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Carlisle Deputies #3

Fire and Agate

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A Carlisle Deputies Novel

When Chris Anducci is moved off jail duty and into the sheriff’s office, he doesn’t expect his first assignment to be protecting a witness against a human trafficking ring. Knowing the new sheriff doesn’t abide screwups, Chris reluctantly agrees to work the case.

Pavle Kasun has spent the last four years of his life at the mercy of others. When an opportunity presented itself, he took it, resulting in his rescue. Now the safe houses he’s placed in are being threatened and he needs protection if he is to have any sort of chance at a life.

Chris opens his home to Pavle, but he doesn’t expect Pavle and his story to get under his skin… and stay there. Soon they discover they have more in common than either of them thought. Slowly Pavle comes out of his shell and Chris finds someone who touches his heart. But as the men looking for Pavle close in, they will stop at nothing to get him out of the way. Even if Chris can keep him safe, he might not be able to protect his heart if Pavle moves back home.

200 pages, ebook

First published November 6, 2018

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Andrew Grey

241 books1,955 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews
Profile Image for Erth.
4,037 reviews
September 23, 2019
Impactful ! This is riveting, important, heart wrenching, heartwarming, fascinating, emotional, caring, tough, evil, and full of suspense. A story that will last in your memory, as will Pavle. A reminder that innocence is lost, bad things happen; but justice must prevail. It must. We have angst, decisions, danger, and feelings to consider. Pavle manages his own escape. They need security for an important witness who'll testify against human traffickers. Pavle is a small Serbian, 22, who was kidnapped four years ago. There's a leak and a new Sheriff, that are making the handling of the case tough. Attacks at the safe houses where Pavle stays are a big problem. So, Chris, @30, a hunky Deputy in Carlisle, makes a plan with Briggs and Marie, to take a leave of absence, but guard and care for Pavle in secret at Chis's home. Chris is basically undercover while they await the trial. Marvelous characters including Nanna as well.
Pavle draws amazing sketches and gives them to the FBI. He's so strong, smart and kind. Chris and Pavle are finding their ways to keep busy; to help Pavle navigate his freedom and new way of life. He's no longer in a tiny room with a window nailed shut. There are many talks, explanations, revelations and tender comfort. We see the sweet moments of attraction, and later sexy times for this couple. We see the lethal precision of the good cops, plus we witness the injury and terrific ending and epilogue, with lessons learned along the way.
Super interesting and well written, with just the right amount of angst, comfort, and suspense.
Once again, Andrew Grey has given us a remarkable story.
Profile Image for BWT.
2,215 reviews243 followers
October 30, 2018
The human trafficking reason for Chris and Pavle being together made me ultimately uncomfortable, though that's perhaps because this is told only from Chris's POV, and everything dealing with the horror and aftermath of what's happened to Pavle is surface only.

I cannot imagine someone who's been through a horrific experience for years would seemingly so easily fall in love and want to be intimate with someone within mere weeks of rescue, regardless of the hurt/comfort, and by not having Pavle's POV that worry and unrest made reading this difficult for me.

Single POV, hurt/comfort, suspense and soft romance with some sexual situations and a happy ending. While it didn't work for me personally, I continue to look forward to more books in the series.

Trigger Warnings: Reference to rape and human trafficking (off page)

Advanced Review Galley copy of Fire and Agate (Carlisle Deputies #3) provided by Dreamspinner Press in exchange of an honest review.

This review has been cross-posted at Gay Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,860 reviews88 followers
May 29, 2019
3.5 stars rounded up because sometimes sweet is good...full review to follow soonish!

It's a light romance based on...

a fairly heavy topic...human trafficking...

Pavle Kasun has held hostage for four years. He's been kept locked in a room, used as a sex toy for some pretty sick people. Tortured, abused and frequently deprived of the basic necessities of life. Pavle is also a survivor it was through his own determination and ingenuity that he finally escaped and now he's found himself in a prison of a different kind as his life is threatened by the people from the human trafficking ring that he can identify.

After more than one security breach Pavle's alternative measures are taken to ensure Pavle's security and he's placed in the care of deputy sheriff Chris Anducci. So this is the point at which I'm going to say if you want to enjoy this story it's probably best to suspend your sense of disbelief because there are a lot of things that will at the very least have you raising an eyebrow...once or twice or possibly more and that's about all that I'm going to cover about that. Sure I could go through and make a list starting with the fact that the whole issue of how Pavle's protective custody is questionable at best, that Chris's mom conveniently spoke Pavle's native tongue...mmm...sorry but that's a bit to coincidental and on and on but in spite of these things I enjoyed this one...maybe not quite as much as the previous books but still it was enjoyable.

