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Under the Moon: A Catwoman Tale

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When fourteen-year-old Selina Kyle, aka the future Catwoman, becomes homeless, she must confront questions of who she is and who she will become.

She rejects human cruelty, but sometimes it seems as though brute force is the only way to "win." And if Selina is to survive on the streets, she must be tough. Can she find her humanity and reconcile toughness with her desire for community ... and love?

205 pages, Paperback

First published May 7, 2019

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About the author

Lauren Myracle

89 books1,991 followers
Lauren Myracle is the author of numerous young adult novels. She was born in 1969 in North Carolina. Lauren Myracle holds an MA in English from Colorado State University and an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Vermont College. she has written many novels, including the famous IM books, ttyl, ttfn, and l8r, g8r.

Her first novel, Kissing Kate, was selected as one of ALA's "Best Books for Young Adults" for the year 2004. It was named by Booklist as one of the "Top Ten Youth Romances" of the year, as well as one of the "Top Ten Books by New Writers." Her middle-grade novel, Eleven, came out 2004, followed by its YA sequels (Twelve, Thirteen, Thirteen Plus One) .

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 936 reviews
Profile Image for Khurram.
1,995 reviews6,673 followers
September 15, 2024
A good Catwoman origin story. I have not read the actual novel, but I did not notice any missing part in the story, so I am assuming everything was covered. The artwork is great very similar to the Nightwalker adaptation.

The comic shows how the abused Selina Kyle grows into the Catwoman of Gotham. Where she learned her skills and why she needs the amour to survive, as well as the compassion she feels for those in trouble.

There are a number of troubling themes in this book that teenagers could be facing, and I am glad they have added agencies that can help. I enjoyed the book and look forward to trying more of the DC INK series.
Profile Image for Chad.
9,119 reviews994 followers
December 11, 2019
If you're expecting a Catwoman origin story or some superheroics you couldn't be more wrong. It almost feels like a bait and switch because if I changed Selina Kyle's name in the book and removed A Catwoman Tale from the title I'd give odds you wouldn't know this was supposed to be about Catwoman. This is a book about an abused runaway who becomes a thief through circumstances beyond her control. There's also some subplots that go absolutely nowhere and a tacked on ending that made it feel like there wasn't really an end to the book at all.

There's a LOT of cursing in the book. Multiple f bombs and references to penises. I wasn't offended or anything but it felt very out of place in a DC comic geared towards 8th graders when their comics are certainly way more censured and mainly written for older audiences.

Isaac Goodheart's art was very solid. I dug the blue monochromatic art.

Received a review copy from DC and NetGalley. All thoughts are my own and in no way influenced by the aforementioned.
July 14, 2019
🐱 3.5 stars 🐱

Don't worry if, like me, you are unfamiliar with DC's Catwoman. You'll still be able to enjoy this graphic novel a lot.

The art was phenomenal and made everything come to life really nicely. The writing was quite good as well, but sometimes it was worth paying attention to what was going on in the panels rather than to the dialogue. There were many great details hidden around and having Selina narrating throughout made me feel really close to and protective of her.

The plot itself doesn't take up much of the story. It serves its purpose and is quickly tucked away. The side plots were what actually made this graphic novel interesting and the characters so fleshed-out and relatable. There was a lot of grief and despair hidden beneath the surface and what I was expecting to be a light, tweeny retelling of Catwoman ended up being so much more and evoking so many emotions. It was surprisingly deep.

I truly felt for the girl and her companions. There's an early scene in the book that was particularly hard to stomach and, unknown to me, many more were to come. A few trigger warnings: animal abuse, child abuse, women abuse, self-harm, sexual harassment, bullying, homophobia, etc. It's true that Selina is one tough cookie, though, and she was able to take care of herself and be independent without the help of others for the bigger part of the story, which is quite commendable. Then again, Catwoman was always known for her independence and lack of ties with anyone so it only makes sense.

I like this teenage Selina and this teenage Bruce Wayne. I'm glad they crossed paths in this story and had this weird dynamic going on. Then again, a Catwoman tale without Bruce Wayne would be a bit weird. I'm glad she forged a few extra friendships along the way too and ended up becoming way more invested than she wanted to. A human side of her that was not often explored by the author.

