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Snowed In

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Seventeen-year-old Ashleigh is about to experience a lot of things for the first time. 1) Snow. She and her mom are moving from sunny Texas to an icy island in the middle of Lake Michigan, which is completely snowbound. As in, no cars, just sleighs. 2) Small-town life. The icy island? Yep, it’s tiny. Like, 30 people in the whole high school tiny. And scariest of all: 3) Boys. Of course they had boys in Texas. But none of them were as irresistible—or as hard to figure out—as Josh Wynter. And before the snow melts, Ashleigh might also be falling in love…


First published November 27, 2007

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About the author

Rachel Hawthorne

28 books1,601 followers
aka Jade Parker and also writes with her son as J.A. London
(also writes romance under Lorraine Heath)

Rachel Hawthorne, who also writes as Lorraine Heath and Jade Parker, is the daughter of a British beauty (her mother won second place in a beauty contest sponsored by Max Factor® during which she received a kiss from Caesar Romero-who played the Joker on the old Batman TV series) and a Texan who was stationed at Bovingdon while serving in the air force. Lorraine was born in Watford, Herts, England, but soon after moved to Texas. Her "dual" nationality has given her a love for all things British and Texan. She enjoys weaving both heritages through her stories.

When she received her BA degree in psychology from the University of Texas, she had no idea she had gained a foundation that would help her to create believable characters—characters that are often described as “real people.” She writes for both adult and young adult readers. She received a Romantic Times Career Achievement Award for Americana historicals. Her novels have been recognized with a RITA, Romance Writers of America’s most prestigious award for excellence, a HOLT medallion award honoring outstanding literary fiction, a Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award, five Texas Gold Awards, the Golden Quill Award, the Rising Star Award as well as other awards and recognitions. Her novels have been selections of the Doubleday and Rhapsody Book Club. Her novels have appeared on bestseller lists, including USA Today, Waldenbooks, and most recently, the New York Times.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 356 reviews
Profile Image for Cait S.
955 reviews81 followers
December 4, 2016
Pros: It's short.

Cons: Everything else.
Profile Image for Sarah Louise.
954 reviews526 followers
August 6, 2016
I think my craving for Christmas stories is blinding my judgment towards books. Take away the snowy atmosphere, Snowed In is pure romantic fluff that features quite immature characters and relationships. But for some reason, I absolutely loved it.

Ashleigh Sneaux and Josh Wynter.

First of all, those names just make me happy.

Ashleigh and her mother decide to embark on a new chapter in their lives by moving up North to a little island where they will run a bed and breakfast. This island was so quaint and cheerful with its numerous fudge shops (seriously, there is a lot of fudge in this book), sleigh rides, snowy cave excursions, and beautiful Victorian homes. Oh, and motorized vehicles are restricted to the mainland. If it wasn’t for the freezing temperatures, I’d pack up my bags and move there, too.

The romance is one that I typically don’t like. Josh and Ashleigh have an immediate connection, but of course he has a girlfriend, which sadly doesn’t stop him from flirting. I really did like his character, though, because aside from his romantic confusion, I thought he was genuinely sweet. He also had that lumberjack, sexy, woodsy thing going for him. That’s a thing, right?

And not that I condone any sort of cheating, but his girlfriend, Nathalie was truly an annoying character, and I’m certain she should have been twelve instead of seventeen. I mean, the girl throws snowballs to express her anger, literally.

The ending was so warm and fuzzy, though, and satisfied my Christmas craving quite well.
Profile Image for Faye*.
333 reviews96 followers
January 6, 2020
I was in the mood for a Christmas-y audio book, which is why I randomly listened to this one on Scribd. The book was okay overall but just sooo predictable. And the main character sort of got on my nerves with being so obsessed with boys and the fact of not wanting a boyfriend at the same time as well as how different everything was with the love interest..... I guess, the issue was the fact that this was meant for a much younger audience but everything was just SO on the nose and worked out so conveniently without any real stakes, so I wasn't really very engaged.
Profile Image for Zoeisbookhooked.
241 reviews189 followers
January 22, 2022
My first Contemporary! It was nice to listen to something Christmasy while deep cleaning my house😂 if you need something playing in the background I recommend this. It felt like a mix between and Netflix and Hallmark movie. It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t great if you get me. It was just good.

INTERVIEWER: Hello Zoe. It seems you have requested to review this book?
ME: Yes, yes I have.

INTERVIEWER: alright I’ll just ask you some questions like normal.

INTERVIEWER: Did the book live up to your expectations?
I don’t really have any expectations for this book bc this was my first contemporary and I had just found it and started playing it😂

INTERVIEWER: what were your thoughts on the characters?
Ashleigh-tbh I liked her! She had the right mind set but she could be a bit cheesy at points. Like this:

(Previously thinking about a hot drink)
“I like hot things. Which means I like Josh.”

-_-for real?

Josh-He was DESPERATE. AND FREAKY. IT WAS WEIRD. Every time he saw Ashleigh he goes, “I can’t stop thinking about you today.” Like dude we get the idea. And he kissed Ash while he was in a relationship. Jerk.

INTERVIEWER: Could you connect well with the characters?
I guess so. It was third person so it’s always a bit harder. But the story was so short you didn’t get much time to.

INTERVIEWER: what were your thoughts on the relationships?
I don’t really ship them tbh😂 they were like a hallmark couple so what do you expect?

