊.
160 reviews306 followers
February 24, 2022

Here goes, Pointless Review #955 (at the time of posting). But is it just my review or any review of Wayward that’s basically pointless? Probably both! The reason being is that I imagine all the readers of the first book fall into one of two groups: those who loved it and are eager to carry on, or those who couldn’t overlook the shoddy writing and plethora of plotholes. That being the case, I doubt there’s anything I could say to move you from one camp to the other. Although . . . I suppose there could be a third group of apathetic readers who were mildly intrigued by the premise. Maybe that group is wondering whether they should devote any more time to the series after the big reveal. Personally, I think they should soldier on, and I’ll try to explain why, but I’ll have to be vague because it’s difficult to discuss a story like this, shrouded in mystery, without spoiling major plot points.

Wayward picks up right where Pines left off, there’s no discernible gap in the narrative whatsoever. It’s like turning the last page of book one into the next chapter. This time around we ride shotgun with the new sheriff in town and finally get to peek behind the curtain to see how the other half lives. The fact that it’s not all rainbows and butterflies is a major part of what the sheriff wrestles with throughout the story. But the main storyline takes a backseat when a large chunk of the narrative is carved out for a few backstories to help flesh out the main characters and all of their underlying motivations.

The good news is that book two is just as shoddily written as the first novel! There’s no dramatic improvement or a sudden drop in the quality of the work. It’s consistent, what more can ask for? Nor does the plot fall apart, all of a sudden, after the mystery reveal. There’s simply more story to tell, and Crouch is too seasoned a writer to suffer a sophomore slump. So, if you somewhat enjoyed the first book, by all means, carry on.

The bad news is that the most compelling part of the story—the thing that kept me tearing through the pages of the first book—was that big reveal. Some of the luster from Pines has worn off, no doubt, because without that WTF IS GOING ON HERE! vibe what you’re left with is just a basic sci-fi thriller. It’s still quite a lot of fun but it annoyingly ends on a major cliffhanger. So, if you’re anything like me, you may find yourself with an uncontrollable urge to hunt down the final book, STAT!

Which leads me back to the good news: all three books in the trilogy are fairly short page-turners, so it shouldn’t take too long to wrap everything up and get all the answers.

The bottom line is this: if you made it through book one, but stalled out on continuing the series, get off the fence and jump back in there! With so much fun and/or idiotic time to be had, what do you have to lose!

Pines (Book One): ★★★☆☆½

Wayward (Book Two): ★★★☆☆½ rounded up
Profile Image for Matthew.
1,221 reviews9,718 followers
September 29, 2015
This is what I kept thinking about the whole time I was reading this and they talked about the "creatures"

An enjoyable second book in the series. Maybe not quite as smooth or suspenseful (a lot more coincidence moves the plot along) but still enjoyable.

Good cliffhanger has me ready for the next book.
Profile Image for Έλσα.
564 reviews121 followers
January 20, 2018
Τι αναγνωστικη ηδονη ειναι αυτη ;!
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,524 followers
May 20, 2021
Murder fetes, god complexes, and enough spoilery stuff that I can't even HINT at without getting a crowd of murder fetesers coming after ME for letting the goose out of the bag about the first novel in the series... all this keeps me hungering for more.

You might say I'm a big fan of *spoiler* towns that are totally *spoiler* and ordered in such a way that some know and some don't but they're all in a f***ing *spoiler* anyway.

Of course, secrets abound and Ethan, our hero investigator from the first novel, is just ITCHING to spill them. At all costs. Or at least with a few important people. Like his wife. Who *spoiler* *spoilered* his boss for YEARS while he *spoiler* *spoilered* his partner but in most respects, it was much, much worse for her because, after all, they're in a *spoiler* that time forgot.

Fun. Very fun. And Pilcher is one hell of a *spoiler*.
Profile Image for Helga.
1,153 reviews294 followers
February 12, 2022

Ethan Burke, the newly appointed Sheriff of the out-of-the-way, in the middle of nowhere town of Wayward Pines is investigating the murder of one of the townspeople while trying to unravel the mysteries surrounding the town itself.
Profile Image for Теодор Панов.
Author 4 books151 followers
July 28, 2021
Действието във втората част продължава да е все така динамично. Сега се проследява животът на жителите на градчето, след като Итън разбра истината за него в първата. Макар историята да продължава да е все така интересна и изпълнена с напрежение, ми липсваше онази загадъчност от първата книга.

Онези противоречия в действията и поведението на Дейвид Пилчър, които забелязах в първата книга, тук са доразгърнати и човекът е във вихъра си. А Пам по нищо не му отстъпва. И двамата са пълни психари 😜

Краят е крайно напрегнат и изненадващ.

Оценка: 4.0

P.S. Третата книга обаче, доколкото разбрах, не е издавана в България и май не се планира такова издаване, и вероятно ще я дочитам на английски. 🙄
Profile Image for Bharath.
777 reviews575 followers
March 12, 2020
This is the second book in the Wayward Pines series, and I got to it very quickly after reading the first book. If it is Black Crouch, a page turner it will be.

Wayward continues where Pines left off – with Ethan Burke now the Sheriff of the town. He slowly understands the rationale behind many of the rules the residents have to follow strictly, but cannot help thinking there should be a different way. He finds himself with very limited powers, and Dr Pilcher who conceptualised Wayward Pines calls the shots. Ethan is also aware that great danger lurks outside Pines. He is however happy to be re-united with his wife Theresa and son Ben. There is his former partner Kate, who is now married and it appears that Ethan will come into conflict with them. There is also Tobias, a man stuck outside Pines but making his way back after several close brushes with great danger.

It is tough to write a review for this book without adding spoilers, so I will stop here. I found the first book very violent and the second book is less so. This book builds the characters and the plot every well. It ends on a note where you have no choice but to immediately grab the next book of the trilogy!

My rating: 4.5 / 5.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,802 reviews6,709 followers
June 28, 2018
I still haven't watched the TV adaptation of this series. My plan is to read the trilogy in its entirety first, and then instead of watching the screen, watch my husband instead as he looks like this...

It's going to be awesome.

Wayward is the second installment (middle book) in Blake Crouch's multi-genre trilogy titled: Wayward Pines. This ongoing storyline is super secretive which makes it confusing as hell, but despite that, it's imaginative and engaging enough to keep readers happily hanging on. And so far, each book ends on an epic scene that makes resisting the next book near impossible. There's no filler in Wayward. There's glimpses into the past, revelations that concern the present, and significant shifts in group dynamics that will surely impact the future. One more book, then bring on the popcorn! Hubby has no idea lol.

My favorite quote:
“For every perfect little town, there's something ugly underneath. No dream without the nightmare.”
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,875 reviews12.6k followers
June 5, 2024

Wayward, the second book in the Wayward Pines series, succeeded in upping the stakes and the level of intensity.

I really enjoyed the many twists and turns that Crouch threw into this sequel. It kept me completely tuned in.

There's no second book syndrome here!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,613 reviews

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