I totally tossed my sense of disbelief out the window on this one. I was in the mood for a sweet romance. I liked Pavle he was a sweet, soft spoken man and I lived that when he needed to he stood up for himself and while Chris's primary objective was to keep Pavle safe, he tried to do so while still being respectful of Pavle as an individual and also trying to allow him as much freedom as he was able to. It didn't always go well but sometimes the best laid plans and all that.

I enjoyed the idea of Pavle, someone who had been victimized but refused to remain the victim but at the same time he was also someone who was kind, gentle, soft spoken but able to quietly and firmly stand up for themselves. Pavle was a character that I liked. Someone I could see myself sitting down with and talking with them over a cup of coffee or tea and some homemade cookies...yep I'd totally make Pavle some cookies and Chris I adored that he loved and respected his grandmother and that he appreciated having such a wonderful strong woman in him life.

The hardest thing for me and what kept me from enjoying this story far more than I did was the relationship issue first that even with suspended belief the fact that in spite of what he'd been through for the past 4 years Pavle was the one who pushed for the relationship between him and Chris to progress. He just fell a little to easily and readily into the relationship. I can understand Pavle developing feelings for Chris considering that Chris is the first man that he's met in over 4 years who seemed to genuinely care about him. I just would have found it easier ot believe if we'd seen some kind of internal struggle with his feelings from Pavle rather than this sudden overwhelming love that neither man seemed to be able to resist...even my suspended beliefs will only stretch so far and it didn't quite reach the necessary suspension level for this. It was however, tempered by the fact that I could see Chris as the type of person who Pavle would ultimately be able to have a relationship with so, while it maybe happened a little to fast for my sensibilities it wasn't an impossibility.

Greg Tremblay was the narrator for this story and as always Mr. Tremblay did a awesome job with the narration and as with the previous stories in this series he gave the characters depth and emotion as well as providing the familiar voices of characters from previous stories. However, I do have to admit for me there was a tiny bit of disappointment with the voice of Chris's grandmother, having grown up in a community that was predominantly populated by European immigrants from Poland, Hungary, Germany, Belgium, the Ukraine, etc. I grew up hearing those accents on a daily basis and when Chris's grandma talked for me the accent resonated more as being Asian than European and maybe that was me but more importantly whoever the voice and whatever the accent they retained their unique sound and I never had an issue identifying who was speaking and for me that's the more important factor.


An audio book of 'Fire & Agate' was graciously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Denise H..
3,121 reviews251 followers
November 16, 2018
***** Impactful ! This is riveting, important, heart wrenching, heartwarming, fascinating, emotional, caring, tough, evil, and full of suspense. A story that will last in your memory, as will Pavle. A reminder that innocence is lost, bad things happen; but justice must prevail. It must.
We have angst, decisions, danger, and feelings to consider. Pavle manages his own escape. They need security for an important witness who'll testify against human traffickers.
Pavle is a small Serbian, 22,

who was kidnapped four years ago. There's a leak and a new Sheriff, that are making the handling of the case tough. Attacks at the safe houses where Pavle stays are a big problem.
So, Chris, @30, a hunky Deputy in Carlisle,

makes a plan with Briggs and Marie, to take a leave of absence, but guard and care for Pavle in secret at Chis's home. Chris is basically undercover while they await the trial. Marvelous characters including Nanna as well.

Pavle draws amazing sketches and gives them to the FBI. He's so strong, smart and kind. Chris and Pavle are finding their ways to keep busy; to help Pavle navigate his freedom and new way of life. He's no longer in a tiny room with a window nailed shut.

There are many talks, explanations, revelations and tender comfort. We see the sweet moments of attraction, and later sexy times for this couple. We see the lethal precision of the good cops, plus we witness the injury and terrific ending and epilogue, with lessons learned along the way.

Super interesting and well written, with just the right amount of angst, comfort, and suspense.
Once again, Andrew Grey has given us a remarkable story.

I highly recommend it ! ENJOY !

Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books768 followers
November 8, 2018
This newest book in the ‘Carlisle Deputies’ series is a very topical look into the effects of human trafficking and combines the survivor’s point of view with the efforts of law enforcement to bring the perpetrators to justice. One of the deputies, Chris, is assigned to protecting Pavle, a young Serbian man who was lured to the USA under false pretenses and has spent the last four years as a slave to some extremely cruel “masters”. Pavle is now a key witness for the prosecution and needs protection because someone is out to kill him. It’s a very moving story that almost broke my heart, the suspense is high, and the emerging emotions of love between Chris and Pavle add some much-needed hope for a better future. It makes for fantastic reading.