INTERVIEWER: what were ur thoughts on any deaths?
(Haha this you can tell I read loads of fantasy when this is one of my questions)there were none😂

INTERVIEWER: how was the ending?
It was expected and very much a hallmark movie ending😂

INTERVIEWER: Who was your favorite character and why?
Oh crap what’s his name...FUDGE GUY😂 Idk his name for some reason but I really liked him. He is funny and adorable.

INTERVIEWER: did the story keep you guessing?
It’s a hallmark book basically. It’s as predictable as it gets.

INTERVIEWER: was it slow or face paced?
Face paced. I’m pretty sure most Contemporaries are.

INTERVIEWER: What was your favorite part?
Probably the hay rides or any scene with Terra🤣

INTERVIEWER: Was it exciting enough to keep you reading?
Not really but I was interested to see my thoughts at the end.

INTERVIEWER: did you laugh or cry?
Lol do I ever?

INTERVIEWER: did the story grip you?
Not really but not in a bad way. Which is why it’s great to just have on while you do something.

INTERVIEWER: was there any sexual content?
Nope just kissing.

INTERVIEWER: Did you enjoy the writing style?
It was very simple so there wasn’t anything really amazing about it.

INTERVIEWER: who would u suggest this to?

INTERVIEWER: thank you. That will be all. I’ll be happy to see you in your next review.
Profile Image for Daniella (Reading With Daniella).
292 reviews129 followers
May 24, 2021
Click here to see this review and others on my blog Reading With Daniella

1.5 stars

Terrible. Horrendous. Torturous. Just plain awful.

This book made me want fudge. I also wanted to set the book on fire. But fudge too.
(I’m trying to look on the positive side here - trust me when I say that fudge is just about the only positive thing about this book)

Snowed In was the most bland thing I’ve ever read. The characters had zero personality whatsoever. The writing was basic and painfully boring. The fact that this is marketed as a young adult novel boggles my mind. It is incredibly juvenile, and I don’t mean to be repetitive (though I don’t think I could ever be as repetitive as the writing of this book was), but it was so dull. There is nothing unique, memorable, or even mildly interesting about the story.

Throughout this entire book, the protagonist, Ashleigh, thought about two things, and two things only:
1) How cold it is (because omigod it’s, like, sooo cold)
2) Boys, and more specifically how she used to only date boys for fun, but oh by gosh by golly, 0.01 seconds after meeting Josh and she’s already ready to have his babies (but, like, omigod what is this feeling?!?)

I am not exaggerating, She seriously did not shut up about the temperature.

It was, like, negative one thousand degrees outside. You think I’m exaggerating, but Mom’s idea of fun included moving to an island on the Great Lakes - in the middle of winter, when the surrounding water was starting to freeze. It was that cold. Although cold doesn’t adequately describe it. It was much, much colder than cold. I was going to have to pull out my hrsaurus and learn a whole list of adjectives for cold.
Well, yes, that would have been nice, wouldn’t it have been? Perhaps frigid, freezing, literally anything besides cold. But oh no, no, Ashleigh continued to mention how cold it was at least once per page for pretty much the rest of the novel.

So how are things up there?” She asked.

“I’m just a little cold. Not used to the weather yet.”

“This much snow and this much cold is a totally new experience.”

“I was still cold.”

“I’d forgotten how cold it was. Especially when we turned the corner and the wind from the lake hit us.”
[image error]

“I wasn’t an islander yet, and I got tired of pretending. Okay, I got too cold to pretend.”

“I wrinkled my nose, which was going numb with the cold.”

“I was beginning to learn the difference between very cold and realllly cold.”

“I was cold. I wanted to go inside.”

“By the time I got home I was coooold.”

“I stuffed my gloved hands into my jacket and hunched my shoulders against the cold.”

See, I told you. And that was probably only half of them!! You should be very grateful that I spared you so many more instances of her complaining about the cold.

The number of times that Ashleigh emphasized the fact that dating around was her number one only hobby back home was exhausting. But after she had known Josh for all of five minutes, she’s practically falling over herself.
My attitude about guys had always been like 'em and leave 'em - at least until I'm out of college. But I had a feeling that Josh Wynter would e a hard guy to leave.
Basically all she (and most of the other girls on the island) talked or seemed to think about was dating. Except Ashleigh is a real special snowflake because as obsessed she is with boys, she only sees them as a source of entertainment - she doesn’t actually want a boyfriend. Isn’t she special?!?
Any apparent attempts to give Asleigh some personality or interests besides boys were laughably bad. For example, this popped up near the end of the book:
I decided that now was as good a time as any to begin working on my novel. Maybe if I killed off a few fictitious people I'd feel better.
Up until this point, she had never once made a single mention of the fact that she liked to write. And after this, it was never mentioned again.

The writing, especially the dialogue, was not only super boring and juvenile, but also cheesy and cliche at times.
He grinned, still glancing around. "You like mice?"
"You say it like it's weird."
"I just picture most girls screaming and squealing whenever they see a mouse."
"I'm not like most girls."

Ugh, cue the eye roll!
This island isn't big enough for the both of us!" Nathalie yelled after me.

And then there were the names: Ashleigh Sneaux and Josh Wynter. Honestly, under different circumstances, I may have found their names to be cute. Incredibly cheesy, yes, but cute and punny. However, I was already so annoyed by this book that it just irritated me further.