A few predictable plot twists here and there, but I found they didn't make this graphic novel any less enjoyable. It became surprisingly dark and was able to get under my skin, despite not being terribly explicit (quite the contrary). It was that vagueness and elusiveness that made everything even creepier.

I wish some incidents had been explored more and eventually addressed properly. It just felt like the author used them once as catalysts to move the story forward and then completely forgot about them. Maybe if there had been more pages to do so, with a more satisfying conclusion and tying of loose ends, I would have given the final half star it deserves.

Overall, a quick and cool read!

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Profile Image for Judithrosebooks.
541 reviews1,611 followers
February 27, 2021
¡Me ha sabido a muy poco!

Me hubiera gustado ver más acción y conocer un poco más la historia... todo sucede muy rápido y casi no me ha dado tiempo de hacerme con los personajes.

Hay escenas que me han dado mucha penita... y por eso me hubiera gustado conocer más profundamente la historia y los personajes.

Creo que esta vez me he quedado con demasiadas ganas de saber más, ojalá una segunda parte 🤞🏼.
Profile Image for Brittany Lee.
Author 2 books132 followers
December 22, 2019
4 Stars

YA Graphic Novel on the teen years of Selina Kyle and how and why she came to be.

This is a lead up to Catwoman. Not what I was expecting, but it was different and I'm good with different. Most people aren't though. If you are an adult who is expecting an adult sexy Catwoman this is not your comic. This is Selina Kyle at adolescent.

DC YA and the DC kids label are fairly new to me. I'm liking how everything isn't as gory and they are able to shine some light on real-life situations. This comic has more subtle material than fantasy, and I like that kids may be able to relate to some of these tropes.

Comics are an evolving art form, so if you only love the usual dark DC stuff, this one may be to YA for you.

I loved the monochromatic color scheme! Panels, art and color scheme were rockin'! It looks and feels like a chapter book with thick pages- I really enjoyed this aspect.

I liked this because it's like nothing I've read before. Maybe it's not the true origins of Catwoman, but I like the author and illustrators' take. It's true it does end on a note that makes it appear that in the next book we will actually get to see the beginning of Catwoman, but it appears there is no book 2 so do with that what you will.

YA isn't something I usually enjoy but as of late, the YA comics have been all the rage for me.
Profile Image for Julie.
1,908 reviews589 followers
April 23, 2019
Selina Kyle is constantly victimized by her mother's horrible live-in boyfriends. Her current "love'', Dernell seems to be around to stay. Selina has endured his temper and abuse for two years. At school she has three friends (read as...people she doesn't consider jerks...)....Angie, Tristan and.....Bruce Wayne. But, high school isn't her only worry. People in Gotham are being violently murdered by a monster called The Gotham Growler. Sharp Teeth, ripping claws, savage attacks. The kids at school are scared. Selina isn't scared. She already knows the world is full of monsters. She leaves home, vowing to become stealthy and aloof, never allowing anyone to victimize her again.

My husband is a huge comic book fan. He knows the backstory and details of nearly every DC and Marvel character. I love comics too, but as a child I wasn't allowed to read them. My parents didn't let me to read superhero comics. To this day, I'm not sure why. My best guess is that the considered them violent and inappropriate reading for a girl (eyeroll). I've been grown up for years now and can read what I want...so slowly I'm starting to enjoy comics and appreciate the art and storylines. I'm no expert like my husband. Sometimes that's a disadvantage. But when it comes to new visions of established characters, I see it as a positive thing. I can read reboots and updates with new eyes and enjoy them for the fascinating story, rather than being disappointed that an old storyline is getting a reboot. I love this new introduction to Selina Kyle. It follows the framework of the old storyline, but updates it to appeal to a new, younger audience.

Positives first:

The art in this book is awesome! The dark blues and shadowy hues work perfectly for a Catwoman story.

I like the plot and most of the changes in the story & character. I felt so sorry for Selina when she endured so much at the hands of her mother's bad boyfriends...and loved seeing her grow into a strong character. My favorite character in the story is hands-down Selina's new friend, Ojo. Definitely a Parkour enthusiast, Ojo is an awesome character that really brings the updated feel home. Her other new friends, Briar Rose and Yang, are interesting additions to the story as well. They form a family of sorts for Selina, who has learned to withdraw from any emotional ties. It added a nice depth to the character.