Please find my full review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Avid Reader.
1,752 reviews
October 8, 2018
Fire and Granite (Carlisle Deputies #2) by Andrew Grey
3.5 stars
M/M Romance
Triggers: Human Trafficking, Attempted Murder
I was given this book for an honest review by Wicked Reads.

Pavle is a witness in a trafficking ring. He's alone, scared and has been that way for years. When he's discovered, his social worker and the police want to do all that they can in order to help Pavle heal. Pavle's character is timid and shy, but also has a strength that shows through his actions.

Then you have Chris. He doesn't like his new boss, but when he is chosen to protect a key witness, he wants to do a fantastic job. When he gets to see Pavle and the trauma that he has endured, Chris vows the make sure that Pavle knows he is free.

While this romance is slightly strange, the friendship that develops is amazing. I thought that it was slightly unlikely that someone would be over their trauma as quickly as Pavle was. I also was slightly disappointed in the mystery behind the leak. I thought that it was played up a lot only to be kind of left out in the end.

Overall, this was enjoyable, but I liked book one more. I thought there was more development.
Profile Image for Annika.
1,378 reviews98 followers
May 17, 2019
Audiobook review

3,5 stars

I'm of two minds about this story. On the one hand I really enjoyed it - I mean it would take a hell of a lot for me to not enjoy something that Tremblay narrates. The story as a whole was a good one and the characters likable. But on the other hand the romance didn't work for me.

Chris Anducci was recently promoted from jail duty to the sheriff's office - something he was very happy about. When the new sheriff summons Chris to his office he expects it's to tell him to return to jail duty again. Instead he's tasked with protecting a witness, Pavle, in a human trafficking case. Every safe house Pavle has been put in has been breached or blown, so the decision is made to have Pavle stay at Chris' home. As the traffickers, and I kind of want to say vile monsters here and that's not even strong enough for those creatures but I'm getting off track, anyway as the bad guys get closer and closer Chris soon realises that the only way that they could know all of Pavle's previous locations was to have an inside man at the sheriff's office. And they were playing to win - at all costs.

At the same time we get to know Pavle. How he'd been sold into slavery four years ago. How he was abused and mistreated. Details of it were never (thankfully) revealed, just on the broader scale, but let me tell you that was plenty for my poor bleeding heart. For my heart to break for Pavle. When we first meet him he's this broken shell of a man, afraid of everything and mistrusting everyone - and no wonder. But slowly he comes out of his shell, dares to believe no one will take his food or drink from him, and dares to bask in the sunlight in the backyard. Dares to have a voice. Dares to believe not everyone is out to hurt him or use him.

I love this kind of journey. This kind of healing. Watching someone find themselves and starting to believe, starting to live. However, this is also where this book takes a sour note for me. It takes place over a very short time, can't really tell you how much, but say a few weeks at most. During those weeks Pavle learns to trust Chris, feel attraction to him and subsequently fall for the man. I'm sorry but that feels so wrong for me. Yes I do know that everyone has their own mind and handle trauma differently and has the right to decide of their own body etc. But come on, if someone's (very) recently been rescued from four years of severe abuse, sexual and otherwise, had been indoctrinated to pay for everything, even food with their body. Are they truly of sound mind entering into a relationship just a few weeks later (no therapy in sight)? Where a raised voice causes them to curl up in the foetal position? I'm not saying I don't see why they got together, it's just the timeline that makes it feel very iffy and sticky and not right. Had they met a year down the road, where Pavle had had a chance to land, to understand everything going on, had a chance to heal, I truly would have enjoyed their romance, because it was a sweet one. But as it was I just couldn't.

Greg Tremblay did a wonderful job narrating this story, treating it with the seriousness that this kind of subject deserves. He gave Pavle a voice, captured his fear, hopes and dreams, in a very nice accent as well. He's this kind of narrator - performer - that can take any book and make magic. Make you forget the world around you and just enjoy the story he's telling.

Parts of this story worked for me, and others didn't. One thing is for sure though; if Tremblay narrates - I will be listening.

A copy of this book was generously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Caz.
2,978 reviews1,112 followers
June 9, 2024
5 stars for the narration 3 for the story

This is what I've come to realise is fairly typical Andrew Grey fare. Low angst (despite one of the leads having been a victim of trafficking and abuse), low heat; everyone except the bad guys is lovely etc.

GT's narration is excellent, as always.
1,198 reviews33 followers
November 13, 2018
This was too cindefella for me.

The power imbalance was too much, and it never felt like they got beyond it. I never got the sense of who Pavle was as a person.

Also, in this book, the internet doesn’t exist. Wouldn’t Pavle have gotten on the net and found lots of resources? The isolation from fellow Serbians was unrealistic.