Another huge issue with this book is the way that it normalized cheating. By the end of the story, Ashleigh completely justified the fact that she had kissed her friend’s boyfriend by deciding that, ”If she really loved Josh, she’d have fought for him. And [...] she would have called him by name instead of by label. For her, it was all about having a boyfriend. Not the right boyfriend.”
This much may have been true, but it did not make Josh’s or her own actions right. They were both at fault, but especially Josh because he kissed Ashleigh and shamelessly flirted with her despite the fact that he had a girlfriend. Ashleigh told him to stop, but she never actually did anything about it. I saw it coming, but I was still absolutely disgusted by their behaviour.
And my gosh, was Ashleigh ever oblivious. She knew that Josh had cheated on his girlfriend to be with her but she didn’t even care - in fact, she thought that he was a good boyfriend!! Is she okay?
"I'd keep you warm if I could."
"I think you have someone else to keep warm," I reminded him. "I'm glad she was able to make it."
"Yeah, me too. I would have hated missing the hayride."
"So you would have missed it if she couldn't come?" [...]
"Yeah, it would have been... best, probably. Not to come if she couldn't.
"You're a good boyfriend."

Also, is anybody going to talk about the fact that Ashleigh’s mom seemed to have a thing going on with Josh’s dad? Like, were Josh and Ashleigh not at all weirded out about the fact that they were dating and their parents seemed to be into each other. And why were their parents not at all concerned that their children were getting it on while they also were? Am I the only one who seems something a little off about this?!

Overall, this book just sucked. Don’t read it.
Profile Image for annikasplatzindieserwelt.
120 reviews70 followers
December 29, 2020
This book, sadly, was pretty bad.

I haven’t read such a bland story and about characters with zero personality for a loooong time.
I didn’t like the way it was written at all, the setting and the wynter-ish (pun. Haha. Yep, the last name of the main character is Sneaux and the one of the live interest Wynter. How funny.) was the only thing I kinda enjoyed.

“snowed In” brought sexism, casual sexism, and gender stereotypes to a whole new level and on today’s episode of how to objectify girls and women we’re fudge :))) A boy has to try everything before choosing the best. Nice.

In General, the Book is way too boy centered, the only personality trait Ash, the protagonist, seems to have is not wanting to date anyone and complaining about the cold 24/7.
Oh! But then Josh Wynter steps into her life and after 0.01 seconds she’s madly in love with him even tho he has a girlfriend.

Not to forget that the book kinda glorifies cheating and justifies it with the “Ohh, but they’re made for each other, the actual relationship Josh is in isn’t the right one for him”-argument and I was not having a good time with this.

The end left a huge amount of question marks in my head, it was waaaay to fast paced (Nathalie, the former girlfriend of josh, starts a fight with Ash, the protagonist, as josh broke up with her. 5 pages later she’s in a relationship with Chase (The boy comparing girls with Fudge) as josh was never the right one and after finally taking to chase for the first time she realised he’s the one. Oh, and josh and ash, of course, start dating.) and soooo cheesy but on such an uncomfortable basis.

So yeah, sadly, this book definitely wasn’t my cup of tea.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Patricia Crowther.
513 reviews41 followers
December 18, 2017
I actually really liked it. Initially I wasn’t all that impressed with the writing or the plot then about 100 pages in and the little twist occurred and I was hooked for the remainder. Some of it really resonated with me too, which I think probably contributed to how much I liked it. I just loved the added ‘complication’. It was just a fun little read despite not particularly liking any of the MCs, being a little cheesy at times and ugh those inner monologues!
Profile Image for Jennifer Wardrip.
Author 5 books511 followers
November 12, 2012
Reviewed by Jaglvr for TeensReadToo.com

How would you like to move from Texas, where an ice storm is a major news story, to a remote island in the Great Lakes that has no cars, but does have store signs that say "Return after the first thaw"? And to find out that the junior class will have a mere six students when the winter break is over?

Ashleigh's parents are recently divorced, and to make a clean start, Ashleigh and her mother have moved to a small island to open a bed and breakfast named Chateau Ashleigh. Their first day in town, Nathalie and her mom come and introduce themselves. Ashleigh immediately has a new friend.

Through Nathalie, Ashleigh explores her new town and meets various kids her own age. Of particular interest is Chase, who works at the local fudge shop. Nathalie warns Ashleigh that Chase is a player, but Ashleigh isn't too worried about that. She's just looking to make some new friends and fit in.

One morning, Ashleigh wakes up to find a strange boy knocking on her bedroom door. In enters Josh, the son of the local handyman. Ashleigh's mom has hired them to help do some general repairs around their new house to get it ready for patrons. Ashleigh is immediately drawn to Josh, and a tentative friendship forms.

However, it turns out that Josh is actually Nathalie's boyfriend. Nathalie, however, never refers to him by name, only as "my boyfriend." Ashleigh finds this odd but respects the boundaries and doesn't pursue Josh. As the story develops, Ashleigh suspects that Chase has romantic interests in Nathalie, Nathalie might not really like Josh, just the idea of a boyfriend, and could Josh possibly be interested in her???

As the winter months on her new island home pass, Ashleigh finds that she likes the quaintness of her new life, and maybe the move might just have been the best thing for her.

