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Grim Lovelies #2

Midnight Beauties

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The witches, beasties, goblins, and Royals return in this spellbinding conclusion to New York Times best-selling author Megan Shepherd’s Grim Lovelies duology. 

Ever since she discovered her affinity for magic, seventeen-year-old Anouk has been desperate to become a witch. It’s the only way to save her friends who, like Anouk, are beasties: animals enchanted into humans. But unlike Anouk, the other beasties didn’t make it out of the battle at Montélimar in one piece.

With her friends now trapped in their animal forms, Anouk is forced into a sinister deal involving a political marriage with her sworn enemy, a wicked plot to overthrow London’s fiercest coven of witches, and a deadly trial of fire to become a witch. The price for power has always been steep in the world of the Haute. Now, it will cost Anouk everything.

Wicked and delightful, this spellbinding sequel and conclusion to Grim Lovelies is perfect for fans of The Cruel Prince and The Hazelwood Wood.

448 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 13, 2019

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About the author

Megan Shepherd

30 books2,729 followers
New York Times bestselling author Megan Shepherd grew up in her family’s independent bookstore in the Blue Ridge Mountains. She is the author of several young adult and middle grade novels. She now lives and writes on a 125-year-old farm outside Asheville, North Carolina, with her husband, two cats, and an especially scruffy dog.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 250 reviews
Profile Image for Carrie.
3,434 reviews1,639 followers
July 21, 2021
Midnight Beauties by Megan Shepherd is the second and final book in the young adult fantasy Grim Lovelies duology. As with most fantasy novels this is a continuation of the story set in the first book so it’s best to read them in order of publication to fully understand. This second book picks up shortly after the ending of the first book and continues the story from that point.

The Grim Lovelies duology introduces readers to a world in which there are Pretties and Beasties. Pretties are the upper class in the world free to do as they wish and lavish themselves in all the best. Beasties are not quite human and meant for a life of servitude. The protagonist of the tale is a Beastie, Anouk, who had one day found her mistress murdered in a pool of blood. Anouk and her fellow Beasties had gone on the run to find the murderer.

Being that the books of this young adult fantasy duology are rather lengthy it’s not surprising to me that I found them a bit slow paced overall when reading them. The story was one that was just interesting enough that I went ahead and finished the series after finding the first book a bit so-so. The second book focuses a tad bit more on the romance side of the fantasy than the first book did. I didn’t mind that really although others might but for me I still found myself just interested enough in the story to want to finish but still not overly wow’ed leaving the series at a solid three stars.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

For more reviews please visit https://carriesbookreviews.com/
Profile Image for OutlawPoet.
1,538 reviews69 followers
August 6, 2019
So, I loved book one.

I found it rich and lovely and oh so compelling.

Book two, I was with until we get to the end of a certain contest. After that, it all kind of fell apart for me.

The book begins to focus more on the romance than anything else. While there are still exciting scenes - and some so visceral and iconic they'll knock your breath out - these scenes are tempered by smoldering glances and simpering looks and just romantic weirdness that never feels right.

I found myself wanting more beastie warrior and less does she / does he / do I care???

Though I still appreciated the atmosphere and the author's gift for description - that black tears scene! - I found I much preferred book one.
Profile Image for TheGeekishBrunette.
1,393 reviews38 followers
August 24, 2019
I really enjoyed Grim Lovelies. I was glad I read it later on than having to wait so long for the sequel. I was so excited to read this one and waited for it to arrive in the mail so I could dive in! Unfortunately, it fell flat. I couldn’t get into it as much as I wanted and the characters lacked that connection I had for them in the previous book.

I will say that I did like the first part of the book. It was interesting and I liked that Anouk had to work with Prince Rennar. I was iffy about him in the first book but he really grew on me in this one. Although each had their own motives, I was excited to see where it would take them.

Once the second half of the book began, it started to go downhill for me when it came to the plot and the characters. It became more about the romance than the magic that was present in book one. I didn’t like the romance at all. I couldn’t stand Beau and it made Anouk quite annoying to read. Plus, the love triangle was really unnecessary.

The plot was interesting for the most part but other times it left me bored and not wanting to finish. That also could have been because I didn’t like the characters at that point. Some of the plot twists felt thrown in and left me wondering why. They didn’t seem to fit the character that was involved. I also was not a fan of the ending. It felt rushed.