Grey has written many good books. This is not one of them.
Profile Image for Amber.
1,543 reviews4 followers
November 8, 2018
Full review available at: https://optimumm.blog/2018/11/05/revi...

Rating 4.5*s

Fire and Agate is the third book in the Carlisle Deputies series by Andrew Grey. I loved this book. I just couldn’t put it down. The writing style is easy to read and has an easy flow to it. Andrew Grey did it again with a wonderful plot and complex characters. I loved how Pavle and Chris interacted and the chemistry they had together. I also loved the supporting characters like Briggs, Pastor Tyrone and his family, Nanna, and the social worker, Marie. They were all there to help and support Pavle, and I thought that was wonderful. My only complaint with the story would be that they don’t say who the leak in the sheriff’s department was. Otherwise, I loved how the story ends.

Chris Anducci has recently moved from jail duty to working in the sheriff’s office. He doesn’t expect his first assignment to be protecting a witness against a human trafficking ring. Even though he doesn’t have a lot of experience protecting people, he knows that the new sheriff doesn’t abide screw-ups and so Chris reluctantly agrees to work the case. He has no idea just how much he will come to admire and care for the young man that he’s assigned to protect. I loved how he puts aside his attraction and makes sure that he never does anything to distress Pavle.

Pavle Kasun has spent the last four years of his life at the mercy of others. When somebody finally moves in next door, it’s the opportunity that he’s been waiting for and it ends up resulting in his rescue. However, the safe houses that he’s been placed in are being threatened by people that don’t want him to testify. He’s going to need protection if he’s to have any chance at a life. I really enjoyed Pavle. He has a spine of steel and doesn’t let what’s happened to him stop him from going after what he wants. He very much wants to live in the future and not the past. I loved his interactions with Nanna. They always made me laugh.

I loved that Chris opens his home to Pavle and how Pavle comes out of his shell and how Chris doesn’t turn his house into another jail when Pavle wants to go to church. I also loved how protective he is of Pavle when they realize that there’s a leak in the department. I just wished that we got to find out who the other leak was in the department besides the person who was named. And of course, I loved the chemistry between Pavle and Chris.

Overall, a great story and a great addition to the series. I can’t wait until the next book comes out.

***The ARC was provided by Dreamspinner Press. My review is an honest opinion of the book ***
Profile Image for Heather.
1,556 reviews54 followers
January 22, 2019
Chris Anducci's first assignment once he's moved to the sheriff's department is witness protection in a human trafficking ring. Having spent the last four years in a virtual prison Pavle Kasun saw an opportunity for freedom and took it, now the safe houses he's associated with are being targeted. Can Chris protect Pavle till he testifies? Can they each protect their hearts in the process as well as their lives?

I am going to start out by saying that I think Fire and Agate has been the most heartbreaking story in either Carlisle Deputies or the series it was spinned-off of, Carlisle Cops. We don't see first hand the pain and suffering Pavle lived prior to getting free but we definitely see the lasting effects it had on him and subsequently those around him. Unlike most missing persons, Pavle had no one looking for him so there was no one hurting but him, at least at the time but as so often when the media tires of a case or they move to the "next big breaking news" the pain doesn't stop when the cameras do so even though Pavle had no one waiting there are others effected by his pain. Andrew Grey does an amazing job conveying this and that aspect alone makes this an incredible read but there is so much more to this tale.

Don't get me wrong, yes Agate is heartbreaking but it is also quite possibly the most uplifting and heartwarming entry as well. Just knowing Pavle survived is uplifting enough but what he goes onto accomplish is enough to turn the tears of pain to happy tears, trust me there will be tears😉. You might think I'm giving away an awful lot but really I'm not spoiling anything because we all know Chris and Pavle's story will be a HEA but as so often it is in fiction, its not the end result but the journey getting there that is the meat-and-potatoes of the story. And boy is there a feast waiting for you within the covers of this gem, you do not want to miss one single bite laid on the table.

One final note, if you're wondering about reading Carlisle Deputies(or Carlisle Cops for that matter) in order is necessary, its not as each entry is a separate case with separate members of the communities' law enforcement. However, it is my personal opinion that relationships with secondary characters who were main characters in previous stories flow better in order but it is not a must and you will not be lost one bit.
Profile Image for Natosha Wilson.
1,274 reviews14 followers
November 2, 2018
This was a great read. I love this series but I think this book so far was the best one. Not only does it have two men that fall in love in the most awful circumstances but there is mystery, danger, and lots of pain and heartache. Andrew Grey took a subject that unfortunately too many people face now a days and turned it into a book. He wrote on the subject of sex trafficking. This is a subject that too many people are familiar with hearing about now days but with this book, Andrew made sure that there was justice served and a happy ending. Though I pray that sex trafficking never happens to anyone, but if it was to happen I pray that they get a happy ending as well.