I always enjoy Ms. Hawthorne's stories, and this was no exception. I'll admit that I would never want to live on such a cold island during the winter. But Ms. Hawthorne has a way with describing all the charm of the village and almost makes me want to go there, too! Watching the tentative romance develop between Ashleigh and Josh make the story very appealing to all.
Profile Image for The Candid Cover (Olivia & Lori).
1,228 reviews1,618 followers
March 6, 2020
Full Review on The Candid Cover

If you’re looking for the perfect read to curl up by the fire with this winter, Snowed In is the perfect book for you! This wintry book takes place on a perfect island and the main character is so sweet. This book is so cute and pretty short.

Snowed In is short and sweet, what I would consider pure fluff. This story is about a girl who moves to a small island with her mom and the adventures she has along the way. There are plenty of cheesy moments in the book, but they actually work well with the story and aren’t unpleasant at all. This is also such a quick read that I was able to read in one sitting.

I loved the small island setting in the story! Everyone is friends with one another and there are less than 10 kids per grade in the school. Since it is set in the winter, there are also romantic sleigh rides and cross-country skiing described in the book that made me smile. The main character owns her own bed and breakfast, and that is honestly a dream for me. This whole book just gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling.

I liked Ashleigh as a character. She is very considerate and thinks of how her actions will affect others before carrying them out. She has a good sense of humour and such a fun personality. I also found Ashleigh to be relatable since she is definitely not a morning and can’t go without a cup of coffee. Her last name, Sneaux, is also, while cheesy, super festive, which I enjoyed.

Snowed In is a wintry book set on a small island during the winter. I enjoyed the main character and her sweet personality. I would definitely recommend this as it is such a cute and quick read!
January 1, 2020

Easy to read. But the characters lacked any real substance, cheating was written off as okay due to circumstances, and none of these people were even remotely likable. The only saving grace was the fun environment and the use of "You betcha," which really made it feel like the midwest.

However, one character only ever referred to her boyfriend as "boyfriend," and not by his name, and that made me want to rip my hair out. I may try another book by this author, since it was quick and easy to read.

Profile Image for Stephen.
1,146 reviews216 followers
November 14, 2018
A perfect vacation read. A light hearted romance set in the winter on lonely Mackinac Island.

I became intrigued by this when I read that it was set on Mackinac Island. I went there once on vacation as a child with my parents and my brothers. It's a beautiful locale and very remote. And the no-cars rule adds a historic feel to the island that's quite unusual.

Of course my most vivid memory of that particular vacation was on the mainland, with my dad driving from gas station to gas station looking for a reasonable gasoline price. He was refusing to pay the 50¢ a gallon that they were gouging tourists for when gas was only 27¢ a gallon back home. (I said it was along time ago!)

As I started reading this I was intrigued by the parallels and the differences between this and Twilight. The girl protagonist is new to a unique area. There's the small town feel, the forbidden boy aspect... The way that the setting plays a role in the story. But no supernatural here.

This is a sweet light hearted romance that entertains but doesn't go any deeper than a mild sunburn. It's as comfortable as old flannel. And it is sweeter than the fudge that island seems so fixated on. What minor difficulties arise may be easily resolved as with any good vacation read. This is a fast fun guilty pleasure read but be warned it may cause cavities.
Profile Image for Kayleigh.
138 reviews4 followers
February 7, 2017
I first read this when I was 15 or 16, maybe it's because I'm older than the characters but man these characters were infuriating. The main character's, Ashleigh, and the love interest's, Josh, actions were totally juvenile and parts unacceptable for someone in a relationship, and for someone who knows that said person is in a relationship. Another side character, Nathalie, kept referring to her boyfriend (Josh), as her boyfriend, never using his name. The only characters I liked were two of the side characters. The others were just so juvenile and stupid. This book was just so tropey and in my opinion justifies cheating.

**Spoiler** Josh tries to justify his actions by saying he's only been in the one relationship and never experienced any other relationship with a girl, like that was okay for kissing Ashleigh even though he was in a relationship, with Nathalie.

Overall I gave it one star for the nostalgia factor, that's all.
Profile Image for Katie (hiding in the pages).
3,232 reviews292 followers
December 1, 2011
A light, fluffy, teen, wintery read. Ashleigh's dad is getting remarried, so her mom moves her from Texas to a small island in the Great Lakes area to open a bed and breakfast--at the beginning of winter! Faced with the fears of a small high school and an even smaller dating pool, Ashleigh learns to accept the town and makes friends--and falls for their handyman--but he's taken. Like I said, cute, fluffy story--like hot chocolate with whipped cream.

Content: a small handful of swear words; guy and girl get snowed in together overnight, but nothing happens; a few detailless kisses. Pretty clean!
Profile Image for Jay.Rae.Reads.
131 reviews40 followers
December 21, 2023
Usually I like to be positive but… this book just wasted 2 hours and 23 minutes of my life.

There was no plot. The characters were superficial.
Cheating was written off as being okay by the two cheaters and the one being cheated on. I would have DNF’d this if it was any longer but it was so short I thought why not finish? Should have stopped at 10%.

This is my only one star review in the whole year of 2023. 😂
Profile Image for Karla Mae (Reads and Thoughts).
700 reviews147 followers
May 13, 2012
Who wouldn't like to experience snow?

As a girl who lived on a tropical island all her life, I really do love to experience it even a bit besides I'm the type of person who is fond of the cold season. I wanted to cuddle on my bed and comforter, read books and drink hot chocolate, So, this book is definitely fun fun fun read for me.