Overall, I am disappointed that it didn’t live up to my expectations, especially since I enjoyed the first book. I am sure I will be in the minority for this one so don’t let my review sway you from at least reading the first one.
Profile Image for hanamaru.
16 reviews1 follower
September 3, 2019
2 stars for me. I really debated leaving a review for this book. I don't like to leave negative reviews, but as someone who enjoyed and reviewed the first one, the sequel was a huge let down for me. Problems I had:

I'm disappointed with all the problems in this book, it wasn't that I had high hopes, but I felt like the hopes I was promised from the first book were not present. Still, the magic and the premise of this book remains intriguing. I would be cautiously interested about a spin-off book about Cricket searching for the selkas.
Profile Image for Ixxati.
282 reviews17 followers
April 14, 2020
Nothing much to say lol

Goshh I don't like Beau!! I like Prince Rennar more but the ending urghhh
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,415 reviews481 followers
August 12, 2019
*Source* Publisher
*Genre* Young Adult / Fantasy / Dark Fantasy
*Rating* 3.5-4


Megan Shepherd's Midnight Beauties is the final installment in the authors Grim Lovelies duology. 6 weeks have passed since Anouk learned she has access to magic. Pretty surprising from what she came from. She fought and survived the siege of Montélimar, while her friends (Beau, Cricket, Luc, Hunter Black) have all reverted back to their original forms before they were human. Now, Anouk has to find a way to become a witch so that she has the power to bring her family back.

*Full Review @ Gizmos Reviews*

Profile Image for Library of Dreaming (Bookstagram).
503 reviews47 followers
October 15, 2019
I feel pretty conflicted about this book. Once again I feel like I'm in mourning for what this series could have been. The world and the characters had so much potential but I feel like it came out half-baked. I wish that there had been more time and depth to the plot. I feel like if the plot was ironed out it would make a good trilogy but as it is I felt like were were bounced around too much. Some twists came to fast and other scenes seemed to last forever. I enjoyed the plot twists in Grim Lovelies for the most part because they felt fresh and interesting. I didn't feel that way about this book. It didn't feel like we got to learn more about the characters and I'll be honest, I felt like the romance was a drag.

Usually if you have angst, separation, or other drama in a second book it needs to be built on a solid, believable foundation. I wanted to figure out how these characters ticked but I never did. The final twist felt tacked on and (I hate to say it) a bit lazy. Really, I didn't mind everything that happened, I didn't like how it happened, how it was presented, and how it unfolded. There could have been so much more.

I feel like my review is especially harsh because I had high expectations for this book. I wanted it to give me the development and depth that Grim Lovelies didn't. There were some good moments and interesting things here but it just wasn't more than ok. If only it had been given more time to develop and grow I think it would have been truly great.
Profile Image for Книжни Криле.
3,176 reviews182 followers
February 5, 2020
„Среднощните зверчета” са тук за всички, които са останали запленени (или поне достатъчно развълнувани) от сюжета на „Мрачните красавци” и са очаквали с нетърпение продължението. Какво ли ни очаква в новата книга на Меган Шепърд и изд „Егмонт”? Анук е притисната между ст��емежа да спаси тези, които обича и да докаже себе си пред онези, които все още не са готови да я приемат в редиците си… Кулминацията е близо! Прочетете ревюто на "Книжни Криле": https://knijnikrile.wordpress.com/202...
Profile Image for Savannah Holland .
258 reviews42 followers
September 30, 2019
DNF at 271
IDGAF I’m literally so bored I can’t
Also I skipped ahead as the only thing I liked turned into some bullshit and SPOILER!!!!! The girl ended up with a literal Labrador turned human lmfao how dumb is that
Profile Image for Marie the Librarian.
1,433 reviews258 followers
August 21, 2021
This was a solid sequel and ending to a wonderful and magical duology. Its refreshing and original.
Profile Image for Julia (Shakespeare and Such).
750 reviews235 followers
August 13, 2019
"They don't know their fates are in the hands of a couple of misfits and dreamers."

"And Viggo."