Chris is so excited to finally be on the force. So when he is asked to take on a case where he is to protect a witness, he jumps at it. With little knowledge as to why he is protecting his charge, he is shocked when he finds out the information behind what has been done to this victim. The man in question is Pavle.

Pavle is scared. He is terrified of the bad men finding him again and taking him captive. He does not trust others because he has not had anyone in his life for a long time that he could trust. But there is something about Chris that makes Pavle feel safe with him. That in itself is a long time coming.

When the FBI is able to get information on the men that took Pavle, the situation for Pavle becomes more and more dangerous. But through it all, Pavle has Chris to lean on and help him to understand everything that he does not understand. And through it all Chris and Pavle continue to grow closer and closer to one another. These two might actually have something together if only they can get whoever it is that is trying to shut Pavle up. If not then either Pavle or Chris could end up hurt or much much worse.

I really enjoyed his book. I cannot wait for Andrew Grey to release his next book in this series.

Was given this galley copy for free for an open and honest review
Profile Image for Kirstin.
1,757 reviews22 followers
May 20, 2019
I really, really enjoyed listening to this book. It was interesting and sweet and very well done.

Pavle had dreams of coming to the United States to get away from Serbia and find a better life. Instead, he got caught up in a sex trafficking ring and spent 4 years in hell. He managed to escape and is in protective custody, but he won't be safe until his captor is caught.

Chris is a deputy officer and is asked to take on the role of protector of Pavle. He's brought to his home where he is terrified of everything and can barely communicate. But, in finding ways to include Pavle in various chores and activities, he gets to know the man that he really is. They were the perfect blend of hesitant and innocent and it was fun to hear their relationship progress.

I found the story to be well written, engaging and full of heart. Greg Tremblay presented a wide array of talent in his performance. I was impressed with his version of Pavle with his broken English and the grief and hope in his voice. Chris was both very sweet and protective and came across as an overall nice guy who was compassionate and loving.

I would absolutely recommend taking the time to enjoy this audio experience.

*Audio copy generously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Cross posted to http://gaybook.reviews/*
Profile Image for Carol.
3,127 reviews122 followers
April 6, 2021
Chris and Pavle couldn’t have been more opposite of one another if they had tried….plus the fact that Chris kept forgetting that Pavle didn’t understand what some English phrases actually meant made me want to shake him and scream, “Just tell him what you mean”!!! Their story is a foray into potentially high drama from a twisted plot to a simmering…conflicted… but eventually a heartfelt romance between the two of them. I love the way Andrew Grey never lets past characters be forgotten. He always pulls in characters from the previous Carlisle Cops and The Carlisle Deputies books into each of the current books. The stories are very character driven and the reader quickly begins to think of them all as friends so it’s really nice to see them all together again if only for a few pages. These series are both extremely interesting and very well written…with just the right amount of angst, comfort, and suspense. Thank you, Mr. Grey for another remarkable story. It’s diffidently one that I will want to reread. No wonder my two friends think they will never see their books again :)
Profile Image for Jenny Wood.
Author 26 books307 followers
November 6, 2018
I love this series and all the guys we’ve met so far.

I don’t think anyone will top Donald, Carter and little Alex for me, but Pavle and Chris are a very close second…. In this one, we get Chris’ POV, which I’m grateful for, because I don’t think I could’ve handled all of the things that Pavle had gone through, being brought to America four years ago and sold into sex slavery….which is a very real thing in our country and I can’t believe it isn’t talked about more. While it’s true that women and children are more likely to be victims, boys and men aren’t safe either… as is proof with Pavle.

When Pavle gets a note to his neighbors, he’s finally freed from captivity, and Chris is selected to keep an eye on him since someone is out to make sure he can’t testify. There’s a bit of a language barrier there, but Pavle’s English isn’t terrible. He’s picked up a bit being held in America, though originally from Serbia. He’s very untrusting at first, with very good reason, but the more Chris shows him that he’s safe, and gives him choices that he’s never had, he slowly starts trusting and opening up to Chris.

There are so many amazing people that help too; Chris’ Nanna, who also came from Serbia, once upon a time… the social worker, Marie, Briggs, who works with Chris, the Reverend and his wife and son, Red and Terry make a few appearances, and just everyone who fell in love with Pavle when meeting him. It was so easy to do. I loved loved loved watching him get comfortable and learn how to live happily. Sighhhhhhh, loved it.