Ashleigh's parents are recently divorced, and to make a clean start, she and her mother moved to a small island and decided to open a bed and breakfast. Then she met Nathalie, her first friend. And through her Ashleigh explores her new town and meet various people of her age.

Then, One bright morning, she wakes up and find a strange boy knocking on her bedroom door. After several encounters, she develops a crush on him but hey, the guy is in a relationship. Will they get the chance to be with each other and love happily ever after?

As the winter months on her new home town pass, Ashleigh realize that she likes the quietness of this new life she have and maybe, just maybe, this move might have been the best thing for her.


I never really know what's with this short stories that I loved about. One fact is that, I always enjoy reading Rachel Hawthorne's stories and I guess this is my 3rd book of hers that I have read and its still enjoying.

Even the story and characters are not that particularly memorable and unique on its own, I still love its easy, feel-good read. Above all the other Rachel Hawthorne novels I've read, this is the one that loved more so far. It's pretty sweet and simple. I never noticed that I'm halfway through it. A very enjoyable read indeed.
Profile Image for Zach.
524 reviews5 followers
December 22, 2018
After reading this, I want to point out that the female mind is a complicated thing. Not fond of the cheating aspect of it even though it wound up working.

I think everything resolved much too quickly to be realistic.

It had its funny moments though, so I will give it an extra star.
Profile Image for Heather.
898 reviews
February 8, 2021
I wanted to read this while I was actually snowed in at my house, but I was waiting on Books a Million to order it. I was going to wait for another snow, but idk if well get one.
When I picked this up, I was shocked by how thin it was. Love on the Lifts was a lot thicker.
This didn't start out that good. It didn't suck me in. I wish these books had more to them. Not so stereotypical and corny.
Parents are divorced. Your dad's getting remarried. You feel like he's betraying you both.
Ashleigh lost major points with me when she said she likes dating lots of guys. She doesn't wanna be with one, while another guy comes along,& then you'd have to break up with your bf and go out with him.

-Enter Nathalie: "That is so touristy."
(some more stuff).
"Still." She shook her head.
"I shouldn't take pictures?"
"Not if you want to fit in."
I didn't like that she told her that. She'll take pics if she wants to. People that live there could take pics, too.
-'that wasn't good news. I knew there weren't many guys on the island and if one was already identified as a jerk...online dating was back on the agenda.'
-"girls are like fudge," chase said, like he was reading my mind. "You have to sample them all before you settle on your favorite." He winked at me. I felt an instant connection because that was the exact same way I felt about dating.' How convenient!
'My cheeks here warm, and I wondered if it would make me look cheap--slutty even--to go out with Chase just to get free fudge. But then, I wanted to go out with him anyway, even without the freebie.' OMG.
It's her first day there, she's only been there for a few hours, and Nathalie(really stupid name btw) suddenly asks if she can find her way home and ditches her for her bf. & Ashleigh doesn't find anything wrong with it.
She sees a couple walking in the snow, huddled together, and says it's definitely a couple town. So any cold place means it's for couples?
-The very next day, she meets hot guy #2. 'Ok, I HAD been unfriendly, rude even, but he was so unexpected. And so hot. And I already had a date for Friday night. What was I supposed to do? Flirt with him? Would that make me the island slut? Was that how that worked here?' She's going out with one guy& wants to flirt with Josh.
"The island is not the place to be if you don't have a boyfriend." What does that even mean?? How do u go from like 6 ppl in the junior class to everybody has a bf. Nathalie has a bf. Shanna and the other girl do.
Nathalie just told her friends they could have a sleepover at Ashleigh's house. That's not charming.
-"so tell us about the guys in Texas. They're hot, right?"
"Oh, yeah. Especially in the summer when the temperature is, like, a hundred degrees."
"That's not what I meant!" Shanna said.' That was almost word for word like the joke in Love on the Lifts.
-I know she said she isn't a morning person but she was unnecessarily rude to Josh. Seeing as how your mom's renovating the inn& you see a worker in the house, obviously your mom hired him.
The last name Wynter is too much in a cold town like that.

-"She got tired of the winters."
"You mean, the winters like the cold and snow, or the Wynters, like father and son?"
"Both, I guess."
I didn't know what to say. Id been teasing, but apparently...' No crap!
Then she says she thought his mom left for Florida for a short-term getaway. So not only are you tactless but you're an idiot. What a tactless thing to say about someone's mom leaving them.
She just met him& is having these deep feelings, that she's never had with another guy.

She tells him her dad left them and josh says "how could he have left you when he was never here?" Don't make Josh stupid, too. Obviously he left them BEFORE they moved here. Seeing as how they came here alone and have only been there like 2 days. &idl when characters have similar backgrounds just so they can relate to each other.
-"well, I'm having a bit of a problem seeing the point to winter."
He arched a brow.
"The season," I added. I was beginning to see a point to Josh WYNTER. He was someone to talk to.'
Obviously she didn't mean him. This is annoying. What does that mean; why was his name italicized and then her saying he was someone to talk to.
-"so is he hot?" Tara asked:
"It's too cold for anyone up here to be hot," I said, digging out a shirt.
She groaned.' Stop making the same joke over and over!!

-"so why are you still on the phone?" Tara asked.
"Shouldn't you be trying to hook up with him?"
-'chase and josh had to be friends. Dating both of them wouldn't work.' OMG!