3/5 stars

I want to preface this review with 1) Thank you to Goodreads and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review, and 2) I love Megan Shepherd s o m u c h (The Madman’s Daughter triology is *chef kiss emoji* and Rolf, Nok, Lucky, Leon, and Mali from The Cage are literally my children) so know that I had very high expectations going into this series finale.

Plot: 3/5 - Much like the first book, I think that there was a lot of thought put into this world... in a way that was almost overwhelming. Although I was better able to keep track of the differences between pretties/beasties/goblins/witches/royals it was still A Lot of information. I'm still perplexed about the complexities of magic vs technology in this story, especially when it comes to vehicles, but at this point all I can do is just wash my hands of it. I absolutely loved the first part of this story, which focused on a magical competition of sorts (for lack of spoilers). I thought the characters involved in that section were very intriguing and that there was a lot of suspense building for me. I also thought that certain events brought about by this competition were SO AMAZING for Anouk's character growth, and I wish we had been able to spend more time getting to know her both with and without magic. Oh, and there were two twists at different points in the story that had me surprised, they were very well executed.

However, still consistent with the first book, I found myself caring about the relationships between the characters and not at all about the real conflict. Like I really, really, really didn't care about the politics or the curses or anything, I just wanted to see the characters come into their own (particularly the beasties), develop further (yes, Rennar, I'm looking at you, and also my darling Petra), and see how their relationships grow. Sadly, I did not get as much of this as I wanted. It's pretty par for the course for a fantasy novel to be plot-driven, but that doesn't mean I can't be disappointed.

Characters: 3/5 - I'm SO TORN when I talk about these characters because, while there are a few characters I absolutely adore, I feel like they were either not utilized to the best of their ability in the story, didn't get the page time and development they deserved, or they were KILLED OFF. For the other main characters, I was intrigued by many of them but they came across as quite one-dimensional to me.

I thought the love triangle throughout this second book was so spicy (mamma mia I love me some good romantic/sexual tension), but it was concluded in a way that was cheap and lazy and that I will never forgive.

Pacing: 2/5 - First act: amazing pacing. From then on, too many action scenes that are now a jumble of knives and whispers in my mind. The end was SO RUSHED, and I mean SO RUSHED, that when I hit the last twelve pages I actually swore out loud about the turn of events.

Writing: 4/5 - I really like Megan Shepherd's writing! I love this world in which language is so prevalent, both due to the fact that it's mainly set in Paris and so our characters only swear in French (so cheeky) and because of the language of spells the magical folks use. I didn't end up jotting down a ton of quotes but there were a few moments that made me chuckle and there's a monologue that a certain character gives at the end that I would honestly like framed above my bed so I can see it every night when I go to sleep and every morning when I wake up.

Enjoyment: 3/5 - Sadly, my enjoyment of this conclusion was very middle-of-the-road. The characters I love had me engaged, but when they were under-utilized or sacrificed for the plot I just became utterly frustrated. It's also a really long book and I felt bogged down by it in the middle third. I wanted to love it just because it's Megan Shepherd, but in the end my high hopes left me feeling a bit disappointed. Fans of urban fantasy might get more enjoyment from this than I did!
Profile Image for Samantha.
2,088 reviews141 followers
August 22, 2019
The premise for the Grim Lovelies books remains one of the most original in YA fantasy in recent memory.

I’ve been eagerly awaiting Midnight Beauties since the moment I finished Grim Lovelies, and it very much lived up to my expectations.

The format for this book is a little different (standard narrative rather than the race against the clock), but this didn’t seem to have any effect on the reading experience, and this book was nearly as propulsive as the last.

I wish the segment in the Schwarzwald had been longer, but my only real gripe is that this series was only a duology. While I always applaud authors for not dragging out series too long (especially in YA, where this has become a huge problem), but there’s certainly plenty of story left to write for Anouk and the other beasties. Here’s hoping Shepherd decides to revisit the gorgeous, compelling world that she created again soon.
Profile Image for Sarah {The Clever Reader}.
618 reviews93 followers
July 21, 2020
This duology is such a fun and quirky read. I did not see the twist at the end and it was so good. If you're looking for something different and unique than I'd definitely recommend this YA Fantasy!
December 31, 2019
I think it is fitting that I started 2019 out with "Grim Lovelies" and I ended it with "Midnight Beauties." I love this series.