Of course, being that these hot cops were there to look after Pavle, the threat is still very much out there. We don’t find out the why’s or really the who’s, but just know that justice is served with them and they get what’s coming to them. I love karmic justice and though I feel like they got off easy, I try to tell myself they’re fictional people and wishing them a slow and painful death, doesn’t reflect on me as a person LOL…. Okay, maybe it does, but I’m okay with it.

Through slowly gaining Pavle’s trust and watching him come into his own, Chris falls in love with him… cuz, of course he does, and though he’s wary about Pavle’s feelings for him are coming from the wrong place…. They aren’t, and Pavle falls in love with him too. It’s a rocky road for sure, but they get there in the end. Together.

What an awesome addition to an already awesome series. I can’t wait to see who’s next!

5 stars from me
Profile Image for Xanthe.
2,254 reviews38 followers
October 30, 2018
*3.5 stars*
The third book in the Carlisle Deputies series and though I enjoyed the story and the basis of it but for me there wasn't much of a connection between the two main characters.
Carlisle Deputy Chris is given the task of keeping Pavle safe, a man rescued from a human trafficking ring. He takes him into his home where he slowly learns what a truly remarkable young man he is, even with a language barrier making things that much harder. What they also have to worry about is that the people who bought Pavle are looking for him as he can identify his traders.
This story can be hard to read in places with the things that Pavle had to go through but it never goes into details. I love the emotion and drama that Andrew's writing gives you, there's always a good story line that I enjoy, involving all of the characters. The story has a good pacing throughout, we're not rushed through any scenes and especially with Pavle, he is given the time he needs to become settled, feeling safe and secure with Chris. It's something admirable about Chris's character is that he refuses to take advantage or push Pavle into something, always allowing the man to make his own decisions.
It's great that we get to have characters from the previous books in this series as well as a couple of men from the Carlisle Cops series. There's a real family feel among the cops, Chris and Briggs work together to keep Pavle safe as well as track down those searching for him. Then we have Chris's Nanna who is such an adorable woman, the nanna that every person should have. Strong, loving and always looking after you. A great thing is how well she connects with Pavle as both are from Siberia. It gives Pavle the chance to speak to someone who fully understands him which I think is important.
Personally, this wasn't the best book from the series but still worth reading, especially for those that enjoy Andrew's stories and all of the Carlisle books so far.
I received an ARC from the publisher in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jay.
381 reviews64 followers
November 15, 2018
Fire and Agate by Andrew Grey brings more from the deputies of Carlisle. This time Mr. Grey explores a tough topic, human trafficking. Atrocities are a given with such subject matter. But never fear, the author weaves a tale of suspense, danger, and perversion with compassion, trust, and love.

The new deputy in town, Chris Anducci, enthusiastically takes on the job to protect key witness, Pavle Kasun. Chris is well aware that this case will make or break his burgeoning career under the town’s “piece of work” sheriff. Chris knows very little of Pavle’s background but it is clear Pavle has been through some tough crap. He is one scared and timid individual. Yet there is an internal strength, and a determination to survive, at his core. It is this internal fortitude which freed Pavle from captivity and pushed him to see justice served.

Hailing from Serbia, Pavle only knows what English he has taught himself, which occasionally creates a language barrier for him. Enter Chris’ Nanna, who emigrated from Serbia. Pavle and Nanna become bosom buddies sharing language, food, and related, yet different immigration stories. Besides Nanna, Pavle gets assistance and friendship from his caseworker Mary, Chris’ fellow deputy Briggs, the good reverend and his wife, and look… is that Red and Terry (Fire and Water – Carlisle Cops book 1)?

Discovering the extent of the ordeal Pavle went through is hard to read and digest. However, watching Pavle blossom into a secure and happy individual while envisioning the kindness and care he receives, not only from Chris but from many of those that cross his path, is uplifting.

Fire and Agate is an enjoyable addition to the Carlisle Deputies series that shows both the evil and good in humanity. It can be read as a standalone, however, you will be excited to recognize folks from both the Carlisle Cops and the Carlisle Deputies series if you have visited Carlisle in the past.
1,261 reviews9 followers
May 17, 2023
I wanted to give this book a five star, but some things in the story and plot made me hesitate. Poor Pavle had been take years ago and was held as a sex slave for four years right in the town of Carlise, till Pavle managed to send a note for help to the house next door.

His story was so horrific that everyone was trying to help him, but the mob had other plans because he was going to identify everyone involved. They tried to kill him multiple times--even when he was placed in secure locations through social services--where their information is kept strictly on a need to know basis, so they asked for help from the Deputy department and Chris was assigned to protect Pavle till the FBI, state troupers, and every other law enforcement officers could get his story to break this international slave ring.