I do understand that this story might be a bit of a drastic departure from the norm for some Catwoman fans. There have been other recent Catwoman stories published that are completely different (I haven't read any of them....so this is secondhand information), and this new book does not follow the character or story continuity very much at all. This version of Selina Kyle is only 14. She is a runaway, a high school dropout, and makes some pretty rough decisions -- self harm, living homeless, joining a gang of street kids, etc. There are changes to the character....but I liked the differences. After looking at other reviews, I see that some did not. Not every story (or comic book) will appeal to every reader.

Now a few concerns:

This story is definitely aimed at a younger YA audience....so why all the cussing? And at one point, Selina gets angry and yells about boys being dicks, followed up by a string of rather graphic penis references. I'm not sure that is something a 13-14 year old would be mature enough to read. I do understand that kids cuss...I have a middle school age boy at home, so I'm well aware. But I think putting the F word repeatedly into a graphic novel aimed at 13 year olds is a bit much.....

The storyline gets a bit rough in places....a dead kitten, some rather rough child abuse, etc. I would start the age range for this book at 15+. Older teens can handle the cussing and strong plot. Might be a bit too rough for younger kids. It all depends on maturity level. Some kids are more mature than others. Parental guidance suggested. That being said.....I remember how much I hated my parents trying to "protect'' me from things I didn't need protection from. Kids cuss. Kids say rather graphic things to each other on a daily basis at school. And they are witness to real and fake violence at pretty high levels these days. So...despite the fact I was surprised at the F word popping out in this graphic novel....that word is in just about every Youtube video, television show and social media post that kids see these days. I've played video games with my son on public servers before and heard kids that sounded really young spouting off torrents of cussing that were beyond even what I could string together. So....I suppose even those limits are relaxed and change with the times. Still not sure that the F word was entirely necessary though.....but I also recognize that I am way way outside the target age range for this graphic novel.

I would change the title to "Under the Moon: A Catgirl Tale'' to be honest. Selina takes that nickname...why not run with it? Selina is very young in this story and just learning how to take care of herself. In my mind "Catwoman'' conjures up images of a woman who already knows her way around and has her street smarts at max. In this story, Selina finds herself homeless and has to learn to find her way. Definitely more of a Catgirl.

All in all, an enjoyable graphic novel! I liked the new approach to the character!

**I voluntarily read an advance readers copy of this book from DC Comics via NetGalley. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**

Profile Image for Scott.
1,990 reviews232 followers
June 11, 2019
3.5 stars

"I want to go wherever I want to go [and] live however I want to live. After all, cats have nine lives . . . I've only just begun." -- Selina Kyle

Another entry from the new DC Ink series - I enjoyed Mera: Tidebreaker just last month - this title features teenage Selina Kyle in the days before her costumed career as Gotham's #1 'cat' burglar. (DC is mixing a young adult story with a superhero comic book for a true 'graphic novel' format.)

This one is certainly more serious than Mera. Kyle quickly becomes hardened early in her life by experiencing domestic abuse and parental neglect, and it's not just implied but shown full-on in uncommonly realistic and harsh scenes. One of the few positives in her life is a friendship with stout classmate Bruce Wayne, of whom she observes "Bruce has such a Superman complex." But that sly reference both works and detracts from the story, because while readers can correctly guess that Wayne will be one of the few honorable supporting characters in Under the Moon he DOES seem like he's written more in the Clark Kent mold. But that's a relatively minor quibble, if really one at all.

Kyle eventually runs away from home, living a homeless / squatting existence (with copious amounts of petty theft, natch), and then aligns with a small crew planning higher-risk crime. Her language and general outlook on life become more crude - I was surprised (but not offended) by the inclusion some R-rated profanity - and she meets another girl who's life rivals hers in terms of childhood trauma. At times Under the Moon uneasily mixes these current social / crime issues with a plot that is actually sort of lightweight, but yet the book still undeniably has a charm that made it worth reading.
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,367 reviews233 followers
May 16, 2019
Earnest, but ultimately silly and incomplete. The book deals with some heavy issues like domestic violence and self-harm, but in an ABC Afterschool Special sort of way. Gotham High School sophomore Selina runs away from a bad situation at home and takes to living on the streets, falling in with a group of thieves who are planning a heist at an old mansion on the edge of town.