I actually knocked this down one star because the author did not fully research something, and it threw me off in the last 70+ pages. FYI, cops in England do not carry guns and haven't for a few decades. It's one of the biggest policing case studies around to see if policing without guns is a tactic that the US should try. Specialists carry (think SWAT teams), but you won't find those guys policing the streets of London.

So when Viggo takes the gun from the London cop, I did a...WHAT??? It's one of those things that will irk me until the very end (and it did, because apparently I'm including this in my review). When Cricket asks right after Viggo takes the gun, "Are you that stupid?" Believe me when I say I was thinking, "Megan???" Do better, sweetheart.

Other than that ONE little snafu, the book was incredible, just like the first one. I loved that Anouk's latest adventure took her to the Cottage in the Black Forest of myth (there's the real one for Pretties and the mythological one for the magical beings). Here is a little beastie who has only been in the world for a year and is trying to become a witch. What this story teaches us is that it's ok to fail, because failure is not what defines us. It just teaches us to reevaluate and look deeper within ourselves if we are to accomplish our dreams.

I love that the beasties have such big hearts. They seem to have a much bigger understanding of the world than those who have been around for hundreds of years. Her marriage to Prince Rennard gives her power. Her heart though, allows her to run out to save the world, helping lesser beings regain their homes.

Now, for those who do not want to read spoilers, you can stop reading now. Just read the books. You'll love them.

As for spoilers...

Megan went a little crazy killing a bunch of people off in the end. I was in shock she would do that. I mean, Prince Rennard in the end. Did not see any of that coming. I assumed they'd work on their marriage after they regained London. Maybe in the next book they will, but for now. OMG. And that's all I'm going to say. I won't even say who the killing frenzy included. Just OMG.

And with that...when can we get book 3?
Profile Image for Alex Nonymous.
Author 25 books499 followers
July 13, 2021
While I liked the opening bit of Midnight Beauties, I feel like it fails to carry through on a lot of my favourite things about Grim Lovelies.

While Grim Lovelies technically has romance aspects, it's mainly a story of our MC finding herself and her strong friendships with the people around her. Midnight Beauties (in it's last 2 thirds) becomes a "who will she choose" love triangle book but keeps acting like it's a friendship one. We seldom get scenes with non-love interests to show the bonds with the MC that were established in book 1, but the stakes keep treating it like we really, really, care about their relationships with her. I think Sheperd's narration is great for the genre and I love the world she's created here, but I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't disappointed by how this one develops.
Profile Image for Karen Barber.
2,885 reviews70 followers
August 10, 2019
A duology that actually left me wanting more, and I’m grateful to NetGalley for allowing me to read this prior to publication.
Anouk is desperate to save those she loves, and her resolve has her making bargains with those she feels little for in order to try to get things back to how she wants them. Determined to save her friends, Anouk heads to the wilds so she can take the test and prove herself worthy of magic.
Nothing is quite what you expect here, but it was a story that became increasingly interesting.
Profile Image for Kayla.
373 reviews50 followers
December 11, 2019
“Do you know how stories come to be? There’s magic to stories, but not the kind made with tricks and whispers. Stories begin with one person and one idea. Fairytales don’t need spells to bring them into existence; they only need a dreamer with a good tale about people who fight for what they love and a world that hinges on their actions.”

I loved this world so much
Profile Image for Strawberry Books.
482 reviews216 followers
May 27, 2023
J'ai bien aimé mais je pense que j'ai pris trop de temps a le lire pour l'apprécier a sa juste valeur. Pourtant je pense que je l'ai préféré au premier tome avec une Anouk qui évolue énormément ❤️
Profile Image for Joany Vries.
Author 4 books90 followers
January 12, 2020
4,5 ⭐

Wauw! Een meer dan waardig vervolg op 'Grim Lovelies'. Een meesterlijk slot voor de duologie. Ik heb op het puntje van mijn stoel gezeten.
December 22, 2020
This book was ABSOLUTELY amazing, just as the first one was. That ending chewed my heart and spit it out, and I loved it soooooo much I wanna cry😭😭. GO READ THE FIRST ONE. NOW.
Profile Image for Lonnie.
663 reviews28 followers
April 4, 2020
3.5 stars

This book has so much potential, and although I really really enjoyed I can see how many parts of the plot weren't solved in a gracious way. To me it came down to three main points.