Chris's grandmother was a Serbian refuge and so was Pavle. Chris introduced them and they hit it off, but not after Chris--aware of his attraction, but trying desperately not trying to frighten this shivering mass of flesh that Pavle was--was falling in love with the sweet man and wanted to save him before he was taken out by those afraid of what he knew.

Saving Pavle became his life's ambition and loving him only scared him because all that had been done to him, living four years as a slave.

I guess what bothered me to not make it a five star, was that as traumatic as his life was, Pavle is too easily just willing to give everything over to Chris, a form of falling for the one who saves you. There were no indications, other than what everyone kept telling Chris and what Chris said about how strong Pavle was, that still didn't ring true that Pavle really was in love with Chris for any other reason than Chris was nice, not demanding, not like his captures at all, but treated Pavle with kid gloves and with heart.

Just a little too quick and easy on what Pavle was feeling.
Profile Image for Heather.
1,527 reviews10 followers
November 6, 2018
**Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by DreamSpinner Press for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.**

Fire and Agate is book three in the Carlisle Deputies series by Andrew Grey. Though this is the third book in the series, I think you could read it as a standalone, but you’d get more enjoyment out of it if read in the appropriate order. In this book, the author tackled the serious issue of human trafficking. This is a hard subject, but the author handled it without it being too negative and depressing. Don’t get me wrong, it’s horrible and the subject matter is not made light of, it just had the potential to be a tearjerker but it wasn’t.

I really liked the characters of Chris and Pavle. I always love to see characters from previous books, or series on the page. What I struggled with, was the relationship between Chris and Pavle. I didn’t have a problem with them having one, per se, but with them having one within Chris’ job to protect Pavle and to help him. I would have felt more comfortable had there been a friendship, and a relationship after Pavle could stand on his own two feet. And by standing on his two feet, meaning he worked a job and supported himself. That he figured out his likes and dislikes. That he didn’t go from being a slave to a relationship with the first adult male that came along, who was supposed to be protecting him. He was in a vulnerable situation, and though I think Chris was a nice guy and I liked him, I didn’t like this aspect of the story.

I just really struggled with the vulnerability of Pavle and the situation he was in. Sure, he made it clear he knew his mind, but I just struggled with this aspect of the story. I also felt that Pavle was able to overcome the horrors he had suffered too quickly and moved into a sexual relationship with no issues. Which then made me wonder, did he feel obligated to be in this relationship because of all Chris had done for him?

I’m probably overthinking this book, because the reality is that it is fiction, but the overthinking kept me from fully enjoying the story. As with all other books by this author, the writing is well done, the characters are lovable, and there’s a sweet HEA waiting for the characters at the end.

Rating: 3.5 stars
Profile Image for John-Torleif  Harris.
2,679 reviews12 followers
November 7, 2018
Excellent read

I felt like this book really returned back to what interested me with the Carlisle books in the first place. This wasn't the same story that we've read several times, but it fit very well into the world that we've come to know. I like how these characters all feel real and believable as actual small town residents.

We have a strong, caring deputy in Chris who is determined to do what is right in his job and for those he loves. He never expected to find someone to love when he is put on a protection detail for a victim of a human trafficking ring, and he has to fight to work out what he wants vs. what he feels he should want. Then there is Pavle, the victim that he is protecting. Pavle was strong and intelligent, but underestimated because he didn't speak English well.

Because of Pavle's background, pretty much everyone questions their growing feelings for one another. And to add to the mess, someone is actively seeking to kill Pavle before he can reveal anything about the trafficking that he was subjected to.

I was originally drawn to these books because they had some very hot couples who were in intense and stressful situations that really brought out either the best in people, or the worst. While a few books felt like they strayed from that, this book had it all, and was much better for it.
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,072 reviews6 followers
November 14, 2018
4.5 Stars

Andrew Grey delivers a touching and powerful story about healing and love in this newest addition to the Carlisle Deputy series! Chris and Pavle are wonderful characters who are just so easy to love. I think Pavle will always have a special place in my heart!

Chris is a Sheriff’s Deputy and his first assignment is to protect Pavle, a young man recently rescued after being a victim of human trafficking. He’s a key witness with a lot of information. He’s already been in a couple safe houses but someone is after him and putting him with Chris seems to be the safest option. As Chris and Pavle adjust to each other, they both learn a lot from each other, especially about real love.

These two together went straight to my heart! Pavle has been through so many awful, horrible things and while we get pieces of what he experienced, I liked seeing him get to experience new and happy things. I loved seeing him heal and get to make his own choices, it was just beautiful. Chris is amazing as well, he has such patience with Pavle and works hard to make sure Pavle understands things and continually proves that he will keep him safe. As these two fall in love with each other, there are definitely hurdles, but it’s easy to see how real their love is. I think Andrew Grey has delivered a very moving read and it’s easily one of my favorites! A definite must read.
Profile Image for Fabrizio.
20 reviews
June 29, 2019
Third book of the Carlisle Deputies series and so far it is my favourite.