There's also a serial killer running around, but that storyline is basically irrelevant. As is the one of a mysterious group home introduced late in the book. High school junior Bruce Wayne is running around but is mostly irrelevant also. Actually, the whole book is sort of irrelevant unless you are into 200 pages of a teenage girl moping around between sessions of parkour training.
Profile Image for Kat.
275 reviews
December 31, 2018
I honestly hated this book. Not only was the plot bizarre, but all the characters were really flat, and nothing made sense for a catwoman comic. It was more like I was reading a graphic novel adaptation of a contemporary YA novel that’s trying too hard. The only redeeming quality is the art, but even that wasn’t good enough to make this book be more than 2 stars for me.
Profile Image for julianna ➹.
207 reviews285 followers
May 9, 2019
There are a few positives to this book!
- yo... the art is literally so damn gorgeous. I SOBBED at certain pages
- bruce wayne bruce wayne bruce wayne
- can I mention the art again?
- there were a couple of truly wholesome moments in this book.
- the parkour was a pretty cool element! not as cool as the parkour in minecraft tho smh

My rating for this was originally three stars, but thinking about it, I've decided to lower it to two stars! Overall, I feel like this book really didn't accomplish much... at all. The few plot points that the narrative creates do not get resolved by any means, and it ended way too abruptly to have left a lasting impact on Selina's story, even though I don't even know Selina's story that well.

The weakness about this book is its short length, and I'm unsure on whether or not this is supposed to be a novella? Frankly, this plot is not enough, and I was kind of upset when it ended because I was actually invested in Selina and her story. The book... literally ended right after introducing a plot point that could've set up so much more for the story.

This novel also completely glossed over certain aspects of the story, and they seemed to only be there for shock value more than anything else. For example, there's literally a death of a kitten on page that served as a catalyst for Selina turning into Catgirl; the problem with this is that we never got to wholly view Selina and the kitten's relationship. The exposition tried to accomplish too many "hard-hitting" things too fast and it just ended up looking like a Mess. Selina is literally emotionally abused by her mother and physically abused by her mother's boyfriend, but it wasn't really discussed in any way and I feel like it wasn't as nuanced as it should've been.

Trigger and content warnings for animal death, animal abuse (dogs), self-harm, bullying, homophobic slurs, physical and emotional abuse, parental neglect (and alcoholism I believe), and death.
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,679 reviews213 followers
May 10, 2019
I have received this wonderful ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

First off, I don't know what happened when I first got this ARC because I couldn't see it. No matter what I did - nothing worked. Then I just kind of let it be.. simmer a bit if you think about it - THEN BAM! It worked and I could read all it's gloriousness.

Now I don't think I've read many graphic novels in my lifetime. Okay, hold up - I know that this is a fact because I think I've only read two graphic novels. Well, this would make my third one - so yay! First superhero one, which is kind of liking popping my virginity all over again (with graphic novels).

In this, you meet Selina. If you don't already know she's Catwoman - oops did I spoil something major? Her character is so freaking interesting because you get to see so many different versions of her. I really liked this book because it's her little introduction - her prequel to bad-ass-ness. However, I liked it.. but it just felt way too short and a little all over the place. I kind of kept thinking I was missing some key factors but just kind of ended up going along with everything. Again, not really used to reading GN's so maybe other people were like - heck yeah! this is awesomesauce!

ALSO, it had Bruce freaking Wayne in it and I was so freaking happy. I honestly love these two so much but Bruce definitely stole my heart even if it wasn't his book.

Other than all of that, I enjoyed reading it and I feel like I should probably stop dipping my toes into the GN pool and just full on belly flop into it.
Profile Image for TheYALibrarian.
298 reviews135 followers
June 10, 2019
Rating 1 Star

This could have been promising but I cannot, will not get over the horrible, unnecessary death of a kitten in this comic. I won't agree that it was a motivation for Selina to move out of her home their could have been some other plot point used instead. You can say I'm being sensitive but whatever my heart can't take any animal abuse, especially animal death.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Diz.
1,744 reviews116 followers
June 23, 2019
Surprisingly, this Catwoman graphic novel for young adults deals with some serious issues such as domestic abuse, suicide, homelessness, and the cult recruitment of wayward youth. It handles all of these things in a tasteful way that I think might connect with some young people. In the back, there is a list of resources for those who might be dealing with some of these issues. Good work, DC!
Profile Image for Corrie.
1,583 reviews4 followers
March 16, 2022
Under the Moon: A Catwoman Tale by Lauren Myracle, art by Isaac Goodhart.