1. The romance: I didnt feel a connection between Beau and Anouk besides what was left from the first book (horniness) and I was hoping that she would Anouk's personality got so dull around Beau and it shined with the other guy otherwise.

2. Viggo's treatment. While i get why everyone at the first book didnt like him at first, he proved himself worthy by the end. In this book he is just a comic relief and not even because of his amazing personality but because everyone makes fun of him in a pretty mean way. The author stripped his personality away piece by piece until there was nothing left. Hated it.


I wish the characters had more development that the author gave them, particularly the Beasties and Rennar. I wished the first part of the book had been longer and that certain character

I am just so sad it ended like this because it could have been so perfect.
Profile Image for Dianna .
265 reviews
August 25, 2019

Grim Lovelies was the book of the month for my bookclub back in November. I had some mixed opinions about Grim Lovelies when we read it back then, but I really ended up enjoying it, by the end of the book, and I wanted to know what was going to happen to Anouk and her friends.

Midnight Beauties is a great continuation of this story. It quickly sucked me into the plight of young Anouk and I eagerly wanted to see what would become of her as she tried to become a witch. There were moments of passion and friendship that made my heart beat widely. I was touched with the display of love these characters often showed each other and the way they formed their own unique family and protected each other. I was holding my breath in moments of betrayal and left wanting more when I read that last page.

I gave this book a 4 star rating. It was an enjoyable read that has made me like Grim Lovelies more than I did before. While there were some moments that were just a bit too slow and too drawn out for me, overall the story held my attention and I appreciated the many strong and fierce characters and found myself growing more attached to them all in this second book.

Profile Image for Kat.
286 reviews740 followers
December 26, 2020
I really can't help it; I enjoyed this book more than I should have.

What I really liked:

1. Hunter Black is BACK (one could almost say: Back to Black XDDD)
Black was my favourite character from book one and after that ending I was just super glad to have him back!

2. The plot
The plot was one bang after another, fast-paced, super entertaining and the author introduces the reader to new locations and characters and rituals. The creativity Shepherd brings to this story is simply amazing. WOW.

What I didn't like:

1. The effing love-triangle. Please just spare me.


I hated it, it was unnecessary and it didn't do anything for Anouk's character arc. It only made everything worse.

2. Towards the end Shepherd found a really, really convenient way to get rid of a certain character. After said character had done their duty and fulfilled their role within the story, the author needed to get rid of them and she did it in such an obvious way; it was incredibly frustrating.

Remember that one gay character from book one? Yes, they are still in love with the straight character and it's just so sad and almost disgusting to read what the author has done with that character (more like: what she didn't do) and while many characters get a happy ending the gay one doesn't. The gay one is literally 'doomed to love a person who doesn't love them back'; doomed to be unhappy and unable to find love. URGH!!!

I still enjoyed this book and it definitely had me hooked and kept me entertained and I loved it but I also hate it for its issues, so that's that.
Profile Image for EmmieLouDraws.
500 reviews36 followers
September 7, 2020
3.5 stars.
I loved the first half of this book. I thought the second half was a little too sequel-y.
Still a fun ride though.
Profile Image for tammy.
96 reviews40 followers
July 6, 2019
I received this book courtesy of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company .
As I was reading this book I found myself thinking Prince Rennar reminded me alot of David Bowie in the Labyrinth. Jak reminds me of the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland with all the riddles . But I did away one important part of the story . If you believe in yourself you can accomplish anything . Anouk did . Alot of adventure , dark magic and beasties . Please read this remarkable story . You will love it . Midnight Beauties (Grim Lovelies, #2) by Megan Shepherd
Profile Image for Christina (Ensconced in Lit).
984 reviews292 followers
July 17, 2019
I was highly disappointed by this follow up to Grim Lovelies. The first opened up an interesting world with interesting characters. The second book also opened up in a promising way in the first half, but the second half was long winded, boring, and almost led to a DNF for this reader. Plus, the most interesting character in the series ended up a trope like caricature and vanished for a good time in place of less interesting characters. I know some of this was personal taste, but overall I was disappointed in this duology as a whole.
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