"Personally"--he cleared his throat--"I prefer the swirl."
Haha! Talking of paint techniques, but it sounding like a kissing move.
-'I wondered if he had a gf. He hadn't mentioned one. But would he get this close to another girl if he did? On the other hand, I hadn't mentioned my date with Chase. But a date...well, dates came and went in my life."
This is happening too soon. He gets on the ladder with her, and stares at her lips and looks like he wants to kiss her. Then says I like your laugh.
I found it irritating that Nathalie saves Ashleigh from sandwich tasting with her mom. It's just her and her mom, if you take her away, she'll be alone.
'I mean, really, what were the odds that there wouldn't be any dorks around here? Let's hear it for gene mutation." That's mean.
'Josh turned. He saw me. He grinned. I grinned back, raised my hand--
Nathalie leaped at him, her coat opened wide. Wrapping his arms around her, beneath the coat, he lifted her up and kissed her.'
WHAT THE HECK! I just knew it.Then what the freak was that on the ladder for??
-this didn't really get interesting until Josh showed up. Especially the second visit. which around page 70. That's not good in a book this short.

The characters are just weird sometimes. Touchy, difficult, and sort of stupid, just missing what someone says.
'"I hear you've been hanging out with my sister," he said.
"Not really hanging out. We went to the mall together."
"Like I said, hanging out."'
That IS hanging out.
-all of a sudden Ashleigh says Nathalie keeps saying my bf like he's a possession. I see where this is going. & then Chase makes a comment that Nathalie just ran out and got a bf before anyone else could date her. I remember their talking in the chocolate shop. They obviously have a past.& like each other.
Chase said "I mean, couples hook up when they're kids, and then no one else gets a chance to date." So, in a real small town, couples hook up when they're kids?
This is the worst representation of small town life I've seen. It goes from 6 people being in the Junior class, to all these girls having bfs. The chances of everybody dating in that tiny group of people is very very slim. So it's completely unrealistic that everybody has a bf and they're all good-looking. Let's make this a little more believable. Better yet, forget this tiny population stuff and just do a larger group of ppl, so u can avoid this unrealistic stuff.
-her friend calls josh a jerk. I happen to agree. 'Idk why I grimaced at her harsh tone. What did I care if she liked Josh or not? I didn't. Still, I felt compelled to say, "he thought I knew."

'I'd been friends with lots of guys. Dated lots of guys. Even if he didn't have a girlfriend, I'd only go out with him a time or two...okay, maybe three times. All right, a maybe four. Four tops. But he did have a girlfriend. So he wasn't dateable, but I did like him.' this character has issues.
-'a small part of me--okay, a large part--was glad that it was just the two of us. Not that I wanted Nathalie to be sick. It was just that I'd really started to like josh. I was comfortable around him. & I liked watching the way he moved through the woods.' HES DATING SOMEONE!

"I didn't say anything because if she hadn't--or even if she had--I didn't want to talk about her. I wanted to find out everything I could about you. I wanted to get to know you. And I guess I felt kinda guilty about that."
"I like you a lot, Ash."
"A whole lot," he said in a low voice.'
And then they kissed! Wth!!
'Had I just become the other woman?' This has no place in a YA book! It isn't until AFTER the kiss that she remembers Nathalie and that they're friends.
-"maybe I didn't intentionally mention Nathalie because I thought you'd put up barriers. I know it makes me sound like a jerk, but I don't want to hurt Nathalie. I mean, she's been my girlfriend since I was 12. I care about her."
"I've nvr kissed another girl."
"I swear, I never have. I've never done anything like that before. I've never wanted to."'
So she's just so desirable he wanted to kiss her after being with the same girl for like 5 years.

"So we'll have some fun. Then he'll move on to the fudgies and I'll"--I sighed--"move on to online dating." what is it w/ this girl & dating? what HS student online dates?
"It was sure an experience I'll never forget." 'Sure' should be before 'was'.

-'I wanted to believe that the attraction had taken him completely by surprise and that he wasn't a jerk: that he wasn't like my dad.' What does that make you, then?

-"I'll see you around," he called after me.
Not if I see you first. A totally childish thing to think.' What does that even mean?
-this is annoying: Josh sees her at the movie store. And realizes she likes horror movies, which isn't like most girls.& Nathalie keeps her eyes shut the entire time. Idl when authors give the MC character traits to put down other characters. Just because she likes horror movies doesn't mean she's better than Nathalie.& that def doesn't mean Josh should cheat on her.
"Exchanging DVDs. Does this mean we're going steady?"
Did I really say that? I didn't say that.
He laughed awkwardly and took another step back. "No, we're not...I mean, I'm already going steady with someone. And you don't DO steady."' SHUT UP already! this book is on repeat. Why would she joke like that? &we know you're DATING. you OBVIOUSLY DON'T.

'The problem was, it would give the impression we'd be going to the mainland together--which we never would. Ever. Besides, it bordered on that whole are-we-hinting-at-a-date thing again.'
So on the very next page you say "I'll have to show you sometime." Okay, so I fell into the date-comment trap. But it was just there, waiting to be used.' You DONT use it. Because he has a GIRLFRIEND.
He's talking about walking on the frozen strait and she thinks 'I waited a heartbeat to see if he was going to say we'd walk together sometime. I was surprised when he didn't. Maybe even a little disappointed. I would have liked to have had one real date with him.'
He has a f%#&$@ GIRLFRIEND! Would you back the %#£> up!