The origin story of Selina Kyle, aka the future Catwoman. There are some heavy issues for 15-year old Selena to deal with like domestic violence, live on the streets and self-harm. This is clearly for a teen audience. Nice art.

3.8 Stars
Profile Image for Muffinsandbooks.
1,395 reviews1,043 followers
May 15, 2020
J'ai adoré l'histoire, les dessins, l'ambiance ... Hâte de retrouver Catwoman et Bruce dans d'autres aventures !
Profile Image for Book Reviews by Anita .
96 reviews1,192 followers
April 23, 2021
Największym plusem tego komiksu jest szata graficzna, taka bardzo monochromatyczna, wszystko skąpane w różnych odcieniach niebieskiego. Jeśli zaś chodzi o historię... Trudno było mi się odciąć od Seliny z Gotham (kocham! pozdrawiam fanów serialu :D), więc... no nie wiem. Czas spędzony z tym komiksem na pewno nie był czasem straconym. Nie polecam jakoś bardzo gorąco ale też nie odradzam. Myślę, że może spodobać się młodszym czytelnikom :)
Profile Image for Marnie  (Enchanted Bibliophile).
876 reviews129 followers
February 18, 2020
”I want to go wherever I want to go, live whoever I want to live”

I was looking for a fun, cute, light read...
What I got was a story so full of abuse and neglect it made me sick.
Combine that with the fact that this story doesn’t really go anywhere; and you’ve lost me.
I did enjoy the art though. The tree color art is something different and I think it works in the overall of the story.
Profile Image for ♥ WishfulMiss ♥ .
1,244 reviews117 followers
May 8, 2019
Being a huge fan of Catwoman and obsessing over all things Selina Kyle, I tried going into this with eyes wide open and not set too high expectations. Well, I succeeded at the first and failed miserably with the last.

I obviously couldn’t pace myself worth a smidge because I read this one in one sitting and then (because I needed more) read through it a second time to make sure I didn’t miss anything because Mr. Goodhart did a bang up job of illustrating this comic. I love this guy’s work and I loved everything about his version of Selina Kyle.

The story itself was short and over far too quickly. It’s basically a short intro about Selina and some side characters, a bit of chalky background info and vague leads into a bigger on-going plot. It felt choppy at times, jumping from one mood or scene to the next without any flow to it and left things a bit blurry. Not what I was expecting and the dialogue could use some work but I’m still hooked on this series and will definitely be reading the next installment.

Memorable Moments:
Fangirl Moment #1 - Because how awesome does she look!

Fangirl Moment #2 - It's Bruce Wayne, and yes, I might have done a little happy dance when he showed up . . . #sorrynotsorry #BatCat

Would I recommend? I liked it, but will see what the next installment brings *fingers crossed* I’m still giving this one the benefit of the doubt.

* * * ARC provided for an honest review * * *
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Profile Image for Brittany McCann.
2,320 reviews536 followers
January 15, 2024
I liked this one, but I didn't LOVE it. It meshed into Selina Kyle's backstory a bit, and added in an additional adventure and further played with the Bruce Wayne link. The overall story is quite dark and disturbing, staying more true to the grittiness of the comic, but it wasn't gripping by any means.

I enjoyed the color scheme, I thought it was well suited for the tone of the story. Some of the sound effect wording was kind of strange and made me have to work out just how that would sound by the wording, so that definitely threw off the flow a little bit for me.

I did find it interesting that after the end there were help hotlines and resources for domestic abuse, animal abuse, suicide prevention and self harm as all of these topics were encountered within the story.

I also liked the author interviews and the concept art for the ideas that all showed Selina with short hair, I am very glad that they did not decide to stray so far from her original appearance. The preview to the Raven Teen Titan story, definitely make me want to check it out.

Overall, a solid 3 star for me.
Profile Image for Stay Fetters.
2,286 reviews166 followers
January 6, 2019
Catwoman is one of my favorites. She’s a complete badass and her stories are always interesting. This was one of those origin stories that was absolutely amazing.