The plot is a bit thicker than in the previous books, making you wonder how it will unfold. Well, it is a romance book, so you know you can expect a happy ending. The writer seems to have done some research to give the story these details that make you believe it and seem realistic. Another big plus (in my opinion and for my taste) is that there are no children in this book. I personally find the whole gay parenting thing a romance killer in gay books.

Now, what I did not like was the repetitve construction of the romantic story versus the couples in the previous books. They immediately live in together; ok, it is part of the cop investigation but still. And the ending is identical, almost word by word to the previous two books as well. I would have liked to see a happy ending (I’m a sucker for love) but not neccesarily a marriage proposal as usual. The story is cheesy enough it did not need this.

Nonetheless, it is a very good read and I devoured the book in just a couple of days.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Pat T..
474 reviews5 followers
June 14, 2021
I liked this book. It has the usual charm of Grey's writing, I love the idea that Carlisle is kind of this gay utopia in the middle of America's underbelly. This book had a lot of heart, it was sincere, charming and honest in the way that it bridged the immigration and homosexuality, etc. I keep thinking what's the thing that's lacking in these books that logically have all the right pieces to make a good fiction: the action is nicely coordinated, the cast always have right reactions to things that are happening around or to them, and the plot is often very engaging too. I think it ultimately boils down to how the time is communicated in these stories. I think it comes close to a simplified version of Bakhtin's chronotope of road, since the movement ahead is the driving force for both the plot and the romance. I like the idea that the chronotope acts uniquely in Carlisle, but the way that the movements are paced make the reactions from the characters a little disingenuous at times. Or perhaps it's just me being cynical and paranoid, idk.
Profile Image for Christy Roberts.
1,251 reviews47 followers
May 13, 2021
Fire and Agate Andrew Grey book three in Carlisle Deputies series was wonderful.

This book pulls at my heartstrings and made me want to hug Pavel so badly for once he went through being held for 4 years continue to be sold from one person to the next. This is broke free finally giving up enough words to help his own self.

So much of this book broke my heart and then it keeps it back together as Chris helps and so many other wonderful people helped Pavel with getting his freedom. While back I wanted a book were the main character needed to be pieced back together by the second main character and this book delivered so much of what I was longing for.

Andrew always knows how to make these books and characters so we'll rounded where you pull for them and need them to be happy and loved.

Pavel went through so much and came out on the other side not only a winner but knowing what was to be loved.
7 reviews
February 28, 2024
engaging, well written

This book as we as the series I’d engaging and definitely holds the reader captive. What I found most enjoyable and fun to read w as the emphasis on the interaction, story development and character interaction. The story was more important than the sex and physical interaction. All to often books in this genre are just repetitive sex, and to be blunt that gets boring as hell., in this series as in most of Andrew greys works the sex is the result of the relationship, rather than the main focus of the book. It becomes part of the lives of the characters instead of the entire story. Well done sir, keep up the great work.
1,787 reviews24 followers
November 19, 2018

This is a little of this and a little of that, the usual Andrew Grey foray into potential high drama from a twisted plot and a simmering, conflicted, but eventually delicious romance between completely opposite characters.

Central to the whole shebang is Grey's unerring ability to toss in completely illogical coincidences and then flesh them out with real world reality. That's how skeptical readers come to accept the fact that Serbian national Pavle manages to be able to communicate so well with rookie cop Chris who has an Italian last name but a Serbian-born Nanna who truly saves this story from being a bit over the top.

The exploration of the sex trade is spot on and the dangers faced by Pavle are real, especially in these days of stupid nationalism, some of which is part of the subculture of middle Pennsylvania. But Grey manages to get enough characters from previous books, and series, involved and also takes care that the romance that develops between Chris and Pavle is believable.

This series has its charms and its angst and both qualities run through every page, but in the end it's well worth the trip through a harrowing existence for Pavle and a calming, and loving, influence of a cop who cares.
Profile Image for Kim Krogh.
76 reviews1 follower
November 9, 2018
Andrew Grey did it again.

Pavel is a victim of human trafficking. Chris assigned to protect him on till he can testify.

One sweet story with a hea, misunderstandings, language barriers and a bit of drama hurt and pain. Just like I like it. This story really got to me.

My favorite quote:
“ New?” he asked, and damn it all if he didn’t hug the jeans to his chest as though they were precious. “

An amazing story i really Loved it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews

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