Somebody needs to smack the crap out of this girl. She's twisted and sick. Remember the friend you have that you said you wouldn't betray again. And if someone has a gf you don't make comments about freaking going on dates with them.
& stop thinkin every freaking outing is a date. You guys said you could be friends, so why don't you act like that? Asking him to see bridges in Texas-I hope you meant on the internet and not actually taking him to Texas, but with this idiot there's no telling--doesn't have to be a date.
-"I'm feeling guilty."
"That's good. I mean, I respect that you feel bad about what happened."
"Yeah, well..."
"I do too. She's been so nice to me."'
Do you, Ashleigh? Do you really feel guilty? Because you don't act like it. If you felt guilty you'd stop thinking about dating him and saying things about dating.
-'"I can't stop thinking about you," he said.'
He asks if she thinks about him. If you're going there, you need to break up with your gf.
'"Look, there's another woman in my dad's life, and Idl the way it makes me feel or makes my mom feel, so I'm not going to do that to someone else."' -Then what have you been doing? If you've felt that way the whole time, why did u let him kiss you? Why are you thinking about going on dates with him? Obviously you don't mind being the other woman.
-"so, you going on the hayride tongiht?"
"Is there a reason I shouldn't?"
Or a reason that it's any of your business?' He's asking a freaking question!!
You know what, this makes no sense. If Nathalie and Chase have liked each other, why haven't they dated?
I hate that all this is happening literally a few days of being there. We need a longer time frame here. Actually we need a new storyline and characters.
She was supposed to go out with Chase on Friday. When the heck is Friday arriving? I thought it was maybe a few days away. Then suddenly there's enough time for a volleyball game, walk to the caves, and now a hayride.
"I'd keep you warm if I could." Shut up, Josh!
-"so you would have missed it if she couldn't come?"
He studied me for a long moment. "Yeah. It would have been...best, probably. Not to come if she couldn't."
"You're a good boyfriend."
Ahahaha! he is the WORST bf!
-'I'd filled her in on the past two days of my life.
"What a player," she said with obvious disgust.
"He seemed as surprised as I was. I mean, I don't think he really meant to kiss me. It just happened."'
He is!! Don't make excuses for him. &all this has happened over TWO DAYS!

Idl Ashleigh because of her rules on dating and because she would seriously get with someone with a gf. And Idl josh because he cheated on his gf. Actually they might be perfect for each other.
Comparing the fudge just seems like an older person thing to do.
It says they took a tour of the lighthouse which would have been interesting to hear about. But we get to hear about fudge.
Shaun of the Dead is funny. Reminds me of Psych's Shawn of the Dead!!
-"I can't tell you how many nights I've stood up here and thought about leaving this island for good."
I shifted my gaze over to him. "Getting off this rock?"
Okay, I was showing off. Knowing the lingo, I felt like a true islander.' Can't you tell he's serious? Why are you making stupid jokes?
-"don't you get it? A new girl moves to town and suddenly you're thinking greener pastures."
"It's not like that."
"Sure, it is. You were perfectly happy with Nathalie before I moved here."
"Was I?"
"Well, you've been together since you were twelve, so yeah. I mean, it's just..."
I didn't know what it was.
"I've gotta go."'
Could you finish your thoughts. He needs to hear this.
-why would Nathalie say she could dance with her boyfriend if she wanted. She knows she's 'seeing' Chase.
-'our unwritten code is that we don't talk to babes about it." Guys don't say babes! Apparently there's a guy code for breaking up with girls.
It's weird how they were going to the dance, then Tara didn't feel like it. So her and Shaun go on a sleigh ride. And Asheligh says she's in the mood to walk and then just walks home. What was the point? & they're only there a few days so why don't they all hang out? In fact, why did Tara even bring Shaun?
Oh boy, her and Shaun want to come back, and then get summer jobs at the inn. That's assuming her mom can afford to hire two ppl. This reminds me of Love on the Lifts, they want to move there.
Idk why she asked her mom if the woman his dad is marrying broke up their marriage. Why would she think that? I nvr thought that. I assumed he was marrying her after they got divorced. I guess that if that woman didn't wreck their marriage Ashleigh would feel better about herself.
-"this is not a date."
"I know. Shaun needed a car. I've got a car."
Why the &$@! Would it be a date when he has a GIRLFRIEND! This girl is a freaking idiot.
'& kept telling myself that this wouldn't be a date. I wouldn't be the other woman. He was a guy, I was a girl. We were friends.'
The other woman sounds so old. What high schoolers talk like that? Forget other woman, which you still are. But we have another word for that. Slut. Home wrecker.
He has the exact car she wants. eye roll.
-'I was very aware that Tara and Shaun were holding hands, while Josh and I weren't.' BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT DATING!!!
Josh grabs her hand to go into the mirrored maze or whatever and she says it felt right. Well it shouldn't. It should feel WRONG. Then he grabs her hand again and she knows she should pull away but doesn't. This is why I don't respect her for not pulling away. &him for grabbing it in the 1st place. It's one thing if you have feelings about someone, it's another to act on them.