Selina has a rough life. Her mom moves from guy to guy and they aren’t always the nicest. Her Moms latest beau is verbally and physically abusive. Selina has had enough and runs away. She lives on the streets, until a group takes her under their wings. And now this group has sinister plans to rob a mansion. Will Selina use her cat like stealth to help them?

Everything about this was awesome. The story was intriguing and never let up. The art was beautiful and paired with the colors, it was stunning.

Profile Image for Isidora.
74 reviews
May 4, 2019
I liked this comic so much! Characters were so well developed, the writing and the story is so good, and I just can't get over the fact how nice Bruce is! I loved the pace of the comic as well. Artwork was nice, although I hated that everything was blue. But still, a really nice artwork. Also, I liked how diverse this is. Although they only appear on one scene, it's nice we have a person in a wheelchair, a queer person and a muslim girl. The comic also talks about some tough things like bullying, and hurting yourself, and what it means to be homeless. But it also have warm friendships. At the end, this is an amazing comic and I hope we will see more of Catgirl!
2,285 reviews1 follower
January 15, 2019
I think Catwoman is a very difficult story to do, and lots of people think they can do her justice.

So the good: the artwork, diverse characters, lots of cats.

The not so good: lots and lots of f-bombs, self-harm, a plot that does a lot of things but nothing at all, characters that are poorly defined (all we know about Tristan is that he is gay, all we know about Yang is that he is good at computers) and a timeline that doesn't fit anywhere in DCU. I wanted to like it, but it's not great.

Also, in what world do Selena Kyle and Bruce Wayne go to the same day care??
Profile Image for Madison Warner Fairbanks.
2,794 reviews429 followers
July 1, 2019
Teen runaway, school drop-out, physical abuse, swearing, living on the streets, stealing, a dead pet and self mutilation. This is not a story for young children.
It's supposed to be the story of Selena, Catwoman, as her beginnings. It does include why she's on the streets and why she relates to cats.

The artwork is done is shades of navy, gray and blacks and is impactful.
Profile Image for Wayne McCoy.
4,100 reviews27 followers
May 11, 2019
'Under The Moon: A Catwoman Tale' by Lauren Myracle with art by Isaac Goodhart is a YA version of a possible Catwoman origin story. It's a pretty good read.

At 14, Selina Kyle has seen some things. She lives with her mom and her mom's series of deadbeat and often abusive boyfriends. She is a bit of a loner at school and has a crush on Bruce Wayne. They used to be friends in preschool, but drifted apart for various reasons.

When things go really south in her homelife, Selina runs away and finds herself living on the streets. She makes a series of friends who teach her skills and look out for her. When a heist involving a rare book goes wrong, Selina wants to make it right.

I really liked this version of the character. It feels authentic enough to feel like it's the same character I'm familiar with. I really liked the art with it's subdued color. This was a read I can recommend.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from DC Ink, DC Entertainment, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
Profile Image for — nova.
459 reviews335 followers
August 12, 2020
first off, i’d just like to point out that i don’t know much about catwoman in general. i’ve read some of her comic books but for the most part, all i know about her i learned from her popping up in other comic books i read.

this was a lot darker and more serious than i was expecting and there’s a lot of triggering content including: domestic abuse, self harm and suicide. the book included some great resources at the back.

overall i did enjoy this, it just took a little bit for me to get into it. the art was fan-fucking-tastic. 10/10. the ending was kind of meh. but i’d be interested in picking up a sequel if they ever make one!
Profile Image for Shadowdenizen.
829 reviews40 followers
May 24, 2019
This book just got me.

While it largely ignores established canon, and there was quite a bit of profanity for a "young adult" book line, it still totally captivated me beginning to end.

The art totally captures and complements the story, and seeing the arc of a young Selina Kyle brought to a more modern and more cynical era totally works for this incarnation of the character.
Profile Image for Lisa (Remarkablylisa).
2,394 reviews1,843 followers
January 7, 2020
I don't know what to say about this read except that it was good in a lot of parts but average in others. The ending was left open-ended so that other issues could be written but it's not a cliff hanger piece that would make me remember to follow up with the series. I enjoyed it but the origin story of catwoman was depressing. I have yet to fall for her as a character.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 936 reviews

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