"Maybe sometime..." He left it unfinished, but I knew what he'd been about to say. That dangling date thing again. A date that would never happen, because he had a girlfriend.' OMG we beeping know that! YOU'RE the one that keeps forgetting. I want to bang my head against something.
She has too much focus on dates, dating, and other women. It's so freaking repetitive. I now hate the word date, boyfriend, girlfriend and other woman.
I'm surprised the word bitch is in here.
It's pg 228 and she still doesn't want a boyfriend. When the heck is she gunna change her stupid rules on that?
In the beginning I was complaining about how short this was. Now I'm grateful.
Are you kidding me?? Josh and Nathalie have gone out because she sent him a note asking if he'll be her boyfriend with a yes or no box. Once she started calling him boyfriend he thought it would be mean to say no. & it was easier dating her than breaking up with her. You've gone out with someone for FOUR or FIVE YEARS because of a beeping PAPER?!? I'm losing it.
& she still doesn't wanna date Josh, even if he asked. So you ruined someone's relationship for a guy you don't even wanna date. Just go on a couple dates with. Congrats on being the most screwed up person ever.
Nathalie's dating Chase now. "Wow, that was quick," I said.
"Not really," Nathalie said. Her voice was sharp, impatient. "He's liked me for a long time and I liked him. It's just that I had a boyfriend. Until you came to town."
"So we owe you big-time," Chase said.'
WHY didn't you BREAK UP with your BOYFRIEND if you wanted to date someone else.
Nathalie is now dating Chase. But is still mad at Ashleigh for ruining her relationship. But admits that if Asheligh didn't break it up, then something was wrong with her for josh to dump her. Then says if she didn't date Josh, she was afraid she wouldn't have a bf& she really wanted one. & she realized she liked Chase until he came over and they started talking to each other. (Does that mean came to the fudge shop? Or like came over last night?) then says when she stops being mad at Josh she'll write a recommendation letter.&wondering why Ashleigh wasn't with him. Why is everybody so screwed up?
She was unnecessarily mad and rude when he showed up during the storm.
-he says come here and she's like what is it? And he's like I just wanted to hold you. 'Deep down, I knew I should have been mad about being manipulated, but I just couldn't seem to work up the anger. The truth was I wanted him to hold me, too.' Why would you be mad about that?&he didn't 'manipulate' you.
-"why would you need proof?"
"Because my first girlfriend was a girly-girl when we watched horror. I don't went my next girlfriend to be." Well that's nice. Someone being scared during horror films is not a reason to not date them.
I realized earlier in the book when it mentioned her name again, that her last name was Sneaux and his was Wynter. Like snow and winter. Which is just too corny.
I can't believe he used a check yes or no paper to go out with him like his old gf did.

This book was awful. Boring. Characters with horrible morals. It's amazing an author can write something you like, and then something you absolutely hated. I didn't like any of the characters. So many things were inappropriate for this age group. I'm so mad I bought this. So not worth the money. Idk how anyone could like this. This was infuriating and enraging.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Willow.
23 reviews
July 7, 2024
I LOVED this book!!! It’s set in a small town on an island in Michigan in the middle of winter…in other words, the place of my dreams. Seriously, the place sounds absolutely perfect! The romance was also so cute and I loved all of the tropes!

If you know me, you probably also know that I hate summer with a passion. It always makes me really depressed and overstimulated. Because of that and my love for winter, I’ve always wanted to live somewhere in northern Michigan as it just seems like such an amazing place and the summers are 70-80 degrees. Reading a cute romance that was set there made me so happy especially considering the heatwave that’s currently happening and is making me more depressed than usual. While it’s not exactly a life-changing book, I highly recommend this for anyone who likes romance! It’s pretty much a Hallmark movie in book form, and it made me feel so warm and joyful!

Profile Image for Crystal P.
633 reviews9 followers
January 24, 2021
This was an easy read. A little ways into it and I was feeling a little like it was too simple and teenager-y, but by the end I was able to appreciate the overall journey the author took us on.

Ashleigh opens the story telling you that her parents divorced and her mom warned her off getting serious too early. This sticks with her and is the focal point as she struggles with strong feelings for Josh Wynter when she is determined to not take on a boyfriend. What changed things for me was how the concept of being the other woman started to reveal the bigger story and struggle at the center of it all - Ashleigh’s parents’ divorcing. My heart found some happy when she came to terms with the idea that love is a risk, but a risk worth taking!
Profile Image for Sarah.
373 reviews2 followers
December 2, 2022
Maybe 1.5 stars but eh.

I liked Ashleigh well enough but Josh is bland as dry toast. They had zero chemistry and I have no idea why she was interested in him at all. He must be hotter in fiction land than in my imagination. That's the only reason I can think of for why she was so into him.

Profile Image for Becky Price.
690 reviews44 followers
December 23, 2020
This was a perfect light-hearted ya romance to reading during a snowy Michigan winter day! Definitely eating grilled cheese tonight 😍 Highly recommend you read this if you're in the mood for a Hallmark movie type book.
Profile Image for Ellie.
480 reviews1 follower
May 26, 2021
Read this for the first time at like 14, thought it was cute! Decided to keep it in the car “in case of emergencies”. Today, I spontaneously decided to go to the beach, so I grabbed this to read. Not great at all, but a nice cheesy 1 hour read romance to tan with 😂
Profile Image for Jasmine.
478 reviews16 followers
March 21, 2021
You know you're old when you wish the story was from the mom's perspective.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 356 reviews

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